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Aug 30, 2017 11:37 AM

Mar 2013
After 9 months of waiting for the BD we're finally there, the wait was worth it? well for some it might not be but for me, it was totally worth it

The night battle at the beginning was awesome showing all 6 new characters(some were shown in the anime but not that much) with some new animations (less CGI yay) and detailed action scenes, was a nice way to start up the show... and then came(back) Kisaragi

The reunion with Mutsuki & Kisaragi was pretty touching but ofc the elder Kanmusus have a bad feeling especially Kaga who had experienced one, the whole thing about Kisaragi slowly transforming into a Shinkaiseikan was pretty hard to watch

Some light to serious chat here and there... and then came the big mission!

Yes the whole second have was pretty much a full battle. The 1st Div & 5th Div carriers fought against Flying Fortress and omg Aircraft Carrier Hime spotted! but they skipped the fight elsewhere... *sobs*. Hiei and Kirishima got some nasty blows but they looked more badass that way, well almost everyone got medium - heavy damaged, oh and almost forgot to mention Poi lived up to her name alright, she was damn deadly

And finally down to Fubuki and co, the part where Yamato shield Fubuki was damn badass and even more was the scene where Mustuki was handed down by Ne-class and then BOOM! Kisaragi saves Mutsuki just in the nick of time, that part was my fav in the whole movie

And then came the main part of the story... which i'll leave it for the others to share their thoughts :D

Overall i really enjoyed the movie, not everything can be perfect but surely better than the tv series(duh), the story about Fubuki and the whole Abyssals was nice, better animation and action scenes as expected from a movie and there's season 2 coming too so let's hope we can see more of it
ShizukageAug 30, 2017 11:42 AM
What was my signature again?
Aug 31, 2017 1:07 PM
Aug 2017
Well I only finished it atm and with a raw version and my japanese is not that good so I am uncertain if I understood everything well or not, I will double check it after the eng sub will be available.

But so far after a really long long long wait I finally could whatch it and it made my day, the art was beautifull, the story really serious and the music was fitting. I was really afraid that after the wait I will get a crapy shit, but thank god it was good wp :3 so I recommend it to everyone.

Kind of sad that my Ooi and Haruna got so little screen time but oh well now I know why was Kaga always so reserved and got to see Yamato in action so all is well :3 They even had a little party scene and Sendai got her night battle and so did we. Was superb. So I got my expectations over fullfilled. I thought it will only be a random battle and some daily stuff was not prepared for this serious plot.

The only reason I did not give 5/5 cause I couldnt see it in english but that might change after I get the subs and rewhatch it.
MisakiKurehaAug 31, 2017 1:11 PM
Aug 31, 2017 9:29 PM
Mar 2016
That's a great movie overall. That ending kinda give me a bit let down (the fight ending just like that, outta nowhere), but seeing Kako, Tenryuu, Choukai, Yamato, and ofc ZuiKaga really give me satisfying feeling. The action was great, especially at beginning when Choukai and other fleet night battle against abyssals. I don't understand the conversation but I can feel their emotion for each words.

Sep 1, 2017 2:14 PM

Sep 2015
So its was canon some Abyssals are Kanmusu.

New Kanmusu got screentime i think even for just background. but some Kansumu don't even show up or even speak some line like Hibiki.

They bleed when got damage now!?

I know they wil never show Admiral ever but can those Kanmusu at least report those problem to Admiral?

They show how Abyssals born from Kanmusu and kinda explain how Kanmusu was "born"

And that ending someone gone from "The only one dead" room too bad for you Mami

Its was good movie but salty about some Kanmusu never have a chance to speak or even show up from 1st season.
Into the Internet!
Sep 1, 2017 4:46 PM
Jul 2018
It was a good movie.

I never expected Abyssals are actually Kanmusu.

I felt bad for Kisaragi at the end. She became an Abyssal and could not return back to normal right away after the battle.

That ending after credit, so it is possible to return back to a Kanmusu...but I can't say it was possibly a dream of Mutsuki or not.
removed-userSep 2, 2017 2:48 PM
Sep 1, 2017 5:52 PM
Jul 2018
Finished the movie.

It was a good film, surprisingly they took a step forward and added stuff to the story with the Abyssals which is something that I liked, however there were a bit of issues with the overall execution... but they managed to pull it off decently.

Though I think you kinda need to watch the TV series to understand Kisaragi and how she even ended up over there but even then as a standalone you don't necessarily need context, although impact would be loosen up without it.

Liked the moments for example between Fubuki and the Abyssal self at the final parts of the film as well as the final 30 minutes or 40 minutes of the film, which were mostly action packed and all built up to that point.

Surprisingly they didn't relied on the CGI too much, they more so focused on hand-drawned animation most of the time and there were some moments when the CGI is utilized, although the CGI does look albeit better, still rather clunky a bit. But this fixed some of the issues I had prior when it comes to production value from the previous one.

The entire subject regarding on the Abyssals and Fleets was interesting, although there were some stuff that could have been expanded further. But as I said before, they managed to pull it off decently honestly.

Overall, the movie was pretty nice to watch, and I'll give it around an 7/10 for now. Perhaps an 8, thinking about it though.
Sep 1, 2017 6:50 PM

Sep 2015
Tohka_Yatogami said:
It was a good movie.

I never expected Abyssals are actually Kanmusu.

I felt bad for Kisaragi at the end. She became an Abyssal and could not return back to normal.

What are you talking about? after the credits you can see she back to Kanmusu.
Into the Internet!
Sep 1, 2017 8:47 PM

Dec 2016
Yes so happy I got to watch this.

I knew something was up with Kisaragi the moment they found her, she did sink after all.

Ah so they explained properly about the abyssal and fleet girls when it comes to sinking and rebirth.

Yudachi was great to watch in that night battle, she just went after all those abyssal's without any fear at all.

Kisaragi comes back to save her friend before she disappears.

When it was first mentioned that Fubuki didn't sustain any damage from the sea I had a feeling she must have been reborn.

Great movie, now just have to wait a while for the 2nd season, looking forward to it.
Sep 1, 2017 10:53 PM

Aug 2013
It was top kek poi as fucc desu! Nah but man so glad this finally got subbed; didn't realize how much I missed KanColle till I saw this uploaded. Anyways, happy to see the abyssals get expanded on along with their origin and Kisaragi came back in the end. The feels fam.
Don't believe the hype.
Sep 2, 2017 12:38 AM
Dec 2012
So... that anchor is where they came back to life as Kanmusu... that was unexpected... Great movie, I just hope this wont the last time we see KanColle.
Sep 2, 2017 8:37 AM

Oct 2010
"I'm the 1st of the Yamato battleships. I won't be defeated by small-frys so easily!"

*Looks at Yamato's blown up turrets.
-> Incoming battleship princess with escort fleet

Doubt (X)

and who even sorties 2 destroyers and a single battleship to the boss node ffs
Sep 2, 2017 1:49 PM

Sep 2015
Finally subbed.... So I watched the first few scenes and first impressions is... Much better than the original.
So far it feels lot more realistic though that's a relative term and more naval stuff like star shells, search lights and battle lines. They also closed in for torpedo attack. They also have the fairies on the cruisers now and not just carrier planes. Very adorable but seems like they are spotters and overall just the sailors, pretty cool little detail.
The atmosphere feels lot more dark so definitely looking for a more serious kancolle, though I know many don't want their waifus dying but its war damn it. If they execute it better than how they did with Mutsuki, I will be happy.

Initial Japanese victories and night battle with transport etc. captures the Guadalcanal feel very well. I especially liked the Abyssal looking up at the star shell knowing it was going to die soon. I was a bit bothered how they shot down the star shells prior though but it isn't kancolle without some of those. But it was in a lot more moderation, less melee and blitzing around.
So felt less like a shounen battle series and more naval combat unlike the anime.

So i'm getting in to it, really good. The quarantine gave me chills and excitement. I literally had to run aroudn to get myself to calm down at how good the start of the movie was. The creepy voice and red water really helps out the atmosphere and the fact Mutsuki wasn't early turned in to an abyssal. The truth is rather obvious but it is still well done since the characters don't know. But the reveal do them is done ab it quick IMO. The explanation wasn't doen too great nor too badly. Just felt a bit quick with so much emphasis.
And Kobe beef, love it. A Furutaka class got roasted :P
Puns for days. Kobe beef is supposed to be a real delicacy, as expected from hotel-chan :P
zcv45Sep 2, 2017 4:09 PM
Sep 2, 2017 2:43 PM

Feb 2010
Definitely WAAAAAAAAY better than the series.

I hope there's not much SoL on the sequel
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Sep 2, 2017 3:58 PM

Oct 2016


Sep 2, 2017 5:46 PM
Sep 2015
The movie is so awesome! To be honest the movie is just pure serious and fighting scenes~ No moe, no fan service or anything which is so awesome for a movie. What just lack for me is Nagato and her squad did not have a fighting scene.
Sep 2, 2017 7:31 PM

Sep 2015
IDK if the anime disappoitned me to the poitn I came in with low expectations but I liked it.
Tthe end was a bit more cliche than I initially anticipated. Or well didn't anticipate it at all.
Also why Fubuki? or all the ship girls why her? I guess its because she was picked as the main character. Though I guess there aren't much ships that have a suitable service record that sank in iron bottom sound. TBH, Ikazuchi feels like a better option but she didn't sink here.
I like the explanation for Abyssals but I didn't get why they need to claim Kaga was one. Doesn't add much to the story, just made it more awkward tbh.
And how did Kisaragi come back. Or is it just PTSD? That would be really edgy for kancolle to have her hallucinate though.... but at this point idk since only those two were there...
No witness O.O
Anyways, I noticed Kisaragi had the same scene as Fubuki at the end of the anime.

I really enjoyed it still. The battles were nice to watch though doesn't feel like there was much of a climax in terms of action. Like the combat didn't turn around for the better. It just kind of just ended which was a bit disappointing. Didn't expect anyone to really die, so I guess that stayed true.
I just found the ending didn't live up to the start. But still much better than the original series. I just hope it just keeps getting better for season 2.

No awkward CGI. The animation wasn't stunning but it was passable, some parts was great like the shadows and water animation but that's really it. For a movie of such a big franchise in such day and age, I did kind of expect better. I thought Yamato died for a moment there lol. It's nice that they went TV original(before they rely too much on game features) which makes a better story than heavily relying on the quirks of the original characters. Though not much development on them. I feel like the most noticeable change from the anime was Zuikaku and Kaga getting along.
Also enjoyed some of the historical conditions like Kirishima and Hiei versus the two "new" battleships. *Ahem* Washington and South Dakota *Ahem*
Albeit Yamato was there. However South Dakota is not much different from the Iowa other than shorter guns and slower speed. So definitely going to give Yamato a run for its money if this was IRL. Except South Dakota got wrecked by 14" gunfire and unable to return fire due to malfunctions.
zcv45Sep 2, 2017 7:45 PM
Sep 2, 2017 7:33 PM

Apr 2011
The wait is finally over. Glad to see Kisaragi again but it has feels. The truth about Kanmusus and Abyssals are shocking that a lot of people guess it right about it.

I don't know what to feel about the ending and about Fubuki. What I understand is Fubuki sank but apart of her lived and part of her is in the sea. Then they meet turned into one and that's pretty much it. It feels underwhelming really. No changes in Fubuki. It feels rushed. Like it needs more explanation or its just hard to process.

But I'm glad that after all that drama, Kisarag is finally back as a kanmusu.
MagitoSep 2, 2017 8:34 PM
Sep 2, 2017 7:57 PM

Jul 2012
Is everyone messing up kisaragi for mutsuki?????????? ._.
Sep 2, 2017 8:03 PM
Nov 2010
Asrea said:
Is everyone messing up kisaragi for mutsuki?????????? ._.

Yes, Yes they are. I have no Idea how they are messing it up, but they are lol
Sep 2, 2017 8:05 PM

Jul 2012
MrJc said:
Asrea said:
Is everyone messing up kisaragi for mutsuki?????????? ._.

Yes, Yes they are. I have no Idea how they are messing it up, but they are lol

ah, then again only 2 people did but still...
in fact i liked kisaragi's design and then she died and i was like welp...
Sep 2, 2017 11:35 PM

Oct 2011
Djdkdk I liked the movie a lot (Kako, my bb, finally) but I'm kinda lost at Fubuki's backstory? I didn't understand it quite well. Can someone explain? ;_;
Sep 3, 2017 12:29 AM
Aug 2015
Movie was very good in my opinion. Good story with a pretty serious tone and no pointless fanservice scenes. Visuals are OK I guess, the CG used was much better than the one used in the series. Soundtrack and voice acting were also on spot. The first battle got me hyped, and Tenryuu and Choukai looked a lot cuter than I expected.

On the other hand, I'm really disappointed they didn't show the battle between Abyssals and the 3rd fleet. Since none of the ship girls in said fleet are shown in the last quarter of the film, what happened to them? Were they wiped out by the boss like abyssal ship below?

Also, not all kanmusu were properly presented/named. Who are those 2 in the picture below?

Sep 3, 2017 3:52 AM

Oct 2014
The whole diversion proved useless, bcs from the amount of enemies involved, it looks like the abyssal also has an almost unlimited source of new ships. (same as the navy, ofc.)
If they continually make new ones while interchangably change which ships on which side, then the whole plan of "if we save everyone, we can stop the fight", too, is proven futile.
And the girls' fight will have to continue for the sake their admirals' entertainment. =D

Zuikaku should have died.
Sendai should have died.
most importantly: Hiei should have died.
inability of sacrificing characters in fear of enraging their fans will always be a downside for... an anime adaptation of mmo "summoning" games.
KanColle 1st season may be s***, but at least it did right by killing Kisaragi. But then this movie has to happen, and especially that post-ed has to happen... -_-

well, at least it's still a proper war movie.
despite weaknesses in some part, especially in its super-cliche plot and dialogue "that tried too hard to foreshadow stuff viewers already can figure out in 10 seconds."

Lypse said:
Djdkdk I liked the movie a lot (Kako, my bb, finally) but I'm kinda lost at Fubuki's backstory? I didn't understand it quite well. Can someone explain? ;_;

what I get
Sep 3, 2017 6:58 AM
Jul 2015
What I want to know is.

Where were Ooi, Kitakami, Kirishima and Akatsuki?

We see Sendai and Hiei at the end but we don't see the other 4 girls from the group that got surrounded.
Sep 3, 2017 8:02 AM

May 2014
ScoomKun said:
What I want to know is.

Where were Ooi, Kitakami, Kirishima and Akatsuki?

We see Sendai and Hiei at the end but we don't see the other 4 girls from the group that got surrounded.

Maybe they are in the dock now while the others wait for Fubuki's return and maybe the dock is overflowing with girl a lot of them sortie after all

at least they explain that the abbysals are the kanmusu as well like in the game

Im happy to see the Iwamoto squadron launch by Zuikaku

and Salute to the Fairies
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 3, 2017 8:52 AM
Nov 2010
caiokn said:

Also, not all kanmusu were properly presented/named. Who are those 2 in the picture below?

That's Shikinami and Ayanami Kai Ni
Sep 3, 2017 10:29 AM

Oct 2012
caiokn said:

Also, not all kanmusu were properly presented/named. Who are those 2 in the picture below?

You must be an anime watcher only because one look you can recognize everyone if you play the game.

Then again, you can recognize Tokitsukaze so I have nothing to say. Like how could you not recognize Shikinami and Ayanami?
「友達なんていない。人はすぐに裏切るし、学校っていうのは誰かを標的にしないとやってられない馬鹿共の集 まり。ままごとみたいな役決めて、仲のいいふりして都合が悪くなったら知らんぷり。そんな奴らと仲良くした いとか全然思わない。」
Sep 3, 2017 12:01 PM
Aug 2015
MrJc said:
caiokn said:

Also, not all kanmusu were properly presented/named. Who are those 2 in the picture below?

That's Shikinami and Ayanami Kai Ni


Jiharo said:
caiokn said:

Also, not all kanmusu were properly presented/named. Who are those 2 in the picture below?

You must be an anime watcher only because one look you can recognize everyone if you play the game.

Then again, you can recognize Tokitsukaze so I have nothing to say. Like how could you not recognize Shikinami and Ayanami?

Yes, I didn't play the game and only watched the TV series and movie. Back when the series started I remember digging the wiki to know a bit more about ship girls, but not every one of them left a strong impression on me. That said, I don't think I'm supposed to recognize them all as I'm not a KanColle specialist or afficionado, just someone who likes ships and cute girls.
Sep 3, 2017 2:59 PM
Jan 2015
The ending looked rushed and too optimistic (like even Kisaragi was shown as not being an abyssal vessel, wtf). It's the only thing that prevented me from rating it as 10, I really liked the change of pace and style, it suddenly became really creepy and dramatic and is for sure much better than the parent series.
Sep 3, 2017 6:27 PM

Oct 2012
caiokn said:
MrJc said:

That's Shikinami and Ayanami Kai Ni


Jiharo said:

You must be an anime watcher only because one look you can recognize everyone if you play the game.

Then again, you can recognize Tokitsukaze so I have nothing to say. Like how could you not recognize Shikinami and Ayanami?

Yes, I didn't play the game and only watched the TV series and movie. Back when the series started I remember digging the wiki to know a bit more about ship girls, but not every one of them left a strong impression on me. That said, I don't think I'm supposed to recognize them all as I'm not a KanColle specialist or afficionado, just someone who likes ships and cute girls.

Well, completely understandable if you don't play the game.

I was just saying it'll be incomprehensible if you did play the game but didn't know who are they. No worries.
「友達なんていない。人はすぐに裏切るし、学校っていうのは誰かを標的にしないとやってられない馬鹿共の集 まり。ままごとみたいな役決めて、仲のいいふりして都合が悪くなったら知らんぷり。そんな奴らと仲良くした いとか全然思わない。」
Sep 4, 2017 1:13 AM

Oct 2011
Revvie-chan said:

Lypse said:
Djdkdk I liked the movie a lot (Kako, my bb, finally) but I'm kinda lost at Fubuki's backstory? I didn't understand it quite well. Can someone explain? ;_;

what I get

Thanks... I just lost it as soon as she got sucked into that abyssal pit of darkness :')
Sep 4, 2017 10:47 AM

Dec 2016
Just saw this yesterday, and I thought it was all right. In my opinion, it was worse than the anime series, but it wasn't too bad overall.

First, I'll just say what I liked about it. The art style and animation was really good, and I liked how they didn't use too much of the clunky CGI that they had in the series. The historical references and inclusion of Ironbottom Sound was also cool to see. Finally, it was interesting how they focused on a more serious aspect of Kancolle, though I do think they fell short on the payoff...

As for what I didn't like, the main thing that bothered me was that it just kind of boring. For example, that scene where Fubuki confronts her Abyssalized self was sleep-inducing and incredibly cliched, and I felt that it had no real substance to it. I also wished that they showed more of the battles and naval tactics, but speaking of the latter, they need to make that more interesting. The scene where Nagato was laying out the fleet's formation and strategy was dry and uninteresting, and this is coming from someone who loves tactical explanations and strategies.

And though I said that I liked how they focused on a darker aspect of Kantai Collection, they didn't really flesh it out that well. They cheapened the impact of sinking by saying that the girls could just be brought back anyway. This could be offset by emphasizing how horrible and painful sinking is, but instead all we got was one line from Kaga to Zuikaku briefly stating that. Kisaragi coming back from the dead after the credits also lessened the gravity of the movie.

I'd give the movie a 6/10. It was decent, but it could have been much better.

What's the difference?
Sep 4, 2017 4:33 PM
Jan 2015
Okay... After reading explanation in wikipedia I understand what happened much better now (was hard to conclude that w/o playing the game). And can rate movie as 10 now :) They did a good job actually putting some plot and heavy drama in it.
Sep 4, 2017 10:48 PM

Oct 2014
Lypse said:
Revvie-chan said:

what I get

Thanks... I just lost it as soon as she got sucked into that abyssal pit of darkness :')

she's not wrong, though.
Sep 5, 2017 3:34 PM

Sep 2014
Wow Im not even sure what that was, felt like watching an evangelion crossover in the middle-end.
The animation was really good, but not enough Pooiiii~

Seriously the ending kinda felt like from a different anime. This is KanColle after all - one of the most weeby anime I know. I was not expecting some bad half MC bullshit. I liked the ending, it just felt like KanColle and it dont fit together.

Its still weird how they play this movie pretty dark and still Kisaragi is the only character who died in KanColle. This always felt out of place for me.

Still entertaining and a short watch 7/10
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Sep 6, 2017 5:11 PM

May 2015
Wow, KanColle, it's been so long, almost feels like nostalgia.

Pretty nice movie. Animation and visuals felt pretty refreshing. Kinda expected from a movie most of the time. I liked it. Quite a lot of emotions as well. But that ending was sweet, the one after the credits <3.


Sep 8, 2017 8:50 PM

Feb 2014
Hm... it ended but still with some questions:

-Fubuki was the first Abyssal?
-Regardless if it was her or not, who sank her?
-Reaching the end, it looks like they're still in battle, who they're battling against after all?

Vi-Sep 8, 2017 9:05 PM
Sep 12, 2017 2:05 PM

Jul 2009
I did not know that Kana was an Abyssal and was able to return to was a surprise, I also don't think they said in the last season that the sank ships turned into Abyssals, I guess it was clear to be, but I guess they didn't confirm it...Also, Fubuki was also and Abyssal!
I really liked it.
Sep 12, 2017 8:14 PM

May 2012
Action wise this anime movie was pretty solid, had a nice progression in the fights. But everything besides that had a very weird pacing that just threw myself off.

Quite a decent anime movie in general though.
Sep 13, 2017 10:52 PM

Jan 2016
The KanColle movie is a demonstration that sometimes more is less. Too much was attempted in too little time, and the result winds up abandoning the charm of the original series for a very bumpy ride.

The first half of the movie is a meandering exposition that manages to introduce a set of characters who, for the most part, don't play a meaningful role in the narrative in addition to getting lost in minor conflicts that take too much time to set up and resolve (Kisaragi's return, Kaga's memories). The exposition and introduction of the main conflict could have been handled much more efficiently and elegantly, and perhaps that would've saved the train wreck that is the second half of the movie.

Calling the second half of this movie rushed is and understatement -- we waved to Rushed as we zipped by on the KanColle Movie Wild Ride. This portion of the movie features a handful of uninspired character interactions that don't contribute to narrative or character development and a couple battles where our Fleet Girls cut through enemy fleets shounen-style just in time for Fubuki to get chucked into some twisting vortex and then magically fix the problem through sheer force of will and a heart to heart with her alter ego. Now, the logic behind the conflict is honestly baffling to me, but I'd like to think that they could've worked out something compelling, made our main villain something more than a cliche cardboard cutout of characters who's been done before and been done better, if they'd had more than 10 minutes to develop characters or explore internal conflicts with a bit more depth, make us feel like failure was possible, or . . . anything really.

To summarize, the KanColle movie is a massive disappointment -- what isn't mediocre generally tends to be bad. It abandons its charming roots for an attempt at a dark, serious story. However, it instead gets lost in its meandering pacing and side plots, ultimately failing to deliver on the desperate, impactful story that was promised by the first few moments of the movie. The only people who should (and even that's a bit strong) watch this movie are diehard KanColle fans who might appreciate the cameos by some new Fleet Girls. Otherwise, skip this and hold on to the positive feelings that the original series presumably gave you. Final rating: 3/10
AiIsAlpacaSep 13, 2017 10:55 PM
Sep 19, 2017 6:50 PM

Oct 2010
Huh, zero Madoka references in this thread. Perhaps it's uncool to compare things to Madoka, because many novice viewers have seen it and have used it in questionable comparisons ad nauseum, but I even felt like Fubuki was in her alter ego's witch construct at the end.

What's the reason why the dozens of abyssals seen sunk in the anime so far have not yet returned as "new" ship girls?

For me it's a 6 to the TV series and a 7 to the movie. Both messy, but I just straight up enjoyed the movie more overall. What can I say... moe military is my favorite genre and I'm anime-only, that's how it balanced out.

Revvie-chan said:
Zuikaku should have died.
Sendai should have died.
most importantly: Hiei should have died.
inability of sacrificing characters in fear of enraging their fans will always be a downside for... an anime adaptation of mmo "summoning" games.
KanColle 1st season may be s***, but at least it did right by killing Kisaragi. But then this movie has to happen, and especially that post-ed has to happen... -_-

It's not game source material, but I prefer the Strike Witches / High School Fleet approach. I actually refused to watch KanColle for a while because I'd heard that it had character death in it.

(I could also put Girls und Panzer in that category, but that's just a game... in which people would totally die if played like that IRL)

(Theoden's death is one of my favorite scenes in my favorite movie. If Eowyn had died, RAAAAAAAAGE)

(I read a few pages of A Game of Thrones once)
Sep 20, 2017 7:58 AM

Oct 2014
nDroae said:

Revvie-chan said:
Zuikaku should have died.
Sendai should have died.
most importantly: Hiei should have died.
inability of sacrificing characters in fear of enraging their fans will always be a downside for... an anime adaptation of mmo "summoning" games.
KanColle 1st season may be s***, but at least it did right by killing Kisaragi. But then this movie has to happen, and especially that post-ed has to happen... -_-

It's not game source material, but I prefer the Strike Witches / High School Fleet approach. I actually refused to watch KanColle for a while because I'd heard that it had character death in it.

(I could also put Girls und Panzer in that category, but that's just a game... in which people would totally die if played like that IRL)

(Theoden's death is one of my favorite scenes in my favorite movie. If Eowyn had died, RAAAAAAAAGE)

(I read a few pages of A Game of Thrones once)

Death brings realism in a war.

But, more importantly: it helps to deliver a feeling of danger, of near death self-reflection, and of "the feeling of about to lose something precious", which is the meat in a war-themed drama story, imo.
KanColle, Haifuri, Girls und Panzer, Strike Witches (I haven't watch the later two, though, I only know from what I've heard) all tried to deliver this according to their way.
It just depends on what death would be good and what death would be a waste.
Kisaragi's "death" in S1 was effective. So would have Zuikaku, Sendai, and Hiei, after the whole build-up around this ship girls-abyssal life cycle. (in my opinion, of course.)

Sep 20, 2017 2:44 PM

Dec 2009

This is me, watching this movie.

I am utterly speechless. I went in expecting more of what the tv series gave, and i got punched in the face with a fucking masterpiece.

The directoral style in this was much more low-key and really spent it's time focusing on the atmosphere and building up the emotional impact of it's major thematic points and establishments. Within the first 20 minutes i was jaw-drop in awe at the boldness of actually daring suggest the Abyssals are zombified Kanmusu... The implications of the concept are astronomical and really hammers down questioning what the morality in any of this even is. Listening quietly to the displacement of water beneath their hydrofoil boots, or lapping at the shores, leaving space for the ominous siren call of Fubuki's alter ego.

What a ride this was, bravo. Solid 9/10
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Sep 20, 2017 7:06 PM

Oct 2010

@Revvie-chan Yeah... it depends on what you're looking for; I'm not interested in realism (Gunslinger Girl?); I consider it all fairy tales. To me it's in the same category as "pretty soldier" Sailor Moon, only with real-world military elements.

To me Kisaragi's death mostly came across as an artificially calculated writing choice. Maybe because before I started to dig into anime two years ago, I was catching up on all of Doctor Who, which since 2010 has been plagued by hollow deaths (and resurrections).

In GuP the threat is the school being closed if they lose; even any perception of real danger is deliberately discouraged within the show. Strike Witches, well, YMMV :)
Sep 20, 2017 11:45 PM

Oct 2014
@nDroae If only they had hidden Kisaragi's death well people would call it a masterpiece, instead. =D
Sep 21, 2017 5:30 AM

Dec 2009
Too many of you are going on and on about little details and technicalities, and whether you think one piece would have been better different or without etc etc...

I think you are all missing the actual directorship of this experience. When you're too worried about the individual parts, you will neglect the whole. This movie was an unexpected trip down the the atmospheric and heavy implications. They introduced something very huge to canon that shakes the franchise as a whole down a morally ambiguous and unexpectedly dark path. I'm not even into KanColle, but this movie blew me away.

If you are too hung up on plot details, you will miss the experience you were offered with this movie.

The oddity with the character death in this series, is how it was handled in the tv show, it was almost glossed over as if it was largely insignificant, like a passing moment, which was very odd to me. I think you lack the understanding that this concept is a huge implication to KanColle. Kisaragi was used as the vessel to explain the Abyssal reincarnation principle, which until this movie, i believe was a mere fan theory..

You missed the point of this whole movie. Most of it was establishing the foreshadowing and ominous atmosphere; the silence of sea until the fights start etc. They took the opportunity to show some of the more badass ships. You seem to have been expecting this to be a big fancy story comparable to other things, but that's not what it was going for.
GenesisAriaSep 21, 2017 5:46 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Sep 21, 2017 8:56 AM

Oct 2010
@GenesisAria I had the Abyssals' nature spoiled while I was watching the show in January, don't know if that was from the movie via its original theatrical release, from some other source, or just a fan theory as you say, but at any rate I believed it. I'm not sure what I think of it - it feels like Madoka's entropy-absorbing magical girl to witch decay, except as an endless perpetual motion machine. It might be intended to be tragic, but it still feels more like a happy revelation, as Gohdhand said -

Gohdhand said:
And though I said that I liked how they focused on a darker aspect of Kantai Collection, they didn't really flesh it out that well. They cheapened the impact of sinking by saying that the girls could just be brought back anyway. This could be offset by emphasizing how horrible and painful sinking is, but instead all we got was one line from Kaga to Zuikaku briefly stating that.

Will be interesting to see how the second TV series handles it.
Sep 21, 2017 10:01 AM

Dec 2009
You're comparing it to things. Stop that.

Consume every media in it's own vacuum.

This movie excelled at it's presentation and ominous atmosphere.
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Sep 21, 2017 10:25 AM

Oct 2010
@GenesisAria I did like the presentation and atmosphere, yep. But I can't do that even if I tried :D Pretty much everything is either a leader or a follower, or a case of convergent evolution.

It's also comparable to magical girl shows where dark emotions are exploited by the enemy to create monsters, as happens in Sailor Moon and PreCure. It's stated in the film that Fubuki's dark emotions were the seed of her abyssal alter ego.

A big difference is that whereas in magical girl shows you get a resolution quickly, here it's completely ambiguous how long the process takes and how it works. Kisaragi seemed to be "pupating" inside an abyssal, but she wasn't an abyssal yet, and she only started to outwardly transform after being released. How many days had it been in-world since she was sunk? Because it seems like the transformation happened very fast on land, so why had it not yet begun while she was in the sea? Do the girls drown and die and get found by the abyssals, or do they immediately begin the process automatically upon sinking? If it's automatic, what was the function of the separate abyssal that contained Kisaragi's body?

Kisaragi turned into sea mist like the little mermaid in and so did the other abyssals around Ironbottom Sound, but only Kisaragi then immediately appeared as a ship girl. Were the others artificial constructs generated by Fubuki's alter ego, as suggested by Revvie-chan? Does that mean that most of the other abyssals seen in the series were not actually ship girls either? That would answer my previous question of why all the other sunk abyssals haven't returned as ship girls with PTSD.

I don't actually need answers to any of these questions. I just get the feeling that the writers don't have answers to most of them, which is... less than ideal. More Nagato cuddling squirrels, please. :3

I liked playing as the Borg in Star Trek: Armada, because you can just assimilate all the enemy ships and their crews instead of destroying them. A galaxy/ocean of all Borg/Abyssals is a galaxy/ocean at peace. (Or is it?)
Sep 21, 2017 3:48 PM

Dec 2009
I didn't know the Abyssals being zombie Kanmusu was a fan theory until i looked it up; i recognized instantly that such a concept completely 180's the original waifu series.

Do the mechanics of the reincarnation thing matter? No. Fans can come up with that, or it can be stuff that is looked into in later iterations of the series.

nDroae said:
Were the others artificial constructs generated by Fubuki's alter ego, as suggested by Revvie-chan? Does that mean that most of the other abyssals seen in the series were not actually ship girls either? That would answer my previous question of why all the other sunk abyssals haven't returned as ship girls with PTSD.
Abyssals are still a looming enemy after the movie ends, so Fubuki Alter is not the queen of Abyssals. I'd guess that the kanmusu reincarnation may be relative to the level of degradation, or it could just be random. Not really the point of the film.

nDroae said:
I liked playing as the Borg in Star Trek: Armada, because you can just assimilate all the enemy ships and their crews instead of destroying them. A galaxy/ocean of all Borg/Abyssals is a galaxy/ocean at peace. (Or is it?)
I liked modding the game and using things like the USS Premonition or fanmade hyperfuturistic ships. Also, if Starfleet remembered that there is such thing as an EMP, borg would be a cakewalk. Most people making those kinds of conflicts in fiction don't know the first thing about strategy. At least in Stargate they thought to beam bombs aboard ships that had shields down or lack of shields (ps: if you can see through shields, it means light can get through).
GenesisAriaSep 21, 2017 4:46 PM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
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