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Jan 10, 2019 5:54 AM

Nov 2011
Roselia is an interesting band. Very talented and I like their outfit designs this season.

I wonder how many times Poppin'Party will interact with them this season considering their encounter with them this episode. Poppin'Party is definitely the less experienced group here though so getting the chance to perform with them is also an unique opportunity. That Minato girl is also very talented even in her own group.
Jan 10, 2019 6:54 AM

Dec 2014
Great episode again, this is so good. XD

Roselia OP this time, I wonder if they're gonna keep shuffling? Did they ever release one for the other bands apart from Roselia and Poppipa?

I loved the part where Poppin Party walk into a dead Roselia and Tae is like, 'The crime took place behind closed doors.' XDD

Come on, who didn't sing along to Black Shout? That was lit, I was tapping my feet the moment the music hit. Loving the performances.
Yukina went pretty savage at the end saying that Poppin Party wasn't ready for their own live and she's probably right.

I'm assuming the girl with headphones is part of Raise a Suilen? I didn't follow their announcement too much.

Sparkling Dreaming ~Sing Girls~ next episode? I'm excited, that's my favorite Poppipa song. <3

Jan 10, 2019 7:07 AM

Sep 2009
oh so they are changing the OP for every band that is the focus of the episode. Nice.
Jan 10, 2019 7:22 AM

May 2016
I was all ready to photoshop a "MISSING: Marina from CiRCLE" poster if best girl Marina didn't show up this episode, but looks like we got her. They could end S2 right here and I'll be fine. But a live at CiRCLE wouldn't be too bad either.

On a more serious note, this episode really picked up from last week. Definitely some good moments and not egregious pandering like last episode (although I was totally fine with it for a first episode :P). The ending was a tad forced, though. The main conflict for the season is set, I suppose.

And in terms of the OP, I believe they are swapping off between PoPiPa and Roselia every episode. No evidence there, but seeing as they've only released 2 MVs, that's what I suspect. It looks like the other bands are getting the shaft just like season 1, but I remain hopeful.
Jan 10, 2019 8:53 AM
Panzer Vor!

Jun 2014
Yukina is so cool, but cold as fuck lol, man how to end a episode.
Jan 10, 2019 9:29 AM

Aug 2012
Aww yeah, every episode a new OP!
Jan 10, 2019 10:51 AM

Mar 2014
I'm just so excited for RAISE A SUILEN band story. I fell in love the instant I saw them at the delayed viewing, and I told my boyfriend there's no way they're gonna just stay an opening act. They're way too good for that. They even started having their own lives and everything. And then... Low and behold, R.I.O.T is in the game, they released character art, AND they're obviously gonna be one of the focuses of s2 (and my guess is they'll officially be added to the game somewhere down the line-- or is that just my wishful thinking heh) I AM SO PROUD OF THEM AND EXCITED
Jan 10, 2019 11:04 AM

Aug 2012
Savage Yukina. I can't tell if she likes Poppin'Party or not. lol
Jan 10, 2019 11:29 AM

Apr 2013
Good ep, haha funny to see Yukina be the harshest one now when it's usually Sayo (from game experience), but that's how Roselia is, no nonsense and professional. Also great to see Marina again, was kinda hoping CIRCLE becoming an onsen from Pico was gonna be canon haha.

Ascended Taste
I only came back to this site for the forum sets and to promote my RYM list... Anilist ftw still :dab:
Jan 10, 2019 12:43 PM

Dec 2016
Ah lovely opening there by Roselia, Brave Jewel is another great song by them.

What's the deal with this Rokka girl? her character is so annoying, how can someone be so afraid and startled by everything in the world, her voice is too loud for my liking.

Haha Ako can still do her thing even in that state, I admire their tenacity and determination to make the show succeed but those girls really should look after themselves a bit better.

BLACK SHOUT, solid choice for a live performance.

Yeah Yukina is always very straight forward and blunt like that, it's a challenge set for Poppin'Party to get good enough for their own live sponsored show, I know they will work hard towards their goal.
Jan 10, 2019 1:09 PM

Jul 2012
Geez the fact that the crowds are hand drawn and not the main characters makes me so mad.
Jan 10, 2019 1:49 PM

Aug 2014
meh still hate the cgi

i noticed theres a third season coming too which i assume will be cgi as well?
Jan 10, 2019 2:02 PM

Dec 2008
An episode solely dedicated to dickride Roselia. Can't complain though, all the scenes that didn't involve them were boring as hell. It's like they're actively trying to make me hate PoPiPa or something. I don't, so please staff, do try to make them less awkward. They're okay in the game...

LukesYGO_WSonYT said:
What's the deal with this Rokka girl? her character is so annoying, how can someone be so afraid and startled by everything in the world, her voice is too loud for my liking.

I can't stand her. Did her voice and behavior really have to be like that? What kind of writer is satisfied with a character like this?

I liked Safe and Sound. I didn't know it so I was surprised when it played at the end.

I already know I'm gonna be watching this show pretty much only for the performances unless the writing improves and/or they let HaroHapi breathe some life into this. I miss GaruPa PICO...
Jan 10, 2019 3:36 PM

Nov 2015
I liked this episode more than the first one. Can't wait for the whole Raise a Suilen to form. They also showed Marina and nice live performances.

Achaman said:
meh still hate the cgi

i noticed theres a third season coming too which i assume will be cgi as well?

The cgi is pretty nice and yeah, SANZIGEN is here to stay. They did the MV's for the game, garupa pico and now s2 and 3.

Jan 10, 2019 4:06 PM
Nov 2017
A decent episode I guess. I was waiting to see more of Roselia as the preview last week made it look like we'll get a whole episode of them - but instead, PoPiPa stole the spotlight for most of the time. I know they are The Main Band (and I really like them too) but we already got a whole season only for them and their development... Some room for the other bands too, please? ;-; But now we got a goal set for them so it seems they won't be leaving the spotlight at least for a moment... Ah well, only future will tell us. This was only the second episode.

But to not make this a whole "why always PoPiPa?!?" rant I must say the lives look really good! Every Roselia member's mannerisms were just on the spot. It's a joy to look at them play. And overall the cgi doesn't really bother me as much as I had expected, it's actually nice to see one of my favourite multimedia franchises to test the waters of (almost) full cgi series. :D
Jan 10, 2019 5:43 PM

Mar 2010
I'm disappointed that CiRCLE doesn't have an onsen spa.

Now Watching

原神 : 800993232


Jan 10, 2019 7:22 PM
Nov 2017
I hope Hello, Happy World! And other 2 bands (Afterglow, Pastel Palettes) will have many screentime and performance in next episode. I dont know why but i dont like Kasumi from S1, just feel that shes annoying or something like that. I like all characters except Kasumi lol.
Jan 10, 2019 10:10 PM
Oct 2011
Dude, I don't like cgi as well (still don't hate it) but this is a fucking well done animation, I'm surprised, good job SANZIGEN.
Jan 10, 2019 10:19 PM
Apr 2016
rinko's still being voiced by satomi akesaka or they already replaced her with kanon shizaki in this ep?
Jan 10, 2019 11:25 PM
Oct 2016
Poor Marina. No sponsored live show at CiRCLE for now... Also Roselia death occured I thoughtthe dying was over when garupa pico was over seems not. Wonder who will be next (・ิω・ิ)
bread is yummy
Jan 10, 2019 11:36 PM

Oct 2008
I hate to say this but after watching this episode, i'm instantly a total fan of Roselia!
Roselia dominates! BLACK ROCK-ON!!!

tried to check utube and man! they already have their 8th single!
matias067Jan 11, 2019 12:17 AM

Jan 11, 2019 1:00 AM

Mar 2009
That one Roselia girl seems mean, but they're a good band.
Jan 11, 2019 6:48 AM

Oct 2015
Poor Marina, even in this series she got totally ignored by Roselia. She already suffer to much in the garupa pico series. I really want to see the Circle’s onsen.
Jan 11, 2019 8:25 AM
Dec 2016
Yukina is so scary~
Had to remind myself that she's a cat person
Jan 11, 2019 8:44 AM
Apr 2016
I expect to hear Kizuna music OP, but I was wrong. Black Shout OP this time with Roselia PV. Cant wait to see the next OP.
Jan 11, 2019 10:29 AM

Nov 2013

with all the focus on my favorite band, i can say for sure, this is my favorite show of the season, and possibly of the year =D
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Jan 11, 2019 12:11 PM

Oct 2010
I've never played the game (or any rhythm game) (yes that includes Guitar Hero even though I was in college 2005-2009)

My path has been Pastel Life and Garupa Pico (which was GREAT) -> listening to Roselia (mostly Neo-Aspect and 陽だまりロードナイト) -> first season in the past month -> this.

As a longtime listener of "gothic" symphonic pop "metal" I'd say Roselia is far superior to any of iM@S' attempts, which is a bit sad since I love Ranko so much. Ako's chuuni game is... unconvincing, so far. p.s. pls listen to liv moon

My initial stance was "my rating will be directly proportional to how much Roselia" then after the first episode "if PoPiPa vs. Roselia I will always side with Roselia, is that okay with you, writing staff?"

Yukina being kuudere is fun for anime although in the european scene, the frontwoman is normally cheerful and outgoing AF, on stage and off, even Akane Liv from Liv Moon is always smiling in photos (though she is half Swedish, maybe that's why ;P) (I figure I should just avoid mentioning Babymetal)

My main thought at episode 2 is this world is ultra bizarre. I don't mean girl bands being the rage, that's a given, like girls' stage tokusatsu being the rage in Action Heroine Cheer Fruits, or ladies' senshadou in GuP. What I mean is the girls handling the business and labor themselves, apparently because it would be less appealing for them to have a label and a manager and a stage crew. Love Live sells more BDs than iM@S. Are PoPiPa earning money? Who's the treasurer? What's their budget like? iunno, doesn't matter, if they reach enough hearts then there will money for live. k

Another thing, the performance order being up to lottery in the first episode was weird enough, but this time Yukina is clearly skeptical about even letting PoPiPa onstage... and then she makes them the LAST opener before Roselia? Whaaaaaaaat? Are the other bands that bad? You put the most unhype band first, for example when I saw Epica in Louisville in 2010 the first band was some local metalcore kids, who were already performing when I got in; oftentimes half the audience isn't even going to see the first opener. Then it was Scar Symmetry, then The Agonist (with Alissa White-Gluz before she went to Arch Enemy), and then Epica.

And ANOTHER thing, the Roselia hardcore fans walking in right when their set was starting... okay, I guess you see the band often enough that you don't care about being near the stage? When I really want to see a band, I will dehydrate myself and stand for hours as close to the stage as I can get. It wouldn't even take that long for these concerts, since somehow the bands are able to trade off the stage almost instantly. In real life you might be waiting half an hour between them. Once at ProgPower there was an hour delay because of equipment problems, but those of us standing there waiting took it in stride, it happens.

tl;dr i want full roselia show and i want it to be mallgoth spinal tap
Jan 11, 2019 2:16 PM
Mar 2017
That was a phenomenal concert, Roselia is on another level, their costumes are great and their music is incredible.
I love seeing Rokka again, she is very adorable and I love it when she discovers that Asuka is Kasumi's big sister, her face was very funny, I would love for her to form her own band.
The OP with Roselia I must say it was great, I liked her song a lot and I hope that the following OPs are with songs from the other bands.
It seems that the girls of Poppin'Party do not know how to prepare their own concert, but Sayo and Rinko gave some advice to the poor Arisa. The meeting with Yukina to see if Poppin'Party could play at the Roselia concert was very intense, Yukina is very demanding and serious, but that is why Roselia is a good quality band.
The day of the concert arrives and the girls of Poppin'Party find the girls of Roselia exhausted and all sleeping, Tae and her crazy ideas make me laugh a lot.
A girl appeared who caught my attention when Asuka and Rokka met, the girl with long hair and headphones with cat ears, I hope to know more about her in the future.
When it was Roselia's turn to play it was incredible, Yukina has an incredible voice and Black Shout was spectacular, seriously they are a very good quality band.
The ending was something that surprised me a little, the critique that Yukina gave to Poppin'Party was hard to listen, but being honest she is right, the girls need to improve and Arisa's face tells me that Yukina is right in what she told them.
I hope to see what the girls will do after hearing such harsh words, but after watching the preview of the next episode I can see that Yukina's words helped them to move forward instead of depressing them.
Jan 11, 2019 8:34 PM

Oct 2015
Roselia sure are the best band, can't say the same about Popipa though. I love Roselia's leader, her character design and personality are great not mention her singing. So far she is MY favorite character this season moment.

Good episode,
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jan 11, 2019 10:10 PM

Oct 2012
nDroae said:

And ANOTHER thing, the Roselia hardcore fans walking in right when their set was starting... okay, I guess you see the band often enough that you don't care about being near the stage?

No true Roselie fan would stand up in front while another band was playing.
Good song by them!
Jan 11, 2019 10:12 PM

Oct 2010
modboy said:
nDroae said:
No true Roselie fan would stand up in front while another band was playing.

True Roselia fans don't support other bands? No one should ever be like that. Such toxic behavior doesn't belong in what should be a generally happy world.

Edit: To elaborate, my all time top played band is Nightwish, they're similar to Roselia (especially Century Child - Once era). There are many Nightwish fans who treat the band, and/or one of its singers, like a religion. It becomes clearly unhealthy. But even they will of course support other bands, and stand in front through a band they don't like if Nightwish plays after. To suggest that "true" fans should go even beyond that strikes me as really beyond the pale.
nDroaeJan 11, 2019 10:31 PM
Jan 12, 2019 10:26 AM

Apr 2012
Guess I'll have to get used to the cranked up slapstick then. *sigh*

Decent ep.
Jan 12, 2019 7:28 PM

Oct 2015
Looks like the anime assumes that you played the game and read the stories from there. Doesn't seem like characterization is going to be focused anytime soon besides RAS members and they'll be more focused with development. I really hope we get new songs for the anime though. I really like their songs but I heard it a million times in the game already and it would be nice to have new songs added.

I still am not used to Rinko's new VA. Sounds a lot older than it should be
Jan 14, 2019 10:13 AM
Jul 2018
MAN I LOVE BRAVE JEWEL. Such a wonderful and amazing opening. I hope that we can see RAS perform in this season, I don't want to wait till the 3rd season (although it comes out in 2019 as well but whatever).

I'm looking forward to the other episodes and I hope that we can see bands like Afterglow more often
Jan 14, 2019 5:44 PM

Jul 2012
Roselia is strict but that's also what makes them great. I love their overall style and music type.

"There are three things you can never get back: The word after it's said, the moment after it's missed, and the time after it's gone."
-Koe no Katachi

Jan 16, 2019 11:15 AM
Nov 2017
Lelouch0202 said:
Great episode again, this is so good. XD

Roselia OP this time, I wonder if they're gonna keep shuffling? Did they ever release one for the other bands apart from Roselia and Poppipa?

I loved the part where Poppin Party walk into a dead Roselia and Tae is like, 'The crime took place behind closed doors.' XDD

Come on, who didn't sing along to Black Shout? That was lit, I was tapping my feet the moment the music hit. Loving the performances.
Yukina went pretty savage at the end saying that Poppin Party wasn't ready for their own live and she's probably right.

I'm assuming the girl with headphones is part of Raise a Suilen? I didn't follow their announcement too much.

Sparkling Dreaming ~Sing Girls~ next episode? I'm excited, that's my favorite Poppipa song. <3

I don't know any of the songs bc not one F'N sub translates the music even though every other music anime does. Also I can't stand that Yukina had to start drama so soon. Im not here for anothere show like that tbh, I thought we were done with that after season 1 and it would be a 3d music filled cute girl anime.
Jan 16, 2019 11:18 AM
Nov 2017
EGOIST said:
Looks like the anime assumes that you played the game and read the stories from there. Doesn't seem like characterization is going to be focused anytime soon besides RAS members and they'll be more focused with development. I really hope we get new songs for the anime though. I really like their songs but I heard it a million times in the game already and it would be nice to have new songs added.

I still am not used to Rinko's new VA. Sounds a lot older than it should be

At least u played the game. I have no idea who anyone is and without subs for the music it might as well be instrumentals only.
Jan 17, 2019 5:57 AM

Oct 2015
L-Mo-Reppin said:
EGOIST said:
Looks like the anime assumes that you played the game and read the stories from there. Doesn't seem like characterization is going to be focused anytime soon besides RAS members and they'll be more focused with development. I really hope we get new songs for the anime though. I really like their songs but I heard it a million times in the game already and it would be nice to have new songs added.

I still am not used to Rinko's new VA. Sounds a lot older than it should be

At least u played the game. I have no idea who anyone is and without subs for the music it might as well be instrumentals only.
Considering that the first season flopped, it's really no surprise they catered to the players of the game which brought much more exposure to the anime. If the anime was the one that profitted then it might have been another story :/
Jan 19, 2019 12:43 PM

Nov 2009
LUL, the moment Roselia goes up on stage and bunch of Goth Girls enter the building...

And yea, Yukina seems to be extremely cold toward PoppinParty.

However she's correct on the fact PoppinParty isn't on the level where Roselia is and probably can't do a proper self-sponsered Live.

Also, even tho Yukina seems cold, but remember in the beginning of the episode, she recognize their improvements when she accepted PoppinParty into their Live. So Yukina being cold is just her natural personality. (she's basically the "Queen", where lots of ppls would like to get step on by her, lol)
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Jan 21, 2019 3:35 AM
Mar 2012
OP Brave Jewel is so awesome.
Popipa's casual rehersal outfits are surprisingly nice for cg. (and lol Saaya's weird bowtie)
Jan 26, 2019 3:07 AM

Jul 2009
I liked this episode so much, since it was focused on Roselia and they are amazing!
Jan 26, 2019 11:13 PM

Oct 2010
I can already see 3 potential members for a new band by the looks of it ;)

Roselia is definitely the best band in this series. Been following them since season 1 and their rhythm game <3
Feb 24, 2019 8:09 AM
Feb 2019
This a great episode
Feb 24, 2019 8:19 AM
Feb 2019
raccoon-child said:
An episode solely dedicated to dickride Roselia. Can't complain though, all the scenes that didn't involve them were boring as hell. It's like they're actively trying to make me hate PoPiPa or something. I don't, so please staff, do try to make them less awkward. They're okay in the game...

LukesYGO_WSonYT said:
What's the deal with this Rokka girl? her character is so annoying, how can someone be so afraid and startled by everything in the world, her voice is too loud for my liking.

I can't stand her. Did her voice and behavior really have to be like that? What kind of writer is satisfied with a character like this?

I liked Safe and Sound. I didn't know it so I was surprised when it played at the end.

I already know I'm gonna be watching this show pretty much only for the performances unless the writing improves and/or they let HaroHapi breathe some life into this. I miss GaruPa PICO...

[SomeoneElse2247] Rokka is not an annyoing character and you completely got her character wrong. She's not afraid of everything in the world. Where did you even get that from? Her voice is not too loud at all. You must have had your volume up too loud. Her voice and behavior are fine just the way they are. And your sentence "What kind of writer is satisfied with a character like this?" was really unnecessary and not needed.

And as for racoon-child, the staff isn't actively trying to make you hate Poppin' Party. They're not awkward at all
Feb 26, 2019 10:50 PM

Dec 2008
Someone_Else2247 said:
And as for racoon-child, the staff isn't actively trying to make you hate Poppin' Party. They're not awkward at all

I was being sarcastic because I'm mad that the writing for PoPiPa is so bad, but yes they are awkward, most of the time their interactions are stiff and unnatural. When you're goofing around with friends it's not supposed to FEEL scripted, you know what I mean? Idk it's just sad that they can't get it right. PoPiPa may not be the most interesting, original and explosive set of characters, but they're still alright and yet the writers aren't doing them justice; as a result they just come across as dull, and what should be endearing moments of spontaneous fun sadly make me wonder if the writers even have friends. I don't like this position where I'm made to pick between PoPiPa having crappy writing or actually being that boring. I don't believe in shitty characters though, only in shitty writing. It's really not PoPiPa's fault. That's why it's such a pity.
Mar 29, 2019 7:00 AM

Mar 2017
L-Mo-Reppin said:

At least u played the game. I have no idea who anyone is and without subs for the music it might as well be instrumentals only.

Well, the music is generally quite good isn't it? You don't need subs to enjoy the music
Mar 29, 2019 11:27 PM
Nov 2017
kuzamine said:
L-Mo-Reppin said:

At least u played the game. I have no idea who anyone is and without subs for the music it might as well be instrumentals only.

Well, the music is generally quite good isn't it? You don't need subs to enjoy the music

It is but the song Tae wrote would probably have been able to draw out more emotions from me and everyone else if we knew the words in the last 2 episodes
Dec 4, 2019 3:22 PM

Apr 2018
Not gonna lie Roselia's song was really enjoyable
Jan 7, 2020 3:54 AM

Oct 2007
organizing an event sure is tough. Impressive those Roselia girls were able to make their event a success.
Apr 26, 2021 3:02 PM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Roselia OP was nice. Their Victorian Gothic style is awesome.

Poppin' Party had a good performance as well.

SerafosNov 9, 2023 10:26 PM
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