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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Aug 8, 2015 8:35 PM

Dec 2008
I am so glad the music teacher intervened. I don't believe he was in the wrong. MAny of the band students were just lazy and are not used to putting in a lot of effort into improving themselves as musicians. I agree with the teacher: if they really want to compete, then they have to practice and improve more.
Aug 10, 2015 11:10 AM
Oct 2013
Sorry for reclame but heres my fanvideo from the serie between Reina and Kumiko!
Sep 20, 2015 1:51 PM
Sep 2009
The band has some serious issues if they can't figure out why Taki made them do what he did. I'm no musician but even I can see the reason behind each exercise.

Go Taki, make these lazy bumps work.
Sep 24, 2015 4:23 PM

Mar 2012
Might be time I lowered my expectations a bit, this show is quite boring.
Oct 2, 2015 7:34 PM

Jun 2011
Previous episode : Sensei was an ass.
This episode : Sensei was awesome.
^ That's how the general audience think. I have always thought that sensei wasn't so bad, in fact I like him quite a bit since his first appearance, but many people seem to like to judge too soon.

The part between Oumae and Kousaka was nice, if only for Oumae's 'impersonation' of Mihashi from Oofuri, it totally reminds me of that scene, and I love it. <3

Everything was great in this episode, but there is one thing I really disliked, and that is how both Oumae and Kousaka treat Tsukamoto. :/
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Dec 14, 2015 4:17 PM
Feb 2015
LMAO @ " she'll kill me "

I fucking love that ED tho
Dec 15, 2015 1:34 PM

Feb 2013
Teach is still cool as hell. Wonder why Reina is so defensive of him tho
Jan 1, 2016 8:07 PM

Apr 2014
At first I've thought, it will be about cute girls doing cute things, but holy shit i am sold.
The sensei, the main character, the ost, so far it is really awesome and can't wait to marathon it 😁
"Even villains have standards"

Jan 14, 2016 11:33 PM

Jun 2009
i've said it before but i'm going to say it again, but that instructor is truly excellent. whipped them into line within a week. they students were all apprehensive of his ways but once they saw the fruits of their labour, they realised that his way was the righteous one.
Aug 13, 2016 10:23 PM

Aug 2012
-All of these music prep exercises are all pretty nostalgic
-They made the musical dissonances within the sectionals a ton more obvious in this episode, compared to the first one. Maybe it's also just because my volume's louder watching this episode.
-Looks like the bass section was the one that Taki ripped apart the least
-That scream was terrifying
-It was a pretty interesting (and clever) decision to have Hazuki do lip slurs with the tuba pistons in full view, because they didn't have to animate the fingers moving but still got the point across that Hazuki was trying to improve at tuba playing.
-It's also amazing how much research they put into this. Playing notes with only a brass mouthpiece is like a really nostalgic exercise for me
-They also animated cleaning the inside of a clarinet pretty accurately
-It is actually pretty amazing how detailed the pre-ensemble practice scene was, with Kumiko I think emptying out her spit valve as well as the clarinet cleaning
-Even when they were tuning you could hear the moment when Hazuki (presumably) played the tuning note because of how the tuba's sound wavered.
-The fingerings for the pistoned instruments were pretty spot on, but I'm not sure about the other types of instruments since I only used to play the trumpet.
-The interesting thing about the schedules Taki passed on to Haruka is that he had them prepared before gauging the process of the band, as if he expected them to live up to his expectations beforehand. It's a small thing, but it carries a lot of significance without directly using words.

The visuals of this show are pretty spectacular and musically accurate most of the time, which really impresses me. Usually KyoAni just puts a lot of detail into things that have no bearing on the plot, but the things they do in this show are very much relevant to the progression of the story.
ThreePercentAug 14, 2016 10:43 AM
Sep 20, 2016 3:36 PM

Nov 2013

watching this cause of new season that's coming...
sorry had to drop this image here, let's march to the music =D of the scene

also, nice episode, all that practice and then the final song

@Memor to think the last comment on this episode was about the same thing as me haha
winddevil1Sep 21, 2016 3:05 AM
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Sep 22, 2016 8:43 PM

Apr 2016
And a resounding "meh" was heard.
Dec 8, 2016 10:39 PM

Sep 2016
this episode brought a new shift in momentum with the series, now the band has learned through trial and error in practice about dedication and self determination. I loved the scene with oumae and kousaka san so heartwarming when they made up, & shouts out to taki sensei
Facta Non Verba
Dec 30, 2016 12:03 PM

Sep 2014
Taki-sensei is an awesome character. I like how he uses a direct approach and keep things simple and straight. He's the kind of teacher I always wanted but never had.
Aside from that, the Episode was really good.
Jan 2, 2017 3:51 PM

Dec 2014
The artwork is so freaking amazing. They're just showing off at random now. Slow episodes so far, but them coming together at the end is giving me more hope for the future of the band.

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Apr 20, 2017 7:37 AM

Jun 2013
It's possible that the conductor's methods only seem harsh to the band because they're used to a lot more chill environment. Perhaps in other schools that place more emphasis on music, these methods are the standard.

Kumiko is slowly coming into her own, and it seems like this time she managed to catch Reina off-guard, but in a good way. But I also really enjoy that the show lets us get a glimpse into the different ways the various band members are dealing with this situation.
May 10, 2017 4:00 PM

Nov 2013
What a retarded, unlikeable cast of characters. I hate them all except Asuka and president.
This episode was stupid and boring.
Apr 9, 2018 4:32 PM

Nov 2016
The end of this episode was great,hard work paid off,but from now on it's getting even more taxing.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 5, 2019 12:09 AM

Oct 2017
Another nice episode.

Wow Taki’s training methods are pretty intense. I don’t know if I would’ve survived lol. But at least the students pulled through, even the lazy ones.

Reina and Kumiko talked a bit more. And Kumiko was able to finally say all the things she wanted to towards Reina. Even if she ran away after lol.

Taki saw that the band was finally putting in an effort and deemed them worthy to go to SunFes. I can’t wait to see what they’ll be playing!
Apr 7, 2019 11:12 PM

Jul 2012
Ahh, the last few scenes in this episodes were so well-done! Especially the Kumiko and Reina one.

I could make an album of all these Kumiko faces

And here's a bonus one of Natsuki sleepily getting up to play
Jun 19, 2019 11:26 PM

Feb 2018
Finally they can play simultaneously.
Oct 1, 2019 7:32 AM

Jun 2019
"What's wrong Katou-chan? Are you in pain? Are you giving birth?" - Proof that Asuka has the best lines.

Overall, not an impressive episode, but it showed that the Band made some really neat progress. And the techer did not bother me this time!
Nov 29, 2019 8:45 PM

Feb 2008
Ah, so he's not the teacher that let the band self-destruct the previous year. That makes a lot more sense. With that as a basis, we can pretend that his truly God awful "teaching" up to now was just him trying to feel out the remaining students, which means he's just a moderately incompetent teacher rather than a complete waste of tax payer money. Of course, I may be biased here as I've never liked the "first, let's make the class hate me" approach to teaching.

That aside, it feels like this series is trying really, really hard to convince you that its deep and meaningful, rather than actually being deep or meaningful.
Dec 18, 2019 11:19 AM

Apr 2013
Looks like they got their stuff finally together, even that lazy girl in the bass section is practicing now. Kumiko seems very... realistic to me to be honest. Depending on the person she's talking to she behaves quite differently, just like how I would expect from a student.
Apr 23, 2020 11:26 AM

May 2011
Did anyone else catch that one girl grab her mouthpiece with intent to throw it as she was waiting for sensei's verdict? It's the little things like that in this show that really add to the humor and make me appreciate it.

The show is slow to start, but it's laying a foundation and I'm appreciating it so far.
Jun 4, 2020 12:06 PM

Sep 2018
This time the thing that I appreciate most, in addition to the narration, the plot and the characters, is the way in which the episode highlights the character of the characters in their ego: contrived and expressive, too. Excellent quality of drawings, animations and backgrounds.
Aug 6, 2020 7:17 AM
Apr 2019
good episode,they finally stood together .But this club needs some formication,they should sack the president.
Sep 5, 2020 11:51 AM

Jul 2015
Seems like Taki-sensei actually teaches them something which works now that they at least can perform a simple piece for the ensemble (heck even the lazy and whiny students participate now) instead of the dumb 'come get me if you're ready' attitude. Kind of bothered by his argument that they made the choice to go to the nationals since there are probably members who didn't chose for that at all.

Oct 24, 2020 1:09 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
I like how she just spurted out all her thoughts and feelings and just tested herself out of there as if it was an embarrassing love confession

not trying the gachabon anymore though, 0/10 anime

whiskey tango foxtrot

Nov 6, 2020 4:48 PM

Jan 2019
Finally, their ensemble is bareable. But them being on pitch and harmonious is the limit of my musical knowledge. Good to know that these people will actually have to practice on Sundays. They will finally feel the practice pain I felt with swimming for the past 10 years.
Feb 6, 2021 10:22 PM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
The best episode yet. Finally they played together and it sounded beautiful this time although not technically perfect yet.
Apr 3, 2021 7:39 AM

Apr 2009
The ensemble band gods have smiled, not all but most of them and barely at that. LOL

Some of the complainers either have to shape up even more and all of them work even harder or risk shaming all of themselves on SunFes.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Nov 17, 2021 8:30 AM
Aug 2021
Why are the students making such a fuss over the exercises when it's crystal clear that it will help a lot in increasing their lung capacity? But anyways the whining did actually unify them and they genuinely sounded better.
Kumiko's reaction faces were pretty funnyXD "Creeped her out?" Nah Kousaka's clearly very flattered by what you said Kumiko.

Are you giving birth? Lol Asuka. Now that's a buurn.
Jan 7, 2022 10:33 PM

Jul 2020
Character development is just as great as the memeable face expressions. Seriously their funny faces catch me off guard to pop a small giggle
Feb 4, 2022 2:57 AM

Jul 2017
Taki is the man!

Damn, the way they all finally came together in the end. I got chills.

Jul 6, 2022 4:33 AM

May 2020
So much of Hibike and Violet Evergarden are similiar, in so many good ways

Kyoto truly is above and beyond the #1 studio for high end anime
Sep 6, 2022 9:46 PM
Jun 2021
omg their music instructor is so funny he reminds me of my own band director in high school. he would say very similar things and makes me miss playing in the concert band
Sep 22, 2022 2:02 AM

Apr 2018
Great now they can play at the Sunrise Festival, also things look better between Kumiko and Reina
Oct 23, 2022 9:17 AM

Nov 2021
Why didn't the students except for Kousaka realize the problem was them and not the teacher? How did they think they would be able to play an ensemble without practicing? Are they that dumb? Did it seriously take them that long to realize their teacher was serious?.
Aug 12, 2023 6:35 AM

May 2020
Look, that's how it goes.. you teach people earnestly and then they give results. Wonder why sensei left them on their own means when of course he'd have recognized their unmotivated selfs straight away.. though maybe that's a part of teaching as well, anyways band gave a satisfactory performance and will go to the music fest next time.

Also I'm not sure but I could sense plenty of kids there who aren't aiming for nationals... though they would've raised their hands instead of hesitating and going with the flow when votings were done lol.
Feb 3, 2024 8:27 PM

May 2021
Kumiko's reactions are a highlight for me.

Also, Kousaka was way too defensive for that Sensei. Another something is going on, it seems.

Mar 5, 2024 11:52 AM

May 2015
Euphonium circus is here !
Mar 24, 2024 3:27 PM
Mar 2018
I was so relieved to hear the band play together! They sounded good!

Kousaka is this episode's MVP; I loved her defense of the teacher and her discussion with Kumiko.
May 19, 2024 12:04 AM

Jun 2009
Really like the vibe of this show, feels very grounded and plausible though I can't say for sure given I never played any music much less have been in a band.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
May 26, 2024 4:27 PM

Jun 2020
Reply to ThreePercent
-All of these music prep exercises are all pretty nostalgic
-They made the musical dissonances within the sectionals a ton more obvious in this episode, compared to the first one. Maybe it's also just because my volume's louder watching this episode.
-Looks like the bass section was the one that Taki ripped apart the least
-That scream was terrifying
-It was a pretty interesting (and clever) decision to have Hazuki do lip slurs with the tuba pistons in full view, because they didn't have to animate the fingers moving but still got the point across that Hazuki was trying to improve at tuba playing.
-It's also amazing how much research they put into this. Playing notes with only a brass mouthpiece is like a really nostalgic exercise for me
-They also animated cleaning the inside of a clarinet pretty accurately
-It is actually pretty amazing how detailed the pre-ensemble practice scene was, with Kumiko I think emptying out her spit valve as well as the clarinet cleaning
-Even when they were tuning you could hear the moment when Hazuki (presumably) played the tuning note because of how the tuba's sound wavered.
-The fingerings for the pistoned instruments were pretty spot on, but I'm not sure about the other types of instruments since I only used to play the trumpet.
-The interesting thing about the schedules Taki passed on to Haruka is that he had them prepared before gauging the process of the band, as if he expected them to live up to his expectations beforehand. It's a small thing, but it carries a lot of significance without directly using words.

The visuals of this show are pretty spectacular and musically accurate most of the time, which really impresses me. Usually KyoAni just puts a lot of detail into things that have no bearing on the plot, but the things they do in this show are very much relevant to the progression of the story.

I get what you say about the detail, that random guy pretending to march to the music would be considered unnecessary frippery for a lesser studio. Not only did it take me straight back to people dicking around in secondary school, It also helps the band seem like it exists in a living world, where even the background extras have lives; the actions of our main cast are all the more impactful for it.

Also, I'm a whore for visuals and these backgrounds are amazing. Love myself some good scenery.
Old is Gold

"Look, look, we can do spinning shots without wasting our entire budget"
"Did you see? Look, it's all smooth and everything !"
"You're not looking, please, it's SO AWESOME LOOK AT HOW SPINNY IT IS!!!!"

- All anime animators since the invention of CGI.
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