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May 11, 2013 3:58 PM

May 2012
Damn what an awesome episode, the show sure is getting better by the chapter, both sisters finally reunite and well all is made up, although we don't know for sure who the real dad is my guess is that they don't come from two different men. The ending was just too great, the happy reunion of the whole family! I really loved this chapter, lets see what's next!
May 28, 2013 5:03 AM

Sep 2011
All those feels ;_;
Came close to shedding a few tears, but didn't happen in the end :/

One of the best episodes and the best route so far. It's a shame that it wasn't the same as in the VN (I heard it's more intense), but this was powerful anyway.
There were a lot of heart wrenching moments, both sad and happy. Like when Haruka was thrown out, Kanata with all her bruises, them as children making the promise, Kanata telling the truth while crying, Haruka embracing Kanata and the two making up, and finally when they went back to their parents together as sisters :)
I expected Kanata's reason for all this to be something like this.

Those relatives should be killed... I wonder why haven't any of the parents tried to call the police on them, maybe it's their influence...

I also wonder if Riki not reaching Mio by phone and her not appearing completely has any significance.

Looks like it's gonna be Kud's route now, I can't wait! I hope it's gonna be at least this good :)
Jun 12, 2013 9:39 PM

Jan 2013
Another pretty amazing episode.
Though I feel everything ended a bit too perfectly. Still some open questions.
Jul 18, 2013 12:20 AM

Nov 2012
finally.. XD that ending XD
this arc is best so far :3

Tasuku- said:

Damn, poor girl D:

holy shit! this scene.. is really really :( damn I'm crying right now :(
Jul 25, 2013 4:40 PM
Jul 2010
Am I the only one still wondering how they could be considered twins, even though they're supposed to have two different fathers? That scenario is so poorly written, I'm not surprised to see J.C. Staff behind the anime.
Jul 26, 2013 4:30 AM
Feb 2013
Krayzel said:
Am I the only one still wondering how they could be considered twins, even though they're supposed to have two different fathers? That scenario is so poorly written, I'm not surprised to see J.C. Staff behind the anime.

Its possible
Jul 26, 2013 7:32 AM
Jul 2010
badgerkins said:
Krayzel said:
Am I the only one still wondering how they could be considered twins, even though they're supposed to have two different fathers? That scenario is so poorly written, I'm not surprised to see J.C. Staff behind the anime.

Its possible

I knew it was possible with animals but I never heard of such a thing with humans. Considering the low chances for it to happen, I guess that's not surprising... And I still find it hard to accept, what kind of relationship is that, haha.
Aug 19, 2013 1:49 PM

Jan 2013
One of the best episodes yet! I didn't tear up, but that sisterly love was still touching!

I'm still a bit confused how this anime is rated so poorly..
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Sep 8, 2013 7:04 AM

Feb 2011
So Haruka's arc is over. I wonder whose arc will be coming up next.
Sep 17, 2013 7:13 PM

May 2013
Woah i really pity Haruka and Kanata and when Haruka was thrown out and landed on the mud .I was like very angry
Jan 14, 2014 7:58 AM

Nov 2011

The issue has become perhaps the most dramatic of the BGM that how you see it.
As usual lack of emotional impact, but in the end is cute and effective while not having an effect of 100%!
Cute arc in the line and from what we can expect from the Key, unfortunately, does not seem to be the next on the same line, you will return to waste time on unnecessary things? Mah...!

We will review the twins in the future?
Jan 30, 2014 8:09 AM

Jun 2011
Funya-Usagi said:

but the rain scene sucked asshole. For those wondering why we were anticipating the rain scene, it's because in the visual novel haruka originally had a pair of scissors and tried to kill kanata. (the screams were heart wrenching..)

I was watching that raining scene and remembered that a lot of you were anticipating that, and I was like " ..., uhm.. what next?", so in short, they lessen the impact of that scene..

To be honest, I really dislike the narrating choice they made, they could've show us what happened in the past, instead of making one character voice it all, and I also dislike how everything seems to come together so easily, way too convenient.

Despite all the downs, the end almost broke me, it was great that they could reunite with their family.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Mar 8, 2014 12:10 AM

Apr 2012
the sister reconciliation and family reunion at the end was sweet. The dialogue still feels cheesy though, but overall a decent episode.

Apr 15, 2014 11:32 PM

Aug 2013
It was a nice arc but it felt lacking. Like even when Kanata told Haruka the reason why she was cruel to her, it just didn't connect. That or I'm a cold and heartless :s
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jun 21, 2014 4:39 AM
Jul 2018
I have to say: This was a perfect Episode :)
Aug 10, 2014 7:55 AM

Jul 2013
That was the greatest episode I've ever watched in this series. It got me through the feels, such a powerful and beautiful episode.
Sep 24, 2014 11:23 AM

Aug 2013
Damn, someone call the CPS already so they can arrest that fucking family! What is this, the seventeenth century?!

Well, everything ends alright I guess. They no longer hate themself and found back their family. The drunk dad seem to be sober too.

It felt a bit too much overly dramatic to me that I had a bit of difficulties to follow what was going on, but the overall was sweet.

Chiffon cake Episode 18 - Never forget.

Now, I guess that there will be a Kud arc. Prepare for the the Wafuu!
How are you and I'm fine thank you!
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Sep 30, 2014 7:14 AM

Oct 2013
This arc is the first in this series so far where I've been really struck with the feels. Got dem tears in mah eyes. >.>

<3 Haruka.
Oct 23, 2014 7:08 PM
Jul 2018
Beautiful ending to this arc. Of course, I hear it was done better in the visual novel, with scissors or something, so I'm excited to start reading the VN in the near future.
All in all though, fantastic, I cried a bit!
Dec 20, 2014 10:59 PM

Jul 2012
Pretty good episode. It defiantly got me the closest to tearing up then anything else in the show so far, but I had just got finished with Hanako's route in Kawata Shoujo so my mind was already wrapped up in that and not very focused on the episode.

Plus I have what I refer to as Clannad: After Story syndrome where my feels have been locked in a vault and nothing comes close to unlocking the sadness that that show can bring out.
Jan 13, 2015 3:07 PM

Feb 2013
Wow, straight to the OP.Best episode yet. One of your uncles suggested eliminating one of you?! Is that even legel!? WTF?! Aww, they're not going to tell us who's Haruka's father is? I wanted to know! Haruka's Arc is the best so far. It looks like we're going to move onto Kud's Arc? Yes! Onto the next episode!
Jan 25, 2015 9:30 AM
Dec 2011
I'm wondering don't they have police, government, or even children's rights community in Japan?!!!!
The fucked up family doing whatever they want to these children and no body giving a shit...!!
This crap only happen in a middle age era.
and why did their parents abandoned them?!
Unfortunate, there are a lot of flaws in this arc which lead to a fake drama.
This is the worst arc so far.
May 24, 2015 7:23 AM
Mar 2013
While I felt for Haruka, I think Futaki had it a lot worse than Haruka did. She single-handedly took on the majority of the suffering and issues in order to protect Haruka and was straight up forced to act like a villian to Haruka and not be nice to her to keep Haruka safe (she obviously couldn't say anything to Haruka yet because given how Haruka hated her up to then, Haruka wouldn't have believed her anyway, and there's no point in telling Riki or the others when at the time Haruka still wouldn't have listened to them anyway. So only when Haruka finally didn't want to hate her anymore did she finally drop the cold act she's been putting on all this time. Her motivation wasn't silly, she had valid reasons for why she had to put on the cold act). Futaki was even trying to protect the Little Busters by trying to keep them out of this big problem with Haruka because she didn't want them to get dragged into the same extremely dangerous situation Haruka was in (and at points you can clearly see Futaki hated having to act the way she did).

I like Futaki way more in the anime than the VN. In the VN she was a jerk to you and your friends even outside of Haruka's Route. In the anime she's not like that, she just comes across as doing her job instead and rightfully calling people out (I never found myself getting mad with her in the anime, wheras I was ticked off with her in the VN). I'm aware that she impersonated Haruka, but I doubt that she did that willingly, she was probably ordered to do so by the Family.

I have to take the Student Council's side the majority of the time: Haruka breaks the rules all the time and just does it to spite her sister who is only doing her best. Yes they persisted in suspecting her despite having no evidence that one time back in episode 16, but they've got every reason to suspect her when she constantly breaks the rules (and Haruka's attitude doesn't help her case, it just makes her look more guilty by getting defensive and talking back to them). Her suspension was also fully justified: picking up a chair and getting ready to throw it, as well as fighting the Student Council who are in their right to restrain her from such an act, is ground for suspension-Haruka brought that on herself.

I do however have to call out Futaki on a few things. First off, the bench scene. Look, I understand that Futaki did just clarify that Haruka broke another rule by trying to mask the fact that they already decided to have the bench destroyed and Haruka even deliberately taking off the sign on it, and she is right. But, it was so uncalled for for her to seriously have the bench destroyed right before Haruka's eyes. She did not have to go about it like that. I would have took her away, and then ordered the bench to be shattered. I could never destroy something befeore a person's eyes that I know has emotional value to them, that's just plain cruel. Another part where I got ticked off at Futaki is her retarded "You're her friends, so you'll suffer as well if she causes more problems" crap. Why should they be punished for Haruka's own mistakes!? They can try to stop Haruka, but if she were to keep causing trouble, it is not their fault that she won't listen. And overall that whole "Everyone suffers for one due to some person's mistakes" needs to go away. It's one of the stupidest things people try to pull, and it makes my blood boil over in rage when people actually try to justify that lame excuse. And last but not least, that part where Futaki thinks Riki is only trying to save Haruka because he wants to be her hero. Where in his dialog did he imply anything like that? It should have been very easy for Futaki to see that he just wanted to help a friend like anyone does. Also, why did Riki agree with her that he was being heartless? He did nothing wrong, all he did was ask about her father so as to see if he could try to straighten things out with Haruka. It's not like he knows about Futaki's past to the same extent he does Haruka, and Futaki really did not give much reasons for why Riki should care about her much (she played herself up as a not nice person). I didn't understand why he agreed with her, he was not being heartless or arrogant, and he certainly didn't make this better by agreeing with Futaki even though she's the one that's wrong.
RoychopDec 5, 2015 6:27 AM
Aug 13, 2015 4:58 AM

May 2009
Wow Futaki had a harder time than I thought.

check out my twitch:
Nov 30, 2015 4:46 AM

Mar 2010
This is one arc i rlly felt the emotions and had the feels even shed a tear and that is rlly rare for me.

And ppl expecting to see everything of a veeery long visual novel in a 26 episode anime.. Be reasonable. It was pretty well known how many episodes there were early on already so you couldve known.

To me they did a great adaption damn T_T
Feb 25, 2016 2:54 AM
Feb 2009
awww the sisters are so cute
Aug 18, 2016 3:43 PM

Apr 2015
Hey I'm Kanata, and I will ruin my sister's whole life, so she would not be killed by our family.
Oh wait, I can leave the family. Yay:3
I love you, sister and I love everyone, life is beautiful :)
Sorry for bullying you, but I forgot I can leave my family:D

What a stupid arc, how could this anime become so bad in 3 episodes.
I hope the next one will be better.
Jan 3, 2017 6:15 AM

Sep 2015
Dam I feel bad for Shou, he did the arson and etc for his daughters.
Jan 4, 2017 9:34 AM

Aug 2016
Another arc ending....
Good story for the arc, but somehow i cannot get the feels the arc was unnecessarily mellodramatic.
Jul 10, 2017 10:16 PM

Dec 2013
Happy that the two sisters are getting along better. Although I still dislike Futaki.
Jan 28, 2019 12:55 PM

Apr 2013
Well if someone would threaten to kill my sibling, I sure as hell would set the police on their sorry ass.
Jul 5, 2019 7:37 PM

Sep 2017
Ah yes, nothing better than a pure evil, old fashion Japanese family. You wonder why their real parents never bothered to, idk get child protective services to get their kids back from the psychos. Probably because the writers never thought of it. Also I love how Kanata is just casually like "I left the Saigasa family, so lets go live with our real parents" at the end of the ep. Like eyyyyy lmao if it was that easy what the fuck have you been doing all this time? How did Key go from Clannad to this...
Aug 9, 2020 5:11 AM

Feb 2018
What the heck, Haruka got smackdown, xD...

So yeah, this is abaout Tamagoyaki
Feb 23, 2021 12:23 PM

Jun 2017
This was a fantastic episode. Even from a design standpoint, I thought it was great.

That was very touching, even though I had already guessed what the deal was, it was powerful.
Jun 12, 2021 2:27 AM

Jun 2020
What was Kanata on about dressing like Haruka does she really want to hurt her that badly, Talk about a gloomy episode the dark sky says it all

They both had a dark past regarding their relatives that's absolutely disgusting to watch specifically their relatives, So Kanata didn't actually hate Haruka she just wants to protect her from harm

Some flashbacks to what really happened from the past glad that they resolved it and the ending was just perfect they got to see their mother again, It was a sad episode to start but a cheerful moment to finish.
Jul 26, 2021 2:11 PM

Apr 2018
It really awful for what has been done to Kanata and Haruka :/ and Kanata didn't mean to be mean against her but what forced too, it was really sad but at least very heartwarming at the end when they both met their family again, good episode.
Aug 3, 2021 12:10 PM

Jan 2020
Some drama parts in the series can be misses personally. But I do feel bad for kanata :(

I've definitely come to appreciate her character more

Sep 12, 2021 5:43 PM

Jul 2020
Good ending to the arc overall in a storytelling sense, but I can't help but enjoy it less because I disagree with the message this arc portrayed.

Still a solid 8/10 arc though :)

"Truth is always a cruel thing."

Feb 21, 10:31 AM

Jun 2008
Weird circumstances, good arc. Funny how I had forgotten entire routes of the VN after all these years.

Nov 5, 6:57 PM

Jan 2020
I cannot believe it took them this long to make a decent dramatic arc.

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