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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (light novel)
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Nov 8, 2018 12:43 PM
May 2018
-Mahesvara said:
pendechosen said:

The grown up Shoko definitely likes Sakuta (arc 6, 7), not sure whether her thoughts have affected the actual Shoko tho.
Still would you consider this series a harem then? I'm also assuming Koga's romantic feelings have completely subsided by that point.

I wouldn't consider this harem as Sakuta only likes Mai no matter how many other girls like him. Sakuta × Mai is unshakable.
Or maybe call this nise(偽)-harem.
pendechosenNov 8, 2018 12:55 PM
Nov 8, 2018 2:32 PM

Apr 2012
asad_watcher_ said:
5/5 but man that basketball player didn't get what was coming for him a badass moment that only him and Koga will know about hes like batman in that sense.
He did get what he deserved; he got rejected by a confident and mature Koga.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

RayReynolds - SSL443 - Dr4kon - Nerdanimefan1992 - ToTheMountains - Fiveskies
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Problem solved, you'll never have to see someone trolling ever again because their post will be closed/collapsed.
Nov 8, 2018 2:54 PM

Sep 2017
So as mentioned in an earlier ep, we go back to June after Tomoe actually comes to terms with her feelings. It was a pretty decent resolution. I wonder if he ever told Mai about how he pretended dated another girl. Probably not, but Tomoe is suppose to be his good friend now, so if she still plays a part Mai might be wondering who he knows this girl.

Interesting at the end we meet a girl with the same name as his first crush. I wouldn't be surprised if it is the same girl, but just under some puberty syndrome bs considering Sakuta mentioned her vanishing from school records and all that.
Nov 8, 2018 2:54 PM

Jul 2012
Strong ep, don't mind the month-reset. Looking forward to more mai-time but I'm sure we'll have to wait till after this next arc. Not read the novel but i hope we get more dedicated Mai episodes. I'm a fan of Monogatari which has similarities to this show but I always wished we'd get more Senjougahara screentime in that show too lol.
Nov 8, 2018 3:35 PM

Apr 2012
nachtweiss said:
FMmatron said:

I actually asked if there are people who are not convinced about this show being a harem, cause it obviously looks and is portrayed like a harem.

We have two girls so far, and we will probably get another two arcs with two new ones. They're hopefully not going to fall in love with Sakuta too, but they will most likely get close to him as well. There are also his sister and Futuba, even tho they're not in any kind of romantic relationship with him, he's still surrounded by girls at the end of the day. So this show has the structure of a harem and focusses on that aspect, not that it is a bad thing.

Definition of harem on the internet
"A genre in manga and anime where a single (often ordinary) guy is liked and followed by bunch of girls (3 or more) who are all madly in love with him. The girls often fight each other to get the guy's attention."

umm, don't feel like this show is harem by the above definition?
Thank you sir,
I was about to do the same research to educate these people of their distorted and skewed definition about harem anime. Just because a guy just happened to be among girls doesn't mean it's harem. Heck if I were a guy I would have one in school and at work because I happen to have friendships and acquaintances with multiple women.
Enough with this nonsense about this anime being harem; It's so asinine.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

RayReynolds - SSL443 - Dr4kon - Nerdanimefan1992 - ToTheMountains - Fiveskies
To add users to the Ignore list: (1) Go to Account settings (2) Click Forum tab and toggle down (3) Type or paste user name on entry box (4) Click Add and you're done.
Problem solved, you'll never have to see someone trolling ever again because their post will be closed/collapsed.
Nov 8, 2018 4:31 PM
Jul 2018
I divide this episode into 3 parts, the first part was really good (Between Sakuta, Mai and Koga)
The 2nd part was boring (The repeating of the same day and Koga being melodramatic )
The 3rd part was 10/10 , perfect (When Mai kissed Sakuta and the conversation between him and the lab girl)

Very nice episode tho, but I prefer the previous one. I hope we see some development between Sakuta and Mai in the upcoming episode tho :x And I'm not into the fact that every arc is about another girl, I prefer focusing on 1 girl better (or making arcs about males/females too).
Nov 8, 2018 4:41 PM

Nov 2011
-Mahesvara said:
Spannerhead said:

I don't think so, although he almost certainly has the impression that there's SOMEONE out there who feels that way about him.

Something's going to have to come to a head between him and Kamisato.

Same. Every single thing for the past 6 episodes has pointed directly to the fact that Sakuta does what he wants, when he wants. He's with Mai by choice. No manipulation. And he gives as good as he gets with her.
And the fact that Mai is way to kind and caring to be the twisted and manipulative type.

Add in the fact that she gave Kaede her clothes in hopes that one day she would be able to leave her house. If she was really high and mighty I don't think she would take any interest in Sakuta's family.
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Nov 8, 2018 5:25 PM

Dec 2012
This episode confirmed that this show is pretty much Kaminomi (The World God Only Knows) repackaged.
Nov 8, 2018 8:03 PM
Nov 2018
Heumers said:
I divide this episode into 3 parts, the first part was really good (Between Sakuta, Mai and Koga)
The 2nd part was boring (The repeating of the same day and Koga being melodramatic )
The 3rd part was 10/10 , perfect (When Mai kissed Sakuta and the conversation between him and the lab girl)

Very nice episode tho, but I prefer the previous one. I hope we see some development between Sakuta and Mai in the upcoming episode tho :x And I'm not into the fact that every arc is about another girl, I prefer focusing on 1 girl better (or making arcs about males/females too).

I think there are no major development about mai and sakuta in the next eps. U can expect it in the movie because i already read the spoiler rofl. Sorry for my bad english and this is my 1st post:)
Nov 8, 2018 8:11 PM
Nov 2018
Nain said:
This episode confirmed that this show is pretty much Kaminomi (The World God Only Knows) repackaged.

I think its more like suzumiya haruhi
Nov 8, 2018 8:34 PM
Feb 2017
I honestly love the conclusion to this arc a lot more than conclusion of the previous arc. It makes a lot more sense and it hits all the right notes. The emotional depth behind this dilemma was so brilliantly done. ^_^
Nov 8, 2018 8:37 PM

Aug 2018
I just realized that Sakuta and Kunimi's conversation on the train was 100% ambiguous---they could have been discussing either Sakuta & Koga OR Kunimi & Futaba.

Sakuta could have either been asking for advice on the Koga situation OR giving Kunimi a subtle hint that there's someone out there interested in him.

Great writing.
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
Nov 8, 2018 9:32 PM

Aug 2018
I'm so happy they brought back the credits rolling while the episode finishes. It's so aesthetically pleasing especially when paired with the soft outro music!

In other news: Koga got got.
Nov 8, 2018 10:17 PM

Nov 2017
Recondito said:
bondtux said:

- The next arc is Futaba arc...

Damn finally! I really wanted to see a Sakuta x Futaba (If that's what's going to happen). All hail girls with glasses.

7-8 episode would adapt volume 3(My prediction).

And this is a little present from me
bondtuxNov 8, 2018 10:27 PM
Now Loading.....
Nov 9, 2018 2:58 AM

Jun 2016
every interesting episode...

new arc and new girl in coming next week...

koga already MOVE ON !!!

koga become ADULT !!!

damn the end... they (the one who make this story) clear everything even from the beginning nice conclusion...


Nov 9, 2018 3:00 AM

Jun 2016
bondtux said:
Recondito said:

Damn finally! I really wanted to see a Sakuta x Futaba (If that's what's going to happen). All hail girls with glasses.

7-8 episode would adapt volume 3(My prediction).

And this is a little present from me

THANK you every much !

PS : can i get the uncensored ver ? thanks
Nov 9, 2018 3:01 AM
May 2017
I really didn't like the show at first. I can't make myself to give a damn about the main heroine, as she is the reincarnation of the exact same girl from like 3 other anime, and this invisibility syndrome makes no goddamn sense. I am fine with things making no sense in an anime, but then at least the show shouldn't pretend they do.

But the recent episodes' Tomoe Koga arc was really good. She resetting time without having control over it is a quite new thing and I found her character a lot more interesting.
But well, her arc is ended, so I am probably done here. Still, I am glad that I checked this anime out.
Nov 9, 2018 3:01 AM
Nov 2018
It shouldn't be that hard to understand this show, but to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Seishun Buta Yarou Wa Bunny Girl Senpai No Yume Wo Minai. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the plot points will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Sakuta's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Lomonosov's Sochinenia, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Seishun Buta Yarou Wa Bunny Girl Senpai No Yume Wo Minai truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sakuta's perpetual pervertedness "I dreamt more lewd thought than you can imagine", which itself is a cryptic reference to Landau's dialoge with his physicial in late 1962s. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kamoshida, Hajime's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have an Azusagawa, Kaede wearing a bunny girl suit tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 years of my own (preferably lower) age beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Nov 9, 2018 3:08 AM
May 2017
StormString88 said:
It shouldn't be that hard to understand this show, but to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Seishun Buta Yarou Wa Bunny Girl Senpai No Yume Wo Minai. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the plot points will go over a typical viewer's head.

I havE the goddamn higheSt IQ I have eVer had.
But well, I won't understand something that I don't care about.
Nov 9, 2018 4:07 AM

Apr 2016
Another great episode.
Very nice conclusion to Koga's arc.
The rejection scene was great.
Koga grew on me as a character and I felt bad for her rejection but it's for the best.
I like how Sakuta handled the situation.

Bunny girl tutor!

This guy has no shame. I love it! XD

Koga's butt is an excavator.

The best moment of this episode

A new cute girl appears!

So the next arc will probably be about her?
I just remembered her name.
She was the one Sakuta mentioned before which was the reason he enrolled in the current high school he's in.
Nov 9, 2018 6:06 AM

Feb 2008
I didn't expect Koga to roll everything back. Then again, she still has her precious memories and an ironclad friend. Koga's new group also seems a lot less toxic than the one that she frequented before...

Koga's confession totally didn't make my heart flutter. Not at all. She did really well, though.
Nov 9, 2018 6:12 AM
Sep 2018
I kinda felt bad for koga for a second there,and then how she wanna stay with Sakuta in the time loops kinda made me mad at her.In life you cant make anyone forcefully love you.
Nov 9, 2018 6:26 AM

Jan 2018
(even tho everybody see this coming, still...... whyyyyy)
Nov 9, 2018 6:44 AM
Apr 2017

ScaR_Top said:
how she wanna stay with Sakuta in the time loops kinda made me mad at her

I too think that is not a wise choice, but I would not be mad to a girl who likes you and just wanna spend more time with you.
Nov 9, 2018 6:57 AM
Apr 2017
actuallyimsomad said:
Nain said:
This episode confirmed that this show is pretty much Kaminomi (The World God Only Knows) repackaged.

I think its more like suzumiya haruhi

I remember forcing myself watch through the loop of Suzumiya Haruhi, I watched them all, and sometimes rewind to check the small details that had changed, in the middle of night to morning in high school; what I want to say is, this is not close to Suzumiya Haruhi, similar idea, but different.
Nov 9, 2018 7:14 AM

Aug 2018
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand harem. There. Done.
still good, but not as much as the first episodes imo.
I think I don't know wtf I'm doing. Maybe. Probably.

Nov 9, 2018 7:24 AM

Aug 2014
Is this really a good solution? Making last episodes not happened in 'real' world? Making it that way so Mai got no reason to be jealous?

and the new girl is the one from his youth days on the beach?
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Nov 9, 2018 8:35 AM

Apr 2015
Thyriad-oPPailov said:
Is this really a good solution? Making last episodes not happened in 'real' world? Making it that way so Mai got no reason to be jealous?

and the new girl is the one from his youth days on the beach?

It's not the the last episodes not happened, just particular parts involving this fake dating did not happen.
Mai still bonded with Kaede, Koga still started to work part time where Sakuta & Kunimi works, the bunny girl suit scramming session etc.

Also Mai wasn't exactly jealous nor was it the point of the scenes that are gone now. At multiple points she demonstrated that she's more worried for Koga to get hurt by Sakuta's rejection than for Sakuta to somehow drift away, she did not even consider that. What the scenes displayed were just how immune their relationship is to things that would normally strain it. They talk it out in a mature yet quirky way and it doesn't devolve into unnecessary drama. She trusts in him and he appreciates it by returning her trust with loyalty.

So overall the characterization of Mai & their relationship that we & Sakuta got from those scenes still remain.

And yes that's her.
Nov 9, 2018 8:40 AM
Oct 2018
I'm confused about Koga's time reset - after everything set back to the day of the football match (can't remember the date) a little later there was a quick montage of what REALLY happened which included Sakuta and Koga at the Enoshima aquarium and also they were on the beach helping glasses girl look for her keychain. So does that mean they really did "date" in the true timeline? That doesn't make sense but maybe they did some stuff as "friends only"? Time loops are confusing. Great ep btw 5/5.
Nov 9, 2018 9:39 AM

Oct 2015
If ya friendship end bz of a relationship, that gotta be bad. At least Koga will have friends that truyl care for her now.
Nov 9, 2018 11:40 AM
Sep 2011
Janethan23 said:
FMmatron said:
...the conclusion was satisfying, could've been even better when Sakuta had taken Tomoe into his arms, it's better than letting her cry on his own. That would be being nice to her again, but personally I think it should be done in such a situation.
I disagree, the one thing you can never do for a person desperately trying to win you over is to give them the wrong impression that she has a chance by being that close and intimate with a hug. For once I applaud Sakuta from not playing into the harem garbage troupe of not being indecisive and weak. Harem MCs are the worst characters ever written.

Gildesh said:

The setting is one highschool guy with 5 bishoujo that like him (or probably will) in one way or another. It's a harem if I've ever seen one. The mc heroically rejecting any other girls and sticking with the first heroine doesn't make it less of a harem.
Less of a harem? Are you serious?
I've seen a lot of harems before and if there's one element it has that is constant to every genre is that the girl has a chance (even remotely) with the main guy. Like I stated earlier to the other poster: The protagonist isn't weak nor is he indecisive, as a matter of fact he's the complete opposite which a harem genre MC needs to sustain multiple girls wanting that chance to win the main guy. Sukata maybe attracting girls indirectly outside of his relationship with Mai but he does't waver from his already made choice and DOES NOT string along the side characters. He's inadvertantly building friendships while fixing their issues.

So much this. He's building friendships, not a harem.

And what we got so far was a simple love triangle.
evilcornNov 9, 2018 11:53 AM
Nov 9, 2018 12:02 PM
Oct 2018
evilcorn said:
Janethan23 said:
I disagree, the one thing you can never do for a person desperately trying to win you over is to give them the wrong impression that she has a chance by being that close and intimate with a hug. For once I applaud Sakuta from not playing into the harem garbage troupe of not being indecisive and weak. Harem MCs are the worst characters ever written.

Less of a harem? Are you serious?
I've seen a lot of harems before and if there's one element it has that is constant to every genre is that the girl has a chance (even remotely) with the main guy. Like I stated earlier to the other poster: The protagonist isn't weak nor is he indecisive, as a matter of fact he's the complete opposite which a harem genre MC needs to sustain multiple girls wanting that chance to win the main guy. Sukata maybe attracting girls indirectly outside of his relationship with Mai but he does't waver from his already made choice and DOES NOT string along the side characters. He's inadvertantly building friendships while fixing their issues.

So much this. He's building friendships, not a harem.

And what we got so far was a simple love triangle.
building friendships with just girls ? .
He just turn from a loner antisocial who dont give a f about anyting to the savior for the girls (typical harem shows)
Nov 9, 2018 2:23 PM

Apr 2012
Samoan said:
evilcorn said:

So much this. He's building friendships, not a harem.

And what we got so far was a simple love triangle.
building friendships with just girls ? .
He just turn from a loner antisocial who dont give a f about anyting to the savior for the girls (typical harem shows)
Are you retarded or just socially inept? Can you even comprehend what you're even typing? So with your logic forming friendships with the opposite sex is considered building a harem. All you harem junkies need a reality check.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

RayReynolds - SSL443 - Dr4kon - Nerdanimefan1992 - ToTheMountains - Fiveskies
To add users to the Ignore list: (1) Go to Account settings (2) Click Forum tab and toggle down (3) Type or paste user name on entry box (4) Click Add and you're done.
Problem solved, you'll never have to see someone trolling ever again because their post will be closed/collapsed.
Nov 9, 2018 3:17 PM
Oct 2018
Janethan23 said:
Samoan said:
building friendships with just girls ? .
He just turn from a loner antisocial who dont give a f about anyting to the savior for the girls (typical harem shows)
Are you retarded or just socially inept? Can you even comprehend what you're even typing? So with your logic forming friendships with the opposite sex is considered building a harem. All you harem junkies need a reality check.
i think you who need a reality check a man who have nolife and doesnt have any friend turn to a jesus for girls by solving their problems when he meet his imaginary bunny
This is how most harem shows start
Nov 9, 2018 8:27 PM
Jun 2014
Janethan23 said:
asad_watcher_ said:
5/5 but man that basketball player didn't get what was coming for him a badass moment that only him and Koga will know about hes like batman in that sense.
He did get what he deserved; he got rejected by a confident and mature Koga.

True but now it's not as funny anymore when you call him a shitface
Nov 9, 2018 8:56 PM

May 2015
Thyriad-oPPailov said:
Is this really a good solution? Making last episodes not happened in 'real' world? Making it that way so Mai got no reason to be jealous?

and the new girl is the one from his youth days on the beach?

I don't think she was ever genuinely jealous. She understood the situation and why he was pretending to date Koga, but she teases him about it because that's kind of their dynamic.

Nov 10, 2018 5:25 AM

Oct 2008
This episode was a bit toned down because of the repeating concept...
That was a bit huge rant by Koga! nicely done!
Rem is next! i meant her VA! lolz

Nov 10, 2018 12:59 PM
Nov 2016
Sakuta handled a difficult situation with Koga very well and she actually set everything back to the day Maesawa asked her out, she's grown a lot.

And that ending though, as far as I remember Shoko is the girl who helped Sakuta and Kaede but she was older than them.

The next arc will be interesting, maybe time travel or something
Nov 11, 2018 12:12 AM

Apr 2015
I love how...everything's so clean, so calculated, so 'to expectations', how they repeated the day, exactly in the way I thought, exactly as satisfying as I thought it would be, exactly as entertaining as I thought it would be. This would be a criticism if the show was a SF psychological blockbuster, but it's not, it's this, so it's a compliment. Refreshing and nourishing. Can't be a 10/10, but the best 8/10 on earth, eh?

The MV for 'Don't Delete the Kisses' - appropriate, somehow
LanzNov 11, 2018 12:44 AM
Nov 11, 2018 2:30 AM

Feb 2018
Koga still have feeling for Sakuta?
Well next paradoks chapter...
Nov 11, 2018 9:03 AM

Apr 2015
Xavian- said:
I just hope this doesn't turn into a harem.

Sakuta literally asked out Mai and they are officially dating as of this episode.

What more do people need?
Nov 11, 2018 9:28 AM

Aug 2018
Fappa said:
Xavian- said:
I just hope this doesn't turn into a harem.

Sakuta literally asked out Mai and they are officially dating as of this episode.

What more do people need?


With Koga, he did absolutely nothing more than was "required" of him during their fake dating time. And he explicitly told her about his feeling for Mai.

What frustrates me is when people comment anticipating a Sakuta-Futaba-Kumini love triangle in the next arc. Please.
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
Nov 11, 2018 10:34 AM
Feb 2016
Okay, so I'm really confused now. When did Koga and Sakuta kick each other's butts?
Nov 11, 2018 10:36 AM
Feb 2016
footmaster said:

So the next arc will probably be about her?
I just remembered her name.
She was the one Sakuta mentioned before which was the reason he enrolled in the current high school he's in.

Wait really?! When?
Nov 11, 2018 11:02 AM

Aug 2018
KinoEgg said:
Okay, so I'm really confused now. When did Koga and Sakuta kick each other's butts?
KinoEgg said:

Wait really?! When?

It's all in ep.2.

Next arc will be about Futaba, not Shoko.
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
Nov 11, 2018 11:16 AM
Nov 2018
Fappa said:
Xavian- said:
I just hope this doesn't turn into a harem.

Sakuta literally asked out Mai and they are officially dating as of this episode.

What more do people need?

Yep and i think futaba wont fall for sakuta
Nov 11, 2018 11:17 AM
Nov 2018
KinoEgg said:
footmaster said:

So the next arc will probably be about her?
I just remembered her name.
She was the one Sakuta mentioned before which was the reason he enrolled in the current high school he's in.

Wait really?! When?

Ep2. Before he went date with mai
Nov 11, 2018 1:29 PM

Dec 2008
While I like the romantic aspect of this series I like to time travel sci-fi aspect more.
Life Is Short But Intense.
Nov 11, 2018 4:22 PM

Sep 2016
I guess this proves that Endless Eight could have worked better if adapted in just three episodes.
Yet these hands will never hold anything.
Thus I pray, Unlimited Waifu Works!

Nov 12, 2018 3:29 AM

Apr 2015

Please for the love of god...the next time you do such a long comment, format it. It's incredibly difficult to read. Anyway, thanks for the compliments!

After getting through all of it...I think the problem lies more so with you rather than the show itself.
You seem to have several issues that make you have the stance that you have right now.

In your mind you're only allowing the show to be about a single factor that personally appeals to you. While it's okay to want more of that, you appear to vehemently denounce anything that does fit into that formula.

Not only that you also seem to actively diminish episodes that are not centred around your romantic couple, completely ignoring all the things it does for several characters and their dynamics. Let's take some examples.

Koga. According to you she's the devil incarnate who endangers your Mai and who clearly does not appeal to you and that's fine. A character does not have to appeal to every single viewer. But despite that you make her out to be someone that somehow completely ruins any coherent structure the story had thus far...what?

I mean I get it, you're very attached to your ship but the way you're describing Koga and the reason why the author wrote her into the story is just flat out dismissing several things. Koga as a character much like Mai or Sakuta or Kaede represents a case of youth going down the hard road of adolescence. She's incredibly insecure of how others view her which is why she is desperate to change, desperate to fit in and desperate to keep up. It's a character some but not all people are supposed to relate to. The urge in the back of your head to be a part of a group, to be socially acceptable, to be up to date in order to take part in the conversation. Some people can seriously relate to that.

And this also applies to when she falls for Sakuta. To you it's an attempt to somehow create waifu wars and the author running out of ideas on how to move along. To me and majority of other people it's another side of what her character is and to what people can relate to. Falling for someone who clearly does not reciprocates those feelings. And all the while you're lying to yourself that you are not in love and just friends you end up falling more & more. That's why the days loop. She tells herself that she's not in love but in reality she is lying to herself, is not happy with the outcome and so repeats these days.

So when Sakuta literally forces her to be honest to him & herself he makes Koga who is caught up in a personal dilemma with her own feelings do a step forward. This moments helps her to be herself, someone she can confidently say is Koga Tomoe.

And since we're at it, why did Sakuta help her out? She reminded him of his sister & his past who he holds incredible amount of regret for. He wishes to have been able to change the past and Koga's case is a major step on his path of self redemption. He knows this, Mai knows this. Both are in agreement with this and endure it. I don't get how people can get so furious about this when even the characters involved are calm enough to properly assess the situation and see why their significant other does the things he/she does.
It was not in order to buy into some romantic rival subplot or anything of the sorts, especially since we knew right out of the gate that if anything developed it would be entirely one sided and would not end up leading to anywhere but a flat out rejection. Mai acknowledges this right away by saying that she's worried about Koga because if pretends turns into serious for her then she will be hurt no matter what. She was not worried about Sakuta loving anyone but her, not even for a second.

Since I don't want to write a whole essay, I'll sum it up with this...

You'd really do yourself a favour by rewatching the show, taking off the shipping goggles and take what the show does for something else than a romance centred game of chess cause it's anything but that.

We got an interesting insight on another character's personal dilemma on her road to adolescence and saw her maturing from this whole experience.
We saw Sakuta, his regret for the past, his wish to change, his unwavering loyalty to Mai who in return has unwavering trust for him.
We saw a relatable case of someone just that insecure about him/herself that he/she tried everything just to be part of something.
And this is not even naming everything.

So to me and I think the majority of people watching this show, this arc has not been a detour of the romantic quest of Sakuta x Mai but a pleasant experience from which we gained another character & plenty of development as well as emotional attachment. Try watching it with an open mind and several if not all of your issues should resolve in one way or another.
FappaNov 12, 2018 6:28 AM
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282 by subahokke »»
Mar 6, 12:21 AM

Poll: » Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai Episode 3 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Oct 17, 2018

335 by subahokke »»
Mar 5, 11:51 PM

Poll: » Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Oct 10, 2018

272 by subahokke »»
Mar 5, 11:32 PM

Poll: » Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai Episode 1 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Oct 3, 2018

294 by subahokke »»
Mar 5, 11:03 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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