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Sep 21, 2019 9:23 AM

Nov 2011
That face!

I had a weird feeling watching this episode. It felt like the world around them was in some sort of apocalypse. But hey, I did feel the sensation of an action style thriller. They managed to keep the action with a decent amount of momentum so that's cool.

Sep 21, 2019 9:32 AM

Dec 2011
That sprinting hibiki henshin though holy shit. I'm a big fan of these x drives.

I continue to be blown away by this anime and this season.

Just give us quality animation/choreography for the finale fight, thats all i ask. This has been an amazing ride.
Sep 21, 2019 11:01 AM
Apr 2019
Cette anime finira en beauté vous allez voir !
Sep 21, 2019 11:28 AM

Mar 2018
What in the... It's getting better and better every episode... All of the songs, the transformations, Carol, the animation itself, the X-Drive... This isn't normal anymore.

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Sep 21, 2019 11:33 AM

Oct 2014
Sprinting Hibiki is somehow more hotblooded then Simon Punching Rossiu in the face. If you can even think its possible.

But it is.
Sep 21, 2019 11:51 AM

Apr 2012
ONLY because it was Chris am I not as upset as I want to be about the Symphogears convincing the Reds to heel-face turn.

Which is not to say that I'm happy with their quote unquote - "redemption" - But t could be a hell of a lot worse than it actually was. And, hey - they finally dead now.

And HOLY MOON BUSTERS - everything else that happened in this episode gave me a constant flood of adrenaline through every pore in my body! Carolnein vs. Shem-ha was incredible, she even forced a god to utilize the Shenshoujing Faust Robe - a man-made Relic - just to take her final attack - THAT'S FREAKING IMPRESSIVE! Round of applause for the Alca-loli everyone!

All of Earth's computer technicians coming together to combat Yggdrasil was a WONDERFUL show of mankind's indomitability in the face of adversity. Couldn't have asked for more!

And the X-Drives! Oh, the glorious Amalgam-Styled X-Drives! THEY ARE LITERAL FIRE!!! I shall now exist in the purest and most ascended form of Hype for the next 7 days until the finale!
Sep 21, 2019 11:58 AM

May 2011
FateHero said:
And the X-Drives! Oh, the glorious Amalgam-Styled X-Drives! THEY ARE LITERAL FIRE!!! I shall now exist in the purest and most ascended form of Hype for the next 7 days until the finale!

I'm not sure if they are Amalgam-styled.
In S1, Ryouko explains at some point that the users could use the superb songs without drawbacks and unlock the full power of the relic if the curse of balal is removed. It might just be this.
We'll see how they fight next week, I guess.
Sep 21, 2019 12:09 PM

Apr 2012
Mizako said:
FateHero said:
And the X-Drives! Oh, the glorious Amalgam-Styled X-Drives! THEY ARE LITERAL FIRE!!! I shall now exist in the purest and most ascended form of Hype for the next 7 days until the finale!

I'm not sure if they are Amalgam-styled.
In S1, Ryouko explains at some point that the users could use the superb songs without drawbacks and unlock the full power of the relic if the curse of balal is removed. It might just be this.
We'll see how they fight next week, I guess.
That is very true - forgot about that tidbit. But that's really interesting actually, did Shem-ha end up accidentally giving the Symphogears the opening to unlock these X-Drives by destroying the moon? That would be some rather delicious irony. Poetic Justice, one might say.
Sep 21, 2019 12:43 PM
Dec 2018
Well I had few words now...... ABSOLUTELY FUCKING AMANZING!!!!

like oh my god the fights were awesome, Shem Ha vs Carol was like religion vs science which I love it, that's why you don't underestimate our genocide girl Carol Malus Dienheim, I hope Elfnein will be ok because before she get out the Shenshoujing faust robe, she needed to burn a lot of memories.

Well we don't have Hibiki and Chris unison but the Chris amalgam form was epic and cool.

That share conversation between Vanessa and Chris reminds us of how she suffer in season one but thanks to Hibiki and Tsubasa, she has a place she calls home, for that part I was about to cry.

When the Shem Ha took Vanessa body enter herself to the system I was like "oh no you really need to die" and now "Apple" is not a lullaby but the extract of the forbidden unified language, the explosion "please don't die", and that DAEDALUS END, thanks Noble Red gor a least saving our girls, they disappear like Saint Germain, Cagliostro and Prelati in episode 12 of AXZ. Millaarc I still hate you but not so much like before.

I was hoping that everyone will be fine and there they are, in the wise words of Sora from No Game No Life, Shem Ha "don't underestimate humanity", because even when they have the Curse of Balal imposed, they fight together to prevent that this Goddess will complete her Keikaku, Donal Trump, that's a great speech.

When they are in the space I was like "Now how are they going to fight a goddess who is already very powerful that not even X Drive like Amalgam can face her?" them why not both of them?! With the help of the Zesshou and in their Amalgam form they have a better version of the X Drive, I have vibes from Precure because for that kind of fights, the Precures unlock their super forms but also vibes from Genei wo kakeru taiyou because of the design and Oh my God Hibikis close up was epic. I remember in season one that Finé says that the Symphogears will unlock the true power of the X Drive if they do something to the moon, it can be this.

For the finale we hear the aufwachen version of Metanoia, which I fucking love so much.

If Sans form Undertale will be here, he would say to Shem Ha "you're gonna have a bad time" XD.

Now one episode remain, I hope we get a great finale for this show because it was thanks to Symphogear that I have chances to others series even they don't have any connection between them. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to listen to Symphogears songs right now while playing with my 3DS XD.
HelaLoveSep 21, 2019 1:07 PM
Sep 21, 2019 1:00 PM

Apr 2014
X-drive HYPE

This episode was amazingly crazy, especially with Hibiki's clothes ripping scream transformation and the final X-drive Symphogear lineup

I can't wait for next week

Sep 21, 2019 2:05 PM

May 2015
Pretty decent episode not much to say this time.

It was generally just a normal Symphogear episode for the most part. But Oh man I LOVE SHEM HA!

The entire fight with Shem Ha I was smiling my ass off with her taunts and smiles. Its literally like getting an evil Miku. Everything about Shem Ha I absolutely love and she's genuinely at this rate going to become my favourite villain in Symphogear. Her gear looks so beautiful and her evil expressions are the best. Luckily they haven't ruined her yet like that did with Fudo and making him just be a psychopath instead of his originally interesting manipulative personality that we thought he had. I'm a bit torn though cause she's keeping Miku from Hibiki so there is that. And speaking of that it seems Miku isn't getting any spotlight and will be saved in the last episode. Well shit. That's definitely going to be the biggest disappointment of the season. Unless they do the usual Symphogear thing of cram loads into a small amount of time and have Miku fight along but with everyone in X-Drive I highly doubt that'll happen.

Seeing Shem Ha kick Carol's ass was amusing. I was worried as hell the second I saw Carol appear but luckily she did nothing so I've got nothing to complain about there. Just some fan service for the Carol fans.

I saw a bunch of people talking about what Chris's amalgam form would be. Lol it just ended up being a bow. To be expected to be honest.

But................*sigh*. Yep we all knew it was happening. Noble Red being "redeemed" and joining the good side. I personally hate this decision. They murdered hundreds for fun! Its also cause of my personal disinterest in them that adds to why I think their "redemption" is bull.

However that scene with Hibiki running to hit Vanessa was cool as hell.

The bit towards the end was alright. Bit of plot convenience for how everyone gets an upgraded X-Drive since they literally just said 3 seconds beforehand that they didn't have enough phonic gain even after the swan song. Just the usual Symphogear power of friendship I guess. Its nothing new so I'll ignore it. That swan song was nice though with everyone's voice echoing through the audio.

Hibiki's new X-Drive is nice though with her hair having that fire kind of look to represent her postion as Miku's sun. Very nice design.

One detail I really liked is the fact that this episode was called "Senki Zesshou" so we can guess what the last episode will be called. Ive got to admit that is a pretty cool way to end the series with. We need Hibiki to scream "SYMPHOGEAAAAAAR!!!!!!!" like in season 1.

Overall just a general Symphogear episode. Doesnt feel very "end game" to me, just another season. I cant imagine they'll give us anything super epic in the last episode or a super emotional scene with HibiMiku so my expectations are going to be low. On the other hand Granbelm is doing that amazingly so I highly recommend watching that.

Overall alright episode. You can bet Im doing a review of XV after all my thoughts and opinions on it each episode lol.
DarknessRealitySep 21, 2019 2:16 PM
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 21, 2019 2:12 PM

May 2015
Stark700 said:
That face!

I had a weird feeling watching this episode. It felt like the world around them was in some sort of apocalypse. But hey, I did feel the sensation of an action style thriller. They managed to keep the action with a decent amount of momentum so that's cool.

I love that face XD. Luckily Shem Ha hasn't been ruined like Fudo was by making her psychotic. She still has that god attitude but those evil smiles are great.
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 21, 2019 3:11 PM

Oct 2014
DarknessReality said:
Pretty decent episode not much to say this time.

It was generally just a normal Symphogear episode for the most part. But Oh man I LOVE SHEM HA!

The entire fight with Shem Ha I was smiling my ass off with her taunts and smiles. Its literally like getting an evil Miku. Everything about Shem Ha I absolutely love and she's genuinely at this rate going to become my favourite villain in Symphogear. Her gear looks so beautiful and her evil expressions are the best. Luckily they haven't ruined her yet like that did with Fudo and making him just be a psychopath instead of his originally interesting manipulative personality that we thought he had. I'm a bit torn though cause she's keeping Miku from Hibiki so there is that. And speaking of that it seems Miku isn't getting any spotlight and will be saved in the last episode. Well shit. That's definitely going to be the biggest disappointment of the season. Unless they do the usual Symphogear thing of cram loads into a small amount of time and have Miku fight along but with everyone in X-Drive I highly doubt that'll happen.

Seeing Shem Ha kick Carol's ass was amusing. I was worried as hell the second I saw Carol appear but luckily she did nothing so I've got nothing to complain about there. Just some fan service for the Carol fans.

I saw a bunch of people talking about what Chris's amalgam form would be. Lol it just ended up being a bow. To be expected to be honest.

But................*sigh*. Yep we all knew it was happening. Noble Red being "redeemed" and joining the good side. I personally hate this decision. They murdered hundreds for fun! Its also cause of my personal disinterest in them that adds to why I think their "redemption" is bull.

However that scene with Hibiki running to hit Vanessa was cool as hell.

The bit towards the end was alright. Bit of plot convenience for how everyone gets an upgraded X-Drive since they literally just said 3 seconds beforehand that they didn't have enough phonic gain even after the swan song. Just the usual Symphogear power of friendship I guess. Its nothing new so I'll ignore it. That swan song was nice though with everyone's voice echoing through the audio.

Hibiki's new X-Drive is nice though with her hair having that fire kind of look to represent her postion as Miku's sun. Very nice design.

One detail I really liked is the fact that this episode was called "Senki Zesshou" so we can guess what the last episode will be called. Ive got to admit that is a pretty cool way to end the series with. We need Hibiki to scream "SYMPHOGEAAAAAAR!!!!!!!" like in season 1.

Overall just a general Symphogear episode. Doesnt feel very "end game" to me, just another season. I cant imagine they'll give us anything super epic in the last episode or a super emotional scene with HibiMiku so my expectations are going to be low. On the other hand Granbelm is doing that amazingly so I highly recommend watching that.

Overall alright episode. You can bet Im doing a review of XV after all my thoughts and opinions on it each episode lol.

Fine Stated outright in the first season that if the Curse of Balal was broken, the true power of X-Drive would be unleashed. Thats exactly what shem-ha did prior to their escape from the moon.

And all the stuff you complain about has always been there since the first season. Villains getting redeemed just because. its always happened, but its so over the top that its truly amazing that they are capable of doing so.

Actually go back and binge watch the rest of the series and it will click.

No one watches symphogear for great story telling. They watch it for fights, song, over the top Super Robot and Saint seiya inspired battles, characters, and just plain dumb awesomeness.

Realize that, and your enjoyment of the series skyrockets tremendously.
Sep 21, 2019 3:17 PM
Aug 2015
The Final climax has begun!
Sep 21, 2019 3:33 PM

May 2015
AsuraDestructor said:
DarknessReality said:
Pretty decent episode not much to say this time.

It was generally just a normal Symphogear episode for the most part. But Oh man I LOVE SHEM HA!

The entire fight with Shem Ha I was smiling my ass off with her taunts and smiles. Its literally like getting an evil Miku. Everything about Shem Ha I absolutely love and she's genuinely at this rate going to become my favourite villain in Symphogear. Her gear looks so beautiful and her evil expressions are the best. Luckily they haven't ruined her yet like that did with Fudo and making him just be a psychopath instead of his originally interesting manipulative personality that we thought he had. I'm a bit torn though cause she's keeping Miku from Hibiki so there is that. And speaking of that it seems Miku isn't getting any spotlight and will be saved in the last episode. Well shit. That's definitely going to be the biggest disappointment of the season. Unless they do the usual Symphogear thing of cram loads into a small amount of time and have Miku fight along but with everyone in X-Drive I highly doubt that'll happen.

Seeing Shem Ha kick Carol's ass was amusing. I was worried as hell the second I saw Carol appear but luckily she did nothing so I've got nothing to complain about there. Just some fan service for the Carol fans.

I saw a bunch of people talking about what Chris's amalgam form would be. Lol it just ended up being a bow. To be expected to be honest.

But................*sigh*. Yep we all knew it was happening. Noble Red being "redeemed" and joining the good side. I personally hate this decision. They murdered hundreds for fun! Its also cause of my personal disinterest in them that adds to why I think their "redemption" is bull.

However that scene with Hibiki running to hit Vanessa was cool as hell.

The bit towards the end was alright. Bit of plot convenience for how everyone gets an upgraded X-Drive since they literally just said 3 seconds beforehand that they didn't have enough phonic gain even after the swan song. Just the usual Symphogear power of friendship I guess. Its nothing new so I'll ignore it. That swan song was nice though with everyone's voice echoing through the audio.

Hibiki's new X-Drive is nice though with her hair having that fire kind of look to represent her postion as Miku's sun. Very nice design.

One detail I really liked is the fact that this episode was called "Senki Zesshou" so we can guess what the last episode will be called. Ive got to admit that is a pretty cool way to end the series with. We need Hibiki to scream "SYMPHOGEAAAAAAR!!!!!!!" like in season 1.

Overall just a general Symphogear episode. Doesnt feel very "end game" to me, just another season. I cant imagine they'll give us anything super epic in the last episode or a super emotional scene with HibiMiku so my expectations are going to be low. On the other hand Granbelm is doing that amazingly so I highly recommend watching that.

Overall alright episode. You can bet Im doing a review of XV after all my thoughts and opinions on it each episode lol.

Fine Stated outright in the first season that if the Curse of Balal was broken, the true power of X-Drive would be unleashed. Thats exactly what shem-ha did prior to their escape from the moon.

And all the stuff you complain about has always been there since the first season. Villains getting redeemed just because. its always happened, but its so over the top that its truly amazing that they are capable of doing so.

Actually go back and binge watch the rest of the series and it will click.

No one watches symphogear for great story telling. They watch it for fights, song, over the top Super Robot and Saint seiya inspired battles, characters, and just plain dumb awesomeness.

Realize that, and your enjoyment of the series skyrockets tremendously.

That's the mistake I made for XV. I expected too much because they were advertising it like some amazing new season but it just ended up being another normal season with some random super dark elements in.

And yes I know this stuff has happened in the past which is why it annoys me to see it again. That's just a personal annoyance of mine so don't mind it too much.

I still think its an alright season.
DarknessRealitySep 21, 2019 3:36 PM
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 21, 2019 4:01 PM

Jul 2013
Kind of a letdown that Shem-Ha battle will last just an episode, but I hope it ends being good, as it will probably be the last battle of the series.

I can't believe too Symphogear is gonna end. I honestly never felt this was going to be the last season until the last episodes of XV, but here we are... I won't be surprised if they make a sequel, however.
Sep 21, 2019 5:49 PM

Mar 2016
Those my babies right there!!!

Sep 21, 2019 5:53 PM

Mar 2016
This shot reminds of a scene from a Gundam series I've seen, but I don't remember which one.

Sep 21, 2019 5:54 PM

May 2018
The atmospheric entrance and transition to X-Drive is so cool. So is this really final season. I was hope we get to learn more about other God.
It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.
Sep 21, 2019 7:36 PM

Oct 2014
Ryuseishun said:
This shot reminds of a scene from a Gundam series I've seen, but I don't remember which one.

OP of Gundam Wing, specifically the shot of the Wing Gundam doing the same head movement Hibiki's does, or in this case, vice versa.
Sep 21, 2019 10:49 PM

May 2015
10936 a queen!

"The labyrinth is over 380,000 kilometers in length."
The moon's average orbital distance is about 384,402 kilometers. Ha...haha...HAHAHA! Nice one!

Whoa, for a second there, we thought Chris was about to deal the killing blow...

Hibiki forcing herself to deliver the killing blow to Vanessa...we needed more of that.


Shem-ha is trying to take over, but she's getting firewalled by hackers all over the globe lol. Chris' amalgam was the most anticlimactic sadly. Noble Red is gone for good. And now comes the final battle between the gears and Shem-ha. I don't really expect anything special for the next episode, but Symphogear has one last chance to surprise me. Let's see how this all ends...
TarotistSep 21, 2019 10:53 PM
Sep 21, 2019 10:49 PM

Jun 2011
Now that the Curse of Balal has been broken I'm hyped to see where Symphogear goes from there. I hope they don't fix it or anything at the end and they find a way to defeat Shem-Ha permanently.

Also Evil Miku vs Hibiki, I freaking cannot wait. Its been a long time coming, I wish I could fast foward to next week already.
Sep 21, 2019 11:45 PM

Oct 2007
Carol ultimate technique would have worked if Shem-ha did not have the Shenshou-jing. Lucky that Shem-ha did not kill her.

Well, Chris saving noble red... it result to Shem-ha being able to destroy Curse of Balal. However, if Chris did not save Noble Red.. they would not have a way to return to earth, and will suffer from thirst + hunger on the moon (just like the girls in Sounan desuka :p)

next week is going to have plenty of action. Can't wait!! ><
Sep 22, 2019 3:41 AM

Aug 2013
Tarotist said: a queen!

"The labyrinth is over 380,000 kilometers in length."
The moon's average orbital distance is about 384,402 kilometers. Ha...haha...HAHAHA! Nice one!

Whoa, for a second there, we thought Chris was about to deal the killing blow...

Hibiki forcing herself to deliver the killing blow to Vanessa...we needed more of that.


Shem-ha is trying to take over, but she's getting firewalled by hackers all over the globe lol. Chris' amalgam was the most anticlimactic sadly. Noble Red is gone for good. And now comes the final battle between the gears and Shem-ha. I don't really expect anything special for the next episode, but Symphogear has one last chance to surprise me. Let's see how this all ends...

Or better yet...actually do an adaptation of XD Unlimited
Don't believe the hype.
Sep 22, 2019 3:44 AM

Aug 2013
Words cannot express my hype right now off that episode. Expectations were set, broken, and hype was turned to Metanoia levels of awesome. Dear god this's going out on the greatest possible note next week. 7 days until one of my greatest guilty pleasures in recent years comes to an end. Hard to believe that this will be the last of the series, but man what a wild ride it has been.

Also, I am most definitely going to do a full guitar cover of Metanoia as a tribute to this far the best song that encapsulates the essence of this season and this series perfectly.
Don't believe the hype.
Sep 22, 2019 12:17 PM

Jun 2010
Something was up when they had an event story for Ogawa in XDU. We need more that.
Sep 22, 2019 5:39 PM

Oct 2008
oh god! is the X-gear their final form!?
can't wait for the final episode!

Sep 22, 2019 10:09 PM
Jul 2018
Can't say I liked this episode very much, but then again that's mostly because I really disliked Noble Red. Their "redemption arc" in this episode did nothing for me, I just stood staring at the screen like "yeah, I saw this coming". But boy oh boy, those final minutes of the episode were pure hype.

It would be really cool if the next episode could focus solely on the fight between Shem-Ha and the Gears, just 20+ minutes of kickass fighting and hype songs. But alas, that's just wishful thinking. What we're probably going to get is the fight on the first half of the episode and the aftermath on the second half. Not saying that is bad, but this being the final season I hope they will pull all the stops going into this finale and a "by the book" Symphogear episode just wouldn't cut it.
Sep 23, 2019 12:53 AM

Dec 2009
DarknessReality said:
The entire fight with Shem Ha I was smiling my ass off with her taunts and smiles. Its literally like getting an evil Miku. Everything about Shem Ha I absolutely love and she's genuinely at this rate going to become my favourite villain in Symphogear. Her gear looks so beautiful and her evil expressions are the best. Luckily they haven't ruined her yet like that did with Fudo and making him just be a psychopath instead of his originally interesting manipulative personality that we thought he had. I'm a bit torn though cause she's keeping Miku from Hibiki so there is that. And speaking of that it seems Miku isn't getting any spotlight and will be saved in the last episode. Well shit. That's definitely going to be the biggest disappointment of the season. Unless they do the usual Symphogear thing of cram loads into a small amount of time and have Miku fight along but with everyone in X-Drive I highly doubt that'll happen.
Agreed and agreed. Shem-Ha turned out pretty good at least haha.

DarknessReality said:
But................*sigh*. Yep we all knew it was happening. Noble Red being "redeemed" and joining the good side. I personally hate this decision. They murdered hundreds for fun! Its also cause of my personal disinterest in them that adds to why I think their "redemption" is bull.
Note to all mass murderers: it's okay if you massacre thousands of people and drink their blood, and do all kinds of horrible things, you simply need a sappy backstory! Call now to get your own personal assistant to help you craft the sappiest and most melodramatic sobstory possible for your easy get-out-of-jail-free card!

But really, the other 2 were whatever, but Millaarc massacred many innocent civilians at a fucking concert, and everyone's just like 'is alright, nobody will remember it anyway'... #CivilianLivesMatter
I miss season 1's intensity and seriousness. Even though it was already set up to be a crazy ride of insanity, it had a lot of weight behind it comparably, internal struggles and shit, people actually being horrified by all the death etc. I think Symphogear just got a bit too popular.

DarknessReality said:
The bit towards the end was alright. Bit of plot convenience for how everyone gets an upgraded X-Drive since they literally just said 3 seconds beforehand that they didn't have enough phonic gain even after the swan song. Just the usual Symphogear power of friendship I guess. Its nothing new so I'll ignore it. That swan song was nice though with everyone's voice echoing through the audio.
That's not just Symphogear haha, that's all of sentai and tokusatsu type media lmao. They get their powers from the watchers!
(i saw someone else pointed out it had to do with the curse so there's that)

FateHero said:
And HOLY MOON BUSTERS - everything else that happened in this episode gave me a constant flood of adrenaline through every pore in my body! Carolnein vs. Shem-ha was incredible, she even forced a god to utilize the Shenshoujing Faust Robe - a man-made Relic - just to take her final attack - THAT'S FREAKING IMPRESSIVE! Round of applause for the Alca-loli everyone!
Some "god", relying on material mechanisms so much. Still was a hype fight that gave the right build-up. Was worth.

Tarotist said:
Whoa, for a second there, we thought Chris was about to deal the killing blow...
Same, shoulda happened. Woulda set up way too much drama to solve in the remaining runtime tho DX

Tarotist said:
Shem-ha is trying to take over, but she's getting firewalled by hackers all over the globe lol.

Ryuseishun said:
Those my babies right there!!!

GenesisAriaSep 23, 2019 6:16 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Sep 23, 2019 2:40 AM

May 2015
DarknessReality said:
The entire fight with Shem Ha I was smiling my ass off with her taunts and smiles. Its literally like getting an evil Miku. Everything about Shem Ha I absolutely love and she's genuinely at this rate going to become my favourite villain in Symphogear. Her gear looks so beautiful and her evil expressions are the best. Luckily they haven't ruined her yet like that did with Fudo and making him just be a psychopath instead of his originally interesting manipulative personality that we thought he had. I'm a bit torn though cause she's keeping Miku from Hibiki so there is that. And speaking of that it seems Miku isn't getting any spotlight and will be saved in the last episode. Well shit. That's definitely going to be the biggest disappointment of the season. Unless they do the usual Symphogear thing of cram loads into a small amount of time and have Miku fight along but with everyone in X-Drive I highly doubt that'll happen.
GenesisAria said:
Agreed and agreed. Shem-Ha turned out pretty good at least haha.

Shem Ha is the saving grace of XV and is the only reason I consider it a watchable season since the focus of HibiMiku kind of just vanished along with Shem Ha's appearance.

DarknessReality said:
But................*sigh*. Yep we all knew it was happening. Noble Red being "redeemed" and joining the good side. I personally hate this decision. They murdered hundreds for fun! Its also cause of my personal disinterest in them that adds to why I think their "redemption" is bull.
GenesisAria said:
Note to all mass murderers: it's okay if you massacre thousands of people and drink their blood, and do all kinds of horrible things, you simply need a sappy backstory! Call now to get your own personal assistant to help you craft the sappiest and most melodramatic sobstory possible for your easy get-out-of-jail-free card!

But really, the other 2 were whatever, but Millaarc massacred many innocent civilians at a fucking concert, and everyone's just like 'is alright, nobody will remember it anyway'... #CivilianLivesMatter
I miss season 1's intensity and seriousness. Even though it was already set up to be a crazy ride of insanity, it had a lot of weight behind it comparably, internal struggles and shit, people actually being horrified by all the death etc. I think Symphogear just got a bit too popular.

Absolutely agree. Its a shame as well because when I saw episode 2 I was like "oh wow so they're going for a darker tone this season" nope. They kind of just forget it actually happened unless it was a Tsubasa suffering scene and only had serious scenes with her and only her unlike season 1 which they keep the constant theme going throughout. Season 1 is still the best season by far in my opinion. Say what you want about the art style it had the best and most consistent story out of all of them before Symphogear became a cram out seasons type of anime.

Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 23, 2019 2:47 AM

May 2015
JustAnAnimeList said:
Can't say I liked this episode very much, but then again that's mostly because I really disliked Noble Red. Their "redemption arc" in this episode did nothing for me, I just stood staring at the screen like "yeah, I saw this coming". But boy oh boy, those final minutes of the episode were pure hype.

It would be really cool if the next episode could focus solely on the fight between Shem-Ha and the Gears, just 20+ minutes of kickass fighting and hype songs. But alas, that's just wishful thinking. What we're probably going to get is the fight on the first half of the episode and the aftermath on the second half. Not saying that is bad, but this being the final season I hope they will pull all the stops going into this finale and a "by the book" Symphogear episode just wouldn't cut it.

We should all expect an average Symphogear ending at this point. The fight only being one episode long is already a bad sign in itself. As well as the fact this means there isn't going to be much if any satisfying after battle scenes that properly end the series in a satisfying way.
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 23, 2019 6:09 AM

Dec 2009
DarknessReality said:
Shem Ha is the saving grace of XV and is the only reason I consider it a watchable season since the focus of HibiMiku kind of just vanished along with Shem Ha's appearance.

It was established at least that Miku is present somewhere in there, but ehh, wonder how it's gonna be solved.
My dreams of separating Miku and Shem-Ha, with Mikugear and Hibiki double-teaming Shem-Ha, might die with a wimper, or i might get lucky, who knows.

DarknessReality said:
GenesisAria said:
Note to all mass murderers: it's okay if you massacre thousands of people and drink their blood, and do all kinds of horrible things, you simply need a sappy backstory! Call now to get your own personal assistant to help you craft the sappiest and most melodramatic sobstory possible for your easy get-out-of-jail-free card!

But really, the other 2 were whatever, but Millaarc massacred many innocent civilians at a fucking concert, and everyone's just like 'is alright, nobody will remember it anyway'... #CivilianLivesMatter
I miss season 1's intensity and seriousness. Even though it was already set up to be a crazy ride of insanity, it had a lot of weight behind it comparably, internal struggles and shit, people actually being horrified by all the death etc. I think Symphogear just got a bit too popular.
Absolutely agree. Its a shame as well because when I saw episode 2 I was like "oh wow so they're going for a darker tone this season" nope. They kind of just forget it actually happened unless it was a Tsubasa suffering scene and only had serious scenes with her and only her unlike season 1 which they keep the constant theme going throughout. Season 1 is still the best season by far in my opinion. Say what you want about the art style it had the best and most consistent story out of all of them before Symphogear became a cram out seasons type of anime.
Goddamn you quote messy lmao!
But yeah, the whole concert massacre was completely mundanified into a plot device for #BeingTsubasaIsSuffering... At the very least this season has a lot of very creative combat choreography... Maybe i just wasn't paying much attention first and second time i watched all the prior seasons, but for some reason it really made me notice this time.

This may not be the end of Symphogear though. I hope if they continue they try movie format instead, that might to it some good.
GenesisAriaSep 23, 2019 6:17 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Sep 23, 2019 7:43 AM

May 2015
GenesisAria said:
DarknessReality said:
Shem Ha is the saving grace of XV and is the only reason I consider it a watchable season since the focus of HibiMiku kind of just vanished along with Shem Ha's appearance.

It was established at least that Miku is present somewhere in there, but ehh, wonder how it's gonna be solved.
My dreams of separating Miku and Shem-Ha, with Mikugear and Hibiki double-teaming Shem-Ha, might die with a wimper, or i might get lucky, who knows.

DarknessReality said:
Absolutely agree. Its a shame as well because when I saw episode 2 I was like "oh wow so they're going for a darker tone this season" nope. They kind of just forget it actually happened unless it was a Tsubasa suffering scene and only had serious scenes with her and only her unlike season 1 which they keep the constant theme going throughout. Season 1 is still the best season by far in my opinion. Say what you want about the art style it had the best and most consistent story out of all of them before Symphogear became a cram out seasons type of anime.
Goddamn you quote messy lmao!
But yeah, the whole concert massacre was completely mundanified into a plot device for #BeingTsubasaIsSuffering... At the very least this season has a lot of very creative combat choreography... Maybe i just wasn't paying much attention first and second time i watched all the prior seasons, but for some reason it really made me notice this time.

This may not be the end of Symphogear though. I hope if they continue they try movie format instead, that might to it some good.

Yeah I had the exact same hopes. Sadly all the Miku related stuff cant happen with only one episode left and they haven't even started the final fight yet.

Also the concert was literally a plot device as you said. Its such a shame because I thought they were using it to tell an interesting story like season 1.
It seems so much of this season is just directly taken from previous seasons.
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 23, 2019 12:53 PM

Oct 2014
DarknessReality said:
GenesisAria said:

It was established at least that Miku is present somewhere in there, but ehh, wonder how it's gonna be solved.
My dreams of separating Miku and Shem-Ha, with Mikugear and Hibiki double-teaming Shem-Ha, might die with a wimper, or i might get lucky, who knows.

Goddamn you quote messy lmao!
But yeah, the whole concert massacre was completely mundanified into a plot device for #BeingTsubasaIsSuffering... At the very least this season has a lot of very creative combat choreography... Maybe i just wasn't paying much attention first and second time i watched all the prior seasons, but for some reason it really made me notice this time.

This may not be the end of Symphogear though. I hope if they continue they try movie format instead, that might to it some good.

Yeah I had the exact same hopes. Sadly all the Miku related stuff cant happen with only one episode left and they haven't even started the final fight yet.

Also the concert was literally a plot device as you said. Its such a shame because I thought they were using it to tell an interesting story like season 1.
It seems so much of this season is just directly taken from previous seasons.

Because the director said this season is literally the culimination all that came before.

At this point, I don't even know why you are watching. Each season IS better then previous one, even if you don't think that, and Xv is the best because it pays tribute to all that came before.

And if you can't see that, especially if you don't rewatch the rest of the series to understand that, then I can't help you.
Sep 23, 2019 12:58 PM

May 2015
AsuraDestructor said:
DarknessReality said:

Yeah I had the exact same hopes. Sadly all the Miku related stuff cant happen with only one episode left and they haven't even started the final fight yet.

Also the concert was literally a plot device as you said. Its such a shame because I thought they were using it to tell an interesting story like season 1.
It seems so much of this season is just directly taken from previous seasons.

Because the director said this season is literally the culimination all that came before.

At this point, I don't even know why you are watching. Each season IS better then previous one, even if you don't think that, and Xv is the best because it pays tribute to all that came before.

And if you can't see that, especially if you don't rewatch the rest of the series to understand that, then I can't help you.

Hmmm pay tribute. So you're essentially saying I cant enjoy this season as its own thing and its only here to "pay tribute" to the rest ?

Well I guess it is just a big bundle compilation season of stuff that happened in previous seasons. Im just personally very disappointed with this season but that's just cause I had my expectations too high.
DarknessRealitySep 23, 2019 1:03 PM
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 23, 2019 1:03 PM

Oct 2014
DarknessReality said:
AsuraDestructor said:

Because the director said this season is literally the culimination all that came before.

At this point, I don't even know why you are watching. Each season IS better then previous one, even if you don't think that, and Xv is the best because it pays tribute to all that came before.

And if you can't see that, especially if you don't rewatch the rest of the series to understand that, then I can't help you.

Hmmm pay tribute. So you're essentially saying I cant enjoy this season as its own thing and its only here to "pay tribute" to the rest ?

Well I guess it is just a big bundle compilation season of stuff that happened in previous seasons.

Now you're being pedantic.

A series that has multiple sequels that's gonna end with a series finale is obviously gonna pay tribute to what came before.

Acting cynicial towards the series won't help you, its not healthy.
Sep 23, 2019 1:05 PM

May 2015
AsuraDestructor said:
DarknessReality said:

Hmmm pay tribute. So you're essentially saying I cant enjoy this season as its own thing and its only here to "pay tribute" to the rest ?

Well I guess it is just a big bundle compilation season of stuff that happened in previous seasons.

Now you're being pedantic.

A series that has multiple sequels that's gonna end with a series finale is obviously gonna pay tribute to what came before.

Acting cynicial towards the series won't help you, its not healthy.

Again its just my expectations being too high so don't let it bother you.
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 24, 2019 6:30 PM

Sep 2017
Was going to nitpick about the power up with the climax song, but I had forgotten that tidbit from the first season. Thank you dedicated Symphogear fans.

Now that Hibike running scene was epic af, but man it's hard to ignore them hesitating to kill mass murderers. That overly edgy scene from the beginning of this season should just be removed.

This better be the most hype fucking fight I've ever seen coming up next ep. It's by far Symphogears best strength so they better not let me down in the grande finale.
Sep 24, 2019 7:40 PM

Dec 2009
@AsuraDestructor @DarknessReality
You see this season's mistakes is not in it's accumulating themes from previous seasons or whatever, because it did execute a lot of that well when it did it right, for example when the Autoscorers came back, that was great and was built up to with enough foreshadowing due to the presence of all the other dolls.

Where this season faults is in it's decay as it progresses. It structured it's intro leading too high of expectations, that is the heavier more real and impactful tone of the first season, but as it progressed, while it has had many awesome moments, they haven't paid off nearly as well as they could have or were implied by context.

I don't exactly have the best words to describe it at the moment, but it is an actual literary mistake when considering the psychology of views and the transition of one thing to the next. For example in highly designed architecture, hallways, entryways and so on are designed in a certain way to give a certain feeling. Say if you come down a hall and it has many subtle indicators for where you are meant to go, leading to an obvious door you can't mistake is the way to go, that entryway may have a design that focuses your attention to a point and confines your senses to that door with darker schemes, and upon passing through it you open into a wide atrium that's beautiful and brightly lit and decorative etc; passing into that will give you a sensation of awe and wonder, moreso than if that entryway wasn't dark and contracting or directed in any way... There's an order and means of doing things that illicit certain emotional responses which engage you into a narrative. This is why awkward pacing can throw you off, because it might lead somewhere then stagger you and then jolt you to the side and it's mildly confusing, emotionally speaking.

The shock value presented by the concert massacre could have been held onto in a way that made it heavier, and given a payoff for a satisfactory catharsis. Shem-Ha's introduction could have been followed by a fight that stomped the party, instead of just cutting to Hibiki being in bed from shock and everyone else on standby. It's writing errors like that which take away from emotional satisfaction.

It's mistake is setting the standards too high then not managing to go beyond that to something greater, and instead initiates an epic idea and then trips it with something kind of anticlimactic. If you want to build hype, you have to start with a small idea that has many implications and not too grandly presented, then build to something more dramatic and exciting with that. If you start off strong, you have to build to something stronger and make it feel worthwhile. Payoff is absolutely necessary.

...Storytelling may be an art, but there is some science to it as well.
GenesisAriaSep 24, 2019 8:12 PM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Sep 25, 2019 11:14 AM

May 2015
GenesisAria said:
@AsuraDestructor @DarknessReality
You see this season's mistakes is not in it's accumulating themes from previous seasons or whatever, because it did execute a lot of that well when it did it right, for example when the Autoscorers came back, that was great and was built up to with enough foreshadowing due to the presence of all the other dolls.

Where this season faults is in it's decay as it progresses. It structured it's intro leading too high of expectations, that is the heavier more real and impactful tone of the first season, but as it progressed, while it has had many awesome moments, they haven't paid off nearly as well as they could have or were implied by context.

I don't exactly have the best words to describe it at the moment, but it is an actual literary mistake when considering the psychology of views and the transition of one thing to the next. For example in highly designed architecture, hallways, entryways and so on are designed in a certain way to give a certain feeling. Say if you come down a hall and it has many subtle indicators for where you are meant to go, leading to an obvious door you can't mistake is the way to go, that entryway may have a design that focuses your attention to a point and confines your senses to that door with darker schemes, and upon passing through it you open into a wide atrium that's beautiful and brightly lit and decorative etc; passing into that will give you a sensation of awe and wonder, moreso than if that entryway wasn't dark and contracting or directed in any way... There's an order and means of doing things that illicit certain emotional responses which engage you into a narrative. This is why awkward pacing can throw you off, because it might lead somewhere then stagger you and then jolt you to the side and it's mildly confusing, emotionally speaking.

The shock value presented by the concert massacre could have been held onto in a way that made it heavier, and given a payoff for a satisfactory catharsis. Shem-Ha's introduction could have been followed by a fight that stomped the party, instead of just cutting to Hibiki being in bed from shock and everyone else on standby. It's writing errors like that which take away from emotional satisfaction.

It's mistake is setting the standards too high then not managing to go beyond that to something greater, and instead initiates an epic idea and then trips it with something kind of anticlimactic. If you want to build hype, you have to start with a small idea that has many implications and not too grandly presented, then build to something more dramatic and exciting with that. If you start off strong, you have to build to something stronger and make it feel worthwhile. Payoff is absolutely necessary.

...Storytelling may be an art, but there is some science to it as well.

Couldn't have said it better myself. They never in my opinion stick with the dark tone that the massacre presents. They keep putting In comedy and switching between Tsubasa's super serious scenes and Kirika and Shirabe's comedy. Along with Hibiki being comedic in front of the villains.

My expectations were way too high with what they showed from the teasers as I thought they were going for a more interesting story but apparently not.

That first Shem Ha scene was the biggest disappointment as Shem Ha was taken out of the picture immediately after she was introduced giving her even less screen time.

Absolutely agree with the payoff thing. That's why at this point Ive given up on any HibiMiku stuff because we haven't seen Miku for ages apart from those 2 Shem Ha scenes but that doesn't build anything up. Also if they cram all the Miku getting a gear, fighting with Hibiki, duet, etc In the last episode it wont be satisfying in the slightest. It such a shame because they had a good footing to make a compelling story.
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 25, 2019 11:54 PM

Dec 2009
DarknessReality said:
GenesisAria said:
@AsuraDestructor @DarknessReality
You see this season's mistakes is not in it's accumulating themes from previous seasons or whatever, because it did execute a lot of that well when it did it right, for example when the Autoscorers came back, that was great and was built up to with enough foreshadowing due to the presence of all the other dolls.

Where this season faults is in it's decay as it progresses. It structured it's intro leading too high of expectations, that is the heavier more real and impactful tone of the first season, but as it progressed, while it has had many awesome moments, they haven't paid off nearly as well as they could have or were implied by context.

I don't exactly have the best words to describe it at the moment, but it is an actual literary mistake when considering the psychology of views and the transition of one thing to the next. For example in highly designed architecture, hallways, entryways and so on are designed in a certain way to give a certain feeling. Say if you come down a hall and it has many subtle indicators for where you are meant to go, leading to an obvious door you can't mistake is the way to go, that entryway may have a design that focuses your attention to a point and confines your senses to that door with darker schemes, and upon passing through it you open into a wide atrium that's beautiful and brightly lit and decorative etc; passing into that will give you a sensation of awe and wonder, moreso than if that entryway wasn't dark and contracting or directed in any way... There's an order and means of doing things that illicit certain emotional responses which engage you into a narrative. This is why awkward pacing can throw you off, because it might lead somewhere then stagger you and then jolt you to the side and it's mildly confusing, emotionally speaking.

The shock value presented by the concert massacre could have been held onto in a way that made it heavier, and given a payoff for a satisfactory catharsis. Shem-Ha's introduction could have been followed by a fight that stomped the party, instead of just cutting to Hibiki being in bed from shock and everyone else on standby. It's writing errors like that which take away from emotional satisfaction.

It's mistake is setting the standards too high then not managing to go beyond that to something greater, and instead initiates an epic idea and then trips it with something kind of anticlimactic. If you want to build hype, you have to start with a small idea that has many implications and not too grandly presented, then build to something more dramatic and exciting with that. If you start off strong, you have to build to something stronger and make it feel worthwhile. Payoff is absolutely necessary.

...Storytelling may be an art, but there is some science to it as well.

Couldn't have said it better myself. They never in my opinion stick with the dark tone that the massacre presents. They keep putting In comedy and switching between Tsubasa's super serious scenes and Kirika and Shirabe's comedy. Along with Hibiki being comedic in front of the villains.

My expectations were way too high with what they showed from the teasers as I thought they were going for a more interesting story but apparently not.

That first Shem Ha scene was the biggest disappointment as Shem Ha was taken out of the picture immediately after she was introduced giving her even less screen time.

Absolutely agree with the payoff thing. That's why at this point Ive given up on any HibiMiku stuff because we haven't seen Miku for ages apart from those 2 Shem Ha scenes but that doesn't build anything up. Also if they cram all the Miku getting a gear, fighting with Hibiki, duet, etc In the last episode it wont be satisfying in the slightest. It such a shame because they had a good footing to make a compelling story.

Still can't deny that the Shem-Ha introduction was top quality shit though... I know i was leaping out of my seat when i saw that transformation... I watched it like a dozen times over haha! It's such a shame because i know they CAN do great things, but it's trying to do way too many things at once and it's all turning into a botched meatloaf. It's like "omg, OMG OMG OMG AWWWWW you almost had it."
GenesisAriaSep 26, 2019 1:40 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Sep 26, 2019 3:39 AM

May 2015
GenesisAria said:
DarknessReality said:

Couldn't have said it better myself. They never in my opinion stick with the dark tone that the massacre presents. They keep putting In comedy and switching between Tsubasa's super serious scenes and Kirika and Shirabe's comedy. Along with Hibiki being comedic in front of the villains.

My expectations were way too high with what they showed from the teasers as I thought they were going for a more interesting story but apparently not.

That first Shem Ha scene was the biggest disappointment as Shem Ha was taken out of the picture immediately after she was introduced giving her even less screen time.

Absolutely agree with the payoff thing. That's why at this point Ive given up on any HibiMiku stuff because we haven't seen Miku for ages apart from those 2 Shem Ha scenes but that doesn't build anything up. Also if they cram all the Miku getting a gear, fighting with Hibiki, duet, etc In the last episode it wont be satisfying in the slightest. It such a shame because they had a good footing to make a compelling story.

Still can't deny that the Shem-Ha introduction was top quality shit though... I know i was leaping out of my seat when i saw that transformation... I watched it like a dozen times over haha! It's such a shame because i know they CAN do great things, but it's trying to do way too many things at once and it's all turning into a botched meatloaf. It's like "omg, OMG OMG OMG AWWWWW you almost had it."

Yeah I agree. The concert scene was great but then they never really use it for anything. The Shem Ha introduction was BEAUTIFUL but then they immediately remove her from the series for longer instead of giving us the anticipated fight scene there and then.

XV definitely has a lot going for it but it never utilizes what it has, mainly Miku.
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 28, 2019 6:08 AM

May 2016
Stay tuned for my review on the series after the last episode airs tonight about 4 hours from here.

And i wanna say something about this series~
Oct 29, 2019 4:02 AM

Jul 2015
Yup. How one bad decision in writing can completely gut the experience.
No matter how irredeemable and vile those three bitches are, they obviously had to pull off one of the most overused cliché in anime.
This got boring at the end of season three, I guess.

Oct 29, 2019 8:33 AM
Sep 2019
Piromysl said:
Yup. How one bad decision in writing can completely gut the experience.
No matter how irredeemable and vile those three bitches are, they obviously had to pull off one of the most overused cliché in anime.
This got boring at the end of season three, I guess.

Someone is obsessed....
Jan 25, 2021 4:53 PM

Nov 2009
I feel absolutely nothing for Noble Red, I watched 1 of them slaughter thousands of people with a smile on her face early on and I'm supposed empathize with them? fuck that shit, I feel like they write themselves into a hole sometimes with how much they try to punch down on Hibiki/Symphogears being all forgiving, just feels like a reach too far with the context of events in this season compared to others.

Next episode is the last and overall I'm actually disappointed with this final season, bad villain trio, bad payoff to the Kazanari family storyline that was building up over many seasons too.
Don't get me wrong I think the season is 'good', it has the usual dose of great symphogear action, great characterisation and animation but it's really missed the mark in other areas for me.
Apr 27, 2021 1:29 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020

this season is no different than the ones that came before it. It’s the same cheesy, corny mess filled with over the top bs stakes. But at this point, do I care? No, no I don’t, and damn is this the epitome of dumb fun and I’m so glad that they’ve pretty much fine tuned it to the best of their abilities for this final season.

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 11, 2021 9:23 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
R.I.P Noble Red. That was a sad moment.

SerafosFeb 23, 3:19 AM
Jun 18, 2021 7:24 AM

Feb 2014
Oooh yay Angel Syphogear!!!

Using the 380,000 km long labyrinth was pretty clever on Noble Red's part. I guess they kinda ended up like past antagonists, eventually becoming friends with the gear users and helping them at the very end. I feel kinda bad since they just want to be human, but like not quite as bad bc of how evil they were to others. It woulda been pretty satisfying if Chris had killed them, I could see her doing that rather than someone like Hibiki bc she's so hotheaded. I guess without them they couldn't get back to earth though

I hope the last episode is really epic :D I feel like there are a lot of plot elements that are kinda popping up all over the place suddenly and it's hard to imagine that we'll get full closure on everything though :(
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Dec 20, 2021 9:47 AM
Jul 2008
The concert massacre might as well not have happened plot-wise. I'm struggling to think what it added to the story, other than shock value.
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