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Jan 28, 2021 6:00 AM

Apr 2020
Someone saw Taiju and Yuzuriha while they were talking to Senku.

"I'm Senku, I'm Senku" I laugh when Taiju says that tbh.
The way Gen told Chrome and Magma to shut up when they were noisy was really funny lol.

Gen's imitation voice was discovered, only because there is a girl who likes listening to Lillian's song.
Jan 28, 2021 6:00 AM

Feb 2018
With Senku's communication device / phone idfc, it looks like it will be an easy to fight with Tsukasa kingdom, you're not a Senku because Senku is me.

Despite their long separation, their trust remains extraordinary. Senku really trusts Taiju and Yuzuriha. If Tsukasa answered the call, then Senku's plan would fail, it could even be called a game over. The three of them really had a hard time tricking that archer, I mean the archer from the Tsukasa kingdom. The three of them ran using a smoke, it wasn't a bad idea. When Taiju picks up the phone from Senku, they don't realize that they are being stalked.

After all this is a matter of negotiation, The yellow haired girl seemed to know the famous singer. After all it was Asagiri Gen's voice. It was used as a thank-you song and her student life was saved by that song. Sales, publishing, streaming, touring. It's really complicated about the CD matter, but what the hell with that last wish. After all it's so hard, knowing the three sizes? Damnnn. It's a great recorder, the music is so beautiful. The song is full of memories. There's nothing wrong with preserving a song, I'm sure one day there will be other people who appreciate that works.

Looks like the negotiations as planned, science never lie. They made friends from the Tsukasa kingdom.
Jan 28, 2021 6:00 AM

Nov 2011
The amount of personality they captured into Nikki's character into this episode imo is pretty impressive.

From Nikki's perspective, it looks like she really enjoyed Lilian's music work especially given how talented she is. The amount of feels this episode...damn. Those tears are real.
Jan 28, 2021 6:46 AM
Apr 2020
I loved the animation of the Fermi estimation scene (the time where Nikki asks SenGen.)

The grass at Magma-Chrome-Gen scene has a menacing aura and I like it.

Other than that I really like the way they portrayed Queen Nikki Hanada. Her backstory made me cry a bit.

Can't wait for more Ukyo screentime.
_tryptoJan 28, 2021 6:56 AM
Jan 28, 2021 7:00 AM

Nov 2016
Brilliant as Senku's calculations may have been, they weren't a match for a mega fan xD

Emotional episode and welcome Nikki

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 28, 2021 7:58 AM
Jul 2018
aye this was a pretty great episode, that starting scene was so funny, taiju had me dying. the operation didn't go exactly as planned but it worked out in the end so thats nice.
Jan 28, 2021 8:15 AM

Jul 2017
Taiju, Magma, and Chrome really made me laugh bit too much the whole episode XD

Nikki is truly awesome, she is a great fan, I liked her dedication, very amazing character.
Jan 28, 2021 8:15 AM

Oct 2017
I was very concerned with how they were going to make them speak in English and I loved LMAO.

Also i love Nikki she is a great girl. And that scene of her beating Taiju hit my feelings he is that type of guy who will do anything for his friends.
Jan 28, 2021 8:15 AM

Jul 2017
The cellphone hotline is FINALLY CONNECTED! Taiju and Yuzuriha, connected to Senku in Ishigami Village.

Operation: Avoid Bloodshed is in session, with Gen, Chrome and Magma (with an unsightly All Might reference) are targeted by the senstitve ears Ukyo, and Taiju and Yuzuriha targeting Nikki. A full frontal force on both fronts.

The latter part was super hilarious with Gen posing as Lillian and Senku being the interpretator, and it was easy to coax Nikki...not so much on the "hardcore fan" part. Even with a Fermi estimate, asking about Lillian's 3 sizes is a sure fireproof way to identify real from fake. But nothing can beat the power of music...with real tears.

With the power of music, coupled with the power of science, welcome Nikki into the Ishigami party! Another wonderful episode.
Jan 28, 2021 8:18 AM
Sep 2015
Purely amazing! It makes me appreciate technology that was invented and re-invented over time, and human is amazing as well. Dr. Stone should be much more popular.
Jan 28, 2021 8:18 AM

Jul 2020
what a genius episode!! they acquired another ally from Tsukasa's side

also, Gen never failed me to amazed mao
daedalus11Jan 28, 2021 8:23 AM
Jan 28, 2021 8:21 AM

Feb 2019
Glad we got to see one of my fave chapters and best girl introduced today. As expected, TMS nailed the Taiju and senku phone call scene and made it really emotional. No complaints today.
Jan 28, 2021 8:25 AM

Jan 2009
Taiju got that slippery slope thinking going on when he love his friend so much he imagine Senku as himself already lol "i am Senku"

dang the plan almost failed big time but at least they got Nikki now the super fan of Lillian
Jan 28, 2021 8:26 AM
Oct 2016
Aww I teared up this episode. Taiju and Yuzuriha recruiting Nikki took some walking on egg shells negotiations but they got it done! Taiju put his literal body in harms way taking Nikki punches so she'd listen to that he had to say. Senku and Gen were going along smoothly until they figured out Nikki is a Lillian superfan and wouldn't be pleased with parlor tricks. But it's a good thing she is such a fan of Lillian since they could play that recording of the song, which just so happened to be Nikki favorite, and it won her to their side. I started crying when Nikki started crying listening to the song as it showed flashbacks to when she was so uplifted by hearing that song countless times. Goes to show how music can uplift someone who's feeling down by what's going on in their life. Senku did the right things being honest with Nikki. I'm glad shes on their side now, A great ally to have
Jan 28, 2021 8:34 AM

Dec 2013
I really like Senku's honesty, even if he could end up killed he isn't going to make false promises and the like, Nikki was super badass and I'm glad she became an ally, hopefully Homura does the same eventually.
Jan 28, 2021 8:39 AM

Jan 2015
This was such a good episode
New ally, yey. She’s also quite pretty
Jan 28, 2021 8:43 AM

Sep 2019
Senku even guessed her sizes but that wasn't enough for Nikki to believe them lol. The part where Nikki cried while listening to her song was good.
Jan 28, 2021 8:47 AM

Oct 2009
Suddenly a new sidecharacter we've never heard of, but who immediately becomes a key character too... Oh well. Loved the SenGen shenanigans though, those two make a frighteningly good pair. Ahem. xD

Oh, and Magma channelling All Might. Just. What the actual..... xD
Jan 28, 2021 8:47 AM
Oct 2016
saeme seiyuu Atsumi Tanezaki

Jan 28, 2021 8:56 AM

Mar 2020
Well there's no tricking a super fan. Nikki knows Lilian too well to be tricked. The song still gives me chills, it's amazing! Nikki now joins the Kingdom of Science to protect one song, she is a true fan.

Progress has been made for coexisting!
Jan 28, 2021 8:56 AM

Nov 2016
Dukino said:
saeme seiyuu Atsumi Tanezaki

Already loved her as Arisa, she's killing the tough girl tone

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 28, 2021 8:58 AM

May 2020
Niki was so different in the entire episode, I never expected she'd change her mind, though glad she did.
Gen and Senku, one of my favorite duos ever ^^
Senku never ceases to amaze me with the way he thinks, like that evaluation of the sold cds and the measurements from a pic he remember, like damn!
Jan 28, 2021 9:28 AM

Jul 2016
finally some progress, this nikki girl seems kinda boring but at least senku got his first ally from tsukasa's army, it was also funny seeing gen freak out when their plan looked like it was gonna backfire

the moms of the people who remove signatures are hœs
discord: Jotaakuu#8878

Jan 28, 2021 9:37 AM

Jun 2019
Gen's imitation was pretty on point. Taiju and Yuzuriha made Nikki listen to Lillian's voice...LOL
Too bad it's Gen, but heck she's a huge fan of her work and those tears were not lying. But, everything ended up quite well in their favor. Nikki is a good girl.
Pre_YumJan 28, 2021 9:47 AM
Jan 28, 2021 10:04 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
A very heartwarming Dr. Stone episode. Senku and Gen's plan to draw people from Tsukasa's army by using Lillian's voice fall through when it turns out that Nikki is huge fan of Lillian. However, they were able to convince her by using the power of music in Lillian's song and Nikki would do everything in her power to protect it.
Jan 28, 2021 10:09 AM

Aug 2013
There is no way they can fool a mega fan and in the end they got a new ally in a form of Nikki.

Gen imitation was great. Is there nothing he can't do?

Jan 28, 2021 10:40 AM

Mar 2018
LMAO, funny intro to the episode.

The dream team: Magma, Chrome, and Gen all worked together to escape the archer in a pretty cool fashion, good idea with the battery.

Senku and Gen working together to trick the guard failed, but it was fine as the music they had moved her to tears anyway. And I have to say, I can't blame her, the insert song was suuuper good and when she started crying I teared up a little bit too :(.
Jan 28, 2021 10:40 AM

Apr 2011
Great episode! Nikki finally joined the Kingdom of Science.

Can't wait to see the rest of the arc animated!

Jan 28, 2021 10:44 AM

Aug 2020
So this girl Nikki isn't even listening to what they're saying.
Jan 28, 2021 11:14 AM

Jul 2020
Is this even a war arc?Lmao.
Never have I seen that a war arc filled with so many wholesome and comedy moments.
I wonder how that arrow boy will join the Kingdom of science?
expired_0 said:
So this girl Nikki isn't even listening to what they're saying.

She probably thought they were talking to the dead Senku.

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Jan 28, 2021 11:31 AM
May 2018
this episode was really great and the animation was amazing finally this chapter got animated and it was so well done im really happy!!
Jan 28, 2021 11:32 AM

Aug 2020
Episode 3 in a nutshell: a prank call
Jan 28, 2021 11:40 AM

Mar 2017
Nikki has joined the Kingdom of Science! I can't believe they managed to pick possibly the only Lilian mega-fan to be awake after all those thousands of years in stone... such Senku luck haha
Jan 28, 2021 11:55 AM

Jan 2008
Stop making me cry, Dr. Stone.

Nicki instantly likeable and memorable.
Jan 28, 2021 12:07 PM

Nov 2017
this show is seriously amazing
so far, this is easily my anime of the season
so many emotions!
"Leonardo... it wasn't, by any means, only your eyes that we welcomed into Libra."
- Klaus von Reinherz
Jan 28, 2021 12:14 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020

some people are annoyed with his loud voice but come on that's gotta make you feel just a LITTLE bit

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jan 28, 2021 12:28 PM

Feb 2014
Damn it Taiju! I know you're already a lovable softly at heart, but shouting out "I am Senku!!!" made me burst out laughing! XD

This was a great episode, as it hit the comedy tones so well, but also did a great job in delivering the more emotional parts, too. Nikki was certainly intimidating and even the likes of Senku's powerful calculations and Gen's near perfect replica of Lilian's voice wasn't enough to sway megafan Nikki.

However, all of that changed when Senku played the sole recording of Lilian's song, which ultimately won over Nikki. She's a good girl at heart and she'll be a great ally for Senku, Taiju, Yuzuriha and the others moving forward. ^_^
Jan 28, 2021 12:28 PM

Jun 2011
Always hits hard when Taiju and Yuzuriha talk with Senku for the first time in a year.

Nikki? More like Thicci amirite? But this really showed us how depressing the whole stone world situation really is. Media from all across the spectrum has been lost forever. Music, movies, TV, anime, etc.

I hope Nikki plays a big role in what's to come.
Jan 28, 2021 1:07 PM

Jan 2010
Damn, I forgot how good One Small Step is and Lillian's voice! That whole scene was great and I like Nikki's energy.
(|__/) Never give up, aim for the top!
(='.'=) Top wo nerae!
o(")(") Anime music:
Jan 28, 2021 1:15 PM

Jun 2019
Solid episode. I liked that team Senku didn’t end up completely manipulating the guardto bring her to their side. I also do not know how Gen and Chrome were abled to escape from bow-and-arrow guy for so long, but whatever.
Jan 28, 2021 1:41 PM
Feb 2019
What a funny and emotional episode. Love how they went so much in depth with Nikki's character.
Jan 28, 2021 2:32 PM

Nov 2011
Holy Lord that All Might reference had me in tears!!!

Damn things are heating up and I am excited!
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Jan 28, 2021 3:01 PM

Apr 2015
It is just one episode but I already love Nikki's character, she is so cool. I hope she plays a big role in the stone wars.
Jan 28, 2021 3:56 PM
Apr 2016
Very intense, but they managed to get her over!

Seems like we're going to have a lot of entertaining episodes given the circumstances.
Jan 28, 2021 4:12 PM

Dec 2014
Fantastic episode as always.

Taijuu and Senkuu's reunion over the phone was emotional, my man Chrome with the quick thinking bait plays, giving Gen the chance he needed to escape.
That SMASHH!! though. xD

Damn Senkuu pulling all those calculations out of his head like pulling grass out from the ground. Unfortunately, he wasn't a match for a mega fan. I love how Gen commented on how Senkuu's luck of the draw somehow ends up bad when he really wants it to go good. Luckily they were able to turn it around at the very end by showing that they did in fact own a genuine piece of music. I also really like that Senkuu didn't lie to Nikki and told her straight up that this was the only piece of music that was left and he'd protect it with everything he's got.

Sounds like the Science kingdom has a new comrade. Very interested to see the role Nikki's character will play.
Jan 28, 2021 4:33 PM

Jul 2013
Senku accurately calculated the three size and failed anyway because Lilian was lying to the public lol. That's got to be my favorite joke so far.
Jan 28, 2021 4:44 PM

Jun 2007
Lillian speaking in English with an interpreter
*moments later*
Lillian answering questions in fluent Japanese and skipping the interpreter, with no reaction from Nikki.

Just a minor slip up, heh.
Jan 28, 2021 4:54 PM

Jun 2015
I watched this episode expecting hilarious adaptations of Magma's plan and Senku and Gen's expressions during Nicky's call. I was not disappointed.
Jan 28, 2021 4:58 PM

Jun 2015
TheTsunami said:
Lillian speaking in English with an interpreter
*moments later*
Lillian answering questions in fluent Japanese and skipping the interpreter, with no reaction from Nikki.

Just a minor slip up, heh.

This one bothers me too. But you'll see that's not a problem in this series later on LOL
Jan 28, 2021 6:09 PM

Dec 2019
I don't know about this beggining, maybe it's just me but I've been really struggling trying to enjoy this. The humor doesn't hit me, and everything gets cheesy pretty easy in this anime, I used to like Senku but his traits and egdgyness are starting to get in my nerves, it's been boring overall and it feels like things aren't really progressing. I wasn't a big fan of the first season but there were things that I really liked and made me keep watching, I hope this season provides something like that.
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