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86--EIGHTY-SIX (light novel)
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May 29, 2021 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, the truth about that mission hurts. No wonder Lena is frustrated and needs help in her position.

Seems more like a buildup episode this week but there's a feeling of sadness knowing the harsh realities of the 86ers.
May 29, 2021 8:29 AM

Feb 2019
Holy shit by far the best episode so far. What an amazing job A-1/Cloverworks did today. First of all, the emphasis on facial expressions was apparent and very well done. Did a great job of bringing moments like Lena and Annette, Lena and Karstahl and the final convo with shin to life. Annette’s seiyuu was phenomenal today. I wasn’t expecting that final Rei post credits scene at all. Caught me totally off guard but was perfect.

Only minor criticism I had was Haruto’s death being off screen, but the ep was way too good to get caught up on things like that.

Given how they streamed through today’s episode and the content that’s left, I do think we’ll see some anime original content/MAYBE a start to volume 2 to close out the cour. I don’t think there’s quite enough to stretch for 4 eps, even if you give this finale two full episodes, but we’ll see. I’ll let A-1 surprise me, they’ve done a masterful job so far.

Edit: didn’t even talk about Annette and Shin’s flashback or the empty barracks scene which was heartbreaking. A LOT of great takeaways from today.
Marinate1016May 29, 2021 8:39 AM
May 29, 2021 8:43 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Although it was pretty much hinted in the last couple of episodes, we finally get a confirmation that Rei’s consciousness is in a Legion.

This episode had Lena aggravating everyone close to her, lol. First Annette and now her uncle. It seemed like Annette was pretty much sick and tired of Lena’s view of the 86, but this was the breaking point for her. The fact that Annette felt a sense of relief when she failed to bring a processor to her lab just goes to show how she wanted to feel like as if she can’t do anything about the situation with the 86. Not that she could, but there’s a difference between being persistent and giving up right then and there.

The Para-RAID were invented through human experimentation, but that’s not too surprising. I doubt they tried to Para-RAID with lab rats or something XD

I really like how they handled the last scene with the Spearhead Squadron. Them embarking on their final mission was both cool and sad. I definitely think that they outdid the LN with that scene.

But that end-credits scene was excellent. I loved how they handled Rei’s perspective from the novels. Ngl, I thought they would cut out his perspective, since I wasn’t sure how they’d animate the thought process of a Legion. But that scene was really well done.

The theme of the oppressed attacking someone weaker to feel more superior is a big part of 86. When San Magnolia got attacked by the Giadian Empire, the Alba put all of their hate and their oppression on the people below them—the 86. And the 86 must've threw their hate and frustration towards the weaker people around them to feel more superior. As mentioned by Raiden in the last episode, not all of the 86 are good people. Some 86ers abused others 86ers if they had some Imperial or Republic blood in them, like Shin and Anju. The same goes for Rei, where he put his frustration about his situation onto Shin, despite it not being his fault. Even if he regretted what he did, what he did was still awful.

They adapted most of Chapter 6 and the interlude that comes right after. Another faithful episode with excellent directing. Can’t wait for the next episode! To calculate, with this episode, the anime covered around 3/4 of the first volume. I think they'll just stick to the first volume for this season, since there's only three episodes left.

EDIT: Damn, just realized that Furukawa voiced Rei. He did such a great job during the post-credits scene!
GoldenDevilGamerMay 29, 2021 11:48 AM
May 29, 2021 8:50 AM

Mar 2016
The after-credits was just haunting. It shows us the devastating news Rei received of their parents’ death after they were thrust into the battlefield. With Shin incessantly asking about their mommy, Rei snapped in that moment. He was sad, devastated, and frustrated, and he let it all out on a weak young shin. It was something that even frightened him, that he could do that to his younger brother he’s supposed to look after.
As it was mentioned here, this mirrors the republic’s actions. A nation excessively proud with a sense of superiority pushing all its frustrations onto the 86 and blaming them for being cornered into the 85 sectors by a superior enemy and using them as cannon fodder, culling them in the process. It was their way of coping and escaping reality to shut themselves in the shell of transient peace and superiority.
May 29, 2021 9:03 AM
Jul 2020
Man the director is simply amazing. Impeccable direction.
I don't understand how one of the top reviews shit on the direction, which is legit the best thing
May 29, 2021 9:20 AM
Dec 2020
Imma be honest I don't like what Annette did there but I also do understand her, but I also can't agree with her lmao, it's weird but the story writing is amazing, the direction is so good, the characters are all good-great. I'm loving this and am most definitely going to read the light novel when possible,

Fucking Glory To The Spearhead Squadron!!
iskarzzzyMay 29, 2021 9:29 AM
some people...
May 29, 2021 9:35 AM

Jul 2015
Another great episode,Annette's flashback with Shin,Annette conversation with Lena and finally the post credits scene,it was pretty haunting like in the novel.This is what makes 86 so great.5/5 episode.
Arjuna777May 29, 2021 9:38 AM

May 29, 2021 9:43 AM

Dec 2020
first half was extremely dark and I feel like the next episode will be hectic given the ending.
May 29, 2021 9:59 AM

Apr 2019
Amazing episode. Best episode so far. The tone of this episode was done so well, amazing job. Oh, and the last scene at the very end gives you so many chills.
EdTheAlchemistMay 29, 2021 10:02 AM

May 29, 2021 9:59 AM
Jul 2020
Quick question- anyone thinks they will add the gore scenes during death in the blue ray?
Probably they are censoring it
May 29, 2021 10:09 AM

Jul 2016
Great episode with lots of foreshadowing and reveals. The history of Raid device and the special recon mission. That Annette backstory is sad and Lena is in despair because no one gonna help her. Even Lena's uncle is angry at her.

The second half is about goodbyes to their maintenance crew and base. And the flashback of their past friends perish. Is a sad scene with that insert song which is good.

The last part is Shins brother flashback scene is nicely depicted. With his regrets, and he wants his younger brother to be like him. Overall best episode of 86 anime yet

May 29, 2021 10:10 AM

Nov 2015
Nice, this episode confirm everything I need to know about which part of the LN they will use for 1st cour ending.

Yeah, they will adapt epilogue 1 for sure and I can't wait to see that shit. As for the epilogue 2, I hope they keep that for 2nd cour or it will backfire them like what happened to the ending of Zero no Tsukaima season 2.
May 29, 2021 10:10 AM
May 2008
How does the anime do this? Popping a lot better episodes after another. The after ending scene was bone-chilling.
May 29, 2021 10:10 AM

Jul 2017
oh shet Lena got dunked on 3 times this ep dayuuuum. but hey savage Annette is best Annette. can't wait for Lena's next nakama speech omegalul

It looks like the final next battle is gonna determine who is truly worthy of the title "plot armor"
May 29, 2021 10:16 AM

Dec 2014
Fantastic episode again, this show has been one stellar episode after another.

It was really hard to watch Annete describe her perspective on what she thought of the 86 and her role in it. She prefers to think that she can't do anything just so she can retain her own humanity and live with it. Just so she doesn't have to deal with the guilt of sending the entirety of the 86 to their deaths. I can understand why she does it, it's easier to let something go if you feel that you can't ever help it and believe it as something beyond her control but I have to say as much as she tries to call Lena out on the fact that she's a hypocrite for being the same position I think I will have to align my views with Lena. True, she may not be able to do anything but she tries to change something no matter how small it is and views the injustice for what it is. I think that's a very important thing for the extraordinary circumstance the Republic is in.

The conversation with her Uncle was pretty hard to watch as well, it seems her Uncle has given up on the authoritarian power hungry government ever changing. Interesting bit of lore that says the Republic executed the Saint Magnolia but yet the country is named after her and they even have a statue of her. Just what kind of hypocrisy is the Magnolia empire built on?

It never fails to hurt when I see Lena sad. :(

The scene with the rest of the Spearhead squadron leaving to their suicide mission was so cool but at the same time so heartbreaking. The shot with showing how big the squad once was and the five that remain now was sad but seeing the last of them hold their heads up high and travel towards the horizon to their deaths is incredibly poignant. Soldiers to the very end.

I hope they release the full version of Hands Up to the Sky soon, the insert was so good.

The post credit scene was crazy and it was interesting to see the perspective of the Legion especially Shin's brother.

Glory to the Speahead Squardon!

May 29, 2021 10:16 AM

Jun 2019
Man... really the truth stings like hell. Lena finding out those confidential documents of the execution of 86 and that they are bound to die was painful to watch. Got to see a little bit of Annette's past where she was bullied because she was friends with an 86 and the whole dark past of her father.

Painful... just painful to watch that so many of their friends have died in the battle where those 5 are the only ones that are left. That ending was really dark where Shin's older brother tries to kill him. He knew it wasn't his fault but he just couldn't keep a check on himself due to the rage. What a dark world they're living in.
May 29, 2021 10:16 AM

Jun 2015
Good thing that the republic does such a great job in maintaining detailed records in that it allowed Lena to see exactly what they were hiding. Anette though really surprised me as i pegged her as being one that always followed the party line. To her more than anything seeing Lena try so hard is like seeing all the regrets that she had at not being able to save her friends. The RAID device sure had quite the human cost in perfecting it. Its unfortunate that the fallout of this crisis also cost Lena her sole best friend as well. The level of hypocrisy that the republic has is shown in its entirely via the speech. In the name of maintaining a good name the people are willing to send the 86 to their deaths without any kind of aid whatsoever. Shinn deciding to cut Lena out though was understandable but still pretty sad. The last moments at their base was pretty nice and that scene at the mess hall really showed just how many friends they lost over the years. The robot waving to the cat was cute. Overall an excellent ep that combined excellent revelations and explosive emotions with a sense of finality as well. Shinn's brothers fate that stemmed from the loss of their parents was another unfortunate casualty of the republic's wars. Can't wait to see next weeks actioned ep that will finally see Shinn settle the score.
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May 29, 2021 10:18 AM
Apr 2021
our awesome 86 group accepting their deaths was really emotional and sad, it made cry 😢, I so hype for the next episode
May 29, 2021 10:19 AM

Oct 2017
We got slapped in the face by even harsher reality. Haven't felt this much despair watching an anime in a while. How can they smile when they are about to face their deaths? Breaks my heart damn it.
May 29, 2021 10:19 AM

Nov 2015
UTMAN said:
How does the anime do this? Popping a lot better episodes after another. The after ending scene was bone-chilling.

I think if they can keep follow the LN faithfully while adding anime original scenes when needed, the adaptation will keep getting better and better.
May 29, 2021 10:20 AM
Oct 2016
Somber episode with the Spearhead Squadron departing further into Legion territory for their would be final mission. Shin and the rest accepting this is the only way to be free, to venture into the unknown. There's someone waiting for Shin through it all and he knows it, his older brother being a Shepard will make things tough. Lena continually beat down at every turn where she tries to help the 86. Her friend and her uncle both taking Lena to task. Annette telling that awful story from her childhood about when the 86 were first deemed nonhuman. A horrible tale of discrimination poisoning a society, especially the children whom become scared as it changes everything around them. The scene with Lena and Shin speaking for that last time did break my heart, Shin just resolved to leaving it all behind. Seeing the images of their past comrades who've been lost, down to just those five. Things are changing as we open the next arc.
May 29, 2021 10:30 AM

Feb 2012
00:09 Four died off-screen this episode; Chise, Haruto, Mina and Mikuri, I think?
01:28 Shin's face looks badass
01:55 The dwindling numbers at the hangar and the crowding of the field are painful sights to see.
04:20 “Annette rose to her feet suddenly. Lena gulped in surprise. That was how menacing Annette’s glare was.”
04:41 Little Annette and Shin 😭
06:50 This part of 86's lore is great. Getting into a gritty sci-fi portrayal of how the discovery of ESP leads to human experimentation.
07:34 A real throwback to Newtypes in Gundam and ESPers in Akira. Loving these expressions as Annette tells Lena the horrible truths behind the development of the device she uses day in and out.
08:55 Annette ends her friendship with Lena.
09:34 Flowers of many colours wither as Lena reflects on how powerless she is in preventing more 86 from dying. Only after a bunch wither way entirely do new coloured flowers replace them, just like the Spearhead Squadron "execution ground".
10:01 "The will of the nation", they're killing them off now so they don't have to deal with the consequences of Eighty-Six surviving if the war ends. The anime gives Lena something to point at as she reminds her uncle of the nation's ideals.
16:24 Kaie's trick to make the rain go away; teru teru bōzu dolls.
18:04 This mess hall scene reminding us how large Spearhead Squadron used to be. Pain...
19:16 Off to get the Legion
21:37 The post-credits hits hard. Rei's filled with regret in what he thinks are his last moments. The book that little Shin has in his hand? The Skull Knight.
21:50 How Shin got his scar, absolutely terrifying. The screams by Rei's VA really adds to the scene.
23:08 Robo-Rei the Recruiter to Shin: "I want YOU for the Legion."
Fortress_MaximusJun 4, 2021 3:56 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
May 29, 2021 10:30 AM
Apr 2021
Holy shit, that was such an emotional episode! I thought I wasn’t going to be surprised cause I already read the light novels, but damn, that really took my breath away!

The sequences of the Spearhead Squadron getting ready for their mission was bittersweet. Shin’s expression at the beginning was nothing but amazing, and Annette, her VA was wonderful.
May 29, 2021 10:34 AM

Nov 2013
Another great episode, filled with some tense and dark stuff.

More than half of the episode was pretty much despair inducing for Lena. All the doors for her inner circle in the Republic were closed, and now she is going to lose the 86 too, which ironically and as Annette said, only got the special mission since they survived this long thanks to her. Even her conversation with Shin didn´t go well.

The last quarter though was quite feelsy with the 86 perspective, as they get ready for their mission. The new track really hit home when they were vacating the barracks and reminiscing. To their "freedom" they go at the end.

Finally, that post-credit scene with Rei was nothing sort of brilliant when it comes to directing. I confess I was afraid they were gonna skip/botch this, but fortunatelly they did it justice as they conveyed Rei's feelings nicely. Can't wait for their inevitable showdown in the next episode.

May 29, 2021 10:35 AM

Nov 2016
There's the confirmation that the Shepherd was Rei. That post ending scene was intense (these edgy expressions, tho xD) Ironically, Rei vented his anger and frustration on his weak little brother. It's just in our nature.

Well, the whole episode was awesome again, with a lot to take in. That said, A1 didn't only nail the atmosphere, but the pacing felt pleasant to me as well so far. It's rare to have a LN adaptation where I'm not bothered by scene transitions or have the feeling that I'm missing out crucial information. So props for that. If I'm really nitpicky I could complain about some stuff, but it's a beautiful series. I love the Spearheads.

The "final" battle is about to start and I'm so hyped for this. A bit concerned as to who's gonna make it out alive too. Then there's Lena. Pretty sure she's gonna come clutch in one way or another.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 29, 2021 10:37 AM
Apr 2020
“Humans were not ready to have freedom and equality” if this isn't a masterpiece then idk what is
May 29, 2021 10:40 AM
Mar 2021
Yeah, I think I might just drop this anime soon. I was heavily debating it, but this episode... wow... This anime is trying so hard to be deep, it isn't even funny anymore.

At least I gave it a fair chance by dedicating some of my valuable time to watching this ... mess. It's funny because initially they market their Waifu so hard, and now they want to treat her like a serious individual.

Sorry light novel readers. I don't know how less trash the books are but the anime did not live up to my low expectations.

May 29, 2021 10:49 AM

Jan 2014
Lelouch0202 said:

It was really hard to watch Annete describe her perspective on what she thought of the 86 and her role in it. She prefers to think that she can't do anything just so she can retain her own humanity and live with it. Just so she doesn't have to deal with the guilt of sending the entirety of the 86 to their deaths. I can understand why she does it, it's easier to let something go if you feel that you can't ever help it and believe it as something beyond her control but I have to say as much as she tries to call Lena out on the fact that she's a hypocrite for being the same position I think I will have to align my views with Lena. True, she may not be able to do anything but she tries to change something no matter how small it is and views the injustice for what it is. I think that's a very important thing for the extraordinary circumstance the Republic is in.

Most people in the real world are like Annette or Lena's uncle. People usually can see the injustice but convince themselves there is nothing they can do. People like Lena are few and far in between.
May 29, 2021 10:53 AM

Mar 2014
The final battle is approaching, ngl the scenes before their departure were sad af. I hope they're all going to survive, but I doubt it T_T

Rei's behavior was disgusting and inexcusable, abusing and traumatizing his little brother because he wanted someone to lash out on. I understand his situation was god awful with his parents dead and him being requested. It's normal to snap under such a situation or even yell at someone but physical assault??? Come on man.

Annette's conversation with Lena was very intense. I think Lena should try to stand up for herself and her opinions more though. Annette's viewpoint was important but saying Lena is the same as her is not true. Her frustration with Lena is valid when you feel like you're guilty and powerless tho. But seeing injustice and trying to confront it is much different to disregarding it and choosing the easier way because you probably can't change the status quo. I wonder if the kids Annette was neighbors with were Shin and Rei btw, cause that's how it looked like to me.
May 29, 2021 10:54 AM
Mar 2015
The last ride of Spearhead Time to whack wacko Brother
May 29, 2021 10:57 AM

Aug 2020
Lena had a large dose of reality, It's the painful truth unfortunately.
May 29, 2021 11:09 AM

Oct 2017
aightbetMay 29, 2021 11:15 AM
May 29, 2021 11:17 AM

Jul 2017
To hell with the Republic's notions with the Spearhead squadron, they sure don't know when to stop, but when they do, expect full-action rebellion.

Lena slowly closing in on the harsh truth of the Republic's relentless no-go support on the Spearhead squadron, and sharing it with Annette only makes the heart sink deep as she was also once a victim of the 86's affliction with her scientist parents. Her anger, her complaints, her uncontrollable feelings and emotions, all were like a balloon waiting to be popped, and Lena was the pin trigger to release all that anguish. If Annette could've changed the world of the 86-ers like how Lena is doing now, things would've been massively different.

It's inhumane to think that the Republic has to sacrifice the 86-ers for the prosperity of the nation, but think from a military standpoint, and the point is made all the clear, for greed and money. Even Lena's uncle is tired of heariing her arguments, for they made no sense at all being two sides of the same coin. That's reality, and everyone rides along, not with one the wiser who wishes to change everything and see a different picture.

Shin's brother being a Shepherd, and that's where the inner brother conflict lies between brothers, more than just the battle between the Juggernauts and the Legion. Regardless, it's always a good consolation seeing the Spearhead squadron take everything in stride, now with only 5 members remaining (Shin, Kurena, Anju, Theo and Raiden) and all ready for their final battle with the Juggernauts' departure into the limelight.

The post-credits of the brothers' conflict between Shin and his older brother, it's a callback to the mirror scene with devastating results. Who'll survive, and who'll die, only time will tell.
May 29, 2021 11:18 AM

Apr 2015
So much pain in this (phenomenal) episode...

Three times... Three f*cking times Lena was brought to tears this episode. I think the moment with Annette was really harsh. Annette has experienced first hand how this country handles the 86 and she went along and rolled with it eventually. I think that "I hate you, I don't want to see you again" was going a bit far though.

I understand why Shin went against her, he didn't want her to hear everything going on as they are heading into their "final" battle as the 86. I failed to realize last week that there's only 5 left of them... and when they showed the shot of everyone in the cafetaria, just physically hurt... Can't imagine staying happy and facing what's to come for you, if dozen of people before you have perished. Their mentality is something else.

That post credit-scene was intense... holy shit. So how does this work, did Rei choke shin so hard it showed later as a scar? It is the same place. Seems that Lena's dad was the one who interrupted that and managed to shave Shin? So many question on that post credit scene.

Can't wait for next week!
May 29, 2021 11:19 AM

Jan 2021
Ugh, I really disliked Anette in this episode, but what she says is so right
Sht Lena desperate, me desperate, this is a countdown to their deaths o(TヘTo)
AAAA I'm heartbroken :(
May 29, 2021 11:20 AM

Jul 2017
Best episode I'd say of the entire season so far, and one of the best episodes of the year. I'm playing Higurashi currently, and this entire episode was way more tense and gripping than anything from Higurashi so far. Some people may find it to be overdone and the pacing to be too slow since the season is only adapting 1 volume, but I felt like this was incredible to watch and built up tremendously too, accompanied by some great music as well. So many truths revealed, and man, Lena really got exposed to how truly scummy the Republic is (even though she already knew after interacting with the 86 and learning more and more about the reality of the situation even beforehand), especially in that Annette convo.

I'm so glad that this aired on my birthday. I already feel rewarded with such a brilliant episode here as a gift from the anime gods.
May 29, 2021 11:21 AM

Oct 2020
It was really interesting for this episode to give more light on Annette's feelings. Annette seems to really want to help the 86 but, there's really nothing she can do. Her anger towards Lena is really justifiable. Lena really wants the 86 to live but, Annette, on the other hand, must be really bearing the pain of knowing the inevitable end. The truth is that the 86 were sent out to die. Lena finally pushed Annette to her breaking point. I can't wait to see the final battle!
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May 29, 2021 11:24 AM

Jul 2020
That was a really interesting episode.

Wow. Lena keeps getting put down to the ground, and its especially bad in this episode. Annette backstabbing her was kind of a shock, and her learning the real truth of the missions must've been extremely heart breaking. I'm very curious to see if the last 5 survive, I think there's a very likely chance, but I'm just going to have to wait and see.
May 29, 2021 11:28 AM
Apr 2021
The directing was really good, it says a lot without need to explain orally. Masterpiece episode !!
May 29, 2021 11:48 AM

Mar 2021
Holy Shit this was probably the best episode so far and Damn was it sad. I really don't know how to express how I feel right now, im super excited for the next episode but also pretty anxious knowing whats coming next.

6/5 episode
If you wish to treat this incident as our nation’s scheme, that is fine by me. History is written by the victors. All of your false accusations will soon be erased.

May 29, 2021 11:53 AM

Apr 2018
A fight between two good friends.
Now Lena knows the truth behind the gear. And it's time for the the 86's last mission.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
May 29, 2021 11:55 AM

Sep 2019
Shin's brother's face reminded me of evangelion faces at the end lol.
May 29, 2021 11:58 AM

Nov 2015
Vanillacakee said:
Yeah, I think I might just drop this anime soon. I was heavily debating it, but this episode... wow... This anime is trying so hard to be deep, it isn't even funny anymore.

At least I gave it a fair chance by dedicating some of my valuable time to watching this ... mess. It's funny because initially they market their Waifu so hard, and now they want to treat her like a serious individual.

Sorry light novel readers. I don't know how less trash the books are but the anime did not live up to my low expectations.

Ah, by "market their waifu" do you mean these sexy Lena merchandise? Well, no matter how pure or serious every anime in this world is trying to be, the people in charge of merchandise will find a way to sexualize the male and female characters or the production cost will prevent another season to be made.

Now that this show will only have 3 episodes left for the 1st cour, I will offer you 2 choice:
1. End your journey here and make the valuable time you use to watch these 8 episodes became meaningless.
2. Only watch the 3 last episodes ( 72 minutes in total ) and don't bother with the 2nd cour anymore to avoid wasting more of your precious time.

If you decide to stop here, it's ok. If you decide to stick a little longer to see how the 1st cour end, it's also ok. It's your own choice.

Thank you and have a nice day! :)
May 29, 2021 12:00 PM

May 2021
i ship annette and shin, look like a good hentai comeback story

May 29, 2021 12:04 PM

Mar 2016
One of the best episodes of the series to date, and more gripping than anything I've seen in recent years, which even includes the likes of ReZero. All the revelations, especially with Lena learning more and more about the corruption of the Republic from that scene with Jerome and even Annette. It's a really messed up deal: the Republic is essentially trying to wipe its hands clean of the mud and blood by sending out the 86 to die, even if it's only delaying the inevitable.

I nearly teared up when Lena got emotional trying one last time to talk Shin out of going forward with the suicide mission. Idc about people calling her some Mary Sue, overemotional brat or whatever. It doesn't feel good to see her this depressed and unable to do anything, regardless.

Kinda crazy how the country executed Saint Magnolia yet is named after her and even has her statue....the amount of hypocrisy that nation was built on, geezus.

The OST of this show is always spectacular, especially with the new track here when the Spearhead Squadron were spending their last moments within the residence they used to call home.

Episode 9 title preview is "Goodbye/Sayonara".
I'm crying next week, huh?
RyuseishunMay 29, 2021 12:07 PM
May 29, 2021 12:07 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
This episode was very intense from Annette lashing out at Lena for being a hypocrite trying to save the 86 even though she can't do nothing to the 86 embarking on another mission that would lead to their deaths. When Annette described her childhood friend as a "filthy colored" that struck a chord in me as a African American because the word "colored" was used in the Jim Crow Era in America during the Civil Rights Movement where a segregated south was a norm in the 60s.

The Republic thinks that they are saving themselves by letting the 86 die, but they are delaying the inevitable conflict against the Legion. Once the Legion finishes picking off the 86, they will turn their attention towards the Republic and start attacking them.
May 29, 2021 12:17 PM
Nov 2016
Some might think it was a good episode but no, definitely not. Them packing their shit and leaving made me feel empty inside. It feels like my life is over. That's why it's a terrible episode.
May 29, 2021 12:31 PM
May 2019
Really enjoyed this episode.

Not sure if anyone else saw it or noticed but annette's neighbor that was a 86 was shin and his family.
May 29, 2021 12:31 PM

Mar 2017
Lena had reality shoved into her face. Felt a little bad for her.
As an anime only viewer with no knowledge of what's going to happen, I'm feeling really impatient to see how the story unfolds. Good episode with depressing tone.
May 29, 2021 12:37 PM
Anti-social One

Mar 2013
This episode...oof. Too much to unpack. But it was really good. If anything this episode really confirmed that this series is going to be good--and also directing and pacing was chef's kiss.
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