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So I'm a Spider, So What? (light novel)
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Mar 12, 2021 4:58 AM

Nov 2011
Heh, I find it amusing how Kumoko motivates herself again to make the best of her life.

From the other side, it looks like the Kingdom is having trouble dealing with the demons. Looks like one of those episodes with high stakes especially for the humans.
Mar 12, 2021 5:59 AM

Jun 2019
The king and the others are going through sadness because of Julius's death. Looks like they've already decided on the new warrior.
The Old man Ronandt is here, he's called the strongest wizard in that world but against our Kumoko, even he couldn't handle himself. They barely got off from there, they both could've been killed there. I gotta say Kumoko looks dangerous from the humans' POV. Looking forward to what's going to happen next.
Mar 12, 2021 6:05 AM

Jan 2021
Taboo Level 10. And a direct message from the system. Big secret coming?

Also best geezer.
Mar 12, 2021 6:28 AM

Nov 2019
The human side of the story is getting more and more interesting and intense, and I'm loving it.

Meanwhile, Aoi Yuuki as usual talks to herself but without much action this time. Nevertheless, she is always a joy to watch and listen to.
Mar 12, 2021 6:49 AM
Jul 2018
interesting backstory for those humans and stuff cool stuff with that hero kid. also, was that taratect that that old dude encountered the demon queen girl now? not much kumoko action this episode but maybe we'll get to see some more next time, cant wait to see her new evolution.
Mar 12, 2021 6:55 AM

Feb 2019
Damn this episode felt like it was only 5 minutes long! Really interesting backstory with Ronnadnt and the human side of things this week. The cut at the end made it seem like the nightmare is the demon lord now.

Stats wise it looked like Kumoko too, I’m thinking it was another person who was isekai’d who became the nightmare.

Things certainly getting more and more interesting, hopefully it keeps up.
Mar 12, 2021 6:57 AM
Apr 2017
does any reader know when will she get out of the labirinth? (ep estimation)
Mar 12, 2021 7:00 AM

Apr 2016
This was surprisingly short episode when comes to kumoko’s rambling .. THANK GOD.

rcozm said:
does any reader know when will she get out of the labirinth? (ep estimation)

The thing is, there's more to it than just her getting out of the labyrinth ...
Mar 12, 2021 7:13 AM

Sep 2009
correct me if I'm wrong but is Kumoko story set in the past and the Human are the present time? There seems to be heavy hints of this.

It also hints that she may be the Demon Lord as well.
Mar 12, 2021 7:13 AM

Sep 2018
I'm actually shocked that some people still don't get that there's a 15 year timeline split between Kumoko and the humans. Wasn't it extremely obvious that the spider back then was Kumoko? She doesn't look as cute from the humans' perspective.
Stop wasting time on MAL, go watch Planet With!
Mar 12, 2021 7:14 AM

Jan 2015
Amazing episode, even better than the last one.
Kumoko has the very first battle with some humans, and we see Ronandt both from 15 years ago and from present line. What a blessing

Also, Shun’s meeting with the king and his other wad highly entertaining as well, and the OST was pretty giod.

Kumoko, now known as Nightmare of the Labyrinth, on her way to make things spicier!
New evolution next episode
Mar 12, 2021 7:15 AM
Dec 2017
Ellenwitch said:
For sure bet she's gonna be mistaken for that spider years ago I bet lol. Good episode, would've loved more of the Spider on screen, but is what it is.

I mean, wasnt it hinted several times already that Kumoko is the Nightmare. The Nightmare you see is just in the outsider's POV. You could see it from Julius' flashback last episode. Kumoko's appearnace from her POV is different.

komic said:
correct me if I'm wrong but is Kumoko story set in the past and the Human are the present time? There seems to be heavy hints of this.

It also hints that she may be the Demon Lord as well.

This was already said last episode man, not hinted, but said. Fei hatched from an egg retrieved 15 years ago in the Labyrinth. Same egg that Kumoko tried to eat
Mar 12, 2021 7:18 AM

Oct 2014
Do people not understand that Kumoko was the one who fought the humans this episode? Thats what she looks like to humans.
Sasuke or Kaneki I can't decide
Mar 12, 2021 7:20 AM
Oct 2016
That crazy looking monster that Ronandt and them ran into was Kumoko?!?! How?? She looks so different from how they giant monstrosity looked! My mind is blown right now tbh! Does she see herself a different way than others would see her if they ran into her like what happened here? That whole scene with Ronandt trying to access the monster had me on the edge of my seat. They were totally out matched. Apparently Kumoko was just trying to tell them off but killed them! Damn that's crazy. Kumoko has gotten super powerful but I didn't think she was strong as that.
Mar 12, 2021 7:22 AM
Mar 2021
spaesu said:
interesting backstory for those humans and stuff cool stuff with that hero kid. also, was that taratect that that old dude encountered the demon queen girl now? not much kumoko action this episode but maybe we'll get to see some more next time, cant wait to see her new evolution.
Marinate1016 said:
Damn this episode felt like it was only 5 minutes long! Really interesting backstory with Ronnadnt and the human side of things this week. The cut at the end made it seem like the nightmare is the demon lord now.

Stats wise it looked like Kumoko too, I’m thinking it was another person who was isekai’d who became the nightmare.

Things certainly getting more and more interesting, hopefully it keeps up.

Last episode they made it pretty clear kumoko is 15 years ago and will become the demon lord. And she is the nightmare. Did u not watch the end? She was literally talking about the battle
Mar 12, 2021 7:23 AM

Apr 2013
That felt like a 5min episode. Also omg the bad puns at the end with the new evolution name lol.

I was thinking that with this new episode now even peoples who didn't understand the catch last episode would definitely get it now, but looking at this thread, there are still several peoples above who completely missed the point. At this point I think it's amazing, considering how the show was dropping big hints from episode 1 and was very very obvious and very blunt with them these last 2 episodes. O_o"

Anyway, the geezer was interesting but I'm a bit disappointed he didn't really show anything back then before choosing to teleport. I mean looking at the result it was the right call, but that was a bit anticlimactic. I didn't expect Kumoko to be that strong compared to even to class humans already, man, these triple evil eyes are working wonder against humans, guess that compared to high level monsters they're lacking too much resistance to counter it.
Didn't know she could block appraisal too, interesting.
While we didn't see anything from the geezer, we did see some cool summons (they're a form of summons right?) by the other survivor, so that was cool.

Mar 12, 2021 7:25 AM

Apr 2020
I'm more impressed by the fact that how kumoko was looked like from human perspective. Just a simple and normal looking spider that is no different from other spiders but just with so overpowered

Poor old man only if kumoko can communicate to humans. soldiers wouldn't have been killed
Mar 12, 2021 7:26 AM
Jun 2007
Darn didnt realised that until this ep that she was the "nightmare"
Mar 12, 2021 7:31 AM

Oct 2017
Is Julius really dead? I dun think he died. Cause uh death might not be the only condition to lose the Hero title. Maybe he became a demon or something.

Lol so Kumoko is that strong eh, kinda surprising. I didn't think she's that strong. Also I really wanna know what connection does the demon lord have with Kumoko.
Mar 12, 2021 7:34 AM
Dec 2017
Well we finally see Ronandt battle and the birth of the Nightmare of the Labyrinth.
And in case someon is lost, yes, the spider Ronandt saw was Kumoko. Go to the appraisal part and you'll see that it has Pride, Perseverance and more important Wisdom.
Also, yes , she ate the corpses too. Finally out girl is cannibal in both body (Taratect) and mind (Human).

The whole time we see Kumoko from her POV there's a moe filter running with her too.
In the novel it's explained that Spiders don't have neck so she can't turn her head and there's also no water in the labyrinth to reflect her image. She has never saw her own body and that's why she try to imagine herlself as a non-scary spider.
What the humans saw is her true form.

P.D: Too bad that they skipped the battle from Kumoko's POV.
The first 3 dead soldiers were an accident but the she noticed that humans give a lot of EXP. The soldiers start to run and she said "wait! My EXP is running away!" and that's the reason she killed all of them.
linkhuesitosMar 12, 2021 7:37 AM
Mar 12, 2021 7:37 AM

Dec 2010
Damn, animators trolled me hard, believe anime faces were her true face but no, she is a true monster in the eye of the other beings, why the animators do not use the monster face? Anime face is really odd and out of place, her true form was so evil cute and precious (and more close to the manga). >_>

Really, anime form is a crap with this stupid pig face and ears. T_T
Fn76Mar 12, 2021 7:42 AM
Mar 12, 2021 7:39 AM

Oct 2017
linkhuesitos said:
Well we finally see Ronandt battle and the birth of the Nightmare of the Labyrinth.
And in case someon is lost, yes, the spider Ronandt saw was Kumoko. Go to the appraisal part and you'll see that it has Pride, Perseverance and more important Wisdom.
Also, yes , she ate the corpses too. Finally out girl is cannibal in both body (Taratect) and mind (Human).
Adding to what you already said Ronandt's appraisal clearly stated that it was a Zoe Ele lvl 19. After that battle Kumoko became Zoe Ele lvl 20 and is now evolving.
Mar 12, 2021 7:41 AM

Jan 2014
While I didn't really like the human side of things at first, but will say, the developments episode by episode have gotten more interesting for sure.

Damn, that's how strong she'll become? Or that the humans back then were total weak lol.
Mar 12, 2021 7:41 AM
Sep 2015
It's kinda hard to root for her when you know she's a murderer, and the self-defence excuse can't cover up her action anymore. I think she still doesn't realized herself that her moral is lower each time her dark skills upgraded.
Mar 12, 2021 7:43 AM

Mar 2019
Ayyy, Taboo 10, Kumo still looks pretty cool when viewed from the humans POV.

Mar 12, 2021 7:44 AM
Jul 2018
LooselyCarrot said:
spaesu said:
interesting backstory for those humans and stuff cool stuff with that hero kid. also, was that taratect that that old dude encountered the demon queen girl now? not much kumoko action this episode but maybe we'll get to see some more next time, cant wait to see her new evolution.
Marinate1016 said:
Damn this episode felt like it was only 5 minutes long! Really interesting backstory with Ronnadnt and the human side of things this week. The cut at the end made it seem like the nightmare is the demon lord now.

Stats wise it looked like Kumoko too, I’m thinking it was another person who was isekai’d who became the nightmare.

Things certainly getting more and more interesting, hopefully it keeps up.

Last episode they made it pretty clear kumoko is 15 years ago and will become the demon lord. And she is the nightmare. Did u not watch the end? She was literally talking about the battle
oh really, i thought she was a small spider though, she looked pretty big in the fight and the heroes looked different but idk. also, didn't know 15 years had passed since the start, the timeline is kinda confusing with all the students and stuff too
Mar 12, 2021 7:44 AM

Apr 2020
I love how in our eyes, she's just our cute little spooder :3 and when you at the the adventurers POV, she's a straight murder machine on steroid. (And she's just level 20 at that time, so imagine how OP she gets when she reach level 50, 75 or even 100).
Mar 12, 2021 7:45 AM

Aug 2013
Kumoko looks dangerous from the human's point of view and this episode basically confirms she's the Demon Lord, right?

The humans stood no chance against her.

Mar 12, 2021 7:45 AM

Apr 2020
Fnights said:
Damn, animators trolled me hard, believe anime faces were her true face but no, she is a true monster in the eye of the other beings, why the animators do not use the monster face? Anime face is really odd and out of place, her true form was so evil cute and precious (and more close to the manga). >_>

Really, anime form is a crap with this stupid pig face and ears. T_T

I think they're both cute >:3
Mar 12, 2021 7:47 AM

Dec 2010
Leo said:
Kumoko looks dangerous from the human's point of view and this episode basically confirms she's the Demon Lord, right?

Uhm, i don't think so, or at least not the the spider girl in full human form we see till now but something else. She will become a demon lord? With such power and tabù level 10 probably.

SupChoco said:
I think they're both cute >:3

Really, her true face is more gorgeous, shark mouth, evil full red eyes, hairy spikes, ha ha! :D
Fn76Mar 12, 2021 7:51 AM
Mar 12, 2021 7:49 AM

Mar 2021
Ohh man it only gets juicier from now on, cant wait
Mar 12, 2021 8:02 AM

Sep 2019
Now that was great, everything should be clear as a day now.
Mar 12, 2021 8:06 AM

Jul 2020
I really like that from the human perspective Kumoko looks terrifying
The way they made Ronandt characters expressions horrified about Kumoko made this scene so incredible satisfying

Also, for those who want to know what the "Height of Occultism" skill is that Kumoko has

Mar 12, 2021 8:09 AM
Dec 2017
Fnights said:
Damn, animators trolled me hard, believe anime faces were her true face but no, she is a true monster in the eye of the other beings, why the animators do not use the monster face? Anime face is really odd and out of place, her true form was so evil cute and precious (and more close to the manga). >_>

Really, anime form is a crap with this stupid pig face and ears. T_T

The novel does the same. The "moe" form is just her imagination, her true form is the black shadow in the background.
Mar 12, 2021 8:10 AM

Jul 2017
Do we still believe that Julius DID die under the Demon Lord's hands?

The loss of Julius only means more grief for Schlain/Shun, as he now carries Julius's Hero title, and the dreams and ambitions of decimating the demon army.

With more world-building lore of the human world, plus the strongest wizard Ronandt's backstory of 15 years past and the encounter with an S-grade Queen Taratect with many logged skills like Kumoko's, it's a raging battle that puts even the strongest people to ultimate disadvantage.

The Nightmare of the Labyrinth...didn't think we'll get to that point this soon.
Mar 12, 2021 8:28 AM

Jan 2021
KANLen09 said:
Do we still believe that Julius DID die under the Demon Lord's hands?

The loss of Julius only means more grief for Schlain/Shun, as he now carries Julius's Hero title, and the dreams and ambitions of decimating the demon army.

With more world-building lore of the human world, plus the strongest wizard Ronandt's backstory of 15 years past and the encounter with an S-grade Queen Taratect with many logged skills like Kumoko's, it's a raging battle that puts even the strongest people to ultimate disadvantage.

The Nightmare of the Labyrinth...didn't think we'll get to that point this soon.

Nah that wasn't the S-Grade Queen Taratect. The monster that best geezer encountered was a Lv19 Zoa Ele (which is pretty much confirmed to be our Spider). Queen Taratect was the monster that destroyed one of the fortresses.
Mar 12, 2021 8:30 AM
Jun 2020
I'm probably wrong but was that spider supposed to be kumoko? Or someone else. I feel like I'm wrong but.
Mar 12, 2021 8:31 AM

Jul 2014
komic said:
correct me if I'm wrong but is Kumoko story set in the past and the Human are the present time? There seems to be heavy hints of this.

It also hints that she may be the Demon Lord as well.

Yeah you can see the old mage say "15 years ago" and talk about the encounter and then in the post ending scene , we go to Kumoko who has just lived through the encounter.

What we can assume is that while the rest of the reincarnators were undergoing their childhoods and living life as nobility, Kumoko was in the dungeon. So,15 years prior to the human arc is where Kumoko's arc is running.

Yeah the Demon Lord having the same eye color, thread/web powers, referencing yamada heavily suggests that Kumoko has managed to evolve her way to a demon lord and is for some reason now waging war against humans.
Mar 12, 2021 8:36 AM

Oct 2014
CringeExpert said:
I'm probably wrong but was that spider supposed to be kumoko? Or someone else. I feel like I'm wrong but.
It was obvious that it was Kumoko. She even ranted about them after the credits.
Sasuke or Kaneki I can't decide
Mar 12, 2021 8:39 AM

Jan 2021
CringeExpert said:
I'm probably wrong but was that spider supposed to be kumoko? Or someone else. I feel like I'm wrong but.

It's a Lv19 Zoa Ele with the same skills as Kumoko (from Ronandt appraisal). We then have Kumoko complained about her house being burned and then level-up to a Lv20 Zoe Ele.

I'll leave that for you to decide.
Mar 12, 2021 8:40 AM

Jan 2020
LooselyCarrot said:
spaesu said:
interesting backstory for those humans and stuff cool stuff with that hero kid. also, was that taratect that that old dude encountered the demon queen girl now? not much kumoko action this episode but maybe we'll get to see some more next time, cant wait to see her new evolution.
Marinate1016 said:
Damn this episode felt like it was only 5 minutes long! Really interesting backstory with Ronnadnt and the human side of things this week. The cut at the end made it seem like the nightmare is the demon lord now.

Stats wise it looked like Kumoko too, I’m thinking it was another person who was isekai’d who became the nightmare.

Things certainly getting more and more interesting, hopefully it keeps up.

Last episode they made it pretty clear kumoko is 15 years ago and will become the demon lord. And she is the nightmare. Did u not watch the end? She was literally talking about the battle

Yeah i know about 15 yeats ago but when did they say she will be a demon lord? i mean its totally possible that there are students other then kumoko that reincarnated as monsters and one of them became demon lord. That's what i thought happened, thread power isn't only limited to spiders is it?
DayyanoEYEMar 12, 2021 9:03 AM
Mar 12, 2021 8:41 AM

Apr 2018
I love the fact that Kumoko is definitely different from the human's POV, I can imagine how it must be terrifying for them, but for us, we just see a cute and lovely spider xD
Mar 12, 2021 8:52 AM

Sep 2019
Kumoko looks scary from their eyes and she's really strong. No wonder they lost to her.
Mar 12, 2021 9:12 AM

May 2015
rcozm said:
does any reader know when will she get out of the labirinth? (ep estimation)

My best guess is episode 12 thats going by the title of next week. Could be 13 if things get dragged out but I kinda doubt they will.
billybubMar 12, 2021 9:16 AM
Mar 12, 2021 9:16 AM

Jul 2017
Altter said:
KANLen09 said:
Do we still believe that Julius DID die under the Demon Lord's hands?

The loss of Julius only means more grief for Schlain/Shun, as he now carries Julius's Hero title, and the dreams and ambitions of decimating the demon army.

With more world-building lore of the human world, plus the strongest wizard Ronandt's backstory of 15 years past and the encounter with an S-grade Queen Taratect with many logged skills like Kumoko's, it's a raging battle that puts even the strongest people to ultimate disadvantage.

The Nightmare of the Labyrinth...didn't think we'll get to that point this soon.

Nah that wasn't the S-Grade Queen Taratect. The monster that best geezer encountered was a Lv19 Zoa Ele (which is pretty much confirmed to be our Spider). Queen Taratect was the monster that destroyed one of the fortresses.
Thanks for the clarification, easy to mistake those taratects.
Mar 12, 2021 9:32 AM
Jan 2018
This was a really good episode, but I still can't get over the fact that they revealed the time difference just like that. That mystery was one of my favorite aspects of the LN. Granted, they handled it differently from the very beginning, so it was kind of to be expected
Mar 12, 2021 9:39 AM

Jan 2020
We know the family of the hero, I am almost sure that one of the two brothers is jealous of Shun to obtain the title of hero

While what everyone affirmed in the previous chapter has become very clear in this one, there is a 15-year difference between one timeline and another ... how difficult was it to wait one more chapter for them to affirm it?

Kumo-chan's human perspective is beautiful, now to wait another week to see the result of his evolution!

Humans may have two eyes, but we can only see one thing
Don't use the scores to see an anime
ええい! なんでも やって やる
Mar 12, 2021 9:40 AM

Nov 2016
Wow, this was fire.

The contrast between the cheerful Kumoko we got to know and the infamous Nightmare of the Labyrinth is crazy.

The tension in this episode wasn't comparable with what I've seen elsewhere, mainly for one reason.

We were actually there when the Nightmare struggled to gain power, we basically accompanied a legend in the making instead of just getting introduced to it through exposition. Having that additional attachment to the character by witnessing her grind and the overall familiarity added a whole new sensation to the encounter. I guess Overlord would come close in that regard, but imo it's more rewarding here thanks to the slower pace.

Man, there doesn't seem to be an end to the enjoyment of this series.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 12, 2021 9:42 AM
Sep 2020
I am honestly glad they skipped Kumoko's pov on the fight since it does work in novel form and makes the fight much more interesting but I don't really see it working much in anime form
Mar 12, 2021 9:44 AM

Feb 2018
Ede Saine! Let's go! Now the story finally starts lol.

And yeah, Julius is dead, The titles of Hero and Demon Lord are special and only one person can have it at a time. We will have more POVs on the war so don't worry, it'll be covered sooner or later.

I really want to see people trying to say the human side is boring or that it has no purpose from this episode onwards, it's bond to have some interesting and funny arguments.
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