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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Aug 12, 2020 1:33 PM

Jul 2014
mozgow said:
Atavistic said:
I spent much of this episode's second half trying to figure out the timeline of Elsa's attack in relation to Subaru's new respawn point. If I'm remembering right, Emilia did the trial again a second time in the previous loop, and Subaru left the next morning after she failed again. By this point, Elsa had attacked and presumably killed everyone in the mansion, giving us a timeframe of up to 48 hours between the save point and the attack (depending on how long it takes to reach the mansion from the Sanctuary, with it at least being implied to not be a long journey (so presumably less than 24 hours away)).
Your maths is pretty good but you're missing three days it took Subaru to prepare for the Villagers to return to Irlam.

3 days of preparations? Man, that really throws everything off then, as that's a much larger window between Subaru's return in the current two loops than I was expecting: assuming Elsa attacked at the same time in the first loop, I find it hard to imagine her just waiting around for 3-4 days for Subaru to come back. I mean, I suppose it's possible that she would (as she isn't exactly sane), but it seems more likely that her attack in the first loop came later than it did this time.

If so, that and her comment that Subaru arrived earlier than expected suggests that she was forced to change the plan because of his earlier arrival. And that hypothesis again loops back to my suspicions about Roswaal, as I'm not sure how else Elsa and her client could have reacted to or known about Subaru's earlier return so quickly: such information, as well as the specifics of those staying at the castle, surely had to have come from an inside source of some sort (and while Frederica would have known about the base situation, how could she possibly have known about when exactly Subaru would return to feed that information to Elsa and her client?)
Aug 12, 2020 1:36 PM

Mar 2017
Whew... what an ep! I think this episode makes it clear that Subaru has to sacrifice his personal relationships in order to protect everyone whenever he Returns By Death which is just heartbreaking.

Yet again, we're given small hints and bits of information to be able to create theories but so many more questions were raised! I was happy to see that Betty is okay!

That scene from Subaru's perspective was terrifying... I don't think I'd be able to deal with that over and over again and that's why I think he's so strong!
Aug 12, 2020 1:37 PM

Mar 2017
I've just had a light bulb moment! My theory; In the first timeline, all the doors were open which I assumed meant Elsa (or someone else maybe) was looking for Beatrice. BUT! In order for Elsa/someone else to know of Beatrice's presence in the mansion and how to find her, someone trusted in the mansion would have to tell them... makes me wonder who hired Elsa...
Aug 12, 2020 1:39 PM

May 2014
Holy fucking shit what a painful episode. I knew the happier times were only gonna make this harder to watch. Fuck I did not expect him not dying there.

Well, quite a few changes compared to last time... So they knew when he was returning, there's somehow a Mabeast in there who is either named Mayline, or this person summons that thing.
Also this kinda ensures Frederica isn't an enemy. But we did not see her at the end so this could be the story just making us believe that.

Shit though... What the hell happened to Subaru after that Petera scene? What did Ram mean?

I wonder what will happen with Beatrice... At least she didn't die without us seeing anything, it'll be interesting to know more about her.

Anyway Ram is always best girl for me. I love her lines and witty nature so much.
AlexandricLeoAug 12, 2020 1:43 PM

Aug 12, 2020 1:56 PM

Jul 2016
ZoroZoldyck said:
there's somehow a Mabeast in there who is either named Mayline, or this person summons that thing.

That was a mistranslation. The character is called Meili, not Maylie.
Aug 12, 2020 1:59 PM

Feb 2015
That was edge of the seat stuff at the end. Nice twist when Beatrice saved him.

Re.Zero is smashing it at the moment. The quality of the writing and story is levels above other shows this season.
Aug 12, 2020 2:14 PM

Mar 2014
This was quite a suspenseful episode. Beatrice best girl saves Subaru in the end, I totally didn't expect that. It will be interesting to see why she saved him this time though, and not any other. I wonder whether there will be more resets in order to defeat Elsa. She's been a continuous pain in the ass ever since the first episode LOL
Aug 12, 2020 2:15 PM

Oct 2019
I really thought that this timeline is gonna work out too.. FUUCK.. Subaru needs to die asap
Aug 12, 2020 2:19 PM

Aug 2008
bluffinie said:
Beatrice will be everyone’s favorite character of 2nd season

Hmm, highly doubtful. Considering that there's far more artwork of Rem, she remained popular even with the native artists, who would've known who got more prominence in the plot. So regardless of what happens, Rem would still be more popular, being in a constant coma or not.

As for the ep, well hot damn. Back to the thriller ride of constant deaths and resets to limp your way to victory!

Fuck man, this studio always punctuate their episode endings on this anime with the best cliffhangers. Can't wait for next week!
Aug 12, 2020 2:20 PM

Apr 2015
So Frederica is not on the bad side as Subaru initially thought she was. Glad, cause I quite like her! The banter between her and Ram was pretty nice, that's what you get for knowing each other for 10 years!

I really love that Ram did feel the connection with Rem being related to each other, despite the fact no-one ecept Subaru remembers her.

The suffering really continues, that cliffhanger was something else. The whole sequence of the building collapsing, the faint talking of Ram, Subaru being carried away on that dragon rider and Subaru being tossed around back into the mansion again was amazing. The moment Subaru realizes he was only holding Petra's arm...

I swear, the moment Elsa appeared behind him again, I was like "Ok, he's gonna get reset again whenever she is done with him".. "Petra and Frederica will be alright? Right?" And then he opened that door and standing face to face with beatrice T_T I swear if Petra and Frederica won't be able to be saved, I will be sad! Can't wait to see the conversation between Beatrice and Subaru next week!

Also really loving these 26 minute episodes with no OP (eventho the OP really is a banger), I am all for more content per episode!!
Aug 12, 2020 2:21 PM

Oct 2015
Sometimes i really don't like subaru. Good episode though.

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Aug 12, 2020 2:35 PM
Mar 2016
Gildesh said:
Why would Subaru even open the door... he'd just lead Elsa to Rem if that was her room.

its either that or him I dont see a problem with him going for it..
Aug 12, 2020 2:37 PM
Jul 2019
So,with that mabeast present, I'm guessing that fredirica got owned by it.
Aug 12, 2020 2:42 PM

May 2012

Episode was straight fire! First off I'm so happy that Subaru has matured. He knows since he has died it gives him a chance to figure things out. Trying to move forward with how Emilia and Garfiel feel didn't quite work, but he was able to get out early anyway.

Frederica is still part of the waifu team. Thank goodness, didn't want to trade her. I think Frederica passed all three trails and was able to leave. Maybe that has something to do with her oath. I wish we could have seen Ram full reaction to Rem. Felt like it was emotional.

Elsa still op and crazy. love it! Not sure why a Mabeast showed up as well. I wonder who see working for. All signs point to Roswaal, but that seem to right if that makes sense. Still they would have to know about what's going on in the house. As well as know that Rem isn't there. Poor Petra. Not gonna lie I would have scream and cried as well. She was just a child.

Beatrice saved Subaru!? Why? what's the point now?

Stellar episode. 5/5. I hope to much time hasn't passed and Subaru can go back and have a better setup.
Aug 12, 2020 2:50 PM

May 2012
Atavistic said:
mozgow said:
Your maths is pretty good but you're missing three days it took Subaru to prepare for the Villagers to return to Irlam.

3 days of preparations? Man, that really throws everything off then, as that's a much larger window between Subaru's return in the current two loops than I was expecting: assuming Elsa attacked at the same time in the first loop, I find it hard to imagine her just waiting around for 3-4 days for Subaru to come back. I mean, I suppose it's possible that she would (as she isn't exactly sane), but it seems more likely that her attack in the first loop came later than it did this time.

If so, that and her comment that Subaru arrived earlier than expected suggests that she was forced to change the plan because of his earlier arrival. And that hypothesis again loops back to my suspicions about Roswaal, as I'm not sure how else Elsa and her client could have reacted to or known about Subaru's earlier return so quickly: such information, as well as the specifics of those staying at the castle, surely had to have come from an inside source of some sort (and while Frederica would have known about the base situation, how could she possibly have known about when exactly Subaru would return to feed that information to Elsa and her client?)

I thought the same too. All signs point to Roswaal but it seems to fishy. The only other person I could think of would be Ryuuzu because Roswaal had to convince her to let Subaru leave. It might be someone that proably won't won't show up until the third season... or it really was Roswaal and I was just reaching for the stars lol.
Aug 12, 2020 2:51 PM

Apr 2013
Ram was so pissed off of the burn from Petra lol

Barusu's torment continues, to think this is just another Problem that appeared while he has to solve the Ordeal with Rem's and the other people's identity or memories missing... which means he has to deal with at least another Sin Archbishop maybe even two if Regulus is still working with gluttony
just because I’ve gotten weaker, doesn’t mean that you got stronger, does it?
Aug 12, 2020 2:54 PM

Jan 2019
It's not Re:Zero without a little trauma here and there.

Did not expect Beako to save Su, unless it was a coincidence?
Aug 12, 2020 2:55 PM

May 2012
fullofregrets09 said:

Episode was called the Maiden's Gospel. There were three maids, and no Gospel in sight. Very interesting choice for a title.

I thought the Gospel referred to Beatrice because Subaru gave her the gospel when he first return to the mansion. I could be remembering wrong.
Aug 12, 2020 3:05 PM

May 2020
OMG so much hype for the next episode.
Aug 12, 2020 3:06 PM

Aug 2018
So now reset point is right after the trial.. So Subaru will have to live through Emilia's suffering again and again.. Poor Subaru.. It was hard to support Emilia as it is, really, I'd say.. But to live through her suffering again and again can be really hard.. Especially as Subaru can be stressed by other things and say some hurtful stuff to Emilia eventually..
.. And yeah.. He already can't support her doing this on her own, but rather giving her option that he'd do that.. I mean.. That also is possible solution.. But wouldn't Emilia want to do that on her own?..
And yeah.. Subaru is also being impatient with Garfiel as well.. Wanting to just free people as if it already a done thing.. Well.. It's really hard to be considerate of things you accomplished, if very stressful other problem is fulfilling your mind.. Things really can go not in way Subaru will want.. That's just sad, really..
Oh, Ram getting pretty major role is an awesome thing, though! I hope that Ram indeed will be quite important, more screen time for girls is nice, really.. ;P
Who is Maylie this chick mentioned?.. "I don't want Maylie taking all the credit [for killing]"?..
Aug 12, 2020 3:06 PM

Apr 2018
Now it's finally getting interesting. Can't wait till next week.
Watashi wa a victim of cyberbullying. Everyday someone online calls me a "weeb" desu. Watashi won't stand for this. 26 percent of bullying victims are chosen due to their race or religion desu. I may look like a basic white boy, but deep down I am Nihongo desu. Watashi religion is anime. Anata wa bullying me because of my race and religion desu ka? Disgusting desu. Anata should be ashamed of yourself, racist pig. A baka gaijin like anata is probably jealous of my race and culture, cause Nippon is more sugoi than your shitty country desu. Watashi pity anata. You'll never be Nihongo like watashi. Educate yourself on nani a "weeb" is.
Aug 12, 2020 3:13 PM

Jun 2019
Frederica jsut sky rocketed up best girl list 🐱
Aug 12, 2020 3:24 PM

Nov 2019
This episode was all about girls (Ram, Frederica, Petra, Patrasche, Beatrice) saving Subaru. Is that his true ability? they also have a greater probability to murder him too tho.

Episode title was really mysterious; I think it will be explained later indirectly.

Lot of changes in Gar's attitude when he no longer got the experience of seeing Emilia suffering from the trial. Emilia seemed stronger in resolve this time due to Subaru comforting her instead of being confused. But his desire to take the trials backfired, partly due to that previous action. Good writing, this is.

Ram does take people more seriously than she lets it show. That's an intentional tsundere if I have ever seen one. I do trust Frederica now, unless they pull an Angel and Demons on us. Still confused about one thing: Being someone from the Sanctuary, how could she leave it? Am I missing something here?
Petra is really different from kids of her age. She learns from experiences very quickly. Her perfect calmness during the hostage situation was badass. Truly another strong maido of the household.

Elsa mentioned that name which is apparently wrong according to people here, and should be that blue haired girl from the village. Hmmmmm. How come Elsa know the inner workings of the house so much? Whoever her client is, knows about Roswaal's property very well.

Loved the episode. The fights were kino, and that first person PoV from Subaru was lit. Weirdly ended tho, because of the events that takes place like this:
1. Subaru clearly won't like Petra chan to die. RbD is the only wae
2. Elsa says she was ordered to kill two maids (Frederica and Petra) and Beako
3. Still Subaru worries about the safety of Rem (maybe he can't think clearly anymore)
4. He runs away to save blue ig
5. Beako takes him in, and he's angry about saving him? Not because Rem is not safe yet??
Laplace_kunAug 12, 2020 3:34 PM
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Aug 12, 2020 3:27 PM

Jan 2017
Petra :'( . I wonder what the conversation between Beatrice and Subaru will be like next episode.
Aug 12, 2020 3:40 PM

Jan 2018
Things are heating up. Subaru, still back into suffering mode has shown us even though he was early this time around, it is still not enough.

But with a last-second save from Beatrice, I wonder what holds next?
Aug 12, 2020 3:42 PM
May 2012
nice episode overall
my only problem is that didn't they say Demi-humans cant pass the barrier of sanctuary so how can ram pass if shes an Oni?
Aug 12, 2020 3:54 PM

Feb 2014
My heart was racing the whole episode. Holy fuck man, what a wild ride!
Aug 12, 2020 3:55 PM

Feb 2014
MadGouda said:
nice episode overall
my only problem is that didn't they say Demi-humans cant pass the barrier of sanctuary so how can ram pass if shes an Oni?

She is full Oni, not half-oni.
Aug 12, 2020 3:56 PM

Mar 2010
Twas awesome, loved seeing subaru go through hell and back. And man Its been too long since we saw beatrice.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Aug 12, 2020 3:58 PM

Jun 2017
No wonder the relationship is bad between Frederica and Garfiel. Both are half beast so there must have been some sibling drama since Frederica is not trapped inside the barrier.

It seems someone is watching Subaru and co because Elsa just attacked sooner despite him going 2 days early. That gotta suck. Hopefully we will get some juicy info out of Beako next week.

MadGouda said:
nice episode overall
my only problem is that didn't they say Demi-humans cant pass the barrier of sanctuary so how can ram pass if shes an Oni?

Ram is a pure blood Oni, hence she can pass.
Aug 12, 2020 3:59 PM

May 2019
Alrighty, guys. It's back to the grit of Re:Zero that we all love and enjoy!
Hold on to your butts (and your maid's hand)!
Aug 12, 2020 4:25 PM

Mar 2018
MadGouda said:
nice episode overall
my only problem is that didn't they say Demi-humans cant pass the barrier of sanctuary so how can ram pass if shes an Oni?

The barrier blocks mixed bloods, she's a pure, 100% oni.
Aug 12, 2020 4:28 PM
Nov 2019
Man, Petra had all the death flags in this episode.
Aug 12, 2020 4:31 PM
Jan 2020
Something is bothering me. In episode 1, Rem 'AFK' and no one remember her, except Subaru. Why Subaru still remember her?
Aug 12, 2020 4:31 PM

Nov 2015
Beatrice might be the most hated character if the checkpoint updates
Aug 12, 2020 4:33 PM
Jan 2020
LoomyTheBrew said:
MadGouda said:
nice episode overall
my only problem is that didn't they say Demi-humans cant pass the barrier of sanctuary so how can ram pass if shes an Oni?

She is full Oni, not half-oni.

She is full 'Devil' right?
Aug 12, 2020 4:38 PM
Feb 2016
TS4U said:
Something is bothering me. In episode 1, Rem 'AFK' and no one remember her, except Subaru. Why Subaru still remember her?

Back in s1 it was found out that Subaru can remember people the White Whale ate. This is old news.
Aug 12, 2020 4:49 PM

Sep 2019
Very good first third or so. Then it just went down hill. I sense they really want the viewer to react very emotionally to some things, but I for one don't really care for Fredelica, Petra, or Ram really, so emotional scenes involving them just fell very flat. Wow Petra dies, oh no. Like, yes she is a child and the death can have a large psychological affect on Subaru, but she, as a character is rather boring. She is characterized by her desire to help/be around/be noticed by Subaru. The fact that she has rarely appeared on screen throughout the course of the entire runtime thus far does no help her case either.

Same thing can be applied to Fredelica. Besides the mystery aspect, there is no reason to be interested/care for her character. She doesn't have an incredible amount of charisma, nor is it particularly interesting to see her interact with other characters. Her screen time has also been rather sparse.

The animation in this episode was also imo the worst it has been so far. Elsa fighting and Fredelica's jump into the castle after her transformation were both subpar in comparison to past episodes.

Overall not the most impressive episode. It's disappointing because ep 4 and 5 were so good. Hopefully the real trauma returns next week.
Aug 12, 2020 5:01 PM

May 2019
Finally watched it.

It remembers the beginning of 2nd arc, but now, with. MUCH. MORE. ACTION!

(and explosions, thanks god i was introduced in this part of story by the anime)

Now i got why this ep is so well rated.

THIS is the real Re:Zero deal for me. Subaru suffering and danger everywhere.

And his last line show how, as i always wanted, now he is really willing to use the RETURN BY DEATH intentionally.

But he cant control it. MAYBE in the next episode we will discover that Petra and Furry-rica died for real without savingpoint.

MAYBE. Just the fact the Beatrice saved him (but the Mansion is still under full attack) dont means that the overcome all the situation.

In the 3rd Arc he also managed to survive or be saved lots of times but it dont means a savingpoint until he really defeats the enemy that is menacing his life.
Rob7Aug 12, 2020 5:22 PM
Aug 12, 2020 5:33 PM

Mar 2014
Oh god. The last death was instantaneous and shocking, now this one is drawn out and you don't know if/when the suffering will end. So far he's been stabbed in the shoulder (with what I hope isn't a poisoned needle), he was bludgeoned by a collapse which killed Petra and he was still holding her severed hand (WHAT THE FUCK), and RIGHT when he's about to die trying to save Rem, the door magically turns into Beatrice's secret door and he's "saved"... Shit. This was intense. Plus, that blurry intermission when Subaru's semi-out-of-it and we can't even tell what's happening. AND WHY THE FUCK IS THAT MAGICAL BEAST THERE?! From bad to worse!

Also, damn, that Fredericka transformation. So are all demihumans basically werewolves? Or is this on a case-by-case basis?

At the very least, Subaru's acquired the knowledge that someone hired Elsa to kill two maids and the "shut-in". And they meant for her to be there right when they got back from the Sanctuary. The time delay here makes things so complicated. How the hell is Subaru going to dig himself (and everyone else) out of this massive black hole of death?

Nearly forgot this in the chaos, but it does seem like those with a deep connection to erased people can still feel a void/vague echo of the memories they used to have that were erased.
Aug 12, 2020 5:54 PM
Jun 2016
Laplace_kun said:
This episode was all about girls (Ram, Frederica, Petra, Patrasche, Beatrice) saving Subaru. Is that his true ability? they also have a greater probability to murder him too tho.

Episode title was really mysterious; I think it will be explained later indirectly.

Lot of changes in Gar's attitude when he no longer got the experience of seeing Emilia suffering from the trial. Emilia seemed stronger in resolve this time due to Subaru comforting her instead of being confused. But his desire to take the trials backfired, partly due to that previous action. Good writing, this is.

Ram does take people more seriously than she lets it show. That's an intentional tsundere if I have ever seen one. I do trust Frederica now, unless they pull an Angel and Demons on us. Still confused about one thing: Being someone from the Sanctuary, how could she leave it? Am I missing something here?
Petra is really different from kids of her age. She learns from experiences very quickly. Her perfect calmness during the hostage situation was badass. Truly another strong maido of the household.

Elsa mentioned that name which is apparently wrong according to people here, and should be that blue haired girl from the village. Hmmmmm. How come Elsa know the inner workings of the house so much? Whoever her client is, knows about Roswaal's property very well.

Loved the episode. The fights were kino, and that first person PoV from Subaru was lit. Weirdly ended tho, because of the events that takes place like this:
1. Subaru clearly won't like Petra chan to die. RbD is the only wae
2. Elsa says she was ordered to kill two maids (Frederica and Petra) and Beako
3. Still Subaru worries about the safety of Rem (maybe he can't think clearly anymore)
4. He runs away to save blue ig
5. Beako takes him in, and he's angry about saving him? Not because Rem is not safe yet??

I doubt Elsa was ordered to kill Petra. 1) She held her hostage when she could’ve easily killed her right then and there, holding hostages doesn’t even seem like her style 2) She’s innocent, and isn’t involved in anything that would upset anyone (at least, I think...) 3) Petra is a very new hire, so only the people who were in that mansion + Emilia + the villagers probably know she works there.

But I guess the counterpoint to that was Elsa couldn’t have known Ram would be there too, because Subaru apparently changed the future

Rem is forgotten, so they couldn’t have been talking about her

So it was Frederica and Ram? Assuming Petra wasn’t a target. But Ram came there because Subaru resetted, she wasn’t supposed to be there. Also, it was kind of a last minute decision that she was going back to the mansion, so they must have up to date knowledge from someone who knows what’s happening in the mansion.
PraiseThe1Aug 12, 2020 6:10 PM
Aug 12, 2020 6:25 PM
Mar 2020
I miss the "the Call of the Witch" soundtrack :(
Aug 12, 2020 6:25 PM
Jun 2016
swordmaster2551 said:
fullofregrets09 said:

Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that part, where Subaru can just ask Beatrice to ask the question. I really hope he says that in the next episode and isn’t blinded by anger and rage to remember. I want to see everything change, I don’t want something that significant to be carried over into the next cours.

Or blood loss, he was bleeding very badly and it looks like he may have just lost his left hand.
swordmaster2551 said:
fullofregrets09 said:

Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that part, where Subaru can just ask Beatrice to ask the question. I really hope he says that in the next episode and isn’t blinded by anger and rage to remember. I want to see everything change, I don’t want something that significant to be carried over into the next cours.

Or blood loss, he was bleeding very badly and it looks like he may have just lost his left hand.

Huh? Did you reply to the wrong post?
Aug 12, 2020 6:43 PM

Jan 2011
very intense episode could not help but be bother by all the time wasting they were doing though luckily Elsa was taking her sweet ass time casually going about her rampage

looks like dealing with the mansion is harder at this rate lol but beat showing up at the best worst time hopefully he drops that question that will change everything

sucks for Petra right now but ant no way she was walking out of there safely with them going back in ,the whole pov shot looking like cloverfield added a lot to the confusion.
Aug 12, 2020 7:11 PM

May 2019
One thing that i like to do everytime that Subaru enters in a loop is to set exactly all the interval that was eliminated from the world where he is now.

At this moment, the "VALID" timeline of Season 2 for Subarow is:

Ep. 1 - From zero to 03m45s, 04m12s to 10m54s and from 14m20s forwards (almost complete).

Ep. 2 - Complete.

Ep. 3 - Complete.

Ep. 4 - Complete.

Ep. 5 - From zero to 05m55s only.


Ep. 6 - (at this moment) Complete.


Now comparing it with the 1st season:

Ep.01: from zero to 3m.48s


Ep.02: from 4m.14s to end

Ep.03: Complete (1st arc end)

Ep.04: from zero to 2m.48s (just before opening).


Ep.08: Complete

Ep.09: Complete

Ep.10: Complete

Ep.11: Complete (2nd arc end).

Ep. 12: Complete

Ep. 13: Complete

Ep. 14: from zero to 8m.00s


Ep.18: from 3m.45s (just after opening) to end

Ep.19: Complete

Ep. 20: Complete

Ep. 21: Complete

Ep.22. from zero to 4m.00s


Ep.24: From 0.44s to end.

Ep.25. Complete


Pay attention that in the biggest "jumps" of Season 1, almost four intire episodes went to the limbo (and only Subaru knows what happened there).

My GUESS is that we are starting another cicle of a long jump. Otherwise, at least Petra died for real.

What would be not a surprise, since all this season until now was just a huge Petra's death flag.

Aug 12, 2020 7:12 PM
Waifu Inspector

Sep 2019
Ok, so Ram finally meets Rem. Frederica and Garfiel are confirmed related, as I had assumed earlier. Looks like Elsa still arrived earlier than Subaru has anticipated. Also, Frederica has some transformation ability with the help of the stone it seems. Seeing Petra dead again is a sad sight, but I’ve gotten used to the suffering. And finally we see Beatrice pop in at the last moment as Subaru tries to defend Rem. I wonder what she’ll say to poor Subaru once the next episode starts. “Looks like your hurt, I suppose” is probably something she’d say. She might even heal him. Anyway, I’m looking forward to the next episode.
Aug 12, 2020 7:29 PM

May 2019
As i said before, all this season until now was just a huge PETRA'S DEATH FLAG.

Check it out:

We have been warned, all the time.
Aug 12, 2020 7:48 PM

Jul 2020
Subaru's suffering finally kickstarts again.

Seeing Petra's cut off hand holding to Subaru really sent shivers to mine spine. And that ending with Beatrice saving him really caught me off guard.

I know this had been said before but the voice acting for Subaru is just superb. I love the way he shouts for fear. Seiyuu Kobayashi,Yuusuke really a job well done.

This week's episode is really a good build up imo. Many questions rise up from the events. And really the mystery aspect of this show is part of why I like it so much.

I accept random friend requests!
Aug 12, 2020 7:55 PM
Apr 2016
i just watched rezero hyouketsu no kizuna recently. isn't that beast who attack ram in this episode called guiltylowe also appears in the movie?
Aug 12, 2020 8:11 PM

May 2019
fahrz said:
i just watched rezero hyouketsu no kizuna recently. isn't that beast who attack ram in this episode called guiltylowe also appears in the movie?

Very well remembered.

It is from the Movie Frozen Bonds.

And become food of black slime.


Btw, seeing Emilia in actual pity state, i guess that watch the movie is a good way to remember that Emilia once was a real BADASS.

Now she is nothing more than a shadow from what she was in the movie.
Rob7Aug 12, 2020 8:22 PM
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Jan 20, 10:37 PM

Poll: » Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season Episode 7 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

DeadlyRaven - Aug 19, 2020

302 by brunoyilli »»
Dec 29, 2024 6:13 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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