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Vinland Saga
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Dec 11, 2019 8:31 AM

Jul 2016
You at least could have asked how your older sister was doing, Thorfinn -.- Such a revenge boner you have there.

Good episode overall. Really liked the second half and although I couldn't care less for Bjorn and Askeladd's "friendship", I really appreciated how well the former's death was handled.
Dec 11, 2019 11:03 AM

Nov 2019
SouthRzVa said:
Out of curiosity, did she marry the guy that had a crush on her during the first episodes? I honestly hope she didn't but well.

What do you have against Ari? He was a good boy (too bad Askeladd punched one of his front teeth off).
Dec 11, 2019 12:16 PM

May 2015
lihle808 said:
At this point I feel like I'm watching a fake trophy, all shiny outside but nothing inside. That's this series for you, "Good art design but no tangible story to speak off". The guy who wrote even saw his story was mediocre, and decided to focus on the "duel". Even that has lost its substance way long ago when he decided to dwell on cheap politics, any person with half a brain can see this is so tacky.

This episode was made even more mediocre when Askeladd decided to kill Bjorn, the hell you kill him for? I'm not surprised, since it all comes to lack of writing from the middle.

You may create accounts to rate it higher, and call it the anime of the season whatsoever, but the fact will remain, it's mediocre. You may even try to downvote new series, but it will be the same to people who are enlighten by its true nature.

I can't believe earlier on, I wanted to add the manga in my list. I'm glad I didn't, holy Jesus!!

You really need to get off your high-horse and realize that your opinions ARE NOT facts.

Dec 11, 2019 12:55 PM

Mar 2017
Damn, this was one fucking sad episode. I'm happy that Leif finally found Thorfinn but it broke my heart when Leif realized that the little boy he once knew is gone, replaced by a man twisted by hate and anger.

Don't even get me started on Bjorn! Bjorn was one of my favorite characters! RIP my hench dude!

At first I really hated Askeladd but he's turned out to be one of the best anime characters of all time in my opinion; he's not the strongest Viking yet he's intelligence and leadership skills have made him a force to be reckoned with and he's so complex! That's some amazing character-building right there!
Dec 11, 2019 2:06 PM

Aug 2015
Great to finally see Thorfinn meet Leif (think that's how you spell his name) ~ wonder if deep down Throfinn still misses his mum and sister, really want to see them meet each other after all this time. Canute is one badass, still amazes me that that was the same person we saw at the beginning. The ending was very sad. Another fight between Thorfinn and Askladd (don't know how to spell his name).

Dec 11, 2019 2:47 PM

Apr 2013
Askeladd you sexy bastard stop sending winks, Bjorn got charmed that's all! I wonder if this will get season 2 as there are not much episodes left and there so much to uncover... Still What he hell is this Vinland? and why it's called Vinland Saga is still not explained.
Dec 11, 2019 4:29 PM

Jul 2012
For a moment I really thought Canute is indeed a woman. Would have nothing against that :3
Wasn't expecting to get this emotional about Bjorn. So Askeladd has zero friends? Now I like him even more, he's just like me :P Though I hope he will make friends with Thorfinn and Thorkell. Thorfinn really needs to accept his fathers death and move on. If the past causes pain, one must be able to let go, pain is transient. When you experience pain and sorrow, remembering that ‘This too shall pass’ reminds you that grief, like joy, is only temporary.
Suffering is caused by greed and attachment to a desire, when the ego does not get what it longs for. Even hatred can arise from this. Even when desires are fulfilled, one is only temporarily happy, soon new desires will emerge again.
The desire for a more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negative experience is itself a positive experience. If you are unhappy, it is not because of external circumstances, but because of yourself.
This anime could be a 10/10
maskulinDec 11, 2019 4:53 PM
Dec 11, 2019 7:38 PM

Jul 2016
AmarantineAzure said:
SouthRzVa said:
Out of curiosity, did she marry the guy that had a crush on her during the first episodes? I honestly hope she didn't but well.

What do you have against Ari? He was a good boy (too bad Askeladd punched one of his front teeth off).

Nothing really. It's just that the little screentime he got didn't leave me a good impression. I especially found annoying the fact of how naive he was with his "can't wait to kill some danes" lines.

Anyways, considering how... tough life can be for women in this era, I'm actually happy for Ylva.
Dec 11, 2019 8:38 PM
Nov 2018
Great episode as usual. This is definitely the anime of the year. It is no stretch to say that it is definitely so. It feels like watching a well-made movie. An epic story.

About Björn (which means Bear) dying, there was in fact another way to avoid the "straw death". You could die by your own hand. In one story, an old king cuts three deep cuts across his chest, and his old friend does the same so that they will go to Valhall together. (A val, or the valar, means a god, or gods. So, Hall of the Gods. In Tolkien's novels like The Silmarillion, he called the gods the valar.)

The alternative was to die on a bed of straw and go to Hel, ruled by the goddess Hel, Loke's daughter. (Yes, this is where the Christian "hell" comes from. Originally Hel is from the Ur-Germanic haljo, "concealed place".) Hel was a grey, dreary underworld.

You should also make sure to cut the nails of the dead. After Loke was chained to a rock for Balder's death, under a serpent dripping venom in his face, he eventually got loose and went to Hel to lead the giants to war on the ship Nagelfarne, built by the nails of the dead. "Nagel" meaning nail. Ragnarök will begin when Nagelfarne is ready. Cut the nails short to postpone Ragnarök.
Dec 11, 2019 8:41 PM
Nov 2018
SouthRzVa said:
Anyways, considering how... tough life can be for women in this era, I'm actually happy for Ylva.

They had it fine. A Viking woman held the keys to the farm and directed its work and economy. She had the right to divorce her husband if he struck her, or if he did something shameful like wearing his shirt open over his chest in public.
Dec 11, 2019 8:56 PM
Nov 2018
About the fanatical Thorfinn - it is sad, as people note. Which becomes especially clear when Leif returns, and we are reminded of what a happy boy Thorfinn used to be. Askeladd has also remarked that "I knew you were crazy, but...."

But Askeladd should realize how similar they are. He has spent his entire life trying to do something for his dead mother. Protect Wales. Wales, which is neither better nor worse than England or any other place - they were invaded by the English, and they also invaded English land.

Because of his mother being Welsh, Askeladd has hated the Danes his whole life. The Danes he grew up with, whose language he speaks. He has distanced himself from everyone because of his dead mother. Like Thorfinn distances himself from them because of his dead father.

Both have waded through blood, killing or causing the death of countless civilians, because of a dead parent. Both consider themselves wronged, but have wronged countless people in the process of trying to do something about it.

Absurdly, they do this for a dead mother and a dead father who would have hated to see what they have done.

I can only hope Askeladd realizes this eventually. And Thorfinn.
Dec 11, 2019 10:57 PM

Aug 2019
Great episode. A little pedestrian to begin with, but having read the manga, was sort of expected.

Really felt the connection between Askeladd and Bjorn throughout the series, and was sad to see him go. Definitely felt it more in the anime than I did the manga. The OST was responsible for that.

Dec 12, 2019 2:44 AM

Nov 2019
SouthRzVa said:
Nothing really. It's just that the little screentime he got didn't leave me a good impression. I especially found annoying the fact of how naive he was with his "can't wait to kill some danes" lines.

All the boys in Ylva's village were like that though (including Thorfinn). That's just what happens when they're raised in a culture that glorifies war and looks down on men that shy away from it.
Dec 12, 2019 3:14 AM

Jun 2017
Looks like King Sweyn stiked first, but he missed due to Askeladd's careful planning, he'll be more careful next time for sure. Leif and Thorfinn's reunion was quite interesting, I also had the same reaction when Thorfinn didn't ask about his mother and sister. The last scene was heartbreaking, though I don't really know if Askeladd really mean't what he said at the end or if it's just to put a dying man to the end, maybe he did, maybe he didn't, now then, I wonder how Askeladd's next duel with Thorfinn will end.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
โ€• Lelouch Vi Britannia
Dec 12, 2019 8:36 AM

Aug 2016
Damn you Bjorn... how dare you to make me cry over this stupid show?
Dec 12, 2019 8:09 PM

Sep 2014
I favour most EDs over most OPs anyway, but the outro here is perfect for episodes likes this with the valkyries taking the warriors to valhalla. Mushroom addict is dead, I doubt Thorfinn will kill Askeladd next ep. Either a draw or what I expect Canute just interrupts them before Thorfinn can kill him.

Leif found him, though he isnt the cheerfull boy he knew. Kinda sad he didnt even ask about his mother and sister, also wtf 11 years? Would have thought it was 5, either he was very young or he is older now than I guessed. Probably both. Protag kun needs to be 16. Always.

I definitely enjoy this part of the story way more than the first half. Looking forward to more, hope we dont have to wait long for season 2
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Dec 12, 2019 11:52 PM
Aug 2019
TrueDragonPrince said:
Normally I would drop this charade after an episode like this, given the infinitely strong inaccuracies of the pre-christian Welsh and Norse cultures has hit its peak with the fight between Askeladd and Bjorn. However, I will make an exemption since there are only 3 episodes left to bear with and I won't surely watch any second season, if they make any. I will only comment again if I see any more remarks against heathens.

For those who called the Danes "savages", your ignorance fails in making me speechless, since this is not an accurate portrayal at all. If you want to think of savages, think of Prince Canute's religion, which:

• plunged Europe in the Dark Ages;
• invented mysoginy and homophobia;
• burned all ancient Pagan places of knowledges after making copies to keep in secret (now into the inaccessible vatican archives)
• tortured and murdered millions during the Dark Ages
• managed to make people believe the Earth was flat and when Galileo re-discovered this wasn't the case, they silenced him again.

I could go on and on with episodes of real savagery that really only belong to Canute's creed and those creeds who follow in the same category.

This show is only grounded in history. Are you saying it's shit because of the liberties it takes with the characters that where real people in history and you hate those people?

Judge the show based of what it is on its own instead of fighting a straw man.
Dec 13, 2019 3:01 PM
Nov 2017
Oh dear, I'm speechless...
This episode had both plot twists and and just.. Wow, I also saw it coming that Thorfinn would reject whatever Leif completely. But Askeladd just killed Björn whaaaa... "Tomorrow, then." my thought when they said that the night before was "Eh? They gonna fight?" Sad stuff man
Dec 13, 2019 4:23 PM

Oct 2016
magictuch said:
TrueDragonPrince said:
Normally I would drop this charade after an episode like this, given the infinitely strong inaccuracies of the pre-christian Welsh and Norse cultures has hit its peak with the fight between Askeladd and Bjorn. However, I will make an exemption since there are only 3 episodes left to bear with and I won't surely watch any second season, if they make any. I will only comment again if I see any more remarks against heathens.

For those who called the Danes "savages", your ignorance fails in making me speechless, since this is not an accurate portrayal at all. If you want to think of savages, think of Prince Canute's religion, which:

• plunged Europe in the Dark Ages;
• invented mysoginy and homophobia;
• burned all ancient Pagan places of knowledges after making copies to keep in secret (now into the inaccessible vatican archives)
• tortured and murdered millions during the Dark Ages
• managed to make people believe the Earth was flat and when Galileo re-discovered this wasn't the case, they silenced him again.

I could go on and on with episodes of real savagery that really only belong to Canute's creed and those creeds who follow in the same category.

This show is only grounded in history. Are you saying it's shit because of the liberties it takes with the characters that where real people in history and you hate those people?

Judge the show based of what it is on its own instead of fighting a straw man.

If he takes the liberty to butcher Norse culture, of course I'm going to yo speak up, giving he shows he knows nothing about it and neither do people who comment on fictional "savagery". It's like saying I take the history of China and depict Mao as a hero with a noble character, instead of the psycho who murdered over 100 million people because they didn't accept his twisted ideology.
Dec 14, 2019 12:02 AM
Aug 2019
TrueDragonPrince said:
If he takes the liberty to butcher Norse culture, of course I'm going to yo speak up, giving he shows he knows nothing about it and neither do people who comment on fictional "savagery". It's like saying I take the history of China and depict Mao as a hero with a noble character, instead of the psycho who murdered over 100 million people because they didn't accept his twisted ideology.
So you find fault with the light in which Norse culture is being portrayed, as well as the juxtaposition between the Norse & the English?
We follow pirates who unsurprisingly perform habitual acts of depravity. But I find it hard to believe that viewers would confuse a pirate's way of life for the standard Norse lifestyle, especially since VS begins by portraying homely living by inhabitants of a small Icelandic village from EP1-EP3 .
Characterizations of Danes as "savages" come from the perspectives of biased characters, like Askelaad who sees himself as member of the aggrieved. However, opposing that characterization, is the calmer, more neutral perspective of the EP6 Englishwoman/'John's mother' who denounces English kings' persecution of their Norse settlers, like that which is portrayed in EP2.
Also, I think VS introduces fair doses of skepticism regarding religiosity from Danes & non-Danes, alike, through Canute, Askelaad, Willibard, & Anne.
Dec 14, 2019 7:28 AM
Sep 2019
RavBTW said:
Askeladd you sexy bastard stop sending winks, Bjorn got charmed that's all! I wonder if this will get season 2 as there are not much episodes left and there so much to uncover... Still What he hell is this Vinland? and why it's called Vinland Saga is still not explained.

If I'm not wrong it's in the first episode. When Leif is telling his story of discovering it to the kids.
Dec 14, 2019 7:49 AM

Apr 2013
Jyoshiro said:
RavBTW said:
Askeladd you sexy bastard stop sending winks, Bjorn got charmed that's all! I wonder if this will get season 2 as there are not much episodes left and there so much to uncover... Still What he hell is this Vinland? and why it's called Vinland Saga is still not explained.

If I'm not wrong it's in the first episode. When Leif is telling his story of discovering it to the kids.

yes but it's still not shown or explained very well on what it is and what's there most importantly.
Dec 14, 2019 9:51 AM

Apr 2018
Askeladd “Bjorn, you’re my only friend”


Canute is the mf man btw what a boss
Dec 14, 2019 11:01 AM

Nov 2019
RavBTW said:
yes but it's still not shown or explained very well on what it is and what's there most importantly.

Leif said he crossed the ocean (from Northern Europe), reached Markland and then sailed further south to find a new continent covered by grassy plains, which he named Vinland. He also talked about meeting natives and showed a feathered headdress they gave him.

You don't need to be a geography buff to put together that the land he named Vinland is the North American continent. :p
Dec 14, 2019 11:06 AM

Apr 2013
AmarantineAzure said:
RavBTW said:
yes but it's still not shown or explained very well on what it is and what's there most importantly.

Leif said he crossed the ocean (from Northern Europe), reached Markland and then sailed further south to find a new continent covered by grassy plains, which he named Vinland. He also talked about meeting natives and showed a feathered headdress they gave him.

You don't need to be a geography buff to put together that the land he named Vinland is the North American continent. :p

That's what I know but I want to know if the continent will be involving the character's of the story...
Dec 14, 2019 3:47 PM

Dec 2018
Askeladd keeps owning the show like he always doses ,He is a fox

Love to see that he gave Björn a warriors death!! And with that Björn can dine with the gods in Valhalla where he belongs! People who die sick in their bed dont reach Valhalla! Only warriors are allowed to enter the house of the gods!!!He gave Björn what he deserved and wanted!!

Great episode!!

Dec 14, 2019 7:28 PM

Nov 2015
I'm not reading the manga but, wasn't the duel scene rushed? Kinda felt like it.

Katsura janai, Zura da

Dec 14, 2019 11:54 PM

Nov 2019
RavBTW said:
That's what I know but I want to know if the continent will be involving the character's of the story...

Well, you'll just have to wait and find out then. The story isn't really concerned with that at the moment.

Deathmones said:
I'm not reading the manga but, wasn't the duel scene rushed? Kinda felt like it.

Not at all. It was never meant to be a real duel. It was just Askeladd mercy killing the dying Bjorn, so of course it was fast.
Dec 15, 2019 3:23 AM

Sep 2019
Imagine dying and seeing everyone around you freak out that you're a girl.
Damn, that's still pretty depressing.

It didn't even get better, with Leif and Byorn's moments being so sad too.
Poor Thorfinn. At least Canute is starting to look more lordly... well, at the cost of Ragnar.

These characters really can't get a good break, but it now has me yearning to play Mount & Blade: Viking Conquest now (and side with the Saxons, ho-ho).
"You know you've reached peak quality when a doujin is better than the actual source series." (Eg. To LOVE-Ru)

Just to list a couple of biases.
Likes: A good story, characters, writing, romance, a good plot twist or something that breaks expectations (In a good way), 'backstory' and justice.
Dislikes: Bad romance, too much fanservice, the harem genre, yuri, yaoi, and bad writing.

Dec 15, 2019 6:16 AM

Apr 2018
Thorinn is about to get rekt.
Dec 15, 2019 12:02 PM

Jun 2019
This episode was a lot slower and more dramatic, but still good I guess.

Damn, Thorfinn got really pissed off at Leif. I hope he listens to him.

Um... did I miss an episode? Why did Askalaad and Bjorn duel? Kind of a sad ending, though Bjorn didn't get much development.
Dec 16, 2019 3:56 AM
May 2016
Wicker_Senpai93 said:
This episode was a lot slower and more dramatic, but still good I guess.

Damn, Thorfinn got really pissed off at Leif. I hope he listens to him.

Um... did I miss an episode? Why did Askalaad and Bjorn duel? Kind of a sad ending, though Bjorn didn't get much development.

Couple episodes ago they went over how for a Viking to get to Valhalla he has to die fighting. Bjorn was severely injured when he was stabbed by Atli in the episode where Canute manned up, didja forget? Askeladd agreed to duel with Bjorn but they both knew it was going to be more of a mercy-killing because Bjorn was on his last legs and, more importantly, Bjorn wanted to fully express what he was unable to always express to Askeladd for over a decade. It's an incredibly poignant moment in the series for a character that wasn't really major honestly.
Dec 16, 2019 3:58 AM

Jan 2019
Wicker_Senpai93 said:
Bjorn didn't get much development.

Not all characters need development to be good.
Bjorn was sort of a key part of Askeladd himself and his inner conflict, including some distinct personality to his band of Vikings.
Whilst I do not disagree that character development is always good, Bjorn does not need to be justified via character development to be defined as a good character.
Dec 16, 2019 6:52 AM

Jun 2019
Modernoir said:

Couple episodes ago they went over how for a Viking to get to Valhalla he has to die fighting. Bjorn was severely injured when he was stabbed by Atli in the episode where Canute manned up, didja forget? Askeladd agreed to duel with Bjorn but they both knew it was going to be more of a mercy-killing because Bjorn was on his last legs and, more importantly, Bjorn wanted to fully express what he was unable to always express to Askeladd for over a decade.

Ah, that makes more sense.
Dec 16, 2019 7:25 PM
Jan 2019
R.I.P Bjorn! we will never forget you ๐Ÿ˜”
Dec 17, 2019 1:31 PM
Jan 2018
Elucid said:
xenovibe said:
hot anime chicks wearing bikinis (Vinlaid Saga only has men in its main cast, eww)

Please tell me this is satire

Well he does have the manga in his favs
Dec 17, 2019 1:34 PM

Jan 2019
Mattinator95 said:
Elucid said:

Please tell me this is satire

Well he does have the manga in his favs

Yeah, I found out after posting that and chuckled. I don't know why I was on edge, that is clearly satire by how the content is told.
Dec 18, 2019 1:25 PM

Apr 2016
Good episode. So, even Bjorn is gone. Thorfinn is the weakest point of the series until now. Judging fron the voices, I was expecting an awesome character but he seems bland and repetitive even if he’s being compared to Canute, now.
Dec 18, 2019 7:19 PM
Jun 2017
Best episode so far.
Dec 20, 2019 2:23 AM

May 2018
Thorfinn makes such funny faces. Like he is constantly trying to hold diarrhea.
And his character absolutely lacks logics. While devoting his life to revenge for his dead parent he absolutely doesn't give a shit about his other parent being in a bad condition. Brilliant boy. And his stubborn grudge for a mercenary, who was a mere tool in the hands of the real culprit, while never questioning who in fact demanded his father's death.
I do love the building and the other characters, but this edgy brat has ruined it for me.
Anyway, I consider Askeladd a real protagonist of this season
Dec 20, 2019 4:12 AM

Jan 2019
Nemo_Niemand said:
Thorfinn makes such funny faces. Like he is constantly trying to hold diarrhea.
And his character absolutely lacks logics. While devoting his life to revenge for his dead parent he absolutely doesn't give a shit about his other parent being in a bad condition. Brilliant boy. And his stubborn grudge for a mercenary, who was a mere tool in the hands of the real culprit, while never questioning who in fact demanded his father's death.
I do love the building and the other characters, but this edgy brat has ruined it for me.
Anyway, I consider Askeladd a real protagonist of this season

Yes, this is Thorfinn's character. The author is aware of this.
He's a traumatized kid blinded by hatred and anger. He does not know better. I understand that you dislike him, but you must know that this is the intent, not a mistake. Keep in mind that this is an anti revenge story.
You'll know what I mean when you finish the next episode.
Dec 20, 2019 3:37 PM

Jul 2013
Askellad's tactics in politics is still being used by politicians in this age lol clever bastard.
Dec 25, 2019 9:47 AM

Dec 2015
Thorfinn can honestly go and eat shit. He doesn't even ask about his mother or sister. Such an immature brat.

RIP Bjorn.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Dec 28, 2019 4:46 PM

Aug 2017
I like how Askeladd played Sweyn like a fiddle lol I was not expecting Bjorn's death at the end. RIP.


BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. ๆ—ฅๆœฌ
Dec 30, 2019 8:59 AM

Jun 2015
Bjorn and Askelad's scene at the end was very moving. I wonder if Askelad told him he was his only friend just to relief him.

Sometimes I think Askelad is a bastard and deserves to be killed by Thorfinn and sometimes I pity him.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Jan 2, 2020 3:29 PM

Dec 2014
Man, Thorfinn is such an edgelord isn't he. I feel bad for Leif searching all these years only to see him become like this.
Jan 2, 2020 7:57 PM

Oct 2008
i feel sorry and sad for the double woman of Canute that got hit near the heart...truly Askeladd is ruthless!
just look at Bjorn that was very sorrowful as well.

Jan 6, 2020 5:58 PM

Jul 2015
Damn i always really liked Bjorn i got the impression he was never really a bad dude just had to do what he needed to survive and that really he just wanted a place to belong and be freinds with everyone and most of all Askeladd since he looked up to him.

Bugger really wished he would have lived longer that whole scene had me sad af.
Jan 11, 2020 9:34 PM

May 2019
The real name of this season is

Askeladd Saga
Jan 11, 2020 9:54 PM

Mar 2015
An adequate sendoff for Bjorn..
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
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