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Do you agree that Dr. Stone deserves "1" Appalling ?
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Aug 30, 2019 4:12 PM

Oct 2014
We all have different standards on what we value and what our preferences are. For instance OP, our affinity is negative. It's quite clear we view anime very differently, and there's nothing wrong with that. The vast majority of people love Dr. Stone, so it might seem strange to you that a select few dislike it. Just keep in mind everyone thinks and seeks something different and have varying levels of experience.

I quite dislike the show myself honestly. I understand it. I just don't find the story that interesting or compelling. It's a neat premise, but it's immature execution doesn't appeal to me at all. All the characters are one-dimensional and trite. The comedy is very poorly done and very prevalent. I don't think its use of science is that original. The art style and designs are rather ugly to me, and the animation is mediocre. Even though I don't find much value or enjoyment in the show, I'd at least give a rating of no higher than 3 based on production and technical aspects.

I find it funny that lots of people are simply writing the review off as a troll. Giving Dr. Stone a straight up 1 is really questionable and pushing it, but the review itself is quite solid in my eyes. He justifies his distastes and shortcomings of the show, and I agree with most of them. I'm not gonna shift through every one of Karhu's reviews to see if he's truly legitimate. Besides, I think the outrage comes mainly from his score than the overall wording of the review.
PyroAug 30, 2019 4:29 PM
Aug 30, 2019 5:04 PM

Mar 2018
Not a 1, but the reviews are not unjustified as the writing is suspect and there are a lot of stupid things about it. It has gotten better with the current arc and thank god Tenku and Yuzuriha are out of the picture. Such shitty characters, new cast is way more likeable
Aug 30, 2019 5:42 PM

Aug 2016
Shamo- said:
This is the worst phase MAL has ever been. Ever since these wannabe Polyphemus like Karhu & Cringeyman started spamming all seasonals with 1/10 rating reviews just for sake of attention. I feel like the site will never be same


Reviews mods have gotten to them before but seemed to have given up at this point. They just throw up their hands say "well he didn't type the N word, must be ok".
Aug 31, 2019 1:32 AM
Sep 2018
go on karhus profile and read his explanation about the rating system in combination to dr. stone.
You will see he is not a troll.

I dont understand why so many of you have a problem about the rating of 1. Read the god damn review, in the most points he is right about dr. stone.

Or read for example karhus critics about liz and the blue bird or maquia. you will als see here that he is not a troll.
Aug 31, 2019 7:32 AM
Aug 2014
Reviews are often a mixed bag of explosive diarrhoea. Look at the score, that seems about right.
Aug 31, 2019 7:34 AM
Aug 2014
KingLeonard23 said:
Not a 1, but the reviews are not unjustified as the writing is suspect and there are a lot of stupid things about it. It has gotten better with the current arc and thank god Tenku and Yuzuriha are out of the picture. Such shitty characters, new cast is way more likeable

The writing is fucking amazing.
Aug 31, 2019 8:08 AM

Mar 2018
TommyBoy185 said:
go on karhus profile and read his explanation about the rating system in combination to dr. stone.
You will see he is not a troll.

I dont understand why so many of you have a problem about the rating of 1. Read the god damn review, in the most points he is right about dr. stone.

Or read for example karhus critics about liz and the blue bird or maquia. you will als see here that he is not a troll.
Yeah I don't think he's a troll at all and most of what he said in his review of Dr.Stone was true and it fell like that's genuinely how he feels about the show. I like most of his reviews even tho he shits on some shows that I love every now and then but hey, everyone's got their opinions.
JJH_ said:
KingLeonard23 said:
Not a 1, but the reviews are not unjustified as the writing is suspect and there are a lot of stupid things about it. It has gotten better with the current arc and thank god Tenku and Yuzuriha are out of the picture. Such shitty characters, new cast is way more likeable

The writing is fucking amazing.
Not really fam but if u like it, all the power to you
Aug 31, 2019 9:59 AM

Nov 2017
In don't think he's a troll. He's just too harsh in giving scores to anime he don't like. (Gintama for example)
Aug 31, 2019 6:17 PM

Aug 2016
Why are these random no post accounts coming to defend the review?

If you people genuinely believe that there isn't trolling going on and he is just this misunderstood reviewer that is just very critical you are rather naive. Go read his Fairy Tail and Goblin Slayer reviews if you had any doubts. I'm sure he's enjoying this attention now that this has been brought up.
Aug 31, 2019 11:20 PM
Dec 2008
*clicks link*

Hahaha he's one of those 5/10 = average people.

No matter how you think the system should work, if you're running off a different system than everyone else in the world, that's only going to confuse people. 7/10 is the average, 5/10 is a failing grade, this is what our schools teach us and this is how the internet works. It sucks, because it limits the shades of "good", but when discussing reviews it's better to have the same scale everyone else does to reduce understanding.

Once upon a time I was a 5/10 = average person, but thankfully I left that phase behind.
Sep 1, 2019 1:14 AM

Jun 2017
People hate on popular shows, hell, even AOT series has those Elitist Jerks who thinks their opinion is better than everyone else. EG: "1/10 bEcAusE, juSt beCuase"

And don't forget that you're on MAL, this site is full of those people. It's nothing new here.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Sep 1, 2019 4:27 AM

Jul 2019
heg said:
TheChaika said:

At least he ain't bulling people on their profiles for liking a music in a show ... like TAS did with one girl.

im not sure, normally controversial users attract toxicity and they will fight back or become toxic themselves hence my comparison with him to TAS but we will see in the long run
I think Karhu has been here for a long time.
Should I troll in the troll bait threads? It is kinda idiotic to be logical in the troll bait threads. Well, it will depend on my mood.
Sep 1, 2019 11:09 AM

Mar 2018
A lot of reviews here have similarities with Amazon reviews. They are dodgy, unhelpful and often plain wrong. Don't read reviews. Trust your own judgement. I cannot say whether they are justified or not since I just watched the second episode, which was okay. The show is not as smart as it wants us to believe it is but so far it has been moderately fun (mostly the Robinson Crusoe kind of fun)
Sep 1, 2019 11:28 AM
Feb 2018
Everyone is allowed to their own opinion, everyone finds their own value or lack thereof in everything.
Life would be horridly bland otherwise.

But from what I've seen from Karhu across other series' I've watched in the past, he seems to be contrarian for contrarian's sake, and riding the wave of fame on controversial opinions.
There may often be a thread of truth in even the most negative of critique, but the way his vitriolic drivel's been written with a barrage of derogatory and smug arrogance, I will say there's none to be gained from his.
Sep 1, 2019 11:57 PM
Feb 2018
Relax. The people who don't understand science can only grow more to hate it. "How can a fire be blue, how he made a generator?" Their brains can't handle scientific things. I'm 100 billion percent sure.
Sep 2, 2019 1:05 AM
Mar 2016
I went into this thread thinking this would be a discussion about the critique, strengths/weaknesses of the show etc., but it's like focused on one review by one guy. I see very little discussion about the actual content and more focus on the specific score and the guy who wrote it. If anything though, reviews shouldn't be allowed until a show has finished airing and there's no reason to care about reviews written before that.

I ended up dropping Dr. Stone, I guess I had too high/different expectations from what it ended up being. I feel like there's a common recurrence of shows being announced, there's a fair amount of posts/comments on different forums about how it will be amazing and the GOAT, then the show fails to deliver on that and it turns out to be on par with a lot of other shows.
Sep 7, 2019 3:13 AM
May 2014
It is certainly a bad show, without a doubt. However, I do agree that 1 is too much. A 3 or 4 would be closer to the true quality of the show.
Sep 7, 2019 3:15 AM
May 2014
Pyro said:
We all have different standards on what we value and what our preferences are. For instance OP, our affinity is negative. It's quite clear we view anime very differently, and there's nothing wrong with that. The vast majority of people love Dr. Stone, so it might seem strange to you that a select few dislike it. Just keep in mind everyone thinks and seeks something different and have varying levels of experience.

I quite dislike the show myself honestly. I understand it. I just don't find the story that interesting or compelling. It's a neat premise, but it's immature execution doesn't appeal to me at all. All the characters are one-dimensional and trite. The comedy is very poorly done and very prevalent. I don't think its use of science is that original. The art style and designs are rather ugly to me, and the animation is mediocre. Even though I don't find much value or enjoyment in the show, I'd at least give a rating of no higher than 3 based on production and technical aspects.

I find it funny that lots of people are simply writing the review off as a troll. Giving Dr. Stone a straight up 1 is really questionable and pushing it, but the review itself is quite solid in my eyes. He justifies his distastes and shortcomings of the show, and I agree with most of them. I'm not gonna shift through every one of Karhu's reviews to see if he's truly legitimate. Besides, I think the outrage comes mainly from his score than the overall wording of the review.

100% agree. I feel exactly the same as you on this one.
Sep 7, 2019 4:57 AM
Jan 2018
most of the reviews i have seen , or comments ponder and expect if it was a seinen it would be different, like being a seinen automatically makes a series "Serious'

theres alot of shows in that list that are not serious at all
Sep 7, 2019 6:22 AM

Jan 2019
Karhu brings up some points that I agree with.
Despite this, I find the show to be relatively decent. I can enjoy some aspects.
Unlike its shitty Shonen neighbor this season...
Sep 7, 2019 7:53 AM
Aug 2015
As someone who has read the manga, I wouldn't say it is totally 'unjustified' the first arc of the manga (and anime) is pretty bad in comparison to the rest of the series. Infact, when the manga first came out it was met with pretty similar reviews up until the second arc when things actually started to pan out. Do i think it deserves a 1? Hell no! But do I understand the harsh criticism up until the point in which the dude watched? Yeah i do.
Sep 7, 2019 9:08 AM

Dec 2012
That guy is a retard

Sep 8, 2019 1:34 PM

May 2009
Mattinator95 said:
most of the reviews i have seen , or comments ponder and expect if it was a seinen it would be different, like being a seinen automatically makes a series "Serious'

theres alot of shows in that list that are not serious at all

Because first anime that comes to their mind when they see/hear seinen is Berserk.
Sep 8, 2019 3:51 PM

Aug 2010
The show, especially this first arc, is quite alright in my opinion, nothing special. Everything in it is a bit too convenient. And really the last thing it needs is the Rick and Morty crowd 'BuT iT's So SmArT', no, it's not.

The show isn't absolute garbage to be rated a 1, but I could see people easily rating it 5 or lower.
Sep 8, 2019 8:55 PM

Feb 2010
Some reviewers, throw 1's at every single anime and then you'll check to see their reviewed animes list and there's be some
random old harem anime like School Days rated a 10. Everyone has different preferences so it's to be expected.

Sep 8, 2019 9:28 PM

Aug 2017
No one is questioning 8-9/10 ratings, so I'm not going to question 3-2-1/10 ratings.

Also 5 is average, not bad and its not harsh. Deal with it.
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Sep 8, 2019 10:21 PM

Jul 2019
AiHikari said:
The show, especially this first arc, is quite alright in my opinion, nothing special. Everything in it is a bit too convenient. And really the last thing it needs is the Rick and Morty crowd 'BuT iT's So SmArT', no, it's not.

The show isn't absolute garbage to be rated a 1, but I could see people easily rating it 5 or lower.
the second arc is much better though.
Sep 9, 2019 7:09 AM

Nov 2018
You should see how bad Rotten Tomato critics are
MAL EMOJIS - Get your specially formatted emojis for MAL forums.

Sep 9, 2019 8:22 AM
Jan 2018
_cjessop18_ said:
You should see how bad Rotten Tomato critics are

funny because its true , especially the Joker reviews
Sep 9, 2019 8:28 AM

Nov 2018
Mattinator95 said:
_cjessop18_ said:
You should see how bad Rotten Tomato critics are

funny because its true , especially the Joker reviews

And the Sticks and Stones comedy special by Dave Chapelle

23% score from 13 RT critics vs 99% score from 30k+ user ratings
MAL EMOJIS - Get your specially formatted emojis for MAL forums.

Sep 9, 2019 8:48 AM
Jan 2018
_cjessop18_ said:
Mattinator95 said:

funny because its true , especially the Joker reviews

And the Sticks and Stones comedy special by Dave Chapelle

23% score from 13 RT critics vs 99% score from 30k+ user ratings

snowflakes lol its stand up comedy i sore a clip where he talks about MJ and was like yep this is going to offend people haven't watched it fully yet
Mattinator95Sep 9, 2019 8:58 AM
Sep 9, 2019 4:33 PM

Dec 2012
The 8.22 is really underrated in my opinion, I would expect 8.6+. It's high quality all round.
Sep 10, 2019 4:26 AM

Feb 2019
Personally, I agree with the review at least, with most of his arguments. Even tho I belive that DR.Stone is a big 7/10 imo.
Sep 12, 2019 4:46 AM
Apr 2013
This thread shows the inability of a lot of people to use the scoring system properly. If you have a range from 1 to 10, you should use that range and not use 5 as your worst rating. But most of the people don't do this, with the result, that the actual rating here on MAL goes from 5 to 10. Even the worst animes I've ever seen have at least a rating of 6. Just ridicoulus.

Personally I only rate 1 and 10 for shows that I really love or to remind me that I never ever rewatch that piece of shit.
Sep 14, 2019 5:15 PM

Mar 2009
Imagine going to MAL for reviews. That's almost as bad as getting your opinions from anime youtubers.
Sep 23, 2019 6:52 AM
Jul 2018
The anime surely isn't bad, I think, but jeez, everything in it annoys me so much, I really don't feel like I want to continue.

In general, it's unfair to write reviews after a few episodes. I read a Carole & Tuesday review "watched 6 episodes... these characters don't get any development." Dude, you have seen 1/4 of the series?
And I surely won't take MAL, or any, reviews too serious.
Sep 23, 2019 10:22 AM

Dec 2018
dont read the reviews on MAL, they are mostly unhelpful. if you want to know if the anime is good, try to judge it from the 1st ep or go to youtube( they seem to be more fair there)

Sep 23, 2019 10:43 AM

Feb 2016
It's bad but it's not 1 bad. It doesn't necessarily deserve all the really high ratings either imo.

"If you want to change the future, you only need to choose now. Now, believe in yourself and break the egg."


Sep 24, 2019 12:48 PM

May 2018
Mullerio_ said:

BlakexEkalb said:

Mostly because the average score is closer to 10 and not 1. If average MAL scores were around 4 and someone scored it a 1 it would not cause a big deal, but if it were scored a 10 it would be barraged with hate. That and a 1 is either a biased score or a BS score since the only shows that deserve a 1 have to be purposefully trying to make complete trash.

Yea many people use the rating system the "wrong" way or at least not the way its supposed to be, a 5 should be average so a "decent" show but there are so many people thinking a 5 is a bad score and that is simply not true.

But i disagree a show can be a 1 if its just a very very bad show that i also did not enjoy, 1 is basicially a 9 just the other way around, so i think its a score that should be given to shows that are simply extremely bad, similar to a 9 wich is for the extremely good ones (10 is for the really special ones with a equivalent of a 0 wich does not exist on MAL).
Some 1 shows maybe have some monior decent points but they cant outweigh the bad ones, similar to a 9 wich has some flaws but they get outweigh by the positives.

And that's the problem with mal's ratings system. You can give a show a 7/10 which is a "good" show according to mal, and likewise a 9/10 as a "great" show. This is already unrealistic, shouldn't a 9/10 be at least amazing, not just great? This is probably why mal's scores are usually much higher than other sites.
Sep 29, 2019 8:42 AM

Jun 2019
huntress1013 said:
A lot of reviews here have similarities with Amazon reviews. They are dodgy, unhelpful and often plain wrong. Don't read reviews. Trust your own judgement. I cannot say whether they are justified or not since I just watched the second episode, which was okay. The show is not as smart as it wants us to believe it is but so far it has been moderately fun (mostly the Robinson Crusoe kind of fun)

If I may, I would say that reviews are useful in at least one specific case: when the average is low but some good reviews are placed in the top reviews, then one might actually choose to watch the show. Subete ga F ni naru is a good example of this phenomenon (and this is likely that other "non-standard" anime suffer the same fate), and since I use this criterion from time to time, I assume that it might be the case of other people.
Oct 12, 2019 11:27 PM

Mar 2012
On MAL, you have to take scores at a median because you’re going to either have a hand full of trolls that put out bogus reviews to fire people like you up, or have elitist snobs who think their “taste” is so refined that they’ll give crappy scores because an anime doesn’t meet their unrealistic standards.

Or to put it bluntly, don’t get bent out of shape at every 1 score and don’t believe in all the 10 scores either because your true answer is somewhere in-between (and in my honest opinion, Dr. Stone is far closer to a 10 than a 1...I’d probably rate it an 8 at this point).
Oct 28, 2019 11:02 PM
Aug 2018
Vary few shows, if any, deserve 1's. On a 5 star scale, that's a half a star. A 1 star show has 0 redeemable qualities, offers no entertainment and any form of value whatsoever. People that give shows 1 stars are absolute clowns.
Nov 6, 2019 7:12 PM
May 2016
Welcome to MAL, nice to meet ya. *reaches hand out to shake*
Nov 7, 2019 12:54 PM

Oct 2017
I mean, everyone's rating system is their own, so a lot of the time you just have to accept the difference in opinions.

This guy isn't serious though. Don't pay his review too much mind.
Nov 8, 2019 5:08 AM

May 2007
Xstasy said:
I think that your taking reviews and scores too seriously.
I enjoy reading Karhu reviews they are always entertaining lol.

I just read it. It was not entertaining and barely had any actual connection to the anime it was reviewing. He goes on about penis jokes, virginity and shit like that......which hasn't happened as far as I am concerned.

Most of the review was just waffle, pretty much an irrelevant filler of a review.
Nov 8, 2019 9:31 PM

Feb 2016
Like I care what other people think, plenty of stuff out there that’s highly rated that I think’s utter tat. Just go with what you feel and don’t glamorise people who agree with you as you’re just alienating people that disagree and just look like a loser tbh.
Nov 9, 2019 9:53 PM
Oct 2012
Why is this not locked yet
Nov 11, 2019 3:02 PM
Oct 2015
basically 4-5 first comments explain why you shouldnt care about mal. Lol and guess what i give low scores like 0 and 1 with intention to literally bs boring ass series like this gay shogi dude with 2 chicks and a toddler, or cringe af teenager fav series like nanatsu no taizai. İt feels good bro try it

And lol its not only about dr stone. Literally any good shounen anime gets downvoted. İ guess we are playing against some boomers and salty feminists
Nov 12, 2019 8:09 AM

Feb 2017
I have watched till 6 episodes and dropped it. I dont think its a bad anime by any means but the MC just bores me.

I was interested in the petrification and the MC's creativity but the characters just don't have an interesting personality to speak of.

Also, I was looking forward to see how the MC experiments and figures out the truth between what happened to the world one experiment at a time but we already run into a good guy vs bad guy situation where most of MC's mind is spent on trying to defeat this guy. Things may change in future episodes but for me my interest kind of hit a roadblock.
Best ending line in anime history = "My name is Saiki Kusuo. I am a psychic."
Nov 12, 2019 5:45 PM

May 2014
How DARE you guys have a different opinion than Karhu-senpai! Having differing opinions is totally unheard of!!!

Though I'm sure it warms his heart to see how invested you guys are with his reviews.

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