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Aug 12, 2020 6:31 AM

Jul 2017
Evil Gibia vs. Bushido, the time-travelling figures: Sensui, Kenroku, and now together, monk Onikura with the rest of the surviving crew. Brian and Adam's sacrifice as Gibia-mutated humans sure paid off in fending off the horde though.

Kathleen seems to be having some withdrawal attack of some sort regarding to her memories, but what it is, still is shrouded in mystery.

More on the same history of Oda Nobunaga's era, but this time, from Onikura's POV. But as per last episode, the reason that history interconnects to present day, there's no link between them (well, there's one for Onikura, the club that developed a darkness sucking him in).

Kenroku trying to be funny with Onikura about Kathleen's mom, an interest but not like a hook-up.

Another resurrected group of humans...but definitely not on their side, and more like comedic relief, for about 3 minutes. Whether it seems of their resurfacing in future episodes, it's to be seen.

Wherever the group goes, there'll be Gibia everywhere, and the trio will be tasked to counter them all. Last episode it was lizards, and now, wasps. Each species getting even uglier in CGI. Kathleen tries her chance, but easily becomes the damsel-in-distress. What's her fate (or more appropriately, WHY EVEN TRY)?

As for the start of every episode, a vlog to capture each and everyone's memories whilst they're still alive, wonder what's that purpose for.
Aug 12, 2020 7:33 AM

Jan 2014
Wonder if they'll go through with her being killed, or just have some random usual anime twist of her being saved at the last moment. Prob from a new warrior or something I bet lol
Aug 12, 2020 9:04 AM

Feb 2019
The only good part about this show is the little history lessons it gives on feudal Japan. That nobunaga shit was wild, dude was savage fr.

Anyway, place your bets on how low you think the MAL score will be by the end. I’m thinking it’ll get to 3.5
Aug 12, 2020 10:38 AM

Jun 2015
I would of loved it had he just chopped the arms of that gangsta with a flash of his sword. Maybe MC gone soft in the future assessing the situation that very few humans exist at the moment. And I love the monk. Clearly fancies Kathleens mam. Who wouldn't though. Talk about a MILF!

Besides I think Kathleen safe, I'm working off the assumption the original grenade she threw actually helped MC just as he was about to be hit, which gave him time to recover before the 2nd grenade went off and was already moving as Kathleen run back to the towards the truck and fell. If you note the only two reactions to her scream were from the two characters fighting further away at different areas which had already been determined via the plot.

Which suggests MC, already having finished off the monster it was looking dicey with due to Kathleens grenade intervention is already moving towards her as the path has been cleared from the 2nd grenade and everyone needs back on the bus to move on, I'm pretty sure he will be able to intervene and save her.

There is no unusual anime twist, its simple placement of characters within a 3D environment coupled with some nice battling and action. I prefer not to have to analysis so much but its bad when people just dis the story and creativity of the people who make the show.
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Aug 12, 2020 10:38 AM

Apr 2018
They tried to do a cliffhanger with this anime lol I hope that Kathleen will survive she's like the only positive element of this show
Aug 12, 2020 10:43 AM
Sep 2015
I'm more interest in one member of the new gang, his name is Hamuro Katsunori, and apparently his weapon is actually not a sword but a fishing rod, because he's a fisherman!!! And he's hot too! (I don't think this is spoiler because this information is available in the official website)
Aug 12, 2020 11:32 AM

Jan 2020
Kathleen is the best part of this so I hope she survives. Also, it might just be me but the cgi looked worse than usual

Aug 12, 2020 3:43 PM

Jul 2017
Onikura's reaction to his master person dying was so 'whatevs' lol
Aug 12, 2020 4:04 PM
Jul 2020
The hilarious final scene nearly killed me.
Kathleen's face closes up, two men's faces cut in, and then they scream her
Aug 12, 2020 4:22 PM

Jul 2020
I think the video tape is a message to the future mysterious person in that ending after they figure out the cure for the Gibia crap.
NewYearSameMeAug 12, 2020 4:26 PM
Aug 12, 2020 4:25 PM

Jan 2018
Bruh for Kathleen tripping. It was way too convoluted and downright annoying.
Aug 12, 2020 8:06 PM
Feb 2020
This may have been my favorite episode so far.
Haven't commented till now, so.. My thoughts:
1) This anime is 100% a knock-off Drifters spinoff. I will not be convinced otherwise.
2) Best parts are the flashbacks aka "history lessons". After playing Nioh2, I've been watching every bit of media I can get my hands on from the sengoku period, and love every second of this. (at least 50% of why I'm still invested & watching)

I'm surprised they didn't reveal that a drifter wasn't part of the group of convicts/bad doods.

Here's hoping(?) it's somehow her mother who saves her in the opening of the next episode, somehow. At least in my head that's how it should go down.

Idk, at this point if you can ignore the monster's animation, it's not so bad. I think I've become invested with this episode.

Less CGI screen time= More enjoyable.

Also, going all Rurouni Kenshin on that guy was.... Well it was something. Blunt side of my blade, bluuggggh.
Aug 12, 2020 10:09 PM

Sep 2007
The saving grace of this episode was definitely Adams sacrifice.
Aug 12, 2020 10:42 PM

Jun 2013
Kathleen's mom is chill af. They're out there fighting terrible CGI monsters and she's taking a nap in their van. I knew it, monk dude has the hots for momma, I ship them lol

Also, ngl, Adam sacrificing himself was badass. No more Americans though, only Kathleen and perhaps her mom who is probably a Japanese American citizen.
Aug 13, 2020 5:52 AM

Feb 2020
What a sacrifice, Adam you will be remember... atleast until this season over, goodbye Hero...
Aug 13, 2020 6:34 AM

Feb 2020
Adam death? Who cares? Even i don't rememberred the scenes when he got stabbed. The monk warrior, a big guy background story felt okay, but still binged some bored stuff by its end. Now everyone just had their own reason and how they could get called onto that miserable world.

About the second part was also another random activity. They just rest, got attacked, a little power contest by duelling, ofc Shensui won it, and they just run away like shit. Nothing big happened again until the cliffhanger hitted this show with a full facepalmed. Obviously she can avoided that miserable attack. The cliffhanger ending point was a bad method to cut the show. If not, the show might be worst than the awful Gibia's yelling.
badabassAug 13, 2020 6:40 AM
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 13, 2020 9:02 AM

Aug 2018
Someone irrelevant died and they still tried to picture him as a hero : well he was truly a hero for being able to shoot "properly" with dual-wielding assault rifle without even feeling a single bit of recoil.
Aug 13, 2020 10:04 PM

Oct 2009
This is so far the best episode. It's not like the show is good but watchable for some laughs here and there when it comes to some of the animation.

The feudal part isn't really that bad, quite frankly.

I hope, Kathleen survives in the next episode.
Aug 14, 2020 12:21 AM
Dec 2019
It was good to have some backstory for Yukinojyo, it was good to see where he came from.

But the scene with Kathleen getting the net dropped on her was pretty pointless, like what did it achieve? unless it is a plot point?

It wonder if Dr. Yoshinaga is going to save Kathleen, and get infected.
Aug 14, 2020 10:24 PM

Oct 2017
RIP Adam, he died but took a lot of Gibia with him.

Lol looks like the ship we'll get is Monk x Kathleen's mom.

Kathleen in trouble, is Sensui gonna get hit trying to save her? Let's see what happens.
Aug 15, 2020 6:33 AM

May 2009
Adam suddenly being infected and it showed as flashback is such a fucking garbage writing, holy shit. It's worse than LN writing.
Aug 15, 2020 4:17 PM

Aug 2018
I’m liking the monsters and the history lessons. Not a great show, but better than some would have you believe.
Aug 16, 2020 10:40 AM

Dec 2016
Ok this episode was super awkward like pacing was very off, Kathleen's mom voice not always aligned with her mouth movement, new people showed and disappeared almost immediately and then Kathleen tripped on literally nothing.... I couldn't stop laugh while watching this. xD

Monk's master last words: "Live my friend!"
Monk: "Oh No!... anyway I will now die fighting!"

NewYearSameMe said:
I think the video tape is a message to the future mysterious person in that ending after they figure out the cure for the Gibia crap.


I agree with NewYearSameMe but I think in ending we see (older) Kathleen.
Manga recommendation:
- Spy x Family (Ch.113/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.205/? - weekly)
- MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly)
- Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly)
- Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly)
Anime recommendation:
- Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished)
- If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished)
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished)
Aug 16, 2020 1:27 PM

Apr 2018
Like the history lessons of fedual japan gives more back story to the characters. That ending tho.
Aug 16, 2020 3:19 PM

Nov 2013
A strong sentiment and contact with water are necessary for a transfer it seems.

The fight between the wannabe Samurai and Sensui was as brief as expected. While I understand his reasons to not kill the guy, I hope that it won't backfire.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Aug 16, 2020 4:05 PM

Jul 2017
Nieznajomy43 said:
NewYearSameMe said:
I think the video tape is a message to the future mysterious person in that ending after they figure out the cure for the Gibia crap.


I agree with NewYearSameMe but I think in ending we see (older) Kathleen.
I mean, at this moment we can just speculate that it's for them when they're older, or probably for someone whom like @NewYearSameMe suggests that this was found after the entire Gibia massacre.

For now, not so relevant, probably have to wait until Episode 10/11 (by this show's non-standard storytelling).
Aug 16, 2020 5:26 PM
Nov 2019
anime was so shit i got nauseous n dipped after episode 3
Aug 18, 2020 10:08 AM

Dec 2016
The cliffhanger...

I kinda want Kathreen to die since she's annoying but most probably it won't go that way. I guess Kenroku might save her and die cause he mentioned that Kathreen looks like his wife or it could also be the Monk or Sensui with no one dying or a new character.

Also whenever they zoom in Sensui's face it's so funny XD
And those insects running like that is so meme worthy XD
Sep 10, 2020 4:28 PM
Feb 2019
I've never seen an episode with such meaningless events
Jan 2, 2021 8:04 PM

Apr 2016
Adam's death sucked but honestly I don't think anyone can feel anything for him because
1. his character was hardly developed
2. his death literally came out of nowhere; there wasn't a buildup to it, just like everything in this dumpster fire of a film

Animation and CGI were treats to watch as usual. Can never get enough.

Realistically, Kathleen would be dead next episode with how close that gibia was to her, but I already know it won't turn out that way.
Feb 2, 2021 2:47 AM

Jul 2015
The encounter with those convicts felt pretty out of nowhere, like some random event.

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