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Feb 19, 2020 6:49 PM

May 2017
Lelouch0202 said:

I kinda wanted Minato to just be her own imagination, I feel like that would've added more weight to the story as she slowly overcomes his death

Well, it was just her imagination, up until the final scene. She was legitimately imagining he was there, nobody else could see him until the very end, and furthermore the scene at 58:00 minutes in confirms that he's not actually there. She "saw" him put out the fire of the burning car on the bridge, but the firefighter still put out the fire with his hose - it was clearly still there, even though as an audience through her perspective we thought it had been put out.

Also the fact that nobody commented that water randomly fell from the sky to put out the car fire - because when the water actually went up the side of the building, everyone noticed and they commented on it.
Feb 19, 2020 7:17 PM

Dec 2014
ycleped said:
Lelouch0202 said:

I kinda wanted Minato to just be her own imagination, I feel like that would've added more weight to the story as she slowly overcomes his death

Well, it was just her imagination, up until the final scene. She was legitimately imagining he was there, nobody else could see him until the very end, and furthermore the scene at 58:00 minutes in confirms that he's not actually there. She "saw" him put out the fire of the burning car on the bridge, but the firefighter still put out the fire with his hose - it was clearly still there, even though as an audience through her perspective we thought it had been put out.

Also the fact that nobody commented that water randomly fell from the sky to put out the car fire - because when the water actually went up the side of the building, everyone noticed and they commented on it.

Yes, that's why I was under the impression that he was just her imagination until the very end where the whole surfing thing happened.
Feb 19, 2020 7:19 PM

May 2017
Lelouch0202 said:
ycleped said:

Well, it was just her imagination, up until the final scene. She was legitimately imagining he was there, nobody else could see him until the very end, and furthermore the scene at 58:00 minutes in confirms that he's not actually there. She "saw" him put out the fire of the burning car on the bridge, but the firefighter still put out the fire with his hose - it was clearly still there, even though as an audience through her perspective we thought it had been put out.

Also the fact that nobody commented that water randomly fell from the sky to put out the car fire - because when the water actually went up the side of the building, everyone noticed and they commented on it.

Yes, that's why I was under the impression that he was just her imagination until the very end where the whole surfing thing happened.

You were right - it was just all her imagination until the very end! The only time she actually saw him for real was the surfing scene. I personally don't mind one supernatural scene like that. If the entire thing was supernatural and she actually had been seeing him for real the entire time, I'd have been mad. But it was just that one scene!
Feb 19, 2020 7:36 PM

Dec 2011
If I didn’t know any better I’d say the whole film was an ad for the song/band haha.

Going into this I had no idea what it was about let alone that it was tragedy. You could tell it was heading in that direction though, happy montage was too happy but good use of foreshadowing.

Wish they had kept it all in her head at the end instead of magical water spirit saving the day. Her being able to see reality for what it is would feel more like closure for me. Anyway, beautiful visuals, and the Merry Christmas message did get me a lil teary.
Feb 19, 2020 9:02 PM

Aug 2012
Probably would've enjoyed this a lot more if it wasn't for the ending making it explicitly clear that the supernatural element was true. Like, Minato outright saved everyone using an otherwise explainable occurrence and directly interacted with Youko and Wasabi so the interpretation of Minato's appearance being a tragic coping mechanism for Hinako goes right out the window, and that version resonated stronger with me. The whole repeating refrain of the song, the way it started after being unable to access his phone (and the fact that Minato didn't give her the lock code seemed to indicate it could've been in her head too), and the way how the most often used vessel was that dolphin gift thingy made it all seem like her connections to Minato where developing this sort of psychosis, and the emotions were just more palpable when it was a reaction to loss than the actual reality of the situation. Maybe this has something to do with how the sense of loss was stronger than their actual relationship, which was sweet but not lived out long enough to get truly attached too (and of course, the writing was on the wall for his eventual death). I did love them singing the song and laughing throughout, felt more genuine.

I can definitely see the value of returning to the situation where they met and started dating as young adults, with Hinako on top of a burning building and Minato coming to her rescue. The difference the second time being that Hinako was able to get down on her own (with some assistance from Youko when she stumbled) and I do think that works as a way to signify her growth but the turn to the supernatural reality certainly pulled me away too much for it to be emotionally effective. It looked great though, the film was visually pleasing all throughout.

That disappointment aside, the true climax of the film to me was Minato's message, cleverly seeded earlier on during their first meeting. It was a great emotional callback, and lead to a genuine expression of loss that definitely tugged on the heart strings. I didn't cry but it still left an impact seeing her reaction after his message, and to me it was the kind of catharsis I was expecting (of course, this is aided by the fact that we already know she's made strides in her life, I don't think it would've held the impact if we didn't get that information).

I wouldn't say I cared much for Youko and Wasabi's relationship, but I liked them both individually well enough (Youko was likely my favourite character) and the whole saving theme throughout the movie was benefited from their inclusion, I liked the inclusion that being someone's hero doesn't have to mean literally saving them, but could be something like some words and the hero doesn't even have to be aware of it. Of course, Wasabi not being aware he saved Youko also parallels Hinako with Minato (though of course, she did it in the literal sense), and it was important to realize the impact she had on his life, rather than just focusing on the other way around. You can be the hero to your hero and all that jazz.
Feb 19, 2020 9:04 PM

Sep 2012
Completely awful movie. I'm not one who's very picky when it comes to anime but this movie is even too much for me. The pacing is really awful, I didn't care about the characters whatsoever, the comedy sucks, the song is completely overused, and it's such a corny cliche movie that's extremely predictable. The only thing great about this movie is the final scene when the girl rode the wave down from the tower. I so wanted this movie to end asap and I'm glad I'm home already. They could've just made this movie into a music video for the song and it would've been enough to sum up the entire movie.
FlamingMangosFeb 19, 2020 9:08 PM
Feb 19, 2020 9:19 PM
Nov 2018
saw in theaters today, pretty cool movie. i dig the character designs for the main 4 characters. art and animation is nice, has that yuasa feel. this movie moved fast. i could relate to hinako during her grieving phase of losing minato
Feb 20, 2020 1:12 AM

May 2014
ycleped said:
fancyjasper said:
Predictable, but predictable doesn't mean bad. My favourite thing Yuasa has done aside from Cat Soup that's for sure. I'm generally not a fan of his works, but that's more because he happens to adapt material i don't usually like. Really beautiful character designs and animation, plus i never got bored once.

My biggest issue was

I can't decide between a 7 or 8/10 at the moment.

I think I can explain this in a way that might clear up your issue.

Remember the car crash on the bridge? When Hinako started singing desperately as the car was on fire and Wasabi was holding her back? Well, we saw Minato SUPPOSEDLY jumping out of the water in his ghostly form and putting out the fire. But... that's just what Hinako [i]thoughtii/] she saw. If you rewatch that scene, you'll see that the fireman approached the car as normal and turned the hose on, putting out the fire. Even though we couldn't see it from Hinako's point of view, because she was hallucinating that Minato had put it out, the fire was actually still there.

I want to reiterate that nobody actually saw him in the water. All the times Hinako said she saw him, nobody else did. She was actually hallucinating him. The only time he actually was there was at the very end, when everyone saw him. That I think was the only "supernatural" element of the film; the rest was just her in denial, wishing desperately that he was there.

Yeah i was just talking about people seeing him at the end of the film. I wish it didn't have that supernatural element at the end, but it was confirmed no one saw him up until that point.
Feb 20, 2020 5:37 PM

Jul 2017
Overall, it was a rather nice movie. It was an enjoyable experience from beginning to end. That said, I really want to call this movie "great". However, there are a handful of things holding it back.

But first, let me cover the positive:

- Smooth animation. While the art wasn't anything groundbreaking, there was some impressive movement and dynamic camera angles to be found.
- Oddly enough, I enjoyed Minato's character more following his death.
- Youko and especially Wasabi were highlights. They got adequate screen time too (though Wasabi kind of got screwed over during the climax).
- You will never forget "Brand New Story", for better or worse. Luckily, I like the song.
- Some moments really struck a note with me. This includes the flashback tying into the phone's passcode, and the final Christmas scene.

As for some slight negatives:
- Unsurprisingly, the plot is mostly predictable. Even without seeing trailers, one could anticipate Minato's death a mile a way. That, and despite it having a meaningful conclusion, the message that would be announced during the holidays was obviously going to be brought up again. Finally, the idea of the two of them meeting in their past, again, was meaningful, but cliche.
- Like others have said, Minato should've been an illusion. The latter half of the film suffers because of it. Wasabi could have had a more important role in the climax, but since Minato wasn't a mere illusion, he was able to save the day.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed it a fair amount. I wouldn't normally compare a movie to another, but considering I saw Weathering With You less than a month ago, I might as well just for fun.
It's honestly close. They may as well be even in my eyes.

I give Ride Your Wave an 8/10.
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"If Seinfeld isn't your favorite anime, then you aren't watching anime correctly."
- Me

Feb 20, 2020 10:17 PM

Oct 2012
What a warm movie.
This is my "feels like summer" anime movie.
Feb 28, 2020 12:10 AM
Dec 2015
This was the closest I've ever felt to crying.. oh god the feels ; _ ;
Feb 28, 2020 9:58 PM

Jul 2016
Decent movie but honestly, I was expecting something more meaningful story-wise. The plot was simpler than expected, not necessarily bad but too predictable for my taste. Sadly, I also didn't feel any emotional attachment for any of the characters and for that reason, Hinako's struggle was mostly uninteresting to me.

Regarding some scenes I liked, the quick montage with the dates and bonding moments between Minato and Hinako was really sweet to see but honestly, I would have wished it didn't make it that obvious that the guy was eventually going to die.
The last sequence with Hinako riding the huge wave was also great visually speaking but as some people already said, I would have preferred Minato to remain as a manifestation of Hinako's subconscious to deal with her grief rather than having him taking full action as a "palpable" force.

And as for some scenes I found kinda forced/odd, Wasabi's confession to Hinako was quite random. Especially considering that it was quickly forgotten afterwards and sorry but the scene with the guy from the car accident randomly ascending to heaven had me dying in laughter, not gonna lie.
Also, Youko deciding to film the fireworks dudes instead of calling the police to prevent the inevitable fire was quite stupid from her part but since I've been conflicted about her "tsundere-not tsundere" kind of attitude since the beginning of the movie, I will leave it there.

5/10 - As a romance film, it was okay but as a "dealing with lost" type of movie, it could have been way better handled.
Mar 1, 2020 11:09 AM

May 2014
Hmm a lotta people are underrating this movie :( Yeah the pace was a bit all over the place and the characters were maybe underdeveloped, but I really thought it made up for it with just how eccentric and different the plot was. I loved all the supernatural sequences, and also loved that they weren't really explained much. I don't quite understand why so many people are so bothered that

Something I found really funny though is
~ The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Mar 15, 2020 12:00 AM

Dec 2014
The supernatural part where the water level was rising on it's own till the top of the building felt a bit off. I could have ignored the rest of the ghost interaction as her own hallucinations. Loved everything else. Also, reminded me a bit of Lovely Complex.

Mar 23, 2020 11:57 AM

Oct 2010
Part BEFORE was kinda sweet love story with best couple singing.
AFTER is a mess story-wise. Flow is shattered. Things just happen out of nowhere.
Final is just DESU EX MACHINA all the way with unbelievable and convenient everything.
Right through 'uncanny valley'. Neither reality nor fairy-tale.
Apr 12, 2020 11:57 PM

Aug 2015
The background art was beautiful. The cool shots of characters in motion were really fun. The song was sweet. I didn't like the plot and character development though. This film didn't have much of an emotional impact, despite so much emotion being put on display.

I didn't realize this was going to be a tragedy before starting, but the extremely fast rate at which their romance was progressing tipped me off pretty soon. Once Minato died, I was hoping the movie would show Hinako moving on in a mentally/emotionally healthy way. That's the opposite of what happened. I guess at the end her surfing symbolized her moving on, but it didn't feel like something that was slowly worked towards. She was a wreck, and then she surfed, but she's still a wreck.

Minato being literally summoned in the water was really not my thing. When it first happened and was teased to only be a hallucination, it was an interesting illustration how Hinako dealt with grief.
However, after the reveal that he was actually controlling the water for real... I couldn't take it seriously.
That one shot of Hinako reaching for Minato through the wave while surfing was really cute though, I'll give it that.

The group of people that keep setting off fireworks even after already accidentally committing arson are ridiculous. I understand it's in order to have some kind of an antagonist, but they were such unbelievable caricatures. Really the kind of cartoon villain that doesn't fit in a story like this.
Youko's plan to follow them up the tower was just as stupid. A really lame set up for a climax.

The message of 'riding your wave' was repeated too much. Really hammered that in. The hang loose hand sign is going to be stuck in my mind for days now.

May 10, 2020 10:27 PM
Feb 2017
Tbh I enjoyed the first 30 minutes more than the rest of the movie

I need more romance anime with that kinda chemistry and amazing wholesomeness
May 21, 2020 1:55 PM

Apr 2020
Ooookay. While the animation is stunning, I can't help but feel like this was one of those badly directed, poorly written live-action dramas. Though I felt some empathy for the MC with her grief over losing the love of her life, it just failed to deliver overall. I personally find some scenes a bit cringey and difficult to take seriously. I'm surprised to learn that this was one of Masaaki Yuasa's films because I absolutely love his other works. Unfortunately, this one just disappoints. :(
Jun 3, 2020 5:26 AM

May 2020
This is kind of fantasy love story. Movie style like K-drama and the song like K-pop. Overall not bad and worth to watch. When she is talking with baloon dolphin, it reminds me about back day when me talk to dakimakura and make it as a girlfriend. Now I'm too old for that. Fantasy, Drama-K, Shoujo, Sweet BGM, this is had a bit fun and sad. Plot is going everywhere so you need adaptation.

And the song remind me about F4 drama song it has similar music and other stuff.
sharosharoJun 3, 2020 5:49 AM
Jun 15, 2020 1:52 AM

Mar 2012
i liked it. it's cute and light, and it's somehow nice to see it portraying that it's okay to be a wreck after losing a loved one. grief takes time and every person have their own time for it. and it's okay to miss that person forever. life goes on, of course, and hinako's life did move on, but she still misses him and it's okay.
Jul 16, 2020 5:44 AM
Feb 2016
I nearly cried(i might have cried a little)...this was good, so good...there were things to complain here and there but who cares...I waited and waited, finally I gave up and watched this...heard it was saddening...but I'm glad I could muster courage to watch this...Idc about others...I'm giving this 10!! **** yeah..!!
Jul 27, 2020 5:01 AM

Jan 2016
A predictable but well-exectued movie! I liked the characters and the story direction and the pay off was well worth it. The song is the star of the film for me because without it this wouldn't be half as good as it turned out to be

The last scene killed me, with Minato's message to Hinako 1 year ahead
Jul 27, 2020 5:03 PM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
Fantastically animated and directed movie. My only complaint is that I would have rather the ending be left a little more ambiguous on whether or not Hinako was really talking to Minato or if it was just in her head.
Sep 28, 2020 3:40 AM

Aug 2009
I just finished this movie and Im crying everywhere...

.... just beautiful.
Nov 5, 2020 7:32 PM

Nov 2014
Not bad not bad, but doesn't work without magic water powers

Dec 16, 2020 12:34 AM
Mar 2020
Why is there so much movie slander in the comments, I absolutely loved the movie, it was simple but great and very sad :(
Feb 21, 2021 2:27 AM
Jul 2019
... just PAIN ! soo good buttt PAIN PAIN
Apr 3, 2021 1:44 PM

Dec 2020
Very beautiful movie but some parts i wasnt really feeling it so 6/10
Apr 5, 2021 2:28 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Ah so she wasn’t hallucinating after all, he was actually there the whole time. Guess it’s a supernatural anime then, rather one that actually deals with coping with loss and not accepting a loved one’s passing. Could’ve been really good... but this... no

So the criteria for boyfriend in a bottle to get sent to surfer dude heaven was to not put out just any fire, but a REALLY big fire? Or maybe it has to do with the fact that his sister plus his girlfriend were there, and he managed to save both their lives. Whatever, it’s still kind of unclear. I also think it’s funny when he told her to “ride YOUR WAVE” but it was literally HIS wave she was riding on. HE saved the day, all she did was sing to inexplicably get him there even though there was no water around. Was it from the firefighters’ hoses? I don’t think THAT much water came out of those... again, whatever. It’s just some more vague shit that reminds me of weathering with you with all this water.

The beginning felt fresh, like we were in for a treat. The animation is fluid and vibrant, and our two lovers fell in love so fast with Barry a hiccup and it felt good. This whole anime, the first half especially, is just chock full of amv material. I thought we were going to get a real touching, bittersweet story. At the beginning I was like, this is wonderful, how has this not gotten more recognition? But then I kept watching, and kept getting the feeling that despite its seemingly warm and welcoming exterior, at its core, it felt hollow. Something about it all was just too clean, too perfect, to the point it felt robotic even, for the lack of any better word to come to mind. After boyfriend dies is where it really started to get weird and go downhill for me. I just don’t get it. Wtf is up with the dead dude in a bottle throwing up gang signs?? What is the point of all this other than to steal a quick cheap tear from the audience? I’ll tell you now, it just got so bad I had no emotion left to give. And I was looking forward to this, it’s been in my plan to watch for a while and I was saving it for when I was in the mood for this type of movie because I thought it was going to be super emotional, and wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. Boy was I let down.

Kind of disappointed, but it’ll be easy to move on... just sad that the ghost of you amv on YouTube that led me to this anime was ten times more emotional than this empty husk of an anime. Now I didn’t end up enjoying this, but I’m almost certain you did- I think most people did. And that’s fine, great even. I wish I could’ve been one of you, but I am just not. 3/10. The SONG she keeps singing is pretty nice. But not after repeating it over and over, and then also predictably using it for the end credits. This is one feely anime song I’m not going to be searching for and downloading. And if you think a 3/10 is really harsh, I understand. But I rate a bit differently, nearly entirely based on personal enjoyment, the impact it had on me personally. And this almost has zero other than some disappointment. I’m going to forget about this one and move on, I have 4/10’s on my list that I enjoyed more than this.

Looking at it objectively, I’d say it’s pretty decent actually. It’s just not what floats my boat. Rambled on enough already, that’s just me letting out my disappointment. Hope you enjoyed this more than I did which I’m sure you did. Have a good one, and cya around the mal forums.

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 9, 2021 10:10 AM

Nov 2009
Wtf was the faceheel turn with Kawamoto at the end? He's head over heels for Hinako and then, when Hinako's finally ready to maybe try to move on which might give him a fighting chance, suddenly he's with that brutish sister? Wtf? No, seriously?
May 10, 2021 6:37 AM
May 2020
its kinda miunderstanding for me at the beginning of the movie for i still like it
May 30, 2021 11:00 AM
Apr 2021
Beautiful anime
Beautiful animation and song choice
And a beautiful concept. A bittersweet movie that teaches a lot of things.
Was expecting a romance anime movie when I came here. And I got more than that. Way more than that. Beautiful.
Totally recommended
El Psy kangaroo
RukoXMay 30, 2021 11:05 AM
May 30, 2021 11:10 AM
Apr 2021
This movie was ok, I’d probably give it a 7/10... it’s just unfortunate I’m seeing it after I want to eat your pancreas, so it honestly didn’t really stand a chance, to begin with, but it was good nonetheless!
Jun 1, 2021 10:52 AM

Jul 2019
What a great movie, super weird, but it handled well the concept and grief which is very hard to accomplish. Character and their development was very good, animation was excellent, the theme song i liked.

I did not like the fast pace and I believe the movie could've used 10 extra minutes to chill down. I rate it 8/10. I enjoyed it very much, specially the last 40 minutes.
Jun 17, 2021 5:30 AM

Mar 2021
didn't know a one year old, one line message could make me cry T_T
Jun 21, 2021 8:13 AM

Jul 2015
Lovely start seeing Hinako and Minato becoming close couple... making it bit sad and painful with what came afterwards. Story didn't feel to outstanding but still got a bit emotional seeing Hinako move on and find her own wave to ride.

Jul 5, 2021 4:55 AM

May 2020
Okay movie, the animation is beautiful, but I don't really care much for the main couple. More of a second couple guy
Jul 21, 2021 6:13 PM
Jun 2014
Now what was the point of this movie? main guy dies before the half point and it becomes some creepy movie from then on. I expected some magic or.... something. But the message of this movie seemed to only be that you need to get over the loss of a person... And even that is stretching it. She was surfing like a badass > her man dies and she becomes afraid of waves (explored for like a short scene) > she surfs like a boss again and the guy ascends to heaven. What a spectacularly pointless movie this ended up being. And the other guy fell in love with main girl, but suddenly he started dating main guys sister with no rhyme or reason. Whatever i guess. This movies only good selling points is the fantastic initial romance and the really cool scene at the end.
Aug 26, 2021 12:28 PM

Dec 2020
história interessante, mas peguei muitos spoilers antes de assistir, marquei nota 7

interesting story but I took a lot of spoiler before watching it, I scored a 7
Oct 23, 2021 8:24 AM
Feb 2021

This is not the best movie I saw in my life, but the message was beautiful. It was really emotional at some point.
Nov 12, 2021 3:07 PM

Jul 2008
Let me dry my tears.
That was a really beautiful and kinda sad movie. Really touching.
Since their relationship was really quick to develop, I was really expecting his death.
The animation isn't the best, but the deepness and feels of the scenario really save the movie !
Jan 14, 2022 4:35 PM

Feb 2014
I loved this movie, but there were two parts that just seemed strange to me.
First when she leaves her workplace running away and suddenly there's an accident out of nowhere and seemed way too plot convenient.
Second, in the endig act, I'm not an expecrt on arsoni, but the way the tower is set on fire so fast, came off as very strange and plot convenient as well.
Jun 15, 2022 12:50 AM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
I had wanted to watch this movie for awhile, but avoided it since I watched the trailer and it seemed like I would cry (usually am not in a mood to cry lol). Plus, I was surprised by the rating, as it seemed just a little low for a Yuasa work. But wow, I really enjoyed it.

The beginning part with Hinako and Minato was so cute and wholesome, I loved seeing their relationship. But I kept waiting for the moment it would happen, and when it did, I didn't actually cry. However, the rest of the movie though...I cried so much my eyes are dry :') I'm not sure if it hit harder because of my own experience with death of a loved one, but it really hurt to watch Hinako being at a loss, or relating things to Minato, such as coffee. While part of me does agree that maybe it would've been nicer without the supernatural aspect, that it was all in Hinako's head (which it was until the end), I still thought it was a very emotional story about loss. The way Hinako cried near the end when she heard Minato's message for her from a year ago was very well done. Although she had cried time and time again after Minato's death, I think that was the only time when she truly cried out loud like that, a final release of emotions.

I also liked how uplifting the movie was, how Minato kept saying that he'll be there for Hinako until she learns to ride the waves on her own, that life is just wave after wave. It actually reminds me a bit of Mind Game with the inspirational ending, which is also directed by Yuasa.

All in all, the story isn't amazing, the huge tree burning was perhaps a bit overdone, but I think the emotions and the theme were well executed. I do think that it's valid that many people ended up thinking the movie was alright or outright not interesting, since a large part of my appreciation for this was due to the connection I felt.
Jun 25, 2022 4:09 PM

Feb 2009
Good lord this script was atrocious. Hopefully Yuasa is done working with Reiko Yoshida for good.
Jun 26, 2022 12:03 PM

Apr 2008
Having been disappointed by Masaaki latest works, I postponed this film. And I'm glad I did, watching it in a hot Sunday afternoon was pretty perfect.

I'm in the minority regarding the sappy j-pop song, but everything else was excellent, animation, character development and so on.

I hadn't originally planned to go into the plot, but the contradiction of this post cached my eye.
Jun 26, 2022 12:07 PM

May 2017
RobdeFR said:
Having been disappointed by Masaaki latest works, I postponed this film. And I'm glad I did, watching it in a hot Sunday afternoon was pretty perfect.

I'm in the minority regarding the sappy j-pop song, but everything else was excellent, animation, character development and so on.

I hadn't originally planned to go into the plot, but the contradiction of this post cached my eye.

There's no contradiction. She WAS hallucinating the entire time. There just happened to be one single instance where he reappeared to her as a ghost.
Jul 4, 2022 7:08 PM
Jul 2018
Best animated movie I've seen in quite a long time. I'm not too much into the romance genre but this went well beyond some cutesy flick. The portrayal of grief came as a surprise. Instead of going for the usual excessive despondency, Yoshida took the route in loss often left unexplored due to specific alienation and vulnerabilities. That the process of moving on doesn't always have to be a doom-and-gloom world with a gray color scheme. It's rather a vast palette with different strokes. This movie puts a better use to the definition of bittersweet.

Definitely had me feeling a little more on the edge after getting into a relationship about two weeks ago. He's into snowboarding so I can't even imagine- now I'll be worried for a good while. :p

Good movie!
Jul 7, 2022 3:36 AM
Jun 2022
It was a really sweet movie full of strong emotion, love and humour.

The animation style was slightly different to anything that I've seen , which was cool. And it was cool to see the story set in a beach town, as I've only watched one other anime set on the beach.

And I loved just watching the animation of the waves. I love watching waves in real life, and I just love how stunning they animated the waves in this film.

Also, I've always wanted to surf, but this film has made me want to learn how to surf even more. And learn how to be a barista. I took a one off barista class a few years back, but was never able to put it into practice
Jul 7, 2022 3:37 AM
Jun 2022
It was a really sweet movie full of strong emotion, love and humour.

The animation style was slightly different to anything that I've seen , which was cool. And it was cool to see the story set in a beach town, as I've only watched one other anime set on the beach.

And I loved just watching the animation of the waves. I love watching waves in real life, and I just love how stunning they animated the waves in this film.

Also, I've always wanted to surf, but this film has made me want to learn how to surf even more. And learn how to be a barista. I took a one off barista class a few years back, but was never able to put it into practice.

It has been on the "plan to watch" list of both myself and a friend of mine, so it was really nice for us to be able to watch it together and knock it off our lists.
Jul 21, 2022 5:42 AM

Apr 2008
phiraeth said:
RobdeFR said:
Having been disappointed by Masaaki latest works, I postponed this film. And I'm glad I did, watching it in a hot Sunday afternoon was pretty perfect.

I'm in the minority regarding the sappy j-pop song, but everything else was excellent, animation, character development and so on.

I hadn't originally planned to go into the plot, but the contradiction of this post cached my eye.

There's no contradiction. She WAS hallucinating the entire time. There just happened to be one single instance where he reappeared to her as a ghost.

That is YOUR interpretation. Which you're free to have.
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» Honestly it was beautiful

Animezyon12 - Sep 14, 2021

14 by Blank-c »»
Sep 25, 2022 11:34 PM

» Does this have any love triangle aur drama?

adityasingh2705 - Jul 31, 2022

6 by Worm_Death »»
Aug 2, 2022 4:24 AM

» Trending page?

slutforhange - Aug 26, 2021

14 by Sailor-Sleep »»
Aug 31, 2021 2:55 PM

» New Yuasa Film

germane - Mar 25, 2019

13 by thelastknight101 »»
Jan 2, 2020 5:57 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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