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Feb 14, 2019 6:22 AM

Nov 2011
That's a weird place to eat bentos together.

The aerial maneuver were really impressive this episode imo especially from Phantom. Regardless of Gripen's performance, it looks like she'll have Kei's support no matter what.
Feb 14, 2019 9:29 AM

May 2018
Yes, for me it was the best episode so far. A lot of good action and some nice tension building up. Overall the series is not that good, but I'm enjoying, it isn't something that piss me off, so it's fine.

Also, somehow I find the opening quite nice to hear:

    Grant me one hour on love's most sacred shores
    To clasp the bosom that my soul adores,
    Lie heart to heart and merge my soul with yours
Feb 14, 2019 10:17 AM

Apr 2010
Well it looks like the girls have some issues to work out before they go on the next mission.
It also seems like that island is pretty well defended with those missiles and all.
Feb 14, 2019 11:13 AM
Jan 2017
This episode was definitely a significant step up in quality, especially now that we get some explanations about Phantom's personality and motivations. Star Trek talks about the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few, Mass Effect 3 talks about letting a few people die so that many more can be saved and now, this episode tells us that Phantom reduces people with names and families into faceless statistics because of the way she was raised. Her conversation with Kei, right before the ill-fated attack on the Zai base, was the emotional crux of this episode. Yes, it's amazing that we have more insight on Phantom than we have on Eagle.

The downside to all of this is that there is no true sense of companionship and unity between the main characters. They don't like each other, they just barely tolerate each other. Even Kei can see such an attitude will just bring them trouble in the long run. If the main characters have no emotional attachments to one another, then the viewers will have no reason to get emotionally attached to the characters. Also, it's a bit foolish of Phantom to brazenly accept Kei's challenge, especially when she dismisses Kei as fragile cargo and Phantom as an ineffectual pilot. If Phantom beats Gripen, she will get Kei as a partner. Why would you want a fragile piece of cargo as your partner? Do you want to make Gripen jealous?

Girly Air Force has a lot of potential and I don't want to see that potential squandered because of some weird and bizarre narrative choices the series makes. Hopefully, the show will improve next week and deliver an amazing episode.
Feb 14, 2019 11:34 AM

May 2016
The finally decide to step up their game, while this felt like a build-up episode it kinda made sense with that's coming next.
Feb 14, 2019 12:50 PM
May 2017
so they can't serialise Anima production because... they can't? that's their explanation?
also, cruise missiles have this World War II-era guidance system called inertial navigation that cannot be affected by electronic warfare, and of course they forgot about that...
Feb 14, 2019 1:07 PM

May 2018
So phantom has an attitude problem, where she focuses in getting in a fight after everyone else is ether dead or unable to fight.
Feb 14, 2019 1:23 PM

Jun 2015
So Phantom's attitude is a result of the high hopes that has been place upon. I guess when you were given such hopes but yet despised by the very people you were supposed to protect that an attitude like her's can manifest. Hmm so anima's are unique to each model of aircraft then. This insight into not just how the anima's are created but also the strain that they are under sure was insightful. The first gen anima sure had a tough training regime though. Seeing countless defeats hundreds of times must have made Phantom realize that trying to defend everyone would only end in defeat. Its kinda sad hearing that even after so long she still doesn't know how to smile. Though their first strike failed looks like their second strike will be pushing even harder thanks to Kei's provocation of phantom.
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Feb 14, 2019 6:12 PM

Nov 2017
Sachyan said:
Yes, for me it was the best episode so far. A lot of good action and some nice tension building up. Overall the series is not that good, but I'm enjoying, it isn't something that piss me off, so it's fine.

Also, somehow I find the opening quite nice to hear:

Totally agree,good episode,and the op is good,but for some reason I like the ed just as much,its quite catchy.
Feb 14, 2019 6:52 PM

Apr 2011
So Phantom would prioritize many over the few eh. She's a rather complicated girl. Also interesting info about they can only create one anime on one aircraft model. Bison and Russia are mentioned, hoping will see two anima or more in future episodes.

I like how eagle got frustrated over the mission that make her and others push for better. And Kei just provoke Phantom to a duel. This is getting interesting.
Feb 15, 2019 1:05 AM

May 2015
Smoking in a non smoking area!

So Phantom is one of the first Anima. That makes her the strongest then.

You can't have more than one anima with the same model...Must be a pride thing...

Sucks to be Minghua... much as I may dislike Phantom's selfish attitude...she needs a hug...Interesting character...

Surface-to-air shrapnel missiles...well that's something that's going to be hard to get through...

Phantom prioritizes her own survival over anything else. Well Kei sounds confident that he can get her to listen, so we'll just have to see how he does that...

I just noticed how Eagle and Phantom are complete opposites. Eagle is the childish one who acts on instinct, while Phantom is the mature one who uses logic and reasoning to determine her actions. I guess Gripen might be the middle ground between them which will make her and Kei the key to getting the team to cooperate.

Feb 15, 2019 2:42 AM
Jul 2014
commander31able said:
so they can't serialise Anima production because... they can't? that's their explanation?
also, cruise missiles have this World War II-era guidance system called inertial navigation that cannot be affected by electronic warfare, and of course they forgot about that...

1. Yes, this doesn't make sense given the Xai unless the Xai are all hiveminds controlled by one master unit in the same fashion that the Anima control their ordinance.

Hence, if the Anima are supposed to be the archetype or master of a particular airframe and all of its variants, than this gives us a rather short list of Anima, beginning from F-4 Phantom II's generation. To be specific, the possible list of Anima would be (by generation, starting from the third generation):

F-104 Starfighter
Mirage F1
Saab-37 Viggen
MiG 21
MiG 23 Flogger
MiG 25 Foxbat
Su-15 Flagon
Tu-28 Fiddler

Panavia Tornado
Eurofighter Typhoon
Mirage 2000
Dassaut Rafale (confirmed, volume 5
HAL Tejas (India)
FA-50 (South Korea)
F/C-1 Ching Kuo (Taiwan)
MiG 29
MiG 31
Su 27 (confirmed, volume 9)
Harrier 1
Harrier 2
F-14 Tomcat
F-16 (confirmed, volume 6)
F/A-18 Hornet/Rhino (confirmed, volume 7)
Su-35 (confirmed, volume 4)

Su-47 (berkut) (confirmed, volume 4)
Su-57 (PAK-FA) (confirmed, volume 10)

I have excluded both anima which are already in the game, as well as PRC aircraft; it's unlikely that the PRC would have anima given that the PRC ceases to exist as a national entity within the first few episodes of the anime, and the likelihood that most of its 1.3 billion inhabitants have been killed by the Xai.

Overall, however, the numbers aren't promising; just 32 anima to defend the entire earth. Moreover, if volume 6 is any indication,
Feb 15, 2019 2:47 AM
May 2017
firemagnet said:

so they had F-15s during the Roman Empire?
Feb 15, 2019 3:07 AM

Oct 2007
Phantom is really careful with her life, can't die until she saves humanity. Well, in that situation it is indeed too dangerous with opponents shooting from above and the enemy base shooting from below with fragmentation bomb. They need more anima, or a better strategy.

However, Phantom.. you forget that if you let all japanese otaku die, that would be a lot less people buy the dvd and blu ray of your show. :p
Feb 15, 2019 5:08 AM

Jun 2017
So far, I can say that this is the best episode of this anime. The maneuvers used in this episode is good. There is also a build up for the event coming in the next episodes, I'd be glad to see it.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Feb 15, 2019 7:15 AM

May 2018
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?
Considering her messed up "Childhood" no surprise Phantom has some attitude problems.
This is not your planet to rule. The Fallen shall rise again.
Feb 15, 2019 12:47 PM
Mar 2017
Phantom is still causing problems in the team, as she refuses to depend and work with Eagle and Gripen.
Gripen is so adorable, I love seeing her feed Kei, it's a shame he does not fall for her charm.
Apparently Phantom went through a very cruel training, to the point of turning it into the unpleasant Anima that she is now, in fact she mentions that the USA and Russia Anima also went through an equal training, so I guess they should be just as " sympathetic " as she is.
Eagle is very childish and is easily angered by Phantom's provocations, yet he decides to respond to the orders to protect Phantom.
In the end the mission fails because Phantom does not obey the orders given to her and she "flees" leaving Eagle and Gripen to receive damage on their planes.

Kei manages to provoke Phantom by calling her a coward, since she is only interested in her own survival, in addition to Kei, who haughtily puts Gripen in the middle, poor thing her confused face is very cute and funny.
Apparently things can change, but first we have to know who will win the bet, Phantom or Gripen?
Feb 15, 2019 1:44 PM

Dec 2016
So Russia discovered anima first, huh? WHERE IS MiG-CHAN THEN!? One probably exists, but I doubt she will show up in the anime. I wonder if the novels are translated... Also the music in this show is pretty good. So far I've enjoyed this anime, but there hasn't been anything that really amazed me yet.

What's the difference?
Feb 15, 2019 5:39 PM

Nov 2017
Daemon said:
So Russia discovered anima first, huh? WHERE IS MiG-CHAN THEN!? One probably exists, but I doubt she will show up in the anime. I wonder if the novels are translated... Also the music in this show is pretty good. So far I've enjoyed this anime, but there hasn't been anything that really amazed me yet.

No,its not amazing,but it is entertaining.I'd also like to get my hands on the anima,oops,sorry,meant LN's :)
Feb 16, 2019 10:00 AM
Jul 2014
commander31able said:
firemagnet said:

so they had F-15s during the Roman Empire?

LOL, but the author seems to think so if google translate is correct. The specific passage in the book summary reads "a F-15J wing is found at the bottom of a mine in mongolia. Furthermore, this wing section is found to be several thousand years old"

The specific term used is "sen nen," where "sen" is "thousand". Yes, I double checked the translation, because I couldn't believe the author was that stupid.
firemagnetFeb 16, 2019 10:05 AM
Feb 17, 2019 6:38 AM

Oct 2008
Phantom so stubborn again, well its expected cuz of what people expected of the past century? wow!
Gripen so adorable!
Eagle always pissed-off lolz!

Feb 18, 2019 8:07 PM
Jul 2014
airfoilfan87 said:
Firemagnet.. theres an F-16 based anima? F-2 is quite a different jet, so this got me curious..

The F-2 is a licensed produced F-16 (I misidentified it, it's a F-2), but the F-2's airframe is larger.
Feb 21, 2019 10:23 AM
Jul 2014
airfoilfan87 said:
firemagnet said:

The F-2 is a licensed produced F-16 (I misidentified it, it's a F-2), but the F-2's airframe is larger.

I see.. I thought there was an anima based from the Falcon.. that was at least mentioned in the novels..

That would be the "F2A-Viper-Zero," which is the expanded F-2 Airframe based on the F-16 (introduced by daughter only in episode 7).
Jun 2, 2020 5:20 PM

Feb 2020
Another twos separate part like before happen here. The mild one, we get a nice interaction within Gripen and Kei again. Her seduce against Kei always fun to watch til the end, lol. And another miserable encounter with Minghua, make her appearance here get dumped every episode. Poor her! The tension sharped on the second one. Phantom, as its past reveal, her intentions not only to focusing on to just one area like the others Anima. But over all the human being in the world, as stated by doctor Yoshidori. Her experience make her behaviour difficult to understand and remain unknown. In the end, that unknown mental making her reason to stay fight become unclear and make the mission on danger. Fortunately, they all alived, thanks to the plot armour, once again. But here is the good information: yeah, another other country Anima reveal. Yeah, its obvious, because this Xi can be a great danger for the world, making all country to make its own Anima to defend itself. Now Japan Anima had to face the front line alone against that terorrist Xi (China rebel). Can Kei over come the whole situations and clear the mission successfully? But, for the start, he need to persuade that old lady Phantom.

The next episode will be great to see, as its peak battle might overwhelming my initial expectations. I can't wait for it....
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