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Nov 6, 2015 11:47 PM

Nov 2007
I just saw final chapter (100 = 99 + special chapter) in Japanese before seeing ch.97 and 98, so will edit later.
Wow, so Lag did save the world with his light. That bad guy wanting Lag to take him, too. He also thanked everyone including Gauche/Noir while being sacrificed (there was a scene that seemed like Lag and Niche were back with Sylvette, but actually not).
tsubasaloverNov 14, 2015 8:34 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Nov 9, 2015 5:50 PM
Nov 2015
For a moment, I thought that Volume 20 would have a special chapter and not the one published on Weekly Shonen jump years ago.
My, I feel sad that the series ended (especially how), but it was thanks to that I warmed to mangas and to Hiroyuki Asada.
I'll do my best to remember those hearth-warming feelings of the first volumes till the end of the manga, as well trying other works that gives me such strong, genuine feelings.

I still hope for a special chapter for Volume 20, needs a proper epilogue for the cast.
Nov 21, 2015 8:36 AM

Aug 2009
Omg I definitely need an epilogue!!

Am I the only one that finds it a bit rushed? There was also that bit where the Head Bee said that he had a message for Lag from his mom... And we never got to hear it.

There was only like one or two panels showing what happened to AG after the whole ordeal, which is like... ???????
This ending is clearly lacking in some ways. I definitely need an epilogue. ><

PS: I don't know why, but I cried the hardest at the farewell for Steak. It was supposed to be the funniest too. Omg.
Konohana Niji
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Dec 1, 2015 12:25 PM
Nov 2015
earthfairys said:

According to Asada, in his blog, the chapter should have been twice as long (60 pages), but time constraints and the space on the magazine didn't allow that so we only get 30 pages.

I'm with you regarding an epilogue: the last arc was way too fast, it should have been longer, but what can you do if you run out of ideas after nine year of monthly publication.
If Asada plays it smart, he could publish the whole chapter instead of the butchered one, as a valid series like that cannot have such ending (or at least an epilogue regarding the rest of the cast and a personal wishful thinking about Lag's reincarnation or something).

It was sad that it ended, but better finish when it still shines than after it fades in a gray mess, to be honest.
Jan 19, 2016 6:28 AM

Jan 2009
I would love to see this get the "FMA Treament" and receive a new anime that follows the manga from beginning to end. Don't think it will happen, though.
"I don't want to live the dream because dreams always end when they get to the good part." - Sebastian Carmichael, A.R. Dragonfly
Jan 26, 2016 2:12 AM

May 2009
It would be really cool I couldn't watch the 2nd season of the anime. :/
@tsubasalover: thanks for all the mini-translations when the new chapter came out! :D
Jul 19, 2016 6:15 AM

Nov 2011
What a beautiful ending

Going to miss the series for sure.
Jul 19, 2016 6:48 AM

May 2013
This is so heartbreaking ;w;

Will miss tegami bachi <3
(8/10) I think I shoud give 9 instead of 8
made by bunnyama
Jul 19, 2016 4:25 PM
Aug 2011
Please tell me that Gauche and Aria ended up together T_T
Jul 19, 2016 8:37 PM

Dec 2008
OK. I need an epilogue. I am SO not satisfied with this ending!
Sep 11, 2016 12:34 AM

Sep 2010
Ugh, this ending needed to be longer! >o<

I loved the characters, art, and story up until the rushed last arc. There definitely seemed to be another half of an epilogue here.


"to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." -a magnet
Nov 26, 2016 1:29 AM
Nov 2016
I dont understand the end is lag gone or what omg this makes me crazy thinking about it on the end of the manga I saw his shoe and his hat but then it could be syvullete wearing it but then the really last page you see lag and nichi is he still there or is he really gone
Mar 1, 2017 5:21 PM

Jun 2008
I can´t actually believe that my prediction of the very first chapter actually became true, wow. When I read they were under an artificial sun and Lag had an amber eye, my first thought was "that guy one day will probably become the source of light for the sun or something like that". Well, this manga deserves so much more love, it's so underrated! a longer chapter would have done it justice but...oh well, its still a beautiful story:D

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Mar 16, 2017 4:12 AM

May 2011
I adored this series for so long. The strength of it definitely rested in daily tales of helping people as the Bees traveled around. The one part that really did move me at the very end was how Noir was now looking up to Lag and thinking he wanted to be a Bee like him. What a sweet cycle there was. The rest, as many have said, felt incredibly rushed. In particular I would have loved to know more about Lloyd and his background before pretty much the very last volume of the series.
Mar 24, 2017 7:16 PM
Jan 2010
The ending was a fucking rushed mess which squandered the (equally rushed) build up. The series really went to shit from volume sixteen on.
Jun 16, 2017 5:24 PM

Dec 2011
My god I am crying... It was a little bit rush, and it really need a proper epilogue.

But REALLY, I am so sad that Lag and Niche died... when Niche said she want to be with lag forever that really hit me (especially while listening to "Love Letter no Kawari ni kono Uta wo"). And when Sylvette welcome back their "hearts" and light... oh god that bittersweet feelings. At least Lag is able to hear Sylvette feelings for him and it is mutual love, though they can never be together anymore.... If only they survive then Lag, Niche, Sylvette, Noir, Roda, and Steak can all live together as a family...
Dec 11, 2017 11:27 AM

Nov 2009
Frankly, this manga was MUCH better when it was focused more on the dilemma with Gauche/Noir and Lag's quest for restoring his persona and struggling with who he became. But then all that wonderful depth, all that subtle thoughtfulness and relatability were forced aside and finally flashed down the drain in favor of pretty generic shounen shit.
Dec 17, 2017 11:16 AM
Dec 2017
So Niche and Lag died then... *sigh*
Dec 12, 2018 9:53 AM
Dec 2018
I think they survived since in the end they are shown to be delivering letters. This is without a doubt my favorite anime series of all time.
Jan 26, 2019 5:40 AM

Dec 2010
Luis_Ogando said:
I think they survived since in the end they are shown to be delivering letters. This is without a doubt my favorite anime series of all time.
No, I'm pretty sure that was just a metaphor of their delivering their final letter via becoming the sun.

I just found out this manga from my childhood ended... Wow.... :(
May 21, 2019 4:43 PM
May 2019
I agree with a lot of people on here. Totally needs and epilogue or something. I thought we would get to see how life was after everything but we got nothing
:( kinda sad. This is one of my favorite manga and seeing it just end so rushed is really unfulfilling for me. In general book 20 was kinda wonky. Maybe there was a longer cut? If so I hope I could read it.
May 21, 2019 4:47 PM
May 2019
CG said:
Frankly, this manga was MUCH better when it was focused more on the dilemma with Gauche/Noir and Lag's quest for restoring his persona and struggling with who he became. But then all that wonderful depth, all that subtle thoughtfulness and relatability were forced aside and finally flashed down the drain in favor of pretty generic shounen shit.
Definitely. I prefered the manga when it wasn't so focused on saving the world? It just kinda raised the stakes way too high.
Dec 14, 2020 8:35 AM

Aug 2012
I really liked the final chapter, Lag's goodbye to everyone was nice and there were some really great moments. Sylvette being able to walk now was great, and her goodbye to Lag/Lag coming home was a great, sad payoff. Lag & Niche's "Goodbye's are sad, we'll be together forever" from their initial meeting coming up was great. Niche's death actually sticking but in a way that allows her to become the sun with Lag (and his mom I guess) is the perfect ending for her character. And as Fiore777 mentioned, the sweet cycle of Noir wanting to become a Letter Bee like Lag was beautiful. When it comes down to it, I think Noir/Gauche Suede has always been at the core of Tegami Bachi's best moments. I would agree with everyone that the arc with Noir was better than the world savior arc of the last third of the manga.

But I don't want to disparage the last third because I still enjoyed it. With the world they set-up, and just about all the mysteries getting resolution, I think it was mostly satisfying. I liked the dips into more surreal and nightmare fuel imagery, stuff like Kuu's presence and his Head Bee story I thought were pretty interesting. And I think the resolution of Lag becoming the Sun, delivering warmth and heart to the world is a very fitting ending. I wouldn't say the final arc is that exciting or even thoroughly engaging in the conflict but I do find it satisfactory. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't agree with the consensus here that an epilogue of some sort would've been nice. Like with Chicho, Garrard, Hazel, Claris or maybe even Lawrence, I always thought he'd be a bigger deal than he turned out, he was kind of just a figurehead he really wasn't explored all too much. But whatever, I really liked Largo Lloyd's story with his father at the end there, how he was never truly after revenge but a much more nobler goal, his bury yourself I've only brought you here for mom, never had time for revenge, I really liked that.

There are very few characters in Tegami Bachi I'd call great, but I liked almost everyone in this series. And I appreciate this series for how different it is from a Shonen Jump series. Like, it's not a different as say something like Death Note, but it's clearly not like most of it's kin either. You know, wanting to become Head Bee is a pretty Shonen idea, like becoming Hokage or Pirate King but at the series shows, that leads to more of an empty goal, almost a horror show result for achieving it. But namely though, Tegami Bachi creates a really unique world and it's action sequences are very different from typical Shonen Jump, you know how basically all the battles are against Gaichuu, with like the rare exception against Noir/Roda. And typically the action really isn't the point, the Cabernet fight being the only time in the series where it seemed like the action was a true focus. Even this final battle against Spiritus wasn't much of a real fight, it was mostly just a set-up for attack, an excuse to explore the truths of the Capital and the world itself. I do really appreciate that.

I also really appreciate the beautiful art style, and how Hiroyuki incorporated the Hearts into the visual styling with those like stars. There are some beautiful landscapes and stylistic shots, many of which I've discussed in earlier discussion threads. The shorter stories in this series could also be great. That special chapter that makes the chapter count 100 for example was really good, going all Futurama on me, and the story between Helen/Rosie was maybe my favourite part of the manga. I also liked that lovers story in the Dead Letters arc until the cop-out ending that made her live.

Unique setting/world that gets basically fully explored/explained, beautiful art with some nice stylistic measures, well-built and maintained mysteries, a cast of likable characters, and some great highlights. The ending does feel a bit incomplete due to the lack of any epilogue, couldn't done without the fanservice/nudity, and I do feel the series was stronger with the Gauche/Noir focus but overall, an enjoyable read I'm glad I took the time to properly finish.
Jun 7, 2021 3:51 AM

May 2020
That was a pretty rushed ending. I wish we got to spend a little more time after they beat Spiritus. I think the Letter Bee at the end was Sylvette.

The world finally has a real sun, or as real as a sun in this universe can get.

This was a pretty good manga but the characters are a bit underdeveloped and the story gets a little too rushed towards the end. 7/10.
Jan 16, 2022 5:34 PM

Aug 2018
And so it ends.
I really liked this manga.

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