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Dec 11, 2017 3:34 PM
Mar 2016
Our Future teaser

here's the 30 second teaser trailer for the final tri movie but honestly it's not that exciting to me :/
Dec 13, 2017 9:54 AM

Apr 2013
Watching Gatomon disappear into pixelated lights hurts me even though we all know she's going to be okay in the end. This is where I think Wizardmon will come in for his fan-pandering cameo, but that's just a theory.

But regardless if that happens or not, I don't have faith in this film making up for its lackluster plot and pointless padding with some big twist. This will make-or-break Tri, and doing everything in two hours isn't enough, even if they actually cut out the bullshit for once.
Dec 14, 2017 6:34 AM
Mar 2016
I agree
Lil-Bird said:
Watching Gatomon disappear into pixelated lights hurts me even though we all know she's going to be okay in the end. This is where I think Wizardmon will come in for his fan-pandering cameo, but that's just a theory.

But regardless if that happens or not, I don't have faith in this film making up for its lackluster plot and pointless padding with some big twist. This will make-or-break Tri, and doing everything in two hours isn't enough, even if they actually cut out the bullshit for once.
I agree with you there
Dec 14, 2017 7:31 AM

Apr 2016
Thanks!!!! to enjoy!!!
Dec 17, 2017 10:38 AM

Mar 2015
Lil-Bird said:
Watching Gatomon disappear into pixelated lights hurts me even though we all know she's going to be okay in the end. This is where I think Wizardmon will come in for his fan-pandering cameo, but that's just a theory.

But regardless if that happens or not, I don't have faith in this film making up for its lackluster plot and pointless padding with some big twist. This will make-or-break Tri, and doing everything in two hours isn't enough, even if they actually cut out the bullshit for once.

I don't think Wizarmon will appear. He's gone for good and I don't think the producers will attempt to revive him. I really liked Wizarmon so I hope I'm right and he won't have to be a part of these shitty movies. I expect that the strange Evangelion monster will probably be defeated by the power of friendship and Tailmon regaining her senses inside of it or something. Then she will die and be reborn as a digi-egg. Meicoomon, too. Also, I think there is a good possibility that there will be more movies or something in the future because I don't think this movie will tie everything up. Hope not though. Just let it die and try again next time with capable writers and producers who know that Digimon Adventure fans are not little kids anymore and deserve a story that's a lot more competent than this.
Dec 17, 2017 11:10 AM

Sep 2015
BliuBliu said:
Lil-Bird said:
Watching Gatomon disappear into pixelated lights hurts me even though we all know she's going to be okay in the end. This is where I think Wizardmon will come in for his fan-pandering cameo, but that's just a theory.

But regardless if that happens or not, I don't have faith in this film making up for its lackluster plot and pointless padding with some big twist. This will make-or-break Tri, and doing everything in two hours isn't enough, even if they actually cut out the bullshit for once.

I don't think Wizarmon will appear. He's gone for good and I don't think the producers will attempt to revive him. I really liked Wizarmon so I hope I'm right and he won't have to be a part of these shitty movies. I expect that the strange Evangelion monster will probably be defeated by the power of friendship and Tailmon regaining her senses inside of it or something. Then she will die and be reborn as a digi-egg. Meicoomon, too. Also, I think there is a good possibility that there will be more movies or something in the future because I don't think this movie will tie everything up. Hope not though. Just let it die and try again next time with capable writers and producers who know that Digimon Adventure fans are not little kids anymore and deserve a story that's a lot more competent than this.

The truth is Wizarmon yes the same Wizarmon from Adventure

The moment they reboot Digital World there is a lot of plot hole like Oikawa's butterfly still watch over everyone after 02 kid have kid.
Into the Internet!
Dec 17, 2017 11:44 AM

Mar 2015
ZBlastHistory said:
The truth is Wizarmon yes the same Wizarmon from Adventure

The moment they reboot Digital World there is a lot of plot hole like Oikawa's butterfly still watch over everyone after 02 kid have kid.

I've read those mangas so I'm aware of it. I read them years ago and I didn't really like it because all those characters appearing made no sense, especially Tailmon and Wizarmon in XW. I hated that! It raised so many questions and irritations because they weren't answered properly. Just screw that. I tend to ignore these series that fuck up the story and continuity so bad and pretend they are just fanfics or something like that.
Dec 17, 2017 11:54 AM

Apr 2013
BliuBliu said:
I don't think Wizarmon will appear. He's gone for good and I don't think the producers will attempt to revive him. I really liked Wizarmon so I hope I'm right and he won't have to be a part of these shitty movies.

I haven't once held my breath over his return (despite the number of fan discussions I got into these past two years), but the merchandise is making me think otherwise, there's what looks like to be his hat in the poster, and evil Gennai said the reboot meant that Digimon who died in the real world can come back as well (that doesn't make much sense, to be honest, but whatever), and everyone had a freak out at that reveal. I do think that the ideas these films had presented yet aren't following up on could've called for Wizardmon to come into the picture since they're like right up his alley, but I'm not going to complain otherwise.

I just want this series to end, that's all I'm caring about right now.
Dec 17, 2017 12:36 PM

Mar 2015
Lil-Bird said:
I haven't once held my breath over his return (despite the number of fan discussions I got into these past two years), but the merchandise is making me think otherwise, there's what looks like to be his hat in the poster, and evil Gennai said the reboot meant that Digimon who died in the real world can come back as well (that doesn't make much sense, to be honest, but whatever), and everyone had a freak out at that reveal. I do think that the ideas these films had presented yet aren't following up on could've called for Wizardmon to come into the picture since they're like right up his alley, but I'm not going to complain otherwise.

I just want this series to end, that's all I'm caring about right now.

Oh yeah, now that I look closely there is that skull that looks like it's from his hat on the poster. And evil Gennai said that? I must have missed it. Maybe I didn't pay attention. Well shit, you might be right then. Do you want to see Wizarmon return from the death? I am strongly against characters returning from the dead. Even in Digimon (except Tamers), I was always bothered by Digimon simply reverting to a digi-egg and being reborn again. I am not really active in the fandom at all so I'm wondering if the fans would really be excited to see a character that's definitively dead come back to life. I would be disappointed, to be honest.
BliuTigerDec 17, 2017 12:42 PM
Dec 17, 2017 12:41 PM

Sep 2015
BliuBliu said:
ZBlastHistory said:
The truth is Wizarmon yes the same Wizarmon from Adventure

The moment they reboot Digital World there is a lot of plot hole like Oikawa's butterfly still watch over everyone after 02 kid have kid.

I've read those mangas so I'm aware of it. I read them years ago and I didn't really like it because all those characters appearing made no sense, especially Tailmon and Wizarmon in XW. I hated that! It raised so many questions and irritations because they weren't answered properly. Just screw that. I tend to ignore these series that fuck up the story and continuity so bad and pretend they are just fanfics or something like that.

They still alive after the Adventure human cast died (they even talking about it n 02) and eventually the Digital World multi server and other Human World meet each other.

Time change Digital World change the system inside them also change like no more level on XW but the Digimon still same because they can't die if they don't get erased or beat up to death and turn them into DigiEgg again (lost the memory).

Blame bandai to tried making anything become lots of money as long as possible and Toei don't treat Digimon anime that much anymore after XW maybe part of it because the Tsunami back then but still.

No more movie after Savers.

I mean where is Olympos XII game?
Into the Internet!
Dec 17, 2017 1:02 PM

Apr 2013
BliuBliu said:
Do you want to see Wizarmon return from the death? I am strongly against characters returning from the dead.

Honestly, not really. It would defeat the purpose of Wizardmon's sacrifice, but Gatomon losing her memories from the reboot had killed that as well, and it bothers me how the fans (and like Kari herself) are so accepting of that because yeah, she doesn't have memories of her abuse under Myotismon, but it basically erased her personality in the process. So if Wizardmon shows up, it'd just be a cameo, but even then, she wouldn't recognize him.

Actually, the more I think on it, tri has been ruined for me simply because of what they did to Gatomon's character, and I just fear their memories aren't going to be replenished.
Dec 17, 2017 1:53 PM

Mar 2015
Lil-Bird said:
Honestly, not really. It would defeat the purpose of Wizardmon's sacrifice, but Gatomon losing her memories from the reboot had killed that as well, and it bothers me how the fans (and like Kari herself) are so accepting of that because yeah, she doesn't have memories of her abuse under Myotismon, but it basically erased her personality in the process. So if Wizardmon shows up, it'd just be a cameo, but even then, she wouldn't recognize him.

Actually, the more I think on it, tri has been ruined for me simply because of what they did to Gatomon's character, and I just fear their memories aren't going to be replenished.

To be honest, I thought Tailmon's personality was a bit weird since the beginning of Tri. She was as childish as every other Digimon partner and acted the same. There's nothing that distincts her from the others. There were times when she was acting a bit "childlike" in 02 as well but you could still tell that she's more mature than the others. Not in Tri, though. They all act the same. They are also completely the same as they were before the memory loss (except Piyomon's bullshit for a brief time). But I think they are going to get their memories back. No way it's just going to stay as it is. That would be so dumb. But wait, how were Digimon even able to evolve into their ultimate forms after losing their memories anyway? I thought that meant they got their memories back? I am now confused. It's probably my fault for not paying attention to the borefest...
BliuTigerDec 17, 2017 2:05 PM
Feb 9, 2018 11:08 PM

Sep 2015
New PV already out i don't care anything they say until

WHAT THE HELL HOLYDRAMON? WHY YOU POSE LIKE VALDURMON!? please don't be another Wargreymon Tri version wannabe Wargreymon X

Into the Internet!
Feb 10, 2018 11:12 AM

Apr 2013

Basically my reaction.
Feb 11, 2018 4:50 AM

Apr 2016
Just no evangelion-like ending please, that's not what i sign up for when i start with those movies.
Feb 11, 2018 5:59 AM
Mar 2016
Thank God it's not Ophanimon.. I hate that overrated angel waifu bitch
Feb 11, 2018 11:45 PM

Mar 2012
Devimon!!! I've been waiting for this moment!
Mankind’s greatest fear is Mankind itself.
Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

REAL LIFE Anime videos on my channel:
Feb 21, 2018 11:02 PM

Apr 2013
I decided to make a "what if" scenario involving Holydramon/Magnadramon to keep me pumped/interested in seeing this film.

Feb 24, 2018 5:18 AM
Mar 2016
Lil-Bird said:
I decided to make a "what if" scenario involving Holydramon/Magnadramon to keep me pumped/interested in seeing this film.

HELL NO !!! worst scenario ever
Feb 24, 2018 8:13 AM

Apr 2013
KingArti said:
HELL NO !!! worst scenario ever

Lol I think it'd be hilarious, though, if Toei decided to troll the fans, 'cause they'd do that. Another theory I came up with that would make the shitstorm just as bad is if it turns out Magnadramon's actually a fusion between Kari and Meiko's Digimon. I dunno, I just like amusing myself because Toei's deceived us through these trailers before (multiple times, in fact). It feels like there's a huge catch when it comes to Magnadramon if you ask me.
Feb 24, 2018 1:59 PM

Dec 2016
Just saw the teaser, so now Holydramon will be official, I'm pissed.

Ophanimon is and should always be the real mega for Tailmon. To me it never made sense that a digimon with humanoid form has a next stage where it goes back to have a beast form. It looks totally weird.

It's almost like....the next step in the human evolution process is....being monkeys again....
Feb 25, 2018 11:38 AM
Mar 2016
Glenfinnan said:
Just saw the teaser, so now Holydramon will be official, I'm pissed.

Ophanimon is and should always be the real mega for Tailmon. To me it never made sense that a digimon with humanoid form has a next stage where it goes back to have a beast form. It looks totally weird.

It's almost like....the next step in the human evolution process is....being monkeys again....
then don't watch it dumbass
Feb 25, 2018 8:13 PM

Dec 2016
KingArti said:
Glenfinnan said:
Just saw the teaser, so now Holydramon will be official, I'm pissed.

Ophanimon is and should always be the real mega for Tailmon. To me it never made sense that a digimon with humanoid form has a next stage where it goes back to have a beast form. It looks totally weird.

It's almost like....the next step in the human evolution process is....being monkeys again....
then don't watch it dumbass

This is the conclusion to the return of one of my favorite anime of all time, I'm obviously not going to refuse to watch it just because it's going to include a digimon I'm not particularly fond of.
Feb 26, 2018 9:59 PM

Apr 2013
Glenfinnan said:
This is the conclusion to the return of one of my favorite anime of all time, I'm obviously not going to refuse to watch it just because it's going to include a digimon I'm not particularly fond of.

Pretty much this. We've stuck it out for three years for this ending (when it shouldn't have taken that long), so might as well finish.

Also, I just have to ask that I don't think it makes any sense for Gatomon's Mega to be Magnadramon when she already became Ophanimon Falldown Mode for her dark evolution, unless she's that one special Digimon to have a split evolution (in terms of just Digivolving in a singular line already programmed in her coding without any other outside interference like Digi-Eggs or a DNA fusion partner). Wouldn't surprise me, honestly, given Kari's character.
Mar 6, 2018 1:18 PM

Mar 2015
I actually like Holydramon. I prefer it to be Tailmon's Ultimate. Who cares if Angewomon is a humanoid. WereGarurumon is also like a humanoid and the next stage is MetalGarurumon. Who cares, it's cool. That's not something that would break the movie.
Mar 9, 2018 1:54 AM

Sep 2015
Another bait from Tri so people can still interested on them... ugh just stop it.

Even if Tri going to have everyone sing butter-fly too you just can't fool me Adventure Tri.
Into the Internet!
Mar 9, 2018 11:56 AM

Apr 2013
Literally my reaction:

Goddamn it, Toei Animation.
Mar 9, 2018 12:10 PM

Dec 2016
BliuBliu said:
I actually like Holydramon. I prefer it to be Tailmon's Ultimate. Who cares if Angewomon is a humanoid. WereGarurumon is also like a humanoid and the next stage is MetalGarurumon. Who cares, it's cool. That's not something that would break the movie.

WereGaruru is not humanoid, he just stands in two feet, and clearly has a beast face. He's always a wolf. Angewomon has a human form body, a human looking face, and has a next stage where she's a dragon beast?

Don't get me wrong, Holydramon does look cool. But to me it doesn't make sense as the evolution of an angel.
Mar 9, 2018 3:43 PM

Sep 2015
Lil-Bird said:
Literally my reaction:

Goddamn it, Toei Animation.

*Play Cruel Angel Thesis/White Reflection
Into the Internet!
Mar 9, 2018 5:01 PM
Mar 2016
ZBlastHistory said:
Another bait from Tri so people can still interested on them... ugh just stop it.

Even if Tri going to have everyone sing butter-fly too you just can't fool me Adventure Tri.
the new form FUCKING SUCKS
Mar 9, 2018 5:30 PM

Apr 2013
ZBlastHistory said:

*Play Cruel Angel Thesis/White Reflection

Holy shit that is amazing.
Mar 16, 2018 9:59 AM

Apr 2013
New poster image.

People are also saying that it looks like Meiko has herself a Crest, and when they're not theorizing she's using Ken's Crest of Kindness (for whatever reason) are calling it "Crest of Darkness", which is a fucking stupid name for a Crest because they're supposed to represent a positive trait/virtue the DigiDestined had lost or forgotten which is why their Digimon pretty much represent that Crest in some form or another (I personally think Kari's an inversion of this, and it fits more Gatomon than Kari). Also, "Crest of Darkness" sounds like something a fan fic writer would give a Mary Sue/self-insert because they couldn't think of anything else but wanted to make them the opposite of Kari.
Mar 18, 2018 8:32 AM
Mar 2016
Lil-Bird said:
New poster image.

People are also saying that it looks like Meiko has herself a Crest, and when they're not theorizing she's using Ken's Crest of Kindness (for whatever reason) are calling it "Crest of Darkness", which is a fucking stupid name for a Crest because they're supposed to represent a positive trait/virtue the DigiDestined had lost or forgotten which is why their Digimon pretty much represent that Crest in some form or another (I personally think Kari's an inversion of this, and it fits more Gatomon than Kari). Also, "Crest of Darkness" sounds like something a fan fic writer would give a Mary Sue/self-insert because they couldn't think of anything else but wanted to make them the opposite of Kari.
looks meh to be honest
Mar 18, 2018 8:45 AM

Dec 2016
I'm still giving this the benefit of the doubt.
Mar 18, 2018 8:48 AM

Apr 2016
And here i am still hyped for this last movie of Digimon tri.

That white form actually looks cool.
Mar 18, 2018 8:57 AM

Dec 2016
Lil-Bird said:
New poster image.

People are also saying that it looks like Meiko has herself a Crest, and when they're not theorizing she's using Ken's Crest of Kindness (for whatever reason) are calling it "Crest of Darkness", which is a fucking stupid name for a Crest because they're supposed to represent a positive trait/virtue the DigiDestined had lost or forgotten which is why their Digimon pretty much represent that Crest in some form or another (I personally think Kari's an inversion of this, and it fits more Gatomon than Kari). Also, "Crest of Darkness" sounds like something a fan fic writer would give a Mary Sue/self-insert because they couldn't think of anything else but wanted to make them the opposite of Kari.

I will always hate the inclusion of this came-out-of-nowhere new digidestined girl nobody ever cared for. She has been the reason of everything wrong with Tri. Besides if her crest was the "crest of darkness" wouldn't have made much more sense for it to be black colored and not reddish? A color already assigned to Sora?
Mar 18, 2018 9:28 AM

Dec 2015
Swagernator said:
Just no evangelion-like ending please, that's not what i sign up for when i start with those movies.

But... isn't this what we got with the last movie? XD

Plus... angel wings this time ?!
Mar 18, 2018 9:50 AM

Apr 2016
Rei366 said:
Swagernator said:
Just no evangelion-like ending please, that's not what i sign up for when i start with those movies.

But... isn't this what we got with the last movie? XD

Plus... angel wings this time ?!

Well, this movie series is still not finished so.
Mar 19, 2018 3:58 AM

May 2009
Not much hype as I felt on the first few movies. Probably because I don't feel for Meiko that much 😕
Mar 20, 2018 10:34 AM

Oct 2008

Urgh. Did we really need another form for Omegamon? No, no we didn't. They'd better give an extremely good reason for it, but I'm not holding my breath. I was hoping the ending would be more along the lines of the finale for the original Adventure series where teamwork was the only important thing to saving the day. No need for anymore superfluous new powerups. Lord knows we've had enough of those throughout the entirety of the series and this would have been an excellent opportunity to showcase all of them in all their glory. I can't believe a kids series showed more restraint than this movie series made for adults.

But in all seriousness, you'd think the combination of 7 Megas would have been enough. In fact, I'd argue that they should have just left the spotlight on Holydramon as the final powerup. This should have been Kari's movie and that's it.

Honestly, I can't wait for this movie. So that we can finally get this shit over and done with. So that apologists can stop saying "BUT IT'S NOT OVER YET!!!" in response to any criticism levied at it. God damn, do I hate nostalgia bait garbage.

Lil-Bird said:
People are also saying that it looks like Meiko has herself a Crest, and when they're not theorizing she's using Ken's Crest of Kindness (for whatever reason) are calling it "Crest of Darkness", which is a fucking stupid name for a Crest because they're supposed to represent a positive trait/virtue the DigiDestined had lost or forgotten which is why their Digimon pretty much represent that Crest in some form or another (I personally think Kari's an inversion of this, and it fits more Gatomon than Kari). Also, "Crest of Darkness" sounds like something a fan fic writer would give a Mary Sue/self-insert because they couldn't think of anything else but wanted to make them the opposite of Kari.

I call fucking bullshit on that stupid Crest nonsense. Not that I'll put it past the writers to do something that asinine.
ActarMar 20, 2018 10:52 AM

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