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Oct 3, 2019 2:46 AM

Feb 2018
I thought this anime will be so bad. But isn't as bad as I expected

Oct 3, 2019 3:15 AM

Jun 2019
Is it only me who notice panji (pansy) stalking jorou at his date?
It's make me kinda scared at first.

But good episode. I love it!
Oct 3, 2019 3:17 AM

Nov 2013
coreynj said:
winddevil1 said:
nah dropped at minute 13... as much as i already knew what was going to happen... don't freaking make them say the exact same words, holy shit <.<

i wasn't even going to check this but now i regret, cause Hinata actually is my favorite anime girl type and i was already thinking about using her on my next forum signature lmfao

oh well, maybe i'll pick it up again later, but for now, it's a 3/10
You dropped it literally right before the episode took a twist and got way better. Finish the episode and then you're more than welcome to pass judgement.

let me guess, the twist is that the braid girl treats him badly but is the only one who likes him?
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Oct 3, 2019 4:44 AM

Jan 2015
Oh my god, this was gold
Oct 3, 2019 4:55 AM

Oct 2017
Quick note, the CV of the male mc is the same CV as Deku from MHA and Akatsuki from Nakanohito.

He is really something, able to voice from such innocent boy into antagonistic asshole in a pinch. I can safely say that the whole show is carried by his voice acting alone since his performance is so outstanding for this character. All the comedic and sarcastic moment are done so well because of his voice acting.
Oct 3, 2019 5:13 AM

Jul 2014
Ayt this was literally a fucking GOLDMINE!!!!
I was pretty pissed at the generic harem start of a dunce female and an "ara ara" oneesan type characters that I thought had a thing for the blank mob type MC instead of his more supposed popular baseball player friend but holy fuck did this show turn a 180 after the 1st half! this boy has no fucking chill! loved and was dying at the part when he was thinking "Yep, she's hugging me, and she's not even into me, this bitch has a screw loose right?" and the next one to the ara ara ver he went "Why do you keep casually touching/gripping the hand of a guy you don't even like!?" I'm sorry but this is right up my fucking alley in love comedy tropes! I am sticking with this till the end! was dying throughout the whole 2nd part!
I also like the stalker glasses girl! I swear to God she's probably more of a bomb than the other 2. Liked it when she didn't like the MC talking to her in a fake tone and wanted him to speak how he really was, which in actuality is FUCKED cause she should know how he really is but damn... goes to show some people are really into some weird,random shit (these are characters tho)
Thought my sense of humor was dying out cause I couldn't find anything funny from the 2 supposed comedy iseaki's this season but this one did the trick. Finally found my chunk of laughs comedy of the season.
Another point that makes this funnier is that Tomatsu Haruka plays the stalker weird girl and Daiki Yamashita plays the actually dick MC lol.
This is like Gintoki and Sachan in modern romcom story.
-StrayOct 3, 2019 5:38 AM
Oct 3, 2019 5:25 AM

May 2013
i laughed a lot in this anime, been a long time since i laughed to an anime 5/5
Oct 3, 2019 5:31 AM

Oct 2017
This shit was funny. It's even better cuz I dived in blind on this one and didn't know what to expect
Oct 3, 2019 5:53 AM
Jun 2017
Im going to watch this one... the story looks interesting
Oct 3, 2019 6:11 AM

Aug 2015
winddevil1 said:
coreynj said:
You dropped it literally right before the episode took a twist and got way better. Finish the episode and then you're more than welcome to pass judgement.

let me guess, the twist is that the braid girl treats him badly but is the only one who likes him?
That's a very miniscule aspect of the twist. Watch the rest.
Oct 3, 2019 6:24 AM

Mar 2019
Damn.....The first episode wad hilarious XD
I am eagerly waiting for the next episode.
This might be the best Rom-com of this season <3

You are welcomed to visit my profile ;)

Join our Club if you are an Harem & Ecchi fan ;)

Oct 3, 2019 7:04 AM

Feb 2014
Twist among twists. This episode started with the two faced MC.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Oct 3, 2019 7:16 AM

Nov 2016
I was expecting a big shit with all the harem girls and their "different" personalities but damn, the second half was unexpected af. It's looking great.
Oct 3, 2019 7:21 AM

Jul 2019
A school harem, except none of the girls like the MC, they like his friend. Well, all of them but the one nerdy girl he doesn't want to like him. He agrees to help the girls hook up with his friend. Their names even imply this with all the girls being named after flowers and the MC being named じょうろ (get it?). It's mostly a comedy anime with little focus on actual romance, but the show itself isn't all that funny. It's not bad exactly, it just feels mediocre and forgettable. I do like the character designs though.
Oct 3, 2019 8:50 AM
May 2019
Well, the first episode was SOO good that i decided to read the manga. Was totally expecting this to be a good series to invest on.

BRUH, the plot and characters in the manga is absolute trash lol, my dude turn from great chad to absolute beta later on and the show become mediocre as the plot progresses.

icypenOct 3, 2019 8:56 AM
Oct 3, 2019 8:55 AM

Nov 2014
We got Himawari and Cosmos as a Main Girl, and Panji as the Real Trump..

could anyone tell me what's the other girls on the poster stand up for? did they fall in love with Sun-chan as well?
Oct 3, 2019 8:59 AM

May 2015
This was better than I expected it to be. It looks like your typical harem with no originality whatsoever, but I really liked the twist on the "every female wants the MC's dick" trope.

Oct 3, 2019 9:14 AM

Mar 2013
Looks like a regular boring ass harem show but it's certainly not. I'm so glad not every female is head over heels over him and *he* himself is not your usual dumb, oblivious MC. Pretty entertaining first episode. Loved the to see how it all turned out different than I was expecting. Also, consider me Sumireko's number one fan from now on.
Oct 3, 2019 9:14 AM
Apr 2019
Lets hope it shows promise
Oct 3, 2019 9:33 AM

May 2018
Wohooww what is this. I'm very surprised with it, it's not your daily harem. This is Reverse Harem ! The MC now placed in the position of side character in common harem anime, as the guy who are not get the love from main girls. Yeah, this is what I want.
Oct 3, 2019 9:48 AM

Sep 2011
>Hinata Aoi.

Is this a huge Himawari(Visual Novel) reference?

Oct 3, 2019 10:55 AM
Jul 2015
Anyone Know where to find the Light novel for this anime?

It feels like it would be better if I read it instead of watching it.

Thank you!
Oct 3, 2019 11:35 AM

Dec 2015
Nice, we are getting some decent comedy this season :D
Oct 3, 2019 12:13 PM

May 2018
Man, why is it only Himawari who has a panty flash around here????

So, this is very unusual, in most harem the MC itself was the person of contention among the harem members, but here the MC itself wasn't the point of the harem members point of contention.
Oct 3, 2019 12:43 PM

Nov 2018
God this anime is cliche but the east and west thing was hilarious. I figured Cosmos liked Sun right away but Himawari being in love with him too, I realized when she was about to confess in front of Joro only. This makes Sun's advice to him ironically hilarious.
Oh, the main character was playing a character, I... see. This makes it more interesting. I guess the start was cliche on purpose.
"yoo-hoo! I'm gonna join this conversation all natural-like!" lmao
God Himawari is an idiot
God Cosmos is an idiot too
Him chanting Sun-chan when Pansy was going to confess was hilarious
I normally don't like stalkers but in this case these two are made for each other.
I ended up enjoying this more than I thought.
Oct 3, 2019 12:49 PM
Jul 2017
Man, Cosmos and Himawari are hoes. Try to play with Jono's heart and emotions like that. He likes them, but they like his best friend?! What the fuck?! He should call both Cosmos and Himawari "Ho" and "Cunt" because they're hoes and cunts. And then he should beat up Taiyo to a pulp and turn on his best friend by breaking his neck in a violent street fight and Jono would bring in brass knuckles with him beating the fuck out of him. And he would rape these hoes who done fucked his life over. Both Cosmos and Himawari. Fuckin' disloyal ass, ho ass, manipulative ass cunts. Have him be a yakuza.
Oct 3, 2019 12:50 PM

Nov 2013
coreynj said:
winddevil1 said:

let me guess, the twist is that the braid girl treats him badly but is the only one who likes him?
That's a very miniscule aspect of the twist. Watch the rest.

ok it was actually a little better than i expected (at least the way he was thinking about them, and the braid girl seems funny), so i guess i'll give it another episode, but i'm not sure how much this will interest me after being dropped lol
also i kinda dislike the way he goes "oh my gawd" all the time ... is that a j0j0 reference? :v
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Oct 3, 2019 12:55 PM

Nov 2009
Really respect the MC to a certain degree. Two girls leading him on, only to drop him a bombshell. Any normal guy would most likely not try to help them, but this guy makes the smart move and declares openly that he is going to help both of them. Only to secretly want to comfort the loser and take make her is girlfriend.
Oct 3, 2019 1:05 PM

Jan 2017
Wow. Even though the synopsis and PVs already told us what was gonna happen with the three girls, I found myself actually laughing out loud with how they executed it. Awesome.

Also holy shit the personality switch/reveal of the MC was really interesting. Very excited to see what's to come for this show.
Oct 3, 2019 1:29 PM
Apr 2019
got any senjougahara and yukinoshita yukino vibe from the girl with glasses here??? or all the anime girls getting nastier with their words??? and am I the only one who enjoy this?
arha19Oct 3, 2019 2:40 PM
Oct 3, 2019 1:49 PM

Mar 2019
thought about Oreshura at the start...felt like the same...but turns out different and quite funny though
Oct 3, 2019 1:50 PM

Dec 2013
Now this is a romance anime I can relate too, All the girls like the nice popular guy and MC having a horrible personality having to play wingman. Now where is my Stalker girl.
KanameYuukiOct 3, 2019 1:54 PM
Oct 3, 2019 2:44 PM
Mar 2017
I never thought I would laugh so much with this anime, I felt bad for MC who is finally a secondary character, but I still liked that Joro showed his true personality, as he insulted the two girls who used him to get close to his friend The baseball player.
But in the end Joro found love, but of the person he least loved, Sumireko the person in charge of the library and who seems to stalk Joro, I still liked the chemistry between Joro and Sumireko more (I don't like the nickname Pansy for her, It sounds like Pantsu) that with Himawari or Cosmos, who were manipulators that only used Joro, I hope that in future episodes there will be no more exploitative girls who abuse Joro.
Anyway, a very funny first episode and I look forward to how Joro and Sumireko's relationship evolves and I hope that Cosmos and Himawari are rejected by Ooga, would be the best thing that could happen in my personal opinion.
Oct 3, 2019 3:10 PM
Jun 2015
Still can't tell if this is going to be a parody, a smart(?) look at personality from different perspectives through the genre, or just another romcom/harem, just with a twist. The first episode was intriguing, with the extremes (such as the girls' ineptitude in speaking to Sun) pointing towards parody, whereas with the MC there is great potential for growth or potential to remain the standard MC, again, just with a twist. He reminds me of the MCs from Charlotte and Masamune-kun no revenge.

Even though his milquetoast personality was a facade, he still exhibits a number of traits central to the genre: he is dense (he couldn't tell they had a thing for Sun instead of him), he shows absolutely no interest in the girls, and he still has a girl that likes him (although this time around for reasons that seem to make sense for the character). I hope there are layers to these characters beyond what we are shown in this first episode.

This feels like one of those shows that could either be really good, or go downhill really quickly.

Oct 3, 2019 3:24 PM

Oct 2017
I'm no fan of lazy animation (panning and zooming on stills, no animation in backgrounds, just the speaking characters) and not impressed by gratouitous fanservice/weird angle shots just for the heck of it.
This show has that against it for me already so it will have to come up with a lót to make up for it.
Plots making sense would help but why for heaven's sake did Cosmos ask him out when she could have told him what she wanted of him on the spot as they were alone in the room to begin with?

MC deciding to help both girls to console himself with whomever of the two would end up being rejected.... wut?
Why would you want that? Especially since he didn't show any interest in generic childhood friend Himawari in the first place..... huh? Kind of a loser move if you ask me.

The show better come up with something good in the next 2 episodes or it's either a "drop" or "ironical watch" for me.

So far stalker librarian girl is what might keep me interested.....
Oct 3, 2019 3:49 PM
Sep 2018
Liked the mc's expression and monologues
The chemistry b/w him and the stalker girl was also fun
Oct 3, 2019 4:18 PM

Jan 2016
Incel the animation. Love how it tears down the main character for thinking that being that sort of nice guy will get him the girls and shows his real colors. Although does get dangerously close to the line of trying to make us really sympathize with him, but the fact that you get to see his true self as kinda an asshole is what makes it work. I'll see if it manages to hold onto that line.
You have shit taste, and then I have taste so shit it makes your taste look good
Oct 3, 2019 7:26 PM
Sep 2011
I'm damn surprised. Despite reading the synopsis before watching, the plot twist was well-executed and had me laughing. The way he exploded after the confessions was great. I hope the comedy holds up throughout the rest of the show.
Oct 3, 2019 7:28 PM

May 2010
I got the feelings that the series will be somewhat in-consistence but I'm here for parody / references :D
Oct 3, 2019 7:30 PM

Jan 2018
I wasn't really feeling this show but that plot twist really got me. I really like Musume's Revenge and this is giving me the same vibes
whats a signature
Oct 3, 2019 9:39 PM

Jul 2014
Honestly, I was about to skip this if it wasn't because of the second personality the MC has, without the stalker girl this sure was going to be something depressing af to watch, but I see her as icing on top.

I wonder if this one will be another non so serious comedy or if is missing a "drama" tag (maybe will be added later?), due to the mission commended to the MC and how he has 2 faces, I foresee quite a lot of drama and uncomfortable situations.
Oct 3, 2019 10:14 PM

Nov 2014
now that is quite an unexpected ending. I watched this first episode without reading the synopsis so I didn't know anything when I started watching. I only saw the licking scene in the pv and was interested lol

the part that really made me want to keep watching is the fact that the mc has a 'hidden side' to him. im honestly sick of all those 'nice guy' mcs who would be nice to the girls no matter what happens, even when they uses them like a tool to get closer to another guy. A guy irl would be pissed yet anime characters, for some reason, are always able to keep calm and forgive her. I'm just glad the mc didn't.
Oct 3, 2019 10:50 PM
Apr 2019
to every one who think the show quite depressing
let me write some fan fiction plot twist after seeing ton kind of women..

1. literaly senior and childhood friend working together to distance mc with his best friend.. as if his best friend steal the girl..

2. while working together thy also ploting each other so one would actualy work out with mc best friend..

3. in the end one of them get mc for them self :)

oh right i am forgeting there is glasses girl.. turn out point 3 will nvr work out :))
Oct 3, 2019 11:27 PM
Mar 2011
icypen said:
Well, the first episode was SOO good that i decided to read the manga. Was totally expecting this to be a good series to invest on.

BRUH, the plot and characters in the manga is absolute trash lol, my dude turn from great chad to absolute beta later on and the show become mediocre as the plot progresses.

Yeah I hope it doesn't go quite the same route as the Manga either. I really enjoyed the manga when it started, but became disinterested as it kept going because of how his character changed so much
My Karma ran over your Dogma
Oct 3, 2019 11:57 PM
Feb 2019
Read the manga up to the latest chapter and am not looking forward to Jororo’s “Future” if you manga readers catch my drift. The first episodes animation was good and the pacing is not that bad so I’ll keep watching.
Oct 4, 2019 1:17 AM
Mar 2016
winddevil1 said:
nah dropped at minute 13... as much as i already knew what was going to happen... don't freaking make them say the exact same words, holy shit <.<

i wasn't even going to check this but now i regret, cause Hinata actually is my favorite anime girl type and i was already thinking about using her on my next forum signature lmfao

oh well, maybe i'll pick it up again later, but for now, it's a 3/10
You know that was the joke right
Oct 4, 2019 1:35 AM

Aug 2012
Pansy gives me ptsd. Please don't change.
Oct 4, 2019 2:08 AM

Jul 2015
this is gold for me ^_^ Sumireko best girl
how many episodes this show will be?
Oct 4, 2019 3:27 AM

Jul 2017
First minute or 2: I can see all the tropes of all the multiple routes of all the girls, childhood friend, president, all that stuff.

Within the show: Bench-kun becomes the epidemic and turning point for average joe MC Joro. Similar to HenSuki, it's not finding out panties, but solving love interests like the MC being cucked out of something this bad. Imagine the girls around you, only to find out that you're just the middleman.

Is this NouCome once again!? I sense a fire of love-hate comedy HAREM rom-com in the same genre, plus the subversion of the 1st half (in the 2nd half) broke me fully like Pop Team Epic.

OH Pansy gonna be the MC's true love??? At least he achieved something...lunacy is the word.

WHAT THE FREAKING HELL, how did this show turn my expectations upside down...(thankfully it's not HenSuki to a degree)

If anything, this premiere threw me off-guard to the max and insane comedy that I absolutely CANNOT stomach...let loose all the shenanigans!
KANLen09Oct 4, 2019 3:32 AM
Oct 4, 2019 4:17 AM

Nov 2013
Somecallme_kj said:
winddevil1 said:
nah dropped at minute 13... as much as i already knew what was going to happen... don't freaking make them say the exact same words, holy shit <.<

i wasn't even going to check this but now i regret, cause Hinata actually is my favorite anime girl type and i was already thinking about using her on my next forum signature lmfao

oh well, maybe i'll pick it up again later, but for now, it's a 3/10
You know that was the joke right
yes, but i didn't like it, can i not like it? lol
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
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