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Oct 20, 2009 4:04 PM

Jul 2008
This first half of the episode is alright^^ The battle afterwards was pretty good, Misuzu is just awesome in fighting :D
ShanaFlameOct 20, 2009 4:33 PM
Oct 20, 2009 6:00 PM

Sep 2007
Buuuu, where is my weekly fun?! °3°
Don't you dare to use my language correctly Japan, give me lulz instead!
Oct 20, 2009 7:34 PM

Sep 2008
SunyiNyufi said:
Buuuu, where is my weekly fun?! °3°
Don't you dare to use my language correctly Japan, give me lulz instead!


Sword training, what does this remind me of :x
Lack of kukuri, waiting for kanae to make an appearance :<
Oct 21, 2009 1:11 AM

Oct 2009
The beginning of this episode was interesting about Kakeru thinking and wanting to learn fighting from Misuzu. Found it interesting Misuzu has five different swords, I think one of them is fire, one is electrical, one might be wind and one looks like darkness but the last one not sure. Breast grabbing of Yuka by Yukiko looked a little forced to me. Little dissapointed that Kakeru's practice did not go well enough for him to learn properly. The second half of the episode was splendid! Was great with Misuzu fighting Gula with her fire sword. The other bad guy scared me when Kakeru was in the car with Yuka hiding by appearing suddenly. They did same thing as with Kukuri and it worked again. The dual sword slash of Misuzu (she pulled out dark and electrical swords) on big guy to kill him was great! Big cheers there. Noticed Misuzu wears black panties. O_O Noticed also when Gula was death one of hte crystals dissapeared. Wonder about the connection there? My favorite (Kakeru) was bleeding a little this episode but at least he got saved by Kukuri and protected till the end Yuka. Another dream again shows even more the past of Kakeru, so he was a knight in that kingdom on fire. Yukiko introduction by Misuzu will play out next episode more and fire guy will also be there.
ShanaFlame said:
The battle afterwards was pretty good, Misuzu is just awesome in fighting :D

That slash with double swords was just great! Really nice slash! Pretty sure she got help from Yukiko there.
francismeunierOct 21, 2009 5:14 PM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Oct 21, 2009 1:23 AM

Sep 2007
Nadeko said:
SunyiNyufi said:
Buuuu, where is my weekly fun?! °3°
Don't you dare to use my language correctly Japan, give me lulz instead!


Sorry, I just really don't like this show, mostly cos there is not a hint of logic in it. So if it doesn't even has lulz, I'm not interested °3°
Oct 21, 2009 4:58 AM
Jul 2018
Kusakabe's secret techniques are cool, but I still can't see where it is going...

And it's extremely annoying that some characters speak so quietly (Kusabake, Momono) while some other voices, the OP/ED and fighting scenes are too loud :/
Oct 21, 2009 5:47 AM

Jul 2009
Not bad, Misuzu save me from dropping this series..
Oct 21, 2009 8:08 AM

Jun 2008
not quite sure sure on this episode

Rizetto seems to be the person banished 70 years ago Kusakabe speaks of.
There are 5 'demons' and 5 'demonic swords' Kusakabe wields.
Somehow this is turning obvious.
Oct 21, 2009 10:25 AM

Nov 2007
so I guess yukiku helped Misuzu. this seemed a bit down from the last 2 eps. the beginning was kinda boring. I guess lisette is the one Misuzu wants to meet. I thought that guy might of been helping but I guess he'll do something later.
Oct 21, 2009 11:09 AM

Jul 2009
Episode was Good But I Hope It Picks Up The Pace Soon
Oct 21, 2009 11:50 AM

Jan 2009
Oh.. really.. The OP's pretty the most redeeming part of this anime, since it otherwise is really generic and stuff xD I think that song's pretty good : p While the series itself is less so, but still not bad.

Also, I, Do not, like Yuka. She annoys me. A lot. =.=
I even like the talking trash (can't remember his name) more than Yuka, and that's bad : (
And I think that nurseperson is the second worst after Yuka.

Hmm.. well, doesn't Kakeru look really stupid when randomly hitting air with a stick.
And he's also way too impatient. He's got to learn to have some patience..

Well then, time to count the obvious pantyshots. 1, 2 ...wait.. What!? There were only 2 obvious and unavoidable pantyshots in this episode? O.O
Hey this might be getting better : D

Indeed, Kakeru shouldn't be luring the guy away, instead, he should let Yuka be the bait, that way, maybe he would survive, and at the same time get rid of Yuka : D

And for the ED, it's still as strange as before, but it's not bad either : p The song that is, the visuals suck. More or less. At least the maid part does.

No really, there are many parts in this anime that could be improved, but it surely ain't bad at least.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Oct 21, 2009 11:54 AM

Aug 2008
Episode was alright...I do hope we get somewhere with the story soon though.
Oct 21, 2009 12:20 PM

May 2009
Fatentity said:
Episode was alright...I do hope we get somewhere with the story soon though.

I you want story play the video game
Oct 21, 2009 1:04 PM

Oct 2009
Oosran said:

Also, I, Do not, like Yuka. She annoys me. A lot. =.=

Indeed, Kakeru shouldn't be luring the guy away, instead, he should let Yuka be the bait, that way, maybe he would survive, and at the same time get rid of Yuka : D

Hey! You are mean! Yuka is cute and nice. She gives a reason for Kakeru to protect and ovecome things. Yuka should not die at all. She and Kakeru should get married and make it through all this. Yuka also has cute panties, they are always pink and girls like pink. Oosran, friend you should think about Yuka in other ways because her and Kakeru are destined for love anyways. If she goes then Kakeru will also. I really don't want that.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Oct 21, 2009 2:15 PM

Feb 2009
Boring... dropped.
Oct 21, 2009 2:16 PM

Jul 2008
instead of yuka i want them to kill of yukiko ^^

but action was nice, again some mystery behind the hole ep. yeah i still like it.

Oct 21, 2009 2:18 PM
Jul 2018
francismeunier said:
Yuka also has cute panties, they are always pink and girls like pink.

LoL, your logic makes sense xD
What I'm curious about is Yuka's three sizes. Looks like 60-40-60, she is so small O_o
Oct 21, 2009 2:28 PM

Oct 2009
HoaRy said:
francismeunier said:
Yuka also has cute panties, they are always pink and girls like pink.

LoL, your logic makes sense xD
What I'm curious about is Yuka's three sizes. Looks like 60-40-60, she is so small O_o

I heard lots of Japanese women have small sizes. Really rare you see big sizes like in France and in general Europe.
Kiseki said:
instead of yuka i want them to kill of yukiko ^^

but action was nice, again some mystery behind the hole ep. yeah i still like it.

About your spoiler:

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Oct 21, 2009 2:59 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
I can't wait for Yukiko to start cutting people up.




[H+] ³  
Oct 21, 2009 3:09 PM
Aug 2008
SunyiNyufi said:

Sorry, I just really don't like this show, mostly cos there is not a hint of logic in it.

I don't think this is fair. No logic in it? You can't say there isn't any logic, because we don't know what's going on. If the explanations down the road don't make sense, then I'd say it's a fair criticism. At this point however, I think it's more apt to say that the plot could stand to be sped up. This show is like the complete opposite of the Book of Bantorra which in the first episode had a huge info dump. In this series we still have no idea what's going on.

So far I have no strong opinions about the show, which I think is worse than hating it. It's still a little early, but the premise is a little too cliche for my taste. I'm just waiting for Kakeru to finally awaken his power.
Oct 21, 2009 4:08 PM

Jul 2009
Honestly, the way they set up each episode is amazing. It leaves the audience full of suspense near the end. However, this won't work well for too long because the overall season is only 12 episodes. This means that not "a lot" will happen and if a lot does happen, the ending will be rushed.

This anime probably doesn't even need any ecchi elements in it. They seem forced and unnecessary. But hey, that's why they call it fan service.
Oct 21, 2009 4:22 PM

Jul 2009
Awwwie, me want Yukiko w/o her annoying glasses and kick ass like in the OP :(

I see wut you did thar with the french bread, cool-silver-haired-who-looked-like-Gintoki 8-)


Kusakabe, your technique how should I say guess? (=_+)b

francismeunier said:

Oosran said:
Oh.. really.. The OP's pretty the most redeeming part of this anime, since it otherwise is really generic and stuff xD I think that song's pretty good : p While the series itself is less so, but still not bad.

*sigh* NUUUUUUUUU!!!! I was so tired for always fapping to the OP and you just had to mention it, now I gotta go do it again *sigh* >:-o

Also, I, Do not, like Yuka. She annoys me. A lot. =.=
I even like the talking trash (can't remember his name) more than Yuka, and that's bad : (
And I think that nurseperson is the second worst after Yuka.

^+1 about Yuka, but since she's kinda cute, I guess I can overlook it. And who is the "talking trash" you talking about? Yukipon? If it's her then no, she was too funny and that being said from someone like me who disliked megane gals A LOT is something! 0-o

As for the nurse.... YOU JOKING ME? Or maybe it's because you weren't interested in science since all scientists would love to study how her boobs can defy and render Newton to a clown by trolling all of his physics laws ;)

Hmm.. well, doesn't Kakeru look really stupid when randomly hitting air with a stick.
And he's also way too impatient. He's got to learn to have some patience..

LOL exactly my thoughts ;D Why not get a gun or something then? We are in the 21st century after all, or maybe it's just me but if I was him, I would rather train and trust my own body than to rely to a stick, I mean, wut the heck would he do if he forgot his stick while facing an enemy? Using his own "stick" ?( Well that only worked against the female knights but still...)

And I gotta disagree a lil bit about him losing patience.... Shana does have a point about going step by step but making him learning by actual combat is not a bad idea either. Also, what's the point trying to extinguish some candle's fire? Is it a circus' training or something? I know the first one is reasonable since I was an expelled martial artist myself, but truth to be told, I have learned and improved myself a lot just from kicking my seniors' sorry butts rather than practicing by my own....<_<

Well then, time to count the obvious pantyshots. 1, 2 ...wait.. What!? There were only 2 obvious and unavoidable pantyshots in this episode? O.O
Hey this might be getting better : D

SHhhh, don't jinx man, this is one of the rare shows that doesn't get "steamy" or "black hollow" so don't you start to criticize it ;)

Indeed, Kakeru shouldn't be luring the guy away, instead, he should let Yuka be the bait, that way, maybe he would survive, and at the same time get rid of Yuka : D

^+ 0.5 while I do disagree a lil bit because of Yuka's cuteness, I have admit that some dark side of me do want a Shana X Kakeru, but considering how dumb he was in the game, maybe that was a bad idea after all...>_>

And for the ED, it's still as strange as before, but it's not bad either : p The song that is, the visuals suck. More or less. At least the maid part does.

Somebody who doesn't know how to enjoy the DELICIOUS part of the ED ;)

If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!!

Oct 21, 2009 4:36 PM

Jan 2009
Oosran said:
Also, I, Do not, like Yuka. She annoys me. A lot. =.=
I even like the talking trash (can't remember his name) more than Yuka, and that's bad : (

Agreed, I don't like her, she's way to whiny and dependent. I didn't really like this episode, I kept thinking, "How the f%*k" ie. The demon guy couldn't punch his way through the top of the car, but then he picked it up and threw it like it was nothing. I also don't get the bad guy's mentality, "That guy can't awaken! We need to kill him now or else! Let's send our two worst fighters after him". I would have sent more for an insurance policy.

But, this episode wasn't all bad, the fight was ok and the 5 blades were cool. I hope this gets better. And does Kakeru's power awaken soon?
Oct 21, 2009 4:53 PM

Aug 2009
Something I noticed about the ED. It's very quick but right before you see the maid outfits. Literally right before that, you see the group standing together and a picture frame. The weird thing is that...

The five blades were cool.
Oct 21, 2009 5:28 PM

Oct 2009
This is what I noticed and now I have lots of reading to do about: human psychology, logic, occult, onmiyoujisme. Among others and in french so some of the knowledge accumulated will still have to be translated into english so that it is applied. I have to say that it must be bad for Misuzu to be persecuted by her own family for what happened in the competition. Noticed that Kukuri has a deep care for Kakeru for how she approached them. My theory is that all those fragments are survivors of those from that Kingdom on fire and have reincarnated into the people that are shown in this series. Another thing is the Lisette might actually be Misao the sister of Misuzu. Why else did that guy say a sleep of 70 years or maybe 100 years and other one person said witch that cannot die. Sounds like some Gehou (mentionned as secret occult techniques with wester magic) person who is Misao. I find this series interesting and it made look for some elements in the library so I guess now I farm/read/watch anime. Sounds like life will get busier.
garfield15 said:
Something I noticed about the ED. It's very quick but right before you see the maid outfits. Literally right before that, you see the group standing together and a picture frame. The weird thing is that...

Interesting, I would think it might be. Something with sacrifices and also the dream kingdom thing. Found it also interesting about those Dark knights being human before but why did they become like that? It's not said yet so I keep wondering if someone made them like that and who?
BitchMaster said:

francismeunier said:

Yeah him too but it will be a shocking part is all I can reveal but thanks to someone I know a little more about that guy and what happens. All be ready it might be shocking part even for many who saw many animes.
francismeunierOct 21, 2009 5:34 PM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Oct 21, 2009 5:36 PM

Jul 2009
BitchMaster said:

Somebody who doesn't know how to enjoy the DELICIOUS part of the ED ;)

Hey i'm fapping on that one
Oct 21, 2009 5:53 PM

Oct 2007
SilentPredator03 said:
SunyiNyufi said:

Sorry, I just really don't like this show, mostly cos there is not a hint of logic in it.

I don't think this is fair. No logic in it? You can't say there isn't any logic, because we don't know what's going on.

Logic has nothing to do with the plot itself. Thinks about a big boss monster that couldn't cashing a little girl and couldn't kill someone inside the car. Make sense to you? Another one, if someone try to kill you, hiding inside your mom's house is going to be safe? What a logic there.

And the fight between Kusakabe and that monster was so lame. Being able to be a victor of five swords but couldn't do anything against that monster? Come on, at the very least, try and show me something rather than just pulling a sword or two.

I could go on but well this episode wasn't really bad as last time since we got to learn something about the crystal girl.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Oct 21, 2009 7:26 PM

Jun 2009
Not bad! I like this show :D
Oct 21, 2009 8:10 PM

Nov 2007
I am starting to lose interest if it doesn't provide enough info very soon.

Beside that, nice animation but lame battle outcome.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Oct 21, 2009 10:02 PM
Aug 2008
Siva said:

Logic has nothing to do with the plot itself. Thinks about a big boss monster that couldn't cashing a little girl and couldn't kill someone inside the car. Make sense to you?

I'm sorry, but are you new to anime? You know what, you're right. That monster should have totally killed those kids... Oh wait, if that happened then the show would be over because the protagonist would be dead. Yeah, this show really has no logic whatsoever.

And the fight between Kusakabe and that monster was so lame. Being able to be a victor of five swords but couldn't do anything against that monster? Come on, at the very least, try and show me something rather than just pulling a sword or two.

I'm just guessing here, but I think that there's a big difference between fighting human opponents and giant monsters. And I'll ask again - are you new to anime? This early in the season the good guys have to get their asses kicked to build up a sense of tension. If they just walked all over the bad guys right from the start it would kill any sense of mood the show was trying to create. That's why the only way they could let them win was with a surprise attack from behind.
Oct 21, 2009 10:45 PM

Oct 2009
SilentPredator03 said:
This early in the season the good guys have to get their asses kicked to build up a sense of tension.
Well I am new to anime but just this opinion makes me think the bad guys will get more angry and try worst things to get rid of the fragments. Wonder if those kids will be able to be on par with those Black Knights?

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Oct 22, 2009 1:46 AM
Jul 2009
Seems good enough. It isn't boring so far. Then again I'm easily amused.
Oct 22, 2009 2:07 AM

Sep 2008
Ok, now that a quater of the show has aired, I'll make a list of all the flaws that make me unable to enjoy the show much.

1. Moe Glasses Girl. Makes me want to vomit.
2. Yuka's personality is completely linear/1-dimensional. No hint of thought in her mind at all.
3. Main guy became a typical hero guy. Basically wants to get stronger as always and wants to train so he can protect everyone. Completely annoying the hell out of me.
4. Nurse. Makes me want to vomit.
5. THE RANDOM RETARD COMIC RELIEF GUY. Makes me facepalm and feel ashamed I'm even watching this anime. Same goes for the random fan girl that follows him around.
6. Terrible animation mostly. Going for the bare minimum I see...
7. Shana-wannabe has a typical personality. Seen her type in over 30 other anime.
8. Random guy with long hair is constantly shown but has played absolutely no role in the anime thus far. Horirble. Just horrible. If he's not going to do anything for the first bunch of episodes in the anime, why even show him. It's just wasting time to fill up an episode.
9. Slow agonizing pace. Not much happens. When something DOES happen, it's too fast paced. Characters reach their destinations in an instant etc.
10. Music changes too much and often very awkwardly.
11. OP is ruined by the scene with the retard comic relief guy.
12. ED is ruined by the maid picture, and the shitty dual wielding grandma.

There's many many many other flaws, but these are the most major ones I remember right now.
Oct 22, 2009 3:34 AM

Jan 2008
Show is still pretty bad :/
Oct 22, 2009 4:07 AM

Mar 2009
That was great.

Oct 22, 2009 4:35 AM

Feb 2009
Very nice episode,and the scenese of Kakeru's "forgotten memories" or something were cool too.And the soundtracks are realy good too :P

"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Oct 22, 2009 4:42 AM

May 2009
aero said:
Show is still pretty bad :/
I agree, it's kinda lame somehow.. But it's okay I guess.
Btw the monsters look retarded waving their tentacles around.
Oct 22, 2009 4:53 AM

Oct 2009
stAtic91 said:
aero said:
Show is still pretty bad :/
I agree, it's kinda lame somehow.. But it's okay I guess.
Btw the monsters look retarded waving their tentacles around.

What about the Dark Knights? They look nice.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Oct 22, 2009 4:59 AM

Oct 2007
SilentPredator03 said:
Siva said:

Logic has nothing to do with the plot itself. Thinks about a big boss monster that couldn't cashing a little girl and couldn't kill someone inside the car. Make sense to you?

I'm sorry, but are you new to anime? You know what, you're right. That monster should have totally killed those kids... Oh wait, if that happened then the show would be over because the protagonist would be dead. Yeah, this show really has no logic whatsoever.
Wow, how do you know I am new to anime? Did you read my mind? I'm scared.
The point is not about presenting an 100% logical, it is about bad directing.

SilentPredator03 said:
And the fight between Kusakabe and that monster was so lame. Being able to be a victor of five swords but couldn't do anything against that monster? Come on, at the very least, try and show me something rather than just pulling a sword or two.

I'm just guessing here, but I think that there's a big difference between fighting human opponents and giant monsters. And I'll ask again - are you new to anime? This early in the season the good guys have to get their asses kicked to build up a sense of tension. If they just walked all over the bad guys right from the start it would kill any sense of mood the show was trying to create. That's why the only way they could let them win was with a surprise attack from behind.

Please try to understand what I mean before you want to argue something with me. I am not asking her to kick his big fat ass and win. I am saying that she could do more than that, if you are not sure what I mean then go back to watch the first episode again and see what can she do with her awesome swords.

Oh I almost forget, excuse me for being a newb here, Mr. pro.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Oct 22, 2009 6:52 AM

Sep 2007
@ SilentPredator03
Well, I actually agree with Siva, but still, it wasn't really what I ment.

What I mean with no logic are mostly the reaction of the characters. Like, when *looks up name, cos only know that the girls voice is Asakawa Yuu* Misuzu shows Kakeru how she can kind cut in hald the flame of the candle, and tells him to do the same. It was obviously a pretty neat slash whit more precisions, than strenght. And what does Kakeru? He tries to use all his strength, and wonders why it doesn't work.

An other thing is, when Kakero and Yuka hid in the car. Ok, so the monster knight didn't see them get in the car, I can understand that. After that Kakeru and Yuka spend like what 30 secs in the care before moving and giving out there whereabouts?

Oh and we can go right back at the begining of the ep, when Kakeru ask Misuzu, if he can ask her for advice later, yet he doesn't tell Yuka what it is about. I mean, if you don't want Yuka to know it, then don't ask while she is standing right next to you! It's basic logic, that doesn't have anything to do with the plot. Although I still think, that the "plot" itself will be a big let down.
Oct 22, 2009 8:11 AM

Sep 2009
dont understand few does kakure know he has to fight to revive his power...hes is not from a magic family..or is not aware of it for sure..most prob hes too excited abt the supernatural power he has;) atlast kakures sister saved him..wasnt she the one to tell him..because of u the whole red night thing started....maybe she did it to revive kakures power...
and the ecchi scene....its always the same....dont guys get tired of it...and they really show yukas underwear alot...i have seen only little girls sit like that..i mean like 5 yrs old girls...its a little wierd to show a high school girl...whos totally show off her undergarments...( this sort of cracks me up)....
the 5 demon sword thing was the red night thing has been existing for 70 yrs then...?!
Oct 22, 2009 8:27 AM

Jan 2009
Linalee-Stratos said:
how does kakure know he has to fight to revive his power...

Well thing is, he's probably come across some manga/anime sometime in his life (and also I think it's kinda common sense), so it's pretty natural that these latent abilities would most certainly surface if he's fighting, especially since they believe it is a power that's supposed to be used in battle.
And to clarify my point: To awaken a power of the fighting-nature, it's easiest to fight until it awakens.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Oct 22, 2009 1:06 PM

Aug 2008
Siva said:
And the fight between Kusakabe and that monster was so lame. Being able to be a victor of five swords but couldn't do anything against that monster? Come on, at the very least, try and show me something rather than just pulling a sword or two.
She's the Archer of the series. And Unlimited (5) Blades work.
Oct 22, 2009 3:05 PM

Sep 2007
Oh God I loled :D
Oct 22, 2009 3:37 PM
Aug 2008
Siva said:

The point is not about presenting an 100% logical, it is about bad directing.

No, I can't read minds, I can only interpret what you write and you wrote this:

Siva said:

Logic has nothing to do with the plot itself. Thinks about a big boss monster that couldn't cashing a little girl and couldn't kill someone inside the car. Make sense to you?

So which is it? I won't argue bad directing, as this show could seriously use some focus, but your original argument that the show has no logic doesn't hold up.

Please try to understand what I mean before you want to argue something with me.

Again we have this problem where I can only interpret what you write.

I am not asking her to kick his big fat ass and win. I am saying that she could do more than that,

Which would be just as ineffective, I imagine. You brush off her drawing two additional swords, but that point does have logic - it serves to remind the audience and reinforce the idea that she has multiple weapons and can draw them at will. The scene was meant to show you that power she demonstrated to Kakeru earlier in the episode, not to do some cool new techniques. In that instance it is in fact logical and serves a purpose, which is what your original criticism was.

Alright look, I was a bit of an asshole in my reply and for that I apologize. I really don't care enough about this show to get into an anger filled argument on the internet. However, the fact remains that your criticism isn't valid.

SunyiNyufi said:
@ SilentPredator03
It was obviously a pretty neat slash whit more precisions, than strenght. And what does Kakeru? He tries to use all his strength, and wonders why it doesn't work.

That's not a fault of the show, that's just a typical shonen character being a typical shonen character. Kakeru has to screw up doing that in order to emphasize the difference between skill. If he was able to master that exercise immediately then Misuzu doesn't look as impressive in comparison.

An other thing is, when Kakero and Yuka hid in the car. Ok, so the monster knight didn't see them get in the car, I can understand that. After that Kakeru and Yuka spend like what 30 secs in the care before moving and giving out there whereabouts?

Again this is just a typical anime (well not exclusively anime, just look at any horror movie) set-up. The characters think they're in the clear and the bad guy pops up out of nowhere. Again, it's not a question of logic here, it's just typical paint-by-numbers writing.

Oh and we can go right back at the begining of the ep, when Kakeru ask Misuzu, if he can ask her for advice later, yet he doesn't tell Yuka what it is about. I mean, if you don't want Yuka to know it, then don't ask while she is standing right next to you! It's basic logic, that doesn't have anything to do with the plot. Although I still think, that the "plot" itself will be a big let down.

This scene is important as well. It may seem stupid but it's necessary to underscore how Kakeru is feeling. If he just approached Misuzu and asked to speak with her later, there's nothing to that scene. The fact that he wouldn't tell Yuka what it was about shows the viewer that he doesn't want her to worry about it, that he cares for her a great deal. A scene without Yuka would lack all emotional meaning and would be useless as far as characterization goes.
Oct 22, 2009 4:04 PM

Sep 2007
That's not a fault of the show, that's just a typical shonen character being a typical shonen character. Kakeru has to screw up doing that in order to emphasize the difference between skill.

I'm not saying that he should be super awesome and do it in a blink (although that surely would make for an intersting twist). My problem is, that he does things without thinking at all. Yes, I know he is a typical shounen lead, and most of the shounen leads are dumb, so even the audience with lower IQ can comprehend his feelings. Yet, that doesn't make this show logical at all.

Again, it's not a question of logic here, it's just typical paint-by-numbers writing.

Am I wrong, or are you kinda admitting that it was pretty illogical reaction from them, that can only happen in anime?

The fact that he wouldn't tell Yuka what it was about shows the viewer that he doesn't want her to worry about it, that he cares for her a great deal. A scene without Yuka would lack all emotional meaning and would be useless as far as characterization goes.

Real? Let's see how I would have done that scene... Kakeru goes off during lunch by himself, Yuka asks her, where he is going. "Just going out for a bit." he says. Yuka looks worried, so he tells her not to worry. Kakeru leaves. Yuka is restless so she goes after him. Yuka sees Misuzu and Kakeru talking to each other secretly. Yuka goes back to her classroom (or hides which ever, doesn't really matter). She later asks Kakeru what it was all about, if he asked Misuzu about the red night, Kakeru only answers "You shouldn't worry Yuka, because I will surely protect you no matter what."
Doh... Yuka was present, yet not near them, and when they find out it's about practice, it will be obvious that he didn't want to worry Yuka, and imho Kakeru would have much better chance to show off how cool he is (or supposed to be at least).
Oct 22, 2009 4:06 PM

Sep 2009
Ow boy...
It´s getting better, but... I think is no need of too many upskirts in this kind of history... (and an ecchi scene also)...
I still have it a chance... not going drop yet.
Oct 22, 2009 7:16 PM

Sep 2008
for some reason....i get pissed off when i think of the fact that they all go to the same school and are the saviors of the world......i know its a normal thing in an anime but i this one it pisses me off...
Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

Kyurem Black. Kyurem White. Together they are Pretty Kyurem.
Oct 22, 2009 9:17 PM
Feb 2009
wasnt tht great of an ep
Oct 23, 2009 12:32 AM

Jan 2009
Random ecchi scene is random.
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