Devils' Line
Available on Manga Store
Apr 26, 2018 10:09 AM
I was planning to watch this especially after seeing that the manga was rated pretty highly, but it has such a low rating after only three episodes? Could anyone say why (Without spoilers) and is it still worth watching? |
Apr 26, 2018 10:17 AM
Hey buddy, Seen the 3 episodes and can tell you this, the characters themselves make hypocritical statements and character developments is garbage, and a bit of cliche moments executed badly. |
Apr 26, 2018 10:19 AM
The romance in this anime is shit as well. You're better off watching genuine romance anime than something that looks like it ripped off twilight and tokyo ghoul or something (both are bad either way *cough*) |
Apr 26, 2018 10:26 AM
EGOIST said: Yeah what he said!The romance in this anime is shit as well. You're better off watching genuine romance anime than something that looks like it ripped off twilight and tokyo ghoul or something (both are bad either way *cough*) |
Apr 26, 2018 11:10 AM
The manga's pretty highly rated though, did they not follow it properly? Do you think it will get better, it's a shame cuz i was looking forward to this lol, I don't really think there's anything similar that combines all these genres. |
Apr 26, 2018 11:26 AM
mosam00 said: The manga's pretty highly rated though, did they not follow it properly? Do you think it will get better, it's a shame cuz i was looking forward to this lol, I don't really think there's anything similar that combines all these genres. Apparently its super rushed compared to the manga, heard from the manga readers, but wtf u mean by " I don't really think there's anything similar that combines all these genres."? Its literally just a vampire romance, there are so many of those lol |
Apr 26, 2018 1:01 PM
DaisukiOneeChan5 said: Rarely any are seinen though so I thought this'd be differentmosam00 said: The manga's pretty highly rated though, did they not follow it properly? Do you think it will get better, it's a shame cuz i was looking forward to this lol, I don't really think there's anything similar that combines all these genres. Apparently its super rushed compared to the manga, heard from the manga readers, but wtf u mean by " I don't really think there's anything similar that combines all these genres."? Its literally just a vampire romance, there are so many of those lol |
Apr 26, 2018 11:41 PM
mosam00 said: DaisukiOneeChan5 said: Rarely any are seinen though so I thought this'd be differentmosam00 said: The manga's pretty highly rated though, did they not follow it properly? Do you think it will get better, it's a shame cuz i was looking forward to this lol, I don't really think there's anything similar that combines all these genres. Apparently its super rushed compared to the manga, heard from the manga readers, but wtf u mean by " I don't really think there's anything similar that combines all these genres."? Its literally just a vampire romance, there are so many of those lol To be honest- I read the manga, and I LOVE it. However, the anime is bad. The first episode the animated around 85%-90% of chapter 1. The second episode, they animated around 10%-15% of chapter 2 and about 30%-40% of chapter 3. For the third episode, they animated parts of chapter 4, 5 & 6. Just to show how all over the place the pacing is. They are leaving out info that, when added up, leaves large gaps in character, world and relationship building, they also don't fully explain the motives for characters actions (or even that one character is still alive, and not at all dead). These vampires are not immortal, they are not the undead, they are living and breathing. They are like a branched evolution of humans, more than anything else. They have no problem eating human food and can survive fine without consuming blood (and most would rather abstain). And they left all of that info out so far. As for the "seinen" label... I really don't see much of that in the manga, and with everything that they have left out of the anime (added into it, that they seem to be mostly focusing on the romance in the anime (really... I think they actually aren't sure what they want to focus on, though)- its really a massive mess), think it should not be a genre for the anime at all. Just because the manga has it as a genre they listed it as having the same one. If anything, I'd say the manga has Josei and seinen aspects, not one or the other. Anyone who is sitting here insulting the characters, story or motivations behind their actions, is likely only basing their statements on seeing just the anime. Most people I've talked with on here who have read the manga, are like me: dissapointed in the anime, but liking or loving the manga. The manga is 100 times better than this anime. |
Apr 27, 2018 2:03 PM
windeen-windy said: mosam00 said: DaisukiOneeChan5 said: mosam00 said: The manga's pretty highly rated though, did they not follow it properly? Do you think it will get better, it's a shame cuz i was looking forward to this lol, I don't really think there's anything similar that combines all these genres. Apparently its super rushed compared to the manga, heard from the manga readers, but wtf u mean by " I don't really think there's anything similar that combines all these genres."? Its literally just a vampire romance, there are so many of those lol To be honest- I read the manga, and I LOVE it. However, the anime is bad. The first episode the animated around 85%-90% of chapter 1. The second episode, they animated around 10%-15% of chapter 2 and about 30%-40% of chapter 3. For the third episode, they animated parts of chapter 4, 5 & 6. Just to show how all over the place the pacing is. They are leaving out info that, when added up, leaves large gaps in character, world and relationship building, they also don't fully explain the motives for characters actions (or even that one character is still alive, and not at all dead). These vampires are not immortal, they are not the undead, they are living and breathing. They are like a branched evolution of humans, more than anything else. They have no problem eating human food and can survive fine without consuming blood (and most would rather abstain). And they left all of that info out so far. As for the "seinen" label... I really don't see much of that in the manga, and with everything that they have left out of the anime (added into it, that they seem to be mostly focusing on the romance in the anime (really... I think they actually aren't sure what they want to focus on, though)- its really a massive mess), think it should not be a genre for the anime at all. Just because the manga has it as a genre they listed it as having the same one. If anything, I'd say the manga has Josei and seinen aspects, not one or the other. Anyone who is sitting here insulting the characters, story or motivations behind their actions, is likely only basing their statements on seeing just the anime. Most people I've talked with on here who have read the manga, are like me: dissapointed in the anime, but liking or loving the manga. The manga is 100 times better than this anime. Yeah dude not talking bout the manga at all, I was talking bout how the characters were portrayed from the 3 episodes..... -.- |
Apr 27, 2018 2:30 PM
DaisukiOneeChan5 said: windeen-windy said: mosam00 said: DaisukiOneeChan5 said: Rarely any are seinen though so I thought this'd be differentmosam00 said: The manga's pretty highly rated though, did they not follow it properly? Do you think it will get better, it's a shame cuz i was looking forward to this lol, I don't really think there's anything similar that combines all these genres. Apparently its super rushed compared to the manga, heard from the manga readers, but wtf u mean by " I don't really think there's anything similar that combines all these genres."? Its literally just a vampire romance, there are so many of those lol To be honest- I read the manga, and I LOVE it. However, the anime is bad. The first episode the animated around 85%-90% of chapter 1. The second episode, they animated around 10%-15% of chapter 2 and about 30%-40% of chapter 3. For the third episode, they animated parts of chapter 4, 5 & 6. Just to show how all over the place the pacing is. They are leaving out info that, when added up, leaves large gaps in character, world and relationship building, they also don't fully explain the motives for characters actions (or even that one character is still alive, and not at all dead). These vampires are not immortal, they are not the undead, they are living and breathing. They are like a branched evolution of humans, more than anything else. They have no problem eating human food and can survive fine without consuming blood (and most would rather abstain). And they left all of that info out so far. As for the "seinen" label... I really don't see much of that in the manga, and with everything that they have left out of the anime (added into it, that they seem to be mostly focusing on the romance in the anime (really... I think they actually aren't sure what they want to focus on, though)- its really a massive mess), think it should not be a genre for the anime at all. Just because the manga has it as a genre they listed it as having the same one. If anything, I'd say the manga has Josei and seinen aspects, not one or the other. Anyone who is sitting here insulting the characters, story or motivations behind their actions, is likely only basing their statements on seeing just the anime. Most people I've talked with on here who have read the manga, are like me: dissapointed in the anime, but liking or loving the manga. The manga is 100 times better than this anime. Yeah dude not talking bout the manga at all, I was talking bout how the characters were portrayed from the 3 episodes..... -.- Since that was a rude response, I'll be rude right back: I'm not a dude, don't use gender specific terms unless you know that person has no problem with it (and it is gender specific, I don't care what others say- why can't people just refer to others by their damn username if they are too lazy to go look at a profile. I'm getting so tired of people being too lazy to care and just calling EVERYONE a dude, or a guy or a buddy. And most of them, like you, make it sound as if you are talking down to the person you are addressing, as well!) I was explaining why the rating for this was so low: Because it is crap compared to the manga. And answering questions you had asked. If you wanted anime only reasons: Its crap. And EXTREAMLY dissapointing. If you didn't want to know WHY it was rated so low (Which is what you asked- not: "how the characters were portrayed from the 3 episodes..." ) If you wanted to know THAT, then why the hell did you ask: WHY is it rated so low?! All of the stuff left out, adds up to form the proper story. Without it, the anime is extremely washed out. That's why the rating is low. If you want to watch crap, go ahead (I'm still watching because I'm waiting for it to get better, though its highly unlikely at this point) But I suggest you read the manga, as well, or instead. Unless you aren't a manga person for one reason or another. A lot of people who aren't reading the manga, are watching it and either hating it right off the bat, or are confused as hell, or don't care about character, world or relationship building all that much and just accept it all and are loving it for whatever reason. So, they are either: switching to the manga (or reading the manga and watching the episodes). Dropping it and calling the whole thing total crap and retarded, or struggling through the episodes, then going to the forums here and elsewhere and asking questions. I mentioned the manga, because, what of the manga that has so far been animated to this point, has left out a lot and is seriously screwing the pacing up. This series has nothing even somewhat resembining Twilight in its source material. It also has very LITTLE in common with that gross thing called Tokyo Goul(sp?)... But the way it is being made in anime form, it does have similarities to them both. Also, there is no way that this anime is Seinen. Since you had commented on that. Seinen is NOT even really a genre. The western world made it one (along with Josei, Shoujo and Shounen)- they are DEMOGRAPHICS, and based on what magazines the manga are published in. Not genres. They indicate the age and gender of the readers that the magazines are mostly popular in. Not a genre. If anyone doesn't believe me, they should Google their meanings. This is an anime, as such, Seinen should not be a genre, should not even have been mentioned. There's your answer for that. I had been trying to be nice before. Most of what I was talking about before, was WHY this was rated so low, and the fact that it greatly differs from the manga because of all the stuff left out. Which adds up to the WHY. It feels washed out and crappy. The male lead feels like a stalker in the anime, and the female lead is coming across as stupid. Since I loved them both in the manga, its a real dissapointment. As for the rating itself: What does it even matter? If you planned to watch the series, then watch it. If you like it, you like it. If you dont, then I still recomend trying the manga. I see so many of these dumb posts about "WHY is this-" or "WHY is that-" rated, at what it is rated?! Really, I rarely pay attention to what the anime or manga's overall rating is. That is based on the opinion of others, and everyone has their own opinions about things. Their own perspective on things. Their own likes and dislikes. So I don't get why the over all rating of a series matters to people so much. Especialy with series that are so damn new. If I look at a rating at all, its for long running, FINISHED or nearly finished series. |
windeen-windyApr 27, 2018 7:32 PM
Apr 27, 2018 5:45 PM
EGOIST said: The romance in this anime is so much better than normal romance anime, but if you like to wait even up to 3 seasons for main characters to get together then go ahead and hf manThe romance in this anime is shit as well. You're better off watching genuine romance anime than something that looks like it ripped off twilight and tokyo ghoul or something (both are bad either way *cough*) |
Apr 27, 2018 8:22 PM
Nihi-chan said: I'd rather have a romance anime that takes its time than some bullshit like this. Even if it takes 3 seasons. Much more intimate than this shit. Even something that isn't romance had more development than this thingEGOIST said: The romance in this anime is so much better than normal romance anime, but if you like to wait even up to 3 seasons for main characters to get together then go ahead and hf manThe romance in this anime is shit as well. You're better off watching genuine romance anime than something that looks like it ripped off twilight and tokyo ghoul or something (both are bad either way *cough*) |
Apr 27, 2018 8:30 PM
Apr 28, 2018 12:10 AM
Asolute dohgshit, idk what they trying to be, nothing is rational from romance perspective. ppl watch this because MCs are couple of random lust person meet each other and attract with no reason. Because fuck you, creator want MCs to fuck eachother right after ep1. Yes after Female protagonist Ultimate Friendzoning her most goodboy childhood friend. Because f##k you, THOT want vampire d##k. Oh, plus a horny scene because ppl enjoy trash story, as long as they are horny when watching it. Oh, plus the romantic vampire scene as twilight mk.2 meet Tokyo Ghoul Retarded ver. Oh, plus more retarded world building because f##k you, this is romance anime, not action (Read: Tokyo Ghoul). And f##k you, as long as the plot goes on, creator dont give a fuck about interesting and challenging approach toward his/her writing. |
evonieeApr 28, 2018 2:38 AM
MAL score and most user-based rating system are all joke, Imagine trusting plebs and hivemind. Find users who have good sense and rating and use them as a reference. Check my guide to rate Your taste is trash. Cope, seethe, mald |
Apr 28, 2018 3:59 AM
personally i like it ,, and i don't care those ratings or other people opinions .. i find it interesting in its own way .. Listen ,, don't give a sh*t about other people's opinions and try watching it .. u then decide if it's good or bad .. don't let these bad ratings or people's comments affect your own opinion or amusement for this Show ^^ |
Apr 28, 2018 1:35 PM
Shit art, shit characters and not an intriguing story... Yeah, that sums it up. |
Apr 28, 2018 1:40 PM
I have seen the first few episodes and I honestly don't remember anything so the only thing I can tell you is that it's forgettable |
Apr 29, 2018 12:08 AM
Its because the first episode was slow maybe??.. But Episode 2-4 its really becoming really good, might be the best romance anime this season. Tbh its up to you if u like it or not cause all of us has different opinions on the anime it self. |
NotTrying2BLazyApr 29, 2018 12:14 AM
Apr 29, 2018 9:52 AM
The animation is effin' ugly. I'm still going to watch it but the pacing is too fast so I'm going to read the manga to see what they left out. |
臭い- |
Apr 29, 2018 10:14 AM
ThreadFazer said: Its because the first episode was slow maybe??.. But Episode 2-4 its really becoming really good, might be the best romance anime this season. Tbh its up to you if u like it or not cause all of us has different opinions on the anime it self. I'd actually say the opposite. It feels way too fast. It's going from action to action, and I feel like I know nothing about the characters, because they haven't had time for the characterization. |
Apr 29, 2018 9:02 PM
Apr 29, 2018 9:12 PM
The genre + setting + plot doesn't add well. |
"The universe was made, just to be seen by my eyes." |
Apr 29, 2018 10:23 PM
Twisterboy said: A better question is why does this show have so many members when they're better shows with significantly less members? Probably because it's a new show, and anime is continuously growing in popularity. |
Apr 30, 2018 12:18 AM
Could be cuz the Director blows ass and Platinum Vision is a new studio with no talent to speak of yet? If the manga is good and the anime is shit it's safe to pin the blame on those two elements. |
Apr 30, 2018 10:42 AM
I've written a review, perhaps that could give you an idea about what's wrong with the anime, long story, short story it is really bad in terms of execution and the premise doesn't help since there's no drop of originality, also the show goes to lowly extents trying to make you rot for the characters when there's nothing special going for them, extremely cheap and anticlimatic drama all and all |
May 1, 2018 2:41 PM
Twilight vibes, like the vampcop stalking the chcick while she's sleeping, she falling for him because he basically forced his tongue on her mouth, which made she have some lewd vampire-groupie dreams with blood involved... Basically, the "romance" is Young Adult Novel 101: relatively plain girl easyly falls for the dangerous and moody guy in spite of him being rude as f*ck and borderline rapey, all because being dangerous and emo is HOOOOOOT for some young adults and teen chicks nowadays, go figure. And them, people complain about men fetishes being "weird" and objetifying /lol The setting has some potential, but is so generic, bro. Nothing Your average vampire story in current days has not done. Half-vamps, secret police policing vamps with vamps in, I saw this in the past, but better done. Still watching, just because. |
FGO NA Code: 482.072.599 (F2P thug life of savings...) Ben-to! best nonsensical action anime. Ever. |
May 2, 2018 3:37 PM
i actually really liked might be copying tokyo ghoul...and plot somewhat bad and character development bad too but i give 0 fucks about that i only care about im currently enjoying it a lot |
May 2, 2018 4:46 PM
Nihi-chan said: EGOIST said: The romance in this anime is so much better than normal romance anime, but if you like to wait even up to 3 seasons for main characters to get together then go ahead and hf manThe romance in this anime is shit as well. You're better off watching genuine romance anime than something that looks like it ripped off twilight and tokyo ghoul or something (both are bad either way *cough*) Fast relationship dose not equal a good love story, i know that slow pacing can be tedious and painful , but at lest it builds up to it with a strong foundation, this just seems rushed, but if anything it's unrelatable, she only seems to like him because hes a vampire, despite the fact shes nearly been killed by him several times. |
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