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Gsarthotegga Jan 22, 8:07 AM
Most old religious texts do mention it (they don't usually directly say it's flat, but what they're saying is a description that only works with a flat earth model or they describe the four corners, the vault, the underworld is on the underside, the primeval waters that not only form the ocean but hold up the flat plane, etc. The Bible, for example uses the Hebrew word for circle rather than ball/globe when talking about the earth; Gilgamesh has it, and a bunch of others). Spherical model was widely established in Greece by 4th-3rd century BCE. And it took many more centuries for it to spread to most other cultures, and I'm not aware of it having been independently derived by anyone outside of Greece. India used their own math but still relied on the Greeks; just as Greece drew quite a bit from the Egyptians and Babylonians. It was widespread in BCE. You wouldn't even have to go back to ancient times, though. China, Japan, and Korea thought it was flat until the 17th century (until the Jesuit and west infiltration), and even then, the debate probably lasted there until the 19th (I know that it did in some instances but I'm not sure for all three), for when it would become widely accepted to be spherical. Of course, all the nonsense about flat earth in connection to Columbus was bullshit, and even most of the church fathers accepted a spherical model, so the conception has been spherical for a long time when we consider Greece-Rome-Christianized Europe (and also a range of centuries afterwards for the Middle East and other areas but nothing too late).

I mean, obviously, most stories aren't going to go on about "wow, gee golly, the world sure is spherical/flat" in many or any lines because that's not the kind of story they are telling. At best, it would just be a reference for world building, lore, or a visual cue. Konosuba is also not particularly deep when it comes to worldbuilding, whereas a lot of fantasy novels also dabble in creation myths; and the BCE examples are largely mythical/religious and usually a bit more concerned with cosmology.

What I meant: with how much flat earth media there is (I feel like it's 50% or more of the devoted conspiracy circle sometimes), you'd at least think there would be a conspiratorial story about the scientific establishment suppressing flat earth. See, with those old religious texts, it was an assumed fact that the world was flat; they didn't need to prove it or mention it (though they certainly made their assumptions quite clear), whereas it would be the opposite with what I'm talking about because the true shape would be flat, but the masses in the story are globecucks who are gaslighting the flatheads. Seems a perfectly reasonable choice for a story to me. No worse than hollow earth or the moon being an alien base or the common solipsistic "everything is fake except for MEEEEE!" Also, flat earthers probably wrote and published a book like this, but no one has heard about it because it's garbage or too fringe for any publisher that would have much traction. Anyway, there are plenty of stories, even modern ones, that have it, just they're more fantastical than conspiratorial. The initial question that led to this conversation was largely throwaway and rhetorical. I didn't anticipate a serious or joking attempt at an answer, until you came along. :)
Gsarthotegga Jan 21, 7:18 AM
I was mostly being charitable... Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Terry Pratchett, and Tanith Lee incorporate flat earth into some of their stories. There are probably plenty of others in fantasy and sci-fi fiction. And depending on how far back you go for a story, flat earth would be a more likely topic because that was the default conception for what the earth was like for every culture.
itsbemou Dec 23, 2024 8:45 AM
nice profile !

thanks a lot for accepting the fr !

nice to meet you !
Guster- Feb 17, 2024 1:42 AM
Guster- Feb 16, 2024 4:30 AM
Volume 1, Chapter 1
Guster- Feb 15, 2024 8:54 PM
I.R:I.S - Indirect Ruler:Infinite Seizor
I found chapters 1 and 3
Guster- Feb 9, 2024 8:34 AM
Hi, i found the source of my pfp if you're still interested
S-Lumiere Dec 27, 2023 9:24 AM
Hi there. Sorry about a random comment but I loved your forum post abot the MC in Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki Episode 12 Discussion. I completely agree with you. Thanks a lot for your reaction.
Guster- Dec 14, 2021 3:00 PM
Hi, the same situation with me. I tried to find it 5-6 years ago and searching right now because i was inspired by your question, but all the results ends in tumblr. I think there's only two ways: ask for the source the first uploader or speedrun nhentai manga that older than 6 years.
All in all, this is just a frame from manga so there's no point to find it.
P.S. if you managed to find it please let me know :)
abyss_will Jan 30, 2021 9:35 AM
First comment in 4 years.
Your profile pic makes me horny
TrinityHarem Nov 3, 2017 2:40 PM
one of the best things to do on your time
TrinityHarem Nov 1, 2017 8:05 PM
just wondering around
TrinityHarem Nov 1, 2017 2:17 PM
Aureolus Oct 28, 2017 9:52 PM
Lovely picture and apparently happy birthday.
Bloodskal07 Oct 27, 2017 10:41 PM
Happy Birthday! <3
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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