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Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Feb 11, 2018 7:26 PM
Nov 2015
Splitting to smaller arcs

1. Ep 12 of Bake (it is so stand-alone but the series will never be able to up it, ever)

2. Mayoi Snail (around ep 5 I fully fell in love w the show and Hitagi, just look at how she confesses to Araragi)

3. Tsubasa Tiger (the ending doesn't make me excited, but the sisterhood btw Hanekawa and Senjougahara is just too muuuuccch!)

4. Hitagi End (Love the OP, love Kaiki, he's sexy)

5. Suruga Monkey (When Kanbaru came out, very matter of fact-ly)

6. Nadeko Snake (only 2 eps, so compact, so nice, this is where I think the occult aspect of the show is portrayed the best, dark setting, mythology, explanations... without being tooo long)

7. Sodachi Lost = Shinobu Mail (if we could just delete the first half of each)

8. Suruga Devil (always know it's got great emotions, great theme (growing up, sticking for what's right...), but somehow I got distracted by too many information)

9. Neko Kuro (always like this, at least the first half. I always remember the scenes when Araragi and Hanekawa walks the bicycle, and when Araragi dreams about fondling her breasts after winning sth, but instead just heals the wound on her face)

10. Kizu (haven't watched, but it looks so beautiful)
Mar 27, 2018 4:34 AM
Jun 2015
1. Bake - solid directing, tone, and dialogue

2. SS - same pros as Bake but I'm not a fan of Nadeko (like, at all)

3. Kizu 1, 2, & 3 - production value brings these higher, otherwise they wouldn't even be the same rank

4. Hana - nice change from Koyomi and Kanbaru is best girl

5. Owari 2 - not how I envisioned when I read it and it doesn't help that Akiyuki Shinbo wasn't the director, all merits go to Nisio Isin

6. Tsuki - Ononoki carried this otherwise dull arc

7. Owari 1 - not many good things to say about this season Sodachi isn't interesting/intriguing and Ougi's quirkiness isn't captivating. Speaking of carrying, that's what Shinobu Mail does for this season

8. Koyomi - Dead

9. Nise - Karen is a fun character but incest (vibes) isn't actually wincest

10. Neko Kuro - I just didn't really enjoy it that much
Mar 29, 2018 4:22 PM

Sep 2015
I'm reading the light novels and I think all of Monogatari are consistent, but this would be my ranking, so far:
Owarimonogatari Vol 3
Monogatari Second Season
Owarimonogatari Vol 1 + 2
Nekomonogatari Kuro

Most anticipated:
*Zoku Owarimonogatari
Apr 4, 2018 12:47 AM
Apr 2016
1._ second season
2._ owari 2
3._ kizu 3
4._ bake
5._ owari 1
6._ kizu 2
7._ kizu 1
8._ neko
9._ nise
10._ tsuki
11._ koyomi
12._ hana
Apr 4, 2018 12:50 AM

Feb 2017
we all know it's all about that karen and koyomi toothbrush scene
Apr 4, 2018 1:11 AM

Feb 2017
Draconix814 said:
I'm reading the light novels and I think all of Monogatari are consistent, but this would be my ranking, so far:
Owarimonogatari Vol 3
Monogatari Second Season
Owarimonogatari Vol 1 + 2
Nekomonogatari Kuro

Most anticipated:
*Zoku Owarimonogatari
i hope they animate all of the novels :D
Apr 4, 2018 6:13 AM

Sep 2015
Ryuuryota said:
Draconix814 said:
I'm reading the light novels and I think all of Monogatari are consistent, but this would be my ranking, so far:
Owarimonogatari Vol 3
Monogatari Second Season
Owarimonogatari Vol 1 + 2
Nekomonogatari Kuro

Most anticipated:
*Zoku Owarimonogatari
i hope they animate all of the novels :D

Well, SHAFT did say they were going to animate all of the Monogatari series. The REAL question is, are they also animating everything that shares the same universe as Monogatari? Because they also animated Zaregoto which is in the same universe, and I figure they might also animate Boukyaku Tantei too, after Zoku Owarimonogatari, to mimic how info was released in the light novels (and it's in the same universe). That said, I think BT might be more suited for Madhouse or Bones but we shall see. I guess also another big question is how they will go about animating the Off Season and eventually the Monster Season because I assume they would do the Off Season in one go like they did Monogatari Second Season. It would make the most sense considering its pace and eventual climax, but I guess we'll find that out after Zoku Owarimonogatari.
Apr 4, 2018 1:30 PM

Feb 2017
Draconix814 said:
Ryuuryota said:
i hope they animate all of the novels :D

Well, SHAFT did say they were going to animate all of the Monogatari series. The REAL question is, are they also animating everything that shares the same universe as Monogatari? Because they also animated Zaregoto which is in the same universe, and I figure they might also animate Boukyaku Tantei too, after Zoku Owarimonogatari, to mimic how info was released in the light novels (and it's in the same universe). That said, I think BT might be more suited for Madhouse or Bones but we shall see. I guess also another big question is how they will go about animating the Off Season and eventually the Monster Season because I assume they would do the Off Season in one go like they did Monogatari Second Season. It would make the most sense considering its pace and eventual climax, but I guess we'll find that out after Zoku Owarimonogatari.
yeah buddy I'll watch anything in the monogatari universe :P
Apr 24, 2018 3:07 PM
Aug 2014
----------------------- (9.5)
1. 2nd Season (every arc was great, Nadeko/Hitagi End arc is my favourite)
----------------------- (8.5)
2. Bake (great arcs and fantastic love scenes)
----------------------- (8)
3. Hana (Hard to explain, mostly just personal bias towards the characters)
4. Kizu 1-3 (entertaining movies)
5. Owari S2 (I dont really like the new direction Owari went)
----------------------- (7.5)
6. Owari S1 (Sodachi arc saves this)
7. Nise (because it introduced Kaiki)
----------------------- (7)
8. Neko:Kuro (alright)
9. Tsuki (I dont like Yotsugi that much)
----------------------- (6.5)
10. Koyomi (some of the short storys were interesting)

Not to sure how I should order 3-5

CantfindUsernameApr 24, 2018 3:28 PM
Jan 21, 2019 12:20 AM
Apr 2016
Kiss_Shot_Ghoul said:
1._ second season
2._ owari 2
3._ kizu 3
4._ bake
5._ owari 1
6._ kizu 2
7._ kizu 1
8._ neko
9._ nise
10._ tsuki
11._ koyomi
12._ hana

now my fav list is:
1) owari 2
2) SS
3) kizu (all 3)
4) owari 1
5) bake
6) nise (without ep 8)
7) hana
8) koyomi
9) neko
10) tsuki
11) incest shit ep 8 of nise
Feb 6, 2019 2:33 PM

Nov 2017
For me it'd be something like this:
1. Owari
2. Monogatari S2
3. Kizu II
4. Owari S2
5. Kizu III
6. Tsuki
7. Kizu I
8. Koyomi
9. Nise
10. Bake
11. Neko Kuro
12. Hana

Feb 18, 2019 9:24 AM

Sep 2018
Kizu III, Owari 2 (i really cant decide)
Mono 2
Kizu II
Kizu I
Neko kuro

But i enjoyed everything very much and the diffrence isnt much...

Mar 8, 2019 8:51 AM
Aug 2018
1. Owari season 2
2. Monogatari series second season and Kizu 3
3. Bake.
I love 1-3
4. Owari 1 (because ougi formula was amazing, but sodachi Arcs and shinobu mail could have been better)
5. Kizu 1 and 2 (they are better than owari 1, but ougi formula was better so i remember it as better than the beginning of Kizu)
6. Hana and Neko (black) because they lacked something other Arcs have
I like certain aspects of 4-6 (but they feel weaker in comparison)
7. Tsuki (didnt like it, i found it boring)
8. Nise (dont like it at all)

Apr 4, 2019 7:57 PM

Jul 2016

Thats mine between good to decent and bad to worse.

Sep 18, 2019 5:05 AM

Dec 2015
1. Kizu (if I ranked they individually, they would all be on top 3, so it's better leave as one entry)
2. Second Season
3. Owari (mainly because of the 1st arc)
4. Owari 2
5. Bake
6. Hana
7. Nise
8. Tsuki
9. Neko Kuro
10. Koyomi
BetterTasteOct 9, 2019 4:28 PM
Sep 26, 2019 4:23 AM
May 2019
For me, the top 10 would be :
1. Owari S2 (10/10, the only 10 I gave so far)
2. Second Season (9.7/10)
3. Owari S1 (9.5/10)
4. Bake (8.9/10, almost 9 but I felt Nadeko's arc is meh)
5. Neko Kuro (8.5/10)
6. Zoku (8.4/10, I felt that owari s2 already did a great job as monogatari series ending, but then zoku appear which makes the story starts again)
7. Hana (8.2/10)
8. Tsuki (8.2/10)
9. Nise (8/10, seriously this is wildly overrated imo)
10. Kizu Series (NA/10 cuz I haven't watch a single movie yet, probably gonna edit this soon)
AlphaXIVSep 26, 2019 4:28 AM
Mar 7, 2020 10:27 AM
Dec 2019
1. Kizu 3
2. Owari s2
3. Second season.
4. Tsuki
5. Owari
Mar 9, 2020 8:46 PM
Jul 2018
Watched everything except Owari 2 and Zuko

1. Second season: Neko shiro and Kaiki's arc were exceptional

2. Bakemonogatari: yes it's even better in retrospect with all the following seasons, but even on it's own it was very strong

3. Neko Kuro: maybe because Hanekawa is my best girl

4. Owari 1: first half was very strong (better than Kuro neko), second half not so much

5. Nise: timeline was confusing and fanservice was excessive but otherwise solid

6. Kizu 3: the only decent Kizu movie

7. Tsuki: felt purposeless for me, nothing important happened and was just an excuse to give Yotsugi screentime. But bonus for Kagenui and Shinobu

8. Hana: only watcheable for Araragi's car and Kaiki's beard

9: Koyomi: boring as fuck. doesnt serve any purpose except last 2 episodes

10: Kizu 1 & 2: insulting: painfully slow, terrible re-designs (araragi and hanekawa), and everyone is acting so out of character. Also disappointing because it was supposed to resolve the plotholes but instead created more plotholes.
Oct 12, 2020 2:16 AM

Aug 2019
1.Owarimonogatari 2 (loved Ougi Dark)

2.Second Season (all the arcs were pretty damn good)

3.Bakemonogatari (really liked seeing Araragi and Senjougahara’s relationship blossom)

4.Owarimonogatari (introduced us to Spooky Ougi)

5.Nisemonogatari (one word: toothbrush)

6.Kizumonogatari 3 (loved the final fight scene)

7.Kizumonogatari 2 (loved fight scenes between Araragi and the hunters)

8.Nekomonogatari: Kuro(would’ve been higher if it wasn’t just a standalone arc)

9.Kizumonogatari 1(mostly dialogue but still enjoyed it)

10.Hanamonogatari(it was nice seeing Kanbarus relationship with Numachi even if it was bittersweet)

11.Tsukimonogatari(mostly just fun interactions with Ononoki and others)

12.Zoku Owarimonogatari (really interesting seeing the other side of all the characters/could be swapped since i’m on episode 5)

13.Koyomimonogatari(overall good but only the last two episodes really felt like Monogatari episodes)

Fuck I’m going to miss this show.
Oct 13, 2020 2:44 PM
Feb 2017
1. Monogatari Series: Second Season (This season had so many amazing arcs)

2. Nisemonogatari (I really loved this season. Shinobu is finally brought into the picture and it also focused on Karen)

3. Kizumonogatari Trilogy (Close with Owarimonogatari, but I think I liked it a bit more)

4. Owarimonogatari 1 and 2 (Loved Sodachi and exploring Koyomi’s past)

5. Zoku Owarimonogatari (It was fun seeing Koyomi tossed into a reflected world and him coming to terms with his time until now)

6. Bakemonogatari (Pretty good introduction to the series)

7. Tsukimonogatari (Fun season. This felt more like it was just for building up for Koyomimonogatari’s ending)

8. Nekomonogatari: Black (Nice to know Hanekawa’s backstory during golden week)

9. Hanamonogatari (Never have been a big fan of Suruga. She’s funny, but her being the MC didn’t really do it for me)

10. Koyomimonogatari (Can be seen as the weakest part of the franchise just because it’s multiple stories with little to no impact on the overall story. The final 2 episodes are very good though, but not enough to carry the 10 others)
MegaStrideOct 13, 2020 2:48 PM
Oct 14, 2020 3:15 PM

Jan 2020
1. 2nd Season
2. Bake
3. Owari
4. Kizu
5. Tsuki
6. Nise
7. Zoku
8. Neko
9. Hana
10. Koyomi
Oct 26, 2020 6:44 AM
Dec 2019
I'm still rewatching for the first time (in the start Shinobu Mail/second half of Owari s1 right now), but there it is:

1- Monogatari Series Second Season - Monogatari at it best, Hitagi End and Tsubasa Tiger are just beyond perfect, Nadeko Medusa is fucking amazing too, but Mayoi Jiangshi and Shinobu Time are kinda weak, but I give it a pass (10/10)

2- Bakemonogatari - The start of everthing, not so much pandering, well developed characters in just 3 episode arcs, lots of screen time for Senjougahara (10/10)

3- Kizu III - A perfect ending for the start of everything, it's what made Shinobu and Araragi so much more especial (10/10)

4- Neko: Kuro - even if the main plot points were already revealed in Bake, the arc is amazing and is a perfect build-up to Tsubasa Tiger (9/10)

5- Owari S2 - Still have to rewatch, so it problably would be higher, but from what a remember, Ougi Dark is just a completely amazing ending (9/10)

6- Nisemonogatari - A lot of fun and entertainment, even if it really didn't have that much content, but still managed to convey it's themes and work on Araragi character development (9/10)

7- Owarimonogatari - Ougi Dark and Sodachi Riddle (and Sodachi Lost? I don't really know what arc this was supposed to be) are on of the best in the entire series, but from what I remember Shinobu mail was boring (8/10)

8- Tsukimonogatari - Whe get to now the origins of Ononoki, and while it wasn't something I was looking for, I ended up liking it a lot, and it playing with araragi sense of justice and expectations, but it ended up a little too slow (8/10)

9- Hanamonogatari - Was very good in developing Kanbaru, and the backgrounds were really beautiful, but the pacing was too slow (8/10)

10- Kizu I and II - They were just the introduction and build-up to kizu III, so while they didn't have much plot development, they did what they were supposed to do (8/10)

11- Zoku Owarimonogatari - Very creative, got us to know Araragi more (at least from what I remember from the first time I watched it), but somehow it felt kinda filler and unnecessary (8/10)

12- Koyomimonogatari - Don't remember absolutely anything besides the ending, and the ending was pretty good (7/10)
ImNOTAmOtakuOct 26, 2020 6:47 AM
Nov 3, 2020 4:17 AM
Dec 2019
ImNOTAmOtaku said:
I'm still rewatching for the first time (in the start Shinobu Mail/second half of Owari s1 right now), but there it is:

1- Monogatari Series Second Season - Monogatari at it best, Hitagi End and Tsubasa Tiger are just beyond perfect, Nadeko Medusa is fucking amazing too, but Mayoi Jiangshi and Shinobu Time are kinda weak, but I give it a pass (10/10)

2- Bakemonogatari - The start of everthing, not so much pandering, well developed characters in just 3 episode arcs, lots of screen time for Senjougahara (10/10)

3- Kizu III - A perfect ending for the start of everything, it's what made Shinobu and Araragi so much more especial (10/10)

4- Neko: Kuro - even if the main plot points were already revealed in Bake, the arc is amazing and is a perfect build-up to Tsubasa Tiger (9/10)

5- Owari S2 - Still have to rewatch, so it problably would be higher, but from what a remember, Ougi Dark is just a completely amazing ending (9/10)

6- Nisemonogatari - A lot of fun and entertainment, even if it really didn't have that much content, but still managed to convey it's themes and work on Araragi character development (9/10)

7- Owarimonogatari - Ougi Dark and Sodachi Riddle (and Sodachi Lost? I don't really know what arc this was supposed to be) are on of the best in the entire series, but from what I remember Shinobu mail was boring (8/10)

8- Tsukimonogatari - Whe get to now the origins of Ononoki, and while it wasn't something I was looking for, I ended up liking it a lot, and it playing with araragi sense of justice and expectations, but it ended up a little too slow (8/10)

9- Hanamonogatari - Was very good in developing Kanbaru, and the backgrounds were really beautiful, but the pacing was too slow (8/10)

10- Kizu I and II - They were just the introduction and build-up to kizu III, so while they didn't have much plot development, they did what they were supposed to do (8/10)

11- Zoku Owarimonogatari - Very creative, got us to know Araragi more (at least from what I remember from the first time I watched it), but somehow it felt kinda filler and unnecessary (8/10)

12- Koyomimonogatari - Don't remember absolutely anything besides the ending, and the ending was pretty good (7/10)

So, I've just finished rewatching

1- Owari S2 - Absolute perfection, it ties everything that was happening to form a overarching plot that developed under your nose without you even noticing, it developed Araragi a lot, have Ougi development, connect to the themes of monogatari and things that happened a lot of time ago (1000/10)

5- Owarimonogatari - Ends up shinobu mail is a good arc (still not as good as the Sodachi ones and Ougi Formula), so it don't drag things down (9/10)

7- Zoku Owarimonogatari - It was unnecessary, but it got us to know a lot of characters more, so even if we didn't need it, it did a lot (9/10)

Everything else still the same
Apr 5, 2021 8:48 AM
May 2019
I just finishing Owarimonogatari S2 right now. but I still have Zoku Owarimonogatari to watch . So here is my top 5 so far

1. Second Season
2. Owarimonogatari
3. Owarimonogatari S2
4 .Bakemonogatari
5. All Kizumonogatari movies
Apr 7, 2021 8:37 AM

Apr 2020
1. Second Season
2. Owari s2
3. Kizu 2
4. Kizu 3
5. Hana
6. Zoku
7. Owari s1
8. Bake
9. Tsuki
10. Neko Kuro
11. Koyomi
12. Nise
"Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder"~Rumi

Jun 18, 2021 8:45 AM

Mar 2021
1. Owari 2 (10/10)
2. Second season (10/10)
3. Owari 1 (10/10)
4. Kizu III (10/10)
5. Bake (9/10)
6. Kizu II (9/10)
7. Zoku (8/10)
8. Kizu I (8/10)
9. Nise (8/10)
10. Neko (8/10)
11. Tsuki (8/10)
12. Hana (7/10)
13. Koyomi (7/10)
rafasc33Jun 18, 2021 8:50 AM
Jun 18, 2021 8:46 AM

Dec 2020
2-2nd season
Jun 22, 2021 7:01 AM
Nov 2020
1. Owari s2
2. Kizu II
3. Kizu III
4. Second season
5. Bake / Owari s1
Feb 18, 2022 4:34 AM
Aug 2021
1.sec season
2.owari 2
3.kizu 3
4.owari 1
8.neko kuro
Feb 25, 2022 2:48 AM
Jan 2020
1. Owari 2
2. Kizu 3
3. Zoku
4. Kizu 2
5. Kizu 1
6. 2nd season
7. Owari
8. nise
9. Neko kuro
10. Tsuki
11. Hana
12. Bake
13. Koyomi
Apr 24, 2022 4:47 PM
Sep 2021
1. Second Season
2. Owari S1 (sodachi arcs ftw)
3. Bake
4. Hana
5. Nise
6. kizu (all movies combined)
7. koyomi
8. owari s2
9. tsuki
10. Neko:kuro
Aug 8, 2024 3:27 PM
Aug 2021
Hi, I'm planning to watch all these monogatari series, How should I start? Chronologically or by the date every anime was released? Can someone give me a list please?
Aug 22, 2024 8:33 PM

Jan 2020
So my overall ranking of all anime entries are:

Rated 9/10
Second Season

Rated 8/10
Owari S2
Owari S1
Kizu III
Neko Kuro

Rated 7/10
Kizu II

Rated 6/10
Kizu I
eblf2013Aug 22, 2024 8:40 PM

Aug 22, 2024 8:36 PM

Jan 2020
Reply to J2C
Hi, I'm planning to watch all these monogatari series, How should I start? Chronologically or by the date every anime was released? Can someone give me a list please?
@J2C While it's not on topic, the novel order is the one that is the way the author intended.

Although Koyomimonogatari should be watched between Owarimonogatari S1 and Owarimonogatari S2

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