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Jun 23, 2019 8:56 PM
May 2014
The antagonist becomes a meat slump and crushed by the protagonist's fists....LOL

Quite reassuring that other protagonist's friends are safe....except the shopkeeper is admitted to hospital but seems sound...LOL

Good ending for both male & female protagonists reuniting......
Jul 3, 2019 1:37 PM

Oct 2017
Well finally this ended,this was the biggest let down of this year so far for me. But im happy for their reunion . Zero was the only gd thng about this anime.
Jul 3, 2019 3:37 PM

Nov 2016
Had it's enjoyable episodes and moments, but overall it felt rather lackluster.

One of the most disappointing anime this year.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 3, 2019 4:04 PM
Mar 2018
In the end, none of the important questions were answered! Also, given the regenerative power of the final antagonist, was it really possible for him to be killed by crashing or are we supposed to assume that he was burned to death by the fire? This anime was an overall disappointment.
Jul 3, 2019 4:14 PM

Oct 2017
That ending was... pretty bad. Honestly I still had some faith in this right up until the last couple episodes. Could have been so much better. Really interesting art and concept had potential but it didn't do enough plotwise. Some of the side stories were interesting enough but you need to do more than that.

MegamiRem said:
Zero was the only gd thng about this anime.

Hard to disagree. This still put a smile on face quite often through most of it, but it's one those times where the reason for that is a mystery because there's nothing I can point to and say "this was good"... Other than Zero. Not just the design of the character in terms of looks and personality but the VA really did a good job.

That villain at the end though... His VA should never get work again lol. I don't care how bad the script is, if you can't do a basic evil laugh without sounding retarded then you have no business being paid to voice act.
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Jul 3, 2019 4:46 PM

Aug 2018
Ah, finally the episode showed up on the Internet.

I'm glad it is over, honestly it felt annoying to watch after the first 3-4 episodes. I mean, it started up nicely, presenting a sort of half-dark anime (especially with all the characters turning mad or something, leading 'em to deny their common sense for another personal purpose) that really got interesting.

But then it just turned out to present side stories none cared about, sometimes a bit funny, sometimes extremely pointless. The fact they tried to add some backstories during the 2 last episodes was actually hilarious, considering they only served some independant & uninteresting episodes.

I had given a 7/10 for the 3-4 first episodes, but now I lowered my mark to 5. I do think it deserves a 5.5/6 but my current disappointment makes me choosing the following mark.

It had potential, it globally failed. Worst part being : I got the feeling I ain't know shit about the whole background/universe. For example, who the hell is Shuuin ? After 13 episodes we still ignore who he is, how did he get such powers (how do they exist in fact) and who's Inyou to him ? So many questions that unanswered...
Jul 3, 2019 4:46 PM

Nov 2018
one of last season's animes that most caught my attention when it begun but sadly it kept deteriorating in quality :( too bad it became a mess, i had such high hopes for it
Jul 3, 2019 5:05 PM
Aug 2013
It was so generic that I think I puked a bit. but most of it came from whatever tf that blob crap was.
Jul 3, 2019 5:41 PM

Dec 2012
Pretty disappointing tbh lol, if it wasn't episodic anime and actually focused on a plot it might've been something but I guess not
"Only one with the courage
to shoulder the burden
of their own fate can
be called a hero.."

Jul 3, 2019 5:42 PM
Jul 2017
What a bland, boring ending. What kind of person thought this was a good idea? Why were they doing this? It makes me think that the occasions in which this anime was interesting, they must have happened by accident.
...but then again, I unironically like Warau Salesman.
Jul 3, 2019 6:35 PM

Nov 2013
thank god this is finally over...
Jul 3, 2019 7:08 PM

Jan 2013
if it wasnt for the first two episodes that sets up the premise (that was unfortunately never fully utilized), that one funny episode that everyone hated, and woulda been a 4/5 from me. but im nice enough to give it a 6. i never even paid attention to a good number of episodes bc it was just eh. the serious final arc episodes didnt help much bc it was so outta nowhere.

very disappointing and does not deserve a second season
Jul 3, 2019 8:17 PM

Mar 2013
Didn't know I was watching Akira......

This was pretty bland and average the whole way through. I would've preferred if they stuck to episodic stories the whole way through instead of trying to develop some sort of serious plot in the last three episodes. (not saying episodic series can't have serious plots ofc.) Made the show go from exceedingly mediocre to just plain bad.


Jul 3, 2019 8:55 PM

Jul 2017
So this shitshow is finally over.

Honestly, I was stoked to watch this at the beginning, seeing that it had kinda a fantasy-ish vibe that was constant but stagnant, and the "insert" ending story about rescuing the protagonist's helper just...didn't help it all that much. This series didn't need a story to begin with.

Good -> Decent -> Mediocre -> Bad is how I would describe this.
Jul 4, 2019 2:33 AM

May 2010
clear as day trash

Jul 4, 2019 3:48 AM

Mar 2016
Because of the last three episodes, I ended up not liking this. I liked this anime better when it was a slice-of-life version of 'Fumetsu no Anata e'.
Jul 4, 2019 5:37 AM
Jul 2018
this was the worst anime of the season I watched, I expected so much from it but was disappointed every episode after the first 2-3
Jul 4, 2019 3:03 PM

Jan 2019
An anime based in an unknwon world callled Magmel so...where is Magmel?

Jul 4, 2019 4:04 PM

Oct 2015
This was a boring end battle, I'm really disappointed. But I'm glad Zero and Inyou reunited with each other, aaand also the rest of the gang is okay! Considering how OP Inyou was in the beginning of the series, he sure was weak in this last episode- maybe because the antagonist was a human and not a Magmell monster.

Overall it was a let down in which I expected a lot from it. Everything was low from storyline, character development, animation and enjoyment. The inconsistency was the worst to hit this anime, because everything didn't seem to follow well. They just went with the story without telling us what was it about, I bet no one understands what was the plot about- Magmell or Zero's mystery past? SMFH!

6/10, this needs a revamp from another studio.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jul 5, 2019 1:35 AM

Mar 2009
Meh. I liked this show. Zero was a qt.

Had quite a few similarities to Hunter x Hunter, actually, and there was a strong sense of adventure. Was also taken aback by how brutal it was at times. The creatures in Magmell were bizarre and imaginative and I certainly wouldn't mind learning more about this strange place.
Jul 5, 2019 3:28 AM

Oct 2008
poor mustache merchant guy! he's the only one who was injured from the suicide bombings!

Jul 5, 2019 9:54 AM

Aug 2018
It’s never a good idea to change tone in the final 3 episodes. 7/10 becomes 3/10 when you decide do.
Jul 6, 2019 4:23 PM

May 2015
The best thing about this show is that its over
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is shit
Jul 10, 2019 6:58 AM
Jan 2017
hmm the overal episode is enjoyable to watch but still fine not good for me.. and the Story ending with knowing the past zero and how inyou and zero meet. then inyou save zero and beat the grandpa , but the fight can more good again. in this point inyou can beat him easly from start but for saving zero he sacrifice himself. and end with just like that.. i can say WTF.. disappointment
Jul 10, 2019 10:02 PM
Jan 2019
Well, I must admit that I expected much more from this anime. "A new continent with totally unknown living beings" and if you add to that a race with powers, the Lactor, see where you see it, this anime had a lot of potential, at least for me. What a pity that the author directed the story in a different direction.
My favorite episode will always be episode one. For me, it was the best. It opened my mind to many possibilities about this anime. Which, in the end, was disappointing, just like the "Fairy Gone" anime was. Two animes with potential that went overboard 😕.

Anyway, I will not deny that it was an entertaining anime. At least, I laughed a little 😅.
It has left me with many unsolved mysteries.
Until never, or as they would say in Japan, sarabada.

PS: I am satisfied that the damn old man paid at the end for his atrocious acts.
hahaha, the lord of the store was the only one injured. I'm glad everyone finished out of danger.

Score: 5/10
Jul 13, 2019 4:25 AM

Nov 2013
The show could have been better, if it didn't went down with an anime original route.
Jul 24, 2019 6:54 AM

Jun 2017
Well, I was finally able to bring myself to finish this anime. It's easily a meh, but it could've been more, disappointing.
6/10 Would not watch again.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Jul 25, 2019 8:01 AM
Mar 2017
The firt episode was quite interesting and then suddenly what the fuck!
Sep 14, 2019 2:15 PM

Jul 2015
Well the first couple episodes showed some potential, but the story never really took off. Really expected some world exploration of Magmel, with some unique creatures and people with superpowers but what we got were some random episodes with no explanation of how people got powers nor a real plotline. Bit disappointing, seeing the potential of what it could have been (something like the Toriko manga story)

Sep 25, 2019 6:33 AM

Jun 2011
Even if it's not really that great, I thought it was relaxing enough to enjoy watching, but the last few episodes haven't really been that great, it was frustrating to watch all the shit that went down and this dude just went around bombing the places up without repercussions like there wasn't any law in the towns or shit. If the protagonist didn't exist there literally would be no punishment for that guy.. yeah wtf?

The show overall felt pretty weak, the story/world building was really bad, going back to my first paragraph, the main city wasn't really getting much exposition so we barely even know about the system over there.. everything was treated like a joke and it kinda sucks. The writing felt really amateurish, that even if most of the outside parts look the same as the other anime, the core values are missing.

It's a shame because I thought it looked great.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jan 18, 2020 4:00 AM

May 2012
That sure was quite something, really liked the whole setting of a new continent and then people with some super natural powers and quite a lot of monsters!

Quite liked it in general but the last few episode had a bit of a completely different focus than the adventure of how it started.

But well in general a nice watch.
Feb 18, 2020 4:10 AM

Apr 2019
Trash and Generic.

Mar 12, 2020 9:54 AM

Aug 2013
Finally caught up and the ending was quite lacking. Still too many unanswered questions though I will give it a solid 5/10. Hoping the pacing was just bad and will check out the manga.
Mar 13, 2020 9:40 PM
Apr 2019
Finally finished this, great premise but its kinda took weird direction...

I like inyou weapon tho, and zero cute as fuck so i just give it 7/10
Apr 25, 2020 7:28 PM
Mar 2012
Not bad arc, but the Magmel world was the main draw. Inyo & Zero backstory make a cute pair tho.
Mixed episodes of some good monster action & great fables, with some awful pacing, bad animation, weird plot or horrible comedy.
Magmel, with very interesting monster designs, deserves more world building. Should've expanded on Ractors origin & how it works. Show is clearly episodic tho so didn't expect much.
Dec 17, 2020 12:24 PM
Mar 2020
Last episode It pretty bad he look lost fighting old gamps 😂
Mar 22, 2022 7:26 PM

Jan 2013
I finally took some years to finish a few last episodes, and honestly, i don't remember well the first 8 but i thought it was bad but i was expecting much worse, so that wasn't as bad, especially the whole Zero arc.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Dec 21, 2023 2:50 PM

May 2021
I know necromancy is not a joyful thing but I had to vent somewhere. Boy was this show a let down. At least last 3 episodes which came out of nowhere and all of the sudden there's a guy who can't be defeated but not because he's powerful but because no one is doing anything. Main character literally stood and took beatings for three episodes straight. And then biggest let down conclusion I've seen yet. Boy oh boy.

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