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Apr 6, 2018 10:23 PM
Feb 2017
Ok. I'm starting another forum topic again but I think this would be fun:

Mahou Shoujo Site or Ousma Game The Animation

Personally, Mahou Shoujo Site hands down. If there's one thing that is leagues better already are the characters because their reactions and behaviours were a whole lot more realistic and logical based on the first episodes alone. And frankly, it's unlikely these characters would be as much of dumbasses as in Ousama Game.

Because of that, I can say that Mahou Shoujo Site actually felt more chilling and intense when compared to Ousama Game, which let's be real, is literally The Happening: The Anime.

But I'm interested in what you guys have to say. Let me know which do you think is or will be the better show. ^_^
EugenefinditApr 6, 2018 10:27 PM
Apr 6, 2018 10:27 PM
Jul 2018
Personally I prefer Mahou Shoujo Site over Ousama's Game, even though those two don't really have a lot of resemblance in one another really. But that's because of the fact that Mahou Shoujo Site seems more understandable over Ousama... where literally the actions of these characters do not really add up with the reason.

So yeah, I can see that, even though again it doesn't add up much.
Apr 6, 2018 10:29 PM
Feb 2017
Wasshio said:
Personally I prefer Mahou Shoujo Site over Ousama's Game, even though those two don't really have a lot of resemblance in one another really. But that's because of the fact that Mahou Shoujo Site seems more understandable over Ousama... where literally the actions of these characters do not really add up with the reason.

So yeah, I can see that, even though again it doesn't add up much.

Yeah, I know they probably will have pretty different plots. But I just wanted to compare the two because they are some of the edgiest shows I've seen recently. I thought it would be fun to compare them in that regard. ^_^
Apr 6, 2018 10:34 PM
Jul 2018
For sure, Mahou Shoujo Site is more creep and intense than Ousama Game.
Apr 6, 2018 11:12 PM
Feb 2014
I don't see any real similarities between the two, outside of the fact that they both aren't too good. Between the two, I'd have to say I prefer Ousama, I was at least howling with laughter the entire time, with Site, it's not only bad, but also makes you feel bad. Maybe the manga gets better, but unless I hear some really good stuff about it, I'll drop Site, but never even thought about dropping Ousama.
Apr 6, 2018 11:48 PM
Feb 2017
Asaaaasd said:
I don't see any real similarities between the two, outside of the fact that they both aren't too good. Between the two, I'd have to say I prefer Ousama, I was at least howling with laughter the entire time, with Site, it's not only bad, but also makes you feel bad. Maybe the manga gets better, but unless I hear some really good stuff about it, I'll drop Site, but never even thought about dropping Ousama.

Hmm... Good point. Ousama Game definitely was the more unintentionally bad that it's good kind of show.

But I just feel that depending on how they deal with the story in Mahou Shoujo Site, it may actually be a more legitimate thrill ride that doesn't end making you laugh.

But I can understand where you're coming from. The first episode was kinda slow to start and we are still pretty much in the dark with things. Not to mention, the fact that I don't know anything about the studio Production doA does not help. We'll just have to wait and see. ^_^
Apr 6, 2018 11:57 PM

Nov 2016
Mahou Shoujo Site hands down ousama game was more comedic that horror
Apr 7, 2018 12:15 AM

May 2015
Well I just finished watching the first episode of Mahou Shoujo Site...

Ousama Game was a fun watch and I honestly enjoyed it.

For the first episode of Mahou Shoujo heavily reminds me of Hell Girl. So honestly, I really didn't feel much out of it, but we'll see how it goes in the future episodes.
Apr 7, 2018 2:36 AM
Feb 2017
Tarotist said:
Well I just finished watching the first episode of Mahou Shoujo Site...

Ousama Game was a fun watch and I honestly enjoyed it.

For the first episode of Mahou Shoujo heavily reminds me of Hell Girl. So honestly, I really didn't feel much out of it, but we'll see how it goes in the future episodes.

Wait. Does it remind you of Hell Girl storywise or just because the main character looks like the poster girl of Hell Girl?

Because that really was my first thought when I saw the poster of Mahou Shoujo Site. ^_^
Apr 7, 2018 3:40 AM

Aug 2014
please do not compare that trash to this lol
Apr 7, 2018 3:42 AM
Feb 2017
NamelessWaltz said:
please do not compare that trash to this lol

Haha. I just thought it might be fun because both are some of the edgiest I've seen recently.

It just depends on whether you prefer the more unintentionally comedic one or the more legitimately intense one. ^_^
Apr 7, 2018 3:44 AM

Aug 2014
I feel like Ousama Game could have been better if some decent studio picked it up and worked on it because ive read the manga and it was quite nice. I also read the manga for Mahou Shoujo Site which I also like, no matter how edgy people claim it to be lol
Apr 7, 2018 3:51 AM
Feb 2017
NamelessWaltz said:
I feel like Ousama Game could have been better if some decent studio picked it up and worked on it because ive read the manga and it was quite nice. I also read the manga for Mahou Shoujo Site which I also like, no matter how edgy people claim it to be lol

I agree. I've heard good things about the original source material for Ousama Game. So the anime definitely made me question that. Looks like Studio Seven or whatever was at fault eh.

I'm definitely more hopeful for Mahou Shoujo Site even though again, I have not heard of Production doA. But the overall impression from Episode 1 was much better than the other stuff already. ^_^
Apr 7, 2018 7:16 AM

Oct 2017
Well, the animation of Mahou Shojou Site at least is much better lolz..

Who would win the edge lord of this decade :3?
Apr 7, 2018 8:35 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
easily Mahou Shoujo Site.

NamelessWaltz said:
I feel like Ousama Game could have been better if some decent studio picked it up and worked on it because ive read the manga and it was quite nice. I also read the manga for Mahou Shoujo Site which I also like, no matter how edgy people claim it to be lol
also if they didnt just crammed in 2 manga in one anime of 12 episode, i guess it could've slightly helped Ousama Game too.
Apr 7, 2018 8:37 AM

Feb 2016
Mahou shoujo site because female main character
Apr 7, 2018 9:00 AM

May 2015
Eugenefindit said:
Tarotist said:
Well I just finished watching the first episode of Mahou Shoujo Site...

Ousama Game was a fun watch and I honestly enjoyed it.

For the first episode of Mahou Shoujo heavily reminds me of Hell Girl. So honestly, I really didn't feel much out of it, but we'll see how it goes in the future episodes.

Wait. Does it remind you of Hell Girl storywise or just because the main character looks like the poster girl of Hell Girl?

Because that really was my first thought when I saw the poster of Mahou Shoujo Site. ^_^

Aya's uniform can be seen in other anime, so it did not directly remind me of Hell Girl. I meant storywise, as the first episode of each season of Hell Girl (including the live action drama), always involves a girl being bullied. So what I saw in the 1st episode of Mahou Shoujo Site is nothing new to me, which is why I found it rather bland. Ousama Game was dumb, but it was entertaining, so it currently has the upper hand against MSS for the moment. I haven't read the manga and do not plan to read it, so I'll just see if the anime can give me that spark to pique my interest...
Apr 7, 2018 12:55 PM
Mar 2010
> the characters because their reactions and behaviours were a whole lot more realistic

I watched like one episode of Ousama Game, but if this has better character reactions, then holy it must be terrifyingly awful.
Apr 7, 2018 1:09 PM

Sep 2011
ive read both mangas, its not even comparable mahou shoujo site is lightyears better, ousama game is one of the most bafflingly awful manga ive ever read and the anime made it even worse somehow.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Apr 7, 2018 1:40 PM

Jun 2014
Nothing will ever compare to the abomination that is Ousama Game, so by default, Mahou Shoujo Site is the better show. This show would have to be offensively, vomit-inducing levels of horrible to change my mind, but I don't think it'll get to that point.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Apr 7, 2018 3:55 PM
Apr 2017
Atleast Ousama Game was somehow believable
Mahou Shoujo is just an edgy mess because the writers thought that it'd be funny to make every single person in the world hate MC
Apr 7, 2018 4:01 PM

Sep 2016
Mahou shoujo site is way better than ousame game lol
The Anime Binge Is Life

-PolarCyrus97 2k17-
Apr 7, 2018 5:57 PM

Feb 2016
Unlike Ousama Game, Mahou Shoujo Site is actually tolerable to sit through. The manga is actually pretty decent.
Apr 7, 2018 5:58 PM
Feb 2017
Tarotist said:
Eugenefindit said:

Wait. Does it remind you of Hell Girl storywise or just because the main character looks like the poster girl of Hell Girl?

Because that really was my first thought when I saw the poster of Mahou Shoujo Site. ^_^

Aya's uniform can be seen in other anime, so it did not directly remind me of Hell Girl. I meant storywise, as the first episode of each season of Hell Girl (including the live action drama), always involves a girl being bullied. So what I saw in the 1st episode of Mahou Shoujo Site is nothing new to me, which is why I found it rather bland. Ousama Game was dumb, but it was entertaining, so it currently has the upper hand against MSS for the moment. I haven't read the manga and do not plan to read it, so I'll just see if the anime can give me that spark to pique my interest...

Oh. That's interesting. Wow. I haven't watched Hell Girl but the fact that their stories are similar besides just my thought that the main character looked like the one from Hell Girl is so coincidental that it's scary. ^_^
May 25, 2018 2:45 PM

Jul 2013
I don't know, dude. Ousama Game was pretty ridiculous and had a lot of hilarious moments, but this 8th episode of Mahou Shoujo Site was a worthy rival.
May 25, 2018 3:38 PM

Jan 2015
I can't believe I'm about to say this... But, I think Ousama Game actually had a more consistent level of entertainment value, fastly approaching 'so bad it's good' territory. Of course, my own objectives for thinking so could well be painted by the affirmation I got, venting over just how bad it was, in weekly review videos, over on Youtube. Mahou Shojo Site started off on a very similar tack, with tactless, over the top brutality and such. And the latest episode -- episode 8 -- started pulling everything back in that direction again.

But, there has been this undercurrent of actual, legitimate uneasiness, watching Shojo. It's actually, legitimately dark and disconcerting in places, to me. And it has had a bit more in the way of legitimately interesting characters, and character development. It isn't as wild and crazy, and lacking in reason, as Ousama Game was. The absurdity of which, actually made it more fun, as there was so much that you could put on blast.

As to which show is better? Well, that depends on what you're gauging, and how you're going about watching it. Ousama Game really lends itself well to being a shared, commiserating kind of watch. Commingling with fellow viewers to talk about how insane and stupid is all was, was actually mad fun, for me. Mahou Shojo Site hasn't really had that appeal. It's got its absurd moments, sure. But, overall, the show has a more melancholic, pedantic style about it. And it's more character driven moments, few and far between as they may be, don't really lend well to an overall cathartic lambasting. At least, as far as I'm concerned.

So, I lean toward Ousama Game for entertainment, and Mahou Shojo Site for more straight up intrigue.
sXebluesMay 25, 2018 3:53 PM
~ sXeblues - Reviews on Youtube ~
May 25, 2018 8:21 PM
Feb 2017
sXeblues said:
I can't believe I'm about to say this... But, I think Ousama Game actually had a more consistent level of entertainment value, fastly approaching 'so bad it's good' territory. Of course, my own objectives for thinking so could well be painted by the affirmation I got, venting over just how bad it was, in weekly review videos, over on Youtube. Mahou Shojo Site started off on a very similar tack, with tactless, over the top brutality and such. And the latest episode -- episode 8 -- started pulling everything back in that direction again.

But, there has been this undercurrent of actual, legitimate uneasiness, watching Shojo. It's actually, legitimately dark and disconcerting in places, to me. And it has had a bit more in the way of legitimately interesting characters, and character development. It isn't as wild and crazy, and lacking in reason, as Ousama Game was. The absurdity of which, actually made it more fun, as there was so much that you could put on blast.

As to which show is better? Well, that depends on what you're gauging, and how you're going about watching it. Ousama Game really lends itself well to being a shared, commiserating kind of watch. Commingling with fellow viewers to talk about how insane and stupid is all was, was actually mad fun, for me. Mahou Shojo Site hasn't really had that appeal. It's got its absurd moments, sure. But, overall, the show has a more melancholic, pedantic style about it. And it's more character driven moments, few and far between as they may be, don't really lend well to an overall cathartic lambasting. At least, as far as I'm concerned.

So, I lean toward Ousama Game for entertainment, and Mahou Shojo Site for more straight up intrigue.

I get where you're coming from. Ousama Game is pretty much a case of all hope is lost for the story and because of that it is pretty much a 'it's so bad, it's good' kind of show. Unfortunately, it's not really a show I would want to rewatch again because there wasn't really anything truly memorable from the show for me at least.

As for Mahou Shoujo Site, believe it or not, I am actually praying that it turns out alright. The biggest improvement by far are the characters. Sure, there are still a lot of psychotic and nutjob characters that seem to be crazy for the sake of it. But I have been quite impressed by how the main characters ie Asagiri and Yatsumura have actually outright confronted some of these crazy characters such as Sarina and Nijimi and potentially being able to reason with them. Not to mention, they don't make these two characters into some OP villain like Natsuko which the main characters somehow could not stop. It was so much better in my opinion that I would not even consider Ousama Game even if I was given the choice to.

Still, the trouble with shows like these is that it really depends on how they handle the conclusion to truly justify the show's content. If the ending bombs, then it would be all for naught. Therefore, I am just praying everything goes well. ^_^
EugenefinditMay 25, 2018 8:37 PM
May 26, 2018 7:14 AM

Jan 2015
Eugenefindit said:
I get where you're coming from. Ousama Game is pretty much a case of all hope is lost for the story and because of that it is pretty much a 'it's so bad, it's good' kind of show. Unfortunately, it's not really a show I would want to rewatch again because there wasn't really anything truly memorable from the show for me at least.

As for Mahou Shoujo Site, believe it or not, I am actually praying that it turns out alright. The biggest improvement by far are the characters. Sure, there are still a lot of psychotic and nutjob characters that seem to be crazy for the sake of it. But I have been quite impressed by how the main characters ie Asagiri and Yatsumura have actually outright confronted some of these crazy characters such as Sarina and Nijimi and potentially being able to reason with them. Not to mention, they don't make these two characters into some OP villain like Natsuko which the main characters somehow could not stop. It was so much better in my opinion that I would not even consider Ousama Game even if I was given the choice to.

Still, the trouble with shows like these is that it really depends on how they handle the conclusion to truly justify the show's content. If the ending bombs, then it would be all for naught. Therefore, I am just praying everything goes well. ^_^

I definitely think Mahou Shojo Site has a better chance of having its own longevity, along those lines... The two main characters have actually drawn me in. And the stakes, as well as the antagonists they've faced, have been met with reason, and in places, the calculated usage of their respective magical girl powers. So, from that point of view -- providing they follow through to the end with a solid finale, as you say -- the points would well and truly be in Site's favor.
sXebluesMay 26, 2018 7:18 AM
~ sXeblues - Reviews on Youtube ~

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