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Aug 17, 2017 8:18 AM

May 2015
I can't get interested by this movies. Like really, besides animation and music I can't find anything awesome about this.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Sep 21, 2017 5:53 AM

Jul 2008
Not my favorite of the movies so far. Felt a bit boring to me. Animation and music are still top notch so 6/10.
Dec 3, 2017 5:01 AM

Aug 2015
Definitely the weakest instalment so far in my eyes. Excluding the visuals and sound, pretty much every aspect of this was underwhelming in comparison to the previous movies.
Dec 3, 2017 3:08 PM

May 2010
Man, this was sooooo boring! I couldn't get into this one at all. I expected this to be weaker compared to the previous movie, but god, I barely managed to complete this within one sitting. And it's just one hour long!. At the very least I guess I liked Azaka more than I thought I would, but that's about it lol.

5/10 for Azaka and animation/music, I already started to forget what the heck even happened in this, geez.

Hopefully the last one is gonna be a lot better!
Mar 19, 2018 9:58 AM
Nov 2015
there always will be an annoying character in a Kinoko Nasu work
Mar 30, 2018 9:46 PM

Mar 2018
I'm going to be honest I am really not looking forward to this episode. Taking out two of the MC's for supporting characters, then slapping in Koukutou's sister for 59 minutes seems shambolic at best.

Edit: It wasn't as bad as I thought. 7/10
Himura-KenshinMar 31, 2018 11:42 AM
The Soviet Union will revive #communism
Dec 10, 2018 9:51 PM

Feb 2018
Azaka still Love onii chan Mikiya Lol...
Jan 7, 2020 11:21 AM

Apr 2013
Pretty damn boring, I almost fell asleep a few times. Definitely a huge step back from the two hour movie before.
May 9, 2020 3:16 AM

Dec 2009
I don't see what the point of this chapter was... it didn't add much of anything after the fifth finally revealed something big of the story.
Sep 1, 2020 4:59 AM

Sep 2017
Kinda fun movie.
I liked Azaka a lot in this movie

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Sep 14, 2020 8:14 PM
Aug 2018
didn't enjoy a little bit as compared to previous parts
bakayarou konoyarou
Sep 22, 2020 11:15 AM

May 2020
Alright this story is for Kokutou sister. She is energic yet powerful. Love the effect on the battle scene. Unfortunately it's too short and the battle of Shiki is only one slash of kitchen knife. But the rest was good. It's warmful when seeing Shiki and Azaka are together. Just know that Azaka fall in love with her Onii-san and said ''I love to do forbidden things'' meanwhile Shiki said ''you are pervert'' I see the joke there. 8/10 good.
Nov 3, 2020 6:17 PM

Aug 2019
ronri said:
pillsbury15 said:

In the movie yeah... which ignores a lot of what made Oblivion Recording good. Its a very average adaptation of what was one of my favorite chapters in the novel.

Agreed, while it still works as a solid adaptation, it's just a shame they weren't able to fully utilize the original plot and the role of the fairies and Kurogiri.

I know that im very late but was the death of Tachibana and the fairies all an illusion? i still don't really get how Tachibana was still alive when they mentioned that she killed herself... and if anyone can give a tldr about the original plot and what really happened to Tachibana it would be appreciated
Manga readers who can't help themselves in spoiling/hinting about upcoming events need a lot of help.
Nov 18, 2020 2:45 AM

Oct 2013
tfw no one is talking about Azaka's heart boner for her brother

Feb 3, 2021 6:45 AM

May 2020
This movie is pretty nice, I want more Shiki tho. The fifth one is still the best for now
Jan 7, 2022 12:04 AM

May 2020
This definitely fell a step short for me from all those previous movies tbh. This siscon, brocon thing doesn't bother me so much but still it wasn't fitting with the atmosphere of this series. Also lack of Shiki's screen time as compared to the previous ones was somewhat a main cause too.
Jan 18, 2022 10:58 PM
Dec 2015
dtshyk said:
I didn't measure the length, but it was about one hour. To fully cover the original story, they need two hours, I guess.

This website says it's 60min.
All Cinema

So, like a normal movie? I don´t understand why they couldn´t make it longer when the previous was quite lenghty.
Feb 10, 2022 8:10 PM

May 2020
An alright movie but pretty boring. Azaka is not the completely annoying bro-con I thought she would be, so that was a plus I guess. Also, too little Shiki.
Feb 17, 2022 6:02 AM
May 2021
This is the worst part for me it's not like that it is bad or something but the other parts are better.
Mar 7, 2022 4:52 PM

Feb 2021
boring as the rest were, fell asleep 20 minutes in
Apr 8, 2022 10:52 PM

May 2021
I expected the dog to have more to do with the story because its in the cover and also got a lot of screen time lol
Inhales oxygen
Jul 5, 2022 8:15 AM
Oct 2011
TuzoAnime said:
00:01:03 "Fire Prohibited Don't burn, me moe!" lol. The Japanese brother and sister fetish always creeps me out, seriously would you f#ck your sister?

5-6/10 Expect from the action scene nothing remarkable.
Best guess? Because the Westmarck effect didn't take
Aug 15, 2022 9:44 PM
Mar 2021
the animation was great, but the plot was hard to understand.
May 19, 2023 6:28 AM

Jul 2011
I don't get why Azaka sees the fairies in the ending fight against Ouji while the entire plot said she didn't and that's why Shiki was there.
And also the whole thing about Godot saying he was going to restore Shiki's memories being offscreened is super lame (and what even happened, did he even do it or not ?).

It's pretty meh, just like the previous one. At least it doesn't abuse flashforwards/backwards and don't try to be confusing on purpose but still not good.
EythMay 26, 2023 3:09 AM
Jul 14, 2023 1:53 PM

Jan 2021
This one is quite possibly the weakest of all the movies up till now in terms of plot and characters. I mean it wasnt that bad but it didnt live up to all the previous movies and the stakes they created. Also Azaka's taboo ideology is quite annoying. Why did they have to put a bro con in this. It ruins the experience and the character. Mikiya could have been a valuable person to her as she said but why develop a complex. Its weird. The only good thing about her is that she looked like kid tohsaka when she was a kid.

On the plus side, the animation and visuals were noticeable better. I like how the visuals and animation keeps on getting better and better as we progress. This is unbelievable if we look at the time it was released.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Jul 15, 2023 12:44 PM
Nov 2010
As someone also attracted to taboo stuff, I can relate to Azaka.
"One needs entertainment to live. If living is all you have, you are no different than a machine." I super agree!

I like watching Azaka in action! Especially when one of her sleeves got ripped. I want to lick her armpit! She's hot, and she has bigger boobies than Shiki. Wincest route FTW!

It seems like the main plot is the side plot, and the actual plot is finding out when and how Azaka developed feelings for her bro. But yeah, that was an interesting twist in the end. Kaori is still alive, and Ouji is manipulated for kicks-and-giggles, or maybe this was an elaborate plan to lure Shiki to take on this investigation with Azaka since Satsuki was talking about restoring her memories. Did he succeed in the end? That part was unexplained, and he just vanished.

That post-credit scene. Is he another one of those "anti-thesis" for Shiki manipulated by Souren?
Jul 24, 2023 1:14 AM

Aug 2019
Honestly i enjoyed this chapter way more then i originally thought. Looking at the previews it looked a lot more mellow and calm compared to the previous chapters and, it kinda was per say. I will admit, i thought they were gonna through a curve ball and completely 180 the calm and mellow vibe but was kinda surprised they didn't.

Some stuff i liked from the movie was Shiki's and Azaka's dynamic. On one side you have Azaka who detest Shiki cus she's a love rival for Mikiya, and on the other side you have Shiki who see's Azaka as a little sister. One thing i liked about the dynamic is how, well its done to reflect the characters. Azaka's rash treatment to Shiki in the first half also gave me the feeling of the "all bark no bite", but as you see them work together on the case more, you kinda get how Azaka doesn't out right despise Shiki and they can be pretty neutral at times. I mean you can tell that when Mikiya told Azaka that Shiki requested him to look into the case, not to drag him in but to help her well being, that she took that to heart. Also them sharing a laugh over seeing that younger pic of Touko i feel like shows their relationship pretty well and was a pretty sweet scene in general. Shiki i'm also pretty sure the entire time just takes Azaka's rashness at face values and doesn't care. She really did feel like that supportive big sister, she stayed neutral when she mentioned Azaka's feelings for Mikiya and kinda poked at it in a way i'd feel a bigger sibling would in that situation. She let Azaka take the lead the majority of the time and took on Kurogiri either to let Azaka be the one to face Ouji and close the case, or because she deemed Kurogiri a bigger threat.

Another thing i liked was how the ending had Azaka remember why she fell in love with Mikiya in the dream. It felt like a nice ending and reward for Azaka for completing the case, and also touching since this was pretty much a movie with her in the spotlight and i feel like she isn't gonna get it back again any time soon.

Although the plot didn't feel as intense and jaw dropping as some of the others, in it's own right it focused on a lot of other things instead. For example, Azuka turned out to be an alright character for me by the end. I kinda forgot that Mikiya had a sister since she didn't have a lot of presence in the previous chapters, but this movie was really just a good TL;DR for her character. In the first half i found her character to be kinda meh, i thought she was gonna be a character that had a lot of bark and no bite with Shiki doing the heavy lifting, but no, she more or less took initiative of the case and found her own leads even if it meant breaking rules. She then went head first in the scene, and went face to face with one of the suspects. Then after she debunked the majority of the case herself went back to the scene to take one of the suspects head on in a fight, laid out the facts of the case to the suspect and won the duel with her own strength.

Her relationship with Mikiya honestly didn't both me. I just personally thought it was meh and if anything kinda acted as a layer of making her more character more interesting, but also as it gave her some motivation to reach her goal and how it also intertwined with some of the plot.

Again the story wasn't the strongest this time round, but i thought they did a good job at linking character's interest and backstories to the plot instead of just "2 people solves case, Fin". For example Azaka cutting that deal with Ouji to let her go if she reveals the memories to what started her feelings to Mikiya i thought was interesting as it kinda showed how invested Azaka was to know the source of it. Kurogiri being employed by Araya to "Awaken the memories lost to oblivion 2 years ago" in Shiki was also really interesting as a foreshadowing plot point and i'm sure will be relevant in future.
The antagonist of the movie were meh imo. Ouji i feel like i kinda understood why she wanted to harm the people in Tachibana's class for not doing anything to help her after the incident, but i don't really think i understand her justification for it. There really wasn't much development or building to her as a character, we really only saw her role as an antag and her links to the case, not much about her personality to help understand her more as a character. Kurogiri felt the same way, we just knew his ability, he was employed under Araya to open up Shiki's memories and that his role in the case was that it was a source to kill time for him. Not really much about his backstory besides him being from Wales and a magus.

The OST for this chapter might actually be my second favourite before Overlooking View's OST, from the series so far. It felt more upbeat, and it's main track really gave that fantasy or magic genre feeling to it with the instrument choices, melody and tone of voices. The theme playing over Azaka's fight was also really good, it turned into that mix of techno and kinda classic genre that honestly made the fight way more hype.

Visually, the movie was good and consistent with animation. Azaka's fight against Ouji was really well done, great choreography and camera work, smooth animation and great expression of character from Azaka imo. That part really cemented how confident and capable she can be.

Finally my questions after watching this chapter. Thankfully, I don't have a lot since this chapter was very straight forward to me and actually something i could comprehend. So i guess one question i have is where exactly in the time line this takes place. I think i remember Shiki talking about her encounter with Azaka in chapter 3 where Shiki had to pick Azaka up and saw Fujino so it makes me believe it's after the third chapter, Kurogiri then mentions he was employed by Araya but we don't know if it's before or after chapter 5.
Jul 25, 2023 12:43 AM

Jan 2017
Code0018 said:
So i guess one question i have is where exactly in the time line this takes place. I think i remember Shiki talking about her encounter with Azaka in chapter 3 where Shiki had to pick Azaka up and saw Fujino so it makes me believe it's after the third chapter, Kurogiri then mentions he was employed by Araya but we don't know if it's before or after chapter 5.

It takes place 2 months after Movie 5 , so it's the latest event in the timeline as of this Movie.
If you pay attention , the month each Movie takes place is shown , often around the end. (You can also check some wiki)
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Jun 18, 2024 3:31 AM

Jul 2021
This movie felt very lacking tbh, the dynamic between Shiki and Azaka is the only interesting thing happen in this movie.
Aug 1, 2024 1:51 AM

Mar 2024
Good movie, much better than the previous one.

As always its made with very high quality.

The visuals are great, the anime looks very beautiful and i like the aesthetics of the location - a catholic school. Also, although the story takes place in january, the vibes are more like autumn - yellow leaves on the trees, gray sky and rain. I love autumn vibes.

Azaka and Shiki are very cute, although they are considered rivals, but in this movie they look like good friends. I really like their interactions.

The soundtrack is great too, for example, during the battles there plays cool orchestral classical music mixed with electronic.

There is also a little bit of comedy and romance (this film focuses on the relationships between Mikiya and Azaka). All this moments are very heartwarming (and yes, incest is ok to me)

The villains are boring, but this is the problem of the whole Kara no Kyoukai franchise. The main characters (Mikiya, Shiki, Azaka, Touko) are much more interesting and they are the ones who make this anime so cool and unique.
Sep 2, 2024 2:33 PM

Jul 2011
I suspected the dog was a weird fairy and was more involved with the story... guess not, just a useless animal.
Jan 22, 11:17 PM

Mar 2022
7.44 as the score is bugging me just because its not complex as the other movies doesn't mean you can't enjoy it score should be a 8. The visuals were beautiful like in the scenes where Azaka looks out the burned old school building or as she fought the plant monster it actually reminded me of demon slayer a little bit shows how much ufo grew as a studio. The soundtrack was also stellar like in the Azaka fight the unique ost during it made the fight much more enjoyable, it honestly reminded me of mahoyo a little bit. The plot wasn't bad I liked how we finally got insight on who Azaka is and her dymanic with Shiki and Mikiya. On the topic of dynamics I liked Shikis and Azakas dialogue together before this you would think Azaka was annoying with her opinion on Shiki but that isn't the truth.
She can have her moments with her and them working as a duo was enjoyable like in the "punch" scene. Also the moment where they saw Touka really adds on to my point or the scene where Mikiya says Shiki is worried about Azaka with her reaction towards that. Azakas with Mikiya is a simple backstory but that isn't the case that moment where those two siblings looked at the stars together was her realization of her feelings which leads to these events. Back to plots Ouji wasn't a good antag as you compare her to the other ones but shes still one that made all these enjoyable moments occur I say thats fine in my book. Unfortunately Kurogiri didn't have that kind of role I swear when I watched a year ago Shiki fought him longer, Atleast he mentions Shikis memories this might be foreshadowing but who knows.
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