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Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online (light novel)
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May 8, 2018 3:09 AM

Jun 2016
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InorichiDec 22, 2024 9:10 PM
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May 8, 2018 3:19 AM

Oct 2015
I agree, it's actually ridiculous to love GGO Alternative and hate SAO. Although I can say I love both and still think the OG is still better in every way. I see a lot of people saying Alternative is better because of no returning casts which I think is a bit plausible if you really do loathe the characters that much :p.

As for how Alternative came to be, I remember Sigsawa being really interested in guns and wanted to try doing a spin-off and Kawahara agreed. Not really sure why as well, but it was announced together with SAO Alicization. It'd be pretty weird to announce a sequel and a continuation/remake/ or whatever imo. Maybe one day we'll get an adaptation of Progressive.

May 8, 2018 5:33 AM

Mar 2016
Let me start with saying this I don't think that SAO is an awful anime and even though it has many flaws I kinda enjoyed it. As for Progressive I haven't read it yet so I can't say if it deserves an adaptation.

But reading your post I've noticed that you're doing exactly the same thing you're accusing "SAO haters" of, I mean you have pointed out talking P90 as one of Alternative flaws but you have not mentioned

As for establishing the plot there's no rule that says that the main objective must be stated at the beginning of the story so far we have had a clear objective which was winning SJ, take Re:Zero you have graded with 8 as an example, there isn't one clearly stated objective completing which will end the story, there are an events and passing through them is what steadily builds plot.

And finally to answer your question as to why there's no Progressive adaptation, most reasonable explanation is that there's no profit for light novel publishers in it so they're not willing to sell license to any animation studio out there without which no one is allowed to make an adaptation of SAO Progressive.

May 8, 2018 5:42 AM

Sep 2016
KariudoPL said:

But reading your post I've noticed that you're doing exactly the same thing you're accusing "SAO haters" of, I mean you have pointed out talking P90 as one of Alternative flaws but you have not mentioned

Boi you don't mock our one true Lord and Saviour, the Undeniable Harem King Jesus-kun.

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May 8, 2018 5:45 AM

Oct 2014
Why do a sort of reboot after only 5 a 6 years that is still getting new seasons
May 8, 2018 5:56 AM

Mar 2017
I had hopes for Alternative actually, but I quickly dropped it. And I think it's ridiculous to say its good because it's not Reki Kawahara/Kirito/A-1 Pictures (which are admittedly the reason I gave it a go).

Thing is, SAO is choosing to move forward with Aliticization this year, rather than rebooting with Progressive. So I'm not really sure if they'll ever do Progressive after Aliticization. Their best bet to do Progressive would have been right now but they're doing Alternative.

Besides, we already have the best iteration of SAO: the Abridged.
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May 8, 2018 5:59 AM

Mar 2016
HerrSaitamaX said:
KariudoPL said:

But reading your post I've noticed that you're doing exactly the same thing you're accusing "SAO haters" of, I mean you have pointed out talking P90 as one of Alternative flaws but you have not mentioned

Boi you don't mock our one true Lord and Saviour, the Undeniable Harem King Jesus-kun.

I'm sorry man, I've finally noticed my own mistakes and I swear to our Lord and Saviour great Kirito-sama that I will never ever make the same mistake again.

May 8, 2018 6:05 AM

Mar 2015
Bourmegar said:
Why do a sort of reboot after only 5 a 6 years that is still getting new seasons

SAO: progressive is not reboot, but expansion, aincrad arc tell by asuna side of view...
@ thread

while blind haters can be annoying at times, your argument isn't better, considering kirito even doing worse thing than alternative....

and for the reason why alternative is approved while progresive isn't, the answer pretty simple. Money.... Progressive is just expansion... it doesn't give lot addition to story on it's own, just more insight... there is no new notable character that will be important latter that can be sold... however alternative is complitely new series with different approach and character set.. something that can be sell... hence why it's also not the main studio... they just pumping money for merchendise sales...

A-1 probably focusing movie and already anounced alicization arc....
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
May 8, 2018 6:16 AM

Dec 2014
Inorichi said:
SAO Alternative
Ranting in the latest episode discussion is not enough for me. SAO Alternative is rated way to high and the reason is ridiculous. "This is not written by Reki Kawahara" may as well be plastered all over the page.

I don't care about this discussion at all, I just want someone to explain how SAO alternative is rated way too high...

RN it's about 7.31 only which is pretty okayish/fine/whatever.
May 8, 2018 6:40 AM

Jul 2016
SAO AGGO - spinoff
Plot fun series of a girl that had a height complex.
SAO Progressive - reboot
Plot retelling the death game.

May 8, 2018 6:46 AM

Jul 2014
All about that Yen. A-1 and reki cashing in on generic trash, well played.
May 8, 2018 6:48 AM
Jan 2012
Alternative is decent and so was original SAO-ALO-GGO. Original was ruined because it took the godlike setting and did not play with it to the fullest (but story-plot remained ok). Alternative GGO tries to actually be an anime about a game, but idk yet. Wish they didn't rush everything like that, I might pick up the source 'cuz of that.

P.S. I prefer LLENN over Kirito because she is a girl in pink clothes with 1D characterization and Kirito is a guy in black clothes with 1D characterization.
May 8, 2018 7:01 PM

Oct 2017
Inorichi said:
SAO Alternative
Ranting in the latest episode discussion is not enough for me. SAO Alternative is rated way to high and the reason is ridiculous. "This is not written by Reki Kawahara" may as well be plastered all over the page.

Kino's Journey, apparently its good, written by Sigsawa Keiichi, now given a prestige status among light novel writers because a single work reflects all his writing skills. I'm a pretty big SAO fan, in fact if I make a thread, its usually because of SAO. And studio 3hz is not a bad studio, and Keiichi probably isn't a bad writer, but holy shit is Alternative going downhill.

Reki Kawahara's Writing
"Clear the Death Game" "Save Asuna" "Catch Death Gun". Basic, clear, and established plot, in a concise exposition, with a rising action, that builds up to a climax. Yes its generic, nothing unique, but Reki Kawahara has the basics down.

Sigsawa Keiichi's Writing
Compared to Sigsawa Keiichi's take on GGO, where a plot isn't established after 5 episodes, plot armor thicker and more unbelievable than what's on Kirito, and a talking P90 in a VR game. Llenn's character is a mess, god status, faster than a lamborghini, hitbox smaller than a pebble. M, the macho big guy, established as a reliable, skilled sniper turns into a bubbling mess after a virtual p90 is pointed at him. A squad of elementary school girls better than the JSDF.

What pisses me off the most is the unreasonable mob mentality of SAO haters, flock to this praising it for the exact same reasons they hate SAO for. God characters, broken character development, unrealistic bullshit.

SAO was originally a single novel, the death game ended in 1 book, because it was supposed to be a single novel worked, it just somehow spiraled out of control. A-1 is able to take apart the first, second, and parts of the eighth novel and create one of the most popular anime globally. The same people praising A-1 for anohana, are the same people making fun of A-1 for making SAO, yet they praise Alternative without any reasonable objective input.

SAO Progressive
The Sword Art Online that deserves to happen. No 2 year time skip, a clear explanation written out nice and long to explain the entire journey of Kirito & Asuna that goes on floor by floor, giving everyone the world-building and character development they asked for.

I'm honestly confused as to how Alternative even got published, but somehow it became an anime. Now, my question is how did Alternative get an anime before Progressive?

Unless A-1 has exclusive rights to progressive, I'm incredibly surprised that 3hz decided to take up Alternative. Progressive would have been a lot more successful from a business perspective, because anyone knows anything between SAO and Aincrad will sell like hotcakes. The only idea I have is that A-1 already has dibs on some Progressive anime in the future.

Idk if this would go under SAO or SAO Alternative, or what, but I'll let the moderator decide where to put it.

Honestly, I like both equally. I know SAO is a love-it-or-hate-it kind of anime, but I think it's alright. As for GGO, I laughed so hard at M having a come-apart that I fell out of my chair.
I like to live every day like it's my last.....and by that, I mean lying in a puddle of my own urine, calling for the nurse to bring me more pudding.
May 8, 2018 7:04 PM

Oct 2017
Same people that hate SAO like GGO, even though it contains similar elements. Why? Simply because people are hypocrites. I personally find GGO boring.
May 8, 2018 7:07 PM
Dec 2015
I think Kirito is a boring af character and didn't care to see him ever again.I liked the original SAO and GGO but the quality was inconsistent. Watched 3 episodes of GGO Alternative and somehow it's way worse without him. It's pure bandwagoning that people are saying this is better than the others. The others at least had semi serious plots and more relatable characters. Shinon had PTSD and was coping with that fact. Llenn has a stupid high complex that apparently destroyed her life. How is this an improvement?
May 9, 2018 5:29 AM

Jan 2016
That's why you don't need to take SAO seriously. lol

Just wait for Alicization.
May 9, 2018 5:46 AM
Jul 2018
The rating of Alternative is higher because the MC is a cute girl, which makes it objectively superior.
May 9, 2018 5:52 AM

Jun 2016
Dunno. I love SAO soooo much and has to be an instant-10/10 but Alternative. Dunno.
I don't get why they produce it under the name "Sword Art Online". It's true that it's set in the same world but it's not written by Reki. And a series, not created by the original creator, is wrong, false and just not right.

SAOAGGO isn't that bad, don't get me wrong, but don't call it SAO since it's not created by Reki.
May 9, 2018 5:55 AM

Jun 2016
Plus I also already thought about the possibility of a "Sword Art Online: Progressive" series which would be totally amazing, cuz it tells the story way more slow-paced and there is so much love for the detail in it.

The only problem, imo, is that it's told a little bit different since he get's to know Asuna already much earlier which makes Progressive a kinda new world cuz it IS different. And that makes it hard for me to decide, which story is the right one?
The first 14 episodes or Progressive?
May 9, 2018 6:13 AM

Jan 2016
Inorichi said:
Detective1412 said:
That's why you don't need to take SAO seriously. lol

Just wait for Alicization.

Pretty hyped for Alicization, Alice is better than Asuna imo.

Obviously, but Kirito still best girl after all.
May 9, 2018 6:21 AM

Jun 2016
Inorichi said:
TeeRider said:
Plus I also already thought about the possibility of a "Sword Art Online: Progressive" series which would be totally amazing, cuz it tells the story way more slow-paced and there is so much love for the detail in it.

The only problem, imo, is that it's told a little bit different since he get's to know Asuna already much earlier which makes Progressive a kinda new world cuz it IS different. And that makes it hard for me to decide, which story is the right one?
The first 14 episodes or Progressive?

I'm pretty sure Kirito and Asuna start hating each other or something because of something, which wraps up Aincrad in Progressive, because Asuna did chase after Kirito to ask the "How did you know my name" question in the original.

I honestly believe that A-1 already has rights to progressive and will work on it after Alicization or something after there are enough novels to start some long running shounen SAO series. It's just not possible to adapt a GGO side story but not an SAO Aincrad expansion.

Yea. I'm actually reading vol. 2 and Kirito and Asuna are already quite close to each other imo. But I really hope they will go for an SAOP Anime series even though it's told a little bit different. But the mayor parts we don't even know from the original series so that we get to know a lot more from the Aincrad arc
May 9, 2018 6:29 AM

Jan 2016
Inorichi said:
Detective1412 said:

Obviously, but Kirito still best girl after all.

LOL, true though, Trap Kirito is best Kirito.

No, I mean, the Real Kirito.
May 9, 2018 10:10 PM
Jan 2018
Well it's because Progressive is simply a retelling of Aincrad and with Alicization coming soon it would make no sense. I agree that Progressive should get an anime, but progressive could be so easily fucked up that people don't get the joy that I got from reading the light novels and just hate SAO even more. Further more the manga's start to the series is much weaker than the light novels because of the very unnecessary fan service and deus ex machina shit that happened (Needless to say it differed quite alot), but they're probably going to adapt the manga anyway cause it's easier. I think Reki is just holding off. In fact the original SAO was just released a year later we probably could have gotten a series in which the first season was just Aria and Rondo.
May 10, 2018 4:13 AM

Jun 2016
Inorichi said:
Llenn's character is a mess, god status, faster than a lamborghini

But that's not really a valid point of objective criticism since it has been established that everyone can be just as fast / even faster than her and we don't really know how good she is as a gamer aside from "she's better than the average casual".

EGOIST said:
I agree, it's actually ridiculous to love GGO Alternative and hate SAO.

Not really, it all depends on why one hates the original SAO.
May 10, 2018 6:29 AM

Sep 2009
I think Progressive will happen eventually. The franchise is too popular in Japan at the moment that they will need something to fill the void after Alicization is finished. So it's either Progressive or Girls Op but I don't see them doing Girls Op manga for a while with only 4 volumes and Progressive has more content being a Novel
May 10, 2018 12:26 PM
Feb 2009
based on episode 1, GGO is pretty bad. SAO at least was a bit entertaining.
May 10, 2018 7:46 PM

Nov 2016
it wouldn't make sense from bussiness standpoint to air progressive before/during the elephant in the room that is called Alicization release.

Sure Progressive has many many new contents, but in the end it still "expanded version of the first novel". No matter how you said it, it still looks like that to most people's eye. Especially considering SAO s1 isn't that old (well, six-seven years) to warrant a "reboot". If they do Progressive, it'll need to be after alicization (unless reki decided to do another arc post alicization).

AGGO in other hand, not really tied with the main story, not even feature the cast from the main story. Plus, it can also be used to promote Fatal Bullet. Reairing SAO S2 is also a way, but won't have as much impact (overseas streaming won't pick it up obviously) as a brand new anime, and it's easier to adapt novels than game considering both has same setting anyway.
May 11, 2018 6:59 PM

Jun 2016
Detective1412 said:
Inorichi said:

LOL, true though, Trap Kirito is best Kirito.

No, I mean, the Real Kirito.

>-> ok....

NajzenDesu said:
Well it's because Progressive is simply a retelling of Aincrad and with Alicization coming soon it would make no sense. I agree that Progressive should get an anime, but progressive could be so easily fucked up that people don't get the joy that I got from reading the light novels and just hate SAO even more. Further more the manga's start to the series is much weaker than the light novels because of the very unnecessary fan service and deus ex machina shit that happened (Needless to say it differed quite alot), but they're probably going to adapt the manga anyway cause it's easier. I think Reki is just holding off. In fact the original SAO was just released a year later we probably could have gotten a series in which the first season was just Aria and Rondo.

I don't read the manga, mostly cause the art is bad compared to Abec's and I question whether the artist has even read the light novel or not most of the time. Since Reki Kawahara pretty much owns SAO, if a Progressive anime is made, which it probably will imo, it will be from the Light Novels and probably a serious project that the studio works on. My guess is, the future of a Progressive anime will be determined from how well Alicization does. And from S1, to S2, to Ordinal Scale, things are looking pretty good.

May 11, 2018 7:07 PM

Mar 2018
First half of SAO was above expectation, I loved it for sure.
Then it's all down hill from there. The SAO movie Ordinal Scale did not make up for the disaster in season 2.
GGO, I personally think it's not as bad as people perceive it as. There's no romance involved, definitely a lot more action. As a former CS player, I kinda have some hope for the future upcoming episodes, but overall, not so bad rn.

▬▬ι═══════ﺤ YOᑌ.... ᑕOᑌᒪᗪ IT ᗷE TᕼᗩT YOᑌ'ᖇE ᒍᑌᔕT ᗩᑎ IᗪIOT?
~ Araragi Senpai

* .    *
.      ˚    *   ·
.  ✦             ✫ ·
.    ✢    °         ✧    .       
May 12, 2018 4:26 AM
Jan 2018
Shinraro said:
it wouldn't make sense from bussiness standpoint to air progressive before/during the elephant in the room that is called Alicization release.

Sure Progressive has many many new contents, but in the end it still "expanded version of the first novel". No matter how you said it, it still looks like that to most people's eye. Especially considering SAO s1 isn't that old (well, six-seven years) to warrant a "reboot". If they do Progressive, it'll need to be after alicization (unless reki decided to do another arc post alicization).

AGGO in other hand, not really tied with the main story, not even feature the cast from the main story. Plus, it can also be used to promote Fatal Bullet. Reairing SAO S2 is also a way, but won't have as much impact (overseas streaming won't pick it up obviously) as a brand new anime, and it's easier to adapt novels than game considering both has same setting anyway.

Yeah SAO will be getting another arc, from what I've heard it'll be called Unital Ring.
May 12, 2018 7:38 AM
Jul 2018
GGO Alternative is clearly having production issues. Discussion of the quality of the author's writing should refer to the LN (not the adaptation).

I can't speak to either LN directly, but Sigsawa's influence is clear so far. P-chan is Hermes, for one. If you can't understand or appreciate his work here, definitely do watch/read Kino no Tabi.
May 12, 2018 10:26 AM
Apr 2017
Inorichi said:
(comparisons and whatnot to make alternative look bad)
Most of this criticism isn't even true, though. It seems like you're just mad that some people like Alternative more than the original.
May 13, 2018 2:25 AM

Jun 2016
MeclairX said:
First half of SAO was above expectation, I loved it for sure.
Then it's all down hill from there. The SAO movie Ordinal Scale did not make up for the disaster in season 2.
GGO, I personally think it's not as bad as people perceive it as. There's no romance involved, definitely a lot more action. As a former CS player, I kinda have some hope for the future upcoming episodes, but overall, not so bad rn.

I did enjoy the first few episodes of SAO:A, but after the latest episode I'm pretty annoyed with the anime. Magical talking guns and completely breaking down M's character.

NajzenDesu said:
Shinraro said:
it wouldn't make sense from bussiness standpoint to air progressive before/during the elephant in the room that is called Alicization release.

Sure Progressive has many many new contents, but in the end it still "expanded version of the first novel". No matter how you said it, it still looks like that to most people's eye. Especially considering SAO s1 isn't that old (well, six-seven years) to warrant a "reboot". If they do Progressive, it'll need to be after alicization (unless reki decided to do another arc post alicization).

AGGO in other hand, not really tied with the main story, not even feature the cast from the main story. Plus, it can also be used to promote Fatal Bullet. Reairing SAO S2 is also a way, but won't have as much impact (overseas streaming won't pick it up obviously) as a brand new anime, and it's easier to adapt novels than game considering both has same setting anyway.

Yeah SAO will be getting another arc, from what I've heard it'll be called Unital Ring.

Didn't know that, thanks for the info. I actually thought you were joking at first.

shonen_fan said:
Inorichi said:
(comparisons and whatnot to make alternative look bad)
Most of this criticism isn't even true, though. It seems like you're just mad that some people like Alternative more than the original.

When did I even say that?

Ctrl-F - Copy and Paste "(comparisons and whatnot to make alternative look bad)"

I'm not mad that some people like Alternative more than the original, I'm mad that you're making fake quotes. Jk, jk. Idk if I said that or not, but definitely not on this thread.

It's pretty ridiculous how comparing the 2 anime, SAO does have in subjective terms "poor or basic writing" but at least it doesnt have plotholes like the magic P90 that can talk and has a face for 30 seconds in the latest episode.

Not to mention this is the most blatant attempt to milk money I've ever seen. A recap episode after 5 episodes + including the title Sword Art Online.

In fact the author of SAO:A or Keiichi Sigsawa hasn't had anything note worthy since Kino's Journey decades ago. I'd bet that he's raking in more money from this SAO:A than all past works (minus Kino's Journey) combined.
May 13, 2018 2:40 AM

Nov 2015
Inorichi said:
MeclairX said:
First half of SAO was above expectation, I loved it for sure.
Then it's all down hill from there. The SAO movie Ordinal Scale did not make up for the disaster in season 2.
GGO, I personally think it's not as bad as people perceive it as. There's no romance involved, definitely a lot more action. As a former CS player, I kinda have some hope for the future upcoming episodes, but overall, not so bad rn.

I did enjoy the first few episodes of SAO:A, but after the latest episode I'm pretty annoyed with the anime. Magical talking guns and completely breaking down M's character.

NajzenDesu said:

Yeah SAO will be getting another arc, from what I've heard it'll be called Unital Ring.

Didn't know that, thanks for the info. I actually thought you were joking at first.

shonen_fan said:
Most of this criticism isn't even true, though. It seems like you're just mad that some people like Alternative more than the original.

When did I even say that?

Ctrl-F - Copy and Paste "(comparisons and whatnot to make alternative look bad)"

I'm not mad that some people like Alternative more than the original, I'm mad that you're making fake quotes. Jk, jk. Idk if I said that or not, but definitely not on this thread.

It's pretty ridiculous how comparing the 2 anime, SAO does have in subjective terms "poor or basic writing" but at least it doesnt have plotholes like the magic P90 that can talk and has a face for 30 seconds in the latest episode.

Not to mention this is the most blatant attempt to milk money I've ever seen. A recap episode after 5 episodes + including the title Sword Art Online.

In fact the author of SAO:A or Keiichi Sigsawa hasn't had anything note worthy since Kino's Journey decades ago. I'd bet that he's raking in more money from this SAO:A than all past works (minus Kino's Journey) combined.

hmm wasn't it just mc imagination that gun talked? :D
May 13, 2018 2:41 AM

Nov 2014
I really don't know if I should say it directly, but give it some time. All it takes is for someone to actually make a clear, in-depth and easily digestible (in other words a video, not a wall of text on a forum) breakdown of the issues of GGO Alternative. After that you can expect people to actually finally see what's wrong about this series, then you'll see the people who didn't like it start getting louder.

Frankly the same happened with SAO, the opinion of the show took a steep drop a few months after the show finished airing. I think most people still like SAO and do like this series as well, though I suspect more people liked the original over the spinoff (regardless of what it seems around online circles discussing anime).
If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
May 13, 2018 5:45 AM
Apr 2017
Inorichi said:
shonen_fan said:
Most of this criticism isn't even true, though. It seems like you're just mad that some people like Alternative more than the original.

When did I even say that?

I'm not mad that some people like Alternative more than the original, I'm mad that you're making fake quotes. Jk, jk. Idk if I said that or not, but definitely not on this thread.

It's pretty ridiculous how comparing the 2 anime, SAO does have in subjective terms "poor or basic writing" but at least it doesnt have plotholes like the magic P90 that can talk and has a face for 30 seconds in the latest episode.

Not to mention this is the most blatant attempt to milk money I've ever seen. A recap episode after 5 episodes + including the title Sword Art Online.

In fact the author of SAO:A or Keiichi Sigsawa hasn't had anything note worthy since Kino's Journey decades ago. I'd bet that he's raking in more money from this SAO:A than all past works (minus Kino's Journey) combined.
In this very thread.

No, you clearly are. You don't like that it got adapted over Progressive, so you presented this lengthy post of exaggerations and generalizations, both of the anime and the fanbase. What am I supposed to draw from a bunch of immature remarks regarding the anime before you present us with your question? There's an overwhelming bias here. This isn't even the first time, as you were complaining in the episode discussions as well.

Very early in its run here. It could easily be her imagination. Clear example of an assumption right here.

How is that milking? I haven't watched it yet, but there was tons of info introduced early on to establish rules the rules and gameplay tactics. A recap doesn't hurt.

This has nothing to do with anything.
Wait_ingAug 8, 2018 7:50 AM
May 13, 2018 6:23 AM

Jul 2016
I like them both, AltGGO getting first an anime before Progressive doesn't bother me, cause well the floor is only at 5th floor, 70 floors to go xD. Though I would like to see at some time animated, wanna see Argo greatness, and also of course the whole adventure of main cast.

NajzenDesu said:
Shinraro said:
it wouldn't make sense from bussiness standpoint to air progressive before/during the elephant in the room that is called Alicization release.

Sure Progressive has many many new contents, but in the end it still "expanded version of the first novel". No matter how you said it, it still looks like that to most people's eye. Especially considering SAO s1 isn't that old (well, six-seven years) to warrant a "reboot". If they do Progressive, it'll need to be after alicization (unless reki decided to do another arc post alicization).

AGGO in other hand, not really tied with the main story, not even feature the cast from the main story. Plus, it can also be used to promote Fatal Bullet. Reairing SAO S2 is also a way, but won't have as much impact (overseas streaming won't pick it up obviously) as a brand new anime, and it's easier to adapt novels than game considering both has same setting anyway.

Yeah SAO will be getting another arc, from what I've heard it'll be called Unital Ring.
Indeed, though there's Moon Cradle Arc Vol.19-20 I think, after Alicization Vol.9-18 Arc. Then, the new Unital Ring Arc, original story that didn't came from his web novel of SAO.
cronoSpirAMay 13, 2018 6:33 AM
May 13, 2018 11:04 AM

Sep 2014
I agree, I still dont understand why Alternative is a thing when they could have made progressive, before Alicization starts.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
May 13, 2018 5:23 PM

Nov 2016
Inorichi said:
MeclairX said:
First half of SAO was above expectation, I loved it for sure.
Then it's all down hill from there. The SAO movie Ordinal Scale did not make up for the disaster in season 2.
GGO, I personally think it's not as bad as people perceive it as. There's no romance involved, definitely a lot more action. As a former CS player, I kinda have some hope for the future upcoming episodes, but overall, not so bad rn.

I did enjoy the first few episodes of SAO:A, but after the latest episode I'm pretty annoyed with the anime. Magical talking guns and completely breaking down M's character.

M personality will be explained later. the recap also has some hints, but eh, who need milking fest recap, am I right?
The magical talking gun............. I can't believe someone still think it's not LLENN's own delusion despite the gun can only be heard by LLENN (Eva didn't react, M too), only talking to her, and is voiced by LLENN's voice actress. Compare to Hermes and Riku from Kino no Tabi that snark at everything moving, having actual conversation with other people, and voiced by other VA that's not their partner.

In fact the author of SAO:A or Keiichi Sigsawa hasn't had anything note worthy since Kino's Journey decades ago. I'd bet that he's raking in more money from this SAO:A than all past works (minus Kino's Journey) combined.

Now you're making accusation without giving proof.
May 13, 2018 9:14 PM

Jun 2016
Comander-07 said:
I agree, I still dont understand why Alternative is a thing when they could have made progressive, before Alicization starts.

A-1 probably has rights, thats my best guess.
May 13, 2018 9:36 PM

Jun 2016
Shinraro said:
Inorichi said:

I did enjoy the first few episodes of SAO:A, but after the latest episode I'm pretty annoyed with the anime. Magical talking guns and completely breaking down M's character.

M personality will be explained later. the recap also has some hints, but eh, who need milking fest recap, am I right?
The magical talking gun............. I can't believe someone still think it's not LLENN's own delusion despite the gun can only be heard by LLENN (Eva didn't react, M too), only talking to her, and is voiced by LLENN's voice actress. Compare to Hermes and Riku from Kino no Tabi that snark at everything moving, having actual conversation with other people, and voiced by other VA that's not their partner.

In fact the author of SAO:A or Keiichi Sigsawa hasn't had anything note worthy since Kino's Journey decades ago. I'd bet that he's raking in more money from this SAO:A than all past works (minus Kino's Journey) combined.

Now you're making accusation without giving proof.

There's probably nothing that can bring back M for me. They already established him as a skilled player, with knowledge even in the real-life of how the JSDF or a armed organization handles themselves. If he was able to break down to that because he was fearful of Pitoui, why is he playing a god damn video game. You would need the words of God to bring back M's character at this point and from what the story and characters are so far, probably won't be happening.

r.i.p M


Here's a list of Keeichi's works after Kino's Journey.

No date or ISBN. Never even heard of these, but Gakuen Kino sounds more like he's milking Kino's Journey with a prequel.
Gakuen Kino, Tale of a Single Continent Series, Allison, Lillia and Treize, Meg and Seron, Tale of a Single Continent, Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan desu (collective writing)

Ocha ga Hakobaretekuru Made ni: A Book At Cafe (January 2010, ISBN 4-04-868286-5) - Started january, lasts 2 years, you have to search hard to find anything on these books.
Yoru ga Hakobaretekuru Made ni: A Book in A Bed (December 2010, ISBN 4-04-870235-1)
Kotae ga Hakobaretekuru Made ni: A Book without Answers (December 2011, ISBN 4-04-886267-7) - Nobody even bothered fan-translating these.

Danshi Kōkōsei de Urekko Light Novel Sakka o Shiteiru Keredo, Toshishita no Classmate de Seiyū no Onnanoko ni Kubi o Shimerareteiru. (January 2014, ISBN 978-4-04-866273-4)
"I'm A High School Boy and a Successful Light Novel Author, But I'm Being Strangled By A Female Classmate Who's A Voice Actress And Is Younger Than Me" - Hey its a title longer than DanMachi, guess what, average slice of life, harem, romance that lasts 3 volumes before flopping.

He literally did nothing note-worthy after Kino's Journey, his last volume was a fail, and every book before that except Kino's Journey cant even be found on Wikipedia.
Then comes Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online...

Guess who got into the top 20 Light Novel rankings? Yep all "3" SAO light novels, guess who came in last? Alternative GGO.

Guess who got into the top monthly rankings last month,

I'm not trying to be an ass and I went into this anime with a clear unbiased opinion with no prior knowledge, in fact I even gave it the benefit of a doubt since it had the title SAO. First few episodes, alright, felt recycled but it was something fresh. Now it's a giant mess, M's character breaks down, talking magical gun or according to you our main character is now has mental health problems and is suffering from very realistic delusions. They probably just didn't want to pay a voice actor to voice a GUN. She also beats out several professionals that make thousands of dollars a month and wins a six man teams tournament in a team of two where one person is basically throwing the game, she also joined the game a few months ago, not because she LIKES guns, but because her character was short...

Like you call SAO overrated but this story doesn't even have a clear plot, like conquer aincrad or save asuna. This is literally just a slice of life to mooch off money and get more light novel sales and that's whats annoying me.
InorichiMay 13, 2018 9:48 PM
May 14, 2018 8:42 AM

Sep 2014
Inorichi said:
Comander-07 said:
I agree, I still dont understand why Alternative is a thing when they could have made progressive, before Alicization starts.

A-1 probably has rights, thats my best guess.
besides it beeing very unlikely for studio to have rights on a title instead of the author, just hand it to a1, they are a good studio and did a good job production wise with SAO
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
May 15, 2018 1:45 AM

Sep 2014
Inorichi said:
Comander-07 said:
besides it beeing very unlikely for studio to have rights on a title instead of the author, just hand it to a1, they are a good studio and did a good job production wise with SAO

What I meant was rights to produce an animated version of the Progressive series, not rights to the series itself. My bad xD
A1 would have probably handled it anyway, so I dont see why they dont just do it. A1 is certainly capable of it.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
May 15, 2018 3:49 AM

Nov 2016
Inorichi said:

Here's a list of Keeichi's works after Kino's Journey.

No date or ISBN. Never even heard of these, but Gakuen Kino sounds more like he's milking Kino's Journey with a prequel.
Gakuen Kino, Tale of a Single Continent Series, Allison, Lillia and Treize, Meg and Seron, Tale of a Single Continent, Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan desu (collective writing)

Ocha ga Hakobaretekuru Made ni: A Book At Cafe (January 2010, ISBN 4-04-868286-5) - Started january, lasts 2 years, you have to search hard to find anything on these books.
Yoru ga Hakobaretekuru Made ni: A Book in A Bed (December 2010, ISBN 4-04-870235-1)
Kotae ga Hakobaretekuru Made ni: A Book without Answers (December 2011, ISBN 4-04-886267-7) - Nobody even bothered fan-translating these.

Danshi Kōkōsei de Urekko Light Novel Sakka o Shiteiru Keredo, Toshishita no Classmate de Seiyū no Onnanoko ni Kubi o Shimerareteiru. (January 2014, ISBN 978-4-04-866273-4)
"I'm A High School Boy and a Successful Light Novel Author, But I'm Being Strangled By A Female Classmate Who's A Voice Actress And Is Younger Than Me" - Hey its a title longer than DanMachi, guess what, average slice of life, harem, romance that lasts 3 volumes before flopping.

He literally did nothing note-worthy after Kino's Journey, his last volume was a fail, and every book before that except Kino's Journey cant even be found on Wikipedia.

Last time I checked Kino 21 was 50k, that's around the usual numbers these past 10 years. if that's what you consider fail, Grimgar sold 20k with anime airing (9k without anime boost), Index sold around 15-25k for years and look we get S3 (soon).

Danshikubi is short series. There was never any plan to release more volumes unless Sigsawa suddenly want to talk about the process of overseas licensing and translation for light novel because that's about the only thing that never get mentioned.

Dokuro-chan isn't even his property, the thing listed there is a short story anthology written by several different LN authors and illustrated by several different mangakas.

Book in a cafe/bed/without answers- are picture books, not really a light novel. Naturally, they don't appear in LN rankings.

Gakuen Kino, Tale of one continent series, and Danshikubi are fully (fan)translated on the same site as Kino (and SAO before it got licensed).
Allison & Lilia anime is on Crunchy while we're at it. As for wikipedia, you mean english wikipedia? because JP wikipedia has pages for even Danshikubi, one continent has 4 for each series.

I'm not trying to be an ass and I went into this anime with a clear unbiased opinion with no prior knowledge, in fact I even gave it the benefit of a doubt since it had the title SAO. First few episodes, alright, felt recycled but it was something fresh. Now it's a giant mess, M's character breaks down, talking magical gun or according to you our main character is now has mental health problems and is suffering from very realistic delusions. They probably just didn't want to pay a voice actor to voice a GUN. She also beats out several professionals that make thousands of dollars a month and wins a six man teams tournament in a team of two where one person is basically throwing the game, she also joined the game a few months ago, not because she LIKES guns, but because her character was short...

Like you call SAO overrated but this story doesn't even have a clear plot, like conquer aincrad or save asuna. This is literally just a slice of life to mooch off money and get more light novel sales and that's whats annoying me.

I never call SAO overrated. Not even once in the thread I berate SAO. My reasoning for choosing to adapt GGO than Progressive is purely from business perspective:
1. to promote Fatal Bullet
2. Alicization is airing in Fall
3. SAO is not old enough for reboot
Then, cronoSpirA also said that only 5 floor covered right now, considering the floor where kirito and co was at the end of SAO arc, 5 floor is not enough. We have seen how it ends!
OVAs might be reasonable, but not many company are gutsy enough to do long running OVAs these days (unless it's Gundam), and net-only broadcast tend to be low quality except when Netflix is involved.

GGO arc that got animated are Squad Jam (1-5) and Squad Jam 2 (6-12). The first SJ reason? To fight SJ and to let out some steam (LLENN wanted to shot the high school girls, she get it), yes not super high stake like in main series but the story itself never present itself as something serious even when M crying for his life. Rather than serious action stuff like SAO, GGO is closer to a sport anime. You don't need actual life threatening situation to sport, even if her reason is shallow she's still grinded her way through the game (she studied guide to beat bosses, changing her gears etc).
Still speaking of goal, although the anime barely hide it, solving the mysteries surrounding Pitohui can also be considered as a goal. For the entire AGGO anime. Especially since Pito promised to meet LLENN in real world if LLENN can beat Pito.

At the point of the story GGO only run for 8 months, and LLENN has been playing for 3. Neither her nor anyone on SJ are mentioned being high level like those BoB participant. SJ is a very small scale local first time held Tournament without Preliminary. Which means ANYONE who enter will be on the same field as LLENN, including people with 0 PVP experience.

as for LM battles:

Really, the angriest person in this thread is you. You're the one who opened this thread just to shit talking as if we don't have enough shitpost thread in the sub.
I enjoy SAO, although I would be lying if I say I'm a big fan of SAO, as I only read the mainline SAO, not even bothered with Prog (yet). The only reason I even touching GGO is because I'm a fan of the writer. As for which better, incomparable. but I do enjoy GGO more, mostly because I always enjoy Sigsawa works more than Reki's. But it doesn't mean I don't enjoy SAO or Reki's works.
May 15, 2018 8:24 AM

Nov 2016
Inorichi said:

This isn't shown at all in the anime, maybe you can blame the studio or director, or Keiichi's involvement or lack of in the production of this anime, again, I don't know, but I'm strictly discussing the anime at this point.

Considered a goal, so ultimately there is no decisive goal that Llenn is working towards. Sinon is in GGO to cure her phobia of guns, but Llenn isn't there for a cure, she's just playing a loli girl, there's no serious plot such as a death game, captive princess, or psycho murderer, but the lack of any sort of goal is also a major downside to this whole project imo.

Playing for 3 months and defeating professional players that make several thousand dollars equivalent of JP YEN by playing is pretty unrealistic. She isn't a hardcore player or have any reason to grind or try really hard. From what the anime presents, she just wants to play a game where she's a short loli girl, doesn't matter what the game is. This is where I see the Kirito effect, except it's not there. We're not even given any time stamps or dialogues from characters that let us infer that she's been grinding. She just starts out a Legendary Pk'r after her debut in the anime.

Even if its a game, it would be absolutely crazy for a newbie in a game with no reason to play, to take out an entire Japanese Self Defense Force squadron out. That's like a swat team member playing in a BB gun fight and getting destroyed by someone who started 3 months ago. These people have been training for decades, and she just beats them because several game breaking elements are introduced to a game, which if you know anything about game development it shouldn't be introduced.

Episode 2, she started get interested in VR during summer, then ep 3 she says "happy new year, Pito-san." Between the first and the second scene we see LLENN started her game, killing monsters, accidentally then totally committed to PKing spree, and meet Pito. And start talking about SJ.

Literally watch ep 2 again, pay attention to the timestamp and Karen's monologues. She outright said "since I get a short avatar I dreamed I decided to continue playing, I spent time hunting the enemies, when I'm stuck with bosses I'll look at the guide how to defeat them etc."

Sure she says she only play for Avatar and escapism, But what's makes you think that isn't a solid reason to play? Even in real life there are plenty of hardcore players playing for cute avatars, waifus/husbandos or just to pass time. Even Kirito is playing for fun when shit doesn't happen (like in Caliber). The most important thing is whether she put some time grind and farming, which she did.

The soldiers like I said before they SPECIALIZED IN FIGHTING REAL LIFE OPPONENT, that is precisely why they lose, they got screwed by real world logic the very thing they've been trained. As realistic as GGO it's still a game, there are things that can only be done in game. Notice that Hovercraft and Amazon team wasn't as surprised seeing the speed compared to the pros, because they prepared seeing people with nonstandard builds and plays with in-game logic. And again, M is the one who thought about the strategy, llenn just did what he said (kill those 4 who got caught off guard). Certainly M isn't a newbie (nor does LLENN). Judging from the way they react, I wouldn't be surprised if they're actually newbie in GGO.

Try to get non gamer soldiers playing PUBG against gamers (doesn't have to be hardcore gamers or weirdo like llenn, any casual gamers do), there's high chance that you'll see similar scenario there.

My initial question was why was this attempt to milk SAO for money by a different author made into an anime, when there's a much better alternative like SAO Progressive. No pun intended. However, my question has been answered for the most part, and I'm just responding to the remaining replies.

If you can just asked nicely instead of making several paragraphs of whining.
Then, I'll close my statement with "Promoting Fatal Bullet" again.
May 15, 2018 3:10 PM

Oct 2010
Not a fan of sao but it's enjoyable to watch. If they decide to make progressive that should be interesting, I hated the time skip and the boring blitz battles from s1.
May 16, 2018 12:36 PM

Nov 2016
Inorichi said:

I guess anyone with a different opinion than you is whining when they try to express themselves. I love how you downright ignored the fact that I pointed out your inability to read the entire reply before making your own.

No, it's fine to wish Progressive get anime. but putting down and insulting this anime just because it gets anime first. If I want to actually insult you, I'd do that. This is the last time I'm gonna reply because I'm tired. If you don't like how this anime is full of bullshit, then sit down, don't watch, and wait until Alicization start if you wish for more SAO. Or just send complain letters to Aniplex (JP. Not America one, they only do distribution and dub) if you're that desperate.

[quote]6 months to become a Pro at a game? I'm not buying it. Literally, they probably added that in just because it was in the novels, nobody bothers remembering every single line, especially with the mess that's happening.

Lmao, anime is entertainment, not a research. SAO had timestamps as well as dialogues that allowed the viewer to infer that the characters have been grinding during the time skip. During episode 3, Klein asks Kirito if he's been grinding late at night. Grinding animals and monsters is fundamentally different from killing players. Not to mention, how did she become a famous legendary pink devil if she's been grinding enemies and bosses? Unless she's a NEET that's addicted to GGO, she obviously isn't logged in for the majority of any given day. It's just downright unlikely, because there are pro players on GGO making thousands of dollars per month, logged for days, skipping meals. Somehow Llenn becomes a famous PK'r in this difficult game?

Yes, just to pass time. Not to become a legendary pk'r lol. I don't think you understand the ridiculous amount of dedication pro gamers put into games. They spend close to a hundred hours or more a week repetitively playing their games. 6 months to become pro? Maybe I'd buy that if she grew up playing a lot of different shooting games, or had some real life experience with guns, but playing a tutorial and instantly killing 3 players? Also, it's an RPG, she would need to level up and put points into her speed, agility, or dexterity stat. How is she so fast in the beginning?

I never said she's Pro, she's mid-tier at best.Like every single online game in existence the amount of pro/hardcore players in GGO are minuscule compared to casuals or noobs. I already said this before: Squad Jam is NOT top tier tournament like Bullet of Bullets.

Her PK modus operandi is as shown in ep 2, wait in pink desert where she's practically invisible>>find some guy who cross the desert alone (or two man team)>>Ambush & kill>>>repeat. Killing one or two people don't take particularly long time since she ambushed them (probably less than 5 minutes). She can use the rest of her time to kill monsters nearby.

Llenn doesn't even know what to do with a knife when M gives her one. Next thing you know her character makes a complete 180 and she's utilizing broken af features like dead bodies and the scanner being immortal objects. I don't think you understand how rare it is for features that are easily exploitable like that to happen in a real life tournament. It just further proves the point that Keichi doesn't understand GGO, RPGs, and game development nearly as much as he should for someone writing several novels on a series about a game. M is able to use his real life shooting skills in GGO, there are a lot of real life experiences that help you in-game and vice versa, training your reaction speed, peripheral vision, focus, can all relate to game features. You can watch swat members play in airsoft games on YT, I'd really like to see anyone with actual training with guns lose to a 6 month game player. If you think they're noobs, why are they one of the last teams left? It clearly spells out they're a cut above the rest.

The whole story is just so contradictory. M can utilize his real life shooting skills, but the Japanese Self Defense Force that have probably trained a lot longer and harder than M cant?
Llenn doesn't know how to handle a knife when given one, but somehow is able to think of using immortal objects for defense in the middle of a firefight?

I mentioned airsoft specifically because there aren't any vr games. Using your hands and fingers isn't the same as holding a firearm with both hands. It would make a lot more sense if this was a PC game. They're fundamentally different from the start, but a VR game? A JSDF would definitely have the advantage to any 6 month old player. Not to mention for the JSDF they sure have hell of a slow of a time reacting to Llenn.[qo

Logic, I said real life logic, not skill. Take GGO has bullet line for example. Anyone with good enough reflex/speed stats can dodge someone's shoot by predicting the lines (also counterattack since it tells you where the shooter is), so the logic is "any time there's a red lines pointing at you, you need to dodge". In real life there's no bullet lines so the logic of "Dodge when bullet lines appears" don't work. Same with the soldiers, in their case their logic is "nobody can move as fast as sonic" because even Olympic winners had difficulty to reach LLENN's speed and they're just running instead of holding guns and maneuvering, Then they got hit by the GGO reality of "It's totally possible to reach Sonic speed in GGO if you dump your stats into speed."

While they're the 4th (at least according the ranking in the novel), but during the time LLENN fought them there are at least 6 other groups that MMTM (hovercraft) and SHINC (amazon) dealt. They're 4th simply because they died slightly later than the other teams.

Promoting Fatal Bullet? Very unlikely. I doubt the Keichi or 3hz has any ties, partnership, or contracts with Bandai Namco Entertainment. If it was Sunrise, it would make sense. They made Accel World, and are often partnering with Bandai for projects. 3hz & Keichi makes absolutely no money for giving out free advertisement and anime projects take a long time to start. If this was actually planned to promote Fatal Bullet wouldn't the game or game trailers make any references to SAO:A?

Look at the timing, why do you think Aniplex decides to air this now in spring season, 2 months after FB release, instead of like next year or after Alicization? Sure making anime is long, but so does making game. GGO also got announced around the same time as FB if my memory serves me right.
Fatal Bullet has no reference to AGGO?? Excuse me? But there are??? In fact we can play as LLENN, M. Pitohui, and Fukaziroh. Here's videos showing LLENN and Pitohui gameplay (plus few others, including some familiar faces): and another where you met LLENN & Fuka: also M & Pito
FB also about the only place right now where you can see LLENN's actual stat build since the anime decided to skip it.

Besides It's Aniplex who hold the distribution right for the entire SAO franchise anime (along with few others including kadokawa but mostly them, their money), they're the ones who get to decide which SAO got adapted and which studio get the project. And no, being made by Bamco doesn't guarantee you to get Sunrise, look at Tales of series adaptation, they're Bamco property (an actual IP of them, not just being paid to make the game like FB) but Sunrise has never animated ANY of its anime adaptations or the in-game anime cutscenes, Ufotable did the latest Tales of anime adaptation, and in-game cutscenes (tales of zestiria & berseria) for example.
May 17, 2018 1:22 AM

Oct 2017
Seriously this show was so good BEFORE ep5...
It has strategy that make sense. Players' skills/ advantage that make sense, characters that make sense, which is an awesome battle royale this season.

Then at ep5 this anime toss everything built up to this point, everything that makes this show good in the first place, and put in some stupid SAO bs...

May 17, 2018 3:01 AM
Jan 2018
Isn't the new main SAO season complety different then the previous ones. Becouse of a certain event that happens
May 18, 2018 9:42 AM
Feb 2009
Inorichi said:
Ventus_S said:
Seriously this show was so good BEFORE ep5...
It has strategy that make sense. Players' skills/ advantage that make sense, characters that make sense, which is an awesome battle royale this season.

Then at ep5 this anime toss everything built up to this point, everything that makes this show good in the first place, and put in some stupid SAO bs...

That's exactly my problem with this anime, it went downhill so fast and instead of releasing a 6th episode and try to improve, they're going to recap of 5 episodes.

well, there are so many SAO fans that they can do some low effort milking.
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