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Oct 25, 2019 10:02 PM

Feb 2009
This franchise grasp my attention a few weeks ago, so I started playing the mobile game to undesrstand the anime, and both (game and anime) end up to be surprisingly fun.

Pay attention, I said fun, not brilliant, not a masterpiece, nor a life-changing experience, just plain and old fun. Like Pacific Rim or John Wick kind of action-oriented-not-plot-driven fun. Obviously, if you are familiar with the game, you will get and enjoy the fanservice (and there is a ton of it), but if you watch it even without knowing anything, it's an ok-ish shounen-esque action anime, that doesn't insult the audience, and after episode 4, it actually got pretty interesting.

So, I want to know... Why so much hate? I'm pretty sure this doesn't deserve a this low score (nor a high score either like 9 or 10). Are Kancolle fans too salty? Or people are just taking too serious a bunch of cartoon ship waifus? This is definitly harmless, and people that don't plan to play the game actually could enjoy it.
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Oct 25, 2019 11:16 PM

Jul 2012
I've pretty much lost faith in MAL ranking from a while ago. People tend to rate and hate anime while jumping into different bandwagons. Shows get overratwd and underrated all the time. Not to mention the number of puritans and high moral compass hypocrite warriors roaming the site. And also the dark shows lovers edgelords.
Oct 26, 2019 12:36 AM

Apr 2015
Like the person above mentioned, just looking through the list of people who 1 and 2 voted, alot seem to be edgelords who don't like fun things.
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
Oct 26, 2019 12:46 AM
Sep 2013
Just because something is fun doesn't mean I'm going to rate it highly. While I don't hate the show, I feel like it lacks substance. Its one of those anime where I get the feeling I could be spending my time watching something more worthwhile. Nonetheless I enjoy anime with a navel theme and I'm not one to drop shows once I start them, so I'm going to continue watching it.
Oct 26, 2019 1:28 AM

Oct 2009
JRVV17 said:

It's boring to me to be honest also the fanservice doesn't work for me because I'm gay, tho. I have enjoyed shows with fanservice like "Sounan Desu ka?" and "Tejina-senpai" but I guess that was because the fanservice wasn't the only selling point to me.

Thats not what he meant, the fanservice is not about the sexualization of the character but rather in making tons of in-jokes and references or even just having your shipfu getting a portion of screen time, like when Akashi feeling down and slacked from her job with Shiranui (they were both shopkeepers in the game and especially Akashi is very shrewd with money), or when Belfast maid corps was mentioned (it was her sisters from 'Town' class ships), or when Edinburgh carrying Akashi and said she'd rather carrying gold (Edinburgh were sunk by the Germans when carrying gold to England), etc. It enhances your experience of the show if you're a fan of the franchise. That's what fanservice means.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Oct 26, 2019 2:35 AM

Dec 2018
I think its because the army of shonen fanboys. That down voting every anime that have a majority of females in them .And Especially if its a Yuri.. Because well lets face the truth here,, Lesbians are still scary for many people,That is just sad,, But i dont trust MAL points because of this

Yuri-CrusaderOct 26, 2019 3:39 AM
Oct 26, 2019 3:18 AM

Mar 2018
monolith said:
This franchise grasp my attention a few weeks ago, so I started playing the mobile game to understand the anime

This is where you're wrong OP. You should've started it anime-only. Now, you lost the chance to judge it fairly and won't be able to understand the mindset of anime-only watchers (which is the problem I'm currently facing) hence this thread.

So, I want to know... Why so much hate?

(I can only guess but...) Because they entered into the show expecting [???] <--- (anything goes here. A shounen show like BnHA, A superhero show like OPM, a wild and bloody show like SnK, anything) but instead, got loli fanservice, a bunch of supposed-to-be incomprehensible info dumb, a large number of cast who aren't introduced properly, and no male protagonist. What kind of mind-blown masterpiece they are expecting from an adaptation of gacha-system waifu collection game is beyond me tho.

Are Kancolle fans too salty?

I believe this has nothing to do with KanColle fans. At least on MAL.

people that don't plan to play the game actually could enjoy it.

But they don't. Or more like, they don't try to. That's the problem here. I don't think the anime has disappointed any Azur Lane fan who loves the game. I'll even go hyperbole and say it hasn't disappointed anyone who knows what kind of game Azur Lane is. But let's accept the painful truth. Most newcomers don't like it, for whatever reason the anime is doing because they aren't expecting it.

> All female cast ---> Eww
> loli fanservice ---> Eww
> no male protag ---> Eww
> Yuri ---> Eww
> Don't understand it (because they didn't do enough research) ---> Eww

Because gacha adaptations are always masterpieces and don't do that kind of degenerate shit, amirite?

Oct 26, 2019 8:12 AM
Feb 2011
Yuri-Crusader said:
I think its because the army of shonen fanboys. That down voting every anime that have a majority of females in them .And Especially if its a Yuri.. Because well lets face the truth here,, Lesbians are still scary for many people,That is just sad,, But i dont trust MAL points because of this

Stop making up conspiracy theories. No, shonen fanboys don't hatewatch and ratings bomb every CGDCT/female-dominated show out there. It's just that most people who decided to watch this just found the show Okay-ish.

Whopping said:
Just because something is fun doesn't mean I'm going to rate it highly. While I don't hate the show, I feel like it lacks substance. Its one of those anime where I get the feeling I could be spending my time watching something more worthwhile. Nonetheless I enjoy anime with a navel theme and I'm not one to drop shows once I start them, so I'm going to continue watching it.

Apparently according to MAL's userbase, not rating an anime a 9 or 10 means that "YoU aRe A hAtEr!!! XD". A 6.83 score on MAL (as of this writing) means that the show is more or less "Fine" or "Good", which I think this show falls to. People need to stop being salty when it comes to MAL ratings.
Oct 26, 2019 8:47 AM

Dec 2018
@Dark_Pride Don't tell me what to do!!

And yes its is true,, Not every shonen fan ofc. But i have seen it with my own eyes. People coming to this only females shows ,, Complains over only females cast, and its to gay! Lesbians are so scary =P

I go and i'll check out their list, And you can clearly see their little game! Giving those kind of show extremely low points, While their Shonen with mostly males and other stuff they prefer gets a high score!!!

But again not all of them!!

Yuri-CrusaderOct 26, 2019 8:51 AM
Oct 26, 2019 9:05 AM
Jul 2018
Azur Lane, Val x Love and Rifle Is Beautiful could have all been masterpieces if they had decided to make them serious shows with a gripping story. I don't think any of these shows are going to be great as things stand right now. Thanks loli ecchi fan service cute girls garbo pandering crap. Thanks again!

Now they are just something to have on to keep me in a light mood while I eat snacks and whatnot.
Oct 26, 2019 9:24 AM

Jun 2017
I saw a screenshot while browsing my timeline about this anime receiving hate in Japan, or anti-Japanese, from watching the first episode, I can see why some Japanese fans finds it that way. But because of that screenshot I remembered that this anime was in my queue.

Judging from the Japanese people's perspective, I understand some of their points, but some others just seems so hypocritical.

But anyway, for me, this anime is something I'd watch. I have a knack for this types of anime, and I don't mind that much of a fanservice.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Oct 26, 2019 9:24 AM

May 2018
Myanimelist rating never matter. It's the reception in Japan that really matter. This anime is specifically for the fans of the game, not anime viewers in general. It's the same with Arifureta. MAL rate Arifureta poorly but when it's announced getting season 2,MAL has a meltdown.
It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.
Oct 26, 2019 10:56 AM
Jul 2014
monolith said:

So, I want to know... Why so much hate? I'm pretty sure this doesn't deserve a this low score (nor a high score either like 9 or 10).

Several reasons:

1. Shoddy animation with bad quality control and visible variations within episodes, most prominently this latest one

2.Until this latest episode, there was no plot or narrative at all; just an attempt to stuff in as many characters as they could before letting them fight.

3. Bad direction, meaning that the anime does not meaningfully build upon the characters and mechanics introduced in the game. For an example of this done well in the same genre, see Kantai Collection the Animation or Rage of Bahamut, both based on mobile games.

Are Kancolle fans too salty?

As a Kancolle fan who also plays Azur Lane, f**k no. I just expected better from Azur Lane the animation, hoping that it would at least exceed the standard set by Kancolle's anime. Instead, what we got was trash that was apparently made by someone who thought all the things that Kancolle did wrong were in fact things done right.

That aside, Kancolle's characterization of ships, in actual personality, mechanical art quality, and incorporation of history are almost uniformly head-and-shoulders above their Azur Lane equivalents. The few exceptions to this are Prinz Eugen, Bismarck, Takao, Atago, Zara, Ark Royal, Colorado, Lexington, and Graf Zeppelin, where the characters of AL merely stand equal based on different personality aesthetics.

Or people are just taking too serious a bunch of cartoon ship waifus? This is definitly harmless, and people that don't plan to play the game actually could enjoy it.

No. There's a difference between taking something seriously and being able to overlook serious flaws or actual incompetence in professional anime narrative and art direction. This is a case of the latter.

Gorochu said:
Myanimelist rating never matter. It's the reception in Japan that really matter. This anime is specifically for the fans of the game, not anime viewers in general. It's the same with Arifureta. MAL rate Arifureta poorly but when it's announced getting season 2,MAL has a meltdown.

The difference between Arifureta and Azur Lane is down to quality of art and direction. Don't get me wrong: Arifureta is a classic harem power fantasy with at times cringe-worthy writing, but the character relationship dynamics and semblance of action give it at least some sort of momentum, both in the anime and the light novels. For all that it does wrong, it does enough right that it can keep on plodding on.

This is not the case with Azur Lane, and no amount of continuous fanservice historical or sexual can cover for the yawning abyss that is the lack of overarching narrative, meaningful world building, meaningful characterization, and downright incompetence in both art quality control and direction.
Oct 26, 2019 2:02 PM

Dec 2016
EmperorAlfred said:
I saw a screenshot while browsing my timeline about this anime receiving hate in Japan, or anti-Japanese, from watching the first episode, I can see why some Japanese fans finds it that way. But because of that screenshot I remembered that this anime was in my queue.

Judging from the Japanese people's perspective, I understand some of their points, but some others just seems so hypocritical.

But anyway, for me, this anime is something I'd watch. I have a knack for this types of anime, and I don't mind that much of a fanservice.

Most Japanese probably don't feel that way considering this game is extremely popular in Japan and makes the vast majority of its money there.

What's the difference?
Oct 26, 2019 6:23 PM

May 2018
firemagnet said:
monolith said:

So, I want to know... Why so much hate? I'm pretty sure this doesn't deserve a this low score (nor a high score either like 9 or 10).

Several reasons:

1. Shoddy animation with bad quality control and visible variations within episodes, most prominently this latest one

2.Until this latest episode, there was no plot or narrative at all; just an attempt to stuff in as many characters as they could before letting them fight.

3. Bad direction, meaning that the anime does not meaningfully build upon the characters and mechanics introduced in the game. For an example of this done well in the same genre, see Kantai Collection the Animation or Rage of Bahamut, both based on mobile games.

Are Kancolle fans too salty?

As a Kancolle fan who also plays Azur Lane, f**k no. I just expected better from Azur Lane the animation, hoping that it would at least exceed the standard set by Kancolle's anime. Instead, what we got was trash that was apparently made by someone who thought all the things that Kancolle did wrong were in fact things done right.

That aside, Kancolle's characterization of ships, in actual personality, mechanical art quality, and incorporation of history are almost uniformly head-and-shoulders above their Azur Lane equivalents. The few exceptions to this are Prinz Eugen, Bismarck, Takao, Atago, Zara, Ark Royal, Colorado, Lexington, and Graf Zeppelin, where the characters of AL merely stand equal based on different personality aesthetics.

Or people are just taking too serious a bunch of cartoon ship waifus? This is definitly harmless, and people that don't plan to play the game actually could enjoy it.

No. There's a difference between taking something seriously and being able to overlook serious flaws or actual incompetence in professional anime narrative and art direction. This is a case of the latter.

Gorochu said:
Myanimelist rating never matter. It's the reception in Japan that really matter. This anime is specifically for the fans of the game, not anime viewers in general. It's the same with Arifureta. MAL rate Arifureta poorly but when it's announced getting season 2,MAL has a meltdown.

The difference between Arifureta and Azur Lane is down to quality of art and direction. Don't get me wrong: Arifureta is a classic harem power fantasy with at times cringe-worthy writing, but the character relationship dynamics and semblance of action give it at least some sort of momentum, both in the anime and the light novels. For all that it does wrong, it does enough right that it can keep on plodding on.

This is not the case with Azur Lane, and no amount of continuous fanservice historical or sexual can cover for the yawning abyss that is the lack of overarching narrative, meaningful world building, meaningful characterization, and downright incompetence in both art quality control and direction.

Nope. Disagree on KanColle having better better characterization on ships, actual personality. The abyss in KanColle got no personality at all, just mindless monster. The enemy are just pure evil monster and that's it. With Azur Lane, the villains(Sakura Empire and Ironblood) have actual personality and motivation than just mindless monster. The character design of KanColle also inferior than Azur Lane. KanColle character design are plain and characters always in school uniform or kimono.

That's not what I mean. It really doesn't matter what you think of the quality between Arifureta and Azur Lane because as long as reception of Azur Lane is good in Japan, then it's all good. There are plenty of anime MAL think is better than Arifureta but did not receive second season. In other words, it's all boils down to sales of bluray/dvd, streaming etc. As long as Azur Lane does good in this area,no matter how bad the rating/review it receives in MAL, they are all irrelevant. We have to wait and see the profit it earn. KanColle doesn't have good rating in MAL too but with over 19k bluray/dvd sales, it makes MAL rating and review totally irrelevant. That is why Arifureta receive season 2 despite poor rating in MAL, hence what I mean when I said MAL rating/review is irrelevant.
Papa_ScorchOct 26, 2019 6:52 PM
It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.
Oct 26, 2019 6:39 PM

Oct 2017
I'm not too much into fanservice and can't say that the story so far have been outstanding.

I don't see myself giving it a high score but I don't hate it because I already expected this to be more like a promotion of the game than anything.

Basically just watching it to see cute things.

Oct 26, 2019 7:04 PM

Feb 2009
Whopping said:
Just because something is fun doesn't mean I'm going to rate it highly. While I don't hate the show, I feel like it lacks substance. Its one of those anime where I get the feeling I could be spending my time watching something more worthwhile. Nonetheless I enjoy anime with a navel theme and I'm not one to drop shows once I start them, so I'm going to continue watching it.

Of course, obviously. But c'mon, 1 or 2 are reserved to shows that insult the audience directly. And 10s, 9s and 8s are to animes that actually contribute to the industry and pop-culture in some way. This is a solid 6, if this get dumber, it will go down to 5, and if it has some kind of good development, maybe a 7, because there is no 6.5.

I know this community is salty, edgy and cringy. I've been here for more than 10 years, and back in the good old days, scores meant something to orientate the audience to watch or not a show. But it seems that there is a crusade against fun but dumb things, even if they are harmless. And this crusade is lead by a bunch of kids without enough pubic hair and obviously without enough exposure to this media like a veteran like me, to decide what a solid 1 or solid 10 is, with just 3 episodes. Maybe I'm wrong, and they are a group of almighty seers that already watched the entire show befre its airng, because is not normal to be this bitter being so young. Leave this bitterness to us who are above 30 yo.

Lel0uchZer0 said:
monolith said:
This franchise grasp my attention a few weeks ago, so I started playing the mobile game to undesrstand the anime, and both (game and anime) end up to be surprisingly fun.

Pay attention, I said fun, not brilliant, not a masterpiece, nor a life-changing experience, just plain and old fun. Like Pacific Rim or John Wick kind of action-oriented-not-plot-driven fun. Obviously, if you are familiar with the game, you will get and enjoy the fanservice (and there is a ton of it), but if you watch it even without knowing anything, it's an ok-ish shounen-esque action anime, that doesn't insult the audience, and after episode 4, it actually got pretty interesting.

So, I want to know... Why so much hate? I'm pretty sure this doesn't deserve a this low score (nor a high score either like 9 or 10). Are Kancolle fans too salty? Or people are just taking too serious a bunch of cartoon ship waifus? This is definitly harmless, and people that don't plan to play the game actually could enjoy it.

It's just boring
I cannot watch an episode without doing something else cause there's nothing for me

That's actually a pretty good reason. But 1 or 2 is reserved for shows that are painful to watch. Shos that actually are insulting the audience in some way.

Yuri-Crusader said:
I think its because the army of shonen fanboys. That down voting every anime that have a majority of females in them .And Especially if its a Yuri.. Because well lets face the truth here,, Lesbians are still scary for many people,That is just sad,, But i dont trust MAL points because of this

I've been palying the mobile game for 3 weeks and I didn't got any lesbian themes. Also I've watched the 4 episodes, and also there is no a lesbian theme. It's actually a battle shounen for the most part, wiith a ton of waifus to choose. So I think this is nbot the reason.

I'm not fond of lesbian themes in anime, unless the plot is thick and serious, and I tend to stay away of the "cute girls doing cute things" genre, and this is not the case.

Gorochu said:
Myanimelist rating never matter. It's the reception in Japan that really matter. This anime is specifically for the fans of the game, not anime viewers in general. It's the same with Arifureta. MAL rate Arifureta poorly but when it's announced getting season 2,MAL has a meltdown.

I'm actually a fan of Arifureta LN, not because is good, but because it was so bad and edgy on porpuse that is actually enjoyable. A guilty pleasure with out a doubt. But the adaptation was actually an insult to tha fans. It was lightened like if it had to pass through Disney standars. I got pretty up set after episode 6.

In the opposite case, even if I stated playing the mobile game less than a month ago, I can grasp most of the winks and fanservice here. And the AL community is pretty big outside Japan, and with streaming, animes are becoming a more global product, like in the days of just DVDs.

firemagnet said:
monolith said:

So, I want to know... Why so much hate? I'm pretty sure this doesn't deserve a this low score (nor a high score either like 9 or 10).

Several reasons:

1. Shoddy animation with bad quality control and visible variations within episodes, most prominently this latest one

2.Until this latest episode, there was no plot or narrative at all; just an attempt to stuff in as many characters as they could before letting them fight.

3. Bad direction, meaning that the anime does not meaningfully build upon the characters and mechanics introduced in the game. For an example of this done well in the same genre, see Kantai Collection the Animation or Rage of Bahamut, both based on mobile games.

Are Kancolle fans too salty?

As a Kancolle fan who also plays Azur Lane, f**k no. I just expected better from Azur Lane the animation, hoping that it would at least exceed the standard set by Kancolle's anime. Instead, what we got was trash that was apparently made by someone who thought all the things that Kancolle did wrong were in fact things done right.

That aside, Kancolle's characterization of ships, in actual personality, mechanical art quality, and incorporation of history are almost uniformly head-and-shoulders above their Azur Lane equivalents. The few exceptions to this are Prinz Eugen, Bismarck, Takao, Atago, Zara, Ark Royal, Colorado, Lexington, and Graf Zeppelin, where the characters of AL merely stand equal based on different personality aesthetics.

Or people are just taking too serious a bunch of cartoon ship waifus? This is definitly harmless, and people that don't plan to play the game actually could enjoy it.

No. There's a difference between taking something seriously and being able to overlook serious flaws or actual incompetence in professional anime narrative and art direction. This is a case of the latter.

Gorochu said:
Myanimelist rating never matter. It's the reception in Japan that really matter. This anime is specifically for the fans of the game, not anime viewers in general. It's the same with Arifureta. MAL rate Arifureta poorly but when it's announced getting season 2,MAL has a meltdown.

The difference between Arifureta and Azur Lane is down to quality of art and direction. Don't get me wrong: Arifureta is a classic harem power fantasy with at times cringe-worthy writing, but the character relationship dynamics and semblance of action give it at least some sort of momentum, both in the anime and the light novels. For all that it does wrong, it does enough right that it can keep on plodding on.

This is not the case with Azur Lane, and no amount of continuous fanservice historical or sexual can cover for the yawning abyss that is the lack of overarching narrative, meaningful world building, meaningful characterization, and downright incompetence in both art quality control and direction.

Man, you need to watch a looooot of bad anime to actually get what bottom of the abyss really look like. I don't even add those animes to my list anymore. I used to give 2s or 3s back in the old days, not anymore.

I agree with most of what you said. This is definilty a flawed anime, (though KanColle was far more boring to this point, even if I liked tha fanservice). My point is that this (and a ton of other animes) don't deserve a 1 or 2. People should not cheapen their hate with this ease.

MAL used to be a good place to actually decide with confidence what to watch and what to avoid. Now is a hideout of cingy edglords, and unregistred anime snobists. That's all.

(And Arifureta was a solid 3 or 2. I'm saying it as a LN fan. They butchered the source with ill intent apparently)

Heimur said:
I'm not too much into fanservice and can't say that the story so far have been outstanding.

I don't see myself giving it a high score but I don't hate it because I already expected this to be more like a promotion of the game than anything.

Basically just watching it to see cute things.

EXACTLY. Overreacting to this kind of harmless things actually discredit evreyone when a real insult to the audience is aired. MAL use to be a good way to know what was worth your time and what not. I miss 2009. Those where the good old times here.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
MrZawaNov 17, 2019 3:15 AM
Oct 26, 2019 8:10 PM

May 2018
monolith said:
Gorochu said:
Myanimelist rating never matter. It's the reception in Japan that really matter. This anime is specifically for the fans of the game, not anime viewers in general. It's the same with Arifureta. MAL rate Arifureta poorly but when it's announced getting season 2,MAL has a meltdown.

I'm actually a fan of Arifureta LN, not because is good, but because it was so bad and edgy on porpuse that is actually enjoyable. A guilty pleasure with out a doubt. But the adaptation was actually an insult to tha fans. It was lightened like if it had to pass through Disney standars. I got pretty up set after episode 6.

In the opposite case, even if I stated playing the mobile game less than a month ago, I can grasp most of the winks and fanservice here. And the AL community is pretty big outside Japan, and with streaming, animes are becoming a more global product, like in the days of just DVDs.

Azur Lane actually has more players in KanColle and I read it somewhere that Azur Lane has more players in Japan than China itself.
It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.
Oct 26, 2019 8:45 PM
Jul 2014
Gorochu said:

Nope. Disagree on KanColle having better better characterization on ships, actual personality. The abyss in KanColle got no personality at all, just mindless monster. The enemy are just pure evil monster and that's it. With Azur Lane, the villains(Sakura Empire and Ironblood) have actual personality and motivation than just mindless monster. The character design of KanColle also inferior than Azur Lane. KanColle character design are plain and characters always in school uniform or kimono.

I disagree vehemently with the insinuation that Azur Lane's characters are better than Kancolle's for the ships which both of the games share, and here's why.

While the characters may seem plain, Kancolle's artwork is roughly uniform within ship and between classes; destroyers are almost all dressed in a uniform which closely resembles the naval uniform of the nation they hail from. Cruisers have uniforms styled after the purpose of each class or a particular ship's accomplishment; for instance, the Sendai class all look like ninjas because IJN Sendai fought most of her surface actions at night. Battleships are all modeled after Miko or warriors, while carriers are, at least for the IJN, either spirit summoners or archers. Each of the characters has common elements which define the class while also having unique elements directly based on the individual history of the ship itself.

For instance, Shigure and Yuudachi in Kantai Collection both have "wolf ear" shapes within their hair because of the interpretation of their being "loyal hounds" either due to their service record or ferocity in combat.

Yuudachi herself has the verbal tic of "poi" precisely because of the unclear accounts of her final battle during the second naval battle of Guadalcanal; her art and voice lines have and mention a sail respectively, a direct reference to when her captain ordered hammocks rigged to the mast after her propulsion was knocked out.

There are dozens more characters like this, each designed with vastly more care and consideration than seems to have gone into the design of Azur Lane's equivalents, which are largely based around the mythos or outstanding cultural traits of each nation in question, and have little if any commonality within classes.

Let's just take Zuikaku as one more example. In Kancolle, Zuikaku's persona and voice lines reflect the history of the actual ship better, referencing a tactic used during the battle of the Mariana Islands, otherwise known as the "great turkey shoot." By contrast, Zuikaku in Azur Lane is characterized as a Ronin, and in the anime fights with a sword at close range, which denies the purpose both of her class and negates the history of the actual ship. More is not better, where Azur Lane is concerned.

Because it takes care to better incorporate the history of the ships themselves, and because of how the gameplay functions, Kantai Collection doesn't need an enemy with a face. Even though allusions are made to the "abyssals" being the allied forces, Kantai Collection is fundamentally a collection and strategy game rather than an action game. Hence, the focus is on how the player interacts with and uses their ships, while still allowing the incorporation of further characters outside of the originally intended Imperial Japanese Navy. If we need another example of this, we can reference Girls Front Line, which is essentially Kancolle but with firearms and quality of life improvements. In that game, too, the enemy is faceless save for a few boss characters, but the game is still very popular.

As a result, and because of the way the characters are more faithful to the history of the ship with more voice lines and more definition, Kantai Collection the anime had a better opportunity to build off of the source material and its game mechanics, all of which are faithfully rendered in the animation. This includes the consequences of failure and death. Here, the lack of an enemy which needs definition allows better focus on world-building, fanservice of the proper historical sort, and showing how the characters grow as individuals.

Since Azur Lane the game lacks this focus and clarity of character design, is much more shallow in terms of mechanics, and also relies increasingly upon sexual fanservice (see: Taiho, Illustrious et al), it's much more difficult to build a concrete and believable world from. And, to be honest, the director and producer only really started trying with this episode.

Overall, Azur Lane is the better pickup and play game for overall time spent. Yet in terms of characterization, faithfulness to the history of the ship and its service, articulation of personality, and mechanical art fidelity, Kantai Collection simply blows Azur Lane straight out of the water almost every single time, and that's what I believe ultimately matters.

That's not what I mean. It really doesn't matter what you think of the quality between Arifureta and Azur Lane because as long as reception of Azur Lane is good in Japan, then it's all good. There are plenty of anime MAL think is better than Arifureta but did not receive second season. In other words, it's all boils down to sales of bluray/dvd, streaming etc. As long as Azur Lane does good in this area,no matter how bad the rating/review it receives in MAL, they are all irrelevant. We have to wait and see the profit it earn. KanColle doesn't have good rating in MAL too but with over 19k bluray/dvd sales, it makes MAL rating and review totally irrelevant. That is why Arifureta receive season 2 despite poor rating in MAL, hence what I mean when I said MAL rating/review is irrelevant.

That may well be, but you're missing the point. @monolith is polling the audience here and on reddit, namely the global audience, as to why the show seems to be poorly received with western audiences. The question of how well the show does in Japan is functionally irrelevant to what's actually being asked.
firemagnetOct 26, 2019 8:50 PM
Oct 26, 2019 9:10 PM
Jul 2014
monolith said:

Man, you need to watch a looooot of bad anime to actually get what bottom of the abyss really look like. I don't even add those animes to my list anymore. I used to give 2s or 3s back in the old days, not anymore.

I don't list the bad anime that I watch, mostly because I avoid them like the plague. Recent examples which come to mind are Symphogear and Frame Arms Girl.

I agree with most of what you said. This is definilty a flawed anime, (though KanColle was far more boring to this point, even if I liked tha fanservice). My point is that this (and a ton of other animes) don't deserve a 1 or 2. People should not cheapen their hate with this ease.

I'm not going to give a full review for Azur Lane until its over. This latest episode showed promise, vast shifts in art quality aside. And at least the voice acting is decent, unlike the English Dub. I cannot stand the fake attempts at a high-british received pronunciation accent that the english VAs use for the RN characters. As someone who spent my childhood in England, specifically in the metropolitan London area, I know what the accent sounds like, and funimation's attempts to emulate it rather than hire actual British VAs are so cringe-worthy that's actually insulting.

As for Kancolle the Animation, I have to say that Kancolle the Animation has (so far) done a better job with its characters and world building. The lack of an actual story in the game gives the anime much more room to grow, and the slice-of-life focus with some light focus on combat gives more attention to the characters and how they interact with each other. That's not boring, it's just better pacing.

MAL used to be a good place to actually decide with confidence what to watch and what to avoid. Now is a hideout of cingy edglords, and unregistred anime snobists. That's all.

(And Arifureta was a solid 3 or 2. I'm saying it as a LN fan. They butchered the source with ill intent apparently)

I don't even use this forum to decide what to watch. I just look at what's available on anichart. I come here to discuss the shows I enjoy with other people who enjoy them.

As for Arifureta...... I'm of mixed feelings. I watched the anime first, wondering what all the noise was about, and then began reading the light novels (I'm currently on volume 4, roughly where the anime ends).

I can't say I'm terribly impressed with Arifureta in either format, since in both cases it comes off as a budget Sword Art Online with an edgelord tsundere male hero who absolutely cannot get over himself, and the writing leaves much to be desired. Despite this, the novels in particular have their own momentum, and this leaves me with the feeling that Arifureta is the "twilight" or "50 shades of gray" of Isekai light novels.
Oct 26, 2019 9:20 PM

Jan 2009
no hate for me i just scored it 5/10 simply because its a guilty pleasure with all the waifus but no actual good story
Oct 26, 2019 10:09 PM

May 2018
firemagnet said:
Gorochu said:

Nope. Disagree on KanColle having better better characterization on ships, actual personality. The abyss in KanColle got no personality at all, just mindless monster. The enemy are just pure evil monster and that's it. With Azur Lane, the villains(Sakura Empire and Ironblood) have actual personality and motivation than just mindless monster. The character design of KanColle also inferior than Azur Lane. KanColle character design are plain and characters always in school uniform or kimono.

I disagree vehemently with the insinuation that Azur Lane's characters are better than Kancolle's for the ships which both of the games share, and here's why.

While the characters may seem plain, Kancolle's artwork is roughly uniform within ship and between classes; destroyers are almost all dressed in a uniform which closely resembles the naval uniform of the nation they hail from. Cruisers have uniforms styled after the purpose of each class or a particular ship's accomplishment; for instance, the Sendai class all look like ninjas because IJN Sendai fought most of her surface actions at night. Battleships are all modeled after Miko or warriors, while carriers are, at least for the IJN, either spirit summoners or archers. Each of the characters has common elements which define the class while also having unique elements directly based on the individual history of the ship itself.

For instance, Shigure and Yuudachi in Kantai Collection both have "wolf ear" shapes within their hair because of the interpretation of their being "loyal hounds" either due to their service record or ferocity in combat.

Yuudachi herself has the verbal tic of "poi" precisely because of the unclear accounts of her final battle during the second naval battle of Guadalcanal; her art and voice lines have and mention a sail respectively, a direct reference to when her captain ordered hammocks rigged to the mast after her propulsion was knocked out.

There are dozens more characters like this, each designed with vastly more care and consideration than seems to have gone into the design of Azur Lane's equivalents, which are largely based around the mythos or outstanding cultural traits of each nation in question, and have little if any commonality within classes.

Let's just take Zuikaku as one more example. In Kancolle, Zuikaku's persona and voice lines reflect the history of the actual ship better, referencing a tactic used during the battle of the Mariana Islands, otherwise known as the "great turkey shoot." By contrast, Zuikaku in Azur Lane is characterized as a Ronin, and in the anime fights with a sword at close range, which denies the purpose both of her class and negates the history of the actual ship. More is not better, where Azur Lane is concerned.

Because it takes care to better incorporate the history of the ships themselves, and because of how the gameplay functions, Kantai Collection doesn't need an enemy with a face. Even though allusions are made to the "abyssals" being the allied forces, Kantai Collection is fundamentally a collection and strategy game rather than an action game. Hence, the focus is on how the player interacts with and uses their ships, while still allowing the incorporation of further characters outside of the originally intended Imperial Japanese Navy. If we need another example of this, we can reference Girls Front Line, which is essentially Kancolle but with firearms and quality of life improvements. In that game, too, the enemy is faceless save for a few boss characters, but the game is still very popular.

As a result, and because of the way the characters are more faithful to the history of the ship with more voice lines and more definition, Kantai Collection the anime had a better opportunity to build off of the source material and its game mechanics, all of which are faithfully rendered in the animation. This includes the consequences of failure and death. Here, the lack of an enemy which needs definition allows better focus on world-building, fanservice of the proper historical sort, and showing how the characters grow as individuals.

Since Azur Lane the game lacks this focus and clarity of character design, is much more shallow in terms of mechanics, and also relies increasingly upon sexual fanservice (see: Taiho, Illustrious et al), it's much more difficult to build a concrete and believable world from. And, to be honest, the director and producer only really started trying with this episode.

Overall, Azur Lane is the better pickup and play game for overall time spent. Yet in terms of characterization, faithfulness to the history of the ship and its service, articulation of personality, and mechanical art fidelity, Kantai Collection simply blows Azur Lane straight out of the water almost every single time, and that's what I believe ultimately matters.

That's not what I mean. It really doesn't matter what you think of the quality between Arifureta and Azur Lane because as long as reception of Azur Lane is good in Japan, then it's all good. There are plenty of anime MAL think is better than Arifureta but did not receive second season. In other words, it's all boils down to sales of bluray/dvd, streaming etc. As long as Azur Lane does good in this area,no matter how bad the rating/review it receives in MAL, they are all irrelevant. We have to wait and see the profit it earn. KanColle doesn't have good rating in MAL too but with over 19k bluray/dvd sales, it makes MAL rating and review totally irrelevant. That is why Arifureta receive season 2 despite poor rating in MAL, hence what I mean when I said MAL rating/review is irrelevant.

That may well be, but you're missing the point. @monolith is polling the audience here and on reddit, namely the global audience, as to why the show seems to be poorly received with western audiences. The question of how well the show does in Japan is functionally irrelevant to what's actually being asked.

On what basis that KanColle blow up Azur Lane? Base on your definition of quality which is subjective just like mine and everyone else? From what I seen on number of players AL earn more players in Japan than KanColle.

After only four months, there were more than five million Japanese players.

Kancolle started in 2013.
As of April 2015, there were 3 million players.[5]

2 years to earn 3 million players while AL need just 4 months.

While KanColle may be faithful to history in term of ship design, it's not when it comes to story line since in the anime, the Japanese ships won battle of Midway. Not so faithful overall. I don't see how ship design being faithful to history matter when KanColle is not being faithful to history in the first place by making Japanese ships won the Midway battle. Azur Lane character design has far more variety and better overall. KanColle character design are too plain. I don't think being faithful to history matter but if it does, why limit 'faithful to history' to just character design and not the plot. Seems cherry picking and huge bias double standard, giving credit to character design of KanColle while close one eye on other aspect when it's not being 'faithful to history'. I don't think being faithful to history matter, in the end it's all for entertainment purpose not educational so Azur Lane character design is better because there's more variety, more flashy instead of plain design of KanColle.

I never play Girl's Frontline so no comment on that but I have to disagree it doesn't need enemy with faces just because of it's gameplay and especially when it comes to anime, enemy with faces and personality matter so AL already has better writing than KanColle anime in term of story writing and character motivation. KanColle enemy is just mindless beast,that's all. No substance at all from the abyss, completely bland.
Papa_ScorchOct 27, 2019 3:21 AM
It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.
Oct 26, 2019 10:11 PM
Feb 2018
Fights?Yeah very fun. But the slice of life is making me sleep. I will watch until the fights turn out bad too.
Oct 26, 2019 10:31 PM

Oct 2009
firemagnet said:

Since Azur Lane the game lacks this focus and clarity of character design, is much more shallow in terms of mechanics, and also relies increasingly upon sexual fanservice (see: Taiho, Illustrious et al), it's much more difficult to build a concrete and believable world from. And, to be honest, the director and producer only really started trying with this episode.

Overall, Azur Lane is the better pickup and play game for overall time spent. Yet in terms of characterization, faithfulness to the history of the ship and its service, articulation of personality, and mechanical art fidelity, Kantai Collection simply blows Azur Lane straight out of the water almost every single time, and that's what I believe ultimately matters.

Nah. Kancolle is all about IJN fleets. AL does more justice to ships that in service in WW II.
Also "faithfulness to the history" seriously? Take this Warspite in game art for example:

HMS Warspite always had 4 x Twin-15 inch guns as her main firepower
"The Grand Old Lady" is her nickname derived from her captain Andrew Cunningham that remarked ~"When the old lady lifts her skirts she can run"

Guess which one is from Azur Lane and which one is Kancolle
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Oct 27, 2019 2:06 AM

Dec 2018
monolith said:
Yuri-Crusader said:
I think its because the army of shonen fanboys. That down voting every anime that have a majority of females in them .And Especially if its a Yuri.. Because well lets face the truth here,, Lesbians are still scary for many people,That is just sad,, But i dont trust MAL points because of this

I've been palying the mobile game for 3 weeks and I didn't got any lesbian themes. Also I've watched the 4 episodes, and also there is no a lesbian theme. It's actually a battle shounen for the most part, wiith a ton of waifus to choose. So I think this is nbot the reason.

I'm not fond of lesbian themes in anime, unless the plot is thick and serious, and I tend to stay away of the "cute girls doing cute things" genre, and this is not the case.

I couldn't find a single Yuri on your list, so you dont know what you are talking about. Yuri may not be the main theme in Azur Lane but its defiantly there .And Lesbians still upset people and that with only female cast are some of the reason why it have low points .Then Story also ofc, I mean I love all the Yuri =P But I have no clue on what is going on =P Its confusing ,, Some people dont like that

Yuri-CrusaderOct 27, 2019 2:16 AM
Oct 27, 2019 4:08 AM

May 2018
Well, it can be from:
- People that don't like this type of anime in general.
- People who don't like fanservice like revealing clothing, pantyshots, breasts and lolis.
- Kancolle fans where some of them feel threatened by the popularity of this series/game and tend to review bomb it.
Oct 27, 2019 12:15 PM
Jul 2014
azzuRe said:
firemagnet said:

Since Azur Lane the game lacks this focus and clarity of character design, is much more shallow in terms of mechanics, and also relies increasingly upon sexual fanservice (see: Taiho, Illustrious et al), it's much more difficult to build a concrete and believable world from. And, to be honest, the director and producer only really started trying with this episode.

Overall, Azur Lane is the better pickup and play game for overall time spent. Yet in terms of characterization, faithfulness to the history of the ship and its service, articulation of personality, and mechanical art fidelity, Kantai Collection simply blows Azur Lane straight out of the water almost every single time, and that's what I believe ultimately matters.

Nah. Kancolle is all about IJN fleets. AL does more justice to ships that in service in WW II.
Also "faithfulness to the history" seriously? Take this Warspite in game art for example:

HMS Warspite always had 4 x Twin-15 inch guns as her main firepower
"The Grand Old Lady" is her nickname derived from her captain Andrew Cunningham that remarked ~"When the old lady lifts her skirts she can run"

Guess which one is from Azur Lane and which one is Kancolle

That's one example, which is why I said almost every single time.

Warspite's voice lines in Kancolle reference her battle actions (night action against Pola, Zara, and the Italian Mediterranean fleet), as well as the fact that she was one of the ships in WWII to take a hit from a Fritz-X guided bomb. She likely wears a dress precisely because of her captain's quote.

The only actual error with Warspite's art in Kantai Collection is that it's missing the other two turrets on her rig; Not all of the art has all of the weapons that existed on the ship's hull, and this seems to be down to the preference of the artist. For instance, Tenryu doesn't have all of her four turrets in Kancolle; Naka doesn't have all of her turrets in Azur Lane, while she does in Kantai Collection, and so on.
Oct 27, 2019 1:29 PM

Feb 2009
firemagnet said:
monolith said:

Man, you need to watch a looooot of bad anime to actually get what bottom of the abyss really look like. I don't even add those animes to my list anymore. I used to give 2s or 3s back in the old days, not anymore.

I don't list the bad anime that I watch, mostly because I avoid them like the plague. Recent examples which come to mind are Symphogear and Frame Arms Girl.

I agree with most of what you said. This is definilty a flawed anime, (though KanColle was far more boring to this point, even if I liked tha fanservice). My point is that this (and a ton of other animes) don't deserve a 1 or 2. People should not cheapen their hate with this ease.

I'm not going to give a full review for Azur Lane until its over. This latest episode showed promise, vast shifts in art quality aside. And at least the voice acting is decent, unlike the English Dub. I cannot stand the fake attempts at a high-british received pronunciation accent that the english VAs use for the RN characters. As someone who spent my childhood in England, specifically in the metropolitan London area, I know what the accent sounds like, and funimation's attempts to emulate it rather than hire actual British VAs are so cringe-worthy that's actually insulting.

As for Kancolle the Animation, I have to say that Kancolle the Animation has (so far) done a better job with its characters and world building. The lack of an actual story in the game gives the anime much more room to grow, and the slice-of-life focus with some light focus on combat gives more attention to the characters and how they interact with each other. That's not boring, it's just better pacing.

MAL used to be a good place to actually decide with confidence what to watch and what to avoid. Now is a hideout of cingy edglords, and unregistred anime snobists. That's all.

(And Arifureta was a solid 3 or 2. I'm saying it as a LN fan. They butchered the source with ill intent apparently)

I don't even use this forum to decide what to watch. I just look at what's available on anichart. I come here to discuss the shows I enjoy with other people who enjoy them.

As for Arifureta...... I'm of mixed feelings. I watched the anime first, wondering what all the noise was about, and then began reading the light novels (I'm currently on volume 4, roughly where the anime ends).

I can't say I'm terribly impressed with Arifureta in either format, since in both cases it comes off as a budget Sword Art Online with an edgelord tsundere male hero who absolutely cannot get over himself, and the writing leaves much to be desired. Despite this, the novels in particular have their own momentum, and this leaves me with the feeling that Arifureta is the "twilight" or "50 shades of gray" of Isekai light novels.

LOL, that last sentence about Arifureta is a pretty good description of it. Yeah, is bad, but the kind of bad that is good, no the bad that is painful.

In other matters, yes, this deserve (like most anime) a score just after the ending. But people tend to be seers, and give scores based in 20 minutes of a 4 houres show. I kind say that 10 years ago, a score in MAL was a good source to acknowledge the flaws or merits of a work in this media. Now kids of Gen-Z tend to overreact and get offended by the tiniest things in this world. So every socre (good or bad) is unreliable.

Lel0uchZer0 said:
monolith said:

That's actually a pretty good reason. But 1 or 2 is reserved for shows that are painful to watch. Shos that actually are insulting the audience in some way.

I never gave it a 1 or 2
I gave it a 7 for now but probably will give it a 6 by the end
The anime is ok but not for me. It's not a bad anime at all

Yeah, I'm aware of that, just saying that, just like you said, this is a show to watch while wondering about something else. I just say that other people (here and in other animes) tend to overreact, and cheapen their 1s and 2s with ease.

Yuri-Crusader said:
monolith said:

I've been palying the mobile game for 3 weeks and I didn't got any lesbian themes. Also I've watched the 4 episodes, and also there is no a lesbian theme. It's actually a battle shounen for the most part, wiith a ton of waifus to choose. So I think this is nbot the reason.

I'm not fond of lesbian themes in anime, unless the plot is thick and serious, and I tend to stay away of the "cute girls doing cute things" genre, and this is not the case.

I couldn't find a single Yuri on your list, so you dont know what you are talking about. Yuri may not be the main theme in Azur Lane but its defiantly there .And Lesbians still upset people and that with only female cast are some of the reason why it have low points .Then Story also ofc, I mean I love all the Yuri =P But I have no clue on what is going on =P Its confusing ,, Some people dont like that

Dont trust in my list. It's a mess. Long time ago it overwhelmed me, and I lost track of many things I watched, and of course I hardly added things that actually watched before I made my profile. I just use it to keep track of things that I wish to watch. And many thing in my Plant to watch, I actually watched them a long time ago, but I'm too lazy and too busy to update it.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
MrZawaNov 17, 2019 3:17 AM
Oct 27, 2019 2:16 PM
Jul 2014
Gorochu said:

On what basis that KanColle blow up Azur Lane? Base on your definition of quality which is subjective just like mine and everyone else? From what I seen on number of players AL earn more players in Japan than KanColle.

Attention to the ship's history, better art overall, particularly when it comes to the IJN (though this is mostly creator provincialism).

As far as I'm aware, Azur Lane briefly had more players than Kantai Collection in Japan, though that's not saying much; Azur Lane is a more modern game, better tuned to modern mobile game aesthetics and mobile game gacha strategies.

After only four months, there were more than five million Japanese players.

Kancolle started in 2013.
As of April 2015, there were 3 million players.[5]

2 years to earn 3 million players while AL need just 4 months.

There are no accurate statistics by which one can compare overall server populations at this moment in time, but if we look at google trends, Kantai Collection remains vastly more popular in Japan than Azur Lane does. This is in spite of Tanaka (game creator) and C2 (game studio) patently refusing to implement much needed quality-of-life fixes and improvments at almost any point in the last five years.

While KanColle may be faithful to history in term of ship design, it's not when it comes to story line since in the anime, the Japanese ships won battle of Midway. Not so faithful overall. I don't see how ship design being faithful to history matter when KanColle is not being faithful to history in the first place by making Japanese ships won the Midway battle.

You'll note that I said the history of the ships themselves, not actual history. Kancolle, the game and the anime, are completely irreverent in terms of the actual history of the war, save that the game allows players to participate in events based on IJN and/or Axis maritime operations.

Azur Lane character design has far more variety and better overall.

More variety doesn't automatically equal better. As we can see with the anime, the sheer amount of characters has made things worse. I'm going to dispute better overall, since if we're imply better overall, it's how well the appearance of the character reflects the history or features of this ship, and its actual role in combat. If we work along those lines, Kantai Collection is almost always better when it comes to ships that the two games share, though there are notable exceptions, particularly when it comes to British and U.S. ships; With the exception of USS Saratoga, Azur Lane's art is almost always better. In terms of animation comparison, there really isn't one to be made: Kancolle the Animation simulates actual naval combat, and puts ships in their actual roles; Azur Lane thinks that its ships are servants from Fate / Stay Night. Zuikaku, fighting at close range, with a Katana. SMH.

KanColle character design are too plain.

If they're plain, it's because the uniforms that actual sailors wore were relatively plain.

I don't think being faithful to history matter but if it does, why limit 'faithful to history' to just character design and not the plot.

If we look at what happened to the IJN, I'm not sure that Kancolle the Animation being entirely faithful to history would have been very fun for the fans, though the anime does remain faithful to history in some ways; in the anime, Kisaragi is part of the force sent to attack "W Island" (Wake Island, of course). There, she's sunk by an abyssal fighter in exactly the same manner that she was sunk by the fighters of VMF-211, taking a bomb hit against her depth charges and exploding. There's more tidbits like that in the anime as well, some more obvious than not.

Seems cherry picking and huge bias double standard, giving credit to character design of KanColle while close one eye on other aspect when it's not being 'faithful to history'.

That's because Kantai Collection the game isn't faithful to the history of the second world war at all, but then it doesn't need to be. Nor, for that matter, is Azur Lane truly faithful either, so it's not a good comparison to make.

I never play Girl's Frontline so no comment on that but I have to disagree it doesn't need enemy with faces just because of it's gameplay and especially when it comes to anime, enemy with faces and personality matter so AL already has better writing than KanColle anime in term of story writing and character motivation. KanColle enemy is just mindless beast,that's all. No substance at all from the abyss, completely bland.

I'm going to disagree with this for a particular reason, and it's because it depends on the tone of the story you want to tell. Kantai Collection the animation focuses almost exclusively upon building out the characters and building out the world through how the characters interact with each other. More than anything else, it's Fubuki's story and journey, but this provides an able platform for introducing other familiar characters and fleshing them out. It's a portrait of the lives of the ship girls, mixed with a very loose view of the second world war in the pacific as seen from a Japanese perspective.

Azur Lane's take seems to be a portrait of war itself, hence the need to focus comparatively less time on more characters, including fleshing out basic motivations....which it really only started doing with this fourth episode. Had this been done earlier and with more fidelity, I might be more amenable to any claim that Azur Lane is somehow a better anime, but because Azur Lane has been too busy packing characters into fights and packing in fanservice, we haven't gotten to see how the characters act under most non-combat circumstances, or when they think no-one's looking.
Oct 27, 2019 3:00 PM

Jul 2017
Eh, I don't even find it that fun tbh, pretty boring so far. I don't even mind the whatever fanservice and stuff like that, the cast sans a few are pretty boring to watch (which is not just limited to this show, most CGDCT shows are similar), animation during the fight scenes is ok I guess

Chara designs are stunning though
Oct 27, 2019 5:50 PM
Oct 2019
Just saying:
This Anime is actually the advertisement for the game, if people love it they will eventually play the game, and if people dislike it, obviously they will disgust it and giving a bad review, I've played this game since 2017 before the global launch, and this Anime pretty much giving me a lot of smile because I know almost every character appear in it, I like this Anime, I'm glad they've made the game into a series

To people who hate this Anime, I feel you, cause I've watched Kancolle, and I don't enjoyed it very much, because I don't touch the game a single inch, and I don't blame the author of the Anime, it's just me who don't like it.

And remember, the rating is just a number
This Anime actual quality isn't depend on the rating.
Oct 27, 2019 6:47 PM

May 2018
firemagnet said:
Gorochu said:

On what basis that KanColle blow up Azur Lane? Base on your definition of quality which is subjective just like mine and everyone else? From what I seen on number of players AL earn more players in Japan than KanColle.

Attention to the ship's history, better art overall, particularly when it comes to the IJN (though this is mostly creator provincialism).

As far as I'm aware, Azur Lane briefly had more players than Kantai Collection in Japan, though that's not saying much; Azur Lane is a more modern game, better tuned to modern mobile game aesthetics and mobile game gacha strategies.

After only four months, there were more than five million Japanese players.

Kancolle started in 2013.
As of April 2015, there were 3 million players.[5]

2 years to earn 3 million players while AL need just 4 months.

There are no accurate statistics by which one can compare overall server populations at this moment in time, but if we look at google trends, Kantai Collection remains vastly more popular in Japan than Azur Lane does. This is in spite of Tanaka (game creator) and C2 (game studio) patently refusing to implement much needed quality-of-life fixes and improvments at almost any point in the last five years.

While KanColle may be faithful to history in term of ship design, it's not when it comes to story line since in the anime, the Japanese ships won battle of Midway. Not so faithful overall. I don't see how ship design being faithful to history matter when KanColle is not being faithful to history in the first place by making Japanese ships won the Midway battle.

You'll note that I said the history of the ships themselves, not actual history. Kancolle, the game and the anime, are completely irreverent in terms of the actual history of the war, save that the game allows players to participate in events based on IJN and/or Axis maritime operations.

Azur Lane character design has far more variety and better overall.

More variety doesn't automatically equal better. As we can see with the anime, the sheer amount of characters has made things worse. I'm going to dispute better overall, since if we're imply better overall, it's how well the appearance of the character reflects the history or features of this ship, and its actual role in combat. If we work along those lines, Kantai Collection is almost always better when it comes to ships that the two games share, though there are notable exceptions, particularly when it comes to British and U.S. ships; With the exception of USS Saratoga, Azur Lane's art is almost always better. In terms of animation comparison, there really isn't one to be made: Kancolle the Animation simulates actual naval combat, and puts ships in their actual roles; Azur Lane thinks that its ships are servants from Fate / Stay Night. Zuikaku, fighting at close range, with a Katana. SMH.

KanColle character design are too plain.

If they're plain, it's because the uniforms that actual sailors wore were relatively plain.

I don't think being faithful to history matter but if it does, why limit 'faithful to history' to just character design and not the plot.

If we look at what happened to the IJN, I'm not sure that Kancolle the Animation being entirely faithful to history would have been very fun for the fans, though the anime does remain faithful to history in some ways; in the anime, Kisaragi is part of the force sent to attack "W Island" (Wake Island, of course). There, she's sunk by an abyssal fighter in exactly the same manner that she was sunk by the fighters of VMF-211, taking a bomb hit against her depth charges and exploding. There's more tidbits like that in the anime as well, some more obvious than not.

Seems cherry picking and huge bias double standard, giving credit to character design of KanColle while close one eye on other aspect when it's not being 'faithful to history'.

Google trend does not translate to success of the franchise or the actual number of players(nor does doujin). Interest does not mean more people playing it. There are lots of people interested in Trump, doesn't mean he is popular or people like him. So far I haven't seen a single evidence that prove KanColle has more players than Azur Lane. It's Azur Lane kicking KanColle everytime. Besides, KanColle has been around longer than Azur Lane, has a complete anime adaptations and movie so it's given there will be more search interest on KanColle. Azur Lane is still relatively young compare to KanColle.

That's because Kantai Collection the game isn't faithful to the history of the second world war at all, but then it doesn't need to be. Nor, for that matter, is Azur Lane truly faithful either, so it's not a good comparison to make.

Then why is it it's completely irrelevant when it comes to actual history but it become relevant when it comes to actual ship design? It's either both relevant or both irrelevant otherwise it just bias double standard or cherry picking.

More variety doesn't automatically equal better. As we can see with the anime, the sheer amount of characters has made things worse. I'm going to dispute better overall, since if we're imply better overall, it's how well the appearance of the character reflects the history or features of this ship, and its actual role in combat. If we work along those lines, Kantai Collection is almost always better when it comes to ships that the two games share, though there are notable exceptions, particularly when it comes to British and U.S. ships; With the exception of USS Saratoga, Azur Lane's art is almost always better. In terms of animation comparison, there really isn't one to be made: Kancolle the Animation simulates actual naval combat, and puts ships in their actual roles; Azur Lane thinks that its ships are servants from Fate / Stay Night. Zuikaku, fighting at close range, with a Katana. SMH.

I'm talking about variety in term of design, not the sheer amount of characters. KanColle too has sheer amount of characters too, plus the sheer amount of characters in Azur Lane only happen in the beginning episode. It just the fourth episode. So again with the actual vs not actual bias? Neither really stimulate actual naval combat but again if you are obsess with actual thing, you should have criticize KanColle rewriting history with the victory at the battle of Midway. In Azur Lane game, allies actually won the battle of Midway so if being 'faithful to history' matter, then Azur Lane still more faithful than KanColle. It just bias double standard to give credit to KanColle for follow actual history when it comes to ship design,actual naval battle but completely close one eye and said 'it's completely irrelevant' when it comes to white wash Battle of Midway. In that case, I can also said despite no following actual history ship design and naval battle, for Azur Lane 'it's completely irrelevant' and thus not a good comparison.

That's because Kantai Collection the game isn't faithful to the history of the second world war at all, but then it doesn't need to be. Nor, for that matter, is Azur Lane truly faithful either, so it's not a good comparison to make.

Sigh,this is the problem/flaw with your argument. I can also recycle the same argument to defend Azur Lane.

That's because "Azur Lane character design" isn't faithful to the history of the "ship design" at all, but then it doesn't need to be.

Me: KanColle does not follow historical accuracy such as Battle of Midway, thus Azur Lane won in this department.
You: KanColle doesn't need it to be because it's irrelevant.

You: KanColle has better character design than Azur Lane because it's faithful to history.
Me: Azur Lane doesn't need it to be because it's irrelevant.

It just cherry picking and close one eye from your side. Personally,I don't think historical accuracy matter because in the end, they are both anime for entertainment, not actual history although making IJN won battle of Midway in KanColle does left bad after taste to me since I'm someone critical on Japan white washing their history like Nanjing Massacre and comfort women.

I'm going to disagree with this for a particular reason, and it's because it depends on the tone of the story you want to tell. Kantai Collection the animation focuses almost exclusively upon building out the characters and building out the world through how the characters interact with each other. More than anything else, it's Fubuki's story and journey, but this provides an able platform for introducing other familiar characters and fleshing them out. It's a portrait of the lives of the ship girls, mixed with a very loose view of the second world war in the pacific as seen from a Japanese perspective.

Azur Lane's take seems to be a portrait of war itself, hence the need to focus comparatively less time on more characters, including fleshing out basic motivations....which it really only started doing with this fourth episode. Had this been done earlier and with more fidelity, I might be more amenable to any claim that Azur Lane is somehow a better anime, but because Azur Lane has been too busy packing characters into fights and packing in fanservice, we haven't gotten to see how the characters act under most non-combat circumstances, or when they think no-one's looking.

If it depends on the 'tone of the story', then trust me no anime will ever escape criticism because it's all about the director/author intention. In fact, you can't use "Azur Lane has too much huge cast" as legit argument anymore because the tone of the story of Azur Lane is that it take on the portrait of war itself rather than focus or slice of life of the characters. I will have to disagree that just because KanColle is more slice of life oriented than Azur Lane means it can escape criticism from it's bad writing because that would mean there's no reason for review/debate and you might as well tell the moderators to remove all review in Myanimelist because every flaw pointed out whether it's Azur Lane, KanColle or other anime are justified simply because it's all depend on 'tone of the story' set by director/author etc.

Judging from how much you emphasize character design,I'm guessing you are the kind of critic/reviewer or anime fans that prefer 'style over substance' while I'm the type that prefer 'substance over style'. What I mean here is that if both Azur Lane and KanColle are both turn into novel where everything is just words,text and no visuals, Azur Lane still have substance in it's writing due to the enemy are not mindless beast but have actual character motivation where morality between heroes and villains falls under grey area. For KanColle take out it style,no visual on character design KanColle has no redeeming quality, thus has zero substance in it's writing while for Azur Lane, you can take out it style but the substance is still there. This is where Azur Lane did better than KanColle, thus Azur Lane is better for me. And please don't use another same excuse KanColle doesn't need substance because it's irrelevant or KanColle tone of story does not need substance because those kind of argument, well got no substance.

KanColle = style over substance(although I still think Azur Lane has better character design due to it's variety while KanColle design are plain and boring)
Azur Lane = substance over style

Papa_ScorchOct 30, 2019 9:02 AM
It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.
Oct 27, 2019 9:51 PM
Oct 2019
i gave it when 1st episode around 7
and drop to around 6.5 after watch 2and3 EP
I think all of 3EP anime quality is OK not bad but not good.
in a lot of fight scenes has good design but quality of motion has problem.
about story i was interesting concept and plot.
but unfortunately i can't understand what reason they fighting?
EP 4 got make me want to drop to 5 - -"
wtf quality...2 last fight scenes is fuking bad.i has try to loop pause to see wtf is happening. And still confuse about character movement direction.
i know they has only 1 key animator
but it is problem of studio resource management.
i still effect to anime score.
About character design i think it about people taste
i has like overall Kancolle chacter design than AL a little bit.
because some AL character has add Yokai or fantasy theme.
and i think i was weird when their base concept is "warship girl"
(In my taste warship girl need look Seriousness uniform)
(but AL also has many character i love their design example enterprise)
But i get and understand if a lot people love AL character design
i has a lot of type for a lot people taste than KC.
but anime make me feel worse than before.
why "SHIP"girl can fly in sky............... =[]="""
we type vehicle
ship in water
airplane in sky
why the fuck "WARSHIP" can float and fly..............
Sabe_ROct 27, 2019 9:59 PM
Oct 28, 2019 7:49 AM

Oct 2009
firemagnet said:

That's one example, which is why I said almost every single time.

Warspite's voice lines in Kancolle reference her battle actions (night action against Pola, Zara, and the Italian Mediterranean fleet), as well as the fact that she was one of the ships in WWII to take a hit from a Fritz-X guided bomb. She likely wears a dress precisely because of her captain's quote.

The only actual error with Warspite's art in Kantai Collection is that it's missing the other two turrets on her rig; Not all of the art has all of the weapons that existed on the ship's hull, and this seems to be down to the preference of the artist. For instance, Tenryu doesn't have all of her four turrets in Kancolle; Naka doesn't have all of her turrets in Azur Lane, while she does in Kantai Collection, and so on.

You're making a bold claim saying 'almost every single time' while, again, Kancolle cast is almost exclusively IJN fleets and mostly plain looking, they intentionally tries to make uniform models for every ship class, you know what I would said of it: lazy design - no personalities at all, if you mute them you wouldn't know what they are besides their units. What breathes life into them is the voice actress - their voice lines, not the visual design itself.

Azur Lane is so blessed with colors because they incorporated by lots of artists with their own artstyle, but their design is not as shallow you wanted to believe, they have good balance between fan-service (it's a shipfu game after all) and incorporating the 'soul' of the original ship into the design. Here is another eye opener comparison, probably one of the more popular shipfu group in Kancolle, the Kongou sisters:

Spoiler for comparison:

This is actually why I liked Azur Lane mashup artstyle. It allows ships to become an individual unit before anything else. That blond shipfu is Kongou. The only ship of her class made outside Japan (UK shipyard) before the war. The one in white official suit with Imperial seal is Hiei, because once she was in service as the Emperor transport. Haruna and Kirishima closely resembles each others as they were manufactured within the same time and both has seen multiple major reconstruction/repurpose, hence the messed up patches of clothes they wore (not seen clearly in this illustration). You can see how the artist incorporates this in their individual design instead of treating them as 'Kongou's' first. If I showed someone with knowledge of naval warfare history but none of both games, which one do you think could identify the namesake Kongou ship from all of her sisters from visual cue alone?

This is what Azur Lane offers, a character to be seen as an individual and not as a part of a 'set' of collectibles, a part of an idol group, or something. This is actually what they had done right as a shipfu games. I don't understand how you mistakenly take AL strong points the other way around for not being 'technically' a ship.

Side note, AL Warspite illustration doesn't wore skirts at all as a playful parody, there's even an idle voice line of her challenging you to race her now that she's not wearing any :)
azzuReOct 28, 2019 7:57 AM
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Oct 29, 2019 10:22 PM
Oct 2019
Hey, im just a normal ninja have a few words about this.
I tried kc when anime come out, though its harsh sign up and i didnt have a few bucks to throw into game at that time so i quit. But still i follow some char like Nagato or Kongou, Kaga via artstyle or ... doujin.
I ve just started into ww2 naval since last year via AL, and now i playing both kc and al. I both love shipfus from 2 games, though something i have to say. I love kongou sis in kc more than al, and takao sis from al more than kc. Those are like peak char designs from each game.
And about kaga, i both loved those char design in unique way.
I am just played both games and endjoy anime about my shipfus. And i definately not want to waste my time trying to shove shipfus down the throat of others who dont like ship.
Beside, MAL n rAnime is full of elistist now. Remember Ditf ? Hater went full circle jerk when anime went off track and now still keep broasting it the worst anime when they saw those 4 words. Now, even FGO have the same fate as well, they kept down vote, not recommend fgo loudly. Hater keep hating. In the end, BD dics sols, mechandise and others will speak for themselves.
Nov 6, 2019 12:28 AM
Review Moderator
Life is strange.

Jun 2017
Of course! Just imagine the shipwaifus! SO CUTE!
Nov 7, 2019 8:57 PM
Jun 2017
I dont hate it, since their cute... bit i feel that this anime more focuses on characters only rather than the story itself.
Nov 11, 2019 6:05 AM

Aug 2019
idk man, I just didn't like, It's so boring. It's always a pain watching an episode, i'm always like"god damn it, i'll have to watch AL again".
You may ask why I'm watching this since I hate it so much, and the reason is just because I don't drop animes. I'll go through the pain of watching it.
Nov 11, 2019 1:42 PM
Jan 2018
Sqile46 said:
Just saying:
This Anime is actually the advertisement for the game, if people love it they will eventually play the game, and if people dislike it, obviously they will disgust it and giving a bad review, I've played this game since 2017 before the global launch, and this Anime pretty much giving me a lot of smile because I know almost every character appear in it, I like this Anime, I'm glad they've made the game into a series

To people who hate this Anime, I feel you, cause I've watched Kancolle, and I don't enjoyed it very much, because I don't touch the game a single inch, and I don't blame the author of the Anime, it's just me who don't like it.

And remember, the rating is just a number
This Anime actual quality isn't depend on the rating.

I just started the game ..... How do you build the weapons like the anti air etc
Nov 11, 2019 1:52 PM
May 2019
I don't hate it as much as I don't have a clue what is going on XD
Nov 16, 2019 4:59 AM
Jun 2019
We have crazy groups on both sides, with each saying that they will expose and destroy the game on the opposite side.
Nov 16, 2019 9:06 AM

Jun 2019
Yuri-Crusader said:
I think its because the army of shonen fanboys. That down voting every anime that have a majority of females in them .And Especially if its a Yuri.. Because well lets face the truth here,, Lesbians are still scary for many people,That is just sad,, But i dont trust MAL points because of this

I think you are wrong dude!
I am CGDCT fans, i found this is very confusing for me to understand. Why? Because I am not fans of the game and the story didn't attract me even as CGDCT fans. Even i regard this anime as shonen because its too many battle scene.
HitoribotchanNov 16, 2019 9:21 AM
Nov 20, 2019 3:02 AM

Sep 2019
ariacelesta said:
I've pretty much lost faith in MAL ranking from a while ago. People tend to rate and hate anime while jumping into different bandwagons. Shows get overratwd and underrated all the time. Not to mention the number of puritans and high moral compass hypocrite warriors roaming the site. And also the dark shows lovers edgelords.
what's puritans and high moral compass hippocrite warriors?
"I think I wanted to attack something. Like betraying people or hurting people. And, well, it's not exactly nice, but hurting the readers too... In all honestly, I feel that's what I really wanted to do. For me, as a reader, when I think, "this manga will remain in my heart," it means, for example, it phenomenally hurt me: It's those kinds of experiences I'm after." - Pajime Hisayama (My favourite hurting author).
Nov 20, 2019 3:13 AM

Sep 2019
Yuri-Crusader said:
@Dark_Pride Don't tell me what to do!!

And yes its is true,, Not every shonen fan ofc. But i have seen it with my own eyes. People coming to this only females shows ,, Complains over only females cast, and its to gay! Lesbians are so scary =P

I go and i'll check out their list, And you can clearly see their little game! Giving those kind of show extremely low points, While their Shonen with mostly males and other stuff they prefer gets a high score!!!

But again not all of them!!

What about a place further than the universe? Isn't it have big female cast too and monogotari series?
"I think I wanted to attack something. Like betraying people or hurting people. And, well, it's not exactly nice, but hurting the readers too... In all honestly, I feel that's what I really wanted to do. For me, as a reader, when I think, "this manga will remain in my heart," it means, for example, it phenomenally hurt me: It's those kinds of experiences I'm after." - Pajime Hisayama (My favourite hurting author).
Nov 20, 2019 9:21 PM
Oct 2019
I think it seems they pay attention too much on fanservices(the ton of charactes,unnecessary ecchi scene) that doesn't fit Squall-liked protagonist-Enterprise which should be more explained . It makes her parts so boring.
But I will look forward for ep.7.
Nov 20, 2019 9:46 PM
Feb 2017
ariacelesta said:
I've pretty much lost faith in MAL ranking from a while ago. People tend to rate and hate anime while jumping into different bandwagons. Shows get overratwd and underrated all the time. Not to mention the number of puritans and high moral compass hypocrite warriors roaming the site. And also the dark shows lovers edgelords.

“I like/dislike things people like/dislike so I can’t take their ratings seriously anymore”.

There are certain check marks a show has to hit in order to be regarded higher. If it had good animation, story, characters, etc. it will be rated higher. Azur Lane is lacking something.
Nov 21, 2019 7:37 PM

May 2013
Sadly, the Normies/Haters from World of Warships have come just to hate on the show. Western & Middle Eastern asshats keep lambasting it when it's actually good & meme heaven. Haters gotta Hate that's their creed in life
Nov 21, 2019 7:42 PM

May 2013
monolith said:
This franchise grasp my attention a few weeks ago, so I started playing the mobile game to undesrstand the anime, and both (game and anime) end up to be surprisingly fun.

Pay attention, I said fun, not brilliant, not a masterpiece, nor a life-changing experience, just plain and old fun. Like Pacific Rim or John Wick kind of action-oriented-not-plot-driven fun. Obviously, if you are familiar with the game, you will get and enjoy the fanservice (and there is a ton of it), but if you watch it even without knowing anything, it's an ok-ish shounen-esque action anime, that doesn't insult the audience, and after episode 4, it actually got pretty interesting.

So, I want to know... Why so much hate? I'm pretty sure this doesn't deserve a this low score (nor a high score either like 9 or 10). Are Kancolle fans too salty? Or people are just taking too serious a bunch of cartoon ship waifus? This is definitly harmless, and people that don't plan to play the game actually could enjoy it.
it's not just KC fans. It's the World of Warships Normies who hate Azur Lane cause they had a collab (particularly the Westernfags & Middle Eastern Bomberheads) & also the Azur Lane Fans from those said areas. They've always trashed anything cause they're easily triggered by fanservice. You could say they're Boomer Bile.
Nov 21, 2019 8:41 PM

Apr 2015
DarkwindJR said:
Sadly, the Normies/Haters from World of Warships have come just to hate on the show.

The World of Warships fanbase seem to have a huge hate for anime, so it's to be expected. A lot of them got angry when the game did a crossover with Arpeggio of Blue Steel.
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
Nov 21, 2019 8:45 PM

Feb 2019
Waifu density too high
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