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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Nov 4, 2018 4:17 AM

Dec 2013
Just when I started getting interested in the Kirito and Eugeo stuff they switched.

Don’t really care for any of these characters so a rather forgettable episode for me.
Nov 4, 2018 4:52 AM

Jul 2014
A bit surprising to switch back to the real world, but I suppose this is going to be what the show does for the time being, and with Kirito and Eugeo set to begin their journey it was an appropriate swapping point.

It's been obvious for a while now that Kikuoka is shady as hell, and now that he's displayed his true colours I hope he suffers the consequences of his actions in the future.
Nov 4, 2018 5:26 AM

Apr 2015
This episode a bit slow. But still good.

Eyy... We get to see Asuna and the other in this episode. Good to see them...

Can't wait for Kikuoka explanation next Ep...
Nov 4, 2018 5:41 AM

Nov 2008
yaaaaaaaaas Miss Asuna being relevant
Nov 4, 2018 5:47 AM

Sep 2017
I was kinda satisfied because Klein had more screentime (even if he's still useless) but I'm still a little disappointed about this episode because I really don't care about all the other blank characters, especially Asuna. So, that was a sort of boring episode, I didn't really enjoy it

I hope the next episode will be in the Underworld again, because it's far more interesting and I always need more Eugeo

oh and please stop focusing on Suguha nerf, complaining about this is cringe since she's not oversexualized like she was before
DamuzenNov 4, 2018 6:02 AM
Nov 4, 2018 7:05 AM

Feb 2018
Daaaaamn, I've already forgotten what Asuna is capable of <3

Great episode. I know it's only 5 episodes but for me everything is really nice timed already. We had perfect amount of Kirito and Eugene and Underground itself and on the other hand they allowed viewer to see, what's happened throught this time and what's happening right now.

It was a nice plot twist at the end. I actually didn't expected that.

I don't want to evaluate in advance because everyone know how long this story will be and that this is only the beginning but... I really hope that they really carefully thought about how they will use source material.

I didn't read the arc but I heard they didn't cut anything and they even added some plot - that's already really cool.

For me, 5/5
Nov 4, 2018 7:54 AM

Jun 2017
Slow-paced and descriptive but a fine episode, nevertheless.

Asuna, in particular, and co, Klein, Yui and the usual gang, were really assertive and upfront this episode, so that’s nice to see. Yui encouraging Asuna to not give up because of Kirito’s persistence earlier in Season 2 was a highlight of the episode for me and the flashbacks to the Season 1 scenes made the whole message much more impactful of sorts. Finally, we got to see Kirito’s mother though, I honestly can’t recall to when I last saw her, if at all. Also, that horrendous helicopter CGI scene xD.
On a more serious note, the fact that Asuna and other fellow teenagers with the help of the scientist managed to break through the defences of the highly-secured facility was a bit far-fetched and all, but the execution of it wasn’t too bad per se. I mean, I kind of had a feeling it’d be Asuna but it wasn’t until the revelation that I thought to myself, “Right, should’ve known!”. The Doctor’s bed scene with Kayaba felt off to say the least but I’m assuming we’ll get more on that soon in the upcoming episodes. All those leads that Asuna and co managed to gather up though felt way too convenient since Kikouka works for the Govt too and the Govt ought to have covered it all up(just like Prison Break-tier at least).

Cliffhanger of this episode promises some juicy details for next week’s episode, so I’m looking forward to that! I wonder when we’ll get back to the Aliciazation world though.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Nov 4, 2018 7:55 AM

Feb 2014
So finally the true motive behind the whole virtual world experiment is gonna unfold. Project Alicization up next!!
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Nov 4, 2018 8:43 AM
May 2017
Holy sht. I don't know how to say this, but it was a good episode. In SAO. I am shocked.
Yeah, probably the main reason was Kirito's absence (also the new tardy virtual game's). It is nothing new, a lot of people said already, that SAO would be a lot better without Kirito aka Jesus-kun in it. (although Kirito's not even existing virtual daughter is still here to steal the icing from the cake, but well, what can we do)
imSOuniqueNov 4, 2018 8:49 AM
Nov 4, 2018 9:50 AM

Jul 2016
Sad we never got the ambulance scene. Well anyway I like the anime original stuffs on this episode. An early Kayaba and Rinko flashback tease was a very nice addition I like, looking forward for more of it next episodes.

Not much relevant scenes changed or omitted, so I'm glad, though I would like to see something cut, the scene where Yui is asked about what is an AI and she answered that its like asking what is human while showing a somewhat sad face, this fleshed out her character as it show his growing nature as an Advanced AI. That indeed is core element of this arc, exploring about AIs and Simulated reality.

Yay, revealing the secrets of the project next episode.
Nov 4, 2018 9:56 AM

Aug 2017
aaaaah all i wanted was to learn more about Eugeo and his world but noooooope time for an episode with bland waifuuuuuuuus in it oh boi

better see more Eugeo next episode he's actually kinda interesting
Nov 4, 2018 9:57 AM
Dec 2016
I wasn't expecting much from this episode except kirato and eugeo search for answer to their past. Asuna and the girls' comeback made me really happy and gave me the thing I needed for that day. Asuna and Kirito are my favorite couple. Really hoping to see how Asuna and Kirito keep in touch though.
Nov 4, 2018 10:16 AM

Dec 2015
Nov 4, 2018 11:07 AM

Jun 2016
So.. are these people really dumb or what? Alright, you may be more interested in the underworld stuff but episodes like this one (and the next) are NECESSARY for the plot. Did ppl really think they would get 50 episodes with just fantasy stuff without any explanation as to what is going on? smh, if you think that then you dont know a slyghest thing about what is good storytelling.
Nov 4, 2018 11:50 AM
Nov 2016
Wow. This has been a great episode. I mean, how they expanded the content of the light novel into a more fluent, ‘feel the deal’ (to understand the importance of events) was just so well done. Giving each character some inclusion was a considerate decision.
The way the started the episode was great. Kinda like in media res, to evoke a question or catch your attention, and then we fall right back in to the scene from episode one, a smooth transition to say the least. Both scenarios reflect a similar atmosphere and idea.

I also loved the mysterious vibe and atmosphere the soundtrack conducts. Kawahara has always been great at linking one idea to another, like a mystery novel, too. Well, Asuna and Shinon is, anyway.
The introduction of Kojiro Rinko is quite crucial.
After two seasons, I can say that the one true mystery of Sword Art Online is the reason Kayaba created the World Seed. From the first episode to Unital Ring, it cradles the theme of the entire series and the meaning behind Aincrad. He gives me the shivers.

実はさ、I’m kinda happy that everybody loves SAO for different reasons.
Nov 4, 2018 11:50 AM
Sep 2018
AyumiVk said:
So.. are these people really dumb or what? Alright, you may be more interested in the underworld stuff but episodes like this one (and the next) are NECESSARY for the plot. Did ppl really think they would get 50 episodes with just fantasy stuff without any explanation as to what is going on? smh, if you think that then you dont know a slyghest thing about what is good storytelling.

WelL of course they are dumb, what do you expect from them.

Western retards
Nov 4, 2018 12:07 PM

Nov 2008
Themousen said:
I was kinda satisfied because Klein had more screentime (even if he's still useless)

That's all it takes for me to like an episode of SAO too.
Nov 4, 2018 12:31 PM
Mar 2017
Quite informative today's episode
We returned to the real world, Asuna is looking for Kirito, unfortunately Kikuoka who had offered medical help to save Kirito, this takes him to a secret place and very well guarded.
In their search, with the help of Yui, they discover several clues that are linked with Dr. Rinko Kojiro, who worked with Kayaba and apparently had a relationship with him (at least the flashback shows that)
Finally Asuna manages to reach Ocean Turtle thanks to Dr. Rinko who helps her to infiltrate successfully and surprise Kikuoka.
I thought the episode was pretty good, at least we already know Kirito's medical status and what his location is.
Asuna quite worried about the whereabouts of her boyfriend decides to look for him by all possible means, when they reached the dead point she was about to lose hope but Yui was the one who encouraged her not to give up. The infiltration seemed good to me, literally Asuna laughed at all of RATH's security methods.
The last part in which she asks Kikuoka "where's Kirito-kun?" It looked great, about to go with everything with the bastard who took and hidden her boyfriend.
By the name of the next episode, they will talk about what the Alicization project is and what relation has with Kirito's medical condition.

I did not like the update to Suguha's design, although there were parts in which her breasts were of the right size.
salbery755Nov 4, 2018 12:35 PM
Nov 4, 2018 12:46 PM
Nov 2017
deg said:
nice one Asuna now next episode will know what Project Alicization is about

there is a drop in drawing and animation quality on this episode though but not by much

A drop' you said
The details on that helicopter
The details in the turtle Ocean,textures, soft shadows, Multi sampling aliasing, reflection and other tiny details in Every background
It's not a drop in quality
Not because there wasn't a fight in it so particles effect are exempted
It's the best that I had to match A1 pictures with ufotable
Nov 4, 2018 12:55 PM
Apr 2017
I almost thought this was gonna be a good season but then they hit me with this episode. Holy shit this was awfull. They better get back to kirito's point of view next episode or this season will be just as bad as alfheim...
Nov 4, 2018 12:58 PM
Dec 2016
The moral of this episode.
Never mess with Asuna's Kirito.
Nov 4, 2018 1:01 PM

Feb 2014
I honestly wasn't expecting the transition to the real world again so soon, but I really liked how this episode went.

Asuna and everyone else was really puzzled as to why Kirito simply disappeared into thin air after he was admitted to hospital, but the whole group, plus Yui, worked thoroughly and they were able to pinpoint Kayaba's former assistant and lover, Rinko.

From there, Asuna's disguise worked like a charm as she and Rinko traveled to the Ocean Turtle, got through the ultra-tight security to meet with Kikuoka and Asuna took her disguise off and demand where Kirito was. I must admit, Asuna was pretty badass in this scene. =3

Whether the next episode jumps back to Kirito and Eugeo or stays with Asuna's side of the story for longer, I'm eagerly looking forward to it either way. =)
Nov 4, 2018 1:18 PM

Apr 2015
Now this was quite interesting. We get to see Asuna's side of everything that has happened. Infiltrating Rath with a solid disquise, with the help of her friends she managed to get in! You go Girl!! Good to see Dr. Kojiro went along with Asuna's plan.

I never really trusted Kikuoka.
Nov 4, 2018 1:21 PM

Apr 2017
Honestly wanted to see more of the fantasy world. The whole episode was irl, although it's important to the story, frankly I didn't care for it. :/
Nov 4, 2018 1:58 PM
Nov 2018
Lol I liked the episode, but I felt like WHEN ASUNA TEAMED UP with the California lady it was kinda ..... cringe. But I felt that turning to real life was the way to go since a lot has happened with kirito. It’s a great transition into explaining the whole project. Can’t wait for the next episode!
Nov 4, 2018 2:05 PM
Jun 2016
Ehh, yet another surprisingly enjoyable episode. Don't get me wrong, there is definitely an element of suspension of disbelief (high school girl uses her AI child to get past government security and sneak into a heavily fortified location in the middle of the sea, umm yeah right), but still, the writing was pretty good. Hoping we get to learn more next episode.

And please, press F to pay respect to Suguha's nerfed tits. Like honestly, they're pretty much nonexistent now lol.
Nov 4, 2018 2:08 PM

Oct 2018
Man, SAO always has these sexy adult women. Nurse and Asuna's Mom in S2 and now Suguha's Mom and christmas cake Rinko. Doujins never. Jokes aside, I found the episode to be quite boring. There is somehing about this season's exposition scenes, that make them tedious to watch. It isn't that long ago that I finished S2, but there I never felt that these scenes were such a snorefest as Alicization's. Even Kirito and Sinon cuddling in a cave for 2 episodes was more engaging.
Nov 4, 2018 4:18 PM

Mar 2016
AyumiVk said:
So.. are these people really dumb or what? Alright, you may be more interested in the underworld stuff but episodes like this one (and the next) are NECESSARY for the plot. Did ppl really think they would get 50 episodes with just fantasy stuff without any explanation as to what is going on? smh, if you think that then you dont know a slyghest thing about what is good storytelling.

Lol yeah. I’m kinda cringing at those writing “oh back to eugeo, the characters in the real world are boring and i don’t like them”. I agree this episode is necessary and was delivered well in several aspects. Keep in mind those same people writing those posts will come back saying “there are plot holes and lack of explanation” if the real world stuff was not part of the story.
Shishou_23Nov 4, 2018 4:21 PM
Nov 4, 2018 6:31 PM

Nov 2014
Hey, you know I said that gears were finally turning last episode? Well, scratch that. More set-up for now apparently, need to establish another shady organisation that's creating another virtual world for some not-so-clear reason (for now).

Also, how did that dude attack Kirito? Did he like jab and then just ran? Feel free to correct me if I missed something here, unless it's spoilers. I feel like given the lack of other people around, it'd have been optimal to attack Asuna as well, or at least prevent her from calling an ambulance for a significant period of time.
If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Nov 4, 2018 7:17 PM

Jun 2017
BurningSpirit said:
Hey, you know I said that gears were finally turning last episode? Well, scratch that. More set-up for now apparently, need to establish another shady organisation that's creating another virtual world for some not-so-clear reason (for now).

Also, how did that dude attack Kirito? Did he like jab and then just ran? Feel free to correct me if I missed something here, unless it's spoilers. I feel like given the lack of other people around, it'd have been optimal to attack Asuna as well, or at least prevent her from calling an ambulance for a significant period of time.

Johnny black gets stabbed in the leg and falls down. But he doesn't lose conciousness. By that time Asuna's cries for help results in people from nearby houses gathering around the site. A policeman on patrol also comes in and apprehends Johnny Black. So he couldn't run away.
Nov 5, 2018 3:50 AM
Jan 2018
Soratan0baka said:
I almost thought this was gonna be a good season but then they hit me with this episode. Holy shit this was awfull. They better get back to kirito's point of view next episode or this season will be just as bad as alfheim...

It won't be back in kirto perspective till epiosde 7....And these episodes are necessary.

This season will be 98% underworld
Mattinator95Nov 5, 2018 5:23 AM
Nov 5, 2018 4:59 AM

Sep 2015
Yusss, it's as I expected - this ep was back to real word and want happened to Kirito! I liked it a lot and kept waiting for it! Now can't wait to hear more about it in next ep! Wohooo :D

Looolz, but I totally did not notice Suguha's change in breast department XD cuz I'm a girl? whatever XD

Also, I'm totally enjoying both sides of the arc - the one with Eugeo in the game and Asuna in real world. Thou at times it feels like I'm the only one, sigh

Ah, but those who have read the light novels, enlighten me, please - in the episode it isn't shown so I'm not sure, but does Kirito's mom/aunt believe that nonsense about why not even his family is allowed to see him? If that were my son/nephew I sure as hell wouldn't stand for it, but here since it wasn't shown I'm not clear. Sure, I know that 90% of the time parents are overlooked in anime/manga as nonexistent, but for some reason this time it really bugged me, whether his mom believes what is being said to her
RouzmaryNov 5, 2018 5:04 AM
~Nothing is Eternal but Eternity ~
Nov 5, 2018 5:20 AM
Jul 2018
Mattinator95 said:
Soratan0baka said:
I almost thought this was gonna be a good season but then they hit me with this episode. Holy shit this was awfull. They better get back to kirito's point of view next episode or this season will be just as bad as alfheim...

It won't be back in kirto perspective till epiosde 8 ... And these are episodes are necessary.

This season will be 98% underworld

What makes you believe we won't go back to the UW until episode 8? That's a bit too long and the rest of the arc is more important
Nov 5, 2018 5:24 AM
Jan 2018
Made-In-Heaven said:
Mattinator95 said:

It won't be back in kirto perspective till epiosde 8 ... And these are episodes are necessary.

This season will be 98% underworld

What makes you believe we won't go back to the UW until episode 8? That's a bit too long and the rest of the arc is more important

I meant 7 . How are they gonna explain what they are doing after the 5 months in underworld time . time skip
Mattinator95Nov 5, 2018 7:01 AM
Nov 5, 2018 7:44 AM

Sep 2018
Pedram said:

her existence is a completely unique existence, a once in a life-time chance of creating the strongest Top-down AI.
I'm a programmer myself, so I read a lot about AIs online and even read about Bottom-up and Top-down AIs in university.
basically a Top-down AI can grow the more data it can receive, but you can't just feed data or show it a movie for it to learn about emotion and become more human. it need to observe human interaction and monitor emotions for becoming more human. and the amount of data need to be HUGE, the bigger the closer she can be to humans.

Ah, Top-down, Bottom-up AI's. Back when reading the novel this amused me quite a bit.

Theories on AI always strike me as weird. They have a lot of effort put into considering how to create an AI, or what would qualify as a good AI...but almost no effort put into first considering what exactly a human mind is, and how it works.

People should consider applying their ideas about AI's and computers on humans first.

That said, I do enjoy AI characters a lot. They often lack most of the annoying traits of other character types.
“Ha ha, the synergy between my left and right hand made them feel scared.” Ye Xiu said.
Nov 5, 2018 9:11 AM

Apr 2017
This episode serves as a quick reminder that the other characters still exist.

This was pretty good for the most part. Though it was easy to predict what was going to happen, this season of SAO has got me hooked quite well. It's easy for me to feel a little uneasy about it because of the past two seasons, but there's no point in hiding the fact that I'm pretty excited for what this has in store.

Asuna's English sounds pretty damn good my god
Nov 5, 2018 9:17 AM
Apr 2011
Press F to pay respects


Kinda hated this episode because i highly dislike Yui. However, they seem to be treating her more like an AI and less like a love child. Still, the whole Moma and Papa thing is are irritating as ever. Everything else is great. I just hope they don't beam Yui into the virtual world. If they do, it wont be unwatchable, but it will be a -1 rating from me.
Feel free to drop a comment on my profile and have a chat! I am always looking to socialize with other users!
Nov 5, 2018 10:48 AM

Feb 2017
entertaining, i'm not really a fan of asuna but she's been apart of the story for a long time. Want to see alice uwu
Nov 5, 2018 11:10 AM
Oct 2012
Ziggycuff said:
Press F to pay respects


Kinda hated this episode because i highly dislike Yui. However, they seem to be treating her more like an AI and less like a love child. Still, the whole Moma and Papa thing is are irritating as ever. Everything else is great. I just hope they don't beam Yui into the virtual world. If they do, it wont be unwatchable, but it will be a -1 rating from me.

Nov 5, 2018 11:10 AM

May 2016
Build up episode but was well done, I wanna go back to the old wolrd whatever it's called.
Nov 5, 2018 12:32 PM
Apr 2017
Mattinator95 said:
Soratan0baka said:
I almost thought this was gonna be a good season but then they hit me with this episode. Holy shit this was awfull. They better get back to kirito's point of view next episode or this season will be just as bad as alfheim...

It won't be back in kirto perspective till epiosde 7....And these episodes are necessary.

This season will be 98% underworld

I understand that they're necessary, and I was actually really looking forward to them. The thing is, I think they're executed really poorly, so I'm glad it will be going back to the underworld for most of the season because I'm enjoying that part so far. Thx for the reply :)
Nov 5, 2018 3:21 PM

Sep 2015
DragonSlayer_19 said:
AyumiVk said:
So.. are these people really dumb or what? Alright, you may be more interested in the underworld stuff but episodes like this one (and the next) are NECESSARY for the plot. Did ppl really think they would get 50 episodes with just fantasy stuff without any explanation as to what is going on? smh, if you think that then you dont know a slyghest thing about what is good storytelling.

Lol yeah. I’m kinda cringing at those writing “oh back to eugeo, the characters in the real world are boring and i don’t like them”. I agree this episode is necessary and was delivered well in several aspects. Keep in mind those same people writing those posts will come back saying “there are plot holes and lack of explanation” if the real world stuff was not part of the story.

I am another who is thinking exactly the same, even reading here the comments I am seeing people who are inventing some things like the supposed hack kek.

The funny thing is when the events outside of Underworld take on more importance, but there's a lot left for that.
Nov 5, 2018 5:12 PM
Nov 2016
You acting as a plot device ain’t bad writing. What’s bad is when the plot device ain’t developed well.

Secondly, the reason why Rath decided to let in Mayumi Reynolds, even though they never met her before was because they needed Rinko badly. Of course, they should probably have held some sort of interview with Reynolds and Rinko to see if they could trust them with their top-secret info.

Asuna being worried about the fact that the hospital won’t let them see Kirito makes total sense. I mean,
First, it was Kikuoka that took him in. Asuna and crew decide to go see Kirito, but we’re denied the right to meet them.
Asuna trues to contact Kikuoka, but he’s gone away from the very next day or two after he took Kirito in.
Kikuoka already has a profile for “using” Kirito to investigate the death gun incident.
Asuna sees the link between the two points: Is Kikuoka about to take advantage of Kirito to do dangerous things?
Kikuoka is the head of Rath. RATH is developing the soul translator. The Soul Translator access not Kirito’s damaged brain, but his soul.
Thus, Asuna concludes that Rath must have done something to Kirito, whether it is inside that same hospital or not.
Asuna asks Yui to find the track record of Kirito’s location. They track him down to the portside.

Sorry that took so long. Anyway, I hope this helped a bit. :)
Nov 5, 2018 11:42 PM
Mar 2010
MonkeyDMike said:
That was probably my least favourite episode. The harem is just boring to watch for me even if it is involved with important stuff. At least I liked the connection with Ordinal Scale and we got to see the place where everything takes place along with part of the crew that is involved in the whole STL project. Now I'm intrigued to see what exactly this thing does that can be useful for medical use.

totally agree, im amazed by all the love the episode is getting. Not that its bad but i feel in comparison to the other episodes, this one was a little disorienting. Like I know this is necessary to the show but I always felt the show shined when kirito played the lonerish character with only one or two supporting characters. The harem always felt like to much. Hopefully this time away from kirito can build some more intrigue in whats going on in the real world.

Either way still enjoyed it! But on to the next one!
Nov 6, 2018 1:04 AM
Jan 2018
christian33215 said:
MonkeyDMike said:
That was probably my least favourite episode. The harem is just boring to watch for me even if it is involved with important stuff. At least I liked the connection with Ordinal Scale and we got to see the place where everything takes place along with part of the crew that is involved in the whole STL project. Now I'm intrigued to see what exactly this thing does that can be useful for medical use.

totally agree, im amazed by all the love the episode is getting. Not that its bad but i feel in comparison to the other episodes, this one was a little disorienting. Like I know this is necessary to the show but I always felt the show shined when kirito played the lonerish character with only one or two supporting characters. The harem always felt like to much. Hopefully this time away from kirito can build some more intrigue in whats going on in the real world.

Either way still enjoyed it! But on to the next one!

if it helps it was only meant to be Asuan and Suguha that knew about Kirito and they didn't tell the others. it seems they just added the rest for "fan service" and to give them more of a role . i can see why the studio did it but i dont think it was necessarily a good idea to change the whole sequence , they are pretty much changing a lot
Mattinator95Nov 6, 2018 1:10 AM
Nov 6, 2018 5:02 AM
Nov 2016
christian33215 said:

totally agree, im amazed by all the love the episode is getting. Not that its bad but i feel in comparison to the other episodes, this one was a little disorienting. Like I know this is necessary to the show but I always felt the show shined when kirito played the lonerish character with only one or two supporting characters. The harem always felt like to much. Hopefully this time away from kirito can build some more intrigue in whats going on in the real world.

Either way still enjoyed it! But on to the next one!

I agree. I liked this episode, but I feel that when there’s less people, we get to see more of Kirito. Like we saw with Kirito and Eugeo, as well as Asuna and Yuuki, we saw the reflection and change of who they were to who they become.
“The Beater” is my favourite episode.
Nov 6, 2018 5:15 AM
Jul 2018
christian33215 said:
MonkeyDMike said:
That was probably my least favourite episode. The harem is just boring to watch for me even if it is involved with important stuff. At least I liked the connection with Ordinal Scale and we got to see the place where everything takes place along with part of the crew that is involved in the whole STL project. Now I'm intrigued to see what exactly this thing does that can be useful for medical use.

totally agree, im amazed by all the love the episode is getting. Not that its bad but i feel in comparison to the other episodes, this one was a little disorienting. Like I know this is necessary to the show but I always felt the show shined when kirito played the lonerish character with only one or two supporting characters. The harem always felt like to much. Hopefully this time away from kirito can build some more intrigue in whats going on in the real world.

Either way still enjoyed it! But on to the next one!

What love? Most fans I have seen feel the same way about this episode like you do and the next episode will focus on the RW too. However you definitely should't sleep on the next episode because it's going to explain the purpose of this project (and also why I dislike Kikuoka...).
Nov 6, 2018 9:10 AM
Oct 2009
Asuna, just make the guy one of your delicious sandwiches, surely he will talk then! XD
Nov 6, 2018 10:04 AM

May 2018
Well Kirito didn't die , that's nice, but he's back in the virtual world again in a different setting and contraption, and now Asuna knows what's going on and was even able to sneak in...nice move.
Nov 6, 2018 8:38 PM

Oct 2008
so now we go detective game finding where the heck on earth's skin is kirito!?
Serious angry Asuna is awesome Asuna!

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