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Attack on Titan
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Jan 31, 2021 5:35 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
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anime-primeJan 31, 2021 7:38 AM
Jan 31, 2021 7:38 AM

Jul 2019
Sasha's death was something else. VAs out here using the best of their voices for this one episode. I loved this so much. Oh my God, Rest In Peace Sasha Blouse.

Eren Yeager, what a guy. His laugh...

Someone, please smack up Gabi like Levi did to Eren. She needs the sense kicked into her.
Jan 31, 2021 7:38 AM

Nov 2011
Not going to lie, my heart skipped a beat after seeing Sasha like that. And seeing Zeke and Levi's face to face confrontation brings a chill in that room.

The moment that hit the hardest...

> Sasha is dead
They made the scene look very impactful just like the manga. RIP potato girl. Never forget.

Jan 31, 2021 7:38 AM

Jun 2020
Seeing this scene animated, it broke my heart into 2. And I hope Gabi dies the most painful fucking death, Jean and the others are fucking pussies, I would’ve kicked Gabi to death, what the fuck did Jean do? Absolutely pussies, shame in the name of a friend.

I said keep your hands on the table
Jan 31, 2021 7:38 AM

Jan 2009
rest in peace Sasha what a waste of beauty for her to die that young

now let the Gabi hate commence

Gabi looks like Sasha though here on the anime so it must be really planned by Isayama to replace Sasha with Gabi in the story
Jan 31, 2021 7:38 AM
Feb 2018
RIP man. Not like this. Yh that definately hit me harder than it did in the manga.
Jan 31, 2021 7:38 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
And so, the fated ep is finally here, the one ep that has shattered so many hearts and destroyed so many ships, but the story cares not for how the fans feel, whatever happened happens and that's all there is to it.

The Eldian army basically won this first battle, Eren killed off a bunch of the commanding officers, took the Warhammer titan and basically immobilized Marley for however long it is until their allies would support them. The Eldian army with their plan succeded in outsmarting and outmanoeuvring (literally) the Marleyan forces and now all they have to do is return home, untouched, in the sky. Everything is going relatively smoothly isn't it? Too smoothly.

Here comes the she-devil, the subject of many readers' hatred, yet an icon that portrays the danger of lifelong-worth of propaganda on a child. Gabi, seeking to avenge her fallen comrades and believing of the tales of how 'it's normal to kill the Eldians since they're the island devils'. She has done it...

A game of hot potato will eventually end with someone dropping it.

The whole scene played out so intensely yet so quickly, they've done a great job at adapting this iconic scene. Love you Sasha, you'll always be in our hearts.
Jan 31, 2021 7:38 AM

Apr 2020
Okay, now I really hate Gabi, she shot Sasha, oh no, Sasha is dead ?! I was shocked, damn.

I still can't accept this :(
Jan 31, 2021 7:38 AM

Jun 2017
And that's the climax of the best arc of the series for you, fantastic as ever and what a high to end it off with! God bless MAPPA, they totally nailed the feel of this episode!

RIP to Sasha, I knew this was going to wreck me in animated form and it didn't disappoint at all. I couldn't quite envision how she would die off with "meat" but I'm more than satisfied now. JP VAs could hardly ever let you down honestly.

Eren's nervous smile followed by that gritting of his teeth, twas' powerful. Gabi's rage in the first half was really striking as well but that scene of the two finding out about Zeke's betrayal hit me harder. Meanwhile, Pieck-chan figuring a few things out too was perfect.

New and Old osts used to perfection this episode, expecting more of the same in the next tense(r) arc!

Illustrations for the week:

Edit: Fudge... SASHA!!!
_MushiRock11_Jan 31, 2021 7:47 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jan 31, 2021 7:38 AM

Aug 2018
Holy shit that was good. Gabis voice actor is amazing. RIP Sasha :(
This is where real men cried....
I use Arch, btw.
Jan 31, 2021 7:38 AM

Sep 2019
Why did Sasha had to die out of all the people? FUCK YOU GABI.

I can get why she would want to kill the Eldians and I don't blame her for it. BUT WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SHOOT SASHA?
Jan 31, 2021 7:39 AM

Nov 2016
Sasha's death felt always a bit anticlimatic, to me,  but well, shit happens. And as Jean once said "Not everyone gets to have a dramatic death"  Ironically Connie called her special just moments before she got shot. Last minute foreshadowing.

Once again R.I.P. Potato Girl Sasha Blouse


Luffy would be proud and probably say

"Gotta marry her"

Ngl, I still kinda think Isayama did her dirty, but maybe it's his way of saying there's no more time for fun.

As for Gabi, I didn't dislike her before and what she did here didn't change anything. She charged in like a G.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 31, 2021 7:39 AM

Apr 2013
All I’m going to say before rewatching with subs is that this was a great episode, and I hate it. Glad they took the entire episode to adapt what went on in the Zeppelin. The music coming in with Armin and Mikasa crying over Sasha’s dead body hurts my soul.
Jan 31, 2021 7:39 AM

Oct 2017
"Gabi did nothing wrong", *chuckles*.

Man that scene broke my heart, poor Sasha. I really liked the potato girl and it was shocking when she died, that was so sudden.
Jan 31, 2021 7:39 AM
Sep 2019
Why is Zeke with our heros?
I thought he was on Marley side but hes on the blimp ?
Jan 31, 2021 7:39 AM

Jul 2020
Today, we had a great loss and we will definitely deeply grieve for it. RIP Sasha. We love you.

And poor Connie. He will definitely take some mental damage from this.
Even if I'm alone, I'll go, even if I want to die.
I can hear your voice, saying I shouldn't die.
Even if it's difficult, even if I cry from loneliness
I can feel warmth from deep inside my heart.

Going round-and-round and flowing, time is ever-changing.
I can't remember what happened anymore, but
If I try and close my eyes, I can hear someone's laughing voice
For some reason, now, that is My Most Precious Treasure.

from Ichiban no Takaramono, by LiSA
Jan 31, 2021 7:40 AM
Jan 2021
I am concerned. This episode only covered chapter 105 instead of 105 and 106. If they intend to reach 122, they WILL butcher the story.If they intend only until 119 then we have one of the greatest adaptions at hand
Jan 31, 2021 7:40 AM
Jan 2019
10/10 episode, It hits so much harder than the manga :'( :'(
Rest in peace Potato girl.
Jan 31, 2021 7:40 AM

Jul 2019
YutakaYamadafan said:
Why is Zeke with our heros?
I thought he was on Marley side but hes on the blimp ?
You will see later on. He plays an important role. He was needed for something.
Jan 31, 2021 7:40 AM

Jan 2021
Gonna just leave this meme image here before this thread turns into a warzone, loved the episode though btw.

Jan 31, 2021 7:40 AM

Jul 2012
Sasha? SASHA?! No she can still make it they can feed her Zeke. Sasha just eat Zeke he is meat 😭
Jan 31, 2021 7:40 AM
Dec 2020
Idk what to say....

the ep was great, but I don't want to rate it....
Damn Sasha had to die canonically in both versions.....
Jan 31, 2021 7:41 AM

Sep 2014
We finally got to see the greatness of our Supreme God Emperor Chads Eren and Floch in the anime. Phenomenal episode.
Jan 31, 2021 7:41 AM

May 2020
The pacing is slower than expected . Eren's laugh could've been a bit longer . Other than that great episode .

Something that’s supposed to die and doesn’t… will eventually rot away , whether it’s a man or a nation
Jan 31, 2021 7:43 AM
Aug 2020
Fuck, this hit way harder in anime.
When Erwin died I was depressed af but man I literally cried like a baby in this one.
Probably the only episode I won't be able to rewatch ever.

R.I.P Potato girl, we will miss you:(

Also huge props to VAs, the voice acting has always been phenomenal in AoT but they are going above and beyond in s4.
Jan 31, 2021 7:43 AM

Feb 2020
Mappa did better than I imagined...damn....
Jan 31, 2021 7:43 AM
Sep 2019
NextUniverse said:
YutakaYamadafan said:
Why is Zeke with our heros?
I thought he was on Marley side but hes on the blimp ?
You will see later on. He plays an important role. He was needed for something.

Im looking forward to finding out.
Jan 31, 2021 7:43 AM

Aug 2019
So they adapted the end of 104 and 105 of the manga, so slowed the pace right down for this one. Rightfully so, as Sasha's death deserved more focus. Made sense for something so significant to end the first half of the season.

The episode itself was great, don't really have too many complaints at all. Loved the OST choice for her death.

I was never sure whether sure Eren was laughing or crying in the manga when he found she'd died, and got the same creepy vibe here which was great. It was also the first sign of any emotion from him at all this season. Eren's still in there somewhere.

Episode was overall well-animated by MAPPA and after the all-out action of 'The Warhammer Titan' and 'Assault' this rounded out the arc nicely.
Jan 31, 2021 7:44 AM
Jul 2018
How many chapters they adapted ?
Jan 31, 2021 7:44 AM

Apr 2013
YutakaYamadafan said:
Why is Zeke with our heros?
I thought he was on Marley side but hes on the blimp ?
The subs will explain it. Him and his subordinates started working with Paradis 3 years before to help the island Eldians get stronger by sharing intel. Zeke is a titan with royal blood not bounded by the King’s vow for peace while Eren has the coordinate’s power. They can do some nice fireworks together.
Jan 31, 2021 7:45 AM

Jan 2018
This is the episode that I knew would break me:(
Sasha's death made me tear up and honestly It broke me more getting animated then the manga.
Rest In Peace Sasha aka Potato girl. You'll be missed.

Damn she's one of my best girls as well. :/ She definitely deserved more screen time.
icedmocha_Jan 31, 2021 7:49 AM

Jan 31, 2021 7:45 AM
Dec 2020
Rhhdaiw said:
How many chapters they adapted ?
Just 1.3 chapers I think.
Jan 31, 2021 7:45 AM

Jul 2017
It's still painful to watch, even having read this chapter multiple times. Hits real different animated :(

This is where the Gabi seething really begun in the manga community. I'm sooo looking forward to seeing that again lol

The anime original scenes made the episode flow very nicely. I really wonder where this season will reach tho.

It would be nice to get a change in the OP for what's coming, or even a new one.
AttackonfillerJan 31, 2021 7:55 AM

Jan 31, 2021 7:45 AM
Jul 2018
imbAF said:
I am concerned. This episode only covered chapter 105 instead of 105 and 106. If they intend to reach 122, they WILL butcher the story.If they intend only until 119 then we have one of the greatest adaptions at hand

I hope episode 16 will be double lenght
Jan 31, 2021 7:46 AM

Apr 2013
imbAF said:
I am concerned. This episode only covered chapter 105 instead of 105 and 106. If they intend to reach 122, they WILL butcher the story.If they intend only until 119 then we have one of the greatest adaptions at hand
Adapting up to 119 and giving us a post-credit tease like S3P1 did but for chapters 120-122 is the best thing MAPPA could do to not butcher the manga’s material.
Jan 31, 2021 7:46 AM
Jan 2021
Jan 31, 2021 7:47 AM
Aug 2016
That hit so much harder than the manga. Made a complete emotional mess of me 😭😭😭😭😭
Jan 31, 2021 7:47 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
So that's why Gabi gets hated? I thought it would be something more meaningful than that but she has all the right from her perspective to do this.

Just the fandom throwing a tantrum then.
Jan 31, 2021 7:47 AM

Oct 2020
This was another 10/10 episode. They adapted the rest of 104 and 105 just as I expected as Sasha deserves her own episode. The OST and voice acting in this episode have been exceptional.

P.S.: Let's be sad for Sasha but don't go crazy hating Gabi. She did something completely understandable from her POV.
Jan 31, 2021 7:48 AM
Jul 2018
Harsha1314 said:
Rhhdaiw said:
How many chapters they adapted ?
Just 1.3 chapers I think.

So they will cut a lot of things in WFP or last episode will be double length since we know they will adapt until chapter 122 thanks to the trailer
Jan 31, 2021 7:48 AM

Jan 2021
Can someone give her a meat ...?

Damn it. Even though I read the manga, my heart still breaks :(
Jan 31, 2021 7:49 AM
Dec 2020
Smudy said:
So that's why Gabi gets hated? I thought it would be something more meaningful than that but she has all the right from her perspective to do this.

Just the fandom throwing a tantrum then.
nah its just that after this point she keeps getting more annoying, its just that in the manga you don't really feel all that much for her, in the anime they nailed her characterization I feel
Jan 31, 2021 7:49 AM
Sep 2019
Smudy said:
So that's why Gabi gets hated? I thought it would be something more meaningful than that but she has all the right from her perspective to do this.

Just the fandom throwing a tantrum then.

Yes from gabis perspective she did the right thing in her mind.
I dont hate her for that.
Jan 31, 2021 7:49 AM

May 2020
Smudy said:
So that's why Gabi gets hated? I thought it would be something more meaningful than that but she has all the right from her perspective to do this.

Just the fandom throwing a tantrum then.
Don't worry this is just the start of the stuff Gabi does .

Something that’s supposed to die and doesn’t… will eventually rot away , whether it’s a man or a nation
Jan 31, 2021 7:50 AM

Jul 2020
I knew it was coming but I didn't expect to be that emotional

Love you potato girl, so long..

Jan 31, 2021 7:50 AM
May 2020
This ep was so tense and well directed, but damn... This is really sad... I have no words, just crying like a little crybaby... My heart is broken, we gonna miss our Potato girl. And Jesus someone make Gabi shut the hell up, i hate her with my every atom,,, I know that their have been brainwashed but still.//

Jan 31, 2021 7:51 AM
Jul 2018
Harsha1314 said:
Smudy said:
So that's why Gabi gets hated? I thought it would be something more meaningful than that but she has all the right from her perspective to do this.

Just the fandom throwing a tantrum then.
nah its just that after this point she keeps getting more annoying, its just that in the manga you don't really feel all that much for her, in the anime they nailed her characterization I feel

Her voice actress puts so much soul into her
Jan 31, 2021 7:51 AM
Dec 2020
Arin-san said:
Seeing this scene animated, it broke my heart into 2. And I hope Gabi dies the most painful fucking death, Jean and the others are fucking pussies, I would’ve kicked Gabi to death, what the fuck did Jean do? Absolutely pussies, shame in the name of a friend.
they should've just left her to floch. he is the devil she deserves
Jan 31, 2021 7:51 AM
Sep 2019
Sourire said:
YutakaYamadafan said:
Why is Zeke with our heros?
I thought he was on Marley side but hes on the blimp ?
The subs will explain it. Him and his subordinates started working with Paradis 3 years before to help the island Eldians get stronger by sharing intel. Zeke is a titan with royal blood not bounded by the King’s vow for peace while Eren has the coordinate’s power. They can do some nice fireworks together.

Danggg that sounds interesting.
Looking forward to it, thanks
Jan 31, 2021 7:52 AM
Dec 2020
Rhhdaiw said:
Harsha1314 said:
nah its just that after this point she keeps getting more annoying, its just that in the manga you don't really feel all that much for her, in the anime they nailed her characterization I feel

Her voice actress puts so much soul into her
yes and also the character acting is so much more intense
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