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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Jun 17, 2015 6:48 AM

May 2015
What do you think about it?
Is it a shamless bait from Kyoto Animation?
is it fitting?
you hope for a kiss?
Jun 17, 2015 7:38 AM

Feb 2013
Till ep 8 I though it was all baiting, (but like i dont care it was all beautiful) then I saw ep 11 and i Just dont know if they are trolling or what...but like hey, if for trolling they are going to give us more scenes like that I dont mind it at all.

Jun 17, 2015 7:45 AM

Jul 2012
I haven't caught up yet, when I do I might edit this
but it's fucking kyoani
all kyoani pretty much ever does is bait
Jun 21, 2015 9:19 AM

Mar 2010
I'm at episode 6 and I see no yuri... Am I doing something wrong? xd
Jun 21, 2015 9:25 AM

Aug 2009
I never thought about this serie as anything "yuri", you get a somewaht "girl bromance", but all this "yuri" storm was mostly fans daydreaming.
Also KyoAni always played with viewers, maybe it didn't help with those who were not prepared.
Jun 21, 2015 10:44 AM

Jun 2015
I see a solitary character being possessive of her only friend.
Jun 21, 2015 11:05 AM
Jan 2012
Only idiots don't understand what it really is in Episode 8 and 11.
Jun 21, 2015 11:46 AM
Jun 2011
So, like, the people think it's baiting never think it because they think it's a good idea, and somehow fits the show.

They think it because they think Kyoani sucks, or the show sucks, or they think that in adapting a novel (that they've personally never read and don't intend to) creators shouldn't be allowed to make some creative choices. Or they are just homophobes. Or they think going with a Shuichi ending would somehow sell more copies, but of course they won't buy anyway.

So put yourself in the chair of Kyoani's writer, and ask yourself what you'd do.
Jun 21, 2015 11:59 AM
Apr 2014
I already explained my view on this in length in the Shoujo Ai or Not thread. Basically, I think this is more than just baiting, and if they backed out of it now, it would make no sense, be stupid and piss off pretty much everyone. Why would they do that? People say they bait yuri shippers to boost sales, but why not make the yuri real, does that not boost sales even more?
Jun 21, 2015 12:06 PM

Sep 2014
Almaironn said:
People say they bait yuri shippers to boost sales, but why not make the yuri real, does that not boost sales even more?

Actual yuri doesn't sell well.
Jun 21, 2015 12:08 PM

Mar 2013
yuri is love, yuri is life
Jun 21, 2015 12:12 PM
Jan 2012
It all depends on how you define Yuri. If you think it's similar or same as lesbianism, of course it isn't, to start with. Reina and Kumiko are 100% NOT interested in same-sex romance or drawn sensually/sexually towards one another AT ALL (which doesn't mean I'm homophobe, mind you).

Honestly, only weak-minded kids and inattentively watching a**holes don't understand the connotations of the line "this is a love confession" and complain. Probably wiser Yuri-lovers would understand the connotations fully but still enjoy it in their imaginations outside the anime series itself (and you are free to start a fan pure Yuri manga if you like - but that has nothing to do with the anime itself).
Jun 21, 2015 12:13 PM

Jun 2014
It's not yuri, more like shojo-ai undertones
Jun 21, 2015 12:37 PM
Apr 2014
Well I dont really know how everyone defines yuri or shoujo ai, but to be clear, I think that Reina and Kumiko have feelings for each other that are more than that of just close friends, even though they may not realize it yet, or perhaps they dont understand those feelings very well. And I think I watched the anime pretty attentively. I dont know about you guys but I think it takes a vivid imagination to NOT see how they are attracted to each other more than just on a platonic level. But hey, thats just me.

EDIT: Im not saying they should have them kiss or anything, but I dont want to see them brush it off as a friendship thing and then have Shuuichi x Kumiko and Reina x Taki or whoever else.
Jun 21, 2015 12:46 PM

Nov 2007
Totally Off Topic but you sir Mr. noLoserguy have the best signature ever (and also the reason I am replying here).

On Topic: Can we not have another of the same thread? There was already a thread created on this topic.
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Jun 21, 2015 12:55 PM

Feb 2013
babymimi said:
It's not yuri, more like shojo-ai undertones

Its funny because those shojo-ai understones are more than Akuma no Riddle and actual "yuri" show.

Jun 21, 2015 1:09 PM
Jan 2012
Almaironn said:
Well I dont really know how everyone defines yuri or shoujo ai, but to be clear, I think that Reina and Kumiko have feelings for each other that are more than that of just close friends, even though they may not realize it yet, or perhaps they dont understand those feelings very well.

Perhaps that's true, but I think it's more of an admiration for the challenging spirit- an honest and earnest desire to achieve something special in art (and perhaps life as whole).

Kumiko is attracted to Reina who want to achieve that special quality despite the obstacles; Reina is drawn to Kumiko as Kumiko is able to see things objectively and honest about her feelings; plus Kumiko is Reina's only mentor.

They are closer than usual friendship and they see eye to eye, demand loyalty, when they are deeply engaged in a conversation of souls. "Almost" like the lovers do (but they aren't, and that's important).

Remember Godfather Par II; in Havana, Michael finds out that his brother Fredo was behind the assassination attempt. Michael grabs Fredo, kisses Fredo passionately, while saying "you broke my heart". Fredo, fearing that Micheal would try to kill him, runs away.

That sort of thing could happen if Kumiko just switched sides fearing isolation from others at the re-audition, because it would break Reina's heart. I won't be surprised if Reina hugs Kumiko hard while she prepares to stab her - not because of her romantic affiliations, but because it's a matter of personal trust and musicianship/artist's integrity.
Jun 21, 2015 1:29 PM

Nov 2007
Comparing with Godfather? Wow, Hibike is elevated to a completely new level. I like it for some reason. And I mean it. Keep 'em coming.
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Jun 21, 2015 1:35 PM
Jan 2012
shanimebib said:
Comparing with Godfather? Wow, Hibike is elevated to a completely new level. I like it for some reason. And I mean it. Keep 'em coming.

No, obviously I'm not suggesting that Euphonium is as good as Godfarther Part II (which is my favorite movie over Part I). I'm only referring to it, to show that even hugging or kissing might not mean something romantic despite being passionate; in Euphonium, Reina and Kumiko are clearly not into romance in the usual sense of the word, although they are very passionate toward each other.

BUT, you can still watch it as Yuri if you like Yuri. I am sure that there is no problem in that. The problem is that some people complain that KyoAni has betrayed and just used this as a bait, etc etc.

What would those people say about KyoAni's presentation of Azusa and Yui's relationship in K-On, especially in K-On: Movie?
GohanwaOkazuJun 21, 2015 1:46 PM
Jun 21, 2015 2:07 PM
Apr 2014
GohanwaOkazu said:
The problem is that some people complain that KyoAni has betrayed and just used this as a bait, etc etc.

We dont know what KyoAnis gonna do yet. The way you see it is pretty interesting, even though I see it differently. Just shows that everyone interprets artwork differently and thats fine. However, Im sure that there are ways that KyoAni could go that would completely ruin the shows ending even for you, and your perspective of it. An example of something that would ruin it for me, would be having Kumiko go into a relationship with Shuuichi. Even you said that she is not interested in romance in the usual sense of the word so it wouldnt make sense (even though I believe that if her relationship with Reina developed, over time she might become interested in that too).
Jun 21, 2015 2:13 PM

Sep 2014
So, how is it clearly not yuri if you can still watch it as yuri?

Azusa and Yui were at least as gay for each other in the original manga as they were in the anime until Yui became gay with some other girl in College. And there was no het romance in K-on.
Jun 21, 2015 2:27 PM
Jan 2012
Almaironn said:
GohanwaOkazu said:
The problem is that some people complain that KyoAni has betrayed and just used this as a bait, etc etc.

We dont know what KyoAnis gonna do yet. The way you see it is pretty interesting, even though I see it differently. Just shows that everyone interprets artwork differently and thats fine. However, Im sure that there are ways that KyoAni could go that would completely ruin the shows ending even for you, and your perspective of it. An example of something that would ruin it for me, would be having Kumiko go into a relationship with Shuuichi. Even you said that she is not interested in romance in the usual sense of the word so it wouldnt make sense (even though I believe that if her relationship with Reina developed, over time she might become interested in that too).

I am saying that Kumiko is not interested in romance "with Reina" in the usual sense of the word; I think Kumiko does have some feelings towards Shuuichi judging from how she was shocked after she let Hazuki invite Shuuichi for a date at the festival (she was quite desperate as to grab a by-passer's hand and hadn't thought about actually going with Reina until Reina showed up at the school exit). Although I don't think Kumiko even realizes her feelings at this stage.

I think it would be necessary to have a thus far untold convincing story about the actual relationship between Kumiko and Shuuichi. They seemed to have been close as they even shared their dinners together up to junior highschool, and Kumiko does seem to care up to the point she tries to find him at the station; her friends says that she just doesn't realize her feelings; even Reina chuckles when she asks Kumiko about whether she cares that much for Shuuichi and gets a reply.

Shuuichi would have to develop a serious passionate relation with Kumiko. Unless he can build a quite different emotional bond as strong as/more stronger than Reina, the romance would be unconvincing indeed, story-wise. I don't think that it would be told in the 13 Episodes though. Also, that sort of love story is already done in Tamako Love Story by Naoko Yamada, who is also acting as a sub-director in Hibike Euphonium (notice the camera blurs and focus, use of flower symbols, - it's her typical signature direction).

Yuri-fans shouldn't be disappointed, as Reina should always be someone special in Kumiko's heart. No, not in that sense, but nevertheless.
GohanwaOkazuJun 21, 2015 2:41 PM
Jun 21, 2015 2:54 PM

Nov 2007
Almaironn said:
An example of something that would ruin it for me, would be having Kumiko go into a relationship with Shuuichi.

Nah~ You are safe. They just have two episodes to pull something ridiculous as that at this point. The anime will only cover volume 1 of the novel that much I can say.
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Jun 21, 2015 4:57 PM

Apr 2015
Some people see it as not shoujo-ai because the source ain't and the studio making it has a reputation in baiting.

Some people see it with only hope that it'll become shouji-ai but also think that it may not happen.

Some people are just too fanatic that all they see are XX and XY don't exist at all.

In my part, it'll not be shoujo-ai coz I know.. and I leave it that way. Looking forward for the movie Kumiko Love story LOL.
Jun 23, 2015 8:13 PM

Jun 2014

Jun 23, 2015 8:24 PM
Jul 2018
I wish it is
Jun 23, 2015 9:33 PM

Apr 2015
_Charl said:
I wish it is

Me too. I wish it is not yuri.
Aug 4, 2015 10:08 AM
Dec 2012
Almaironn said:
An example of something that would ruin it for me, would be having Kumiko go into a relationship with Shuuichi.

So how do you feel about the end game pairings in the novels?

Curry-Kun said:
I notice the current trend that if you don't like a same-gender relationship regardless of what the reason might be, people would demonize you as if you're Hitler reincarnation or something.
Aug 4, 2015 1:15 PM

Jul 2015
I'm all in for the yuri but this is just another case of baiting. Writers can go as gay as they want but they'll never take the fans out of the hell called subtext, there will always be something to remind the fans of the characters' straightness. In Hibike that was Reina's crush on Taki-sensei and Hasuki saying "you're not aware of your feelings [for Shuuichi]" to Kumiko.
Aug 11, 2015 11:16 AM

Apr 2013
I don't care if it's canon or not, I'm sinking with that ship.
Aug 13, 2015 11:17 AM
May 2015
What this review says:

It doesn't matter about shuichi, the underlying social commentary doesn't change, if anything it reinforces it.
Shameless plugging a review site I help out with:
Aug 14, 2015 9:23 AM
Jan 2012
What the fuck?


Why can't this just be about music...
Sep 20, 2015 1:48 PM
Sep 2009
What the fuck? Kumiko x Shuuichi when Kumiko could care less about him (Not to mention that I barely even remember what he looks like) and Taki x Reina who barely even interact.

Why can't it just be about music indeed.

If creators wanna put romance in the show they might as well make a fucking effort and develop it instead of pulling crap out their asses and wasting all this time on clear yuri undertones. Close friendship... right... if I ever touched my friends lips and stuff like that, they would totally be creeped out cause that's not normal.

It was yuri bait right there. Even actual yuri lack this sort of closeness and sensitivity. Main reason why yuri sells badly is because it's just fan service or teasing. If yuri shows actually build up the tension as Hibike did and went with it till the end, it would sell and well.

I love yuri but when it comes to actual yuri series, I wanna throw it out of the window cause in 90% of series it's just fan service, ecchi, shallow characters and no story. Why exactly would something like these sell?

I did not even consider these two together at first, show literally forced them right in my face from episode 8 and onwards.

The only forgiving grace for this bait is that show kept out of the romance grounds altogether.

If there ever is season 2 they either make this yuri or actually develop and build up the romances they have in mind instead of wasting time on Kumiko and Reina.

If they just keep baiting and have them end up with Shuuichi and Taki instead, then clearly they are only after profit. Cause this series popularity sky rocked after Kumiko/Reina interactions started. Without it, show would not be popular. Yuri does make money if done right and Kyoani knows it and uses it.

P.S. Talking about admiration, it fits far more to Reina/Taki. They barely interact and Taki is a great teacher that deserves admiration. With how show developed Taki/Reina and Kumiko/Reina relationship it would make far more sense to have Reina admire Taki and love Kumiko than other way around.
kitten320Sep 20, 2015 1:59 PM
Oct 30, 2015 8:43 PM

Oct 2012
It's KyoAni
They'll tease us and it'll never happen xD
"Signature removed"
Apr 21, 2018 9:23 PM
Apr 2018
This was actually one of the very few things that disappointed me. To be completely honest, I saw this anime labelled as a romance and the main thing keeping me going through the first season was hoping something would happen with Kumiko and kousaka, especially after that moment on the mountain during the festival when they played that song together... it’s actually my favourite anime moment between any two characters

Edit: just want to add, Reina x Taki is super wierd and creepy and it’s one of the only things that makes me like kousaka less than Your Lie In April’s Kaori. I love YLIA soooo much
Javier_MacaronsApr 21, 2018 9:27 PM
Apr 21, 2018 9:27 PM
Aug 2014
Never ever really seen it to be a yuri show tbh.
Apr 9, 2019 5:03 AM
Apr 2019
First Impression is Music and school settings with girls. Im only hoping for some suichi Screen time. but i guess in anime he doesn't. But season i like when Kumiko focus on reina. welp im not hoping for Yuri because i hate anime focus on girls i always enjoy it if the mc is the male character. until someone said yuri baiting.
Jun 9, 2019 5:10 PM
Jul 2018
I really hope it isn't bait because Reina and Kuminko are made for each other. I already know that they're not a couple in the novel, but this anime adaptation could be different.

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