Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Sep 16, 2020 9:42 AM
Interesting development in this episode. It appears that Subaru is no longer to heal properly after restarting/coming back to life. Edit for above statement: It just occurred to me that maybe Elsa didn't kill him, but knocked him out after taking one of his eyes out. This would mean he survived the bunnies (after Roswaal dies to them), but the bunnies managed to nibble him a bit; this would explain the end scene where he is torn up. Roswaal stated that everything must be cast aside for one person, I wonder if this series will end with Subaru and Emilia being the only ones alive. |
Z_ParagonSep 16, 2020 10:04 AM
I know now that I know nothing. |
Sep 16, 2020 9:43 AM
Soviet_Yunyun93 said: Soooo dont get me wrong this season is entertaining but at the end of the day we haven't really gotten anywhere and its pretty frustrating. "we haven't really gotten anywhere" YET....we have to remember that this season was half split by ahm "real life problems" and the fact that we are already at 11/13 and virtually nothing progressed gives us the impression that there is no "real" evolution to a macro level (even tho this and part 2 is literally just AN ARC) this moment the "house is built but we are missing the furniture" and without that is like "nothing happened". Don't worry, the things will most likely start getting resolved from now on. I will wait for it aswell. |
Ushiromiya Battler, right now, on this island, no one exists except for you. You're the only one alive in this island. However I'm here right now, and i'm about to kill you. Who... am I? |
Sep 16, 2020 9:43 AM
Please don't confirm or deny any of my theories or questions if you are a source-reader thanks! I would just like to start off by saying, what in the world did I just watch. I thought Satella's love confessions were creepy, but this is another level. I wanted Subaru so badly to skip to just asking the question, but this is fine too I guess, we learn through context clues what question she wanted to ask and who that person is. Now I'm confused. I thought Subaru was in that Gospel, but if she hasn't gotten an update for so long, how did she ever interact with him? Well, that pretty much confirms my theory about Beatrice being connected with Echidna in some way. The butterfly pupils, the butterfly bow tie, the only clue I didn't think about was that Beatrice is literally in a place of knowledge. It only makes sense. Now is she merely contracted to her, or is that "Mother" to her? And is Echidna really the creator of the Gospels then? That also explains the connection between Roswall and Beatrice. Roswall owns Echinda's Graveyard, and calls her by name, so I guess Roswall is looking after Beatrice in Echidna's steed in some way. Beatrice wants to die. Should've guessed, she was sad the Geuse left her. And she didn't want to kill Subaru last season because she didn't want to be left by someone else? Was she envious of Subaru? Or was it just that she was annoyed that out of all people, he asked to be killed by her, when she wanted it the other way around. Can she not kill herself? Is that because of some contract too? Wow. 400 years in a library, waiting for someone to come by and be that person, now she's just tired and fed up. So she doesn't care about Echidna? as much as we thought? Because she would've waited to confirm that Subaru or someone else was that person if she cared. If I recall correctly, when Petelgeuse died, Subaru wrote in the blank pages of his Gospel. Did they just turn blank? And did that make Petelgeuse not want to live anymore too, because he saw that his future was no longer being told, rather than Subaru just saying he was done for? It would make sense why Subaru would write in blood in the Gospel, because that was kind of weird, but it could've been a plot point to show Petelgeuse the blank pages. So I can see how Beatrice can't go on thinking that she has no more purpose or future. Last season, when she made a vow to protect Subaru, she regained that purpose and future with Subaru, she was able to leave everything behind because his contract with her overwrote her old contract. If he asks the question next time, her wish will finally be fulfilled, her dreams realized, and Subaru can overwrite her contract by making a vow with him to protect him or something. Choose me first...oh my heart, her outstretched hands, I can't stop thinking about the Grey's Anatomy meme, but this still hurts. She just wanted to be rescued sooner. She's a child through and through, S1 we saw her mature facade, but this is who she really is. Oh, so spirits aren't capable of dying on their own. That's why. But couldn't she have asked anyone else? Like Roswall? Why now? Why Subaru? Aw Elsa HAD to interrupt, Beatrice was going to answer "Why Subaru?" Was she just listening to that conversation the whole time? Or did she already know about the question and that person. I was revolted when she even suggested she could be that person. Again, she arrived with Subaru's arrival, no matter how early he comes, it doesn't matter. She has inside knowledge, Roswall is suspicious again, he's the only one who knows about that person, except for Echidna? and her confidantes. Frederica is too. We never saw her fight and death with Elsa the first time. And Frederica must be connected to Echidna too. Elsa must've been told about the workaround to Beatrice's spell too. She doesn't seem like the intelligent type. If Beatrice didn't even know, then how? OMG, they already got to Petra. Why. I thought this would be the loop. Meet the angels, second time she says that, I wonder if there's some significance to that. Who are angels in this world? God (Dragon?)? Devil (Satella?)? Hell? Heaven? She can use dark magic too! Second time she's picked up by Subaru. Yep, we all knew it, the purple-haired girl was Maylie and she controls mabeasts. She has the same garb as Elsa, and they both have a shade of purple hair. They have that same pendant too. It must be a clue. Half-expected them to have the same last name. She talks about Elsa like she's her equal, maybe just in terms of power and not age. We see those bat things, I thought they were part of the other mabeast we saw in Episode 6. We see new snake mabeasts too. One bite? Dang. I can't even imagine that pain. It was probably the big mabeast. And she calls Petra her friend? How long was she undercover there for? I wonder if she can control all beasts like Frederica or just mabeasts. Wait, I have a good theory So in order to control his loli army, Subaru had to become an Apostle of Greed. What if Maylie is an Apostle of Gluttony? That way she doesn't have to be a Sin Archbishop of Gluttony, because we already have that. Wait, the pendant looks so familiar now. I looked back at Daphne debut, and on her iron maiden, she has a symbol at the top that symbolizes her face that looks a lot like that pendant, at least the top part of it. And the more I look at Elsa's it looks like the left part of it. That means that there should be at least one more of these assassins, one with the right part. I think that pretty much confirms it for me, they are a group of Witch Cultists that serve Gluttony or are Apostles or something. Wait, she has another partner? Oh its Elsa! Oh here we go! We get to see her fight! Mana arrows that stagnate time? OP! It was that easy to kill her? NO SUBARU THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO GO OVERPROTECTIVE FATHER, SHE KILLED PETRA! Of course Elsa wasn't dead and she has both hands, but no cape, maybe that cape nullified it? In Elsa vs Emilia, when Puck unleashed his opening attack, we see her cape glow and she came out unharmed. If that's the case, one more attack would've did her in. Beatrice is dying. Her mana is oozing out. This is the first time we see her die. Never thought I would see the day. I really hope she resets too. She has too. We hear that tone again, and the crystal in his pocket once again teleports him to the dungeon after Beatrice activates it. More confirmation she's contracted to Echidna. It's very similar to Subaru's reset point in RbD, but he doesn't have to die to get there. Is this Echidna's version. Every time it activates, either he's saving someone or someone is trying to save him. Is that how it activates? I guess you could say that every time he RBDs, Satella is saving him. Oh, its snowing again. Emilia must be dead and the Great Rabbit is coming. Great. Emilia is alive. Or is she? They aren't showing her eyes! Oh no, she's possessed I think by Satella. Dear God this is weird to see. Those are her clothes, we see it clearly this time. I wonder that by giving her courage to take the trial, that backfired, because she was able to face her past, and she regained painful memories of when she was maybe evil, and now she's regressed back to her evil past. Because this looks different from when Satella appeared. So this could actually be Emilia and not Satella possession. Oh God, this is how Emilia is going to confess to him for the first time? It looks like she has Satella miasma in her eyes, and she isn't using aishteru, only daisuki. Another glaring difference. What task was she supposed to fulfill? The trial? Maybe she actually beat the trial and that's why she's like this. So Subaru has to beat the trials without harming her ego, because if not, this will happen. Wait, has Subaru been overtaken by love? He seems kind of dazed. Oh nevermind. Oh Roswall, he masters all the elements. Of course. He actually seems to be taken aback for once. Did Subaru make another mistake that he hadn't accounted for? Roswall. How could you. Why'd you have to pull a Kakashi. We knew you saw her as disposable, and she did too, which is why she was smiling as she fell, and even though you know Subaru will reset, but why. Offer this soul to you? What? Who is he talking to? Oh Garfiel, I'm remembering when Subaru lost Rem in Episode 15. He really loved her. WHAT THE HELL ROSWALL. YOU KICKED HIS HEAD OFF? (A lot of censorship in this episode) Little chance of defeating Garfiel in his transformed form? Is he really that strong? Or is Roswall more wounded than we thought? Did he make a vow not to tell with someone else, or himself? And is his greatest wish to kill the dragon or something else? Why would he go through so much for that? What grudge does he have against the Dragon? And why does he know more about Subaru? His Gospel is still being updated? Why him? Is he an Apostle of Greed too? He wanted to make Emilia emotionally unstable. Maybe that's the Ordeal. And the Emilia we see is an emotionally unstable one, one who is without Puck and Subaru. Roswall didn't do anything to the letter, and Emilia's alter-ego didn't either. What happened to this letter? Did Otto take it? He was nowhere to be found anymore! I'm getting Rem's blank letter vibes. Why does he want Subaru to start over? Does he not know how he starts over, only that he can? Because he could've just killed him there to start over! That's big! Oh no, the Great Rabbit. Here we go again! I can't help but admire Roswall's resolve. I don't think he's that evil, just obsessed, and he wants Subaru to obsess too. He just takes the bites like a champ. Second person this episode we see die for the first time. He doesn't even try to fight it. And it looks like he's a great enough mana source by expending all that mana to make snow. The snow is probably made up of mana too. Woah, they went all out creepy with the ending scene. The black and white, the creepy OST, his mangled body, Emilia's looks, the fact she was holding onto his tracksuit. The idea of Emilia giving him a lap pillow has forever been tarnished in my mind. Not like this Subaru, what are you doing? He gets his first kiss from Emilia when she's in this state? I really hope he died before that. That would explain the episode title. Lot of censorship in this episode, little bit disappointed about that, but excellent episode nonetheless. |
Sep 16, 2020 9:45 AM
this episode was phenomenal |
Sep 16, 2020 9:45 AM
Sep 16, 2020 9:46 AM
The fuck? Was Emilia taken over by the Witch of Envy or did she just lose her mind? She was acting so out of character this episode. |
Sep 16, 2020 9:47 AM
Damon_ said: Can someone spoil me what happened to the letter? Tenshi163 said: It wasn't very clear in the LN either. But if you watch the previous episode you will notice a hint.Damon_ said: I think roswaal disposed it. Not sure. All according to Kekaku.Can someone spoil me what happened to the letter? And for those who want to know now One of the Ryuzu copies took it, probably Gorochu said: That's not 100% true. Roswaal knows that Subaru can change the past, but does not know how exactly. When Subaru asks if he's going to kill him, Roswaal says it would not be wise as he wants Subaru to change the past. And later he asks if Subaru has already changed it.As suspected,Roswaal know about Subaru's return to death. |
Sep 16, 2020 9:47 AM
thiago52192 said: I liked on the start, but right now, I must say, I'm kind of tired of the show just throw so much questions at the viewer and barely answering them. The first cour is all about the questions, the second part is where we will get the answers, i know its frustrating but hang in there. On another note damn this was another emotional roller coaster and it just leaves you speechless. poor guy really needs a big break. |
Sep 16, 2020 9:50 AM
So many puzzle solved in this episode, I feel like I'm on the train of labyrinth after watching this episode. TRULY MAGNIFICENT STORY. Basically the summary 1. The turning point of Beatrice character development 2. Subaru & Emilia basically just a couple of pawn from whole Greed vs Envy fights 3. Roswaal pointing out his true intention to Subaru and making Subaru realized that every time he resets he will meet different side of people he know 4. Satella uses Emilia as a medium 5. Elsa reveals her accomplice the traitor Meili Portroute damn I'm so impressed at Roswaal as character. Every time he speak a word it's become a puzzle. GIVE ME MORE THE PUZZLE RE:ZERO I'M SO READY!!!! |
Sep 16, 2020 9:50 AM
And this is why I Love Re Zero. And last part was scary af especially with that bgm. This is the best Re Zero Episode and also the best Episode this year for any anime for me |
Sep 16, 2020 9:52 AM
AddiTeacha2 said: Emilia is such a bitch whore. She got abandoned for a day and she went nuts. I would have understand if it was satella. It's her true annoying ass self. Subaru also a dumb cunt. He made Beatrice died simply he doesn't want a loli to die. Ugh so annoying man. Idiot bro please rewatch s2 episode 11 and then say anything We all know what's the condition of Emilia after 1st trial And it's condition after 2nd trial She totally broke For me this is saddest creepy episode |
Sep 16, 2020 9:52 AM
I would give this anime 11/10 if I could. If a better episode of anime has aired this year, I have not seen it because DAMN was this episode great! Easily the best episode of this season as well as the series! |
Sep 16, 2020 9:55 AM
SomeGuyWithHair said: gustavolrcoelho said: Ffs, when is Subaru going to stop being such a bitch? He sounded so freaking resolute last episode about dying again and again, no matter what and instead he keeps crying and wasting fucking time. He's so fucking annoying. This isn't some battle shounen where you beat the enemy after one speech. This is a powerless man in a world full of powerful and dangerous creatures. You think you can make the situation better than he can? Yes, I could. It is not a matter of punching people, is a matter os thinking straight. This is not a battle anime, but a wit one. And he is failing pretty hard on this regard. |
Sep 16, 2020 9:56 AM
Debasky said: yooo why subaru does not tell the magic words that Roswall said to Beatrice. Gotta be honest, it's soo annoying. it's a good ep tho. Because that mean Subaru become roswall puppet, Subaru need to do something that beat the gospel. What subaru do right now finding out gospel weakness Roswall the villains here okay don't obey him or Subaru will move according his gospel and being his puppets then goes IF routes. |
Sep 16, 2020 9:59 AM
This episode just left me with 2 states: an emotional wreck and what the hell. Combined made just be so speechless. Goddamn this episode did a number on me, haven't felt this in an anime in a long time. |
Sep 16, 2020 9:59 AM
Ulirec said: i liked this episode because they have how much of bitch emilia really is subaru just lost his eye and all covored by blood and she is just smiling and acting like a fucking whore and i dont give a shit if somebody said she lost her mind because of pressure she is so annoying but overall great episode That probably because she was driven too far and became delusional. Much like a certain character who loves Subaru. Maybe she is compatible because of that. |
Sep 16, 2020 9:59 AM
mozgow said: Damon_ said: Can someone spoil me what happened to the letter? Tenshi163 said: It wasn't very clear in the LN either. But if you watch the previous episode you will notice a hint.Damon_ said: Can someone spoil me what happened to the letter? And for those who want to know now One of the Ryuzu copies took it, probably Gorochu said: That's not 100% true. Roswaal knows that Subaru can change the past, but does not know how exactly. When Subaru asks if he's going to kill him, Roswaal says it would not be wise as he wants Subaru to change the past. And later he asks if Subaru has already changed it.As suspected,Roswaal know about Subaru's return to death. You mean the wandering Ryuzu |
Sep 16, 2020 10:01 AM
And here I was expecting things to get resolved after where last episode left. I'm not disappointed though. Beatrice situation is more serious than I thought. Roswaal part was awesome. And creepy Emilia is the best! Z_Paragon said: It appears that Subaru is no longer to heal properly after restarting/coming back to life. It doesn't appear like that tho? This whole episode was one life. After he lost his eye Beako teleported him. Hhe even commented on rabbits scene that it's 2nd day. He finally dies at the very last scene. |
JustAnotherShiroSep 16, 2020 10:06 AM
Sep 16, 2020 10:02 AM
I think I finally got it Re:Zero, there is a "story", when Subaru fails what was written in the complete version of Gospel he will die, undoubtedly. It is almost like he has to tick some objectives so he can reach a checkpoint and his restart point is updated and until he is able to "finish" what was predicted in the Gospel he will keep dying, it is not like he is making his own destiny, he is unconsciously aiming for what was predestined in the Gospel. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:02 AM
SomeGuyWithHair said: not really she started to piss me off since she started taking the trials,she wasnt able to succeed at it and she didnt want to let subaru take it either and when she saw him panic in the last episode she clearly looked relifed Fuck, Elsa is goddamn annoying as always. I hate characters who smile in every situation despite being inappropriate. Re:Zero's acute angle smiles gives me PTSD now. Everyone's finally coming out of their shell and showing their true self, well getting there at least. Beako finally got her wish. I knew she was best girl from the beginning. Still don't know what Roswal's thinking, except that he's aware that Subaru knows everything, like someone from the future going back to the past. His final hour was pretty epic. Emilia has gone cuckoo in the head. Light novel readers, care to explain or will they explain it themselves later? Ulirec said: i liked this episode because they have how much of bitch emilia really is subaru just lost his eye and all covored by blood and she is just smiling and acting like a fucking whore and i dont give a shit if somebody said she lost her mind because of pressure she is so annoying You make it sound like this is her usual self. Disregard the weird change in personality and just assume that that's what she really is. How about you think for once? and the way she acted this episode was so annoying. i dont know what part of all this doesnt make me dislike her or rather hate her and im not saying this because im a brainless (just rem is the best fk every one else) fan in fact my favourite character in the anime after subaru is ram |
Sep 16, 2020 10:03 AM
This episode was so distressing! Why Subaru didnt tell Beatrice that he was THAT person? Emilia is freaking out and seems she will collapse I dont know what think about Roswall, he is too mysterious yet |
Sep 16, 2020 10:06 AM
Ulirec said: SomeGuyWithHair said: not really she started to piss me off since she started taking the trials,she wasnt able to succeed at it and she didnt want to let subaru take it either and when she saw him panic in the last episode she clearly looked relifed Fuck, Elsa is goddamn annoying as always. I hate characters who smile in every situation despite being inappropriate. Re:Zero's acute angle smiles gives me PTSD now. Everyone's finally coming out of their shell and showing their true self, well getting there at least. Beako finally got her wish. I knew she was best girl from the beginning. Still don't know what Roswal's thinking, except that he's aware that Subaru knows everything, like someone from the future going back to the past. His final hour was pretty epic. Emilia has gone cuckoo in the head. Light novel readers, care to explain or will they explain it themselves later? Ulirec said: i liked this episode because they have how much of bitch emilia really is subaru just lost his eye and all covored by blood and she is just smiling and acting like a fucking whore and i dont give a shit if somebody said she lost her mind because of pressure she is so annoying You make it sound like this is her usual self. Disregard the weird change in personality and just assume that that's what she really is. How about you think for once? and the way she acted this episode was so annoying. i dont what part of all this doesnt make me dislike her or rather hate her and im not saying this because im a brainless (just rem is the best fk every one else) fan in fact my favourite character in the anime after subaru is ram I do agree with you that she's doing poorly right now but I think that calling her a bitch and a whore just for that is going too far. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:07 AM
Chilling episode. This show is really good at building up the atmosphere and ending an episode. However I feel like they rushed a lot the past episode that it missed many important explanations. I wouldn't understand the reason behind Roswall's actions if not for the explanations some LN readers wrote in this thread, and I'm still confused about Garfiel's inconsistent behavior towards Subaru from last episode.. Anyways, I think the only way they can go through this is for Emilia to pass the trials soon and everyone go back to the mansion = more manpower to defeat Elsa? Not passing the trials might also be the reason why Emilia even went insane. If it's anything like Subaru's trial then it's something personal she needs to let go/solve, but so far they haven't try to solve it. Maybe Subaru needs to help her with that. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:08 AM
Tenshi163 said: mozgow said: Damon_ said: Can someone spoil me what happened to the letter? Tenshi163 said: Damon_ said: I think roswaal disposed it. Not sure. All according to Kekaku.Can someone spoil me what happened to the letter? And for those who want to know now One of the Ryuzu copies took it, probably You mean the wandering Ryuzu Yes. The previous episode showed one of the copies right after Subaru left the letter. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:13 AM
Lethena said: The cliffhanger is killing me, and I don't mind a little bit of spoilers. Does it mean that Elsa and new little girls were also an archbishop similar to Betelguse ? Their power seems surpasses regular superhuman They are not archbirshop, Elsa just works for someone whoever pays her and Maylie joins Elsa for her project. Though, if i'm not mistaken the person who pays Elsa does not know she brings Maylie with her |
Sep 16, 2020 10:15 AM
Nijuuyonn said: I dont know what to feel in this episode everything is falling apart and I feel bad for emilia she lost her mind Look at Emilia eyes, she was posses by satella. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:16 AM
nilon400 said: This episode was so distressing! Why Subaru didnt tell Beatrice that he was THAT person? Emilia is freaking out and seems she will collapse I dont know what think about Roswall, he is too mysterious yet Because you can't, that mean you following gospel path. Subaru need to work his way not according gospel and make his own destiny. Gospel is bad, I mean really really bad. |
redcobraSep 16, 2020 10:32 AM
Sep 16, 2020 10:16 AM
nilon400 said: This episode was so distressing! Why Subaru didnt tell Beatrice that he was THAT person? Emilia is freaking out and seems she will collapse I dont know what think about Roswall, he is too mysterious yet Because he's dumb and instead of thinking straight and doing everything he can to advance in the plot, he mostly cries about and keeps being an idiot. He was told TWICE to tell Beatrice to "Ask the Question" ("Are you that person", most likely) and he still does not do that and keeps wasting time when HE KNOWS there is an assassin going to the mansion. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:19 AM
Omniculus said: The fuck? Was Emilia taken over by the Witch of Envy or did she just lose her mind? She was acting so out of character this episode. Again look at Emilia eyes, there witch of envy shadow inside. She being posses. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:20 AM
Sep 16, 2020 10:20 AM
Funny how at this point people don't even feel sorry for saburu anymore. |
Sene0Sep 16, 2020 10:27 AM
Sep 16, 2020 10:21 AM
SomeGuyWithHair said: i just say what i feel at the current moment i remember when i called subaru a dick head last season now he's my favourite character. but now since episode 3 ths i think she is the worst character FOR ME. maybe she will get better when part 2 begins but i have no hopes for her in the next 2 episodes.Ulirec said: SomeGuyWithHair said: Fuck, Elsa is goddamn annoying as always. I hate characters who smile in every situation despite being inappropriate. Re:Zero's acute angle smiles gives me PTSD now. Everyone's finally coming out of their shell and showing their true self, well getting there at least. Beako finally got her wish. I knew she was best girl from the beginning. Still don't know what Roswal's thinking, except that he's aware that Subaru knows everything, like someone from the future going back to the past. His final hour was pretty epic. Emilia has gone cuckoo in the head. Light novel readers, care to explain or will they explain it themselves later? Ulirec said: i liked this episode because they have how much of bitch emilia really is subaru just lost his eye and all covored by blood and she is just smiling and acting like a fucking whore and i dont give a shit if somebody said she lost her mind because of pressure she is so annoying You make it sound like this is her usual self. Disregard the weird change in personality and just assume that that's what she really is. How about you think for once? and the way she acted this episode was so annoying. i dont what part of all this doesnt make me dislike her or rather hate her and im not saying this because im a brainless (just rem is the best fk every one else) fan in fact my favourite character in the anime after subaru is ram I do agree with you that she's doing poorly right now but I think that calling her a bitch and a whore just for that is going too far. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:21 AM
foxyahoo said: I Rob7 said: PendragonX1 said: That was a lot to unpack in one episode. First, we got Beatrice saving Subaru like a G. Then we get Emilia I believe at first I thought she was possessed by Satella I believe now she just went insane. Why that is IDK yet. The random teleportations in this season are starting to be odd. With this episode, it's implied ALL the teleportation were made by Beatrice, indirectly helping Subaru. First she sent Subaru to meet Echidna after telling him that he would get all the answers in the sanctuary ( which Echidna can only have ) Second she saved Subaru in the last minute from Garfiel. Third she teleported him again to save him from Elsa. All those three happened using the crystal to teleport him. Wow, I misinterpreted her actions during the Elsa encounter. I thought Beatrice put him out of his misery after his eye was taken out. Thanks for filling in the gaps! ^_^ |
I know now that I know nothing. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:21 AM
I just don’t know what’s going on anymore lmao, I feel so lost |
Sep 16, 2020 10:22 AM
Jesus, I had no clue season 2 would be this fucked up. Am I the only one who thought Emilia was possessed by Satella at first? So, Subaru felt upset when Beatrice died, but quite sad when Ram and Garfiel died. I think Subaru gets sad at first when someone he knows dies the first time around, but when it's someone whom he's seen died multiple times, he gets numb to it. In one of the earlier episodes, he didn't show as much concern for Emilia's mental state. I'm guessing season 2 is supposed to be the point when Subaru starts becoming numb to the deaths of the people around him. Sene0 said: Funny how at this point people don't even fell sorry for saburu anymore. I do. The poor guy can't catch a break. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:23 AM
SomeGuyWithHair said: North25 said: SomeGuyWithHair said: Fuck, Elsa is goddamn annoying as always. I hate characters who smile in every situation despite being inappropriate. Re:Zero's acute angle smiles gives me PTSD now. Everyone's finally coming out of their shell and showing their true self, well getting there at least. Beako finally got her wish. I knew she was best girl from the beginning. Still don't know what Roswal's thinking, except that he's aware that Subaru knows everything, like someone from the future going back to the past. His final hour was pretty epic. Emilia has gone cuckoo in the head. Light novel readers, care to explain or will they explain it themselves later? Ulirec said: i liked this episode because they have how much of bitch emilia really is subaru just lost his eye and all covored by blood and she is just smiling and acting like a fucking whore and i dont give a shit if somebody said she lost her mind because of pressure she is so annoying You make it sound like this is her usual self. Disregard the weird change in personality and just assume that that's what she really is. How about you think for once? nothing to explain, she just went insane from doing the trials, Puck dissapearing and Subaru taking off without warning since nobody received the letter. So it was something pretty normal (though normal isn't enough to explain her insanity). I thought about that at the beginning but was like, "There's no way it could be something as simple as that?" because it's Re:Zero, anything can happen. I thought it was a side-effect from the trial, some weird magic or worst case scenario, being replaced by Satella since they look and sound similar. And that glint in her eyes look unnatural as well. i might not be remembering correctly but i believe the novel mentions that after Subaru left Emilia headed into the tomb and repeteatedly attempted the trials over and over until Subaru arrived which mixed with the other things led to that result. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:24 AM
God damn another week and another failure. Holy shit I felt so bad for Beatrice. Her just wanting to die was brutal. And holy crap how good is Elsa??? Like I thought she was done for but somehow made it out and got the killing blow. It's still hard to see what Beatrice truly wants. She says she wants to die yet sends Subaru back to the Sanctuary to confront Roswaal. Yeah Roswaal is a piece of shit too. Don't know what his goal in life is but I feel like it has some connection to Echidna. Man Subaru at the end...the suffering only gets worse. God I hope for a good ending next week DAMMIT! |
Listen to my podcast Follow my twitch. Winter 2525 Waifus on Profile "You can have multiple Waifus" -me |
Sep 16, 2020 10:26 AM
a lot of plots and problems and so little clues for subaru |
Sep 16, 2020 10:27 AM
redcobra said: Omniculus said: The fuck? Was Emilia taken over by the Witch of Envy or did she just lose her mind? She was acting so out of character this episode. Again look at Emilia eyes, there witch of envy shadow inside. She being posses. redcobra said: no lol, it's not satella, but emilia is losing her mindOmniculus said: The fuck? Was Emilia taken over by the Witch of Envy or did she just lose her mind? She was acting so out of character this episode. Again look at Emilia eyes, there witch of envy shadow inside. She being posses. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:29 AM
What an episode. Only complaint about it was the CGI used for the demon beasts, but other than that, it was phenomenal. First, the scene with Beatrice. Man, I feel so bad for her, being four centuries alone by herself waiting for someone to put her out of her misery, she deserves a big hug. Satomi Arai's performance was heartbreaking, and for someone who is famous for voicing a weirdo like Kuroko, it was a pleasant surprise. Her death, even if it won't stick, was very sad too. That girl (Mey Li or whatever her name is) from the first season being an assassin able to tame demon beasts was sure unexpected (the opening shows her, but I didn't remember who she was until the flashback of her appearance in the first season). And, how did Elsa recovered from Beatrice's attack?! She was pretty much crystalized. I guess she's even stronger of what she seems. The Roswaal reveal scene was the other highlight. It was obvious Roswaal was up to no good, and he finally showed his true colors. That being said, I didn't expect him to kill Ram and Garfiel in that cold blood, not him beating Subaru so savagely (though he would do magic or anything). From what I got from his "true gospel", he's in league with Echidna (thing that explains his familiarity with her episodes before) and is willing to do anything to achieve his wish, apart of being aware that Subaru can change the future. That last scene with crazy Emilia and a dying Subaru was chilling. Both the camera used for the scene, coupled with Emilia's acting eerily innocent to the whole thing and the kiss she gives to Subaru was one hell of an ending for the episode. How ironic that Subaru got what he desired, at the cost of not getting to feel it. Damn. Also, Subaru with that improvised eyepatch looked so cool. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:32 AM
What the hell is this, a horror eps? it give me chills and nightmare. this episode is fucking well done |
Sep 16, 2020 10:34 AM
as a emilia stan , it’s so hurt to see her broken my baby is so weak and can someone please spoil me will there be a character development for Emilia for the second half of the series ? if you cannot stand her , don’t quote me : ) |
Sep 16, 2020 10:34 AM
I know it's part of the story, but all this repetitive crying always the same characters dying, always a new evil showing up is getting so fucking boring and stupid to a insane degree. Can the manga readers please fill me in if it's any better? I feel like they are doing such a bad job at translating any kind of emotion and it's always the same thing happening essentially, I know it's part of the plot that stuff repeats itself, but the way it happens in is just so nonsensical, I'm not talking about a realistic sense but a storytelling persective. It seems like the person who wrotte the story was like "Then he died again and then these people showed up, then he died again and then suddenly these things showed up, then he died again and oh no, suddenly these guys showed up somewhere else, then he dies again and suddenly he is seemingly not able to return again because he is trapped, oh no he dies again anyway, oh no and then even more bad people show up and oh, sucks but suddenly that somewhat good guy suddenly also kill him, oh wow time for a little story plot to move forward, then he doesn't die is caught in another situation where he seemingly will be stuck in foroever, then he manages to die again, then bad people show up again somewhere else" Like come on, I know for sake of plot you have to writte a ongoing story, but this is just stupidibly boring, if this is supposed to make me feel for the guy repeating everything over and over being stuck in this hell, then I'm surprised he himself has not gotten bored of it yet and just stopped, that would be a more interesting storytelling point. There was another show that handled a situation like this pretty well... this is just not it. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:39 AM
Emilia going crazy really reminded me of Satella. The comparisons are seemingly intentional so far though. Roswaal stabbing Garfield and Ram in the heart really shows that the skinny clown has more strength than his appearance lets on! I enjoyed the episode. Lots of tears, lots of bad-ends. Hopefully, Subaru figures it out to avoid all that. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:44 AM
Illyricus said: What an episode. Only complaint about it was the CGI used for the demon beasts, but other than that, it was phenomenal. First, the scene with Beatrice. Man, I feel so bad for her, being four centuries alone by herself waiting for someone to put her out of her misery, she deserves a big hug. Satomi Arai's performance was heartbreaking, and for someone who is famous for voicing a weirdo like Kuroko, it was a pleasant surprise. Her death, even if it won't stick, was very sad too. That girl (Mey Li or whatever her name is) from the first season being an assassin able to tame demon beasts was sure unexpected (the opening shows her, but I didn't remember who she was until the flashback of her appearance in the first season). And, how did Elsa recovered from Beatrice's attack?! She was pretty much crystalized. I guess she's even stronger of what she seems. The Roswaal reveal scene was the other highlight. It was obvious Roswaal was up to no good, and he finally showed his true colors. That being said, I didn't expect him to kill Ram and Garfiel in that cold blood, not him beating Subaru so savagely (though he would do magic or anything). From what I got from his "true gospel", he's in league with Echidna (thing that explains his familiarity with her episodes before) and is willing to do anything to achieve his wish, apart of being aware that Subaru can change the future. That last scene with crazy Emilia and a dying Subaru was chilling. Both the camera used for the scene, coupled with Emilia's acting eerily innocent to the whole thing and the kiss she gives to Subaru was one hell of an ending for the episode. How ironic that Subaru got what he desired, at the cost of not getting to feel it. Damn. Also, Subaru with that improvised eyepatch looked so cool. remember they are working from home |
Sep 16, 2020 10:45 AM
The first season foreshadowed Meili as a culprit. She disappeared after they recover the kids from the forest and villagers commented it. --- Know what, Satella is innocent® I am always saying it and the plot provides even more reasons to believe. - Roswaal is EVIL. It is more clear now than ever. - Roswaal is like Echidna's minion, he defeded her name like he is clear one, and his familly always have been there protecting Echdna's lands. That means, Echidna is evil too. If Roswaal is tormenting Emilia on purpose, so is Echidna who ultimately is Ros's boss. I've watched enough anime to know that when a suspitious character is depicted to be soooo good since the start for the MC, it is followed by plot twist when the MC discovers the true colors. Don't need to confirm or deny it, but the evidences now lead to this. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:45 AM
Done, hands down..this is AoTY of 2020.. And the top 1st best Isekai fiction of all time.. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:48 AM
Hmm so a spirit huh. I figured the main reason for not leaving her library was because she was guarding it but to think she's a spirit contracted to guard it. The conversation between Beatrice and Subaru though sure was intriguing and heavy as well. The choice presented by Beatrice though sure presented a difficult choice for Subaru. Another surprising face that Subaru met previously returns as an enemy. Man the enemies infiltration sure was effective. Though brief the battle between Beatrice and Elsa sure was interesting. But the betrayal of Roswaal though sure was the crown jew in betrayals. Poor Ram being betrayed to her death by the one person she was in love with. Still im really curious on who's side he actually is on. Overall an excellent ep that combined excellent revelation with neat combat and some shocking betrayals. |
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Sep 16, 2020 10:49 AM
I think that at this point for me the quality of this show pretty much depends on whether the apparent plot conveniences, character inconsistencies, and unexplained events are: 1. Really inconsistencies due to bad writing. 2. Something that will be explained later on. 3. Something that has been explained and I have not understood correctly. All three have happened before in this show, so I'm hoping all of these belong to the second or third category. Being more specific: - As some people have said here, Subaru not telling Beatrice he is "that person" especially when she's the one bringing up the topic. This cannot be attributed to Subaru's mental state, he clearly had the opportunity to tell her and he didn't. I need an explanation for this, we cannot keep repeating the same thing forever, "Subaru has seen some shit and he doesn't behave normally", because if you use that card you can do pretty much everything you want with Subaru and always give that excuse. - Why are the loops so different from each other? The rabbits coming at different times (the snow attracted them but why did not Roswaal create the storm at the sime time in both loops?), people acting differetly, like Garfield and a long etc. In this regard I no longer feel the same as season 1 in which the loops were identical from each other and what changed were only Subaru's actions. The author is probably aware of this, since it would be too much of a mistake to not address this, which means, that little actions Subaru does, even if we do not know which ones and why, it affects dramatically what happens here. This needs to be addressed, too. - Why doesn't Subaru die from the Rabbits this time? It was shown earlier how vicious they are, there is no way he should have survived long enough to see Emilia. They ate him alive in another loop. Again, explanation needed. - How does Subaru know that Roswaal is the one who created the Snowstorm? Maybe he deducts it can only be him? And if that is the case, he is smart enough to deduce this but not to tell Beatrice the words? As far as Subaru not wanting Beatrice to kill the little kid, makes no sense at this point, this is clearly a convenience so Beatrice can let her guard down and be stabbed by Elsa. He pretty much acts as the plot demands, like always. Regarding Emilia and how her behaviour doesn't make sense here. I dislike Emilia, but even I give her more props than some people here. I think it's obvious from both her eyes and her behavious that this is not a case of just her losing her mind because of trauma. There is probably some sort of possesion or another explanation for this. Come on guys, I dislike her too, but even for a badly written character like Emilia there are limits on how bad she can be handled, give her more credit than this, don't be biased. Againd, epending on how many answers are given to the many questions I have, this season can range from a somewhat repetitive but otherwise enjoyable, cohesive and well thought writing to a total trainwreck. That being said, people that have read the novels keep saying everything will make sense eventually so for now I will believe in them and assume that all of these questions will have reasonable answers. If this is assumed, then, this is clearly the best episode of this season for masterfuly building so many mysteries that will be explained later and yes, the voice acting is top notch even by Japanese standards. |
Soy gitana, canasteraaa. |
Sep 16, 2020 10:51 AM
guizo- said: He used Ryuzu clones to get there.Also how did he escape them to die in Emilia's lap? |
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