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Jan 10, 2021 6:05 PM

Oct 2020
It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it was really weird how they mixed the 2d and cg also I felt like the story was all over the place and the first action scene was sort of cool.
Jan 10, 2021 6:11 PM

Nov 2018
Why are they hotboxing each scene?

It's killing me that they do everything in CG and then out of nowhere in one scene there is a completely normal 2D character.
Jan 10, 2021 6:25 PM
Feb 2016
Nishant_ said:
I went in blind thinking it would be a nice and interesting show to watch but man

Same here man. I didn't follow the Manga but the premise seemed interesting. But this animation is just...yeesh...
Jan 10, 2021 6:42 PM

Feb 2020
I have to be honest, the fighting movements are great (the part where the protagonist is inside the Alma apparently can't control her body very well), but everything is so ... I don't even have words to describe it. CGI is horrible, the fusion of 2D and 3D makes everything strange. I like CGI anime very much, but this is one that even I cannot defend.

I'll keep watching to see how the anime will look from here (if I managed to finish SDS 3, I can handle it ... I think), but my grade is 3/10

Just a random guy who likes random stuff (ᐛ)و
Also, nice to meet you ;)
Jan 10, 2021 6:53 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
I can't even lie, I was incredibly entertained throughout. I'd rather watch something laughably bad than painfully mediocre anyways, so I hope the CG work only gets progressively worse as it goes on.

That being said, for an anime made by legit amateurs, it's a lot more functional than I expected. It's still the worst looking TV anime I've seen yet...

And I feel absolutely awful for the mangaka. Even if it might increase manga sales, I wouldn't want to be associated in any way with this kind of product.
Jan 10, 2021 6:58 PM

Jul 2017
snowykevin said:
I haven’t watched the first episode yet, so I was wondering to anyone that has seen it is bad enough that it’s worth watching or should I just not even bother?

don't bother to watch it, it's horrible adaptation ( as far on ep. 1)...
go read the manga if you interested in the story...
Jan 10, 2021 7:03 PM

Sep 2010
This was the most beautiful thing I have watched in a while!
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Jan 10, 2021 7:16 PM

Jul 2020
The story seems really interesting.
But Ph5YCh0, interesting story won't fix the art.
I know. This is pure despair at it's finest.
I don't normally watch PVs before watching the show, I was really excited for it after reading the synopsis and seeing the poster. But when I started watching the show, I was stricken with such a big disappointment.
"The moment where hope completely turns into despair is pure despair at it's finest"- random fate character.

Maybe we should give it a chance? (Pls don't hate me for saying this)
If the story turns out to be good, I hope they get a remake or something.
Am gonna watch the whole show till ep 12. Wish me luck.

Only the ones ready to die should kill.
Jan 10, 2021 7:22 PM

May 2010
unexplainable said:
The mixture between 2d and CGI makes it really weird. I'll get used to this.

The fact they prob did key frames instead of cgi for non moving characters as a cheap cop out is disgusting. This anime hurts so much. I'm trying to last through the episode but I don't think I can.

Watch in Awe
Jan 10, 2021 7:31 PM

Mar 2010
This is an experience alright.
Jan 10, 2021 7:31 PM
Mar 2020
i'm selling my house this is so good
Jan 10, 2021 7:35 PM

Aug 2011
Welp, this is morbid curiosity at this point
Jan 10, 2021 7:37 PM

Jan 2020
The greatest anime ever created and it's not even close.

FMAB? Hxh? Steins;Gate? Gintama? AOT? None of them can even come remotely close to the greatness of this episode. /s

1/5 episode.

Jan 10, 2021 7:41 PM
Jan 2021
Uma coisa horrenda dessa não era nem pra ser chamada de anime, misturando 3DCGI cm 2D nossa, está foi a hora d'água para esse EP.
Jan 10, 2021 7:56 PM

Mar 2012
I just skimmed the show... it looks like some 90s 3D shit LMAO
EcchiGodMamsterJan 10, 2021 8:11 PM
Jan 10, 2021 8:10 PM

Mar 2012
maxpriority said:
EcchiGodMamster said:
I just skimmed the show... it looks like some 90s shit LMAO

Umm, no. Akira came out in 1988 and is vastly better than this. This is just bad.

i just lol'd irl

well Akira wasn't 3d CGI, which is what im referring too... this is some Bluedabadee shit LMAO
Jan 10, 2021 8:12 PM
Aug 2018
Wow, 119 replies lmao... this really made waves, huh? I haven't looked at any of the comments yet, but I'm sure they all say the same thing: what the actual fuck? Why are random characters 2d? The brother and the 1 random old policemen out of the 4 in that shot. Story actually seems like it could've been kind of decent, and I actually think the fight choreography--not the animation, but the choreography itself--was kinda cool, very older-school over-the-top anime shit. But that's it. I can't believe how bad this is. For once, I think an anime might actually be deserving of it's atrociously low score (sitting at 2.95 as of right now!!!).
Jan 10, 2021 8:17 PM
Apr 2014
I would have dropped this due to the laughable poor animation if it weren't for the fact androids exist in here. Show me more of Alma.
Jan 10, 2021 8:25 PM

Jul 2012
Dios me libre y me guarde.

I'm in physical pain. I cannot believe what I just saw.
I was planning on watching this for the "so bad it's good" reason, like I did with Gibiate, but I don't know if I can't take it. Hell, Gibiate looks like freaking Kimetsu no Yaiba in comparison lmao
And why are Saitou Souma and Daisuke Namikawa on this??? lol

Anyway 10/10 so far.
Jan 10, 2021 8:31 PM
Oct 2020
Not even close to Berserk (2016), it's a masterpiece compared to Ex-Arm.
Jan 10, 2021 8:35 PM

Oct 2008
errrr...what's-up with the animation department...!?!?
oh look at the score 2.95...imma score it also as 1/10 Appalling and it might just help on lowering down the score even more! LOLOLOLERZ

Jan 10, 2021 9:08 PM

Jan 2019
Literally a blessing from the anime god himself. I never saw myself potentially enjoying a first episode this much. Mega props to the production crew, especially the ultimate director-chad-san that is Kimura Yoshikatsu-sensei. Now that I've endured through the first episode, I would never have to worry about ever getting diagnosed with erectile dysfunction anytime in the future - because the blissful CGI's got me just that rock hard. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT EPISODE KING!!!
Jan 10, 2021 9:15 PM

Jun 2019
I could not believe it was this bad.

I am in complete shock. How could any company release this? Everything about it is atrocious. Even the voice actors are just phoning in their performances.

I feel so bad for the creator of the source material.
Jan 10, 2021 9:18 PM

Jun 2019
SummerADDE said:
I would have dropped this due to the laughable poor animation if it weren't for the fact androids exist in here. Show me more of Alma.

Bruh what are you gonna do if you see more of Alma? Jerk-off? TO THIS?!?
Jan 10, 2021 9:35 PM

Oct 2012
The fact that this show has 8 production companies lead by one (Crunchyroll) who were founded by a love for animation is really just a disgrace. Not gonna lie, I don't hate the story but everything from the wimpy songs to the lack of animation, it just peeves me!
Jan 10, 2021 10:01 PM

Dec 2016
The most cancerous show of this year. I don't know if a show can get any worse than this...

The first few minutes was the literal description of the year 2020 XD

Literally these emojis are their reaction in every situation 😃😊🙂😐

And what's up with these High School Musical-ish OP and ED.....

That Alma is an Android? You all seem Androids to me.

I'm dropping this 😃
Jan 10, 2021 10:22 PM
Jul 2020
I was excited for this show you know. I thought it would be like Akudama Drive. But man I am disappointed. I guess we have our 'Gibiate' of the year.
Jan 10, 2021 10:31 PM
Mar 2019
Watched this with my friend on discord. We could not stop laughing. This CGI is a joke
Jan 10, 2021 10:36 PM
Jun 2020
-69/10 what a masterpiece it is

lmao it would be cool if Ex-Arm would defeat FMA:B just for the memes itself
Jan 10, 2021 10:49 PM
Jun 2017

Gibiate: 3.93 MAL score (current)- worst anime of 2020

- ive finished that one and hoping i can never watch another worst anime than that one..

Ex Arm: 2.86 MAL score (current)

- whats this? i cant focus on the story because of those CGI's on this show... the OST's are nice but this show is just hurtful to watch as i feel im fooling myself from watching this one... hahaha

well anyways we have some war of having a very low score...
Jan 10, 2021 10:51 PM
Jun 2017

Gibiate has now a worthy opponent of being the BEST ANIME OF THE DECADE... hahaha
Jan 10, 2021 11:29 PM
Jun 2012
Had so much watching this omg too bad the audio is something i can't bear, i was laughing all along :')
Jan 10, 2021 11:37 PM
Apr 2020
Officially the worst rated show on MAl:

Jan 10, 2021 11:51 PM

Nov 2016
I was looking forward to watching this and...what the hell is this lol.

bastek66 said:
Crunchy really killed credibility of it's Originals with shitty manhwas adaptations, Gibiate and now this. When Funishit takes over their asses will hurt a lot.
Piromysl said:
Holy shit! XD
Main Character is is full 3D CG and the guy standing next to him is in regular 2D. This looks ridiculous. XDDDDDDD

Yeah it's really incompetent.

They could only afford to draw one character give them a break /s
Jan 10, 2021 11:52 PM
Apr 2020
Yeah that rating.. I think this is MAL's one of the worst rating of all time, and I can't completely disagreed with it..

Woah.. this definitely changes the world and knowledge of how an ordinary anime works. It really looks like the Yandere Simulator game!

This will be a fun ride. We'll see how people will roast this anime. I'm in for this till the end. SHOW ME MORE! :")
Kirukato05Jan 11, 2021 12:09 AM
Jan 10, 2021 11:53 PM

Jul 2020
Despite having only around 20,000 members this is the first anime forum I've seen that has active user interaction.
Welp most of the users are just comparing Berserk and Gibiate to Ex arm not much of a surprise.
NewGenWeeblet said:
Yeah that rating.. I think this is MAL's worsest rating of all time, and I can't completely disagreed with it..
Ever heard of this?

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Jan 10, 2021 11:57 PM
Jul 2018
This show is gold! I've been watching it for 7 minutes and I can't stop laughing xD

When I watched the trailer I thought that only the animation would be bad, but besides being bad it's inconsistent in terms of the chosen animation style. Also the script seems written by a 7 years old boy, and even the voice acting seems out of place.

I feel so bad for the mangaka and for the voice actors, specially Soma Saito, Mikakoshi and Miyu Tomita :(
Jan 11, 2021 12:10 AM

May 2012
Very misleading score. This anime is not bad at all

People seems to giving it low score just because of CG
Jan 11, 2021 12:44 AM
Apr 2020
Story is great and interesting, BUT the animation is super weird and dubbing ain't synchronize. Remake this ASAP! lmao

Jan 11, 2021 1:42 AM

Oct 2020
How could you all...This is a masterpiece!

Jan 11, 2021 1:46 AM

Aug 2019
never have I given a show a 1 but that has changed after seeing that first episode
Jan 11, 2021 1:55 AM

Jun 2020
People watched the trailer and still decided to watch it just to rate it bad lmao I mean yeah sure shit was horrendous, worse than I expected but I think many people watched it without even thinking of ever giving it a chance. Don't watch shows after you've already decided to trash them lmao

2/5 episode, sound was good, CGI hell tho and very weird and abrupt cuts. Where was the ecchi?? I came for the ecchi. But yeah op and ed nothing special but cool, let's see if it ends up a trainwreck or there's redemption to be had
This anime shit is addictive
Jan 11, 2021 2:01 AM
Sep 2020
MegamiRem said:
So folks the anime that will surely live it's mark on history has finally started. Putting aside the absolutely non random, not cliche cringe stuff that happend I'm gonna praise how good the visuals were and the animation was legit the best thing. Forgot to mention, the voice actors are wasted on this show.


The only Decent Crunchy Originals was Tower of God, TONIKAWA, and The God of Highschool.
Jan 11, 2021 2:08 AM
Sep 2020
man, oh man. its just me or Japanese create an anime version of uncanny valley ? Why did they choose to create bad CG anime than just use high quality 2d anime ?
Jan 11, 2021 2:20 AM

Oct 2017
Aan120898 said:
MegamiRem said:
So folks the anime that will surely live it's mark on history has finally started. Putting aside the absolutely non random, not cliche cringe stuff that happend I'm gonna praise how good the visuals were and the animation was legit the best thing. Forgot to mention, the voice actors are wasted on this show.


The only Decent Crunchy Originals was Tower of God, TONIKAWA, and The God of Highschool.
TOG adaptation was okay but GOH adaptation was atrocious. The pacing was horrible and they changed a fuckton of stuff. The animation was legit great thou but that was cause of MAPPA. But yeah Tonikaku Kawaii anime was lit. Also Noblesse adaptation was decent too.
Jan 11, 2021 2:28 AM
Jun 2014
I was going to say how trash this movement animations were and compare it to Ladybug or some other crap, but after reading this huge pile of shit this thread is - I just feel bad about this anime. It's like it killed all of your mothers and pissed on their graves. Holly god. You, people, are even worse than this anime.
Jan 11, 2021 2:38 AM

Nov 2018
After Watched Ex-Arms, My first sentence that come into my mind was "WHAT THE F*** IS WRONG WITH THIS ANIME"

It's kinda baffling that this ANIME is even worse than I could imagined. And that Imagination I create after I watch The Trailer.

From Animation that so bad even compare it to Berserk and Gibiate was insult to it, Not to mention they blatantly Blend 3D CGI and 2D Animation with looks like almost not even effort to make it comfortable to watch.
Animation Transition that so messed up that looks like someone who doesn't know Transition works and just make random scribbles just to Transit it.

Character that just appear randomly with no single information and reasons about character and what they doing apart from Akira, Minami, and Alma.
Character Design that Faceless, Heartless, even Lifeless. That I believe even children at elementary school can make even better Character Design than this Anime presented.

Story was Confusing Mess. From one scene to another scene that have no explanation, relation, or even reason why they adding some scene in first place. But, I give it a chance just because this just one episode. If you already Confuse by Story enough, Don't worry because Camera Position and Visual effect especially for fire was gonna bring confusion into headache in matter of second.

What make this anime more Insane is even OP and ED have a problem on their own. The OP Part not have any harmony to enjoy and Music Sound having quality problem. In the ED Part feels like looking at abyss, their no have any feels to them and Full of darkness from emptiness that through over it.

What Am I even thinking to wrote this discussion this long, because everyone know is already bad.

The only Good Thing that I find in this episode is Fighting and Shooting Choreography in first time is pretty good, If you ignore basically everything that appear on scene.

Overall what a great recipe for one of the worst anime of the year or maybe even decade. This was beyond my imagination and Guess what, I already enter a Train Wreck Full of Flames. I can only torture enjoy this anime that serve to us with all kind of bad aspect in it.

Hope, I can survive and keep my insanity safe after watching all of 12 episode.
Yunohi-kunJan 12, 2021 1:14 AM
Jan 11, 2021 3:35 AM

Jun 2019
Alright, this is it. This is the peak. This is the best anime we could've ever asked for. KEKW
Jan 11, 2021 3:59 AM

Aug 2019
WTF Crunchyroll, why is this even funded? CGI was so fucking awful and even if the plot isn't that bad (meh at most) the CG made it looked bad. OSTs was fine, design was fine but the CGI! This is just painful to watch. The cast were wasted on this garbage.
Jan 11, 2021 4:18 AM
May 2020
The CGI was practical crap. The CGI animators may have worked "hard," but they didn't do a good job. Although whenever I watch 3D/CGI-animated anime, I'm not exactly used to it at first but I can still finish the episode. But this one only lasted 4 minutes.
If you think 3D anime is bad because of this (and Berserk), I'd recommend you to watch Dorohedoro, Beastars, Houseki no Kuni, Final Fantasy, and Tekken.

Also, I can imagine the mangaka feeling happy that she/he got an anime adaption, but got disappointed because the animation was trashy. And whoever thought of mashing-up 2D and 3D was just. . .WTF. . . but Dorohedoro and Beastars can constantly make you forget you're actually watching a 3D anime.

Infact, even one animator alone can do better than this. I'm not sure what the story is about (aside from the info from MAL's description), but it hurts to even look at those lifeless characters, so I don't want to watch it anymore. I might as well just read the manga, although the animation made me lose my appetite of reading it tbh. . . and I still have 22 other anime (possibly) worthy of my time so- [and I just got those anime series/movie(s) last December. Who knows how much more I'll add]
Kiyoshi_SoranoJan 11, 2021 4:28 AM
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