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May 13, 2021 6:20 AM

Apr 2014
Anyone else having a great time watching this?

I just watched a few episodes and I can say that season 2 feels a lot more relatable and a lot more mature compared to season 1. Obviously, most of us do not box, but the themes being explored are relevant. This is what made Ashita no Joe great.

I'm also really enjoying the soundtrack. Been listening to a few tracks for a whole day now. The artstyle is perfect too.

I feel so retarted for not knowing it was already airing for 6 weeks...

Having a great time though. Binging, snacking and practicing the ending song on my guitar in-between eps.:)
May 13, 2021 6:45 AM
Apr 2020
Darius said:
Anyone else having a great time watching this?

I just watched a few episodes and I can say that season 2 feels a lot more relatable and a lot more mature compared to season 1. Obviously, most of us do not box, but the themes being explored are relevant. This is what made Ashita no Joe great.

I'm also really enjoying the soundtrack. Been listening to a few tracks for a whole day now. The artstyle is perfect too.

I feel so retarted for not knowing it was already airing for 6 weeks...

Having a great time though. Binging, snacking and practicing the ending song on my guitar in-between eps.:)
i’m not into boxing, like, at all, right. but i am seriously enjoying the shit out of this. it’s really good. i really liked season 1 so i was extremely excited when a second season was announced. this season is so good. so much more mature and i love that. man it’s good. i wouldn’t feel too weird about giving it a 9 when it’s over tbh
May 13, 2021 7:04 AM
Jul 2018
Season 2 for me so far has been amazing, depending on how the rest goes I’ll probably like it a lot more than season 1. There’s less boxing, but the story is incredible.
May 13, 2021 7:05 AM
Feb 2021
Man I love the sound design of this show, season two is definitely flying soo much higher than what I expected it'll be
May 13, 2021 8:27 AM
Oct 2020
Hmm, it's good. But this season feels unnecessary almost on DBS and Boruto levels. The themes are great but it's so depressing honestly. I know it's not done but where's the bright side in this? Season 1 had good themes too and bad times as well but it all worked out in the end and had much more energy in it. All the characters are depressed, even the landscape was basically destroyed by a flood. The OP music wise is great but visually is bad due to 100% recycled animation. The closer song is basically gold for this show and is completely appropriate for the shows tone. I just question the point of this sequel. Maybe the creator could've started another franchise instead? And made it a little more polished then Megalo has been? Idk
May 13, 2021 1:10 PM

Apr 2014
Cobalt-Blue said:
Hmm, it's good. But this season feels unnecessary almost on DBS and Boruto levels. The themes are great but it's so depressing honestly. I know it's not done but where's the bright side in this? Season 1 had good themes too and bad times as well but it all worked out in the end and had much more energy in it. All the characters are depressed, even the landscape was basically destroyed by a flood. The OP music wise is great but visually is bad due to 100% recycled animation. The closer song is basically gold for this show and is completely appropriate for the shows tone. I just question the point of this sequel. Maybe the creator could've started another franchise instead? And made it a little more polished then Megalo has been? Idk

What I get from your reasoning is that that the sequel is depressing, therefore, it was not necessary.

How stupid are you
May 13, 2021 3:49 PM
Oct 2020
Darius said:
Cobalt-Blue said:
Hmm, it's good. But this season feels unnecessary almost on DBS and Boruto levels. The themes are great but it's so depressing honestly. I know it's not done but where's the bright side in this? Season 1 had good themes too and bad times as well but it all worked out in the end and had much more energy in it. All the characters are depressed, even the landscape was basically destroyed by a flood. The OP music wise is great but visually is bad due to 100% recycled animation. The closer song is basically gold for this show and is completely appropriate for the shows tone. I just question the point of this sequel. Maybe the creator could've started another franchise instead? And made it a little more polished then Megalo has been? Idk

What I get from your reasoning is that that the sequel is depressing, therefore, it was not necessary.

How stupid are you

Lmfao woah that's not what I meant. The point is the ending of Megalobox one was conclusive enough that this sequel isn't very justified, that's all. Also not stupid for having an opinion... Obviously I don't only watch shows that are happy; that would be boring. I'm watching this weekly just like you are and it's just depressing asf for no reason. And it gets worse literally every week. If there is some bright side at the end of this season OK but if the ending isn't satisfactory after all of this suffering I'll call out the creator for bastardizing his franchise for cashola when he could've have done something entirely new instead. Same thing for the artist that that made mob psycho. Mob Psyco is MUCH better than One Punch Man in a lot of ways. OPM season 2 was a flop compared to the success of the first season.
May 13, 2021 6:44 PM
Oct 2013
Cobalt-Blue said:
Darius said:

What I get from your reasoning is that that the sequel is depressing, therefore, it was not necessary.

How stupid are you

Lmfao woah that's not what I meant. The point is the ending of Megalobox one was conclusive enough that this sequel isn't very justified, that's all. Also not stupid for having an opinion... Obviously I don't only watch shows that are happy; that would be boring. I'm watching this weekly just like you are and it's just depressing asf for no reason. And it gets worse literally every week. If there is some bright side at the end of this season OK but if the ending isn't satisfactory after all of this suffering I'll call out the creator for bastardizing his franchise for cashola when he could've have done something entirely new instead. Same thing for the artist that that made mob psycho. Mob Psyco is MUCH better than One Punch Man in a lot of ways. OPM season 2 was a flop compared to the success of the first season.
So the "creator" bastardized OPM because of the rushed production, poorly planned, over work from J.C Staff??? Y'know the aspects of which he has no control over?? That's not how it works bud, the studio and producers were the ones who "ruined" as you'd put it. If you went and read the source material you'd probably enjoy it just as much as the content season 1 covered. It's not his fault for J.C Staff poorly handling the franchise and the producers rushing them to publish it rather than polishing it.
May 13, 2021 6:47 PM
Oct 2020
I know that. I'm just saying that the new franchise ended up being better then the old one. Production and other issues aside.
May 13, 2021 7:03 PM
Oct 2013
Cobalt-Blue said:
I know that. I'm just saying that the new franchise ended up being better then the old one. Production and other issues aside.
I think that's just where we have to disagree to agree because I wouldn't say Mb100 was better than OPM overall I'd say both share qualities with each other where one may shine better than the other in some aspects and vice versa but imo one isn't just purely better than the other
May 13, 2021 10:21 PM

Apr 2014
Cobalt-Blue said:
Darius said:

What I get from your reasoning is that that the sequel is depressing, therefore, it was not necessary.

How stupid are you

Lmfao woah that's not what I meant. The point is the ending of Megalobox one was conclusive enough that this sequel isn't very justified, that's all. Also not stupid for having an opinion... Obviously I don't only watch shows that are happy; that would be boring. I'm watching this weekly just like you are and it's just depressing asf for no reason. And it gets worse literally every week. If there is some bright side at the end of this season OK but if the ending isn't satisfactory after all of this suffering I'll call out the creator for bastardizing his franchise for cashola when he could've have done something entirely new instead. Same thing for the artist that that made mob psycho. Mob Psyco is MUCH better than One Punch Man in a lot of ways. OPM season 2 was a flop compared to the success of the first season.

Well, in my eyes, Megalo Box S2 does not feel unnecessary at all and it is not a downgrade in quality.
Here, it feels like a step up in almost every apartment.

My only problem with S1 was that, for me, it lacked depth, considering it is a tribute to Ashita no Joe.
It also felt too short which is why the sequel was absolutely necessary.

Not only to make the show last longer but to also add more layers and tribute Ashita no Joe properly.

For example, we didn't explore themes of 'loss' in MB1 and it was a big theme in AnJ.
May 15, 2021 2:21 AM

Jan 2012
define a classic?

I don't think many will rewatch the show because of Season 1.
May 15, 2021 7:36 AM

Dec 2015
Absolutely yes. And it's precisely for what Cobalt-Blue said he didn't liked LMAO. Just because the story arc was conclude, that doesn't mean you can't take this world and characters and create another arc. But the sequel needs to prove itself worthy and stand on its own for it work, and that's what happened with Nomad:Megalo Box 2, precisely because of the "depression". That allowed to create much more powerful moments and make the characters much more profound.

Judging by the current score, it might never get the recognition it deserves in order to be considered a classic, but the quality is here. Just hope it continues providing quality until it finishes.
May 15, 2021 12:54 PM

Apr 2021
Quite possibly! Depending on how well the story ends up being, it could definitely be one of the greats, at least for me.

The unpredictability of this new direction, as well as its unapologetic, painful pessimism this season is brilliantly weaving into Megalo Box's continuing narrative is fantastic. Yet, it still has a similar, undeniable "heart" just underneath the fabric of the story, that made a lot of people fall in love with the series to begin with. How the showrunners are doing this is quite amazing to behold.

Brilliant stuff so far.
phantompain77May 15, 2021 12:57 PM
May 15, 2021 4:07 PM

Apr 2014
thiago52192 said:
Just hope it continues providing quality until it finishes.

Interesting how I also wanted to end most of my messages with "hope it gets a good ending".

I guess we've been scarred far too many times by one episode destroying everything that came before. And it just keeps happening.

Sometimes I think artists are villains who do this on purpose... First you fall in love with their work and then they make you watch it burn.
May 16, 2021 9:01 AM
Jun 2020
Most certainly yes
May 16, 2021 9:11 AM

Jul 2017
It's better than the first season definitely, but I wouldn't call it close to being a classic whatsoever. It's just a fine season, still feel like it's a large distance below the standards of even the start of Ashita no Joe, let alone how it turned out being by the end.
May 16, 2021 11:28 AM
Oct 2013
animejas said:
It's better than the first season definitely, but I wouldn't call it close to being a classic whatsoever. It's just a fine season, still feel like it's a large distance below the standards of even the start of Ashita no Joe, let alone how it turned out being by the end.
I mean you are also comparing something which flourished over 100+ episodes whereas this won't even scratch that, so considering the episode count so far I'd imo said it's done a very good job of what it set out to accomplish
May 16, 2021 11:42 AM

Jul 2017
kidomaro said:
animejas said:
It's better than the first season definitely, but I wouldn't call it close to being a classic whatsoever. It's just a fine season, still feel like it's a large distance below the standards of even the start of Ashita no Joe, let alone how it turned out being by the end.
I mean you are also comparing something which flourished over 100+ episodes whereas this won't even scratch that, so considering the episode count so far I'd imo said it's done a very good job of what it set out to accomplish

I don't even think the episode count plays a major part into my thought process just because of how both shows were conceptualized. Megalo Box's first season for me really was lacking in the storytelling department and made gear feel mostly useless then and the fights themselves lacked impact with its punches and peaks, so while there's improvements in the story and character department with the 2nd season (particularly with Joe who felt too lacking for me in the first season depth wise) to call it a respectable enough season, it still feels really lacking to me to be considered a modern day classic. Just conceptually from the start, not really that great for me really with the start. But that's just my opinion, can respect others' opinions for finding it really good since I can see the appeal.
May 16, 2021 12:02 PM
Oct 2013
animejas said:
kidomaro said:
I mean you are also comparing something which flourished over 100+ episodes whereas this won't even scratch that, so considering the episode count so far I'd imo said it's done a very good job of what it set out to accomplish

I don't even think the episode count plays a major part into my thought process just because of how both shows were conceptualized. Megalo Box's first season for me really was lacking in the storytelling department and made gear feel mostly useless then and the fights themselves lacked impact with its punches and peaks, so while there's improvements in the story and character department with the 2nd season (particularly with Joe who felt too lacking for me in the first season depth wise) to call it a respectable enough season, it still feels really lacking to me to be considered a modern day classic. Just conceptually from the start, not really that great for me really with the start. But that's just my opinion, can respect others' opinions for finding it really good since I can see the appeal.
But how Megalo box was conceptualized was entirely because of the episode count, because as you mentioned the gears felt useless which I can agree with to a certain extent and that's because we only saw from Joe's perspective with limited time if we had more episodes they could've delved into other characters to show how come the gears were so good etc etc. The punches did indeed feel weak and I can't compare it to Ashita no Joe as I haven't watched that yet (Looking forward to doing it whenever I end up doing so) and that's just some poor directing choices which happens. But yeah your reasoning for not feeling it's a classic is perfectly reasonable although I don't agree entirely ;) hehe
May 16, 2021 12:25 PM
Jul 2020
This is literature in making.
Folks this is how you do a depression in anime. Fully realistic to the core.
10 years from now this will be regarded as the cowboy Bebop of this generation
May 16, 2021 3:02 PM
Oct 2012
I agree that S2 was entirely unnecessary, but so far, it is an amazing drama. I am pleasantly surprised by how its turning out.
May 16, 2021 7:51 PM
Dec 2017
I loved season 1 of megalo box and I was honestly scared when they announced season 2 for this show. Those fears have been put to rest. This season is blowing all my expectations out of the water. I could not be more happy with how this season is progressing. Nothing wrong with a good redemption arc to go along with a good soundtrack and top tier animation
May 18, 2021 5:13 PM

Sep 2011
kidomaro said:
animejas said:
It's better than the first season definitely, but I wouldn't call it close to being a classic whatsoever. It's just a fine season, still feel like it's a large distance below the standards of even the start of Ashita no Joe, let alone how it turned out being by the end.
I mean you are also comparing something which flourished over 100+ episodes whereas this won't even scratch that, so considering the episode count so far I'd imo said it's done a very good job of what it set out to accomplish
I love megalo but this logic doesnt hold up at all and theres plenty of examples of less doing more for a plethora of series, one that immediatly comes to mind for me personally is how in the wide span of the entire gundam franchise with their 50 episodes shows and spanning timelines, the one that stands out as the best is the 6 episode ova from 30+ years ago.

Longer episode counts can improve certain things if done right but its not the end all be all and shorter things arent graded on a curve cause of it. Megalo is all killer no filler thanks to its short run time.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

May 18, 2021 6:17 PM
Oct 2013
JizzyHitler said:
kidomaro said:
I mean you are also comparing something which flourished over 100+ episodes whereas this won't even scratch that, so considering the episode count so far I'd imo said it's done a very good job of what it set out to accomplish
I love megalo but this logic doesnt hold up at all and theres plenty of examples of less doing more for a plethora of series, one that immediatly comes to mind for me personally is how in the wide span of the entire gundam franchise with their 50 episodes shows and spanning timelines, the one that stands out as the best is the 6 episode ova from 30+ years ago.

Longer episode counts can improve certain things if done right but its not the end all be all and shorter things arent graded on a curve cause of it. Megalo is all killer no filler thanks to its short run time.
Well of course it wouldn't hold up for every show, you can say that about basically anything shows can be either too long or too short. Although I very much feel like in this case it does the reasoning does hold up. But I'd say you're missing the point with "but its not the end all be all and shorter things arent graded on a curve cause of it" because ofc it's not I love Megalo Box as it is I would've been perfectly fine how it ended with nothing added or removed. I was SIMPLY saying how it could've benefitted from some additional screentime and how Ashita No Joe was able to flourish a lot more because it had the time to do so. Kind of like for example the majority of people agreed that they wish Devil Man Crybaby had maybe 1-2 extra episodes along the latter episodes of that show.
May 19, 2021 2:31 AM

Jul 2019
This thread has hyped me up to watch it. S1 was average for me with the exception of a couple episodes, particularly the army guy episode which I kinda loved. So if this second season is written like that then I'm glad to watch it.
May 19, 2021 6:35 AM

Apr 2013
it's far better than S1 so far. S1 was pretty good imo, but s2 compared to s1 feels like a butterfly compared to its larva. It's like it gained its true colour and maturity; and while it's about megalo box, the general feel I'm getting from it is very different so far imo.
May 20, 2021 10:43 AM
Aug 2017
the first season was a perfect underdog story, this season is the perfect sequel.

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