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Apr 3, 2016 5:34 PM

Nov 2015
Jajaja I laughed a lot with this episode. The 2D animation guy...oh god,
I think the same he does xD Everything I say or think, bam, he says them too.

The eternal (?) war between 2D and 3D. I think this will end quite nice,
with a nice fusion or something.

Taru trying to buy Aoi so she will help him xD
"You look thinner" - "I gained weight"
"Did you cut your hair?" - "Not in two months"
"You look great in those clothes" - I wear this a lot"

The cell where the Director was, it had some hands in the wall xD Creepy-like jaja.

I really love this anime guys, it's so funny and stressful jaja.
Apr 14, 2016 7:01 PM

Jul 2012
Man, Tarou is so bad with communicating..

TV 3D animation right now is pretty bad, but when you look at the CG quality of Final Fantasy VII Advent Children and the upcoming Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive film, I can see people become more accepting of it as the norm for animation. Who knows when we can get to the point where that quality of 3D animation is displayed in TV anime though.
Jun 1, 2016 10:55 AM

Apr 2016
CG might look really cool here and there, but I prefer my anime hand drawn! :)
Jun 6, 2016 3:16 AM

Mar 2015
Battle of the 2D and 3D. Of course, I will prefer 2D. What will happen of the future anime industry if its 3D?? I cant bear it.

I dont like jiggly heaven because the boobs is over sized. Im turning off from it.

ED: Animation - 2.5/5, Song - 2.1/5

Jun 15, 2016 3:24 PM

Sep 2015
This show can do wrong in my eyes man another great episode.

Honda locking the Director in a prison cell to finish the story boards was too funny. I choked a little bit laughing at the piss bucket.

I also thought t the central conflict of the episode about 2D vs 3D was pretty damn interesting and topical. I'm more of a 2D man myself but I thought the 3D explosions looked dope and I like that it wasn't just demonizing the birth of 3D. Mr. 2D key animator was being a big old stick in the mud drama queen too.

My favorite part was the key frame animator going out for drinks with some old legend that worked on what I assume is a Gundam stand in? Sorry if it's a different reference and I'm showing my ignorance here. But anyways the one guy geeking out and old school animator dude being like "were you even born when my show came out" was such an entertaining exchange. I also liked how they showed some clips that looked appropriately dated for the old show so many nice touches like that.
Jun 26, 2016 8:12 AM

Apr 2008
Taro is seriously threatening my desire to continue watching this great anime. He wins first, second, and third place in 'the worst' contest that is being held in his honor. May a satellite fall out of orbit and smash into his head.
Jul 13, 2016 2:50 PM

Jul 2012
On the one hand, people learn by failing. On the other hand, Tarou has a nasty habit of continuing to dig deeper, without actually asking for help - refusing to check himself before he wrecks himself and everyone around him. Under circumstances like this, the reasonable thing to do, no matter how much face it would cost Taro, is to step in, let higher-ups know what happened, and then work with them to fix the problem once they know how bad things have gotten and can make a decision on how to fix things.
Jul 14, 2016 8:16 PM

Aug 2012
The director and Tarou are definitely the saving graces of this show, and the comedy moments stand out a lot more than the dramatic/serious moments. The sheer volume of characters being thrown at me all at once just irritates me and makes watching this show a chore. I don't think I've been this annoyed at a show since I watched WIXOSS, but I've kinda been needing some low-rated shows to balance out my mean rating. At least they're still showing the namecards next to all the MusAni employees as of this episode.

PaleBlue said:
naki12 said:

Yeah. Looks like Director Kinoshita Seiichi directed "Honey and Clover", reference to "Hachimitsu to Clover".

The Honey and Clover reference was nice, but "Full Naked Hypnotist" takes the cake.

Holy shit I dismissed "Full Naked Hypnotist" as a reference to some obscure older anime I haven't watched until I read this post.

Which brings me to another thing: I don't think I've seen enough anime to fully appreciate all of these references made in this show since I only recognize about half of them.
ThreePercentJul 14, 2016 9:49 PM
Aug 1, 2016 11:23 PM

Jul 2013
Sorry but 3D animation still look's only decent at best when it comes to TV series. The top notch 3D animation like in Blizzard's WOW cutscenes look's absolutely gorgeous but 3D of that caliber is really fucking rare and take's a huge amount of effort.

Maybe in the future we get to a point when 3D series don't put us off but right now the 3D series just don't compare to 2D series and "enchanced by CGI" is not true at all.

Anime 3D animators should take note's from video game companies because some games actually do have nice looking cutscenes.
Sep 11, 2016 7:28 PM

Sep 2013
Not a bad episode....

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Sep 22, 2016 7:51 AM

Jun 2016
XD at the spoof anime names

Fullmetal Alchemist = Full-naked Hypnotist
Ghost in the Shell = Grief in the Shell
Super Dimensional Fortress Macross = Superspace Jelly Lacross
Oct 10, 2016 3:28 PM

Feb 2012
Is that a Keroberos plush on the desk?

Since P.A. Works isn't afraid to take the piss out of J.C.Staff in the car racing scenes, is Jiggly Jiggly Heaven a reference to Eiken?

Long Distance Riot Police = Mobile Armored Riot Police (Ghost in the Shell)

And of course Kitano, creator of Kitano Circus in a Gundam-esque anime = Ichiro Itano, creator of Itano Circus that originated in Macross. Likewise handrawing legend Itano's produced the first episode of Gundam: The Origin with its mix of 2D and 3D.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Mar 31, 2017 12:12 PM

Jan 2015
Okay things are heating up a bit. There's still stupid shit like the director getting caged, but now they're actually touching on controversial topics and conflict arise.
And what's with anime in general, you see horrible slapstick humor everywhere but when a guy genuinely deserves to punched in his fuckin face he gets out scott-free ? Tch.
Apr 8, 2017 7:40 PM

May 2010
I really hope I won't have to work with someone like Takanashi in the future, how is that they haven't fired this guy yet T_T

Also, I believe imprisonment ISN'T socially acceptable way of forcing people to work yet LOL.
Apr 9, 2017 6:22 PM

Mar 2017
Takanashi is an asshole

i hate him :/

猫はかわいいです。 (ꈍ ‸ ꈍ)

Aug 16, 2017 7:30 PM

Jun 2013
I liked the discourse about 2D vs 3D. I agree with Kitano, both methods can be valuable tools.

It's a miracle Takahashi still has his job. I probably would have screamed his head off a few times by now if I had been Miyamori, so kudos to her for being able to keep at least some of her cool when dealing with him. He just keeps making things worse and worse and he never listens. Honda is creepy, but at least he's not an annoying buffoon like Takahashi, and at least he actually gets things done.

Oh, not only is Takahashi incompetent, but also an insufferable, tactless douche bag in general. "I don't like girls who drink." F*ck off.
LeeTailorAug 16, 2017 7:43 PM
Oct 4, 2017 12:01 AM

Sep 2015
I really like the animation supervisor girl.
Oct 5, 2017 3:39 AM
Jun 2012
Wow, Takanashi is something else. That was beyond simple miscommunication. That was a masterfully executed act of sabotage. Except, of course, don't blame on malice what can be explained by stupidity, and all that.
Jan 10, 2018 8:25 AM

Apr 2015
Locking the director up in a prison to finish his work? That's a unique, effective, and possibly illegal solution.

His first director work was...The Naked Hypnotist? That's an interesting title for an anime. My god, Jiggly Jiggly Heaven looked bad.

And then Jesus himself came to explain to some old-timers that 3D animation ain't all that bad.

"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Dec 23, 2018 10:31 PM

Aug 2015
As others have said: fucking Taro.

I'm the side of Endou here though, Japanese 3D animation is a crime against humanity in my opinion
Jan 24, 2019 6:33 PM

Oct 2012
Goooooood I hate this Tarou boy so much :( Do your job right, or at least go and listen to people yelling at you when you make mistakes.
Mar 9, 2019 11:26 AM

May 2016
That damn Taro really messing with the whole studio don't know why they don't fire him already.
Apr 21, 2019 6:00 AM

Feb 2018
Funny episode especially prison scene xD.
May 30, 2019 7:09 PM

Sep 2016
I agree tho with how when 3D effects are well blended with 2D its amazing.
Oct 14, 2019 9:32 AM

Apr 2013
Wonder why Takanashi is still working there, he's screwing up just everything he gets his hands on.
Apr 3, 2020 7:18 AM

Dec 2015
Hi, how are ya.

I paused in the middle of episode 5 just to come here & say that I legitimately HATE that Tarou guy with a passion, and it isn't even worth explaining the reasons as to why. I hope he dies pathetically & rots in a sack, even if his character ends up improving by the end of the series.

That's all, gonna go back to the episode now. Thank you.
Leaves from the vine~
Apr 16, 2020 10:25 PM

Jan 2019
Although Takanashi most times fucks it up, I think this time (surprisingly) it wasn't his fault. It was Tendou who started bitching about 2D > 3D and being a drama queen about the whole "that scene needs to be epic" blah blah when his part wasn't even started.

Like, you didn't even started and boss told you to not to do it. Nobody cares if tou like 2D or 3D better, shut up and follow your boss's orders. I don't think Takanashi fucked it up this time because that weird chat between Tendou and 3D guy shouldn't have existed in the first place, Tendou needed to shut up instead of deciding what was better for an anime in which he isn't even the director.
Jan 17, 2021 6:07 AM

Jul 2017
The concept of 2D vs 3D animation as the theme of the episode was a good one to tackle, wish it was handled a bit better though since it was mainly marred by how incompetent Takanashi was at mediating the entire situation, making mistakes at every possible moment and not tiny ones too, especially with the end.

For me, I prefer 2D but if 3D can be used without sticking out too much and used to really enhance the intensity and choreography of scenes with talented staff backing it, that really does have some potential like with how Beastars utilized 3D animation for the most part and had some amazing cinematography at times.
Mar 8, 2021 8:03 AM

May 2015
I would watch jiggly jiggly heaven!
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Mar 24, 2021 9:55 PM

Jan 2010
I didn't expect a 2D vs. 3D animation argument to get brought up so quickly, much less get halfway solved in such a short amount of time. I've seen arguments for both, and I've seen both done both well and badly. I think they're not necessarily comparable, as their aesthetics and applications can differ greatly, depending on what a show is trying to accomplish. That being said, both can learn from each other, and some of my favorite applications of both involve using 3D animation as an underlay for 2D animation to draw over. It helps to understand complex motions, as well as alleviating the need to draw things from scratch. I still miss the days of pure 2D animation, but I'll accept anything as long as it looks good. How is "good" qualified? Well, that's the crux of the issue, I suppose.
May 4, 2021 2:58 AM

Aug 2019
how has Takanashi not been fired yet? dude has fucked up twice already and I imagine he’ll only do so more considering there’s 20 more episodes
Aug 3, 2021 6:17 AM

Aug 2018
if people like Tarou IRL exist, his job will be no more.

But yeah he's a funny dude imo, he's a comic relief character and if not for him I bet the overall atmosphere on that studio will be monotonous af.
May 17, 2022 5:23 AM

Feb 2021
taro is definitely needed in the show bc characters like him can exist and be irresponsible but man he’s so annoying i hope they fire him
Jun 2, 2022 7:03 PM
May 2016
Tarou is the reason why the whole series got more episodes Lol
i don't know if i should thank him or not Lol
because without him the studio could be more efficient LMAO
Apr 16, 2023 6:37 PM

Dec 2019
I was so confident that key might've been for a locker and they'd wave goodbye to that fatass but a prison cell works too
Nov 13, 2023 7:27 PM
Jan 2023
Fire Takanashi, I've never been so pissed off from a anime character
Feb 17, 2024 9:42 AM

Jun 2015
Why is this idiot still working there? He should have been fired long time ago. Dude caused a feud that wouldn't have been there if it weren't for him.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Feb 26, 2024 11:12 AM
Dec 2022
3D anime can look very good. There’s a few good example of 3DGI anime movies like „Hello World“. That movie is incredible, graphics-wise. And computer games like Final Fantasy or even hack Genshin show that 3D animation can look extremely good. (and in the west we obviously have many 3D animation studios) Even blending 3D with 2D can look pretty decent as you can see in Makoto Shinkai movies like „Weatgering with you“ or „Suzume“. Even older shows like „Clannad“ had 3D which at that time didn’t look that back (nowadays you clearly notice that it’s a bit old)

The issue However is simply that most TV-anime have shitty cheap 3D, which looks very bad. Many studios (as seen in this show) treat 3D like a „backup“ solution in case of time or staff shortages. But if that’s the way they think about it, it’s bound to get bad. And there’s many examples of shows where I absolutely hate the 3D part.

In short: please stick to 2D as we all know and love it, and only make 3D shows/part when you treat it seriously and have good animators capable of the 3D part
Spiele_maus - Vocaloid, Anime & Manga Otaku

Hatsune Miku is my life! <3

Mar 12, 2024 2:17 PM
Dec 2018
I prefer 2D drawing to 3D drawing, but the points of view between them are worth discussing
Jun 12, 2024 7:47 AM

Jun 2022
Well , Yellow Hair Sure Was Amusing .
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