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Feb 18, 2021 5:58 AM

Nov 2011
Well, I give some credit to Chrome for having the balls to plan his own escape. That takes guts knowing he's deep in enemy territory.

Thrilling episode and I appreciate how they focused a lot on Chrome and his personality. They even threw in the blood scenes although I have to say the fighting this episode was silly.
Feb 18, 2021 6:02 AM

Feb 2018
Can Sodium Hydroxide make prisons corrosive? Just want to say an amazing fight and those bloody scnee, Pneumonia? Idk. Is it a brand for whitening bleacher products?

Aka shiri + katabami
Feb 18, 2021 6:38 AM
Apr 2020
Syureria said:
Can Sodium Hydroxide make prisons corrosive?

Corrosive isn't technically the term since in the episode we're dealing with nonmetallic objects.

NaOH dissolves ropes and hardens bamboos
Feb 18, 2021 6:40 AM

Feb 2018
RTryptophan said:
Corrosive isn't technically the term since in the episode we're dealing with nonmetallic objects.

NaOH dissolves ropes and hardens bamboos
Really? Damn, thanks... You're so genius
Feb 18, 2021 6:41 AM
Apr 2020
Syureria said:
RTryptophan said:
Corrosive isn't technically the term since in the episode we're dealing with nonmetallic objects.

NaOH dissolves ropes and hardens bamboos
Really? Damn, thanks... You're so genius

Googled a bit, NaOH is very corrosive, but I also presented how NaOH reacts with organic materials. Anyways, no need to thank, I just looked a bit on the manga lmao
Feb 18, 2021 6:44 AM

Feb 2018
RTryptophan said:
Anyways, no need to thank, I just looked a bit on the manga lmao
wtf, you're cheating xD... Fake Genius.
Feb 18, 2021 6:50 AM
Jul 2018
damn chrome was so big brain in this episode, lots of funny episodes with him in his cell and i was really glad when he escaped. also, that new police guy looks pretty annoying..
Feb 18, 2021 7:07 AM

Jun 2019
Chrome, the big brain using Sodium Hypochlorite for his escape. Noice.
Pre_YumFeb 18, 2021 7:36 AM
Feb 18, 2021 7:46 AM

Apr 2017
Chrome's escape was pretty badass. It's nice to have the spotlight on other main characters than just Senkuu all of the time.
Feb 18, 2021 7:50 AM
Dec 2020
Yo: Simple de iwa kono sekai🤘

Very funny episode so far💖
Feb 18, 2021 7:57 AM

Feb 2019
Chrome such a goat lol. I love seeing how far he’s come, to be able to get out of that situation using his own skills and resourcefulness. Fun episode.
Feb 18, 2021 7:57 AM

Jul 2017
Chrome's rescue mission of a prison break, and a new enemy: Yo Uei.

The relentless policeman character that doesn't give two shits, and he's be the perfect boss character...if not for Chrome and his atrocities at trying to imitating Senku, and playing the comedy mocking game with Yo. That shit is hilarious, while giving the subtle build-up of Senku's lessons.

Pretty smart for Chrome to utilize sodium hypochlorite from body sweat, and fuse it with the battery's electricity to defuse the situation with bleach. You're not dumb Chrome!

But damn, trying to use pneumonia against Yo is such a ballsy move, plus that thousand years of death kinda mastery tactic, WOW Chrome, you have my respect for faking your way through to escape...using umeboshi.

NOW Senku and Chrome can stand toe-to-toe in science, that's great!
Feb 18, 2021 8:08 AM
Sep 2015
Yo is a nice addition to the hot men group, even though he use primitive term a lot, his underlings look even more primitive than Chrome.

Also, while Chrome is not among my favorite men, I'd drink his 'seawater'. Science user like him need to face fetish user like me.
Feb 18, 2021 8:09 AM

Apr 2018
Chrome was absolutely great with his plan to escape, he created bleach and managed to break the bamboo and then faked an illness, absolutely 10/10 for his plan, great!
Feb 18, 2021 8:09 AM

Dec 2014
This played out in the best possible way, epic episode.

Chrome is the man, I love the guy. He's way too awesome, I love how he escaped from prison by dissolving the ropes. The fake blood was an epic touch too. Chrome is a true Science user. I'm glad Senkuu praised him for it too.

The only thing this episode was missing is Chrome's reaction to the steam engine.
Feb 18, 2021 8:13 AM
Oct 2016
Chrome breaks through with science! We got introduced to the last of the new major three characters for Tsukasa army, that being Yo the former brutal cop. Wicked with the baton fits perfectly in the stone world using handheld weapons. Yo made the bad mistake of underestimating his enemy leading to Chrome escaping. Remembering his past experiences using science to discover a means of escape. Good trick with the red water in his mouth to trick Yo and then of course Chrome using his signature move. Great development for Chrome getting out of there on his own.
Feb 18, 2021 8:15 AM

Jul 2020
Episode 6 is out titled prison break, and we see chrome use his own brain to find an escape,. He’s up against yo uei, a relentless policeman in the previous life who got fired for being a bit too trigger happy. Chrome comes up with ideas to do the prison break, starting off with a fire made by the battery he was mysteriously given. This fails as yo figures his plans out, so he resort to making sodium hypochlorite solution by using the battery and salt from his sweat. He successfully breaks apart the prison door, and dodges the traps after some trickery that he learnt from gen, but yo is hot in pursuit. They reach an embankment and chrome has nowhere to go, and yo tells him to accept the punishment. Chrome using berries and some other ingredients makes umeboshi which looks like blood, spits it at yo then wallops him the family plan. He reunites with the village, and senku laughs at how he escaped.
Extremely funny episode, allowing chrome to be at the center and flourish!
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Feb 18, 2021 8:18 AM

Oct 2009
I'm convinced - Chrome isn't shameless, he has no concept of shame whatsoever. Abso-bloody-lutely hilarious. xD And then it's quite literally Senkuu-sensei being proud as hell of his student. That was just a very good moment there, little wholesome after all the silly, much appreciated.
Feb 18, 2021 8:20 AM

May 2020
Well Chrome learned great things from his friends, science from Senkuu and deception from Gen, luckily he finally escaped by himself, and that one move he had, he really mastered it lol!
I'm guessing Ukyou gave him the battery!?
Feb 18, 2021 8:21 AM

Oct 2020
One thing I absolutely adore about this show is how it treats the side-characters. We all know Senku is the genius protagonist, but every person in his team is just as good in their own field. Chrome might actually be smarter than Senku, he just didn't have the scientific background and upbringing. But the fact Chrome break out himself using his own strengths instead of relying on the old "rescue arc" trope is just so refreshing to see.

Feb 18, 2021 8:24 AM

Jan 2009
Chrome is Big Brain in this episode eh really well done with using the battery with salt water to dissolved the strings of the bamboo prison and using plants to fake having blood from pneumonia

now who gave him the battery is the mystery must be Ukyo
Feb 18, 2021 8:32 AM
Jul 2020
I loved seeing Chrome come into his own as a science user and having confidence in himself. I'm also interested in seeing what they do with the new character, Yo. I can't believe they actually had me worried about Chrome's "illness" until the end.
Feb 18, 2021 8:37 AM

Sep 2019
It was a pretty good episode but I didn't like them changing the character style many times for comedy purposes.
Feb 18, 2021 8:38 AM

Mar 2020
Chrome went all out with his escape. It was do or die for him and with the power of science he prevailed. He experienced Senku's intelligence first hand therefore he was able to use tricks he's seen before to escape. With this episode in place The Tsukasa Empire has lost their one and only hostage. The Kingdom of Science are at a huge advantage; however, if Senku plans to face Tsukasa head on he'll have to find a away to overcome the playing field that has been set.
Feb 18, 2021 8:50 AM

May 2019
Damn, Chrome really shone in this episode. Most probably with Ukyo's help, but I still can't trust him fully. And it was funny as heck to watch as always.

I thought the new guy would be a big thread but the way Chrome handled him was hilarious.

This season in general is great.

If you read Eleceed you're automatically my friend.
Feb 18, 2021 8:51 AM
Jan 2021
Did not expect Chromes escape to be so badass 😂😂 i thought he was like Senku where he only had brains no brawl lmao
Feb 18, 2021 8:53 AM
Jan 2021
Did NOT expect Chromes escape to be so badass i thought he was like Senku where he had brains but no brawl 😂
Feb 18, 2021 8:58 AM

Apr 2014
This episode was really nice. Wow. Like what a blast. This guy Yo is ruthless. Too bad he really underestimated Chrome. Not to mention. Chrome used whatever materials he can use to escape. Though some strange shadowed silhouette gave Chrome the battery he needed. Wonder who that was? Though I can give a guess. Whatever the case he used his own sweat to make the salty liquid he needed along with the battery. Destroys the ropes and escapes. Gets cornered by Yo. Uses deception of Pneumonia. Then Ka-ching to the man's jewels. Then managed to escape and reunite with the group. Senku praising Chrome's escape for using such methods. Wow.
Feb 18, 2021 8:58 AM

Oct 2020
This episode is just one of 10B reasons why I love our Science User Chrome.
Feb 18, 2021 9:14 AM

Jul 2020
I really appreciate Chrome now, that was really genius and brave moves he pulled out

love this episode 10billion%
Feb 18, 2021 9:21 AM

Nov 2016
Chrome was indeed brilliant, he even got 10 billion points from Senku. Imo the highest form of praise xD

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 18, 2021 9:29 AM
Feb 2021
The science user chrome was able to escape with the help of the science and his workout 🤣😅.... The fight scene was really intense between chrome and that police guy. But the last hit by chrome was really painful😂😂.
Definitely this episode was🐐 and badass.
MoHiT1784Feb 18, 2021 9:36 AM
Feb 18, 2021 9:40 AM

Mar 2017
Chrome is so amazing! Senku is awesome of course, but Chrome uses all these incredible scientific ways to solve his problems without any knowledge of the modern world and it's so smart the way he can just watch other people and copy what they do. Chrome MVP!

There aren't any characters in Dr Stone that I dislike even if they're enemies... except Yo. I cannot stand him and I think this ep did a good job of showing why; he has no morals, not a kind bone in his body and he's just pure scum!
Feb 18, 2021 9:44 AM

Mar 2017
brenantejapan said:
I really appreciate Chrome now, that was really genius and brave moves he pulled out

love this episode 10billion%

I genuinely think that Chrome is slightly smarter than Senku; he can use modern science without any knowledge of the concepts of modern life and without having studied it for as long as Senku did.
Feb 18, 2021 9:50 AM

Sep 2018
The only thing thats better in this show then Senku showing off his science knowledge is watching Chrome learning about science and applying it himself!
His truly Best Boy!
well that's just my opinion.....
Feb 18, 2021 10:40 AM
Jan 2020
Yaay! Chrome is back. He is very very smart. I thought he was sick for a second. The way how Yo was fooled was crazy.
Feb 18, 2021 11:00 AM

Oct 2017
Chrome escapes by himself, leaving the steam gorilla unused... wonder if they'll need it later on then?

Loved to see Chrome use his science brain to melt the rope (even if he made bleach instead of NaOH, lol)! He really fooled Yo into thinking he had pneumonia, and outsmarted the villagers by using their own traps against them. Props to Taiju and Yuzuriha for giving Chrome the battery back as well!!
Feb 18, 2021 11:04 AM

Oct 2020
It was the funniest episode till now XD haha!!!

So Chrome proved that he is also a scientist. I knew he could come up with something. Lucky that somebody gave him the battery. I doubt it was Ukyou. But Chrome was totally a blast there. I knew that wasn't blood and surely made that red liquid with the grass he got. However sorry for Yo. Poor guys twin eggs got hatched by Chrome, XD !!! Horrible move for Chrome, hahaha!!!

And I also cannot forget how he managed the Sodium Hydrochloride, haha!!! That face XD!!!
Feb 18, 2021 11:20 AM

Nov 2017
"Leonardo... it wasn't, by any means, only your eyes that we welcomed into Libra."
- Klaus von Reinherz
Feb 18, 2021 11:49 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Awesome episode. Go Chrome! That espace was so great.
Feb 18, 2021 12:13 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Chrome broke out his own prison by using his own version of science that was able to fool Yo and the guards. Who slipped the battery in Chrome's cell? Was it Ukyou?
Feb 18, 2021 12:16 PM
Apr 2017
If I am understanding this correctly, Chrome made bleach.
Feb 18, 2021 1:16 PM

Feb 2014
You have to give Chrome a lot of respect in this episode. He might be a bit of a crazy guy, but his experience and determination was able to see him successfully break out of his prison cell.

Not only that, but the herbs that he collected from his "toilet" trip came in handy when dealing with Yo, as he was able to fake having pneumonia, then sprayed the "blood" into Yo's eyes before unleashing a devastating blow to Yo's beloved balls. XD

Senku was really impressed with Chrome, awarding him 10 billion points. Now that Chrome is now safe and sound with the group, I'm assuming the steam gorilla will be used differently now.
Feb 18, 2021 1:32 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Halfway through and so far these are some pretty good stone WARS amirite LOL XDXD

jk I’m just glad that Chrome my dude managed to get out of jail on his own no problem, besides a little help from a battery ex machina

whiskey tango foxtrot

Feb 18, 2021 3:31 PM

Oct 2017
Chrome is awesome!
I'm extremely curious as to how they are going to make the next episode.
Feb 18, 2021 3:34 PM

Dec 2019
Tell me about a mid show... I never expected that the war arc would be the most boring arc and less entertaining when compared to season 1.

Everything seems more stupid than ever, the science isn't interesting anymore it just gets more and more flat, the characters enemy characters act dumb as heck and everything just seems uninteresting. Anyways..
Feb 18, 2021 3:50 PM

Jul 2019
GG Chrome on the escape. Yo doubted my guy and got done mad. Also used big brain to unless some fake pneumonia lol.

Good episode.
Feb 18, 2021 4:03 PM

Apr 2020
phantomfandom said:
I'd drink his 'seawater'.
Ma'am this is a wendy's drive thru😐 #sisterstarving #youreallythirstyhuh

It's not an anime,
without a beach episode.

- William Shakespeare
Feb 18, 2021 4:05 PM

Apr 2020
Monke Chrome this episode surely was a blessing by the gods

It's not an anime,
without a beach episode.

- William Shakespeare
Feb 18, 2021 5:50 PM

Jun 2015
This was the part that got me fangirling Chrome all over. I'm proud of my boy
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