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Apr 30, 2021 6:28 AM

Nov 2011
Not a beach episode but they still got into their swimsuits at the water park. SSSS. Dynazemon's fan service episode is finally here LOL

Yomogi and Yume being pretend couple was kinda awkward. At least everyone seems to had fun this time around. Also got a bit of mech action although I found it more amusing than the usual fights.
Apr 30, 2021 7:26 AM
Aug 2016
Cool episode

swimsuit Mujina>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

cool action too
Apr 30, 2021 7:32 AM

Feb 2019
Swimsuit Mujina and Yume got me about to act up Fr. Pretty chill episode overall with a lot of fan service. Shimizu is an interesting character. The Kaiju eugenecists in general don’t seem like bad people, just have different ideals.

Obviously the big reveal is that Yume’s sister is rumoured to have committed suicide instead of dying in an accident, tough cliffhanger to leave off on there

5 eps in and I’m really loving Dynazenon. Obviously there’s going to be comparisons to Gridman, but I think they are different types of shows and by comparing this to Gridman you’re going to be disappointed. This is clear setup for expanding Trigger’s Tsuburaya universe. They’ve found their cash cow and I hope they keep milking it.
Apr 30, 2021 7:37 AM

Feb 2019
Spider isekai swimsuit episode followed by a dynazenon episode.

I wonder if this is the week of swimsuits. not complaining ;)
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Apr 30, 2021 7:42 AM

Mar 2008
Yume's sister killed herself supposedly. That split second flashback of her sister face down in the water was rough to see.
Apr 30, 2021 8:14 AM
Sep 2015
Yes, an equal fanservice for every gender! In fact, there's men in swimsuit more than women, which I appreciate very much! (Onija is very big in his tight speedo)
Apr 30, 2021 8:33 AM
May 2017
Hesmiyu said:
Spider isekai swimsuit episode followed by a dynazenon episode.

I wonder if this is the week of swimsuits. not complaining ;)

this weeks episode of spider isekai is also good too great week anime in general tbh

Apr 30, 2021 8:47 AM
Nov 2020
Marinate1016 said:
Obviously there’s going to be comparisons to Gridman, but I think they are different types of shows and by comparing this to Gridman you’re going to be disappointed.

I don't know; I've been having fun doing so. If anything, this is looking to be a good follow-up to Gridman: the main cast (except Gauma) makes me think of where Akane could be after Gridman.
Apr 30, 2021 8:51 AM

Feb 2019
thenewguy512739 said:
Marinate1016 said:
Obviously there’s going to be comparisons to Gridman, but I think they are different types of shows and by comparing this to Gridman you’re going to be disappointed.

I don't know; I've been having fun doing so. If anything, this is looking to be a good follow-up to Gridman: the main cast (except Gauma) makes me think of where Akane could be after Gridman.

Cool story. Good for you
Apr 30, 2021 8:58 AM

Jul 2017
A half-pool, half-swimsuit fanservice episode lols, because you could do better to deliver somewhere to retain viewership.

Dynazenon is looking more slick with its different forms...if it can keep it altogether.

The abject look of Yume on her sister's rumored passing accident (which it turned out to be suicide); Sizumu being more active to hopefully be baited by Gauma with the looks of desperation, and the couple act of Yomogi and Yume (who's just chewing churros away). Gauma being treated like a kid under discipline is just some funny shit.

Nothing to say about the oh-so-usual episodic Kaiju fights, it's just experimentations upon experimentations to see more of Dynazenon's forms.

Brew more of that underlying story.
Apr 30, 2021 9:24 AM

Jul 2015
Oh boi.. a beach episode.. and ofc the reasoning for going to the beach be damned!
but i don't mind! even tho Mujina screen time was low.. it was still nice seeing the thicc beauty..
looks like we are actually hitting plot early this time unlike Gridman where plot happened quite late..
Apr 30, 2021 9:38 AM

Oct 2020
A pool fanservice episode! Ahh, Gauma's antics are as funny as ever. Swimsuit Mujina is just superb; her thighs are so thicc. The abrupt ending really came as a surprise.
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Apr 30, 2021 10:27 AM

Jun 2020
Well, Yomogi and Minami interaction actually so awkward but hey it's somehow cute, love them, I want to see it more.

It's just me or look like everyone except Gauma and that red haired guy don't have any motivation to fighting? The fight scene was cool and I agree with that but unlike SSSS Gridman, it feels so forced to add in here.

At least Trigger give us another great episode with blessed thighs + Yomogi and Minami cute moment.
Apr 30, 2021 10:47 AM

Jun 2015
Everyone: "Oh yeee, swimsuit episode"
Me: Kaiju debris targeting Onija running gag lmao

Also Gauma: "Let's hurry everyone but no running!"
Pool staff: ...

Good comedy
Apr 30, 2021 11:25 AM

Jan 2009
damn they should have focused more on Mujina but Yume is not bad too

so Yumes sister did suicide eh
Apr 30, 2021 12:10 PM

Dec 2015
Damn. Yume is really hot in the bikini.
Apr 30, 2021 12:43 PM

Oct 2018


If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Perhaps, this is hell.
Apr 30, 2021 1:24 PM

Jul 2017
Phosphophyllita said:



It's almost as if this series does not dedicate itself to providing fanservice to the viewer and instead chooses to work it into the series' natural progression.

Not to mention Yume is a minor?
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"If Seinfeld isn't your favorite anime, then you aren't watching anime correctly."
- Me

Apr 30, 2021 1:38 PM

Nov 2012

Yume's sister was the other person with the Ankh like some people speculated. Wonder what Chise's connection to Inamoto is aside from Koyomi? 🤔 Based on the OP Chise is wearing the same uniform Inamoto was in the flashback as well.
VarendantApr 30, 2021 1:46 PM
Apr 30, 2021 2:55 PM

Aug 2011
By now I had already guessed suicidal was the reason but that cliffhanger DESTROYED ME

» Escapism.

Apr 30, 2021 3:50 PM

Mar 2012
I may overthink, but in this restaurant at the beginning of the episode, there's music from Op Ore, Twintails ni Narimasu.
Apr 30, 2021 5:01 PM

Aug 2020
This anime is clearly one of season's best, and this episode is one of the proofs of it. Nice water park episode, with some wholesome scenes of the group. The way the characters act is always so natural that it's impressive. The battle against the kaiju was nicely done, with a great soundtrack (same song that appeared a couple of minutes before, but with a more powerful atmosphere). The last scene was shocking and made me feel goosebumps. Let's see what next season has to offer.

Already one of my favourites stories of the year

Apr 30, 2021 6:09 PM
Jul 2018
What a cool episode, the animation of the robot was very good, I hoped it was going to be bad.
Apr 30, 2021 7:14 PM
Oct 2020
I see they're spending more time developing the romance sub plot with Yomogi and Minami which is completely unnecessary buy hey... It also seems like repressed memories are resurfacing the more that Minami digs up information on her sister. That water PTSD kicked in strong. Apparently her sister killed herself. The mystery of Hinami's sister is one of the most interesting facets of this show. Her death probably explains why Hinami is the way she is (forgot the right name) and is akin to good physiological anime in that respect. I feel like this will be completely independent of the main plot which I'm fine with. I'm also interested in the shut ins interactions with his former classmate. The middle schoolers relationship with the shut in, the bandage on her arm and her role as sub on Team Dynazenon. Gauma's strong grudge toward the enemy group and an explanation for the enemy groups lax attitude and why they even fight. And last but not least Yomogi having work,school, his role on Team Dynazeon and now a relationship will be thrown into the mix. How will that effect his standing in his initial friend group and his interactions with his family? Hopefully all my questions will be answered before ep 12. Looking foward to next week.
Apr 30, 2021 7:46 PM
Oct 2020
Marinate1016 said:
Swimsuit Mujina and Yume got me about to act up Fr. Pretty chill episode overall with a lot of fan service. Shimizu is an interesting character. The Kaiju eugenecists in general don’t seem like bad people, just have different ideals.

Obviously the big reveal is that Yume’s sister is rumoured to have committed suicide instead of dying in an accident, tough cliffhanger to leave off on there

5 eps in and I’m really loving Dynazenon. Obviously there’s going to be comparisons to Gridman, but I think they are different types of shows and by comparing this to Gridman you’re going to be disappointed. This is clear setup for expanding Trigger’s Tsuburaya universe. They’ve found their cash cow and I hope they keep milking it.

Different types? Not necessarily. They're both mech anime, both made by trigger and both are in the same universe.

Gridman is def more straight mech combat, with character stuff taking the back seat. The show felt empty and was (quite literally) just a stage to fight on. The main plot wasn't too memorable and the ending basically made everything not matter (which it didn't from the start when you really think about it). The stuff with the god was a good message but came across as corny because of how it was done. I'm not into mech anime like that, but if people that liked Gridman don't like Dyna, Gundam seems pretty appropriate as a similar franchise.

Dynazenon is objectively superior to Gridman in basically every way. Mech fights are good but not the focus. The interpersonal relationships across this cast are varied and interesting. Their personal lives mixed with their collective responsibilities of piloting Dynazenon keeps this show really fresh, down to earth and close to reality despite the Zord type combining mechs. Even the different combinations of all the mechs is more varied then Gridmans (ex dynawing/soldier:enabling, emotionally compatible pilots| dyna striker/soldier: more of a glass canon, unstable, pilots out of sync). Even the buildings (and people who died) dont come back. Im invested in all of the characters at ep 5 and hope all their story arcs/problems can be resolved by the end of the show.
Apr 30, 2021 8:19 PM

Jul 2017
Holy shit.

I love the dynamic between heroes and antagonists. They could easily kill eachother if they wanted, but act like nothing happens when a kaiju isn't involved.

And the show is slowly but surely getting darker.

The final line cut abrubtly by the ending is just genius.

"It wasn't an accident, it was sui-"


My only complaint is this week's fight wasn't that good, which I can sort of understand since it wasn't the main focus.

Even if you kill me, even if you kill anyone, even if you reset science… There’s always an idiot who will try anything, and the shiny monkeys will inevitably create a technological civilization.

Apr 30, 2021 8:21 PM

Jul 2017
Oh I forgot, there's a 38 seconds churro scene. 10/10.

Even if you kill me, even if you kill anyone, even if you reset science… There’s always an idiot who will try anything, and the shiny monkeys will inevitably create a technological civilization.

Apr 30, 2021 8:32 PM

Feb 2019
Cobalt-Blue said:
Marinate1016 said:
Swimsuit Mujina and Yume got me about to act up Fr. Pretty chill episode overall with a lot of fan service. Shimizu is an interesting character. The Kaiju eugenecists in general don’t seem like bad people, just have different ideals.

Obviously the big reveal is that Yume’s sister is rumoured to have committed suicide instead of dying in an accident, tough cliffhanger to leave off on there

5 eps in and I’m really loving Dynazenon. Obviously there’s going to be comparisons to Gridman, but I think they are different types of shows and by comparing this to Gridman you’re going to be disappointed. This is clear setup for expanding Trigger’s Tsuburaya universe. They’ve found their cash cow and I hope they keep milking it.

Different types? Not necessarily. They're both mech anime, both made by trigger and both are in the same universe.

Gridman is def more straight mech combat, with character stuff taking the back seat. The show felt empty and was (quite literally) just a stage to fight on. The main plot wasn't too memorable and the ending basically made everything not matter (which it didn't from the start when you really think about it). The stuff with the god was a good message but came across as corny because of how it was done. I'm not into mech anime like that, but if people that liked Gridman don't like Dyna, Gundam seems pretty appropriate as a similar franchise.

Dynazenon is objectively superior to Gridman in basically every way. Mech fights are good but not the focus. The interpersonal relationships across this cast are varied and interesting. Their personal lives mixed with their collective responsibilities of piloting Dynazenon keeps this show really fresh, down to earth and close to reality despite the Zord type combining mechs. Even the different combinations of all the mechs is more varied then Gridmans (ex dynawing/soldier:enabling, emotionally compatible pilots| dyna striker/soldier: more of a glass canon, unstable, pilots out of sync). Even the buildings (and people who died) dont come back. Im invested in all of the characters at ep 5 and hope all their story arcs/problems can be resolved by the end of the show.

Alr fam it ain’t that deep. I said what I said
Apr 30, 2021 9:04 PM

Jan 2011
sometimes this show tends to be like 100times more funnier than i think they were intending ,that churro scene went on for what felt like a hour and it just got funnier the longer it went on.

though the Yume backstory drops really take this from 0 to 100 before you can process it god damn
May 1, 2021 12:23 AM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Yume was looking at Chise's forearm cover, which seemed at first to be a fashion thing. But it's definitely a bit inconvenient to have at the pool (or at least it wouldn't be very comfortable). I wonder if it's to cover cutting scars or some injury that she doesn't want anyone to question her about.
May 1, 2021 12:57 AM
Jan 2019
Most underated anime of the season I think. 6.9 is pretty low for this I think. Great episode. That scene where she was eating the churro was great.
May 1, 2021 1:00 AM

Oct 2008
Mujina in 2-pc swimsuit...STILL THICC!!!

May 1, 2021 5:02 AM

Oct 2017
Dyna soldier striker combine looks cool. Yume x Yomogi progressing pretty smooth. Also Mujina looked thicc in swimsuit.
May 1, 2021 5:42 AM

Oct 2016
I guess it's gonna be tradition now for the Gridman universe to have an episode dedicated to swimsuits, let's fucking go lmao. Great episode! Character interactions continues to be amazing, those long pauses when Yomogi was talking with Yume while she was eating that churro was so awkward lmao, it's so good and feels so natural.

With how goofy and chill the Eugenicists are, I am 100% sure they are not the bad guys, they seem like good people to me, I think? Though I wonder who the real enemy is exactly. Mujina just wanting to relax in the onsen was cute.

That ending was brutal, cutting it off with "suic-" was a nice touch. I guess Yume's sister drowned herself? Looking forward to the next episode and finding out how Yume's sister exactly died.
May 1, 2021 5:48 AM

Jan 2013
Was it an instrumental version of Ore, Twintails ni Narimasu's opening playing in the cafe ??
May 1, 2021 7:27 AM
Apr 2020
Nerumanu said:
Was it an instrumental version of Ore, Twintails ni Narimasu's opening playing in the cafe ??

Checked with the internet and the actual song, yes it is Twintail's OP.

Also, the music playing at the cafe in the episode's end is Hoshikuzu no Curtain by Mimori Suzuko.
May 1, 2021 7:41 AM

Jul 2011
Yes, the required swimsuit episode, and it was great. Besides, the great battle, and fan services, I liked the interactions between Yume and Yomogi. Overall good episode.
May 1, 2021 8:23 AM

Jun 2019
Some horny angles here and there, but a very good episode with a very good cliffhanger
May 1, 2021 8:55 AM

Jun 2013
I hate that I found the churro scene as funny as I did.
May 1, 2021 10:05 AM
Apr 2020
animedude1287 said:
Yes, the required swimsuit episode, and it was great. Besides, the great battle, and fan services, I liked the interactions between Yume and Yomogi. Overall good episode.

There's also a voice drama extra featuring the kaiju eugenicists at the water park shortly after their loss. With only 30 mins left until closing time, we get more insight into their team dynamic.
May 1, 2021 12:45 PM

Feb 2012
03:37 We finally see Kano in her entirety. So it is her hand holding the other Ankh in the opening...

04:14 Koyomi on his date with Inamoto. I believe she isn't divorced yet but is unhappy about her marriage. She broke a window in middle school. So perhaps Koyomi took the blame for her, got expelled and became a NEET and she is reaching out to him now because she feels responsible? Chise says the same thing as Inamoto in the flashback "Wanna see something neat?"

07:18 From eating fresh crabs to crab sticks. We can guess what Gauma's favourite food is.

07:48 Gauma has scars on his back. He's a 5000 year-old mummy after all. 08:05 So Chise still has a sleeve in the pool and Yume notices this. Is Chise hiding scars? The first episode explains the meaning of SSSS as "Scarred Souls Shine like Stars"

11:43 Some insight into how Kano died; falling into the river, making falling into water traumatizing for Yume. This could be why Yume hanged around the top of the tower (likely where Kano fell to her death), and she was asking guys out only the stand them because Kano may have been in a similar situation.

17:30 Another throwback to Gridman The Hyper Agent with the attack names ending in "Storm Alpha" and "Storm Beta".

21:32 Onija surviving is a running gag.

21:37 Not McDonald's; "MusashiBou's". Kano's death in a river it's rumored to be a suicide, not an accident.
Fortress_MaximusMay 1, 2021 1:06 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
May 1, 2021 3:27 PM

Nov 2013
I thought it was gonna be a chill beach/pool episode mid-season but we still got a quick fight in the end and yeah I think we all already suspected that it was suicide but i wonder what was the reason
May 1, 2021 4:46 PM
May 2018
I really like the long scene where Yume was eating a churro. That was nice.
May 1, 2021 4:54 PM

Jul 2014
HOT DAMN! That's a pretty good angle of Minami. That said, what the hell is she wearing? That looks pretty small... It looks like Rika's, only instead of wearing a second swimsuit over it, Minami has shorts.

Then we have Mujina... Man, she is so hot and cute! I love how she didn't want to leave the park and then wanted to come back as soon as possible xD. Too bad we didn't see more of her because she looked amazing in her swimsuit, God bless the fanarts it brought at least.

The episodes go by and the Eugenicists don't seem like bad guys, at least until they make the kaijus go crazy destroying everything.

Chise is hiding something on her arm, isn't she? I don't think it's normal for her to always have it covered and Minami seems to have noticed.

Gauma's constant failed plans were hilarious and the churro scene was weird but great haha.

The flashbacks of Inamoto and Koyomi are so intriguing. At first glance it might seem like she's just a potential love interest for him but it seems like there's so much more behind it.
May 1, 2021 5:36 PM
Mar 2015
A beach episode Worst since Bleach beach episode
May 1, 2021 5:43 PM
Jul 2018
I loved Minami swimsuit outfit. Not god tier like Rikka, but amazing even though. Good scene of her eating churros as well
May 1, 2021 7:08 PM
Nov 2020
I just remembered that Gridman's 5th episode (which was also a swimsuit one, funnily enough) was the last "boring" episode. Hold on to your butts next week.
May 1, 2021 7:11 PM

Jul 2014
Why'd they have Yume wear shorts! wanted to see that booty! definitely a downgrade compared to Rikka, but Yume does have better color design.
Mujina was freaking hot tho! but damn she didnt have that much screen time!
Anyways that ED got my eyes popping out, wtf?
May 2, 2021 10:02 AM

Jun 2016
im more interest with yume & yomogi relationship and also yume's sister backstory
May 2, 2021 4:39 PM

Jan 2018
Much like Gridman, this is starting to pick up as it progresses. I suspected Yume's sister to have committed suicide, and it seems like maybe it will be a running theme. I suspect that we will find out, due to Yume taking notice in the dressing room at the water park, that Chise maybe cuts herself (she kept one arm sleeved, and as stylish as it may be, I suspect it's alluding to self harm).

Also, a theory of mine is this is the world Akane created from SSSS.GRIDMAN, which at the very end we saw restored beyond the outside of the city, across the globe, by Gridman's fixer beam.
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