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86--EIGHTY-SIX (light novel)
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May 22, 2021 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
I think this show does a decent at job exemplifying the reality of death. The 86ers knew this the best.

Lena looked good in her dress and her a moment of peace when watching those fireworks. Shin's carrying a lot of burden on his shoulders and no wonder Kurena admires him so much. May the 86ers survival be long...
May 22, 2021 8:32 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Lena’s pretty eager to have the Spearhead Squadron get their reinforcements before they get any battles assigned to them. Sounds like the squadron already has an idea on what’s going on behind the scenes.

I do kinda wish that they showed the fireworks scene from Shin’s perspective. A little mixed on how they chose to adapt that scene. Probably the only scene in this adaptation I would say was handled better in the LN. However, I did like how they mixed the squadron celebrating with the fireworks with the battle that came after. The sounds of explosions on the battlefield aren’t much different from the sounds of fireworks.

They handled that scene with Anju pretty well. It was subtle, but it gives an idea on what happened to her before.

And we also get to find out what the Republic’s planning on doing to the Spearhead Squadron. Their service time’s about to end, so instead of accepting them back in the nation, they’ll just kill them off by not reinforcing them. All they have awaiting them now is death.

This episode adapted all of Chapter 5 and a bit of Chapter 6. The directing in this episode was still on-point, though I was hoping to see Shin’s talk with Lena during the fireworks be done from Shin’s perspective. But I’m a fan of how they mixed the morbid deaths of the Spearhead members with them playing with fireworks.
May 22, 2021 8:53 AM

Mar 2016
That juxtaposition of a wholesome scene where the squad were igniting fireworks with the scene of a legion strike wiping out 4 of them. You had to do that. Loved the adaptation of the scene between lena and shin as well as the shower scene revealing anju’s past scars, with words carved into her back.

That after credit scene doesn’t look like spearhead fighting, but they wanted to tease the

Also, the opening visuals changed, and Daiya got replaced in between Anju and Kurena.
Shishou_23May 22, 2021 9:12 AM
May 22, 2021 9:59 AM
Dec 2019
holy shit i just love how they portray racism in this anime

in real world we often see black and white conflict about how all oppressors are bad and how all oppressed are victims
people often ignores the reality that even oppressed people can oppress too

i love that spearhead squadron doesn't have that victim mentality
fight till the end for honor, even if the world will never know your name
every week i find new reason to love this anime
May 22, 2021 10:00 AM
Jul 2018
damn the truth finally comes to light... i thought something like this had been going on, really hope they lead a revolution or something by the end of this
May 22, 2021 10:02 AM

Jun 2019
Anju finally managed to cry. Lena was trying to get replacements for the 86 but seems like the authority lied to her about the replacements and they didn't get any. Once again, Lena couldn't do anything for them. But, at least those fireworks were pretty and she was able to enjoy them with Shin.

It's pretty sad to think that Shin has to take every one of his friends out but who'll be there for him when it's his time to go out. He's been carrying this burden alone for a long time now. It's a sad reality to live in for them. I feel bad for all of them.
May 22, 2021 10:16 AM

Nov 2013
This was probably my favourite episode so far. The amount of symbolism, detail and juxtaposition was simply surreal. From the Kurena conversation with Lena, to the firework scene contrasting with the deaths on the field, to finally to the ugly truth about their fates being revealed, this episode had it all.

If I were to nitpick something on this episode, it was probably how they missed the chance to adapt Shin roasting the Alba officer, since that was a pretty funny comeback in the LN.

Finally, Lena in a dress was a treat for the eyes, even if in a mourning colour. Hopefully one day A1 will be able to show us Lena in a red dress too. :P

May 22, 2021 10:17 AM

Oct 2017
Bro why does every episode hit so hard?

I knew the spearhead was left to die but knowing the entire truth behind it broke my heart. The entire final part was just too damn heartbreaking. I dunno how but please survive damn it.

The fireworks scene from earlier was really touching. Never expected Shin of all people to ask Mirizé if she'll remember them. That moment was just beautifully done. Also the transition between firework scenes and the battle scenes were great. Props to A-1 for making every episode top tier.
May 22, 2021 10:18 AM

Jul 2015
Lena tries to get reinforcements but as expected didn't get any.

Also the fireworks scene is haunting.Also the truth is out.Nice episode as usual.
Arjuna777May 22, 2021 10:25 AM

May 22, 2021 10:20 AM
Nov 2017
The reality of the 86 is very sad, if they do not die in the first 5 years of combat, the alba send them to death, in their perspective no matter what they do they will die

What one of them said is true, if they want to take revenge and just do nothing that the legion will kill them and then the alba, what even if they fight if the alba don't realize that they are losing the war will happen in the same way
May 22, 2021 10:21 AM

Feb 2012
00:00 “Each time one took to the air, it was accompanied by cheering filled with the kind of elation normally reserved for children. It was only natural, since the majority hadn’t seen anything like this since they were kids.”

01:21 Daiya and Lecca removed from the group shot and added to the field of flowers...this OP has me in tears.

02:42 Panicking Lena (her hat moves lightly), Shocked Lena and Embarrassed Lena
03:52 “With the battle concluded, the Processors gradually shut down their Para-RAIDs as they made their way back, but Lena was surprised to find someone still connected.”
“Kurena’s voice was curt, making it abundantly clear she wasn’t speaking out of concern.”
04:38 All this food symbolism while Kurena gives gory descriptions. Stomach-churningly superb.
07:46 A-1 really loves doing all these match-cuts... I stitched together the shots of Lena in her dress.
08:36 More shots of our beautiful Handler...
11:27 To be honest, I'm disappointed that Shin's interaction with the Alba supply officers wasn't animated fully. I was waiting for that comeback...
12:02 Much more then a mere fanservice shower scene.

“Kurena averted her eyes from a scar that looked like letters etched into Anju’s back, which peeked from where her long hair parted, but could still make out the words whore’s daughter.”

14:06 Interlacing the battle with the fireworks celebration...

“No matter how many times she petitioned for it, no reinforcements were dispatched for the Spearhead squadron.

When they went into battle that day, four more died.”
15:18 “the team had lost a total of four members. Chise, Kino, Kuroto, and Touma—KIA. A mere nine Juggernauts remained. They had finally been reduced to less than half of their original numbers and were now down to single digits.”
15:54 For so long, they've withheld the truth of Spearhead Squadron's purpose from Lena out of consideration for her feelings. Her voice really conveys the disbelief as she learns that the reinforcements are in fact replacements to be executed.
19:09 Raiden's speech was done so well. Delivery was on point, as well as the accompanying visuals and music.
21:40 What an episode. Even a glimpse of the massive Dinosauria.
Fortress_MaximusMay 23, 2021 2:48 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
May 22, 2021 10:28 AM

Jul 2017
The visuals generally were not the greatest this show's produced and had some wonky frames at times, but the content for the most part was still really good. Loved the subtle presentation of some details at times (especially in the shower scene with teasing what was carved on Anju's back, which is pretty rough knowing the context there), and the reveal of how the 86ers no matter what will end up dead and the Republic want to intentionally kill them off in an impossible battle to prevent future threats of uprisings was tough to watch. Good episode as a whole.
May 22, 2021 10:41 AM

Nov 2016
The  Republic is so damn cheap lol what a farce

Given how incompetent, ignorant and hypocritical they have been portrayed so far, I simply thought they didn't give a damn, but the whole truth is of course grimmer. This is literally genocide and gives pointlessness of war a whole new meaning. All that so that they can keep living in their delusional bubble without fear of revolution or that the truth could come out. I loathe that false superiority, not owning their mistakes, selfishness etc.

But yeah,  exploiting they weak has always been one of the pillars wealthy societies are built on.

I admire the aspiration to be better than those who damned you.  Even in the situation they were forced in, the Spearhead Squadron is still striving to live to their fullest with pride. It shows who's truly superior. That's some real Tatakaeeff that bitch ass Eren

I'm interested to see what Lena is trying to do now, complaining is hardly going to achieve shit. So I guess I gotta look forward to that "last mission". It's probably where Shin will have to face his brother.

That Legion post ending looked wild

Great episode, I was into this before, but this one got me completely sold on this series.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 22, 2021 10:42 AM
Jul 2020
The soundtrack was good. As well as the direction. It's getting better.
I am updating my rating to 7 for now.
But damn A1 never forgets the fanservice. Usually they used to fog the butt scenes, however the censor has become weaker these days
May 22, 2021 10:47 AM

Jan 2021
Oh, a black dress, it looks really great on Lena
Those words under the fireworks were beautiful
Well, I knew that, being free was always a lie....
As always, I loved the episode (≧◡≦)
May 22, 2021 10:51 AM

Jul 2017
damn the giga beta......I mean boss has arrived

Looks like the cast getting akame ga killed happened a lot earlier than expected. Pretty jarring seeing all the happy faces corresponding to their death scenes kek

I do like though the duality of the 86 in how they're not all good guys and even they have their scums if only the series would actually show that. Poor chaps, they get jebaited so hard with promises of freedom only to be discarded without looking back

Raiden's talk of pride didn't really feel that convincing though, seems kinda pointless
May 22, 2021 10:56 AM

Oct 2018
We are probably watching the AOTY, my friends.

The Nouzen Bowl is coming.
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Perhaps, this is hell.
May 22, 2021 10:56 AM

Oct 2020
The conversation between Lena and Shin under the fireworks was beautiful. The scene where the 4 squad members were lighting up the fireworks and having a swell time hit hard after seeing them get wiped out by the legions. The transitions and the soundtracks were done amazingly. Honestly, the authorities are scums to another level. The reality of being an 86 is truly disgusting; they're pretty much sent to die.
JamalaNekaMay 22, 2021 11:03 AM
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May 22, 2021 10:59 AM

May 2016
so much white guilt in this lol. maybe that is why the score went down by a bit lmfao.

Also i hate that reasoning at the end. Through this whole anime i was thinking "why don't they just afk and let them attack them for revenge" and we get this lame ass excuse.
It was kinda of obvious they were trying to kill them off so they could never complete their term though
May 22, 2021 11:01 AM

Dec 2020
the scene where lena remembered kurena's gruesome words of their comrade's dying with her surroundings full of happy living people was scary.

the fireworks part was one of the parts i was most anticipated to get animated. and it was executed perfectly.

last part with them telling lena that they're all gonna die no matter what she does was absolutely heart breaking. the voice actors did a perfect job on delivering the lines and the animation for it was great. cutting out to them playing fireworks, being happy while explaining how they'll have to die.

this anime is adapting the source material so so so so well. im guessing they're gonna adapt the first volume fully, seriously cant wait for it.
May 22, 2021 11:03 AM

Jun 2015
After losing not one but two of their friends in battle the team's morale must be pretty low. Poor Anju in particular as she was pretty close to Daiya. Lena's resort to bribery really was funny. Kurena's words as ever are blunt but they reflect well on the reality that the squadron goes through every day on the frontline. The fireworks really served as an effective backdrop for Lena's promise. Lena really looked nice in that dress. The scenes that indispersed the fireworks with the bombardments really did well to show that as with fireworks on the field their lives can be just as fleeting. The harsh reality of the truth of their conscription terms being a lie and that all that awaits them after that term is death really was a rude awakening for Lena. The insight into the good and bad about the Alba and the 86 was also pretty insightful. Overall an excellent ep that while featuring some nice moments between the unit as they reforged themselves after losing friends also presented a grim revelation for Lena in the form of the units ultimate purpose for their existance. For Lena's whose foundations have been shaky recently im curious at what this new revelation will do to her already fragile mind and her beliefs in the republic.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 22, 2021 11:18 AM

Jul 2017
Every happy moment of 86, translates into pure terror and distraught for everyone involved in this death race.

Lena is trying her best do what she can to help the 86ers from within the Republic by hook or by crook, and yet the Republic is celebrating their butts out from victories over losing insignificant lives. What a huge disparity and pure scums of a rich nation, but that's to be expected of pure elitism of a traditional military setting.

Every chance that Lena could converse with the 86ers (not just Shin) is a moment of reconciliation, even if from afar. The promise of "Will You Remember Me?" is a very significant metaphor in this show, as mourning "pigs" aren't given a proper burial.

Every precious moment of the 86ers, living or dead, it's sad of the duality of the life they live "in accordance" to rules and whatnot. The symoblism of the fireworks and the heavy action fire against the new Legion warfare monsters certainly draw parallels.

Not surprised that Lena's request got blocked by the Repubiic of reinforcements, because why spend resources on pigs that live for a 5-year span until their usefulness as Processors runs out. Every group of chosen people to be slaughtered, sent Juggernauts to their deaths, Shin and Co. has seen it all: racism, elitism, all sorts of abuse from scum, Shuga brings up a good point to keep on surviving regardless of what choices they have against imminent death.

Choose to fight against the Legion, or lead them on and trash the Republic together, only 2 choices for the 86ers. With stronger Legion warfare, this battle is turning deadly.
May 22, 2021 11:33 AM
Jul 2020
Damn I watched it again, it's indeed a masterpiece in making. Just delete that Lena character. She is acting way too melodramatic every time to the point it gets annoying. Why did the author have to put a tsundere in a war drama. She is almost like that tsundere from classroom of elite
May 22, 2021 11:39 AM

May 2013
Please let Lena and Shin meet please don't end in a tragedy I don't want to be depress they should run away or fake their deaths.
May 22, 2021 11:45 AM
Jan 2015
RebelPandaSFan said:
Damn I watched it again, it's indeed a masterpiece in making. Just delete that Lena character. She is acting way too melodramatic every time to the point it gets annoying. Why did the author have to put a tsundere in a war drama. She is almost like that tsundere from classroom of elite
You obviously don't know what a Tsundere even is if you think Lena is one kek. And her reactions aren't melodramatic at all if you try to look at things from her perspective.
My Queens

May 22, 2021 11:48 AM
Sep 2019
Phosphophyllita said:
We are probably watching the AOTY, my friends.

The Nouzen Bowl is coming.
This isn’t even AOTS though
May 22, 2021 11:50 AM
May 2008
-Mahesvara said:
RebelPandaSFan said:
Damn I watched it again, it's indeed a masterpiece in making. Just delete that Lena character. She is acting way too melodramatic every time to the point it gets annoying. Why did the author have to put a tsundere in a war drama. She is almost like that tsundere from classroom of elite
You obviously don't know what a Tsundere even is if you think Lena is one kek. And her reactions aren't melodramatic at all if you try to look at things from her perspective.

Maybe he is thinking of Kurella. She is the closest one being a "tsundere" But even so, his comment is beyond laughable.
May 22, 2021 11:51 AM
Jul 2020
-Mahesvara said:
RebelPandaSFan said:
Damn I watched it again, it's indeed a masterpiece in making. Just delete that Lena character. She is acting way too melodramatic every time to the point it gets annoying. Why did the author have to put a tsundere in a war drama. She is almost like that tsundere from classroom of elite
You obviously don't know what a Tsundere even is if you think Lena is one kek. And her reactions aren't melodramatic at all if you try to look at things from her perspective.

I think I am pretty sure YOU don't know what tsundere is m8.
Nah especially from her perspective ,the first time how she reacted over a death looked acceptable. But reacting the way she reacts as if she is still new to this makes no sense
May 22, 2021 11:51 AM

Mar 2016
I really did my best to hold back tears in this episode, and I managed to do so, but damn what a heavy feeling. What makes me resonate with 86 is how well it makes things more down-to-earth and realistic, not utilizing some sort of emotional manipulation to overdramatize and make the deaths grandiose. The latter would completely ruin the point of the story, anybody or everybody can die on the battlefield, no one is getting fancy curtain calls. It sucks with the position the squad is in, no reinforcements are coming, they're sent out simply to die for the sake of the Republic's stubborn farce. It's really disheartening to see, especially when Lena has next to no authority to help, as much as she tries to contribute to the 86's battles and request for help that'll never come. This is the sad reality of an unwinnable war, and it looks like it's not getting any better for them soon.
May 22, 2021 11:54 AM
Nov 2020
And now we know the truth of the Spearhead Squadron. They all know they’re going to die very soon, and they’ve accepted their grim fates. Despite that, they choose to take the high road and fight for the small amount of goodness that is in their cruel world.

This episode did a fantastic job of conveying the message of how death lurks around every corner, and how the 86 have no other option but to grit their teeth and look at death straight in the eye. Today any “plothole” that some people had thought of in regards to wondering why the 86 don’t simply rebel against the Republic was answered. Happy that they cleared that for everyone who had questions.

Once again, the direction was superb. The use of the fireworks in conjunction with the deaths in the battle was very well done. The fireworks scene at the party was very touching. That question Shin asked Lena was heartbreaking to hear. Despite Lena’s many attempts to aid the Spearhead Squadron, Shin knows that it just false hope. Truly gut wrenching stuff.

The OSTs were beautifully implemented into these scenes. The music adds to the emotional tension that was being presented to the viewers. Very well executed.

With Anju’s scars, Kurena’s worries about Shin and his own burdens, Raiden’s monologue about fighting and surviving in a world that treats them like pigs, and Shin’s heartfelt question towards Lena, I feel more attached to the characters than ever before. Of course, that may haunt me in a death filled anime like this, but I can’t help it. The characters are so fleshed out in their own ways. I hope that they’re able to somehow survive their death sentence.

The Shepherd of Shin’s lost brother was hinted in this episode. That thing looked sick. Excited to see the action that unfolds involving that beast.

Only Lena can make a mourning dress look stunning lol.

Overall, another wonderful episode.
May 22, 2021 11:57 AM
Jan 2015
RebelPandaSFan said:
-Mahesvara said:
You obviously don't know what a Tsundere even is if you think Lena is one kek. And her reactions aren't melodramatic at all if you try to look at things from her perspective.

I think I am pretty sure YOU don't know what tsundere is m8.
Nah especially from her perspective ,the first time how she reacted over a death looked acceptable. But reacting the way she reacts as if she is still new to this makes no sense
No you really don't apparently, its pretty hilarious that you think you do, the only character that's even close to being a tsundere in 86 is Kurena. Lena's not reacting over a death this episode, she's reacting to learning the truth of her country committing genocide and the fact that Spearhead even knowing this, still plan to fight to their death. Her being upset is very well warranted.
My Queens

May 22, 2021 12:02 PM
May 2008
RebelPandaSFan said:
-Mahesvara said:
You obviously don't know what a Tsundere even is if you think Lena is one kek. And her reactions aren't melodramatic at all if you try to look at things from her perspective.

I think I am pretty sure YOU don't know what tsundere is m8.
Nah especially from her perspective ,the first time how she reacted over a death looked acceptable. But reacting the way she reacts as if she is still new to this makes no sense

Yeah you have no idea what's a tsundere is. Tsundere is a person who acts though/harsh/aggresive towards an individual, but behind the sceen the person cares deeply for that person and have a soft spot but only when the forementioned person is not around. Please tell me how Lena is a tsundere I'm intrigued.
May 22, 2021 12:02 PM

Jun 2019

They forgot to add Shin's best line in the entire first novel.

This was a conversation Shin had with the delivery Alba dude:

May 22, 2021 12:04 PM

May 2013
Please let Lena and Shin meet please don't end in a tragedy I don't want to be depress they should run away or fake their deaths.
May 22, 2021 12:06 PM

Dec 2014
FMmatron said:
The  Republic is so damn cheap lol what a farce

Given how incompetent, ignorant and hypocritical they have been portrayed so far, I simply thought they didn't give a damn, but the whole truth is of course grimmer. This is literally genocide and gives pointlessness of war a whole new meaning. All that so that they can keep living in their delusional bubble without fear of revolution or that the truth could come out. I loathe that false superiority, not owning their mistakes, selfishness etc.

But yeah,  exploiting they weak has always been one of the pillars wealthy societies are built on.

I admire the aspiration to be better than those who damned you.  Even in the situation they were forced in, the Spearhead Squadron is still striving to live to their fullest with pride. It shows who's truly superior. That's some real Tatakaeeff that bitch ass Eren

I'm interested to see what Lena is trying to do now, complaining is hardly going to achieve shit. So I guess I gotta look forward to that "last mission". It's probably where Shin will have to face his brother.

That Legion post ending looked wild

Great episode, I was into this before, but this one got me completely sold on this series.

Yeah, you took the words out of my mouth. I really liked Spearhaed before but I have newfound respect for them for being able to do the right thing and be the bigger person compared to the people abusing their power apathetically. To find the resolve to continue fighting despite knowing that they are literally being sent to their deaths on purpose is an incredible show of humanity.
I got really emotional when Spearhead were describing what their unit really was.

Those scars on Anju's back seem to imply a terrible backstory. I don't think I'm ready for it. :(

No matter what anyone says, Lena looked stunning in that dress.
May 22, 2021 12:06 PM
Jul 2020
UTMAN said:
RebelPandaSFan said:

I think I am pretty sure YOU don't know what tsundere is m8.
Nah especially from her perspective ,the first time how she reacted over a death looked acceptable. But reacting the way she reacts as if she is still new to this makes no sense

Yeah you have no idea what's a tsundere is. Tsundere is a person who acts though/harsh/aggresive towards an individual, but behind the sceen the person cares deeply for that person and have a soft spot but only when the forementioned person is not around. Please tell me how Lena is a tsundere I'm intrigued.

Everyday we learn something new
May 22, 2021 12:08 PM

Apr 2015
Great episode.

These episodes hit really hard when you least expect it... I loved the fireworks bit. A really nice gesture from Lena (for what it is worth), so that the 86 can have some fun themselves. However how this show used said fireworks to show who died on the battlefield in today's episode is just something else. Even though I don't know their names, the direction of the episode really did make me feel sad about them.

So the truth is finally out huh. The 86 district is an execution ground. If I understood correctly, seems like all kinds of races are being put in the86 for execution, even some of the "white pigs" who have mixed blood. It's sickening that only when the last one has perished, a new 86 unit will be send, only to get slaughtered as well. Simply Genocide. I am just as surprised as Lena that they didn't start a revolution against the Alba (white pigs).

Every time I watch this, I realize how difficult it is what this show tries to pull off, without creating a massive controversy (unless I am not seeing that controversy).

That post credit legion smells like trouble....
May 22, 2021 12:10 PM
Jan 2021
Damn i really wanted to see lena animeted in that black dress. Really good directed episode tho with a little bit of fanservice
May 22, 2021 12:24 PM
Jan 2015
TweedleDane said:
a predictable twist . it was obvious that there was no way the alba would let the 86 free after 5 years of service .
a brilliantly directed ep . the action still needs a bit more clarity in what its trying to show , but this is a trademark of the director , the quick transitions and the juxtaposing of the scenes , so nothing to do about it.

and you are telling me that the only reason the 86 hasnt rebelled or refused to fight is because of their pride and determination to be better than albas , and there is nothing really constraining them ?? i dont know about that....
i mean i can understand the sentiments , but.....
There is more to it than whats been said, not sure if they'll explain it, so chose to open the spoiler with discretion.
My Queens

May 22, 2021 12:29 PM

Jan 2015
The second half of that episode, especially the OST, was marvellous. Those few minutes are probably the best few mins of anime I've watched this season along with Fumetsu episode 1.
May 22, 2021 12:32 PM

Jan 2014
Each and every week this becomes rougher to watch. Not for the wrong reasons, more that this show makes you feel things, and it's just...Oof. Well put together.
May 22, 2021 12:36 PM
Nov 2019
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
so much white guilt in this lol. maybe that is why the score went down by a bit lmfao.

Also i hate that reasoning at the end. Through this whole anime i was thinking "why don't they just afk and let them attack them for revenge" and we get this lame ass excuse.
It was kinda of obvious they were trying to kill them off so they could never complete their term though

So suicide for the sake of revenge is better than trying to survive? OK I guess .
May 22, 2021 12:39 PM
Nov 2019
TweedleDane said:
a predictable twist . it was obvious that there was no way the alba would let the 86 free after 5 years of service .
a brilliantly directed ep . the action still needs a bit more clarity in what its trying to show , but this is a trademark of the director , the quick transitions and the juxtaposing of the scenes , so nothing to do about it.

and you are telling me that the only reason the 86 hasnt rebelled or refused to fight is because of their pride and determination to be better than albas , and there is nothing really constraining them ?? i dont know about that....
i mean i can understand the sentiments ,

There are many things restraining them like walls , minefields and of course Legions .
May 22, 2021 12:41 PM

Oct 2012
7th episode and I haven't skipped the OP yet.
May 22, 2021 12:43 PM

Apr 2018
The timing of the firework was perfect. The visuals were really beautiful.
Welp, they know that they won't be free but they're still fighting. 86rs are a bunch of strong, amazing and prideful people.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
May 22, 2021 12:48 PM

Oct 2018
Fazzan- said:
Phosphophyllita said:
We are probably watching the AOTY, my friends.

The Nouzen Bowl is coming.
This isn’t even AOTS though

As an old friend of mine would say:

If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Perhaps, this is hell.
May 22, 2021 1:06 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
We get to see the festival from both sides and Lena was kind enough to send them fireworks. Lena finally learns the truth from Shin about the 86 division being a killing field as the Alba continues to use them as meat shields and there are no backup to save them until they are all wiped out. Despite all that the 86 are willing to fight even though what the Alba is doing to them is wrong. The only thing Lena can do right now is to not let the 86 die, but that is starting to become harder for her as the Legion is packing some serious firepower.

What happened to Anju's back? Is that some sort of writing or is it scars?
May 22, 2021 1:11 PM
Nov 2019
TweedleDane said:
-Mahesvara said:
There is more to it than whats been said, not sure if they'll explain it, so chose to open the spoiler with discretion.
i guess that would make sense . ( might as well put my comment in a tag , even though it aint really a spoiler) .

You still to considered that 86ers were the one will be danger first not the Alba as they were outside the walls . So even if someone refuses to fight they put danger to themselves first.
May 22, 2021 1:13 PM

Mar 2016
-Mahesvara said:
TweedleDane said:
a predictable twist . it was obvious that there was no way the alba would let the 86 free after 5 years of service .
a brilliantly directed ep . the action still needs a bit more clarity in what its trying to show , but this is a trademark of the director , the quick transitions and the juxtaposing of the scenes , so nothing to do about it.

and you are telling me that the only reason the 86 hasnt rebelled or refused to fight is because of their pride and determination to be better than albas , and there is nothing really constraining them ?? i dont know about that....
i mean i can understand the sentiments , but.....
There is more to it than whats been said, not sure if they'll explain it, so chose to open the spoiler with discretion.

There is also the para-raid which they can’t remove and handlers can connect with them at any time without reservation. This restrains them also cause handlers monitor them as that has been stated to be part of a handler’s job. The anime did not explicitly say so, but it has shown it. Lena can resonate with them without any reservation in the middle of their business (one of many examples would be episode 2’s after credits). The anime shows us how they can’t remove para-raid. They even shower with it. I agree though with your spoiler. The anime has not been very clear about that although it alluded to it
Shishou_23May 22, 2021 1:36 PM
May 22, 2021 1:14 PM

Jun 2014
Damn that's the sad truth of the lives of the 86. They get fed some BS that they'll no longer have to fight after 5 years, but most of them die before then anyway and if not, they basically get sent to their deaths. What a cruel fate.

I really liked the fireworks scene, I thought it added a nice emotional touch to Lena and Shin's conversation.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

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