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Jun 9, 2021 7:29 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, I really like the realistic backgrounds of this episode, in particular to show the cold Winter season.

This is Koguma and the club's chance to enjoy such a weather and of course, they still have to maintain their bikes to make sure they're working properly. Pretty cool episode, no pun intended.
Jun 9, 2021 7:29 AM

Apr 2020
This was the first snow since Koguma started riding the Cub, the act of suicide drove a cub into a snowy mountain lmao. They have fun with their cub in winter.

Poor Shii, I hope she's okay.
Jun 9, 2021 8:02 AM

Apr 2010
Driving in the snow on a bike is the one thing i haven't done simply because of the risks involved and i have to say that the girls are brave.
It's also a miracle they didn't get sick driving in their shirts.

It seems Chii taking her shortcut didn't come without risks either and i hope they will help her in time before something happens to her.
Jun 9, 2021 8:25 AM
πŸ… Tomato πŸ…

Feb 2020
Winter is such a beautiful season.

Koguma and Reiko both enjoyed their snowy adventure.

Poor Shii. I hope she didn't hurt herself too badly.

SerafosDec 17, 2024 5:11 AM
Jun 9, 2021 8:25 AM

Apr 2018
Reiko and Koguma's funny time with their cub in the snow was great, I love how relaxing was this episode... but seriously that end with Shii.... it's heartbreaking, she probably broke her bike and she seems to be injured, I really feel bad now, what a sudden change of mood
Jun 9, 2021 8:25 AM

Jun 2019
Man.. it's been snowing there for the girls and riding a cub in such conditions can be really tough and scary. Injuries can be a little worrying. But, luckily Koguma and Reiko both found the chain tires to put on their respective cubs which made it easy for them to ride their cubs.

This is the first time I saw Koguma having this much fun and she was so happy. The fluffy snow did allow them to fall over it without getting injured. They fell quite a few times. Then, the snow fight. They really had a lot of fun. Poor Shii, she fell or something and she wants help. I hope she's alright. :(
Jun 9, 2021 8:27 AM

Feb 2019
OMG THAT ENDING. Shii please be ok, with the temperatures being so low, someone needs to get to her quickly so she doesn’t get hypothermia.
Jun 9, 2021 8:28 AM

Jul 2017
It's December and the Winter season, as per the arrangements for protection against the brutal cold weather. Shii-chan, still riding her trusty Alex Moulton bicycle, is also doing well. With this, we start Volume 5 of the manga adaptation.

Unfortunately, while the Winter weather means that while Koguma and Reiko can't ride their current Cubs in the outside condition, with a bit of fortunate luck to find something interesting to do, Reiko offers her a suggestion to fix tire chains onto their Cubs for extra safety and protection so that their Cubs can still ride the same.

Going off-road to see the mountainous snow views is a breeze, as is both girls happily bobsledding their Cubs down the slope of snow with no fear of getting injured with the heap of snow cushioning the damage, and not forgetting snowball throwing, all in the name of fun.

Back to Shii-chan's diner, and more coffee served, would be nice if either girl packed the small and versatile Shii-chan into their boxes for tease. Being out to town to collect stuff along the narrow Cat Trail, the family diner is slowly turning Italian. Alas, the cold weather attempts to bring another casualty, to Shii. Hopefully she's OK, and she needs rescuing, AND FAST.

Heartstrings a pounding.
Jun 9, 2021 8:33 AM

Apr 2016
I was not planning to comment at all but this kinda irked me a LOT, you know this show obviously advertise motorcycle biking right, and even through all the irresponsible shit these girls do with those cubs of theirs (like Reiko climbing mountain with it, or even right now in today's episode) ... its the one who use bicycle from all people who has an accident ? Come on, get real.
Jun 9, 2021 8:39 AM

Dec 2020
that was really nice !! koguma and reiko were snow boarding but with cubs, snow cubbing ? it was really cut WHATTT THE HELL HAPPENED WITH SHII CHAN D:

*and agree with the above commenter, reiko and koguma climbed mountains, drove 20?? ish km, snow boarded with cubs but of course small wittle shii-chan with her bicycle had to be the one that got into an accident
lizzzizizJun 9, 2021 8:42 AM
Jun 9, 2021 8:48 AM

Mar 2019
Puh what an ending...looks like she fall from her bike...riding bikes while snowing is kinda dangerous though...time for Shii also getting a Cub. The Cub gang would be complete
Jun 9, 2021 8:56 AM

Jul 2020
that scene where they have fun in the mountain was so weird lmao
Jun 9, 2021 8:59 AM

Jun 2019
Woah, this episode is not comf at all.
Jun 9, 2021 9:05 AM

Apr 2014
Without those snow chains, riding on a snow-covered road is very dangerous. Thankfully, Reiko got them for both herself and Koguma.
The snowy mountain scenery was very beautiful. It was looking pretty fun for both of them riding and playing in the snow mountain. The huge mountain in the background is supposed to be Mt. Kaikoma.

Shii got in an accident, I really hope she is okay πŸ™. Koguma and Reiko need to go to rescue her as soon as possible.
Jun 9, 2021 9:53 AM

Jun 2017
Oh God, that ending sure took a sharp and concerning turn. Hopefully, Shii-chain’s fine.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jun 9, 2021 10:24 AM

Oct 2017
Man riding in the snow must have been so much fun. Watching Koguma and Reiko having fun was really fun for me too. Thou damn that end has me worried, Shii got into an accident. Hopefully Koguma will be able to save her in time.
Jun 9, 2021 10:25 AM
Jun 2019
Cat trail, that narrow little road, wet, fading light. Forest roads impassable to vehicles. Background all forest. Please don't break my heart.
Jun 9, 2021 11:37 AM

Mar 2008
MY GODDESS! Mother premonition never fails!
First time I saw her going that path I thought if it was dangerous. Second time I was sure it was dangerous, in the middle of winter, with the danger of snow.
Then at the cafe they mentioned the danger of animals... I already knew but I was praying that they wouldn't had the audacity of killer Shii, and do this specially to make Koguma suffer!
During the conversation between Koguma, Reiko and Shii's father you can see Koguma discovering something new. That not only her life changed in these last months, it changed so much to the point that she can be a light in someone's life. By immediately following that by make this influence lead to someone's death would be too cruel...

But I guess it's ok, because this still needs to work as a advertisement they just use this do show that Super Cub SAVES LIVES ISN'T AMAZING! BUY ONE NOW!
Jun 9, 2021 12:04 PM

Apr 2014
If something happens to shii-chan i will kill everyone and then myself.
Jun 9, 2021 12:26 PM

Jan 2019
Imagine doing stunts without helmets, shirts only, constant falling into snow. No injuries, no cold and a poor Shii-chan get into accident. Someone add fantasy tag asap.
If they gonna say something like "you would not get into accident if you were riding Cub that day" im going to laugh hard.
Jun 9, 2021 12:33 PM

Nov 2016
Swagernator said:
I was not planning to comment at all but this kinda irked me a LOT, you know this show obviously advertise motorcycle biking right, and even through all the irresponsible shit these girls do with those cubs of theirs (like Reiko climbing mountain with it, or even right now in today's episode) ... its the one who use bicycle from all people who has an accident ? Come on, get real.

It's too fucking retarded lol

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 9, 2021 12:54 PM

Sep 2020
I agree, what a realistic background.

I enjoyed watching them enjoy the snow season, they really had a lot of fun. Adorable. And of course, my yuri goggles spotted those lovey dovey moments. Pfftt~

Poor Shii, Ive been wondering why its dinner time and Shii's not there to send them off. I know she'll be fine though.
I guess Kogu's gonna call her girlfriend and save Shii.
it’s never too late for life ... to go horribly wrong. . . afff~
Jun 9, 2021 12:59 PM

Jul 2017
You can drive your motorbike recklessly and nothing ever happens to you, another one can ride a bicycle safely for a day and gets into a heavy accident.
Things just happen, it's nothing unrealistic
Jun 9, 2021 1:28 PM

Jan 2011
I saw that one coming the moment those barriers where seen on her route.
Great episode, just some girls enjoying their motorcicles.
Jun 9, 2021 1:48 PM

Feb 2014
At last, the snow has arrived and you can tell that Koguma had to work extra hard just to drive to Reiko's house. Thanks to Reiko's scavenging skills, she got herself two sets of snow chains for their cubs.

With their off-roading ability drastically improved, Reiko took Koguma to an open snowy plain further up in the mountains and for the next few minutes, both girls were having a lot of fun driving their Cubs in the snow. Even though they did crash a few times, the snow cushioned their falls easily, which helps that they weren't going too fast in the first place.

Plus, I have to give Koguma a big thumbs up when Reiko started bombarding her with snowballs. Rather than make snowballs herself, she started her Cub and did a long burnout by holding onto her front brakes and flooring it so that the rear wheel spins while stationary, just so she could cause a constant spray of snow to get back at Reiko. Talk about a 500 IQ move! XD

Of course, those who'd rather see more responsible driving would be appalled by this and, as a few posts above me shows, that this was leaning on the more reckless side, but honestly, this is nothing more than a walk in a quiet park compared to Reiko's Mt Fuji rallying a while back and that was FAR more dangerous than this. Here, they have the respective winter gear on themselves and their Cubs while driving on soft snow. In terms of a series where the main goal is to advertise Honda and their bikes, doing things the responsible way for 12 episodes would get far more boring very quickly. I'd know what to choose if I had to pick between that scenario and what we already have.

With that aside, the one who was properly unprepared for the weather was Shii. I do like how she's gone out of her way on improving the Italian experience of the cafe, but her Moultan bicycle wasn't prepared for the weather at all.

And sadly, the worse case scenario happened when Koguma got a call from Shii, asking for her help. Thanks to the shortcut Shii used, she must've lost grip somewhere down that trail and fell into the icy river. I guess her phone was in her left pocket, as if that got ruined by the river, then she would be VERY screwed.

I do look forward to seeing how Koguma will try and rescue Shii. Hopefully Shii will be okay...
Jun 9, 2021 1:58 PM

Apr 2018
Love this ep once again was really wholesome when they were playing around in the snow.

Noooooo you can leave an ending like that. I hope Shii-Chan is ok tho :(
Jun 9, 2021 2:15 PM

Sep 2019
Ah shit that ending… I hope the next episode won’t go with the hard drama route where the main girl can’t drive a cub anymore
Jun 9, 2021 2:18 PM

Mar 2008
It's a shame that most people are really missing the forest for the trees.

Yes, it's a commercial for Honda, and..? It's a very good one, it sells the product more by being good, even with those comments by Koguma because in the context of the story it makes sense for her to think that way.

I see many people complained and paying attention to details that are irrelevant for the story, technicalities. Despite being a Cub commercial this is first and foremost a psychological story about Koguma. It's all about her state of mind, everything else comes second. I'm seeing a lot of people not understanding this and missing the point of every episode even with the character doing the favor of spelling most of it with her monologues.
A good example is episode 5. It's as much a Koguma's episode as it is a Reiko's episode, maybe even more. Because it shows us a bit about Reiko to tell us more about Koguma. But people couldn't get what was "climbing the mountain" about.

But I guess that I can't complain also.
It's still an anime for everyone, but not everyone will appreciate everything it has to offer.
Jun 9, 2021 2:23 PM

Jul 2020
Absolutely loved this episode! Never thought I'd see a cliffhanger from this series lol

My only nitpick is that some of the snow scenes are pretty unrealistic, especially when Reiko rolls off her Cub. How the heck did she make that rectangular shape in the snow??

Can't wait for next week's episode :)

"Truth is always a cruel thing."

Jun 9, 2021 2:24 PM

Apr 2018
Well winter season ended but before that, they played in the snow with their bikes. And a snowball fight.. Pretty wholesome episode until the end..
Hopefully she'll be able to save her.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jun 9, 2021 2:28 PM

Jul 2020
LewdLamia said:
You can drive your motorbike recklessly and nothing ever happens to you, another one can ride a bicycle safely for a day and gets into a heavy accident.
Things just happen, it's nothing unrealistic

Exactly! I don't know why people are complaining, this whole thing makes total sense.

Though if they blame it on Shii not using a motorcycle, that would be kind of dumb. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.

"Truth is always a cruel thing."

Jun 9, 2021 2:32 PM
Shōjo Specialist

Oct 2014
Wow some fun in the snow. Lots of laughs and giggles. Some Shoujo-Ai with indirect kissing but a cliff hanger!! I can’t wait till next week.
Jun 9, 2021 4:09 PM

Apr 2015
Nothing more than praise for Shii-chan cycling in an uphill area like this. That smoll girl does wonders on that bicycle. :D

Ah yes, snow. It's either a nightmare or a blessing when driving/cycling on two wheels. It can be incredibly fun but also damn tricky. Downhill is by far the worst as Koguma showed us by keeping her foot to the ground when going down.

I didn't expect them to do that in the snow. Pretty reckless if you ask me, it was fun to watch though. I do wonder that they didn't have it cold at all when falling off their Cubs into the snow like that.

Reiko and Koguma teasing Shii-chan on her height, being able to fit in their Cub's storage, that was too funny!

Ayo, what is that cliffhanger? D: Shii-chan fell into a ice cold river (creek) next to that cat trail? She better be okay. Don't scare me like this in such a lighthearted show. Jeez. So glad she managed to ring up Koguma. This could have been very bad.
Jun 9, 2021 5:21 PM
Sep 2018
The type of road does impact things.
Trails such as Shii went down tend to have a surface of gravel, possibly just bark fragments.
They also tend to be narrower, and thus less room for a safe landing if you do slip.
At least that's the case with the trails like that I've been down myself, in the US PNW.
Much more likely to have steep drop-offs without guard rails. Closed to all motorized vehicular traffic for good reasons.

I had been concerned that there had been no mention of Shii having returned prior to their leaving the diner; I had hoped that wasn't foreshadowing.

Her laying like that in the stream is a concern as well; that she's still on her side would indicate injuries of some kind, not unexpected given how far she may have fallen.
Just be glad this is set in the current period; if it had taken place when I was their age, well, cell phones didn't exist. How long it took her to get her phone out would also be of concern.

They know she's alive, they know she's in trouble, they suspect which trail she'd have been travelling on (working on the presumption it occurred on her return trip).
Jun 9, 2021 5:58 PM
Dec 2020
Cant wait for next week to see what comes of this situation, hope everything turns out okay tho. I'm liking this anime
some people...
Jun 9, 2021 7:29 PM

Jan 2020
This was super sweet and I loved it. The whole snowy/winter theme was relaxing and the dynamics between the two really never get old. That ending was a bit weird and I hope it doesn't lead into anything too bad

Jun 9, 2021 7:35 PM

Feb 2014
That was kinda stupid Koguma saw Shii early on, when they left the cafe was already night and nobody bothered to wonder "why is Shii taking too long?" I hope that in the original Koguma went to the "cat's trail" instead of waiting for a phone call, it was just stupid.
Jun 9, 2021 8:05 PM

Jun 2017
You know you've become a grumpy old geezer when the first thing you think here is "That girl's gonna catch a cold."

Jun 9, 2021 8:51 PM

Feb 2020
Man, i wish i have a snowy field like that too here. Cause it looks so fun riding a cub like that, no matter how much the risk factors endangered you while having those fun ride. At least its fun, right? Their cubs must be had some superpower thing for not getting any injury under those circumstances. Understandable.

Well, as expected, a lot of installation. Its obvious that they will used those tire chains, and more shield installed at a certain places of their cubs, the more emphasized their determination to fit in with the extreme winter weather. The cold temperatures even forced Koguma to buy some other thick outfit, which is very needed, and too bad the petite one really overworking herself.

As the darkness comes through, i already knew something bad will arrived, and its her getting those accident. Well, left aside the strange situations around her, including her weird pose-maybe her bone was broken, i dunno-, lets see how well Koguma reacted over those situations on her, while the title kinda weird with how its cliffhanged....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jun 9, 2021 8:51 PM
Apr 2016
Quick, someone call International Rescue.
Jun 9, 2021 9:23 PM

Jul 2016
Koguma and Reiko recklessly riding their Cubs as if they were snowmobiles yet Shii in her bicycle is the one having the accident... what?

Anyways, it was being another quite chill episode until that last scene. Looking forward to next week with Koguma saying how she saved Shii's life because she had the perfectly equipped Cub to do so.
Jun 9, 2021 10:29 PM

Dec 2016
Tirinchas said:
You know you've become a grumpy old geezer when the first thing you think here is "That girl's gonna catch a cold."

My exact thoughts throughout that entire segment
Jun 9, 2021 10:38 PM

Mar 2019
Everything was soooooooo perfect and wholesome.... but that ending!!! :ccccc
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Jun 10, 2021 1:41 AM

May 2020
Pre_Yum said:
Man.. it's been snowing there for the girls and riding a cub in such conditions can be really tough and scary. Injuries can be a little worrying. But, luckily Koguma and Reiko both found the chain tires to put on their respective cubs which made it easy for them to ride their cubs.

This is the first time I saw Koguma having this much fun and she was so happy. The fluffy snow did allow them to fall over it without getting injured. They fell quite a few times. Then, the snow fight. They really had a lot of fun. Poor Shii, she fell or something and she wants help. I hope she's alright. :(

nah shes okay, look how many times reiko fell from her cub lmao
Jun 10, 2021 1:42 AM

May 2020
datboihamster said:
Cant wait for next week to see what comes of this situation, hope everything turns out okay tho. I'm liking this anime

come on, u know shes ok. reiko doesnt get any scratch on her after falling bunch of times haha
Jun 10, 2021 2:43 AM

Oct 2016
Fantastic and comfy episode... up until that ending. Shii-chan no! I am sure she'll be fine as this is our wholesome comfy slice of life show but still, a man can worry. That white snowy plain was beautiful, Koguma's cub withstanding all those jumps is questionable but who cares, that was fun. Always feels good to see Koguma smiling and this is probably the most fun she ever had. That piano soundtrack at the beginning was awesome though. Really looking forward to the next episode.
Jun 10, 2021 4:05 AM
Dec 2020
Natsude_tanaka said:
datboihamster said:
Cant wait for next week to see what comes of this situation, hope everything turns out okay tho. I'm liking this anime

come on, u know shes ok. reiko doesnt get any scratch on her after falling bunch of times haha
? ok. but she fell off a bike into cold water in the winter lmao?? in a ditch too. its completely different, im hoping she does turn out ok ofc but its also dangerous

also, dude, update ur anime and manga list to current day hehe
some people...
Jun 10, 2021 4:23 AM

May 2020
datboihamster said:
Natsude_tanaka said:

come on, u know shes ok. reiko doesnt get any scratch on her after falling bunch of times haha
? ok. but she fell off a bike into cold water in the winter lmao?? in a ditch too. its completely different, im hoping she does turn out ok ofc but its also dangerous

also, dude, update ur anime and manga list to current day hehe

wym by updating? hahaha alsoo why arent u requesting yet? haha

yeah i know but the ep makes it as if it was srs because it is srs but how could i be feeling anything if what happened to reiko in ep5 didnt even scathed her and she was trying to climb mountain btw. it felt weird because they should at least get reiko injured maybe dislocated shoulder or something so that the scene can be more meaningful to the viewers i guess
Jun 10, 2021 4:25 AM
Dec 2020
Natsude_tanaka said:
datboihamster said:
? ok. but she fell off a bike into cold water in the winter lmao?? in a ditch too. its completely different, im hoping she does turn out ok ofc but its also dangerous

also, dude, update ur anime and manga list to current day hehe

wym by updating? hahaha alsoo why arent u requesting yet? haha

yeah i know but the ep makes it as if it was srs because it is srs but how could i be feeling anything if what happened to reiko in ep5 didnt even scathed her and she was trying to climb mountain btw. it felt weird because they should at least get reiko injured maybe dislocated shoulder or something so that the scene can be more meaningful to the viewers i guess
huh, wdym by requesting? I just said to update ur lists, ur decision to listen to me or not. im just a npc on the internet.

this is getting off topic tho so ye, we shall see next episode what happens
some people...
Jun 10, 2021 4:28 AM

May 2020
datboihamster said:
Natsude_tanaka said:

wym by updating? hahaha alsoo why arent u requesting yet? haha

yeah i know but the ep makes it as if it was srs because it is srs but how could i be feeling anything if what happened to reiko in ep5 didnt even scathed her and she was trying to climb mountain btw. it felt weird because they should at least get reiko injured maybe dislocated shoulder or something so that the scene can be more meaningful to the viewers i guess
huh, wdym by requesting? I just said to update ur lists, ur decision to listen to me or not. im just a npc on the internet.

this is getting off topic tho so ye, we shall see next episode what happens

im always updating not for seasonal tho

nothing will happen and everyone will forget abt it lmao haha
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