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Oct 17, 2017 7:50 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, so we do see that the Niwatori is a lot tougher and has a darker personality once she revealed her true colors.

This episode is what I had expected - gun action and mind games.
Honestly, I have mixed thoughts about Niwatori. She is cunning but also not very intimidating.

Once again, this show reinforces the idea that no one can really be trusted. Definitely expected her to take the fall. The plus side to this episode imo is that we at least got to learn more about her character including her past.
Stark700Oct 17, 2017 8:37 AM
Oct 17, 2017 9:02 AM

Mar 2016
i actually wanted niwatori to survive. daMN, i thought maybe she would have eventually gone back to the others (but that was wishful thinking).

seems like whoever's perspective we see will end up dying
Oct 17, 2017 9:04 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I swear the creator of this series really hates Boar lol....Not only does she die the way she does, but this man had Chicken use her birds to eat her corpse until there was nothing left....That's fucked up lol

Still, I was surprised and really impressed to see that my sign (Chicken) actually planned everything in regards to Dog but seeing her early backstory was kinda messed up mainly up to the point where she was adopted....However after that, even though I respect her track record and outlook on her craft, I can't stand to see disloyalty like that

Still, from the second she started second guessing herself with Monkey and Rat, I knew that she was probably gonna die, but man must it suck to run into and die by the strongest person there, and so easily too lol....I'm guessing that he killed Ox as well xD
Oct 17, 2017 9:04 AM

Mar 2016

Idk why I’m having so much fun with this show... I’m like so taken with omg

Killing by pecking will rise again
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Oct 17, 2017 9:05 AM

Mar 2012
So everytime we get to see their past we can say goodbye already. I have no issue with deaths, but those are just so quick it makes me bitter.
Oct 17, 2017 9:16 AM

Feb 2016
Seeing how the season is progressing I would advise to avoid watching any teasers for the next episode. They're just spoiling who's bound to die next. On another note, excited to see what Rats power is.
Oct 17, 2017 9:19 AM

Jul 2012
The opening is cool!

Meh, it is such a shame they are actually following the pattern of "background means death". When I saw Niwatori's flashback I just stopped caring about her because that meant she was going to die and VOI LA! DEAD!
I had the same problem with Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku...altought that was pretty entertaining because "cute magic girls fighting to death" theme.

So next episode is Monkey centered. Now, she seems like a important character, maybe they will break the pattern and keep her alive for some more episodes.

Not really thrilled about his anime, too predictable. I think it is gonna be a 5/10 if they don't step up :S

Boar is finally dead!
Did Horse get offscreaned?
taynisOct 17, 2017 9:47 AM

Oct 17, 2017 9:41 AM

Feb 2014
Tokoya said:
I swear the creator of this series really hates Boar lol....Not only does she die the way she does, but this man had Chicken use her birds to eat her corpse until there was nothing left....That's fucked up lol

I'm guessing that he killed Ox as well xD

Surely feels bad to see Boar end up like that. I kinda liked her backstory too.

Can't say for sure if Ox is dead.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Oct 17, 2017 9:44 AM

Jun 2015
Chicken's death was uneventful. She was stabbed right through the head. At least got to see her backstory. She lived her life betraying people. The way her birds attacked Boar was gruesome. Ox might have killed Horse too.
Oct 17, 2017 9:47 AM

Jul 2013
And, like some of us predicted the previous week, Chicken has died, and we also saw her past too. It seems Dog's drug made her sociopathic mind more sensitive and got attached to Monkey due the kindness she showed to her in their brief encounter, being that the thing who made her try to defend her from Ox (or at least, that is the impression I had), resulting in her demise. A pity, since I liked her despite how ruthless she was (understandable considering how she was raised and she was participating in a battle royale), since her ability to control birds was cool and, unlike Dog and Boar, she wasn't cocky and was smart enough to not understimate her enemies. Also, she indeed knew about Dog's abilities and was using him all the time, so I was right when I said last week she was smarter of what she may looked at first.
It weirded me how she was able to command the birds to ate her when Ox basically pierced her brain, though. I'm no anatomy expert, but I swear she should have been dead the moment the sword entered her head.

Poor Boar, after being killed the first (in the actual event, since Snake was killed before that), her corpse was desecrated in that horrible way. The birds take away even her skull lol.

I liked how badass Ox is (bonus for being my Chinese sign), both merciless and deadly. I doubt Horse is dead, though, his fate was left ambigous and (according to the order), he still has two episodes before kicking the bucket. It seems the episodes will be centered in a determinate zodiac in reverse order, since Monkey is the next one to be featured in the preview. In that case, we most likely will have to say farewell to her next week.

Btw, a curious fact. NisiOisiN (the creator of the story of the anime) was born in 1981, meaning her Chinese sign is the rooster (AKA Chicken). He basically killed his Chinese sign without any remorse, lmao.
Oct 17, 2017 9:50 AM

Sep 2010
wonder what happened to the horse guy - doesn't seem that the ox killed him

love the ending song
Oct 17, 2017 9:54 AM

May 2009
I wonder how they will show Uuma backstory if he's really dead. Maybe with Ushii's one?
Was that really One Man Army or Saru's power (unknown) which lead to Niwatori's death?

At least she won't be a minion of Usagi. :o
Oct 17, 2017 9:55 AM

Feb 2016
Even though Chicken death was predictable according to how things are up to this point (those whose episode is focused on will die) the reason of her defeat wasn't just for plot demand... at least, not at all, after all, the dog's poison had a side effect on her most valuable skill... damn I like that hehe (having birds on her side to EAT her rival entirely, that's quite interesting lol)
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Oct 17, 2017 9:59 AM

Jun 2015
taynis said:
The opening is cool!

Meh, it is such a shame they are actually following the pattern of "background means death". When I saw Niwatori's flashback I just stopped caring about her because that meant she was going to die and VOI LA! DEAD!
I had the same problem with Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku...altought that was pretty entertaining because "cute magic girls fighting to death" theme.

So next episode is Monkey centered. Now, she seems like a important character, maybe they will break the pattern and keep her alive for some more episodes.

Not really thrilled about his anime, too predictable. I think it is gonna be a 5/10 if they don't step up :S

Boar is finally dead!
Did Horse get offscreaned?

Keikaku handled it better, at very least I was surprised by few death, even if most was predictable.

Juuni Taisen not only very predictable but also so one sided, most of screen time devoted to 1 char whos going to die, we wont even see 80% of charachters, at very least they should make it more interesting by showing different charachters and plans, this way too simple and predictable.
Oct 17, 2017 10:09 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
Here we go, i guess next week its monkey's turn to die.
Oct 17, 2017 10:11 AM

Jul 2015
Sad for Chicken. She was fun. Now I wonder what Monkeys power is. Chicken blamed her actions on One man army but I wouldn't be so sure. How did monkey manage to get many countries at war to cease fire? She's gotta be a puppet master
Oct 17, 2017 10:12 AM

Jul 2014
So, if they tell us their background then they're gonna die.....and the ending is maybe spoiling the order of the deaths, 3 of 3 at the moment. I hope not.

I liked the chicken, I wanted her to survive :'(
SkyLETVOct 17, 2017 12:21 PM
Oct 17, 2017 10:14 AM

Nov 2012
#Battle-Royal countdown.......
The opening is Lit !!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
>>>>Feeling everything roams around the Rat....

I liked the chicken, I wanted her to survive ;(
Oct 17, 2017 10:15 AM
Nov 2016
That Ox dude sure is strong.

From the title of the episode, it was evident that the Rooster girl would die. And this show is following a pretty predictable pattern but it's still entertaining nonetheless....

The only person, who's strength we haven't seen in earnest is the Mouse guy's. Seems like the Monkey also has the power to influence people.
Oct 17, 2017 10:16 AM
Aug 2017
Niwatori had mixed feelings that she can't even understand herself. I happy that she was killed fast. If the writers kept her alive until the end, I believe that everyone would have come to just hate her because of her twisted personality.

Also I'm happy of she being dead is because she killed Dotsuku (dog dude). I was rooting for that character.
Oct 17, 2017 10:20 AM

Jul 2009
Yeah the title gave away how this episode was gonna end. The whole time I was waiting for the beef cleaver (ox) to kill the chicken.

And just like I surmised last episode, if a character gets coverage of their background they gon die. Is this pattern really gonna continue or are we gonna get a few surprises...

I have a feeling the reason she got so emotional at the end wasn't because of one-man army but actually some effect either the monkey or rat have.
Oct 17, 2017 10:25 AM

Jul 2011

I want to drop this RIGHT NOW but it's so good i can't drop it but im soooo angry right now im soooo mad i hate you i hate all of you fuckyou Ox!

Oct 17, 2017 10:34 AM

Jan 2010
Waiting for the anime to break the pattern. I expect it to be next week episode because it's Monkey's turn and she seems to be a more important character.

People complaining this anime to be too predictable, it's only 3 episodes in seriously. I have a feeling this anime would throw some big ass plot twist at some point.

Even though pretty much everybody will expect the narrator to die now, I actually found myself hoping Chicken to break the pattern. And then her "I can win". I thought it was greatly executed. It raised my hope for a second there, only to have it shattered a second later. Oh well. Nice experience. Feels bad man. (Also Boar :( )

It's pretty gruesome to let the birds ate her at her last moment though.

Illyricus said:
I'm no anatomy expert, but I swear she should have been dead the moment the sword entered her head.

I'm no anatomy expert either but pretty sure there are some rare cases where a direct stab to the brain not resulting in death (depends a lot on the position)
Then again her psysical ability was at it's max due to Dog right? So that must be that too.

Anyway, am I the only one who thinks Rat is pretty suspicious like, how Chicken seemed to remember him somewhere (she said it twice, this episode and previous episode). Dog also got a sense of deja vu with him. Will this anime involve time travel? Too far-fetched? Idk I have this crazy theory maybe he actually fought in Juuni Taisen multiple times, or come from the future or something (time loop?) I mean, he seems bored and sleepy all the time, remind you of someone? (Nagato Yuki?). He joined Monkey, could it be he was actually hoping she would end the battle royale for good? Let's see if any of the other warriors have a vague memory of him too but couldn't pin point where.

About Ox, it's either his death will be in flashback, or he aint dead yet.

This show exceeded my expectation so far. (not much expectation in the first place though)

A bit disappointed there was no Bunny this episode
Oct 17, 2017 10:39 AM
Jul 2017
First how did Ox kill chicken? She said «i can win» then she got killed like a minion from a rpg.
Second: although i like the backstories, they make the show less enjoyable since they are used as deathflags. Backstory=death
Third: Really hope we see more of Rabbit, Ox and Rat. Monkey looks doomed,probably next backstory imo
Oct 17, 2017 10:41 AM

Aug 2013
I knew Niwatori had a darker side.

Ox was merciless when he killed Niwatori. He probably killed horse as well.

Oct 17, 2017 10:42 AM
Jul 2017
pintobeans said:
Seeing how the season is progressing I would advise to avoid watching any teasers for the next episode. They're just spoiling who's bound to die next. On another note, excited to see what Rats power is.
Its probaly some insanly op reflexes and/or time manipulatiton since he can sleep so soundly with competetors 2 meters from him. That, or he is just the enbodyment of autism. I like him though
Oct 17, 2017 10:43 AM
Oct 2007
I like this show but I am disappointed at how the deaths are this 2 episodes. It's not about predictability since this is an action show (I don't watch a Jackie Chan show and expect to have good story) but rather the execution. I can barely accept the way Warrior of Dog died last week but this week the death is even more anti-climax..

So basically Warrior of Chicken who is heightened by One-Man army backfired thinking she could win against Warrior of Ox? At this point of time it's not very clear but it might also be because she was affected by Warrior of Monkey? She didn't even managed to do anything in that "fight"
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Oct 17, 2017 10:43 AM
Mar 2016
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that it wasn't dog's drug that affected her but something with the monkey? I mean Monkey's title is peaceful killing. She's known for her negotiation tactics and peace treaties. She's also extremely knowledgeable. Maybe Rat is the only one who truly understands the Monkey goal and that's why he went along. He's also the lazy type, so the easy kill is probably best for him. He's aware that being with monkey.

Chicken keeps talking with uncertainty that it's the dog's poison that was affecting her decision making. Even when we saw her have no problem having the birds devour Boar. Chicken is all about deception so her going with Rat to meet Monkey to kill them both makes sense. It's when Monkey started talking that she truly begins to doubt herself. The reason why I believe that Monkey was the one affecting Chicken is because of her title peaceful killing. There's a few ways that could be interpreted. The way I see it, she kills without getting any blood on her hands. She uses her negotiation tactics to either convince people to fight for her and eventually die. She convinces people to put themselves in situations that they normally wouldn't which leads to their death. Basically i think she has everything planned out and the bombing the room was all a part of her plan.

I see her as Lelouch basically. Monkey has some form of hypnosis. I'm guessing we will find out next episode if she lives or not.

Am I Crazy for thinking this?
Oct 17, 2017 10:52 AM

Jul 2014
Best girl got killed... welp theres that.
So next goes the 2nd best girl monkey? damn why!
Oct 17, 2017 10:52 AM

Jul 2013
ReguIus said:
Now I wonder what Monkeys power is. Chicken blamed her actions on One man army but I wouldn't be so sure. How did monkey manage to get many countries at war to cease fire? She's gotta be a puppet master
Now that you have brought that point to the table... you may be right. It's very weird that just a single person managed to convince entire countries to stop their wars that easily, it wouldn't be surprising if she has an ability able to control (or at least influence) people like she wants.

Shicchi said:
Illyricus said:
I'm no anatomy expert, but I swear she should have been dead the moment the sword entered her head.

I'm no anatomy expert either but pretty sure there are some rare cases where a direct stab to the brain not resulting in death (depends a lot on the position)
Then again her psysical ability was at it's max due to Dog right? So that must be that too.
The drug thing sounds convincing enough. I will take that theory then.
Oct 17, 2017 10:54 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
LONEwolfpack78 said:
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that it wasn't dog's drug that affected her but something with the monkey? I mean Monkey's title is peaceful killing. She's known for her negotiation tactics and peace treaties. She's also extremely knowledgeable. Maybe Rat is the only one who truly understands the Monkey goal and that's why he went along. He's also the lazy type, so the easy kill is probably best for him. He's aware that being with monkey.

Chicken keeps talking with uncertainty that it's the dog's poison that was affecting her decision making. Even when we saw her have no problem having the birds devour Boar. Chicken is all about deception so her going with Rat to meet Monkey to kill them both makes sense. It's when Monkey started talking that she truly begins to doubt herself. The reason why I believe that Monkey was the one affecting Chicken is because of her title peaceful killing. There's a few ways that could be interpreted. The way I see it, she kills without getting any blood on her hands. She uses her negotiation tactics to either convince people to fight for her and eventually die. She convinces people to put themselves in situations that they normally wouldn't which leads to their death. Basically i think she has everything planned out and the bombing the room was all a part of her plan.

I see her as Lelouch basically. Monkey has some form of hypnosis. I'm guessing we will find out next episode if she lives or not.

Am I Crazy for thinking this?

No you are not. I was thinking the same thing. Monkey has something shady to her and I bet there's some kind of mind altering thing going on with her.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Oct 17, 2017 10:56 AM

Jan 2010
Illyricus said:
ReguIus said:
Now I wonder what Monkeys power is. Chicken blamed her actions on One man army but I wouldn't be so sure. How did monkey manage to get many countries at war to cease fire? She's gotta be a puppet master
Now that you have brought that point to the table... you may be right. It's very weird that just a single person managed to convince entire countries to stop their wars that easily, it wouldn't be surprising if she has an ability able to control (or at least influence) people like she wants.

I actually thought so too lol. My first thought is maybe brainwashing, but it sounds too extreme and OP. So yeah, maybe some sort of power to manipulate/influence people at her will. We'll get the answer next week I guess
Oct 17, 2017 10:57 AM

Feb 2014
WarrFork said:
So everytime we get to see their past we can say goodbye already. I have no issue with deaths, but those are just so quick it makes me bitter.

I think it will stop at some point. They have already culled 5 characters and horse didnt get his background or Snake. So we now need 6 more deaths needed for a winner and nine episodes left. Probably get a few more backstories out of the way and have some long fights.

Monkey probably has some ability which allows people to trust or induce loyalty to her. Probably find out next episode given the title.
Oct 17, 2017 11:07 AM

Jan 2017
Wtf Second best girl died too :(
I was litteraly about to cry fuck you author
Oct 17, 2017 11:12 AM

Jun 2015
eXtacy67 said:
WarrFork said:
So everytime we get to see their past we can say goodbye already. I have no issue with deaths, but those are just so quick it makes me bitter.

I think it will stop at some point. They have already culled 5 characters and horse didnt get his background or Snake. So we now need 6 more deaths needed for a winner and nine episodes left. Probably get a few more backstories out of the way and have some long fights.

Monkey probably has some ability which allows people to trust or induce loyalty to her. Probably find out next episode given the title.

The more is merrier when comes to battle royale, hopefully the killing slows down , it wouldnt be very fun at half mark left with 3-4 charachteres fighting for the remaining 6 episodes.
Oct 17, 2017 11:14 AM

Jul 2010
*sigh* Wish this anime would just drop the predictable "whoever gets the focus/background this episode dies in the same episode" aspect of this show already...
Oct 17, 2017 11:20 AM
Aug 2014
Boar really got the short end of the stick.
Oct 17, 2017 11:21 AM

May 2017
I think monkey has an ability to impose her will on others.
And for some reason I think she would be an antagonist, cause of her title Killing peacefully and how she uses it to "resolve" problems.(I think she wanted to group people up and make them kill themselves)
This episode wasn't really that good compared to the previous two but still quite enjoyable
Oct 17, 2017 11:21 AM

Jan 2009
even if the formula of who gets the focus on an episode will die this is now constant its still entertaining, the chicken's deceptiveness was gone due to the One Man Army drug lol too bad for her, she was lovely but she is not on her full usual potential
Oct 17, 2017 11:23 AM

May 2017
Tenth said:
*sigh* Wish this anime would just drop the predictable "whoever gets the focus/background this episode dies in the same episode" aspect of this show already...

I think this was the last episode with that format, cause I don't see them killing monkey so soon.
Oct 17, 2017 11:29 AM

May 2009
Somehow I don't like the fact that we get to see so many backgrounds stories.. and then they kill the character. It's not even exciting anymore. Just wait for the background story and they will die.
Is this really only about "Who will remain"? Might drop it next week if it is, or stays.
check out my twitch:
Oct 17, 2017 11:29 AM

Jun 2016
Best episode so far.
I don't like that when a character's going to die we get to see the things by their perspective as well as the backstory because it becomes predictable they're going to die. Although, it's comprehensible only because showing the backstory after they're dead would be even more out of place, ahhh idk
Oct 17, 2017 11:37 AM
Jul 2015
Well, here goes my theory. Everyone seems to know Rat, but they do not remember him. He won Juuni Taisen before and revived them. He is confident in his abilities to do it again and does not give a shit and sleeps all the time.
Oct 17, 2017 11:38 AM

Nov 2011
Times character died shortly after backstory was told: 2
C'mon Juuni Taisen, it cant be that hard to make good battle royale show. Well, i guess for Juuni Taisen it is.
SkyLETV said:
So if your background shows up, you're gonna die.

Unless another character tells it. If i remember right, Dog told about Monkey and she's the moment.
Oct 17, 2017 11:50 AM

Jun 2014
Damn Ox killed Chicken in a swift and badass way. I'm assuming he killed Horse as well. I really like him so I'm happy anytime he gets screen time to show off how cool he is.

Chicken is yet another character that died after having her backstory revealed. Hopefully next episode breaks that pattern, as i don't see them killing off Monkey this early, plus it makes the show less fun to watch since it becomes predictable.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Oct 17, 2017 11:54 AM

May 2017
Well as expected with what happen to the Chick, Hopefully they don't go to that pattern because Monkey seems to be one of the important characters in the story along with Rat

Reading Rat's ability I guess that's the reason they felt deja vú.
Oct 17, 2017 11:54 AM

Jul 2013
her backstory was brutal... it was nice to see that cunning side to her, but i was really hoping she'd have some kind of change of heart (which she did , i guess, but i don't think of her own violation... it's monkey's power of persuasion, i bet) and group up with the pacifists :( oh well...

also i really like ox a lot lol

and i didn't mention this before but i love the ed song a lot *-*
Oct 17, 2017 12:08 PM

Nov 2016
So Niwatori planned everything out after all, good to know that she was really that cunning and her flashback enhanced that fact.

Too bad she had to die so early,tho, Dogs last present turned out to be her ruin in the end.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 17, 2017 12:18 PM

May 2010

Oct 17, 2017 12:31 PM
Jan 2016
Wow, this episode pissed me off more than it had any business to.

When we kicked off with Niwatori's flashback, "NotLikeThis," I thought, but I still held out hope that they would mix things up.

She then met with Nezumi. My immediate thought was that this would lead her to team up with the two and, at least for a little while, ensure her safety but then another thought popped into my head. "She will try to pull the same shit as with doggo but those two will kill her, the fucking idiot", but something strange happens instead. Her morality takes over, leading her to decline the offer, knowing she could never genuinely consider it a true alliance. Whether this sudden change of heart was caused by the drug, something hidden deep within her heart, Monkey's sincerity or as some speculate, Monkey's special ability, is up for debate but fact of the matter is that she made a horrible mistake. (Mind you, if it's the latter, I hope Monkey dies the most gruesome death of all.)

The second I see Niwatori walking down the streets all careless, agitated, frustrated and confused with herself, I knew she would bump into trouble, then there it is. Motherfucking Ox of all people. "RIP Niwatori," I thought, "This is it." Boy, was I not wrong but even then a little piece of me still held out hope! After her heartbreaking inner turmoil, I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, Nezumi and Monkey would come and rescue her, finally breaking the status quo. I thought that Monkey may have been able to understand her feelings when she refused to join, not due to any supernatural power, just good old fashioned empathy. Well, that did not happen. The lethal blow was, yet again, quick and unspectacular but this time we had a rather ceremonial and touching "death". Oh well, we had a better run than some others, my dear zodiac waifu. Kanpai!

As an overview, I , too, believe that Niwatori's actions were influenced by whatever power Monkey has but I dislike the idea because that would make her inner turmoil and death rather shallow.

As a footnote, I think it's too early to assume that Horse is dead.
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