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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (light novel)
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Nov 16, 2018 8:01 PM
Jan 2015
Spannerhead said:
-Mahesvara said:
Both Futaba's like Kuniumi, so no. This isn't a harem.


The show has gone out of its way multiple times to point out that Futaba has absolutely no romantic interest in Sakuta.
Yeah, they're just really good friends. There's no harem tag for this series for a reason.
My Queens

Nov 16, 2018 8:31 PM
Jan 2018
Why'd alternate Futaba do that tho?
Nov 16, 2018 11:30 PM

Oct 2017
_shahriar_shiham said:
Why'd alternate Futaba do that tho?
Just wait for the next episodes ;)

so futaba's arc, Yay! she was always the one who helped sakuta solved his puberty syndrome problems, so maybe this time, it's only gonna be sakuta who does that. Also that ending.. NANI??

Still... Futaba<Mai
But Futaba> Red haired moody gf

That scene where the failed kiss happened had me melting.
Signature removed.AGAIN.
Nov 17, 2018 3:55 AM

Feb 2016
I'm not the first person to notice this, but the similarities between Futaba and Hanekawa Tsubasa from the Monogatari series are striking.

Overall, I still really liked the episode and will keep watching though.
Nov 17, 2018 10:03 AM

Apr 2012
Spannerhead said:
-Mahesvara said:
Both Futaba's like Kuniumi, so no. This isn't a harem.


The show has gone out of its way multiple times to point out that Futaba has absolutely no romantic interest in Sakuta.
I wasn't hoping on that (Futaba x Sakuta). I just raised the question because the copy is doing things the original won't really do like fall for Sakuta.
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Nov 17, 2018 10:15 AM

Aug 2018
Janethan23 said:
I wasn't hoping on that (Futaba x Sakuta). I just raised the question because the copy is doing things the original won't really do like fall for Sakuta.

Futaba-2 makes it pretty clear that she doesn't have any interest in Sakuta either ("If it was your face, I wouldn't have done it" during the conversation a/b Kumini).

I hesitate to describe Futaba-2 as a copy, b/c I think the show's going to make it clear that both instances of Futaba are equally her. Futaba-1 is the one who initially tried to run away from Sakuta and lied to him in her bath, saying she had no idea why the split was happening... So it's certainly not a case of an "evil twin." Both Futabas are doing sketchy things.
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
Nov 17, 2018 11:27 AM
Jan 2015
One thing that has been bugging me is what Kumini sees in his current GF. Everytime she's been onscreen, she's come as very rude and bitchy. Now I'm sure she doesn't show that side of herself to Kumini, but he's at least aware of it with Sakuta reporting to him about her harassment before. I'm gonna be a bit livid if he still ends being with her instead of Futaba.
My Queens

Nov 17, 2018 12:11 PM
Apr 2017
Kcitkat said:

I love how honest Sakuta and Mai are with each other too.
It's just all so goood~~~

I have the feeling what the blond one is allready a Charakter, just whit coloration. Maybe Futaba? She look like she could take a Stylechange.
Nov 17, 2018 1:46 PM

Jul 2017
Sunaki said:
Kcitkat said:

I love how honest Sakuta and Mai are with each other too.
It's just all so goood~~~

I have the feeling what the blond one is allready a Charakter, just whit coloration. Maybe Futaba? She look like she could take a Stylechange.

Maybe.. but Futaba is also in the op? Unless it's the other Futaba??
Nov 17, 2018 4:53 PM

Aug 2018
-Mahesvara said:
One thing that has been bugging me is what Kumini sees in his current GF. Everytime she's been onscreen, she's come as very rude and bitchy. Now I'm sure she doesn't show that side of herself to Kumini, but he's at least aware of it with Sakuta reporting to him about her harassment before. I'm gonna be a bit livid if he still ends being with her instead of Futaba.

I think it would help us have a better opinion of Kumini if we saw some redeeming qualities in Kamisato. As it is, though, Kumini seems to have pretty bad taste in women.

Other than the raw physical attraction, I don't know what Futaba sees in Kumini. Maybe that's the idea though---to highlight the contradiction we feel as teenagers when our hormones create a physical attraction in spite of the fact that we're incompatible in every other way.
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
Nov 17, 2018 5:22 PM

Oct 2017
sakuta should man up and smash thot futaba
Nov 17, 2018 9:12 PM

Oct 2008
so quantum teleportation makes doppelgangers huh...looks like to me you suddenly teleported but you left your own shit and that shit is the fake one! lolz
Since quiet and shy girls are more crazy in bed...i swear Sakurajima would have immediately fucked if she's more of an introvert shy quiet girl! Same Sakuta wasn't able to steal a kiss from her! (Mai-san!)
Seems like Futaba's boobs are only getting bigger huh! and the other (probably fake one is LEWD!!!)
matias067Nov 17, 2018 9:37 PM

Nov 17, 2018 10:12 PM
Jan 2015
Spannerhead said:
-Mahesvara said:
One thing that has been bugging me is what Kumini sees in his current GF. Everytime she's been onscreen, she's come as very rude and bitchy. Now I'm sure she doesn't show that side of herself to Kumini, but he's at least aware of it with Sakuta reporting to him about her harassment before. I'm gonna be a bit livid if he still ends being with her instead of Futaba.

I think it would help us have a better opinion of Kumini if we saw some redeeming qualities in Kamisato. As it is, though, Kumini seems to have pretty bad taste in women.

Other than the raw physical attraction, I don't know what Futaba sees in Kumini. Maybe that's the idea though---to highlight the contradiction we feel as teenagers when our hormones create a physical attraction in spite of the fact that we're incompatible in every other way.
Futaba said the moment she fell for him was when Kumini gave her that piece of bread, so it wasn't his looks, but his kindness. Plus being friends with him for a year or so probably amplified those feelings.
My Queens

Nov 18, 2018 2:07 AM
Nov 2016
So now we have a problem with futaba who seems to have a alone, this will be interesting.

Shouko returns this episode too.

Mai and Sakuta's relationship has grown too.

The ending though, maybe the other futaba does what the actual futaba really wants to do.
Nov 18, 2018 9:27 AM

Oct 2013
I really like this show... aside from the translation reading like a translation, it feels strikingly non-anime in a lot of ways. We see commentary and plot points we don't usually see in other anime; it feels strikingly Western in such senses. There's a lot of anime bullshit too -- such as Kaede's weird pseudo-incest fascination with Sakuta -- not that I dislike it.

and Futaba is a twitter model, it seems like. I like the direction this is going. :D

Nov 18, 2018 10:29 AM

Aug 2018
-Mahesvara said:
Futaba said the moment she fell for him was when Kumini gave her that piece of bread, so it wasn't his looks, but his kindness. Plus being friends with him for a year or so probably amplified those feelings.

Well she did tell Sakuta that if he had done it, she wouldn't have felt the same about him, so his looks definitely played a part. The episode went out of its way to showcase him shirtless and athletic also, to underscore that side of Futaba's attraction to him...

That said, you're right; it seems like the 3 of them have been friends for a while, so I imagine Fubata and Kumini have SOME kind of a connection beyond just pure physical attraction in her part.

Is it Wednesday yet? ;) Sigh.
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
Nov 18, 2018 1:31 PM

Aug 2017
I think that Futaba was split in two. I don't know what to think about Shouko. Sakuta & Mai's relationship is nice.

I like this episode.
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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Nov 19, 2018 3:44 PM

Jun 2014
Oh god, again with the bullshit science, the show would be so much better without it...
Nov 19, 2018 6:38 PM
Jul 2018
Zadion said:
I really like this show... aside from the translation reading like a translation, it feels strikingly non-anime in a lot of ways. We see commentary and plot points we don't usually see in other anime; it feels strikingly Western in such senses. There's a lot of anime bullshit too -- such as Kaede's weird pseudo-incest fascination with Sakuta -- not that I dislike it.

and Futaba is a twitter model, it seems like. I like the direction this is going. :D

I felt the same way, to this level, where I even don't care about their weird sibling relationship anymore (THO I wish this trope could die tbh). It's also somewhat explained since Kaede was bullied and found comfort and support by clinging at her brother.

Apart from that (imo) awful anime trope, this anime is indeed in many aspects so refreshing non-anime.
I know it's ironic since I'm ofc a big anime fan, but I only can be really enthused for these more-western-type-anime alone.
Some others like the normal SOL-moes can be okayish, but I can't love them. There are exceptions like Madoka and Made in Abyss with the big twists, but usually I can't bring myself to like them so much.

Back to topic: Another pretty good episode. I just try to ignore all of this nonsense-science. Supernatural elements are so much better without scientific explanations. I can't remember one show with a good one, actually standing on a scientific ground.
Steins;Gate was a cringe too and that would have been okay, if they were looking at it as science fantasy.
But they actually meant it and the Bunny Girl seems to be serious about it too.
Nov 19, 2018 6:59 PM

Aug 2018
I think it helps if you treat the science "explanations" as simply analogies, and don't try to bring them to bear on the characters' situations as actual mechanisms for causing the syndrome's effects.
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
Nov 20, 2018 5:59 AM

Nov 2018
Futaba was looking like a snack the entire episode. Now she's thotting off for a taken guy.
Nov 20, 2018 7:05 AM

Apr 2015
Maneki-Mew said:

Back to topic: Another pretty good episode. I just try to ignore all of this nonsense-science. Supernatural elements are so much better without scientific explanations. I can't remember one show with a good one, actually standing on a scientific ground.
Steins;Gate was a cringe too and that would have been okay, if they were looking at it as science fantasy.
But they actually meant it and the Bunny Girl seems to be serious about it too.

I don't think we should take these dives into science as straight up serious attempts to explain supernatural occurrences. I mean, all of this is coming from a troubled girl in HS who fries her food and boils her coffee with utensils from the lab and hands Sakuta white powder under the assumption that it is non lethal. It's not an authoritative person with qualifications to back anything up but a science nerd rambling off about things she caught onto.

It's far more suiting for the story to take these scientific approaches more in one of the following ways:

- As a humorous nudge by the author for reasons mentioned above

- As a "face saving" mechanism in order to not be too direct with his social commentary on various aspects of the Japanese society and overall modern society

- As metaphors & analogies that can be applied to the personal conflicts that the characters suffer from. In that essence Schrödinger's Cat as the show uses it perfectly aligns with the message that Mai's issue tries to convey...a society that is so fine-tuned to be harmonious and homogeneous can also cause terminal loneliness for those it deems outsiders, perhaps even their literal death.

One thing is clear tho, that the author's intention for including these scientific lectures is not limited to merely needing something in order to explain some system.
Nov 20, 2018 10:40 AM

Aug 2015
Sakutas reaction after Mai left.. So cutee!! Can't wait to see more, this show is seriously amazing <3.
Nov 20, 2018 1:57 PM

Oct 2013
Maneki-Mew said:
Zadion said:
I really like this show... aside from the translation reading like a translation, it feels strikingly non-anime in a lot of ways. We see commentary and plot points we don't usually see in other anime; it feels strikingly Western in such senses. There's a lot of anime bullshit too -- such as Kaede's weird pseudo-incest fascination with Sakuta -- not that I dislike it.

and Futaba is a twitter model, it seems like. I like the direction this is going. :D

I felt the same way, to this level, where I even don't care about their weird sibling relationship anymore (THO I wish this trope could die tbh). It's also somewhat explained since Kaede was bullied and found comfort and support by clinging at her brother.

Apart from that (imo) awful anime trope, this anime is indeed in many aspects so refreshing non-anime.
I know it's ironic since I'm ofc a big anime fan, but I only can be really enthused for these more-western-type-anime alone.
Some others like the normal SOL-moes can be okayish, but I can't love them. There are exceptions like Madoka and Made in Abyss with the big twists, but usually I can't bring myself to like them so much.

Back to topic: Another pretty good episode. I just try to ignore all of this nonsense-science. Supernatural elements are so much better without scientific explanations. I can't remember one show with a good one, actually standing on a scientific ground.
Steins;Gate was a cringe too and that would have been okay, if they were looking at it as science fantasy.
But they actually meant it and the Bunny Girl seems to be serious about it too.

I thoroughly agree with the full sentiments of your post, right up to the nonsense-science haha. I actually really dig the bullshit science in shows like this.

Nov 21, 2018 4:03 AM

Dec 2016
They've got me really good at the beginning, I totally thought he looped again this time starting from the very beginning of the show as they reused the same animation sequence of him and his sister in bed.
How odd, she hasn't aged at all, that's definitely an unwelcomed glitch in the matrix.
Futaba is probably annoyed by how frequently Sakuta calls her and feeds her of his supernatural bullshit, she probably plays along just so that she doesn't hurt his feelings, good girl. As if she was the therapist for two controversial couple that doesn't seem to take a break.
This adolescence syndrome is a weird one, at times erasing the existence of some people, other times it injures them, we also have the time looping stuff, and now it's spawning clones of people, what else is there, seriously?
Sakuta is one lucky bastard, having a gorgeous girlfriend, as well as a large breast friend, stay with him under the same roof, that's something to brag about. I was cheering for that kiss like an ambitious cheerleader, that sucked big time, I can't take the teasing fails.
That split in personality is going to ruin Futaba's reputation, but then again, so far, the syndrome appears to revert everything that happens when it's resolved, so only a select few remember.
Nov 21, 2018 9:20 AM

Apr 2015
Inorin wasn't a good choice for Shouko IMO. She's using way too young a voice

Not the best episode. Aobuta does have some niggling problems and in this all of them were accentuated

Sakuta deserves some flak, a normal girl would have stopped seeing him a few times over. Not a great boyfriend IMO.
Nov 21, 2018 2:25 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
LethoOfGulet said:
Sakuta and Mai’s relationship is really somenthing else, I’m realy getting invested in these two. Another awesome episode! 5/5

That was what the show had it going for from the start, the studios is handling it very well but also making other characters and arcs really meaningfull too.
I have not seen such an enjoyable and just amazing drama in awhile.
Pure win here.
Nov 21, 2018 3:04 PM

Mar 2017
Playcool said:
LethoOfGulet said:
Sakuta and Mai’s relationship is really somenthing else, I’m realy getting invested in these two. Another awesome episode! 5/5

That was what the show had it going for from the start, the studios is handling it very well but also making other characters and arcs really meaningfull too.
I have not seen such an enjoyable and just amazing drama in awhile.
Pure win here.

Indeed, my friend. It’s a gem and so refreshing to watch. All the characters are important and have a role in the plot.
One of my favorite shows already! xD
Nov 21, 2018 10:33 PM

Dec 2016
Gahdamn is the character chemistry in this show fucking amazing, and the beginning being a foreshadow for the ending was a nice touch, but man this may be the most confusing case yet
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Nov 25, 2018 4:12 AM

Apr 2013
~10 mins into the episode. I have a feeling that the bg in this scene is from haruhi. Anyone else can confirm?
What are you looking here for
Nov 27, 2018 7:12 AM

Jul 2009
Ohh wow that cliffhanger. I've always liked Futaba since before; this arc just sealed the deal for me. I'm curious on what she meant by the existence of her second self. Probably a case of split personality, but that sounds too standard of an issue for this show. Wonder how Shouko will contribute to the story since she's currently just sort of there.

After seven episodes, I finally realized that the main appeal of this anime for me is the dialogue. I thought the interactions between the characters felt rather off at first, but then I found out it's because they have more in common with real-life teenage conversations than the usual anime hijinks. The dialogue is far more grounded in reality than in most anime I've seen. The fact that this anime contains the usual tropes such as the cute imouto and the dark-haired mysterious female lead makes this even more jarring.
Nov 28, 2018 3:24 PM

Aug 2014
two Futaba??!!?!?!?! ;OOOOOOOO O.o
anyway it was 3 weeks since I watched this anime and I must say I rly missed it even while storming 3 seasons of Attack on Titan
I like this OP and ED and the characters
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Nov 29, 2018 8:43 AM

Jul 2016
Another very good episode. At first I thought it was going to be about Shouko but this time, Futaba got the main role, which I find great since I was kind of curious about her.

So far, I have a vague idea of what's causing Futaba's problem... no doubt that will be troublesome in the next episode. Basically, Futaba's other self is the part of her personality which remains hidden from others under that superficial stoic self. The things she wants to do but is afraid to even consider doing them. However, I think that the photos are a way to receive some attention by others (or just Kunimi although that's a terrible way to get a boy's attention) since she usually seens to be alone I mean, she's the only member in the science club and that's sad as hell. Or... maybe she always had a seductive side which now wants to explode since she is... well... gorgeous.

That aside, the episode also gave me my weekly dosis of Sakuta/Mai which was very much appreciated. Additionally, I could see Koga in yukata and Kaede was lovely in this ep. as well.

And regarding Kaede, I must say I felt bad when she reacted in that way when Mai's phone rang. She always acts in a very joyful and lovable way it's sad to know she still hasn't overcome the cyber bulling she received.
SouthRzVaNov 29, 2018 8:46 AM
Nov 29, 2018 6:19 PM
Nov 2018
Why people love this trash so much? The story is just monkey with the bitches around him...lmao highly overrated
Dec 13, 2018 11:31 AM

May 2015
Kinky Futaba is all this show needs.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jan 1, 2019 8:28 PM

May 2013
Soooooo... how does psycho gf know about Futaba's hidden account? lmao. Obsessive stalker. If you don't have enough confidence in yourself and trust in your relationship that you gotta snoop around other girls' biz or confront your bf's GUY friend to back off, you seriously shouldn't even be in a relationship >->

Sakkun has quite the harem at his apt rn lol. Mai-chan is lucky she's his best girl ;P

I think the 2nd Futaba is there to do something bold that the original Futaba doesn't have courage to do :3 like shooting her shot with Kunimi. Or maybe she wants attention/reaffirmation that she's attractive (for confidence purposes)
Jan 2, 2019 3:16 AM

Oct 2007
Futaba has a choice of bunny girl or panda pyjamas. How nice.

Kaede learning the art of the imouto... she better not start writing oniichan x imouto novels. :D
Liddo-kunJan 2, 2019 4:22 PM
Jan 2, 2019 5:01 PM

Jul 2013
Now we have doppelgangers huh this show has some really extreme stuff in it. Anyway, how did Futaba the one in Sakuta's house know that there's been another her since 3 days ago when she hasn't actually seen her yet? How? So for that reason I think she's the fake even though the other one changed her style a bit and probably was the one who took those pictures.
Jan 11, 2019 1:28 PM

May 2012
Oh shit, even more mystery! Just love it and as well with that ending! Pretty amazed actually. Really loving how the ED animation always changes when the topic shifts. Looking forwards to see what's next!
Jan 21, 2019 3:49 PM

Sep 2011
Sakuta and Mai's relationship is so refreshing to see. I enjoy every second of it. Finally an anime where the relationship actually goes somewhere...

Futaba's story is interesting so far, but I wonder more Sakuta's crush from the past and Kaede's eventual arc. That one small second of her getting tense because of the phone ringing was enough to make me both dread and await her arc.
Feb 9, 2019 6:19 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
Who needs an alarm when your cute imouto can wake you up?!

Might as well just call Mai, Sakuta's fiancee! She's the perfect girlfriend! Surprise visit, allowing a few lewd things, letting Sakuta make a move on her, cooking, and doing other housewife things. OMG just fucking perfect... Sakuta's reaction after their midnight conversation is absolutely accurate! Their chemistry is beautiful!

Wow, Sakuta is having the summer of his life, an imouto, a smart girl, a pretty little girl who visit every day, a perfect girlfriend and not to mention 2 cute cats all in his home!!!

Ok, so this time it is Futaba who is experiencing the adolescent syndrome, or should I say, Futaba are experiencing it, as there are 2 Futaba right now. And what's it caused by? QUANTUM TELEPORTATION!!! For once Kunimi's annoying girlfriend actually helped Sakuta finding the source of the double Futaba... Slightly innaproriate Futaba (hair down) pictures...

Yep, Futaba ED!
Feb 14, 2019 5:25 PM

Oct 2012
Really good episode. It was very enjoyable seeing a new girl (although 12yo) voices by Inase Minori and I also liked interaction harem all girls are having with his sister - that girl may ditch her fear and go out some day after all. The interactions of Mai and Sakuta throughout all the episode and in the night too were pretty precious, they had really nice chemistry together. This show really has some great characters. And it seems that Shoko is gonna stay around for some time, at least until Futaba and the future blond girl are saved, right? In fact, I really wonder how they want to fit everything in when only six episodes remains - guess blond girl is two eps, sister another one and Shoko the last two while Futaba would be resolved the next time?

Speaking of Futaba... so it really seems like her inner desire got out in attempt to stir things out and force her real self act... I bet part of her hidden self can't really stand the fact that she doesn't approach Kunimi with her love in fear of being rejected or changing their status quo. Her attention craving and bad relations with her family means she really needs close friends more then anything (actually, most of them has some family problems it seems). And the fact that she is unknowingly getting even closer and more dependent on Sakuta instead is just another interesting thing in this growing polygon.
Mich666Feb 14, 2019 5:28 PM
Feb 22, 2019 8:27 PM

Jun 2017
thepath said:
Mai is worst girl. She might be good looking, but I don't like her personality. I like the other girls more specially Koga and Makinohara because they are more submissive.

Super slow to replying to this but i honestly dont think shes just a pretty face you can really feel the bond they have made in such a short time and her personality is something different to most characters in anime because as you put it they're usually all just submissive
May 5, 2019 8:37 AM

Feb 2019
Good episode. Always a pleasure to see more of Mai and Sakuta's interactions. Their banter is still there and hilarious as always, but it's heartwarming to see their love getting expressed more.

Wow, two Futabas. This anime just keeps on with their quantum physics. I think this feels like a personality split. One Futaba is more of her desires while the other is how she feels about herself and those desires. Interesting to see how it'll develop.

And more Shoko. Slightly disappointed that this episode turned out to focus on Futaba not Shoko, but at least the focus on Futaba is good! Looking forward to how this situation is resolved and seeing what is happening with Shoko.
Jun 19, 2019 7:18 AM

Mar 2015
Futaba's kinda hot
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Oct 19, 2019 12:16 AM
Jul 2015
I wanna lewd futaba so bad.
Best grill
Feb 12, 2020 4:19 AM

Aug 2018
Futaba is the only person in her science club, hm..
Em.. Is Wi-Fi in Japan really called Wo-Fo?.. Or it's totally unnecessary and thus hilarious avoiding of author rights?.. As if Wi-Fi is patented by some company, lol.. But well, yeah, it can just be how it's called in Japan, I don't know about this personally, only know that in 3 languages it's pronounced the same, but doesn't mean that it's like this in all..
Wait.. That Futaba walking around internet cafe wasn't talking on her phone.. What?..
These cats said their greetings after being presented by Kaede, lol.. Be it any other anime, maybe I'd take it as a joke, but who knows what these cats are capable of in this universe.. ;p
Hm.. So another Futaba is ponytail with contact lenses Futaba, who also watches Kunimi.. I guess, Futaba who tries to reach Kunimi and change her look, hm?..
Hm.. Kaede got so frightened when phone rang, hm?..
Also interesting, if Kaede learns material that is her class' or not?.. She's learning with Futaba now, after all.. What material they're learning, I wonder?.. It's interesting to know, if she learns by herself while staying at home that is..
Hm, so this ponytail contact lenses Futaba also likes some interesting photos, hm.. I wouldn't say she's necessary false one or anything, but it seems that she might be Futaba's unconscious or something more, than the other way around.. Well, let's see, what's next..
Jul 19, 2020 5:23 AM

Oct 2016
I love Mai and Sakuta's relationship, it is rare to see an anime with an actual relationship through the course of the show not just at the end.
Aug 12, 2020 3:18 AM

Feb 2020
Despite having introduced the Shôko plot point, this new arc is actually about Futaba...
I'm pretty sure I get it. She probably isn't confident in herself, but at the same time, she is deeply in love with Sakuta's friend. Due to her insecuritues, she doesn't believe he will ever be interested in her, so she developed a puberty syndrome, a version of it that created another Futaba. But this other Futaba, while behaving almost the exact same way as the original one, is slightly different... Because she has an anonymous account on I don't know which website, and with this account, she actually posts quite erotic selfies...
So basically, the other Futava is doing her best to catch a certain's someone interest, in a way the original Futaba wouldn't dare doing. The other Futaba is another version of Futaba capable of doing what the other one cannot do, but like, in an extreme way, and if we see it from a psychological instead of a scientific point of view, it is very similar to a case of split personality. (It reminds me so much of another show I'm watching, it's almost disturbing.)
Oh, and I forgot to mention an interesting detail : Kaede's reaction when Mai's phone rang. She looked shocked, triggered. Poor girl, her trauma seems to still be pretty strong...
FafetteAug 12, 2020 5:05 AM
Sep 8, 2020 7:52 AM

Jul 2015
Oh man I really hope Futaba ends up with her curry bread prince Kumini. Two different looking Futaba's is double the fun, jokes aside seeing that hidden account makes me think some kind of perception of her 'copy' has to do with it. I bet Shoko is some timetraveller seeing that she's now a seventh grader instead of 2th year highschooler.

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282 by subahokke »»
Mar 6, 12:21 AM

Poll: » Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai Episode 3 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Oct 17, 2018

335 by subahokke »»
Mar 5, 11:51 PM

Poll: » Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Oct 10, 2018

272 by subahokke »»
Mar 5, 11:32 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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