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Attack on Titan
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Dec 27, 2020 5:10 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017

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anime-primeDec 27, 2020 7:38 AM
Dec 27, 2020 7:38 AM

Jul 2019
Damn good episode, even though I don't understand japanese I actually got a few things through.

Damn next episode is about to get lit! Eren Yaeger is back! The Final Attack begins!
Dec 27, 2020 7:38 AM

Nov 2011
Pretty interesting character focus on Falco Grice.

Not only did we see storytelling about him but also his motivations around this timeline. Funny how the anime managed to bring in some light moments into this episode too with the kids.

Episode 5 airs on January 10th
Dec 27, 2020 7:38 AM

Jun 2017
Damn, this was a tense episode!

Didn't feel like too much was adapted this time but I'll have to wait and check that.

Tybur family's introduction was pretty cool. I wonder who the titan holder is, what a tease...

Quite the festival to commemorate the special occasion. Nice to see the kids having a blast! But whoo, what a scare for Hanae-san's character there, good thing it was the Hizuru leader there to cover it up real quick. Respect.

Jeez, the Yeager grandpa's PTSD moment though. Horrifying stuff, imagine listening to that knowing it was your father who'd to experience that firsthand.

Last but not least, Eren! Cliffhanger after cliffhanger, we, manga readers, know what's coming and we can not wait for the next episode!

Next episode on Jan. 10th and end card for this episode:

Edit: Okay, just had a quick look through the chapters adapted and I'm very satisfied with how turned out. Minimal removals but nothing of great concern, unlike a certain buildup to Ep 1 scene from last episode. Few anime-originals scenes added too I think, always great to have those!

_MushiRock11_Dec 27, 2020 8:02 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Dec 27, 2020 7:38 AM

Jan 2009
CyGamesPictures did a good job in the outsourcing work of this episode i rarely see any off-model drawings

Pieck ass was finally animated lol

and oh shit that post credit scene Reiner vs Eren
Dec 27, 2020 7:39 AM
Feb 2018
What an episode. That reveal in the end after the ed song. Just Wow. There is no telling what's gonna happen now.
Dec 27, 2020 7:39 AM

Jun 2020
I’ll give MAPPA props where it’s due, the Yeager grandpa PTSD scene was done so well, the soundtrack was somewhat good but the overall execution of the scene was perfect, amazingly done.

But I’m disappointed at MAPPA, they should’ve gave more screen time to Pieck’s ass, there was no need to rush it. Sigh…

Also, I just realized, Taybur seiyuu is the same person who voiced Kakashi, that’s amazing.

This is A PERFECT episode, the post credits scene shook, ABSOLUTELY SHOOK ME. When Reiner met Eren and Eren said “Yo” and then YOUSEEBIGGIRL/T:T started playing, holy shit it got my blood pumping and gave me goosebumps. IF THEY USE OLD SOUNDTRACK LIKE THIS, I'LL GET A HEART ATTACK EVERY EPISODE, KEEP IT UP MAPPA

Can’t get enough of this sexy man

Hobo Yeager best Yeager
Arin-sanDec 27, 2020 7:48 AM

I said keep your hands on the table
Dec 27, 2020 7:40 AM

Aug 2020
they added pieck and pock in the festival scene. we got 2 new osts so that's good. Just like that. We wait 2 more weeks. Yeager sensei's scene was done really well imo. They cut zeke and colt playing baseball but I'm sure there's a good reason for that. Falco blushing was amazing and the guards teasing him was ugh. Gabi has no clue lol.



waiting for the official subs
Dec 27, 2020 7:41 AM

Oct 2017
Dat Pieck ass was heavenly and heh the post credit scene, it's finally here guys. Thou dang just saw the tweet gotta wait two weeks for next episode. Can't be helped cause it's new year break.
Dec 27, 2020 7:41 AM

Sep 2019
Falco's blushing face was cute.

"Regret... every single day I'm filled with them"

THE POST-CREDITS SCENE GOT ME HYPED. By the way, the opening grew on me.
Dec 27, 2020 7:42 AM
Jul 2018
Great buildup episode. The pacing was good and the animation was fluid. Unfortunately, we have to wait 2 weeks for the showdown. A solid 9/10 from me.
Dec 27, 2020 7:43 AM

Sep 2014
If there is one major thing I can complement this episode on, it would be the little bit of the OG Sawano track we got at the end. It almost feels like we have "normal" music in the AOT world, but when we cut back to the paradis stuff we get this mysterious magical melancholy. It's such a great contrast and I hope they'll continue capitalizing on it moving forward
Dec 27, 2020 7:43 AM

Apr 2020
Pieck when crawling is really cute, Damn, the post credit scene makes me even more curious!
Dec 27, 2020 7:44 AM

Oct 2020
This is the best ep of this season so far holy hell. Mappa did such a good job here. OST has been on point the entire episode. Anime original scenes are great. Pieck ass!!! The montage of them serving the guests!!! Doc Yeager expressions!!! The festival! They cut almost nothing too! The preview for next episode is hype!!! Thank you Mappa!!! I'm so happy I could cry!
Dec 27, 2020 7:45 AM

Dec 2020
Was nice to see Pieck's ass animated

Post credits scene has got me all hyped up . Waiting for subs
Dec 27, 2020 7:47 AM

Jul 2017
5/5 just for Pieck's ass. Thank you MAPPA.

Why is this fanbase always so horny? smh

Pacing is back on track as we suspected.

That preview got me so hyped!

Dec 27, 2020 7:48 AM
Jul 2016
This got to be my fav episode hands down, no important contents being left out, great musics and pacing, a little bit of original anime scene i believe, most of warrior candidates scenes made me laugh than in the manga, perfect capture of Willy and the other nation’s aristrocrats and not to mention the after-credit scene is really done well. Even though we have to wait for 2 weeks for next episode, I trust that MAPPA will deliver that episode 5
Dec 27, 2020 7:49 AM
Aug 2020
Holy shit,the convo between grampa yeager and eren was terrifyingly beautiful,like everything of those moments were perfect and literally exceeded it's manga counterparts.

Besides, I believe we have finally gotten an ep where both manga readers and anime onlies will equally enjoy(if you still haven't already after 3 amazing ep) lol.

Also,That post credit scene with og youseebiggirl in the background.The hype is unreal. Lessss gooooooooo
Dec 27, 2020 7:51 AM

Aug 2020
Attackonfiller said:
5/5 just for Pieck's ass. Thank you MAPPA.

Why is this fanbase always so horny? smh

Pacing is back on track as we suspected.

That preview got me so hyped!
man i saw the post before it was edited.
Dec 27, 2020 7:52 AM

Jan 2009
now that reminds me is Reiner gonna become Helos? he is a mythical hero that slayed the devil so might be worth considering later on
Dec 27, 2020 7:55 AM

Dec 2020
Very good episode, pacing was good and only a few (not important) lines were cut. The art was strong and the direction was pretty cool, Yeager's trauma scene was especially intense
Next week looks even better, looking forward!
Dec 27, 2020 7:59 AM

Jan 2015
They did an amazing job emphasizing the calm before the storm. One of the most wholesome episodes in all of AOT.

Amazing character focus and building for many. Getting to know them and their personalities better.

They didn't cut anything major out and the pacing was exceptional.

Didn't notice any art or animation hiccups. They did an amazing job as always with detailed close ups of faces and eye detail.

Loved the diversity of people in the party scene.

Dec 27, 2020 8:00 AM

Jan 2009
you should all praise CyGamesPictures and not MAPPA for the great art and animation consistency of this episode

waiting for Studio NUT outsource episode next
Dec 27, 2020 8:00 AM
Nov 2020
HOLY SHIT!This ep fixed my problems wit ost placement and it seems they reused 2 osts from ep1, 1 ost from ep 2 and two new osts+ youseebiggirlttl at the end. Animation was clean and not too ambitious like ep 2 and felt more lively then ep 3. Art was the best so far this ep and does anyone else feel like blur is gone?? or at least barely visible?

deg said:
you should all praise CyGamesPictures and not MAPPA for the great art and animation consistency of this episode

waiting for Studio NUT outsource episode next

bro aren't they in charge of 2nd key animation like how NUT was in ep 1, also u gotta rmbr this ep had the best staffs compared to previous eps

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
anime-primeDec 27, 2020 11:28 AM
Dec 27, 2020 8:03 AM

Aug 2020
gabi legit just set a death flag there though. "something might change soon"
Dec 27, 2020 8:05 AM

Aug 2019
Obviously watched the sub-less NHK version but had an idea what they were talking about because I've read the manga.

The calm before the storm. The upbeat, jolly OST that matched the mood of Gabi and co. from the first 90% of the episode to the foreboding YouSeeBigGirl when Eren and Reiner are in the same room. Great OST with some interesting choices from Kohta (i.e the guitar track midway through).

The next episode is going to be absolutely brilliant if it maintains this sort of quality.
Dec 27, 2020 8:07 AM

Jan 2009
Krugerman said:
deg said:
you should all praise CyGamesPictures and not MAPPA for the great art and animation consistency of this episode

waiting for Studio NUT outsource episode next

bro aren't they in charge of 2nd key animation like how NUT was in ep 1, also u gotta rmbr this ep had the best staffs compared to previous eps

i did not save the tweet but im sure i read that CyGamesPictures is FULLY the outsource studio for this episode and not just doing 2nd key animation

found the tweet the animation part is them then
Dec 27, 2020 8:10 AM
Nov 2020
deg said:
Krugerman said:

bro aren't they in charge of 2nd key animation like how NUT was in ep 1, also u gotta rmbr this ep had the best staffs compared to previous eps

i did not save the tweet but im sure i read that CyGamesPictures is FULLY the outsource studio for this episode and not just doing 2nd key animation

I don't think every ep is fully outsourced, it's like how dac mentioned abt it being outsourced to Studio NUT and in the end it was just second key animation. It still had MAPPA staffs but I think it's still mainly done by MAPPA. AT most I see cyGamesPicture doing some main keyframes but still an amazing job nonetheless
Dec 27, 2020 8:10 AM
May 2019
11/10 for that pieck scene alone lol.

This episode is literally the embodiment of calm before the storm.
And yeah our boy eren is back in business
Dec 27, 2020 8:11 AM

Jan 2009
Krugerman said:
deg said:

i did not save the tweet but im sure i read that CyGamesPictures is FULLY the outsource studio for this episode and not just doing 2nd key animation

I don't think every ep is fully outsourced, it's like how dac mentioned abt it being outsourced to Studio NUT and in the end it was just second key animation. It still had MAPPA staffs but I think it's still mainly done by MAPPA. AT most I see cyGamesPicture doing some main keyframes

i edited my post earlier and reference the tweet and they are in charge of the animation in this episode so the great staff you see is because of CyGamesPictures doing or gathering of those said staff
Dec 27, 2020 8:12 AM

Apr 2013
Looks like the horny manga readers will finally stop complaining about the crawl scene not being animated. Great episode overall ending just on the perfect cliffhanger.

Please make the next 4 episodes all bangers. 2-week wait for the declaration of war is painful.
Dec 27, 2020 8:14 AM
Dec 2020
TheCloverfield said:
Very good episode, pacing was good and only a few (not important) lines were cut. The art was strong and the direction was pretty cool, Yeager's trauma scene was especially intense
Next week looks even better, looking forward!
they fucking nailed the ptsd scene. Like it was so damn perfect and better than anything i expected
Dec 27, 2020 8:14 AM
Nov 2020
deg said:
Krugerman said:

I don't think every ep is fully outsourced, it's like how dac mentioned abt it being outsourced to Studio NUT and in the end it was just second key animation. It still had MAPPA staffs but I think it's still mainly done by MAPPA. AT most I see cyGamesPicture doing some main keyframes

i edited my post earlier and reference the tweet and they are in charge of the animation in this episode so the great staff you see is because of CyGamesPictures doing or gathering of those said staff

oh damn, so they gather the staffs and do most of the eps by themselves? or? Either way, I hope they help more in uprcoming eps
Dec 27, 2020 8:15 AM
Nov 2020
THIS IS DA BEST EPISODE so far for this season, MAPPA ends 2020 well with this episode, gosh now we gotta wait 2 weeks for next episode???
What a torture 😂 but episode 5 shall serve as the best opening episode for 2021, LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, I like Niinuma-san's character artstyle better lol despite people been worrying if he can handle the work as CAD, Akita-sensei did well as CAD in this episode too but Niinuma san is nowhere lacking in his work for the past 3 episodes, so far the animation quality is doing well under their supervisions, hopefully they can maintain it throughout the season...I guess what's left to be concerned are the cut scenes/pacing and CGI titans 😅

Dec 27, 2020 8:16 AM

Jan 2009
Krugerman said:
deg said:

i edited my post earlier and reference the tweet and they are in charge of the animation in this episode so the great staff you see is because of CyGamesPictures doing or gathering of those said staff

oh damn, so they gather the staffs and do most of the eps by themselves? or? Either way, I hope they help more in uprcoming eps

yep thats how outsourcing usually works the outsource studio will gather the staff for their work
Dec 27, 2020 8:18 AM
Oct 2018
Good to see people enjoyed it. Personally i wanted/thought the reiner eren meeting would have very very intense music which i didnt get. Other than that everything was on point/ as expected.
Dec 27, 2020 8:19 AM
Nov 2020
deg said:
Krugerman said:

oh damn, so they gather the staffs and do most of the eps by themselves? or? Either way, I hope they help more in uprcoming eps

yep thats how outsourcing usually works the outsource studio will gather the staff for their work

is it done in the cygamespictures studio? or they temporarily move to MAPPA for that ep? since CAD is from MAPPA staffs
Dec 27, 2020 8:21 AM

Jan 2009
Krugerman said:
deg said:

yep thats how outsourcing usually works the outsource studio will gather the staff for their work

is it done in the cygamespictures studio? or they temporarily move to MAPPA for that ep? since CAD is from MAPPA staffs

normally its done on the outsource studio but the if the production assistant of MAPPA is hard working and have a car then he can travel to CyGames studio and bring it to MAPPA studio

last time i check the internet based workplace is not yet common in the anime industry
Dec 27, 2020 8:25 AM

Sep 2018
From the looks of the after credit scenes and the preview, it is given the next ep will be heavily, maybe even completely, outsourced. This may be good for the episode itself but is a major red flag considering even now the production quality varies heavily from ep to ep and even scene to scene. Honestly, I don't think they can pull it off at this point and I'm afraid the production will collapse around ep 6 or 7.

Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if we see some big and unexpected names for the next ep. I'm not talking about Hayashi and MAPPA staff either as they are expected names.
Dec 27, 2020 8:27 AM
Nov 2020

SirTristram said:
From the looks of the after credit scenes and the preview, it is given the next ep will be heavily, maybe even completely, outsourced. This may be good for the episode itself but is a major red flag considering even now the production quality varies heavily from ep to ep and even scene to scene. Honestly, I don't think they can pull it off at this point and I'm afraid the production will collapse around ep 6 or 7.

Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if we see some big and unexpected names for the next ep. I'm not talking about Hayashi and MAPPA staff either as they are expected names.

surprisingly this ep didn't feel out of place at all, even though cygamespictures did this ep. The next ep preview seems consistent too- at least I hope
Dec 27, 2020 8:30 AM

Oct 2013
deg said:
you should all praise CyGamesPictures and not MAPPA for the great art and animation consistency of this episode

waiting for Studio NUT outsource episode next

Wit gets help a lot of time from other studio and Wit still gets all the praise, I don't know what is the difference here now.

Let's not complicate things any further. This is a Mappa series, the main staff is still from Mappa, no need to take away the credit from the Mappa staff.
Dec 27, 2020 8:32 AM

Jan 2009
keragamming said:
deg said:
you should all praise CyGamesPictures and not MAPPA for the great art and animation consistency of this episode

waiting for Studio NUT outsource episode next

Wit gets help a lot of time from other studio and Wit still gets all the praise, I don't know what is the difference here now.

Let's not complicate things any further.

if i remember right WIT outsource some episodes too but they were poorly animated unlike CyGamesPictures have done here so thats why im praising them specifically
Dec 27, 2020 8:47 AM
Aug 2019
They animated the Pieck ass acene now people can stop complaining about it being cut. Also, Porco's reaction is just funny.
In this episode, we meet Willy Tyber the family that has the Warhammer titan.
Hobo Eren got to speak with his grandfather, which he doesn't look good at all he has regrets regarding his children his daughter's death still haunts him.
Glad that lady helped Udo out at the party or he would have been in trouble. An Eldian gets treated so badly.
Falco beat Gabi at something. Gabi is completely clueless about Falco's feelings. A festival the warriors all going out to have some fun. Rip Reiner's wallet.
Reiner meeting Eren after four years next episode will be great.
It's about to go down. But we have to wait for two weeks until the next episode what a bummer.

Dec 27, 2020 8:48 AM

Jan 2019
The episode was great. Best one so far for me.

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
anime-primeDec 27, 2020 11:30 AM
Dec 27, 2020 8:49 AM

Oct 2020
Instead of praising Mappa for at least 1% of what they have done, these fuckers go out of their way to attribute anything they can't criticize to another studio doing it. Literal laughable existences.
Dec 27, 2020 8:55 AM

Aug 2012
Good episode.
I just dont see the point on making scenes after the credits. many anime-onlys miss those kind of things.

This episode, has expected, had a good pacing because it only adapted 1.5 chapters
that is the ideal pacing for this season.
not 2 rushed chapters per episode like in episode 2 and 3
Dec 27, 2020 8:57 AM
Dec 2020
jaiveer_ said:
Good to see people enjoyed it. Personally i wanted/thought the reiner eren meeting would have very very intense music which i didnt get. Other than that everything was on point/ as expected.
its literally youseebiggirl playing. But maybe u didnt like it as much but the fandom is blowing up with it at the moment
Dec 27, 2020 9:18 AM
Oct 2018
What was the pacing ? did it adapt everything properly ? Please don't be more than two chapters.
Dec 27, 2020 9:19 AM

Oct 2020
Omertaskaya said:
What was the pacing ? Please don't be more than two chapters.
1.3 chapters. They only cut Zeke and Colt playing catch.
Dec 27, 2020 9:20 AM

Dec 2020
Omertaskaya said:
What was the pacing ? did it adapt everything properly ? Please don't be more than two chapters.

It was great, bit less than a chapter and half with everything important adaptated properly. Even some anime original content which was welcome
If future episodes follow this path then we're good
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