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The Devil is a Part-timer! light novels finally end… but author receives death threats

The Devil Is a Part-Timer! (light novel)
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Aug 8, 2020 2:23 PM

Jan 2020
Nothing to be surprised, overseas fans are more toxic than japaneses themselves.
Yes, the ending is forced, but only someone with mental problems would wish the author's death.
Aug 8, 2020 2:35 PM
Jul 2018
Why? What happened? Did Maou end with Ashiya or something?
Aug 8, 2020 2:54 PM
Jul 2018

Wow that's a weird turn of events, can't say I'm not dissapointed tbh.

Still, sending death threats because of unsatisfying ending is more pathetic and obnoxious

Now I'm getting anxious on how Mahouka would end. I had a really bad dream about it and this news seem like a bad omen now
Aug 8, 2020 3:29 PM

Jan 2016
While it's obviously wrong to send death threats, I just can't fathom what the author was thinking with that ending?

I somehow think this is worse than Domestic Kanojo because Domestic was always a trash series while this was fantastic for 20 volumes

I seriously hope that people boycott his next series because this is simply unacceptable and doesn't make any sense
Aug 8, 2020 7:33 PM

Jan 2020
FireFistYK said:

I seriously hope that people boycott his next series because this is simply unacceptable and doesn't make any sense

You want people to boycott his next series just because you disliked the ending? Seriously?
Aug 8, 2020 8:10 PM

Jan 2015
I wouldn't boycott his next series or whatever nor send him death threats. But after hoping for a 2nd season for 7 years, now I hope that doesn't happen. The ending disappointed me so much, I'm not even sure what to feel. Angry? Of course, 20 volumes of character development for a superficial kouhai relation to come out on top? Sad? Idk what more remorseful. The author writing such a half-assed ending full of cringy ass lines, or that the ending basically ruined the series of hundreds of thousands of fans worldwide.
Like I don't fucking care which girl wins. But why? After building up Emi and Maou for 20 volumes, the author just says, "Oh fuck YEET" boobs for the win and shits up such an ending after getting diarrhea.
This ending is basically the embodiment of r/thanksIhateit.
If there's real a sequel to this series, I hope it doesn't, it better get FMAB treatment.
Your life to come is bound to make you smile
Aug 9, 2020 12:45 AM

Jun 2012
Bunch of salty fans huh, I didn't expect that to see from this series. They must have a lot of built up frustration ever since volume 18, it was mostly about Chiho's moments. There's one each moment for Suzuno and Emi in 19 & 20 respectively but that's about it, it had already geared up on setting Chiho to be the main heroine since 18th or maybe even in the 17th. Not that I'm a fan of her either but it is what it is, sadly.

Well it sounds like there's an implied harem ending at least so I'm not gonna complain. Not that I heavily cared about the romance to begin with.


Don't worry, there's an upcoming sequel to Mahouka and a spin-off too. So it's far from over.
Zaphkiel_El_RemAug 9, 2020 12:50 AM
Aug 9, 2020 1:04 AM
Jul 2018
Yeah I know, it makes me even more anxious. I just want Miyuki x Tatsuya to be official already and I also want all other girls to fuck off, especially Honoka. If it would have a harem ending like in my nightmare - I’d be really sad for a month or even two.
Aug 9, 2020 1:06 AM
Aug 2013
Actually I don't think the comments are from Japanese people, I know a little Japanese and reading them they look Google translated, and considering some of the comments are in Chinese too, then I conclude that it's all a bunch of Chinese translating their comments.
Aug 9, 2020 6:42 AM

Jan 2016
Reinheit_Hezen said:
FireFistYK said:

I seriously hope that people boycott his next series because this is simply unacceptable and doesn't make any sense

You want people to boycott his next series just because you disliked the ending? Seriously?

If people liked the ending then go ahead and buy his next novels. But if people in Japan and the west hate this ending, then why should they give him another chance?

The ending doesn't make any sense and regresses all of Maou's character development. I'm not saying this because of who the "end girl" was, it's just that the final volume goes against everything the series stands for

I'd put it under fanfiction level of writing
Aug 9, 2020 11:26 AM
Oct 2016
I just gave 1/10 and told my friends not to buy any of his work. That's all.
Aug 10, 2020 11:39 PM

Dec 2017
This is what we fear. @@
I have such high hopes for the light novel. However, this is the author decision and I am just a reader, so no fuss here.
Life is always full of unexpected things.
Have a noice day.

Aug 11, 2020 12:56 AM

Dec 2012
Zieg1894 said:
Actually I don't think the comments are from Japanese people, I know a little Japanese and reading them they look Google translated, and considering some of the comments are in Chinese too, then I conclude that it's all a bunch of Chinese translating their comments.

I doubt a single one of the screenshotted tweets on that site is by a real Japanese person.
Doesn't mean they don't hate the ending either though
Haven't followed the series so can't comment on the ending itself.
Aug 11, 2020 1:33 AM

Dec 2009
At least he chose one girl over the dull lazy harem or who knows who he ends up with ending.
Aug 11, 2020 2:58 PM
Jul 2014
FireFistYK said:
While it's obviously wrong to send death threats, I just can't fathom what the author was thinking with that ending?

I somehow think this is worse than Domestic Kanojo because Domestic was always a trash series while this was fantastic for 20 volumes

I seriously hope that people boycott his next series because this is simply unacceptable and doesn't make any sense

oh god oh god don't make me remember that series. but surely the anxiety feels almost the same

Stopping authors from their works was going too far. But still, I think it's the fist time I regretted for knowing such a light novel
moe666Aug 11, 2020 3:38 PM
Aug 11, 2020 3:39 PM

May 2016
Never seen the anime or read the LN, but from what I've heard it seems like most of the story was spent prepping one girl to be the one the MC ends up with just for it to be completely thrown aside for some other girl with way less build up and development.

Yeah, I don't know what the author was thinking if that's true.
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Aug 11, 2020 10:29 PM
Jul 2014
Does anybody here know to cure anxiety the fastest way?

Watching some H-things here just worsened the situation
Aug 12, 2020 9:47 PM
Aug 2014
This is not something new to be honest, look at Sherlock holmes he was supposed to die but then magically revived through some deus ex machina because the fan demand continuation for the series (I'm using Sherlock holmes as an oldest example I can find about author and fan relation)
Aug 14, 2020 2:35 AM

Sep 2016
maybe he just thought he prefer that girl instead emi but he could give little more development to make it just more sense in the end Xd
And iam still buy it :3
Aug 14, 2020 7:56 PM

Nov 2008
HELL YES, Maou chose Best Girl Chiho in The Devil's a Part-Timer AKA Hataraku Maou-sama!, because the Novels ended, im super happy.

Also Team Chiho FTW and Hoes mad.

Oh yeah, the no life ass clowns sending death threats for a stupid shit AGAIN, can get big middle finger from me, because its author's, not your stupid fanfiction.

Also I don't give a rats ass about the chemistry with Emi, Maou and Chiho get along FAR MORE better and I love how it pulled a Naruto and Hinata too.
Aug 19, 2020 1:21 PM
May 2020
How the fuck did maou end up with chiho??? More like chihoe
Aug 19, 2020 2:49 PM

Sep 2011
At this point, death threats to writers will be getting old real quick.

I can understand the rage of the fans as I would rage as well if the ending is not what I anticipated for goddamn years.

Aug 20, 2020 7:39 PM

Mar 2019
Honestly as someone who's only watched the anime, I don't mind Mao ended up with. And if that's what everyone's mad about, then I don't get it. But I guess you can never underestimate ship wars am I right?
Aug 21, 2020 12:16 AM

Feb 2020
I watched the anime a while back but the star of it for me was Urushihara (especially because of how much I feel I am a female version of him at times), and I liked the series and mainly Urushihara enough that I have been playing around with the idea of starting the light novels... but hahahah not very sure now.

Does kinda remind me of the Bleach manga. I liked the vast majority of it just not the ending and especially not
and the rest of the series made up for it to me... this just so might be the case with this series so I may start it at some point, who knows. Although I'm not really in the place to start new series...

Ah, look at me, I'm rambling in the forums again. Either way, author definitely doesn't deserve death threats. People are cruel.
Aug 22, 2020 10:57 PM

Dec 2014
oh wow, She won? i like her more than the other main girl but for her to win this... yes!!! and i am not invested that much.....

Aug 23, 2020 5:12 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
RegalTheReaL said:
Honestly as someone who's only watched the anime, I don't mind Mao ended up with. And if that's what everyone's mad about, then I don't get it. But I guess you can never underestimate ship wars am I right?

I have only watched the anime, but that girl winning at the end, damages a bit my desire to read the LNs, which I will still do, but at least knowing to expect shit now since I really enjoyed Emi way more in the anime.

Again just like "Go-Tōbun no Hanayome", another series I have really wanted to read its source material after a positive experience with the anime adaptation, yet the writer of the source fucking up the romance at the end, GREAT, eager to read this kind of BS!

(will still do, since I want to judge for myself)

I honestly am not surprised that people would react so strongly about this, I just wish they could react like that, strongly, without any death threats.
The writer doesn't need them to realize he fucked up a major part of his audience.
PlaycoolAug 23, 2020 5:15 AM
Aug 23, 2020 10:06 AM

May 2016
Ugh, I rarely comment on these forums but this post got me all worried, checked the subreddit to know what's going on and I can't believe the author ended this series like that. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is completely & utterly ruined.

The last time I read this novel was several years ago (read until volume 14 or 15 iirc) and had been waiting for this series to reach its finale so that I can binge read it to my heart’s content. But now I don't even want to touch this novel after knowing this garbage conclusion to a light novel series that had the potential to be a masterpiece.

I am one of those guys who’s a fan of the ‘destined to be together from the moment they were born’ concept in stories that involve romance. Because such stories usually have huge character development involving the characters in question. Among such stories that I’ve seen and read so far, I’d classify Maou x Emi as one of the absolute best couples. Anime only viewers who know like only 2 volumes of the story probably won’t understand the depth of this sentiment, but if you’ve read at least until volume 12 of the light novel you’ll know what I’m talking about.

After focusing on all these relationship developments between Maou & Emi and putting the idea ‘they are destined to be together’ in the minds of the readers, you can’t expect the fans to not be angry with this shitty ending. It didn’t bother me much when the girls I rooted for didn’t end up winning in manga like Bokuben or Gotoubun coz those were a harem and I knew that all the girls at least had some chance. But this is completely different. It’s like pairing Shirogane with Chika after all that happened with Kaguya or Kyouko with Shoutarou after 20 years of relationship development with Ren (Skip Beat analogy). Well if that happened, Skip Beat fans would probably nuke Japan a third time, jk.

All that said, sending death threats and hateful comments against the author is just plain wrong and a braindead way of trying to make a point. If anything, I hope some of the sane fans would let the author know how painful of an ending this is to a series they’ve followed for close to a decade, through some much more mature comments…

Sorry for the long rant. Welp, it’s been a long time since I made a comment this long. Just earlier when I found this reddit post, it hit me so hard that I was in disbelief so I had to write something about how I feel about this whole situation. Here’s hoping for all the other series that everyone’s following to not get this kinda treatment from the authors.
AngelofFrostAug 23, 2020 10:27 AM

Aug 25, 2020 6:02 AM

Jul 2014
Death threats r too much but it really is disappointing. Why give screentime on the main girl if he'll end with the other one. It's like our feelings has been played (thats my reason for being disappointed ). This my opinion only and readers have the right to critic (not death threats tho). If only the other girl had a lot of screen time too then whoever ends up with maou is fine (even if it's not my ship. Just like gotoubun, my ship didnt win but im fine with it bcz of how other girls got a development and screentime). That's why my point is, the end result made me disappointed bcz of how the process were made.

There are some fans who say
1. "they're so toxic just bcz their ship didn't sail", as what ive answered it's bcz that ship had much development in the story that made most of the readers confuse esp our hearts (lol)
2. "Don't question the author's decision", readers have the right to critic but death threats is a no.
3. "Move on", yep that's right but the years of supporting novel was still in our memories. It would be hard
4. "They're just fictional characs, no need to take it by heart" we read to entertain ourselves, to learn something new, to explore with our minds, and to feel like we're in that story's world. Fictional characs can be an influencer/role model.
Well i might as well move on tho
"Everyone fails sometimes
But dreams won't fade, dreams won't fade
Let's chase them as many times as it takes and don't lose
Because today after all is today and once you wake up, it'll be a new morning"

Sep 8, 2020 2:03 AM

Mar 2020
Why it's showing publishing?
Oct 28, 2020 8:01 AM
Nov 2015
testamentKAISER said:
oh wow, She won? i like her more than the other main girl but for her to win this... yes!!! and i am not invested that much.....

were you happy with oregairu?
Nov 15, 2020 11:52 PM
Jun 2009
lamictal said:
goddamn those tweets are ruthless! i was about to shrug it off and say yep, 'mericans, what's new? but then i noticed they're written in Japanese. yiiiiikes. that's unexpected.

Unexpected? What were you expecting of Japanese Internet culture?

Sounds racist.
Nov 27, 2020 7:47 AM
Nov 2020
If you hate that ending, you just need to create an alternate ending. "Mao realize his love for Emi is greater than Chiho, Chiho then married Lucifer (lol). While Mao married Emi, they have so many child that their descendant create a soccer team and become a happy family until they meet their end peacefully in their house. The End

Something like that maybe? Of course this alternate ending is for example only, also on my opinion Mao is for Emi and Emi only.
Dec 9, 2020 3:21 AM
Sep 2016
Will manga have different ending than the light novel?
Dec 14, 2020 3:35 AM
Sep 2017
Kayaktom99 said:
If you hate that ending, you just need to create an alternate ending. "Mao realize his love for Emi is greater than Chiho, Chiho then married Lucifer (lol). While Mao married Emi, they have so many child that their descendant create a soccer team and become a happy family until they meet their end peacefully in their house. The End

Something like that maybe? Of course this alternate ending is for example only, also on my opinion Mao is for Emi and Emi only.

Let's hope the manga's author give the the conclusion we all want... If not the manga's author has to be stupid....
Dec 28, 2020 5:04 PM

Sep 2010
Chiho wins? Fuck yes a big win for me I love her she was the best character in the show easily and Maou x Chiho was my OTP from the start. I never read much past the anime only to where the baby showed up in volume 4.

RolokoDec 28, 2020 5:07 PM
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Jan 10, 2021 1:11 AM
Jan 2011
Why did he become human?
Jan 14, 2021 7:29 AM
Mar 2020
Sending death threats is something childish and a sign of mental issues, i hate the ending so much , but author can do whatever he wants, we can express our opinions about the ending but we can't force the author and insult him. For me the ending was a slap in the face i'm so sad, but it is what it is, sometimes authors enjoy mocking readers.
Cliamh-SolaisJan 14, 2021 8:04 AM
Jan 23, 2021 8:30 AM
Apr 2018
Reinheit_Hezen said:
Nothing to be surprised, overseas fans are more toxic than japaneses themselves.
Yes, the ending is forced, but only someone with mental problems would wish the author's death.
as you can clearly see in the article ypu are factually wrong
The mentioned "death threats" and harassment was shown in the article all in japanese from japanese fans.
Therefore the "more timid" japanese audience also disdains the author and one fan even ripped his light novel collection to shreds (understandably so)
Jan 24, 2021 6:49 AM

Mar 2013
Oooof what a train wreck. He doesn't deserve Death threats, while the Ending sucks and makes no sense (for me) People really shouldn't go out of their way like that.
I am very curious how that Ending came to be. I've always gotten Maou x Emi - even from the Anime soooooo, that's, from their storyline and them being the Main Characters and all...
Glad I never continued reading the LN tho. I'm curious whether the Manga will also head into that Direction and if it is worth to read it.
"You think your power has limits, I say it's limitless."

Jan 27, 2021 6:40 PM
Apr 2019
Sending a death threat is wrong.
Insulting the author is also wrong.
But you still can express your displeasure about the work.
A bit contradicting, right?
I wonder how his next work going to be, since he already disappointed so many readers.
Wether he could get some readers or not.

Jan 27, 2021 7:16 PM

Jan 2021
Okay this is the first time I'm hearing this and yes sending death threats over fucking Japanese cartoons is totally unacceptable behavior.


I never really bothered checking out spoilers for this LN because I once saw the cover art for the final volume on Twitter and just immediately assumed Maou was ending up with Emi but now that I know the actual ending..... I don't want a second season anymore. All that tension, chemistry and developments down the drain lol. I genuinely wanna know what was going on the author's head at the time he was writing the ending.
Feb 9, 2021 6:42 AM

Feb 2017
Maou regretting what he did in Ente Isla and Emi forgiving him due to her feelings for him and everyone going about their daily life would have been a better ending than really specifying Chiho as the winner.
Best ending line in anime history = "My name is Saiki Kusuo. I am a psychic."
Mar 6, 2021 10:13 AM
Oct 2020
I don’t get y ppl are so mad abt the end this shit like bleach everyone thought it was gonna be ichigo and rukia but it went a different way Ichigo fell in love with Orihime and she like him from the start so yea
Mar 6, 2021 10:28 AM
Dec 2017
get fucking over yourselves good fucking lord these fans are entitled little cancerous shits.

Mar 6, 2021 3:52 PM
Dec 2020
StellarIceberg said:
I wouldn't boycott his next series or whatever nor send him death threats. But after hoping for a 2nd season for 7 years, now I hope that doesn't happen.

Mar 6, 2021 5:19 PM
Aug 2013
Reinheit_Hezen said:
FireFistYK said:

I seriously hope that people boycott his next series because this is simply unacceptable and doesn't make any sense

You want people to boycott his next series just because you disliked the ending? Seriously?

Lol to be honest I think it was a decent ending. Like this was just 1 chapter or 2 so why are people upset? We had 21 amazing volumes so it doesn’t make sense.

They are upset because he didn’t end up with Emilia ... I hate her to be honest.
Mar 6, 2021 6:51 PM

Nov 2018
Did he become a human or what?
Mar 7, 2021 2:25 AM
Feb 2021
I will forgive the author if the manga and anime had a different better ending
Mar 7, 2021 7:00 AM

Apr 2015
see,this is why Oregairu ending is really loved because the writer is smart enough to not go against majority of the readers
going against majority of the people supporting you is really a dumb move

now this make me wonder with how godzilla vs king kong fight going to end
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