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May 1, 2018 10:11 AM

Nov 2011
Dang, this Ami girl can be quite mischievious. It's hard to know what her true agends are in this series but I feel like she's definitely on Lupin's side.

The water scene was pretty thrilling. From recalling Lupin's adventures, he really did have a lot of close calls at his life. I love his confidence this episode though. That scene with the countdown with his hands gave me the chills.

May 1, 2018 12:12 PM

Jan 2012
Well damn, wasn't expecting everything to be wrapped up all neat and tidy after 5 episodes. But it looks like the Lupin Game arc is done, and I'm satisfied with how it played out. Zenigata looked good, everyone else also felt true to their characters too, and Ami was a nice addition. I'll be kinda disappointed if this is all we get from her though. The promotional material made it look like she'd be this series' Rebecca equivalent from Part IV but if she doesn't show up anymore that won't be the case. I also wondered how far they'd try taking the whole "Fujiko is now an enemy" routine from last week, and I'm happy to say the answer was...not far. While it's clear her relationship with Lupin is still strained it's not to the point where they can't work together, very good. Overall this arc was solid I'd say.

The preview for next week definitely has me confused though. Pink jacket Lupin from Part III is back? Zenigata's colors seemed to match his from that series too. Is this supposed to be a flashback episode or something? I'm guessing it'll be a one-off episode either way. No surprise there as Part IV had several one-offs, but I do wonder how many more arcs we'll have and how long they'll last like the Lupin Game 5 Parter. But I guess we'll see soon enough so....until next week!
May 1, 2018 12:52 PM

Jan 2017
It was obvious Lupin didn't die, and that the drone was part of the plan, but I really didn't expect Fujiko to be part of it too. Knowing her, I completely believed she'd kill him for money.

I'm a bit sad we won't see Amy Ami again, but I'm glad she's happy.

I'm excited to see pink jacket again, I used to watch part III a lot when I was younger. And that scene in the preview with the Lantern and the bandages all over Lupin's face remind me of Castle of Cagliostro.
*laughs in Dimple*
May 1, 2018 2:00 PM

Mar 2016
This was a really fantastic episode. The animation was like always top notch, and it was a really suspenseful story that had me on the edge of my seat.

I'm excited to see Lupin perhaps going back to episodic plots, and in the episodic preview, we got to see him in the pink jacket again! Hype for that, I absolutely love the look of that suit.
May 1, 2018 2:18 PM
Jul 2018
I liked everything of this episode and how the whole game ended. Amy's character development was the most pleasant thing to watch and not to mention Lupin saving other is always one of wonderful moments in whole series imo. Lupin's plan was thrilling and looks like everyone was involved at the end. There was some nice special chat between Lupin and Fujiko which was way different tone than I am used to and the love theme was great to hear inbetween.

BTW, most importantly what's up with the PV!? this definitely got me huge suprised like never before! Even the artstyle changed to reflect the part3 style. Also giving me vibes we are finally getting some non-linear episodes! yay! :)
May 1, 2018 2:36 PM

Mar 2013
what an episode and amy what courage and lupin what a plan. seriously amy was amazing in this episode I hope we see more of her in the future but it seems that her story is over for now. so now there ready for their next heist and it's in spain can't wait but the preview I didn't like lupin's pink and zenigata's weird choice of green but goemon now wears blue but jigen is now in a dark green so I'm 50/50 here.
May 1, 2018 2:47 PM

Feb 2015
Fujiko is such a waste of a character at times.

Ami on the other hand had some great development and I like the way this arc was wrapped up.
May 1, 2018 4:18 PM

Jul 2015
That was a very nice conclusion to this arc, I hope it keeps the format, it's more entertaining this way IMO.

Ami was a nice character, I hope we see more of her.
May 1, 2018 6:38 PM

Mar 2009
Whoa. Didn't expect Lupin to be alive. SHOCKING TRUTH.

What's up with that preview for the next episode? Art style looks weird and old.
May 1, 2018 6:45 PM

Apr 2012
The arc was finalized in a pretty satisfactory way, Telecom is really blessed u.u The animation was good from the beginning to the end, the story was ended without wasting any time. I feel we could have learned a little bit about the other two vilans, but meh, that's okay. I loved Ami, she was a good "girl of the week" and I enjoyed her overall character development. Her final scene was really cute, she getting excited for her first day at school <3 Zenigata and Lupin taking care of her was also pretty cute argh. Such cute daddies. Also, I got so happy to know that Fujiko was there to help since the beginning. I just wish she'd had more screen time t.t I indeed missed her.
So we are going to have a pink jacket episode? Like, OMG. And from the scenes I was able to recognize some references to other Lupin things (his face covered with bandages? Actually, the whole plot seems familiar. Am I just imagining things? O.o). What is happening?? Will we have episodes for the other jackets too?
I'm not a big fan of part III, but I think this will be interesting e.e
May 1, 2018 8:53 PM
Oct 2017
Oh my god, the pink jacket is coming back. 10/10 anime of the year already.
May 1, 2018 9:24 PM

Jan 2009
damn the Ami arc or Information Technology arc is over already?

Fujiko was helping Lupin all along and she was the highest bettor that predicted Lupins death by manipulating the drones video footage very cool

and AR = Augmented Reality for the win!
May 1, 2018 11:00 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Pretty good episode. It was pretty obvious he wasn't dead but seeing how the plan turned out to be is always the interesting part in this series. It's nice Ami is being more of a social person now after spending time with Lupin and co. Seems like Zenigata will have more chances of arresting Lupin as well lol.

May 2, 2018 12:11 AM

Oct 2011
Going to miss Ami and her saying "Hello Underworld "
May 2, 2018 3:03 AM

Apr 2012
Oh, guys. I'm a complete noob in modern technology, so I want to ask - is it possible to add graphics to live broadcast from the drone? Is not it an artistic license?

P.S Ami goes to a Catholic girl's school... oh, my yuri fantasy, stop, please.
RobertBobertMay 2, 2018 3:08 AM
May 2, 2018 3:45 AM

Aug 2016
Emtwo said:
Uhm. Why he is wearing pink jacket again in the next episode? and the art style changed back to the fitting time of pink jacket XD what the hell?

Given how they keep going on about how something happened between Lupin & Fujiko a few years ago to cool off their relationship, I'm guessing it's a flashback episode(s) to explain what happened.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
May 2, 2018 4:53 AM

Jun 2010
What an unexpected twist; Lupin was alive after all! Stop ringing the funeral bells for now, he lives to die another day. Sarcasm is fun is it not?

That said with how strained things appeared (and apparently are) between Lupin and Fujiko, I'll admit that I wasn't expecting her to have been helping from the start, much less be the one who was piloting the drone. Using AR to simulate a headshot was a good plan, but must've been a logistical nightmare to set up.

This Marco Polo mini-arc was a lot of fun, with Ami being an unexpected pleasant surprise. For only appearing in five episodes she's received an exceptional amount of character development. But if next week's episode preview is anything to go by I guess it's to expect the unexpected? It'll be interesting to see Lupin in the pink jacket again, expect wacky hijinks!

RobertBobert said:
Oh, guys. I'm a complete noob in modern technology, so I want to ask - is it possible to add graphics to live broadcast from the drone? Is not it an artistic license?

I'd imagine mostly artistic license. In theory it could be done, but you'd probably run into issues such as input delay from an additional source interfering with a feed. The principle has been around for a while however; Laughing Man in Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex hacked a live news feed and the cybernetic vision of those around him to obscure his face as he escaped and that series was released in 2003 😉.
May 2, 2018 5:51 AM

Apr 2014
So the Lupin Game arc is finally over, if the new series goes on like this (i mean good little arcs & stories), it's gonna be AotS.

May 2, 2018 6:04 AM

Apr 2012
@WandererRedux Thanks for the answer! I'm not strong in technique, but remembering how it usually shows in Hollywood...
May 2, 2018 9:28 AM

Feb 2018
I've really enjoyed this episode! I'm gonna miss Ami though, I really like her character
I'm kinda excited about the next episode! I didn't see Lupin with his pink jacket since I was little.
I noticed the art style in the preview is slightly different from the current episodes, but maybe I'm wrong :"
May 2, 2018 12:44 PM

Apr 2009
grassarm said:
Oh my god, the pink jacket is coming back. 10/10 anime of the year already.

I was very surprised when I saw that preview.
Now imagine if this anime has an arc for each jacket... and ends with introducing a new one.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
May 3, 2018 6:50 AM

Oct 2008
Lupin had it planned all along! all was staged!
They event went for doing AR tech! nice!
Ami is now goin' school i really hope that's the end of her arc, or maybe she'll be a part of Lupin's sub team if need some hacking services of her!

May 3, 2018 8:08 AM

Oct 2015
Ah, Lupin Game arc finally ended. I'm not a fan of it. Less interesting than the Davinci one too. Ami's character didn't really click to me. I hope she isn't a recurring character. Next episode looks good. Looking forward to it
May 3, 2018 1:42 PM
May 2015
That was a great conclusion to Ami's debut arc and this show's debut arc.

Lupin took full advantage of people using their screens too much. There's a lesson in that.

And even Zenigata knew Lupin couldn't be dead. So that's fine.

I knew that Glass dude was scum, but to break completely and beg Zenigata for mercy, he must really have no balls. Which is the point of the title "A crook's resolve."

Anyway Ami is safe, and in school. And we can see more of her in the future.
May 4, 2018 7:07 PM

Jul 2012
What a ride this 5-parter was! I love this series so much, I'm really glad I started watching this despite not having seen previous seasons yet.

Looking forward to the next arc!
May 4, 2018 9:17 PM

Feb 2015
EGOIST said:
Ah, Lupin Game arc finally ended. I'm not a fan of it. Less interesting than the Davinci one too. Ami's character didn't really click to me.

HA! Hahaha, ha... oh wait, you're serious? Damn.

Amazing first arc and "episode" of the series. It could end here and still easily rank as one of the series' best.

Also, guys, I highly doubt this is the last time we'll actually be seeing Ami. I'm betting she returns at least around when the big bad from the key art finally shows up. And regarding that episode preview: I'm super hyped for the return of pink jacket and the more retro and cartoony style. This series is constantly throwing curveballs at us and I was not expecting this at all. I imagine it's just a one-off standalone (maybe non-canon too) deal and the next episode will be another mini-arc. Which, if that's the structure they plan on going with over the duration of the season I'm totally down for it. A nice healthy mix of mini-arcs and standalone adventures sandwiched in-between for a bit of levity.
May 5, 2018 5:53 AM

Apr 2016
Great episode to close the arc!!!
Lupin III never dies!!! lol
I liked the mysterious phone conversation between Lupin III and Fujiko...I hope that the last episode of this season ends together, although it´s the Lupin III dream of ever!!!! lol
May 26, 2018 8:29 PM

Sep 2016
It was obvious that Lupin wasn't dead, but man, this Drone Fighter plan is unbelievably good. This anime really shows us how to close an arc, what a ride, and the way that they show us how she develops is awesome!
Mar 25, 2019 11:00 PM

Oct 2012
Oh it's actually Jigen & Fujiko?
I thought it was Goemon, aww I failed :(
Made sense though since Jigen is the sniper, Goemon can't wield any technology, so it's Fujiko

Nah Fujiko and Lupin will meet again, it's just how it is
Guess that'll be last time we see Ami?

Next ep, eyy Pink Jacket and the artstyle looks like part 3, I loved it
Rayl1ghtMar 26, 2019 3:41 AM
"Signature removed"
Jun 15, 2019 7:13 AM

Jul 2009
This feels like an Ending to Ami's story tbh. But we all know she'll be back(hopefully). It seems they are switching things up and having it by new arcs instead of one season arc like what they did with Rebecca and the last Part.

Also, kinda sad to see Fujiko and Lupin having this sort of "Ex" feeling. I guess it had to reach at some point?

Anyways, I can't wait to see more Lupin!!
Sep 11, 2019 4:31 AM

Sep 2011
As expected, Fujiko never meant to hurt Lupin, and she was the Drone Fighter all along. No wonder Ami just accepted Lupin's "death" like that, she helped faking it with her technological powers after all. And then those three were found out by Ami, and Lupin could strike back. Marco Polo is finished, Lupin, his team, and Ami are free to go, and Zenigata was even put back on Lupin's case after being the one who took all the credit for ending Marco Polo. xD

He was so kind with Ami too, it was nice that she left him a note instead of just disappearing, and to see her thanking him in the end. And well, she is really brave and useful, she could truly become part of the team. But for now she "has" to have some human contact I guess. I hope school life is kind to her, at least she is excited about it. And that phone call between Lupin and Fujiko felt so wistful, something surely happened between them, and it's kind of sad to see them talking to each other like that. The OST was on point though. :D But welp, end of "Episode I."
Oct 13, 2020 8:47 PM
Nov 2018
Whoa wasn’t expecting this to end so soon lol. Kinda different from part 4. Probably no the last we will see ami though. Fujiko during the end of the call, wants that lupin D tho! Gonna be cool to see how she develops this part since it seems like it’s gonna play a big factor
Jul 20, 2021 2:38 PM

Nov 2016
Lupin got him good in his classic troll manner. Amy had some sweet development. All in all a great arc.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 24, 2022 11:11 AM

Feb 2012
A satisfying conclusion. I hope we get to see Ami again.

Next week looks more like classic Lupin, at least the preview reminds me of 2 episodes from part II.
Mar 10, 2023 12:44 PM
Sep 2007
Lupin survived, obviously.

Nice trick with water trap image. You should never underestimate a hacker who basically created your stuff.

That drug dealer turns out to be a coward not worthy of Lupin's bullet. Transfering Zenigata to narcotics only cemented his fate.
So it's the end of Marco Polo.

Amy is excited about going to school. Good for her :)

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