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Mar 16, 2018 8:32 PM
Jan 2013
KgbWatchingU said:
GreenEmu said:

The glasses girl?

thanks for the info, and the one who commited suicide? (blond hair, near the throne) was it fake or real?
KgbWatchingU said:
GreenEmu said:

The glasses girl?

thanks for the info, and the one who commited suicide? (blond hair, near the throne) was it fake or real?

Mar 16, 2018 8:34 PM

Nov 2008
xeco said:
KgbWatchingU said:

thanks for the info, and the one who commited suicide? (blond hair, near the throne) was it fake or real?
KgbWatchingU said:

thanks for the info, and the one who commited suicide? (blond hair, near the throne) was it fake or real?

hmm ..
Mar 16, 2018 8:45 PM

Jan 2017
Real heroes don't surrender. They fight valiantly up to the very end. Salute to the real heroes, Villar and Margaret.
Mar 16, 2018 9:00 PM
Mar 2017
What stupidity I just saw. I guess those ships were not expected to show up, but was it necessary to SUICIDATE?

I think it would have served more than to commit suicide next to Theo, at least so Theo would have more Magic / Chaos, or whatever they eat after killing.
The question isn't "What anime do you like?" That is merely a list.
The question is "Why do you like it?" That tells a story. Your story.
Mar 16, 2018 9:35 PM
Oct 2012
Im just waiting for Marrine to die a horrible death (Milza first of course) but this bitch Marrine needs to die next to her worthless fiance Prince forgot-his-face. She knows she's a horrible PoS that is destroying everything but she's like fuck it meh its all for the greater good >.>
Mar 16, 2018 9:37 PM
May 2016
dasprn said:
Lord Villar was true to his beliefs. He never resented anyone and believed that what they're gotta do is walk on their own path. Really disheartening to see him go that valiantly.

Now I just can't wait for the revenge to begin!! I want that Axe Loli Head on a platter and Milza on his bloody slain knees!!!

Is axe girl actually a loli? She didn't really look that short compared to Marrine who seems like a pretty tall woman and Milza who is probably at least 6' and right before reaching glasses girl she didn't seem much shorter than the guy she murdered, she's doing a pretty poor job of being a loli aside from the high voice lol... doesn't have obvious loli hair or clothing either.

Loli is love loli is life!
gluttonMar 16, 2018 9:56 PM
Mar 16, 2018 9:39 PM
Sep 2015
rickfurious said:
phantomfandom said:

My crush Lord Milza did very little this time but give some quotational speech at the end.

Your crush? What's wrong with you? Smh.

I'll vote for him at Crunchyroll's best boy award next year.
Mar 16, 2018 9:39 PM

Aug 2015
phantomfandom said:
rickfurious said:

Your crush? What's wrong with you? Smh.

I'll vote for him at Crunchyroll's best boy award next year.

Lol best dead boy after Theo gives him those hands.
So many boobs in fairy tail, it's crazy.
Mar 16, 2018 9:57 PM
Mar 2018
sirwence said:

I think that is her 'real name' @_o but my reference was to her arrogance thinking she could take on Villar. which was the best joke of the episode in one full of some dark humor (imho) .

Not all have sworn loyalty to her though. Strength at one time is weakness at another. She also unlike say Villar or even Alexis.. isn't really that beloved by more than her own direct subordinates and ladys in waiting - ie shes going to be betrayed; and it shouldn't be hard to guess whom lol

very well then xD i hope there will be a clear explanation for the name soon, but i'd bet on Ulrika for her actual name tho

arrogance is pretty normal isnt it? ;/ but if what you meant is the arrogance of she could take on Villar individually, that would be much unclear, Villar and Ururika's individual strengths were not mentioned in the prev episode, except.. if you've already read the LN and she was shown that

after all though, based only on this episode, i think she got a good skill as a commander better than Milzar

speaking of Marrine's strength, it seems she had good skills in gaining allies, still ive been wondering how was the negotiation going between her and the vikings, could it be she gave a 'pleasure' to Ururika's father way better than Milzar?
Mar 16, 2018 10:12 PM
Sep 2015
@rickfurious please put spoiler in the spoiler tag
Mar 16, 2018 10:23 PM
Jan 2016
R.I.P Villar, he died with honor, following her path! I wont forgive you!
R.I.P Margaret, best girl for dying with his beloved men!

They are the perfect couple!

is in your hands now Theon and Siluca !!!
Mar 17, 2018 1:02 AM
Aug 2014
Villar is the Kamina of this anime whoes death is the catalyst for the Simon counterpart's, Theo, growth.
Mar 17, 2018 1:23 AM

May 2010
:( why does this shit have to be so tragic
Mar 17, 2018 1:38 AM
Nov 2007
Seriously, why cant anyone in this damn series defend? Why even have castles and defensive positions if you never use them? Why all the stupid suicide charges?

From what I have gathered its a very densely populated world with short distances so actually using defensive positions and waiting for reinforcements should be a valid strategy, yet we see all these castles and fortresses and no one trying to drag out a single battle?

We are talking about a continent spanning war going on and on for years and no one has ever thought about attrition?????????

Remember the stupidly huge and powerful ship that can out range the enemy with its huge cannons? Trying to stay at max range and inflict maximum damage and perhaps then do a suicide charge and explode would be a good idea but start of by losing its only advantage against a 1000 ship fleet by meeting them? WTF!!!

And while Villars and Margarets charge was quite nice it was pointless. The castle was still assaulted and everyone killed from the looks of it so why couldn't they defend and use their powers/skills to prolong the battle and inflict more casualties and maybe get reinforcements and even survive?

And why does Milza use a fucking tiny dagger and no armor on a battlefield against knights in full armor wearing spears and long swords and still slaughters everyone? Couldnt they at least give him a real weapon or just kill people in the shadows with that knife. Now he just looks way to overpowered to be interesting at all.

I like that the altkirk navy is lightly armed, stupid to run on a ship with heavy armor, finally something that makes sense in all the stupidity.

If this was a game and you could play as a third independent party it would be so fucking easy to abuse the stupidly bad AI everyone has. Probably easier than have idiots for allies. This is the only reason Theo have a chance at becoming emperor, everyone else is so damn stupid and inexperienced in warfare. No one survives long enough to learn anything despite this huge war that has been going on for ever. And shouldnt there be a huge outcry somewhere when Marienne used the equivavlent of a weapon of mass destruction? Both on the Union and Alliance side should have been against that and rushed to help Villar.

This series could be so much better if they just fixed these things. Same people could still die and story progress the same way but in a more believable way.
Mar 17, 2018 2:15 AM
Apr 2017
Wow! This episode amazed me, and its the first ep in this show that do that.
My rating for this show gone up, not that it was good in plot, but the execution imo
Mar 17, 2018 2:43 AM
Mar 2018
Klickor said:
Seriously, why cant anyone in this damn series defend? Why even have castles and defensive positions if you never use them? Why all the stupid suicide charges?

From what I have gathered its a very densely populated world with short distances so actually using defensive positions and waiting for reinforcements should be a valid strategy, yet we see all these castles and fortresses and no one trying to drag out a single battle?

We are talking about a continent spanning war going on and on for years and no one has ever thought about attrition?????????

Remember the stupidly huge and powerful ship that can out range the enemy with its huge cannons? Trying to stay at max range and inflict maximum damage and perhaps then do a suicide charge and explode would be a good idea but start of by losing its only advantage against a 1000 ship fleet by meeting them? WTF!!!

And while Villars and Margarets charge was quite nice it was pointless. The castle was still assaulted and everyone killed from the looks of it so why couldn't they defend and use their powers/skills to prolong the battle and inflict more casualties and maybe get reinforcements and even survive?

And why does Milza use a fucking tiny dagger and no armor on a battlefield against knights in full armor wearing spears and long swords and still slaughters everyone? Couldnt they at least give him a real weapon or just kill people in the shadows with that knife. Now he just looks way to overpowered to be interesting at all.

I like that the altkirk navy is lightly armed, stupid to run on a ship with heavy armor, finally something that makes sense in all the stupidity.

If this was a game and you could play as a third independent party it would be so fucking easy to abuse the stupidly bad AI everyone has. Probably easier than have idiots for allies. This is the only reason Theo have a chance at becoming emperor, everyone else is so damn stupid and inexperienced in warfare. No one survives long enough to learn anything despite this huge war that has been going on for ever. And shouldnt there be a huge outcry somewhere when Marienne used the equivavlent of a weapon of mass destruction? Both on the Union and Alliance side should have been against that and rushed to help Villar.

This series could be so much better if they just fixed these things. Same people could still die and story progress the same way but in a more believable way.

wow, wow chill down there, mate xD i understand what u've been feeling there.. 1stly, perhaps its better if u get ur 'realistic view' away from a bit, cuz this is anime that u've been watching xD

about the mobile-naval fortress thing, perhaps we can take a conclusion that edokia's fleet were not in the right time to sail (the flows of the wind is different during the night and daytime isnt it?), moreover its 1k of fast ships that u r dealing with, and they can inflict some damage by throwing axes as well.. So a huge cannon doesn't do much against a swarm of ships there, with the mirror, chance would be better to defend the harbours but it's pretty much nighttime so its useless

Villar and Margaret's charge.. Well after i watched the episode once more, i see the point on u there man, the access between the castle (which ridiculously seemed like a palace, based on realism) was only the bridge and obviously the harbour which is can be accessed via ships.. Villar can simply man those ppl to destroy the bridge and range those marrine's army

Everything traces back to Villar's leadership skill man, in ep10 he was already.. meh.. lost his spirit or smth, not even ep10, during the meeting of union members, he was clearly shown so weak there.. Defences and tactics r bullshit if the leader were already quick to surrender lol

Milzar was already an idiot for me, nothing much to explain why he acts, you can see his buffoonery in ep10 xD
Mar 17, 2018 3:26 AM

Mar 2014
Everyone accepts death as plan a for some reason.
Margaret and Villar essentially commited suicide as well.
Animation 7/10 for Margaret
Mar 17, 2018 3:58 AM

Aug 2012
Such a retarded episode. You have an extremely defendable castle yet you go on a suicide mission. You ignore the narrow bridge where a very small army can defeat thousands of enemies (note that just Vilar and his main mage defeated almost everyone on the bridge by themselves), you have defense against ships from the sea yet you do not use it and invent something like there is no sun ... how about fire catapults? You fire normal arrows instead of flaming ones at the ships and magically the enemy ships are unaffected. Villar gives up his crest to his whore cousin although he might have taken both her and Milza's lives... This episode is just so full of bs just to follow the plot it hurts my mind and make me want to scream. Oh and a castle is mostly walls . You would not enter it so easily. Also norse although strong attacking roman defended forts were utterly defeated. More than that they were defeated again and again on their own territory. Most of their raids were against undefended coast villages with old men women and children. Also they lacked almost any type of organisation so being so afraid of them makes no sense. If this show will be filled with this type of illogical bs I am thinking of dropping it.
Mar 17, 2018 4:00 AM

Aug 2012
Kirigaro92 said:
Seriously I hate Marrine, I haven't hated a female char in a long time. Wost girl of the year candidate here
She is just a weak whore. She needs to die and be forgotten
Mar 17, 2018 4:00 AM

Aug 2012
Yautja said:
Man this show is all kinds of stupid. It just keeps on leveling up. It's like no one in this anime actually thinks before acting.
Apparently the written does not know shit about military strategy
Mar 17, 2018 4:02 AM

Aug 2013
feelsbadman, RIP Villar & Margaret, that was beautiful last fight
now, your move Theo..
Mar 17, 2018 4:02 AM

Aug 2012
Oh and again the blond prince acts like a cuck: what if we surrender? No stupid, is the time to attack and demolish Marine's forces. They are extremely weaken and on your territory. Perfect time for ultimate defeat.
Mar 17, 2018 4:15 AM

Sep 2016
My God. I never expected Grancrest to kill off two of it's important characters. But it's all for the good, it means the show is finally taking a mature stance (I don't count pathetic sex scenes as mature since they're a laughable attempt at acting "mature" for that matter). Still unconvinced to bump the score above a 6 but will see. We're already getting a recap episode next so meh. 4/5 for this episode though.
Mar 17, 2018 4:26 AM
Jun 2017
I really am loving this anime and this episode.
It was so sad and depressing.
"Douyara watashi no make", he said that. And he really lost.
I wanna punch Alexis in the face.
I really loved Villar.
Mar 17, 2018 4:35 AM
Mar 2018
Yautja said:
Man this show is all kinds of stupid. It just keeps on leveling up. It's like no one in this anime actually thinks before acting.


I'm done after this episode. This anime is garbage. Everything they do doesn't make any sense.
Mar 17, 2018 4:57 AM

Nov 2009
Depressed now after watching Villar/Margaret die, I enjoyed watching them for whatever reason even though they didn't actually get that much screen time overall.
Mar 17, 2018 5:38 AM

May 2012
Great episode. It keeps getting better and better

Mar 17, 2018 6:00 AM

Sep 2015
Lots of good people dying and Marrine still alive, seems like real world tho. Very Sad.
Mar 17, 2018 6:31 AM

Feb 2014
glutton said:
dasprn said:
Lord Villar was true to his beliefs. He never resented anyone and believed that what they're gotta do is walk on their own path. Really disheartening to see him go that valiantly.

Now I just can't wait for the revenge to begin!! I want that Axe Loli Head on a platter and Milza on his bloody slain knees!!!

Is axe girl actually a loli? She didn't really look that short compared to Marrine who seems like a pretty tall woman and Milza who is probably at least 6' and right before reaching glasses girl she didn't seem much shorter than the guy she murdered, she's doing a pretty poor job of being a loli aside from the high voice lol... doesn't have obvious loli hair or clothing either.

Loli is love loli is life!

Loli is life and I do agree that's how we roll XD
Well I referred to the Axe girl as Loli because she had more kid like attitude regarding Marinne
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Mar 17, 2018 6:48 AM

Jul 2015
no one's talking about the slut queen.. if i am not mistaken... she has slept with all other men.. hence the line "we all loved u equally"..
gosh this show just loves bringing sex alot...
Mar 17, 2018 6:53 AM

Feb 2016
I see some members are complaining for low scores along with low scored reviews...

Let's see...this episode;

- animation art is bad, period.
- random kissings, cheap sacrifices and pop up characters from out of nowhere to fill in the war scenery.
- Marrine, seems doesn't know what she is doing, like an aimless bullet for revenge.
- narration is bad, not flowing back to front.

and we got a 11.5 episode, because the story is 'told' badly until now; if someone wants me to tell the story, I can't picture and define it.

This episode is only good to prepare theater for Theo and Siluca. They will kick ass, and wait; they were kicking ass actually, but suddenly they went to Villar, now Villar is dead, so please resume the adventures of Thea/Siluca tag team along with their loyal friends.

Over all, until now, while I don't like Marrine's methods and how she is painted in the story, but she is better than Alexis, she took extreme measures by sacrificing a lot of things from herself along the way. And I don't understand why she gave the land grab mission to Milza. I wonder if she is scheming bigger plans; after all, I assume that Milza is goner and Theo will be back.
Mar 17, 2018 7:29 AM
May 2016
dasprn said:
glutton said:

Is axe girl actually a loli? She didn't really look that short compared to Marrine who seems like a pretty tall woman and Milza who is probably at least 6' and right before reaching glasses girl she didn't seem much shorter than the guy she murdered, she's doing a pretty poor job of being a loli aside from the high voice lol... doesn't have obvious loli hair or clothing either.

Loli is love loli is life!

Loli is life and I do agree that's how we roll XD
Well I referred to the Axe girl as Loli because she had more kid like attitude regarding Marinne

I think she's just a teenager, she seems more just skinny and not filled out as opposed to child sized. Now the one with the teddy bear in your sig... that's a classic loli, I know what anime I'm checking out next! XD
Mar 17, 2018 8:29 AM
Sep 2017
Still I am sad about Villar and Margaret They Finally Kissed and Died ...
Most of the good characters are dying .. I wish the next episodes are getting better
Mar 17, 2018 8:51 AM

Feb 2014
glutton said:
dasprn said:

Loli is life and I do agree that's how we roll XD
Well I referred to the Axe girl as Loli because she had more kid like attitude regarding Marinne

I think she's just a teenager, she seems more just skinny and not filled out as opposed to child sized. Now the one with the teddy bear in your sig... that's a classic loli, I know what anime I'm checking out next! XD

I see you're one one of culture as well XD
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Mar 17, 2018 9:16 AM

Oct 2012
Well damn. Finally got Villar x Margaret and then they died. They went out heroicly, but Villar was best boy and Margaret was badass. Their fight was so good. RIP
At least the show is picking up now. If not for the god awful pacing, it would be so much better.

Mar 17, 2018 11:23 AM

Jun 2013
Where is Aishela?
Mar 17, 2018 12:40 PM
Jan 2017
So sad but good episode 5/5
Mar 17, 2018 12:45 PM

Mar 2012
This series has been getting better. I thought Villar's defeat was necessary to allow Theo to be unshackled, but it's a bit sad that he and Margaret died in the same episode they came together. So now the picture is a lot clearer: Mirza has now taken Villar's territory, Marrine intends to keep going, and Theo will be able to carve out his own territory during this war.

But fundamental issues of set up and presentation remain. The sequence of events itself makes perfect sense, but in one episode we basically went from Villar seemingly with the upper hand to utter defeat in just 2-3 minutes of the beginning of this episode where they tell us Villar's troops were heavily depleted. He also went from being still lukewarm to Margaret to all of a sudden accepting without any prior sign. And then we have Villar and Marrine sharing that tender emotional exchange when they were mortal enemies before. Also, why the hell did his soldiers rush out after he's dead? Whoever directs this series basically just wants us to eat what's being fed. It's a terrible way to string the audience along.
Mar 17, 2018 1:12 PM
Nov 2017
Next week recap episode? In the related anime category for this show there’s a summary episode which come out on the 24th which is next weeks slot and at the end it said 11.5 so is next weeks episode a recap?
Mar 17, 2018 1:42 PM
Mar 2018
This episode was absolutely beautiful and passionate, definitely the best episode this season.
Villar and the Hellfire princess's love finally came around, too bad he didnt accept love sooner.

This episode showed how he touched a lot of people's lives and their commitment to him and his cause.

It was really amazing, hats off to the writers and animators
Mar 17, 2018 2:17 PM

Dec 2007
zannett said:
This series has been getting better.

I feel the same.
it's a shame next ep is a recap, because it's really entertaining.

Aslo Milza is weak, he is alone with a shit army, I guess Theo will kick his ass out of Atkirk and avenge Villar, easy cake.

Mar 17, 2018 3:31 PM

Jan 2017
Netami00 said:
I'll probably get banned for this or some bullshit but fuck MAL seriously what's with this userbase. 6.64 rating on this amazing anime that's after this episode is a clear AOTS.

I love a lot of anime this season but this one just took the cherry on the cake. When I see the top reviews 3/10 another 3/10, 5/10 and another 3/10 my blood fucking boils.

First I don't get why they're so apprehensive of the pace of this show at first it might seem rushed but it's just so filled with action, drama, romance. I'm guessing the pleb don't like it when their animu isn't some garbage LoveLive or other alike and doesn't have the uguu's or other cancer.

Some idiot blames the show for turning dark and rapey... ofc it's better if it all stays pure and innocent like 95% of seasonal anime trash. Don't get me wrong a watch a lot of stuff and I enjoy a lot of it often it is garbage but enjoyable garbage. This show tho... this show is a fucking hidden gem.

On one hand we got this innocent and pure love that ACTUALLY PROGRESSES in the story between Theo and Siluca on another we got Marrine's sacrifice, how she was willing to give her own body away just to win the battle also sacrificing her chance at happiness and on yet another hand ( yes three hands, sue me) the absolutely heartbreaking scene with Villar and Margaret we got this episode.

I'm just flabbergasted at how low rated this show is when Violet Evergarden is at what 8.44 ? I enjoy it but man it never made me cry let alone feel much. It's pretty I give it that and it tries hard to be something more imo but it's just superficial...

This episode of Grancrest... jesus... the scene with Edokia and her husbands, i cried. I only regret we did not get to see more of her. The reverse harem royalty thing was very intriguing but their sacrifice at the end that they all loved her and she loved them all but they all wanted to protect her and go back to protect their children T_T

Villar and Margaret tho... that hit even harder. The scene where they first kissed knowing this is the end, preparing for the final stand, finally being allowed to be true with their feelings T_T Then the battle scene.............. I'm speechless but I'm not, I wanna scream. It was so beautiful, ephemeral. Margaret literally gave her everything to Villar her body, heart and soul. Burning herself in the process until nothing but ash remained... and then Villar trying to catch her fleeting pieces. ;_;7

I can only clap.

Bravo Grancrest Senki for breaking out of the mold of this stale anime industry. I applaud you and am eagerly looking forward to next episodes.

I could keep talking about this show for ages and next time I hear someone say Theo is a shit MC I'm gonna slap their brains out. I should write a review but maybe I'll wait till the series is completed those 3/10 4eps in morons can go burn in hell.

This show is easily the Game of Thrones of anime and Marrine is the Joffrey god how I hate her and Milza ;D

Live look at Netami00 when he see's Grancrest Senki's score:

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

Sidenote: I have it as a 7/10. It's good, but it's not AOTS good for Me. In all honesty, there are a lot of shows this season that are 7/10 & 8/10 material, but there's no real standout (in my opinion) that is just above and beyond all the rest.

Mar 17, 2018 3:57 PM

Feb 2015
I feel this anime has taken a long time to get going but boy that was a great episode. Villar and Margaret we a great couple and they went down with a fight.

Some minor irritations that didn't add up. Firstly if the castle only had one way in why the fuck was there no drawbridge? Secondly where was the army in the castle? Aside from a handful of archers it was woefully undermanned.

Looking forward to see this develop now.
CrashmattMar 17, 2018 4:04 PM
Mar 17, 2018 5:28 PM

Feb 2013
Pretty good episode, despite the lack of Siluca.

That battle was nicely done.
Mar 17, 2018 6:32 PM

Jan 2011
Criminal this show is rated so poorly
Mar 17, 2018 8:23 PM

Oct 2013
Damn man, Villar's death will be a memorable one. And holy shit, I was just thinking how awesome would it be to have a death at least half as good as his. Heck, his mages and some of his soldiers went out like champs.

Just think about it : most people us are gonna go out either due to old age or some random accident,lame disease, without leaving much of a mark, sucks when you think about it,lol :(

Mar 17, 2018 11:31 PM
Mar 2012
Margaret blazing fire & Villar fought very well.
The loss was known but the grim sadness is well presented.
Sad that woman's bishounen harem died by explosion, some could've escaped first.
Alexis that pushover too weak to lead anything, could cause the downfall of union.
Mar 18, 2018 4:45 AM
Oct 2007
I hope to see a humiliating death of Marrine & that dartania guy. And just maybe that weak prince too. 👹
markiemarkMar 18, 2018 4:49 AM
Mar 18, 2018 5:36 AM
Mar 2018
I wish and ship for theo and siluca. Villar is so heroic in the end and so with margaret. Two thumbs up for them although i am feeling extremely sad about their death
Mar 18, 2018 6:34 AM

Dec 2016
Damn what an episode I enjoyed this, the writer pulled no punches with the deaths of one of the main protagonists, the writer even included a suicide. Although I'd say this story is morally grey, the writer did a good job of making Milza and her group hated rather than being rooted for. The magic system on this great as it has restrictions and limits, hence Margaret's death.

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