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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season Part 2
Mar 7, 2021 8:19 PM
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You on the other hand, the only thing fueling you is hatred, and even after all this time, you still haven't moved on from a series you no longer enjoy, just like the obsessed virgins back at YB. That's just pathetic on every level.
It also seems really strange to constantly write stories, in any country, if you have no idea how it's going to end. The ending is something I'd actually come up with first. The Titanic sinks, we all know it's coming... but how did we get there? Now that the ending is figured out you can build up to it properly. Or maybe you want a twist ending, you come up with the twist... then write around that to do proper foreshadowing.
When you know how you're ending the story you also know where NOT to go so you can do appropriate padding or come up with side stories. Always keeping it in your pocket for later.
Basically if you do your ending properly the journey is made all the better for it.
this piece of garbage ending will age like milk
the fact that its garbage can be seen with so many analyses trying to use 139 to give context to the entire series instead of using the rest of the series so 139 makes sense (which it doesn't) An ending is built on the basis and context given by a story that already happened and give it good closure. You dont go and redefine that basis at the literal eleventh hour based on the ending and expect people to try and make sense of it and eat that shit up. This garbage ending recontextualize characters and so many plot points + breaks the 4. wall with that shitty acting from eren which makes 0 sense
I absolutely agree, if the Animation would be better, the whole adaption would be better. Thats just a fact... and when you look at the amazing JJK animation it just hurts to see the animation of AoT in comprehension.
I am just thankful the animation just went from a 10/10 to a 7/10 and not from a 8,5/10 to a 2/10 like in the seven deadly sins. xD
But i'm overall satisfied with the animation, even they can be much better... but sadly no other studio except MAPPA wanted to make Season 4, so i am just glad and absolutely happy, that AoT is'nt another great anime with no ending... ^^