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Jul 27, 2020 8:01 AM

Jul 2017
Yoo Mira's "engagement"...well that was sudden, and given the context of this episode titled "marriage/bonds".

Getting courted by the CEO of a well-to-do coporation from her dojo days, this goes in 2 ways: accept the marriage, and drop out from the competition. Given Yoo Mira's family's sparse condition, supporting her younger sister all by herself, with a deceased and respected grandfather, and her father being coerced into a forced marriage to offset a mountain of debts in trade for the family dojo and its well-treasured sword secrets (which in itself a a BIG household name), it doesn't look pretty.

Of course, given the reckless Jin and calm Daewi to not let Mira off easily, this really tests their friendship to another level.

Well, the hidden cult shows itself again, and the CEO is part of that puzzle to break the bonds from Mira. Fortnuately, with Jin and Daewi to the rescue to save her from this farce and continue on in the God of Highschool tournament, the valiant effort shows through her spirit to do what she does best.

A different mystic spirit this time...but the patterns show obviously. as expected, Yoo Mira aces it perfectly to rid of the cultist.

Daewi's cancer-struck getting a lot worse, and the same people in the cybercafe have come to strike him once again...but this time, with no mercy. With Yoo Mira's loss against the personality-changed affirming Daewi, things aren't looking good, it felt like a fight that was too brutal to watch (even for 5 seconds). It was totally one-sided towards Daewi, which even left Jin mouth-opening shocked.

What truly is going on??? A lot of mixed feelings this episode, but the cliffhanger was a BIG OOF I've gotta say.
KANLen09Jul 27, 2020 8:09 AM
Jul 27, 2020 8:01 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
While this was a fine episode, it just felt so randomly shoe-horned in that it felt like a filler episode. It would have been fine if it was later in the series and we already had plenty of time to know the characters, but now it just felt rushed.

Another guy was shown to have a Stand/Nen type power. Wonder if we will ever see him again. Who knows how useful the sword is if it isn't in the hands of Mira.

There was good development for the main trio this week and it looks like that will continue next episode. The way Han took down Mira was too harsh, even though he had a reason to want to win.
Jul 27, 2020 8:01 AM

Feb 2019
Mira in a wedding dress is so beautiful omg.

The dude being evil was obvious from a mile away, but this gave Mira some nice backstory and development. I wonder how relevant that cult will be going forward

Big tonal shift at the end there. Looks like next episode will be focused on Han Dae wi and his goals, literally pulled no punches against Mira

Still can’t get over how much of a bop the ED is, genuine summer banger
Jul 27, 2020 8:02 AM

Apr 2020
Glad to see Mira's past even if only a little.

I'm glad to see Mori and Daewi ruined Mira's marriage, because I disagree with the marriage of Mira and the purple-haired guy (I forgot his name).

At the end, it seems like Daewi can't hold back his emotions, and vent his emotions to everyone and to his own friends.
Jul 27, 2020 8:03 AM
Oct 2016
Very personal episode for Mira dealing with her decision about how to lead her life. The constant empathic struggle of putting others before yourself at your own detriment. Things were super shady the whole time with the guy who wanted to marry Mira but then revealed he's in that cult thing from the last episode. Grab the sword and the hand that wields it, weird stuff. The backstory for Mira was really sad. Learning her dad passed when she and her sister were so young. Their uncle trying but failing to keep the dojo running. Mira devoting herself endlessly to keeping the Moon Light Sword alive.

Got really emotional when Mira finally remembered what her dad said about learning your own techniques to have a good life. Not becoming a vessel for others happiness but getting your own too. Doing whatever makes you happy. Glad that Mori and Daewi backed her up, that dude having a power like we saw one of the commissioners have certainly made it interesting for a second. Last little bit got bad for Daewi, losing his friend he was fighting for and then beating Mira brutally in their semifinals match. Mori is gonna have to do something about that.
Jul 27, 2020 8:04 AM

Jan 2014
The episode was quite tense throughout, but it was typical of it's style, and then that ending hit and it was just oof. I have no words really.
Jul 27, 2020 8:04 AM

Dec 2013
This was such a weird episode. I couldn't believe what I was watching. This marriage story line came so badly out of nowhere.

Why are they even marrying so soon?

I didn't expect Daewi to defeat Mira so soon either. So many unexpected things in this episode and I honestly don't know how to feel about any of it.
Jul 27, 2020 8:06 AM

Aug 2013
This took a weird turn with the marriage and all.
Good thing Jin and Daewi were there.

Daewi mercilessly defeated Mira.
LeoJul 27, 2020 8:32 AM

Jul 27, 2020 8:10 AM

Oct 2017
Mira wants to marry for money but heh that ain't gonna happen cause Daewi and Mori ruined the marriage XD. Both of em are absolute chads.

Daewi was brutal in his match with Mira, damn that was harsh.

Thou tbh the anime adaptation failed to deliver even half the emotions webtoon did with this event.
Jul 27, 2020 8:11 AM

Nov 2011
I kinda lol'd at the idea of Mira getting married. She doesn't seem like the type especially at her age right now but she has her reasons. That wedding dress looks nice on her though. And her husband was suspicious from the start...

My favorite part of the episode is probably when Jin and Han came to take care of some business.

At least Mira made the right decision after all that. Fight was short as hell..I blinked and it was over.
Jul 27, 2020 8:13 AM
Jul 2020
I was thoroughly enjoying the ep until after i thought about some obvious facts but they were quite small facts so I'm deciding to look over them and not mention them here so that it doesn't ruin the anime for anyone
The progression of the episode was quite rushed towards the end. But it was still very easy to grasp.
Daewi and Jin's entry in the hall was one hell of a moment.
I don't understand how yoo easily defeated a guy with the same power of any comissioner.
With with daewi's friend either dead/highly critical his spirit breaks. He starts seeing things with tunnel vision, almost killing yoo in the semis.
I hope they don't skip out Jin's semis though.
After this ep I'm pretty sure Jin is going to beat the shit out of daewi and make him come back to his senses.
I was smiling for the half the episode. Stunned at the end and I almost teared up at the post ED scene with the selfie.
Jul 27, 2020 8:13 AM

Jan 2018
And, here I am thinking we finally slowed down a little bit. True, it was a breather from the fights and focused on Mira. But, it is still fast-paced within this episode.

Han Daewi losing his cool and went on a inner rage, I get it but sadly Mira has to receive that as well.

As an anime-only for most of the time, can I ask if they're compressing the chapters? Just wanted to clarify.

Right, also that it looks like they're introducing Stand-like powers.
Jul 27, 2020 8:18 AM
Nov 2015
By far the weakest episode up until now. It had it's moments but overall just felt off.
Jul 27, 2020 8:18 AM

Dec 2013
I really feel like this could have been split into 2 really good episodes but as it is this one feels kind of mediocre.
Animation was good and so was the cinematography but the massive shift in tone for the last 2 minutes feels strange. I'm kind of hoping things slow down a little so we can five deeper and digest the plot some more but they may just be my personal preference.
Jul 27, 2020 8:19 AM

Jul 2017
Nainu_ said:
As an anime-only for most of the time, can I ask if they're compressing the chapters? Just wanted to clarify.
As a webtoon reader, yes, like Tower of God, most infodump are compressed to the bare minimum.

Take Daewi's loss-of-cool incident and the match against Mira,

So if you are intending to catch up on whatever the anime missed, the webtoon is your best reference.
Jul 27, 2020 8:23 AM

Apr 2018
What a great episode, Mira in a wedding dress ? lol didn't expect to see that.
Jin and Daewi's entrance in the ceremony was legendary xD
But damn I see Daewi is becoming more and more interesting, especially for his backstory part, he totally destroyed Mira, damn.
Jul 27, 2020 8:27 AM

Mar 2015
That was so bad... At least it lasted for just an episode.
DoomdoctorJul 27, 2020 8:31 AM
Jul 27, 2020 8:28 AM
Sep 2015
What if Moon Sword Style inheritor is a boy, will Seongjin make a plan to marry him too?
Jul 27, 2020 8:31 AM

Jul 2020
it honestly felt like two filler episodes played at 2x speed lmao but I don't want to complain about anything.

all I can say is mira looked beautiful. :D

looking forward to watching "pissed off Han" vs "Mori"
Migi... Handle the defense.

Jul 27, 2020 8:38 AM

Jul 2020
Everything was going well til Mira's marriage. I mean that was brought up so abruptly that I thought I was watching wrong episode or OVA. I haven't seen the source material so I don't know if the thing were rushed or some scenes were deleted when making this episode but one assured thing is that it really feels weird ep to me. I still need some information about the black robed guys and what really happened to Daewi's past as well.
Even if I'm alone, I'll go, even if I want to die.
I can hear your voice, saying I shouldn't die.
Even if it's difficult, even if I cry from loneliness
I can feel warmth from deep inside my heart.

Going round-and-round and flowing, time is ever-changing.
I can't remember what happened anymore, but
If I try and close my eyes, I can hear someone's laughing voice
For some reason, now, that is My Most Precious Treasure.

from Ichiban no Takaramono, by LiSA
Jul 27, 2020 8:39 AM
Dec 2018
i can do nothing but repeat myself weekly. It is very weird.

Especially this episode. Plot outta nowhere literally. Have to keep on watching with +5 right key button because its unbearable otherwise.

Glad the rating is already slowly dropping because imo this show doesnt deserve an 8 or above.

Atrocius. Yet, im continuing to watching it bcuz idk
Jul 27, 2020 8:43 AM

Jul 2016
Wow, Mira is gorgeous as a bride.

Too bad the happiness didn't last longer, Daewi was really brutal with her... I wonder how she'll manage to bring praise to her style now.
Jul 27, 2020 8:43 AM
Apr 2020
Welp, that Seongjin is fishy since the beginning, and he's a member of that organization! Good thing their wedding got cancelled, but he took Mira's sword!

Daewi also suddenly change after his friends death. I'm excited to see Jin Mo-Ri vs Han Daewi!

Ao_SkyJul 27, 2020 8:47 AM
Jul 27, 2020 8:49 AM
Mar 2020
The fuck was with the pacing
Jul 27, 2020 8:49 AM

Apr 2020
I hope this episode is the worst one of the anime.
What a piece of trash episode. The first 3 felt like 2min and this one was a pain to get to the end.
The only good thing about it is the animation.
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
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Jul 27, 2020 8:50 AM
Sep 2013
People realize the episode felt rushed and didn't flow at all.. but that's only because they cut out so much from the webtoon! If you read the webtoon, you'll see it gives a deeper story line and doesn't skip any crucial parts to why it makes sense. For example, it shows the actual fight between Mira and Dae-Wi, with her initially trying to block a hit from him with another sword she brought and it became her downfall, as he breaks it in 2. and she learns from it via another character we've met. Improving her swordsmanship later. The anime just went ahead and had him beat the crap out of her in a 20 second clip.. Yeah its emotional, but it cuts out so much story later so as to rush through this anime.. Even the fruit that made Jin almost die had a story to it and how he found it and an important character tied to his future development cut out and just show as Park Mu-jin just giving him some fruit to eat?? Sorry its disappointing. Read the webtoon.

Also Mira being a bad ass and ripping her dress.
GomuGomuDashJul 27, 2020 9:14 AM
Jul 27, 2020 8:53 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Super baffled that they decided to animate this arc. So random in the webtoon and just as random and also bad in the anime due to the obvious fast pacing they have to keep.

Honestly would have been better if they skipped this and not shoehorn in rushed character development, just keep the ''rule of cool'' with fights non-stop instead really.

Jul 27, 2020 8:54 AM

Jul 2020
Damn this episode really felt a bit weird. First was that whole proposal/marriage thing concerning Mira that came out of nowhere.

I appreciate that they're giving time to polish the characters but that was a little too sudden. Last episode was all about fighting then we had this little "skit" episode that honestly felt like filler.

And the thing with the cult(?) so basically all their members have this magic stand-like power.

The best part of this episode for me is the end part concerning Daewi. He lost it when he saw his friend on a deathbed leading to him brutally defeating Mira in the semi-finals.

Maybe in the next episode we will fully understand Daewi's character. Hoping for more fight scenes next week because ngl that's the only thing making me want to continue with this series.

I accept random friend requests!
Jul 27, 2020 8:59 AM

Jun 2020
What the f is happening?! Marriage? Daewi's friends death? Daewi entering edge mode? Jesus Christ, things are moving way too fast. WAY. TOO. FAST. The marriage thing should've went for at least 2 episodes, they fit that in less than 20 minutes and ended it. Then we see the whole Daewi thing. Can't they pace it a little bit better?

The trio's friendship is something I can get behind of, but man shit's going haywire way too fast. I thought it'd be one big tournament arc, it's nothing like that. On the first episode they decided to not make it a 1v1 instead one big battle royale, okay okay I get it. But then something else happens, there is a fight between Jin and the other big dude who was supposed to be a villain for 2 episodes until Jin easily blitzed over him. And then the battle royale happens and the episode ends on a cliff hanger showing Jin and that other dude fighting, on the next episode Idk wtf happened but it became a 1v1 from a battle royale. Apparently the big bad dude and some other randos plus the main trio won the battle royale. Then on the 1v1 two members of the trio, Mira and Daewi easily blitz the other contestants while Jin blitz the big bad guy who was supposed to be a villain for 2 episode -.- And on this episode we find out the Mira is getting married but actually she's not getting married. Sigh. When Jin and Daewi intervened I thought the fight was gonna look cool, but guess how it ended? Mira blitzed that guy under 5 seconds with another one of her "Hand sword" moves. In all honestly, up until now the story has been pretty shallow, the only thing that is good is probably the sakugas and that's it. The trio just easily blitz everyone without any effort, there is no room for development.

Edit: I forgot to mention. Worst part of this episode. I was actually interested for the fight between Mira and Daewi. 10 second clip, it sucks. This episode was horrible.
Arin-sanJul 27, 2020 9:07 AM

I said keep your hands on the table
Jul 27, 2020 8:59 AM

Jun 2016
Fuck that was disturbing at the end.
Jul 27, 2020 9:00 AM

Dec 2019
I thought this was going to be a filler episode but I'm glad I saw it out. I dislike when shows rush things but it makes sense that she would be okay with such a rushed/forced marriage like her dad did before, & she would do anything for her father's legacy. I actually teared up a little when she accidentally punched her uncle because it perfectly showed that her marrying him would be a 'slap in the face' to her family, instead of honoring it like she thought it would.

But man, things with Dae-Wi in the tournament were emotional as well. I could only imagine the pain he's going through. Him hitting Mira in her wound from the wedding was super gut wrenching..

I've said it before in past forum posts but I'm glad I gave this show a chance. It's turning out to be way better than I could've expected from something I thought would be just well animated fight scenes. Super excited to see where the next episode goes! I hope they get more into the cult/church soon ♥
Jul 27, 2020 9:04 AM

Oct 2015
well that was well out of leftfield. i couldd've sworn ep. 3 left on a different note.

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Jul 27, 2020 9:05 AM

Jul 2008
asjunewoo said:
The fuck was with the pacing

How I've felt since the first like four minutes of the show.
Jul 27, 2020 9:07 AM
Dec 2019
Tbh I have mixed feelings about this episode. On the one hand it was great character development, and it showed the development of friendship the three main characters a lot, and I love that kind of thing. On the other it seemed kinda random. The engagement was sudden and just plain weird. It seemed to come out of nowhere.
But the end... That was just hard to watch for me... Ik he lost his brother but he did not have to brutally take it out on Mira. I mean, that was the person that 1-2 days before, he saved from a love-less marriage. His character towards Jin also changed and tbh I don't like this new him. (Also notice that Daewi was punching exactly where Mira was slashed by the sword the day before, and that's where she was bleeding from most at the end. Kinda shitty. He intended to hurt her badly)
I hope that this kinda of crappy pacing isn't a problem for future episodes. I really am enjoying this series so far and it would be a shame for it to bomb due to shitty pacing and weird filler arcs that don't achieve much.
Jul 27, 2020 9:12 AM

Aug 2016
What the fuck was this out-of-nowhere cheesy mini-arc filler episode, including comicbook villain, fighting at a wedding ceremony and all of that.

This episode was horrible.

The only good thing were the last two minutes.
Jul 27, 2020 9:12 AM

Feb 2019
Sometimes I feel like GOH anime exists only to make us read the manhwa. I didn't read it yet but I guess I'm going to, since this episode (especially) left me with a lot of questions and I begin to feel a little disappointed. Even though it started a little bit weird with all that marriage stuff coming out of nowhere, I thought the episode will be important regarding Mira's development, but the last few minutes were so rushed and emotionless that I don't know what to think anymore. It seemed rather a preview than a proper ending of an episode...
JewsefinJul 27, 2020 9:19 AM
Oh, God - the lives people try to lead. Oh, God - what a world they try to lead them in!

Jul 27, 2020 9:15 AM

Jul 2020
felipeliborio said:
By far the weakest episode up until now. It had it's moments but overall just felt off.

100% agree.

God I hope things will get a little bit better on the next episodes.

I accept random friend requests!
Jul 27, 2020 9:17 AM

Apr 2020
Why every stand user on this show is so weak?
I'm becoming really bored watching this, starting to think Korea doesn't have any good material to show.
AcD4cJul 27, 2020 9:24 AM
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Jul 27, 2020 9:25 AM

Oct 2019
The plot with Mira getting married was so fucking weird and forced. There was some plot relevance to it seems like but the way it was just hamfisted out of nowhere was so bizarre. Not to mention it barely makes sense.

And this pacing is going way too fast, right after we go through this whole arc we jump right into another one without any build up, this feels rushed.

However those last few minutes themselves tho were the best minutes of this whole series so far. Saved this episode for me.
Jul 27, 2020 9:27 AM
Apr 2019
Oh. The first half wasn't that much rushed, albeit it's still weird to watch. Daewi vs Mira fight felt really weak to me, like it was suddenly pop out of nowhere. I cannot complain enough though since they really crammed a lot of chapters in manhwa like ToG.
Jul 27, 2020 9:28 AM

Mar 2016
This episode was so weirdly paced. It left a really offputting impression of the series overall, and that's not a good sign. They breezed through Mira's segment too quickly to really make me care, especially when she's literally one of the main characters. The lack of any siegeways between most of the scenes is troubling, put down any ability to really bring any sense of emotional appeal. I wanted to care for Mira, ngl, but the whole frigging wedding shit was just rarted. And then we awkwardly jump to introducing Han's little drama segment and we see him beating the shit outta Mira to advance to the final fight with Jin, obviously. It felt so cold and apathetic that it left me scratching my head in both perplexion and disgust.
Jin's upbeat personality hung on me enough to maintain my interest, but this was nevertheless a very disjointed episode at least pacewise. Makes me really worry about how the rest of the story will be handled, though I also think it's the source material's fault for being suddenly too conceited.
Jul 27, 2020 9:29 AM
Apr 2019
Wtf happened?
Logic went out through window.
Marriage isn’t a joke.
And what the hell, how they stopped it like nothing?
Like if you are adding something to your storyline, at least be logically impactful.
Is Mira a dumbfounded girl? She just agreed to marry, like nothing?
Then her uncle and sister/cousin cried, two friends jumped into the stage and just stopped it?

And lol, that guy even got that sword with a happy face?
What’s going here? Everything is wrong.
Jul 27, 2020 9:31 AM

Mar 2019
Majority of episode was meh that ending tho holy fuck
Jul 27, 2020 9:33 AM

Apr 2009
So he's part of the secret organization, well he can have that sword.

Mira found another reason to fight for her dream, Daewi just lost his.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Jul 27, 2020 9:36 AM

May 2009
Jesus... What is going on.
Take it slow. Like. Seriously.
I see so many aspects of this that I like but they ruin everything with this incredibly fast pacing and it just does not make sense at all. I feel like I just met the main 3 characters and now they are bff's? Someone asks to marry, she says yes and marriage in the same episode? Man I do not feel any remorse for the girl. Like there is no time to get to know her and to even care one bit.

Sorry for this frustration. It seems like I need to read the source material to like this thing.
check out my twitch:
Jul 27, 2020 9:37 AM

Jan 2009
Mira is beautiful there but damn she got brutally beaten by Daewi there huh

Daewi really loves his dying cancer bro though

and ye gonna grab your own dream

Jul 27, 2020 9:37 AM

Jan 2020
By far the worst episode. Lol, do they actually expect us to give a shit about these characters. I guess the dude playing dirty and hitting the girl’s wound at the end right after he helped an opponent last episode was somewhat interesting.
EightSevenJul 27, 2020 9:47 AM
Jul 27, 2020 9:41 AM

Feb 2010
LMAO what was that? what's with this pacing? tbh as reader i thought they gonna skip this Mira wedding arc because even in manhwa it feels unimportant
they also skipped the entire Mira vs Daewi?
they seriously picked and crammed the worst part here.

Dota 2 Esports Stories are a fuckin Anime IRL Anime Sports

Jul 27, 2020 9:41 AM
Oct 2019
Mira’s engagement caught me off guard! It was so sudden, but I was glad to see Mira get more character development!

Mira decided to sacrifice her happiness and the possibility of finding true love to marry Seongjin a strong and handsome martial artist who is is a leading businessman in Korean’ sports entertainment industry. With his power and money, he could help to protect and popularize the MOON LIGHT SWORD STYLE that Mira has inherited from her deceased father.

Jin and Daewi react in different ways- Jink is reckless and knows when his friend is trouble while Daewi is calm and collect and is also swooping in at the last minute to bail both Jin and Mira.

The mysterious cult appears going and is using Seongjin both obtain Mira’s sword- which can apparently rule God himself and Mira- the hand that possess that power. Which make me believe that the Moon Light Sword style is more powerful than I we have seen.

At the end of the day, I am glad that both Jin and Daewiw ere are able to save Mira from making a terrible mistake and that Mira realised that using her own technique is the way to make her life play out as she wishes. So we let Seongjin get away with her sword but this backfired later in the semi-finals against Daewi

Quickly, Daewi’s friend dying was so sad but along with the bullies it helped to motivate him to win even it might brutally hurting his Mira.

This episode felt did feel RUSHED- everything was happening so quick I didn’t have a minute to breathe. Something felt a little off!
Jul 27, 2020 9:43 AM

Apr 2020
Didn't get much of this episode. Seemed very rushed, but I can't say since I haven't read the manga.

The way they showed Mira's past was too superficial, and probably next episode will be the past of Daewi and his dying friend.

Still waiting for the REAL fighting scenes.
I neither agree nor disagree, on the contrary.
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