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Mar 26, 2021 5:52 PM
Jan 2019
JJK just finished! This has literally everything you can want from a battle-shounen anime. What did you like about it the most? If you didn't, why?
Pages (4) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Mar 26, 2021 5:54 PM

Jul 2020
I didn't like it because it is trash and it is boring.
Mar 26, 2021 5:55 PM
Jan 2019
Bloomberry said:
I didn't like it because it is trash and it is boring.

Why was it trash and boring? Lol
Mar 26, 2021 5:58 PM

Aug 2020
Bloomberry said:
I didn't like it because it is trash and it is boring.

Why was it trash and boring? Lol
Quit it, it just looks like it's trolling
a wise user of MAL said:
Just to clarify, adaptations should absolutely stand on their own
Mar 26, 2021 6:07 PM
Mar 2018
Yeah, I completely agree. I’d say JJK is peak shonen.

It takes all the shonen tropes and elevates it to the next level. Its not deepest show, but it does what it does best and the result is an incredibly entertaining show.
Mar 26, 2021 6:11 PM
Mar 2021
It’s ok. I’ve read the manga and it’s nothing special. The most 7/10 a Shonen can possibly get. The animation def carried this season tho just like KNY.
Mar 26, 2021 7:11 PM

Feb 2021
Yeah it’s overrated but fun. I guess as long as ppl don’t start saying nonsense like “this is peak fiction” then idc. It’s very flawed but it’s one of the better shounen jump series to make a big splash like the 90s and early 2000s
Mar 26, 2021 7:19 PM
Sep 2020
Ethereal-peace said:
Yeah it’s overrated but fun. I guess as long as ppl don’t start saying nonsense like “this is peak fiction” then idc. It’s very flawed but it’s one of the better shounen jump series to make a big splash like the 90s and early 2000s

I agree with everything u said, also “Peak Fiction” shouldn’t be used so lightly and does not mean popular or anything. I’m okay with jjk and I’ll leave it at that, it kept me interested enough to watch the anime till the end so it’s something I definitely enjoyed.
Mar 26, 2021 7:37 PM

Jan 2018
I'd say it's a passable shounen. My main issues lie in the tropes themselves that plague most battle shounen so I can't really say anything other than how it doesn't do anything new and doesn't stand out amongst the rest. It's far from bad, but I'd say it's around average-good.
Mar 26, 2021 7:49 PM
Oct 2019
FactSpitter said:
It’s ok. I’ve read the manga and it’s nothing special. The most 7/10 a Shonen can possibly get. The animation def carried this season tho just like KNY.
i wonder if you caught up to the latest chapter, how the hell its boring
Mar 26, 2021 7:54 PM

Oct 2019
The best part about it is Mahito and Gojou Satoru, they are pretty fcking cool.
I really loved the darker colors MAPPA brought to this show though, it was great to watch. MAPPA really outdid themselves.
Mar 26, 2021 7:56 PM

Dec 2016
can't adhere to your sentiment, I honestly thought it's one of the most unimpressive battle shounen I've seen to date.

not baad, just without it's own identity and personality to make me feel "yeah, it's generic but it's still it's own thing". I didn't get that with JJK.
Mar 26, 2021 8:12 PM
Mar 2021
Zwel said:
FactSpitter said:
It’s ok. I’ve read the manga and it’s nothing special. The most 7/10 a Shonen can possibly get. The animation def carried this season tho just like KNY.
i wonder if you caught up to the latest chapter, how the hell its boring
I fell it was kinda rushed.
Mar 26, 2021 8:15 PM

Nov 2010
It's a very solid battle shounen anime with great production value much like KNY and BHA. I personally don't find any of these three to be on the level of HxH, OP or FMA but I would say that JJK comes closest to them because it has the most interesting special power concept/system and the lowest number of obnoxious characters (pretty much just Toudou and another yet to be revealed character from the manga). Would easily recommend it to anyone who likes the genre.
Mar 26, 2021 8:25 PM

Nov 2020
I'd have to agree for the most part, at its best this show has raised the bar for how fun a shounen can be. The animation, fight choreography, music, direction, pacing and characters involved just ooze with passion and creativity. This anime adheres to the "Rule of Cool" more than any other I've seen and succeeds at it with flying colors. Is it silly watching a panda gorilla beat up a robot, or a teenage witch get chased by someone with nails and a squeaky hammer? Yes it is, but the show relishes in these absurd details and has fun with them, creating sequences that I can't help but enjoy. It's a show I'm laughing with rather than laughing at if that makes sense.

It's different compared to other shounen. My Hero goes for a more emotional, straight forward approach which takes itself more seriously, which results in a real genuine and nice show to watch, but its flaws do stand out more as a result. Black Clover is a show that knows what it is and is good fun, but the uneven production and inability to make some tropes feel more fresh means it trips over itself a decent amount despite its good intentions. JJK of course is far from perfect too, the fast pacing means it can be a little hard to get truly invested in some aspects of the story, and in many respects it is just another routine shounen. But it's all done with such confidence and finesse that it's always a blast, and much like Demon Slayer I feel there is potential for it to become even better in the future.
Are ya winning, diners?
Mar 26, 2021 8:29 PM
Jul 2018
Bloomberry said:
I didn't like it because it is trash and it is boring.

Don't burn yourself on that hot take berry boi.
Mar 26, 2021 8:30 PM
Jul 2016
Orochiro said:
It's a very solid battle shounen anime with great production value much like KNY and BHA. I personally don't find any of these three to be on the level of HxH, OP or FMA but I would say that JJK comes closest to them because it has the most interesting special power concept/system and the lowest number of obnoxious characters (pretty much just Toudou and another yet to be revealed character from the manga). Would easily recommend it to anyone who likes the genre.

Im kinda curious about what character yet to be revealed do you mean because none comes to mind tbh and i find Todo to be one of the best and most memorable/charming characters imo, he is soo far away from being a Bakugo, Mineta or a Zenitsu.
TheBlackPlagueMar 26, 2021 8:35 PM
Mar 26, 2021 8:32 PM

Jun 2017
Watching it right now. It's awesome. The kind of show that you will binge without a problem because it's so easy to watch. It's not peak shounen, not right now at least but the author knows what he is doing so let's see.
Mar 26, 2021 8:44 PM
Mar 2021
It's an average shonen. Nothing great but nothing bad either. At least it's better than Bleach, Naruto, Dragon Ball and Black Clover.
Mar 26, 2021 8:48 PM
Oct 2020
I like the show its good and I read the manga but there's few things i didn't like (not all of them about the anime itself)

1- its waaay over hyped i mean i get its good but you can't compare it to the greats like death note, aot, one peice etc...

2-the characters development is very very fast like the protagonist was a weak man 20 minutes ago but he managed to do the black flash 4 times in a row with 15 mins of training? Same with nobara

3-toxic fanbase: i don't like shippers in any anime but at the end i dont hate on them i let them i let them do their thing but i discovered that a BIG part of the fanbase support pedophile and incest ships, like there was a poll of the best ship and no.1 was between a characters and his father (the character is 15) with 49 k votes. what?

4-i wouldn't say the story itself is very original.

At the end i would give the first season a 7/10
Moe132Mar 26, 2021 11:26 PM
Mar 26, 2021 8:51 PM
Mar 2021
Moe132 said:
I like the show its good and I read the manga but there's few things i didn't like (not all of them about the anime itself)

1- its waaay over hyped i mean i get its good but you can't compare it to the greats like death note, aot, one peice etc...

2-the characters development is very very fast like the protagonist was a weak man 20 minutes ago but he managed to do the black flash 4 times in a row with 15 mins of training? Same with nobara

3-toxic fanbase: i don't like shippers in any anime but at the end i dont hate on them i let them i let them do their thing but i discovered that a BIG part of the fanbase support pedophile and incest ships, like there was a poll of the best ship and no.1 was between a characters and his father (the character is 15) with 49 k votes like what

4-i wouldn't say the story itself is very original.

At the end i would give the first season a 7/10
Agreed it's just another Demon Slayer where the animation and the fights carry the show.
Mar 26, 2021 8:54 PM
Jul 2019
In my opinion, Jujutsu Kaisen is a “good” but not amazing anime. It’s definitely not bad, the production value of the animation studio guarantees that even if you absolute dislike the storyline and characters, you can’t hate the fights. In this case, the plot and character dynamic aren’t half bad either.

And even though you won’t find any ultra-amazing plot twist like with Attack on Titan, or super developed characters like in Hunter x Hunter, it’s not like you need to turn off your brain to enjoy it like with some other shows.

I would even say that the anime even improved on the manga (which I’m caught up with) since I’m enjoying the beginning arcs much more in anime form than the manga version.

To summarize, I feel like JJK doesn’t have enough good point for it to shine brilliantly like that of HxH or Aot or Mob Psycho, but it stands out from the rest of the generic shonen anime.
Mar 26, 2021 8:59 PM

Jan 2019
It's a good anime but it's not thaat good , it's just average ... (in my opinion)
Story : 4
Characters : 7
Animation : 9
Mar 26, 2021 9:08 PM
May 2020
xx_ibrahimd_xx said:
JJK just finished! This has literally everything you can want from a battle-shounen anime. What did you like about it the most? If you didn't, why?

It's really average for now.It feels like a mix of lot of other shounens but it sometimes doesn't go well.
I prefer black clover over this tbh but black clover in beginning wasn't any better than jjk too so jjk might become better in future but rn it's really average and something I won't suggest anyone
Mar 26, 2021 9:08 PM
Jan 2018
It's good but overhyped. I like JJK but it's a lil bit overrated.
Mar 26, 2021 9:13 PM
Jan 2019
ScottMerica said:
I'd have to agree for the most part, at its best this show has raised the bar for how fun a shounen can be. The animation, fight choreography, music, direction, pacing and characters involved just ooze with passion and creativity. This anime adheres to the "Rule of Cool" more than any other I've seen and succeeds at it with flying colors. Is it silly watching a panda gorilla beat up a robot, or a teenage witch get chased by someone with nails and a squeaky hammer? Yes it is, but the show relishes in these absurd details and has fun with them, creating sequences that I can't help but enjoy. It's a show I'm laughing with rather than laughing at if that makes sense.

It's different compared to other shounen. My Hero goes for a more emotional, straight forward approach which takes itself more seriously, which results in a real genuine and nice show to watch, but its flaws do stand out more as a result. Black Clover is a show that knows what it is and is good fun, but the uneven production and inability to make some tropes feel more fresh means it trips over itself a decent amount despite its good intentions. JJK of course is far from perfect too, the fast pacing means it can be a little hard to get truly invested in some aspects of the story, and in many respects it is just another routine shounen. But it's all done with such confidence and finesse that it's always a blast, and much like Demon Slayer I feel there is potential for it to become even better in the future.

Well said. 👏
Mar 26, 2021 9:28 PM
Feb 2021
YEESSSS Soooo good, i never watched anime wth this felling. LIKE OMGG💖💖😭
Mar 26, 2021 9:31 PM

Jan 2019
I next to never watch shounen, or at least battle shounen, but I agree it was so good. It really surprised me. I mean I just randomly picked it up. It wasn't even from a recommendation or anything.
Mar 26, 2021 9:35 PM

Dec 2019
xx_ibrahimd_xx said:
JJK just finished! This has literally everything you can want from a battle-shounen anime. What did you like about it the most? If you didn't, why?


I found the fights to be good especially Maki's fight but

everyone in the show acts so badass that its hard to like at times its probably why useless miwa is my favorite character cause she actually admits to being useless and weak and gets as depressed as much she simps over Gojou

also on Gojou I found him to be way to talkative that it became slightly annoying but he still was relatively okay in my books and I liked this scene with him

I really really just wish most of the characters didn't act 100% badass all the time it feels like their is literally no character personality balance everyone is a badass, hardass, smartass, jackass, or asshole in JJK

which is why I really like Miwa only person I relate to on that show
TheGuiltManMar 26, 2021 9:44 PM
Mar 26, 2021 9:38 PM
Jul 2018
Wow the replies above are just saying its average. I think I watched the wrong show.

OT: Yea its really good. With the first 5 eps I thought of dropping it and thought it was pretty average but good god I didn't. Maybe it was a bit early for it to earn AOTY award and they hype it got but popularity doesn't change that its some quality shit.
Mar 26, 2021 9:39 PM

Jan 2020
Yep. Jujutsu kaisen was amazing and I'm hoping a sequel will happen

Mar 26, 2021 9:45 PM
Jan 2019
ManWild said:
Yep. Jujutsu kaisen was amazing and I'm hoping a sequel will happen

Me too, other than the movie which is a prequel.
Mar 26, 2021 9:46 PM
Feb 2019
xx_ibrahimd_xx said:
Bloomberry said:
I didn't like it because it is trash and it is boring.

Why was it trash and boring? Lol
don't mind him dude, he's just a troll or something
Mar 26, 2021 9:46 PM
Feb 2019
xx_ibrahimd_xx said:
Bloomberry said:
I didn't like it because it is trash and it is boring.

Why was it trash and boring? Lol
don't mind him dude, he's just a troll or something
Mar 26, 2021 9:48 PM

Dec 2019
Bloomberry said:
I didn't like it because it is trash and it is boring.

I've never head this take on JJK before

Mar 26, 2021 9:55 PM
Jan 2017
For real, l love it till the end
Mar 26, 2021 9:56 PM

Oct 2020
Aight way too many people with opinions. Here's my input, JJK is just as good as they say it is. That's all
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Mar 26, 2021 9:58 PM
Mar 2021
JJK and KNY got top tier treatment. Unlike inconsistent treatment like Haikyuu and MHA.
Mar 26, 2021 9:59 PM

Aug 2020
when will the next season air?
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Mar 26, 2021 9:59 PM
Mar 2021
Wallup said:
Aight way too many people with opinions. Here's my input, JJK is just as good as they say it is. That's all
JJK is overrated and overhyped but it’s still good.
Mar 26, 2021 10:01 PM

Oct 2020
FactSpitter said:
Wallup said:
Aight way too many people with opinions. Here's my input, JJK is just as good as they say it is. That's all
JJK is overrated and overhyped but it’s still good.

JJK isn't overhyped and overrated and it's just as good as they say it is.

You should change your name to CapSpitter to be honest
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 26, 2021 10:10 PM

Oct 2020
FactSpitter said:
It’s ok. I’ve read the manga and it’s nothing special. The most 7/10 a Shonen can possibly get. The animation def carried this season tho just like KNY.

You did say it was overrated in your forum post before which I see that you have deleted it
Mar 26, 2021 10:21 PM
Jun 2015
Should I binge watch this? I heard it's alot like HXH which is my all-time favorite anime. Idk it was really hard to get into it the first couple of episodes.
Mar 26, 2021 10:32 PM
Jun 2020
FactSpitter said:
Zwel said:
i wonder if you caught up to the latest chapter, how the hell its boring
I fell it was kinda rushed.

wait what part of it felt rushed again?
Mar 26, 2021 10:32 PM
Jan 2017
hmm I wouldn't say it's similar to HXH tbh... but I can see a little bit of battle shounen similarities.
Mar 26, 2021 10:35 PM
Mar 2021
Wallup said:
FactSpitter said:
JJK is overrated and overhyped but it’s still good.

JJK isn't overhyped and overrated and it's just as good as they say it is.

You should change your name to CapSpitter to be honest
JJK is an average Shonen.!
Mar 26, 2021 10:36 PM
Jun 2013
FactSpitter said:
JJK and KNY got top tier treatment. Unlike inconsistent treatment like Haikyuu and MHA.

Inconsistent treatment? Hahahaha my God, how spoiled someone has to be to actually criticizes Production I.G 11/10 treatment with Haikyuu, and no, the artstyle change in the last season wasn't "inconsistence" it was actually the opposite, to be consistent with the author's art, MHA also has nearly perfect treatment by Bones.
Mar 26, 2021 10:36 PM
Mar 2021
anime_abhi said:
FactSpitter said:
I fell it was kinda rushed.

wait what part of it felt rushed again?
I felt the whole thing with Choso and the other dude was resolved way too quickly.
Mar 26, 2021 10:37 PM
Mar 2021
Shinuki_n_Reborn said:
FactSpitter said:
JJK and KNY got top tier treatment. Unlike inconsistent treatment like Haikyuu and MHA.

Inconsistent treatment? Hahahaha my God, how spoiled someone has to be to actually criticizes Production I.G 11/10 treatment with Haikyuu, and no, the artstyle change in the last season wasn't "inconsistence" it was actually the opposite, to be consistent with the author's art, MHA also has nearly perfect treatment by Bones.
Sure did you see the 2nd half of S3 and S4 for MHA shit was treated poorly.
Mar 26, 2021 10:38 PM
Dec 2020
This season was really good but as a manga reader it feels like it’s going down hill steadily idk I’m just not enjoying it as much as I would like too maybe that will change with this upcoming arc I’m not sure what it is
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