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Mar 6, 2008 2:01 PM
Nov 2007
The first half had some good fighting scenes but was still dull. The flashbacks were annoying. The running sequences in the end reminded me of how excited I was after downloading the first episode of Shippuuden. I can't wait for the next episode. I hope there's a new opening as well as no fillers :D
Mar 6, 2008 7:07 PM

Nov 2007
Better than last episode, but still rather slow. Next ep sounds like it's going to be dialogue driven, too. Though I did guess right when Shippuuden started, take ~50 eps for them to get to Sasuke. We'll probably see him (properly) next episode, or in 51.
Mar 6, 2008 7:17 PM

Feb 2008
As expected, another episode with little action, but it was better than the last. I like the direction Sai is going in - hopefully he fights in the next episode or two and we really get to see what he can do. Admittedly he wouldn't hold a candle to either Sasuke or Orochimaru, but nonetheless I want to see it.

The ending was awesome considering they couldn't put any action into this episode. Watching it left me psyched for the next episode, which is about as much as you could ask of it.
Mar 6, 2008 7:26 PM

Dec 2007
Good animation? Check.
A fight scene that was action-packed (albeit short)? Check.
Good pacing? Check.
Overuse of flashbacks?.....Check.

A solid episode, nonetheless. I'm looking forward to next week's episode. Oh, and I really missed plain old Rasengan, I'm glad it showed up again.
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Mar 6, 2008 9:22 PM

Nov 2007
...I didn't like last week's episode the first time. Watching it a second time through flashbacks only reminded me how badly I disliked it XD.

And the last half of the episode was basically the producers saying: "Ahh, crap. We're ahead of schedule...lets fill up the last 10 minutes with a loop animation of them opening doors." It was...exciting for the first minute. They would have done much better cutting that pointless animation in half.

But as far as the last several episodes are concerned, this was a 'better' Naruto episode. Although I do get a feeling next week is going to suck. It'll be about them explaining Sai's book, and it'll probably have ten more minutes of Sakura and Naruto explaining to us what Sai's charished book means through flashbacks.

As if we really care...the only thing that's keeping their audience at bay is the possibility of seeing Sasuke. And sadly, they're milking that for all it's worth by delaying it 10 episodes more than it needed to be delayed.

I really wish they would quit worring about catching up to the Manga. And when they do, they should try taking a break with -no- episodes. That means: No 10 month filler. No 10 episodes that could be made into 1. Just take a break from producing Naruto for a couple months. Then start once again at a better pace...
Mar 7, 2008 12:14 AM

Feb 2008
Wasn't as boring as the last episode, but it was still kind of slow. The flashback parts were so annoying, they should have just left them out, imo.

Also, if I have a problem of bees or other insects, I'm going to call Kabuto xD
Mar 7, 2008 3:20 AM

Feb 2008
Okay. I think I must put a screenshot here showing what really Naruto Shippuuden is.

Can someone put a screenshot of the lizard eating the bee? That is Naruto Shippuuden! lol! and what the heck is making a flash back recently from the last episode? oh come on!
Mar 7, 2008 7:04 AM

Jan 2008
I remember being sorely disappointed with the first episode of Shippuuden. In the manga they built the anticipation of seeing Sasuke again, but the anime blew its load immediately, and for what purpose? Its taken us over 50 episodes to reach that scene they first showed us, its just completely stupid how they've gone about this. You can get away with showing a scene and flashing back to the beginning to see how it all happened in a feature length film for example, but 50 episodes!? Stupid.

Anyway, another mediorce episode that makes you wonder what it would have been like in another studio's hands. I did get a bit 'natsukashiii' when they showed the flashbacks though. Ahh, back when Naruto entertained...
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Mar 7, 2008 7:14 AM

May 2007
I liked this episode, the fight was decent and even though there were still some very obvious stall scenes, I didn't get bored halfway through the ep this week.

I didn't really get the lizard though, were they trying to foreshadow Naruto's attempt as a failure ..? Seemed like a strange waste of time, and well, I kinda liked the repeated door opening =p.
Mar 7, 2008 8:06 AM

Dec 2007
I felt this episode was rather quick.. in a bad way. Considering the amount of events on it, I thought I was at half of the episode, and suddenly... it finishes. =/ How do they do it?

I liked how the lizard was drawn, though. =p

Asako said:
Better than last episode, but still rather slow. Next ep sounds like it's going to be dialogue driven, too. Though I did guess right when Shippuuden started, take ~50 eps for them to get to Sasuke. We'll probably see him (properly) next episode, or in 51.
Since the next episode is obviously going to be full with flashbacks about Sai, my guess is 51 or 52. If we actually get to see Sasuke on episode 50, it will be a last 10 seconds scene.

hybridkiller said:
I really wish they would quit worring about catching up to the Manga. And when they do, they should try taking a break with -no- episodes. That means: No 10 month filler. No 10 episodes that could be made into 1. Just take a break from producing Naruto for a couple months. Then start once again at a better pace...
What? And no money? Blasphemy!! =p
Mar 7, 2008 9:20 AM

Jan 2008
The episode was sloooow...

The flashbacks was unnecessary...

The fight with Kabuto lool- the bees caused him more trouble than Rasengan- and after two years of training Naruto still cant form it without a clone...that is reassuring...

next thing- Do you honelstly believe that Kabuto didnt know about Sasuke room location ?

and I dont get why they didnt kill Kabuto- it is obvious he will free himself from this wood ropes...he is too dangerous to be left like that...

and Naruto shouting Sasuke name...I thougth that they dont want to alarm Orochimaru

I would prefer they would air an episode once a month- but a meaningful one-one that contributes to the plot...

I will wait 2 months and then watch a couple of episodes in one go- maybe in ep. 56 we will actually see Sasuke...
Mar 7, 2008 9:31 AM

Jun 2007
I'll probably start reading the manga. I usually find the manga better than the anime for most series, like with Bleach.
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Mar 7, 2008 9:36 AM

Feb 2008
they should have condensed this epp with the next one. we probably wont get to see him till the epp after the next one. they are taking their sweet time.
Mar 7, 2008 9:47 AM

Jan 2008
To be honest, they could condense the last 10 episode into 1 if they really wanted to... but you know them fillers gotta be thrown around somewhere :)
The beginning fight scene was interesting. I thought Kabuto was a bit too trusting in Sai and indeed bit him in the butt 5 secs later. Next episode looks like it'll have potential fighting action and probably won't get to Sasuke until 51+. We probably won't see any really good fights again for quite some time in my opinion.

Mar 7, 2008 10:55 AM

Oct 2007
this episode was amazing!

Mar 7, 2008 11:28 AM

Oct 2007
this was an ok ep...finally some decent scenes in the series but still nothing that matches close to what the first 130 episodes of Naruto put out...

If the sasuke meeting isnt spectacular I'm going to stop watching this show. Logically they must have had the entire series planned and put out as Shippuden started with what we are just about to come to in 1 or 2 eps. So if this isn't dynamite I'll stick with the manga.
Mar 7, 2008 2:16 PM

Feb 2008
Finally, something new!..
However, that music playing while they talk pisses me off!!!
Mar 7, 2008 2:24 PM

Jan 2008
The episode started with the weirdest choice of music too, even the music supervisors of this production are completely incompetent.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Mar 7, 2008 2:35 PM

May 2007
Nothing really special again..meh
Mar 7, 2008 3:47 PM

Feb 2008
Too many flashbacks. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO HAVE SEEN THE PREVIOUS EPISODES FOR FUCKS SAKE. I hate what the decent/good Naruto anime has become; complete and utter garbage.
Mar 7, 2008 4:41 PM

Jul 2007
First half was pretty good, but of course they had to just ruin it. I honestly thought we would see Sasuke next episode, especially by the way Naruto screamed at the end, but I suppose not. Too bad that no matter how bad this show gets, I'll still watch.
Mar 7, 2008 5:50 PM
Jul 2007
i dont remember the bees or the fight going that way... it was either filler or i just have a bad memory for that part of the manga :|

sgsiu9hruihrjhr9jh i hate flashbacks to the past 3 episodes and flashbacks to earlier in the same episode Dx it just drags it out too much...
...we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here...
Mar 7, 2008 6:55 PM

May 2007
Ah, those flashbacks reminded me how good Naruto anime was oh-so long ago.

But pretty good episode, compared to the rest of the series.
Mar 7, 2008 10:23 PM

Oct 2007
Zelos said:
i dont remember the bees or the fight going that way... it was either filler or i just have a bad memory for that part of the manga :|

sgsiu9hruihrjhr9jh i hate flashbacks to the past 3 episodes and flashbacks to earlier in the same episode Dx it just drags it out too much...
yeah i dont remember the bees either...for a second I was just sitting and wondering when Sakura learned a summoning jutsu
Mar 7, 2008 10:35 PM

Nov 2007
manasteel88 said:
Zelos said:
i dont remember the bees or the fight going that way... it was either filler or i just have a bad memory for that part of the manga :|

sgsiu9hruihrjhr9jh i hate flashbacks to the past 3 episodes and flashbacks to earlier in the same episode Dx it just drags it out too much...
yeah i dont remember the bees either...for a second I was just sitting and wondering when Sakura learned a summoning jutsu

I think Sakura magically punched a hole in a rock that conveniently had bees in it. And it appears that Kabuto is conveniently allergic to bees. Thusly, Sakura conveniently found Kabuto’s potentially deadly weakness.

But nobody stopped to consider it. In fact, nobody seemed to think it was strange that a little bee sting caused Kabuto so much panic and stress. I'd assume a near-invincible ninja wouldn’t care about a couple stings unless those ‘couple strings’ would cause him massive damage…IE: him being allergic.

You'd think such a piece of information would be highly useful to a ninja. You know? What ever happened to watching your opponent and looking for weaknesses?

But then again, thinking would make these fights too easy (and shorter). We couldn’t have that!
Mar 8, 2008 12:03 AM

Aug 2007
this time I even liked it, ofcourse the flashbacks couldn'tbe more annoying,but still there were fight scenes ^^ Then, the Sasusaku flashaback made me almoust cry.. And ofcourse the Talk Show with Yamato sensei,omg hillarious ^^
Mar 8, 2008 3:13 AM
Oct 2007
Kabuto fought nicely with bees, apart from that this fight was pretty lame, esp Naruto part (omg, as always? when not in fox-form o.o). And tell me Kabuto is top notch ninja, I guess but they left his wrists, fingers, and legs free, ok there is clone keeping an eye for him, but still ...

Sai charisma +5
Mar 8, 2008 4:52 AM

Jan 2008
You know what...those bees were pretty freakin' random! I cant be bothered to check if that was in the manga, but damn...
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Mar 8, 2008 8:39 AM

Sep 2007
The only good part was of Kabuto cutting down the bees. Everything was lame especially the 10 minute hallway running.
Mar 8, 2008 10:14 AM

May 2007
What's with the lizard eating that bee? That was so weird.
Everything else was actually pretty good. I liked the flashbacks. ^^

Mar 10, 2008 12:47 PM
Jun 2007
Mar 11, 2008 5:12 AM

Jul 2007
Seems like nothing has happened since i dropped the series months ago :S
Mar 11, 2008 2:39 PM
Dec 2007
Slow slow slow slow. I'm beginning the think Naruto Shippuden was purely made to show flashbacks of Naruto O_O

Edited to say: The Kabuto bee thing was pretty cool but we need more action! And not random "bee" action. I wanna see some Sasuke alreadyyyy
Mar 14, 2008 12:08 AM

Oct 2007
starring samuel l jackson as kabuto.

Yeah go ahead and laugh. It'd still be better than this shit.
Mar 16, 2008 7:06 PM

May 2007
I was worried that those bees would swarm Kabuto and make him run or something. That would be so filler tacky.

The filler Kabuto vs. YNS fight wasn't too bad though.
Jul 17, 2008 10:30 AM

May 2007
I finally watched this episode and it was actually decent, good fight in the first half, and not horrible in the second half, maybe I might pick this back up yet, just not now.
My anime list
Aug 13, 2008 6:50 PM
Oct 2007
Pfft.. -.-
Sep 29, 2008 1:05 AM

Sep 2007
The fight animation seemed to stream far better in comparison to earlier episodes....even bettor than most series. It appears that the animator stepped up his game lol. The episode was pretty good overall. I enjoyed it.

Also, I agree with the bees. It just seemed really odd to animate about 10 seconds of Kabuto freaking out about the random bees that appeared and him slicing them down. It must mean that he is allergic...although does it matter since he is a medical specialty ninja? Wouldn't he have a jutsu to remove simple bee-sting poison? Such a simple deduction must mean that I am wrong and the bees serve a greater purpose. We shall see lol.
Oct 13, 2008 2:58 PM

Jan 2008
CCZilla said:
Good animation? Check.
A fight scene that was action-packed (albeit short)? Check.
Good pacing? Check.
Overuse of flashbacks?.....Check.

A solid episode, nonetheless. I'm looking forward to next week's episode. Oh, and I really missed plain old Rasengan, I'm glad it showed up again.

Sums it up :)

Amazing sig set thanks to -DraGonZ-
Sep 19, 2009 12:55 PM

Mar 2009
I liked it. I'm really excited about whats going to happen in the next few episodes.

Mar 18, 2010 7:09 PM

Jun 2008
Not a very good episode. :(

I didn't mind the flashbacks that much [especially compared to what others thought about them] but Kabuto is one of the boring characters of the whole series in my opinion. Every episode that has him in it nearly puts me to sleep.

Yay! It looks like there is hope for Sai becoming good! At first I couldn't stand Sai, but now I am really beginning to like him. I hope he stays around for a long time.

Finally Naruto is fixing to reunite with Sasuke after three long years. It felt like such a long time ago because of the 100 filler episodes in a row.

2/5 for me...Kabuto made it a snooze fest [my opinion], but Sai saving the day gave it an extra point. ^^
Jun 3, 2010 10:09 PM

Oct 2008
I thought there was more action when Kabuto was fighting the bees. xD
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Aug 4, 2010 12:03 PM

Mar 2010
Sai seems way cooler now that he has joined the leaf team now

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Sep 2, 2011 11:16 PM

Jun 2009
Good stuff. Pretty good tension going at the end. Was hoping they'd actually meet Sasuke at the end, though. It would have been a perfect way to end the episode imo.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Feb 24, 2012 9:36 PM

May 2011
it got better, still kinda meh tho. at least im hearing some promising news about the next arc being good, y im forcing myself thru this now XD
Sep 17, 2012 7:24 PM

Jul 2011
FInally the scene from the first episode. yes i really hate those flashbacks, they take up too much time, and yes of course most of us have seen them. if they haven't well that's their fault, no need to waste OUR time.
May 29, 2013 11:45 AM

Apr 2010
Yep, it was better than the last one. I like the last scene. :)
Aug 20, 2014 8:01 PM
Jul 2018
Really awesome
Sep 20, 2014 8:44 AM
May 2012
Kabuto killing those bees was just what the fuck. It is like, they did that just for the lols ahahaha.
Same old Naruto symbolism with that lizard thing.
Seriously?? Naruto uses Shadow Replication like it is the only move he knows, but know that they are searching Sasuke, he is not using it =_=
Jun 9, 2015 2:59 AM
Jun 2012
What was the point of that bee scene? Came out of nowhere.
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