I really liked the final chapter, Lag's goodbye to everyone was nice and there were some really great moments. Sylvette being able to walk now was great, and her goodbye to Lag/Lag coming home was a great, sad payoff. Lag & Niche's "Goodbye's are sad, we'll be together forever" from their initial meeting coming up was great. Niche's death actually sticking but in a way that allows her to become the sun with Lag (and his mom I guess) is the perfect ending for her character. And as Fiore777 mentioned, the sweet cycle of Noir wanting to become a Letter Bee like Lag was beautiful. When it comes down to it, I think Noir/Gauche Suede has always been at the core of Tegami Bachi's best moments. I would agree with everyone that the arc with Noir was better than the world savior arc of the last third of the manga.
But I don't want to disparage the last third because I still enjoyed it. With the world they set-up, and just about all the mysteries getting resolution, I think it was mostly satisfying. I liked the dips into more surreal and nightmare fuel imagery, stuff like Kuu's presence and his Head Bee story I thought were pretty interesting. And I think the resolution of Lag becoming the Sun, delivering warmth and heart to the world is a very fitting ending. I wouldn't say the final arc is that exciting or even thoroughly engaging in the conflict but I do find it satisfactory. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't agree with the consensus here that an epilogue of some sort would've been nice. Like with Chicho, Garrard, Hazel, Claris or maybe even Lawrence, I always thought he'd be a bigger deal than he turned out, he was kind of just a figurehead he really wasn't explored all too much. But whatever, I really liked Largo Lloyd's story with his father at the end there, how he was never truly after revenge but a much more nobler goal, his bury yourself I've only brought you here for mom, never had time for revenge, I really liked that.
There are very few characters in Tegami Bachi I'd call great, but I liked almost everyone in this series. And I appreciate this series for how different it is from a Shonen Jump series. Like, it's not a different as say something like Death Note, but it's clearly not like most of it's kin either. You know, wanting to become Head Bee is a pretty Shonen idea, like becoming Hokage or Pirate King but at the series shows, that leads to more of an empty goal, almost a horror show result for achieving it. But namely though, Tegami Bachi creates a really unique world and it's action sequences are very different from typical Shonen Jump, you know how basically all the battles are against Gaichuu, with like the rare exception against Noir/Roda. And typically the action really isn't the point, the Cabernet fight being the only time in the series where it seemed like the action was a true focus. Even this final battle against Spiritus wasn't much of a real fight, it was mostly just a set-up for attack, an excuse to explore the truths of the Capital and the world itself. I do really appreciate that.
I also really appreciate the beautiful art style, and how Hiroyuki incorporated the Hearts into the visual styling with those like stars. There are some beautiful landscapes and stylistic shots, many of which I've discussed in earlier discussion threads. The shorter stories in this series could also be great. That special chapter that makes the chapter count 100 for example was really good, going all Futurama on me, and the story between Helen/Rosie was maybe my favourite part of the manga. I also liked that lovers story in the Dead Letters arc until the cop-out ending that made her live.
Unique setting/world that gets basically fully explored/explained, beautiful art with some nice stylistic measures, well-built and maintained mysteries, a cast of likable characters, and some great highlights. The ending does feel a bit incomplete due to the lack of any epilogue, couldn't done without the fanservice/nudity, and I do feel the series was stronger with the Gauche/Noir focus but overall, an enjoyable read I'm glad I took the time to properly finish. |