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Attack on Titan
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Jan 10, 2021 9:56 AM
Sep 2016
keragamming said:
Based off the discussion going on you would think they rating for this episode is bad, but when looking at it you realize the majority loved this episode.

Goes to show you how the vocal minority can shout louder than the majority to make it seems like everyone didn't like this episode.

the adaptation is neither wonderful nor bad it is simply 'normal' and in line with that of WIT and the anime has only to thank the fantastic story of the manga.
Seeing a 'normal' adaptation having higher ratings than the manga is a shame.
Jan 10, 2021 9:58 AM

Apr 2018
The discussion between Reiner and Eren was great but OMG that end of episode with Eren's transformation, it was absolutely incredible, now I just CAN'T wait to see the next episode
Jan 10, 2021 10:01 AM
Dec 2020
yaegerist-15 said:
TomTomestos said:
While 2Volt wasn't necessarily the most fitting one for the last scene, it still was far from bad. Didn't Levi vs Beast Titan get the same OST too? And even then the anime onlies still loved it to death. Other than that, VERY GREAT EPISODE, the directing, the tension, the OST overall ( I loved the new theme that had Attack on Titan(the OST)'s melody. But if I had to praise a part about it the most, then it' s the voice acting, especially Reiner, his breakdown was way better portrayed than I ever imagined
the funny thing is, people complained back then about 2volt being unsuitable for levi vs beast titan fight lol

The manga readers did, just like this episode. Anime-onlies didn't care that much. Even then, that episode is still rated 10 on IMDB so it shows that the content itself is superior compared to the directing (which was phenomenal on both episodes 54 and 64 by the way, just not perfect)
Jan 10, 2021 10:02 AM

Apr 2017
What a crazy good episode man...
Jan 10, 2021 10:04 AM
Dec 2020
TomTomestos said:
yaegerist-15 said:
the funny thing is, people complained back then about 2volt being unsuitable for levi vs beast titan fight lol

The manga readers did, just like this episode. Anime-onlies didn't care that much. Even then, that episode is still rated 10 on IMDB so it shows that the content itself is superior compared to the directing (which was phenomenal on both episodes 54 and 64 by the way, just not perfect)
fax, as a manga reader I loved this episode, will surely break the internet when the subs are out
Attack on Titan ended with chapter 123 and 130/131 is the epilogue
Jan 10, 2021 10:06 AM
Oct 2018
How was the pacing ? Cutting ? And are there any original scene ?
Jan 10, 2021 10:12 AM
Dec 2020
Omertaskaya said:
How was the pacing ? Cutting ? And are there any original scene ?

-the scene between kiyomi and willy takes place a bit eariler, right after the OP
-the scene with willy and magath in the carriage is not in this episode, but I think it will be in the sixth one (i hope at least)
-the pit where pieck and porco fall doesn't have the toy anymore
-maybe some dialogue were removed but i don't know 100% since I don't know japanese at all, but while i was reading the panels while watching the episode at the same time it felt like some lines were removed, although not crucial ones
-right before eren's transforming, marley soldiers are trying to break the door from the basement (anime original)

other than that, this was by far the most faithful episode to the manga
TomTomestosJan 10, 2021 10:16 AM
Jan 10, 2021 10:13 AM

May 2018
The OST at the end could have been better. Someone edited the last scene and replaced it with a fan made remix of the S4 trailer and it sounds so much better.
But what we got was good tho. I guess that is what happens when you read the manga first. You read it and develop some huge expectations and get disappointed when it doesn't play out exactly as you thought it would.

Here is that edit I was talking about.
Jan 10, 2021 10:18 AM

Oct 2013
DomineLkira said:
The OST at the end could have been better. Someone edited the last scene and replaced it with a fan made remix of the S4 trailer and it sounds so much better.
But what we got was good tho. I guess that is what happens when you read the manga first. You read it and develop some huge expectations and get disappointed when it doesn't play out exactly as you thought it would.

Here is that edit I was talking about.

Oh god, I'm glad they avoided using that, in an alternate world where that was used, they would be bitching that "They are using the final season trailer ost way too much! lazy Mappa, redundant Mappa, no creativity etc"

They have already been bitching about it, so lose, lose situation for Mappa either way.

Jan 10, 2021 10:18 AM

Mar 2018

Omg this fits absolutely perfectly. Sad they didn't use it in the actual episode.
Jan 10, 2021 10:19 AM
Oct 2018
TomTomestos said:
Omertaskaya said:
How was the pacing ? Cutting ? And are there any original scene ?

-the scene between kiyomi and willy takes place a bit eariler, right after the OP
-the scene with willy and magath in the carriage is not in this episode, but I think it will be in the sixth one (i hope at least)
-the pit where pieck and porco fall doesn't have the toy anymore
-maybe some dialogue were removed but i don't know 100% since I don't know japanese at all, but while i was reading the panels while watching the episode at the same time it felt like some lines were removed, although not crucial ones
-right before eren's transforming, marley soldiers are trying to break the door from the basement (anime original)

other than that, this was by far the most faithful episode to the manga

Okey, sound like pretty good. Thanks man.
Jan 10, 2021 10:21 AM
Dec 2020
Alpha_Druid said:

Omg this fits absolutely perfectly. Sad they didn't use it in the actual episode.
the thing is we couldn't have gotten this ost for this episode because the whole part which is played in the video was totally a fan made arrangement. still it could've been def better, but the ost they used isn't very bad and def doesn't feel out of place at all with the way it was played.
Jan 10, 2021 10:25 AM

Oct 2020
You'll get the new OST used somewhere else y'all. It's not like they trashed it. We don't know what they planned it for so stop using your headcanon music choices to blame the one used in the show!
Jan 10, 2021 10:26 AM
Jan 2018
The ost threw me off guard, maybe I expected different theme for declaration of war and overall suspense but the episode in general didn't disappoint at all.
Jan 10, 2021 10:28 AM

May 2018
keragamming said:
DomineLkira said:
The OST at the end could have been better. Someone edited the last scene and replaced it with a fan made remix of the S4 trailer and it sounds so much better.
But what we got was good tho. I guess that is what happens when you read the manga first. You read it and develop some huge expectations and get disappointed when it doesn't play out exactly as you thought it would.

Here is that edit I was talking about.

Oh god, I'm glad they avoided using that, in an alternate world where that was used, they would be bitching that "They are using the final season trailer ost way too much! lazy Mappa, redundant Mappa, no creativity etc"

They have already been bitching about it, so lose, lose situation for Mappa either way.

I mean that would be just hypocritical, considering how much sawano reuses the osts in attack on titan and people still love them. For me anything more hype than we got would be better but yeah.
Jan 10, 2021 10:30 AM

Jan 2018
I_Am_Freeballing said:
You'll get the new OST used somewhere else y'all. It's not like they trashed it. We don't know what they planned it for so stop using your headcanon music choices to blame the one used in the show!

We don't care if the new ost is going to be used somewhere else, that scene is one of the most impactful in the manga and the anime didn't do it justice, that's all
Jan 10, 2021 10:33 AM
Dec 2020
chiearlymorning said:
Sound director looooooves using 2volt!

i guess this episode really won't break the internet. Whole episode had amazing build up music, amazing suspense, and then.. throwaway hype track.

one of the most unmemorable scenes ever.

Yeah just like manlet vs monke.. EVERYONE HATED THAT EPISODE because it also used 2Volt... /s IT DIDN'T BREAK THE INTERNET BECAUSE OF THAT ONE SCENE... also /s
Jan 10, 2021 10:36 AM

Oct 2020
SethBigBoss said:
I_Am_Freeballing said:
You'll get the new OST used somewhere else y'all. It's not like they trashed it. We don't know what they planned it for so stop using your headcanon music choices to blame the one used in the show!

We don't care if the new ost is going to be used somewhere else, that scene is one of the most impactful in the manga and the anime didn't do it justice, that's all
Understandable, although I think it did do it justice.
Jan 10, 2021 10:41 AM

Mar 2018
TomTomestos said:
While 2Volt wasn't necessarily the most fitting one for the last scene, it still was far from bad. Didn't Levi vs Beast Titan get the same OST too? And even then the anime onlies still loved it to death. Other than that, VERY GREAT EPISODE, the directing, the tension, the OST overall ( I loved the new theme that had Attack on Titan(the OST)'s melody. But if I had to praise a part about it the most, then it' s the voice acting, especially Reiner, his breakdown was way better portrayed than I ever imagined

That ost didn't work for that scene nor did it work for this scene. It's a mediocre ost. Should never be used for such epic moments, but oh well.

You're being disingenuous by implying that people didn't care about the ost because they loved the scene. People certainly did care about the ost. However, the scene was saved by the epic build up; Erwin's legendary speech, the final charge and Levi being a titan-slaying hype machine avenging his fallen comrades. Then there was the great animation which we all knew and loved which effectively showed the disparity between Levi and Zeke. This emotional rollercoaster is what held the scene together despite not having a remarkable ost. The same however, absolutely cannot be said for this episode.
Jan 10, 2021 10:45 AM

Mar 2020
finally it's here, what a great episode it was. People are gonna understand why AOT is a master piece now ...
check out odd taxi
Jan 10, 2021 10:45 AM
Dec 2020
All I'm gonna say..... wait for the sub
Jan 10, 2021 10:47 AM

Aug 2011
That is incredible how manichean people are on this thread. I barely see any comments with somewhat some positives and negatives on the episode. Majority are only : "IT SUCKS, MAPPA IS SHIT" or "AMAZING ! MAPPA GOAT".

Well, overall I really enjoyed the episode. Apart from the final OST, I think everything was on point.I liked the atmosphere and how things were introduced until the anticipated climax. This talking episode was really tense and in my opinion, they greatly convey the emotions and I had the same feelings as when I read the manga.

The big test is gonna be in the next few episodes with much more actions scenes. If people have to complain about animations and stuff, that will be here. I don't see the point in criticizing the animation in a talking episode when they will probably put much more efforts in the next ones.
skipper56100Jan 10, 2021 10:52 AM
Jan 10, 2021 10:48 AM
Aug 2018
chiearlymorning said:
keragamming said:

Oh god, I'm glad they avoided using that, in an alternate world where that was used, they would be bitching that "They are using the final season trailer ost way too much! lazy Mappa, redundant Mappa, no creativity etc"

They have already been bitching about it, so lose, lose situation for Mappa either way.

[b]see, if they haven't spammed this ost track on TALKING scenes like episode 3, maybe people wouldn't get so bored of it. This moment was the perfect chance to use this track, but they blew it. It's hard to grasp that this is the same sound director that worked on such eargasm masterpieces like season 2 episode 6 "warrior" or episode 12 "scream". It is what it is I guess.

They used it for like 4 minutes in ep 1 and like 1 and a half in ep 3, I wouldn't call that spamming at all. If people are really bored of the ost after hearing it twice they should be complaining about every aot ep because surprisingly osts get used more than once.
Jan 10, 2021 10:51 AM
Aug 2018
skipper56100 said:
That is incredible how manichean people are on this thread. I barely see any comments with somewhat some positives and negatives on the episode. Majority are only : "IT SUCKS, MAPPA IS SHIT" or "AMAZING ! MAPPA GOAT".

MAL is like a breeding ground for this sort of thing. You dont have to love everything or hate everything about an adaptation. While I have been impressed with this season so far I can't say I wasn't disappointed by the choice of ost for the end of the ep. That doesnt mean I now have to hate everything about the season. Opinion doesnt have to be so black and white.
Jan 10, 2021 10:54 AM
Dec 2020
Alpha_Druid said:

That ost didn't work for that scene nor did it work for this scene. It's a mediocre ost. Should never be used for such epic moments, but oh well.

You're being disingenuous by implying that people didn't care about the ost because they loved the scene. People certainly did care about the ost. However, the scene was saved by the epic build up; Erwin's legendary speech, the final charge and Levi being a titan-slaying hype machine avenging his fallen comrades. Then there was the great animation which we all knew and loved which effectively showed the disparity between Levi and Zeke. This emotional rollercoaster is what held the scene together despite not having a remarkable ost. The same however, absolutely cannot be said for this episode.

The same could be said in this episode. The buildup of it, which consists in Willy's speech, which ends by him declaring the war, the pure tension in the dialogue between Reiner and Eren, which results in Eren transforming into the Attack Titan, while the soldiers are trying to break the door from the basement (great addition by the way) makes this scene way more than great overall, and also the pure badassness of Eren destroying the building and eating Willy just works very well. I don't know when you began reading the manga, but if you did after Season 3 Part 2, it makes sense why you think S3E17 is a masterpiece (or close to it) while S4E5 is very far from it.
Jan 10, 2021 10:57 AM
Dec 2020
TomTomestos said:
Alpha_Druid said:

That ost didn't work for that scene nor did it work for this scene. It's a mediocre ost. Should never be used for such epic moments, but oh well.

You're being disingenuous by implying that people didn't care about the ost because they loved the scene. People certainly did care about the ost. However, the scene was saved by the epic build up; Erwin's legendary speech, the final charge and Levi being a titan-slaying hype machine avenging his fallen comrades. Then there was the great animation which we all knew and loved which effectively showed the disparity between Levi and Zeke. This emotional rollercoaster is what held the scene together despite not having a remarkable ost. The same however, absolutely cannot be said for this episode.

The same could be said in this episode. The buildup of it, which consists in Willy's speech, which ends by him declaring the war, the pure tension in the dialogue between Reiner and Eren, which results in Eren transforming into the Attack Titan, while the soldiers are trying to break the door from the basement (great addition by the way) makes this scene way more than great overall, and also the pure badassness of Eren destroying the building and eating Willy just works very well. I don't know when you began reading the manga, but if you did after Season 3 Part 2, it makes sense why you think S3E17 is a masterpiece (or close to it) while S4E5 is very far from it.
I'm telling you the people who don't understand jap need to wait for the subs to understand its greatness directorially
Jan 10, 2021 10:58 AM

Mar 2016
Man this is such a huge turning point for the series. Not gonna lie the OST choice during Willy declaration of war was questionable, kind of lost the hype in that moment. But everything before that was pretty darn good.
Jan 10, 2021 11:00 AM
Feb 2018
Well then if you really wanted WIT to handle AoT final season then beg, lick their toes and pay for their sweets and bloods. The main reason WIT declines this because it's really hard for them and they dont paid enough for these shits.

Atleast watch Bakuman to understand how hard being a mangaka/animator, and imagine how does it feels working that hard for small price.

I can guarantee most of these bitching come from pirate-watchers who doesnt even paid a penny nor watching it on legal site.

I'm aware about constructive critics, byt know your access limit please. I honestly tired with all of these self-proclaimed critics, Jesus.
Jan 10, 2021 11:04 AM

Oct 2007
armchair3 said:
I honestly do not like the ending scene. As a manga reader, I'm suggesting to anime-online to see the fananimations for chapter 100.

did you not sleep well? Mappa did a fine job, you can't seriously compare fananimation to what we got here, only minus point for me is the CGI titan, but we already had this discussion
Jan 10, 2021 11:07 AM
Nov 2019
tirthasg said:
Horrible animation mess. 5/10 at best. Animated panels of the manga on YouTube are so much better than whatever the MAPPA staff decided to throw at this episode.
don't like hating mappa too much, but i completely agree with you. Animation today was really weak, but still looking forward for the next chapter
Jan 10, 2021 11:08 AM
May 2018
Well that was frickin intense. Holy shit I'm shitting
Jan 10, 2021 11:11 AM
Jun 2019
Reiner shocking face was priceless. 10/10 cant wait to see more
Jan 10, 2021 11:12 AM
Nov 2020
Im hyping for this episode but in this episode is less dramatic then the manga do, I'm OK with that

The animation of this episode is good
The music is enough for me

I hope on next episode gonna be great like the manga
Jan 10, 2021 11:13 AM

Feb 2017
Bruh literally all everyone here is complaining about is the OST usage. Jesus

Jan 10, 2021 11:20 AM
Oct 2014
Why do we have the same track for every "action" moment in the anime ?It seems like I'll enjoy everything until a titan appears, kinda disappointed.
Jan 10, 2021 11:26 AM

Jul 2015
This episode really shows that both Eren and Reiner saw good in their enemies....

One episode per week isnt enough, give us more
Jan 10, 2021 11:26 AM
Sep 2019
LETS FCKING GO! This Episode was 10/10. I was super excited and nervous at the same time because what if MAPPA didn't live up to my expectation in this episode. But I was so dumb. It's pretty great. Reiner having PTSD when he meet eren. And Also yoooooo Eren the chad said the thing "I Keep Moving Forward". 10/10 Masterpiece. Can't wait for next episode.
Jan 10, 2021 11:27 AM

Nov 2020
Oh my god... AOT fanbase's toxicity is way too much. They literally complain everything.
Jan 10, 2021 11:28 AM
Oct 2019
This episode was intense af. The amount of hype i felt was something i've never experienced before while watching a anime.

Next episode will be sick!! I wonder who framed Pieck and Porco.
Life is not daijoubu
Jan 10, 2021 11:30 AM
Dec 2012
Finally, they used the sawano soundtracks properly, really really liked this episode. I would give it a 9.5/10 because the ending animation was a bit weird but it's the usual this season. Everything else was great!
Jan 10, 2021 11:32 AM
Dec 2020
DrkSeid69 said:
Oh my god... AOT fanbase's toxicity is way too much. They literally complain everything.
oh this is nothing at all
Jan 10, 2021 11:32 AM

Oct 2020
On a more positive note:
Jan 10, 2021 11:32 AM
Oct 2019
This anime had the power to hype even a spoiled brat 10/10 this episode
Jan 10, 2021 11:33 AM

Apr 2020
This was a heavy episode to watch. The conversation between Eren and Reiner was amazing and kind of sad. I felt bad for Reiner when he was crying. Can't wait for another week!! 10/10
Jan 10, 2021 11:33 AM

Sep 2019
When I didn't hear the OST from the trailer . . . .

I was so disappointed

Otherwise great episode, next week shit's going to get fucking crazy.
Jan 10, 2021 11:33 AM

Apr 2020
Lol they didn't put any animation in the most hype part (Eren transforming through the building). That was some weak sauce ngl. Glad I'm reading the manga.

Also, y'all blind asf. The Attack Titan is CGI. By the looks of it they will switch between 2D and 3D a lot, will be jarring.

Don't get me wrong this adaptatian is definitely worth watching. It's just facts WIT handled prior seasons in a far superior way. We all knew this, EP1 gave us some hope, but the sauce just isn't here bro. I had low expectations anyway so I'm not bothered that much.
KaasfondueJan 10, 2021 11:40 AM
Jan 10, 2021 11:35 AM

Aug 2020
Someone please give Reiner’s VA an award :o
Jan 10, 2021 11:36 AM
Dec 2020
I still don't understand how people are finding the animation at the decleration of war scene bad honestly. the sfx and Eren looked fucking gorgeous, even the cgi shot looked great with that damn good lighting

void_05 said:
Someone please give Reiner’s VA an award :o
Best VA 2021 (hhhhhhhh)

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
anime-primeJan 10, 2021 11:47 AM
Jan 10, 2021 11:39 AM

May 2019
Holy fuck

Holy fuck

Holy fuck

Holy fuck

That was, in one word, epic.

Let me drown in an indescribable emptiness until next Sunday. I'm a masochist for waiting for the anime to air instead of jumping to the manga, but it's totally worth it. This is the full experience, with music and voice acting and all...

Edit: Was that "Marleyan" soldier Armin? If it's him then damn he's gotten much taller.
bluninjaJan 10, 2021 11:43 AM
If you read Eleceed you're automatically my friend.
Jan 10, 2021 11:41 AM
Sep 2018
i cant understand how people say that the ending ost was bad and the sequencing of the ost was bad. i found it to be PERFECT. this is probably my most favourite episode in all of AoT even though there wasnt any action.

The only negatives i saw were the bad janky art of eren and reiner at 2 or 3 frames.
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