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Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Aug 14, 2017 11:23 AM

Feb 2015
So the whole Bakemonogatari etc etc series is one of the biggest most popular out there... But why is it so popular? I haven't watched any of them but have been considering to do so... Yet what people tell me is that the only thing interesting about it is the dialogue... And that it's pretty much a run of the mill harem? Is that true? Can someone tell me what's so great about this series? And if I should watch it...?
Aug 14, 2017 11:35 AM

Sep 2007
For one thing it definitely isn't a "run of the mill harem" if only because the two main characters start dating in like episode 4 and continue that relationship for the rest of the series :)
Aug 14, 2017 11:46 AM

Jan 2009
I think the best thing to do is watching and evaluate by your self, it's not only "a good dialogue" there's good characters, unique directing style, interesting interaction between characters with different ideals and mindset. start with Bakemonogatari and see for your self.
Yasei_Aug 14, 2017 2:47 PM
Truth is, Everybody is going to hurt you, You just gotta to find the ones worth suffering for.
Aug 14, 2017 11:50 AM

Aug 2017
The dialogue is by far not the only interesting thing about it. Thanks to SHAFT and Akiyuki Shinbou, it has quite an interesting and... different visual style, shall we say.

Most of all, it's the characters (at least for me).
Just watch the first episode, and see if you want to continue.
Aug 14, 2017 11:55 AM

Aug 2017
The harem, the hachikuji exploitation, the play of words, the plot(it actually has a intresting plot unlike other harem animes) everything together make monogatari a good series.
I started watching it after i heard the song 'Renai Circulation' which is OP for bakemonogatari..
Overall shaft studio really make their LN/Manga adaptations a success. Take the case of 'Nisekoi' which has same art designs as monogatari.
XaiKunAug 14, 2017 11:58 AM
Aug 14, 2017 11:59 AM

May 2016
To call it a "run of the mill harem" is very misleading. Although it indeed has a harem element to it, such is far from being the main appeal.
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Aug 14, 2017 12:23 PM

May 2015
Run of the mill harem, eh? It may have some harem elements, but in this "harem" every girl has their moment, and there is A LOT more to them than just their looks. When you meet Hitagi Senjougahara, you'll soon find out that she isn't just some cliche love interest. The Monogatari series may be mostly dialogue, but I'm willing to bet that Senjougahara's character is going to be a first for you as her character was a first for many of us.

Also, you're going to be surprised at how a self-moving strand of hair can tell you so much...
TarotistAug 14, 2017 12:26 PM
Aug 14, 2017 1:11 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
It has harem-like elements, but it's not completely harem like. If anything, it's a supernatural mystery anime first and foremost. The writing is my favorite part about the Monogatari series. Whether it be the dialogues and bantering, the word play, or its small-scaled, but non-linear, storywriting. Due to a proper amount of focus on each character, the whole cast feel much more interesting that your average anime. And as an adaptation, it's really well adapted... maybe to a fault. Almost nothing gets skipped, but it does making the pacing feel a bit dragged at times. Though it's nothing too bad, as the series always has something to keep your interest (whether it be the bantering or visuals). Of course, the series is not for everyone. Considering its style and content, it can't be for everyone. The series is really dependent on its characters, so if you don't end up liking them, then you're not gonna like the series.
Aug 14, 2017 1:29 PM

Jun 2016
I'm not so crazy about the dialogue but I know for a fact that this series' strong point is definitely its characters. I'm not sure if you noticed but most of the female leads have a huge amount of favourites on this site. Each character is unique and likable in their own way and overall make the series enjoyable. Plus the girls here are all waifu material and special in their own way, making you helpless in joining others to support these girls pursue Koyomi-onii-san's heart while dealing with abnormal problems along the way. The MC also isn't your bland harem MC because he has a personality and makes wise decisions unlike most you have seen. As an added bonus, he holds affection for all the female leads leading to better decision making and a chance that best girl might actually win. The story is engaging too but this series requires commitment so you have to watch everything Monogatari related.
Aug 14, 2017 2:29 PM
Sep 2015
This is about its cinematography:

About the plot, kind of harem "deconstruction" with actual plot and some ridiculous fan services (aka toothbrush scene). Lots of anime, japanese or western cultural references. Trump will be triggered because the 4th wall is always broken. Smart and witty dialogues. Good character chemistry and development. Not recommended for newcomers. But fantastic to watch.

Aug 14, 2017 4:37 PM
Nov 2012
Nyah_Chan said:
So the whole Bakemonogatari etc etc series is one of the biggest most popular out there... But why is it so popular? I haven't watched any of them but have been considering to do so... Yet what people tell me is that the only thing interesting about it is the dialogue... And that it's pretty much a run of the mill harem? Is that true? Can someone tell me what's so great about this series? And if I should watch it...?

This is the biggest error of the human race, make a judgment for a title, category or whatever
Aug 14, 2017 10:50 PM
Jan 2017
It's not really a harem at all, it has multiple heroines but the protagonist is not seriously interested in them romantically (well, besides Hanekawa at the very beginning) and is in a relationship throughout the series.
A lot of people here forgot to mention the most important plot and character development device in the series, and that is its occult theme. I thought it would be important to mention, like, what the show is about, it's kinda like describing Naruto with no mention of ninjas :P
Aug 15, 2017 12:33 AM
Sep 2011
It deconstructs harem characters using supernatural mystery as a vehicle to explore the psychological issues and traumas a person would have to go through in order to be a harem cliche (like a tsundere, or a smart glasses girl, or a moe girl). It only uses that as a starting point though and also progresses the characters (usually in parallel with a supernatural mystery) into being well rounded people.

All of that is ONE thing the show does. It also offers a bunch of meta commentary based humor, really clever word play, some of the most well directed and thus hilarious fanservice, a kinda boring actual supernatural plot, and has possibly the most solid yet bizarre atmosphere of a show. There is all sorts of weird imagery being used constantly and the world often appears based on the person whose perspective we are following.

Of course, I myself wonder why the show is SO popular. I understand why it's good and why it would have a cult following but it actually has straight up mainstream success despite being especially passive, subtle, and hard to follow. It's hard to really believe the average viewer is really even getting half of whats being conveyed. Maybe the show itself is an oddity.

My only real guess as to why it's popular is just the sheer strength of it's atmosphere. It's pretty hard not to appreciate that.
(placeholder sig)
Aug 15, 2017 6:31 AM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
It's popular because the source for the series is pretty good along with SHAFT making it even more unique than it is.
Aug 16, 2017 7:27 AM

Apr 2016
vanetz said:
For one thing it definitely isn't a "run of the mill harem" if only because the two main characters start dating in like episode 4 and continue that relationship for the rest of the series :)

The show is a "harem". It is not a typical one so it is twice exciting. It only takes two or more girls having a crush to the MC to make it one. On this one, Araragi has been keeping secret his interactions with other girls to your so called "girlfriend". The current status is a polygamy relationship with a "girlfriend/lover" and a "life-partner/wife".
-> It does not matter if everything else is BAD as long as the PLOT/STORY is GOOD!
-> TRAGEDIES are for MASOCHIST so count me OUT!
-> TRUTH sometimes HURTS!
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Aug 16, 2017 8:18 AM

Feb 2015
GodHimselfx100 said:
It deconstructs harem characters using supernatural mystery as a vehicle to explore the psychological issues and traumas a person would have to go through in order to be a harem cliche (like a tsundere, or a smart glasses girl, or a moe girl). It only uses that as a starting point though and also progresses the characters (usually in parallel with a supernatural mystery) into being well rounded people.

All of that is ONE thing the show does. It also offers a bunch of meta commentary based humor, really clever word play, some of the most well directed and thus hilarious fanservice, a kinda boring actual supernatural plot, and has possibly the most solid yet bizarre atmosphere of a show. There is all sorts of weird imagery being used constantly and the world often appears based on the person whose perspective we are following.

Of course, I myself wonder why the show is SO popular. I understand why it's good and why it would have a cult following but it actually has straight up mainstream success despite being especially passive, subtle, and hard to follow. It's hard to really believe the average viewer is really even getting half of whats being conveyed. Maybe the show itself is an oddity.

My only real guess as to why it's popular is just the sheer strength of it's atmosphere. It's pretty hard not to appreciate that.

Thank you for being the first to give a "real" answer... You have earned my respect...
Aug 16, 2017 1:39 PM

Sep 2007
woodthing97 said:
vanetz said:
For one thing it definitely isn't a "run of the mill harem" if only because the two main characters start dating in like episode 4 and continue that relationship for the rest of the series :)

The show is a "harem". It is not a typical one so it is twice exciting. It only takes two or more girls having a crush to the MC to make it one. On this one, Araragi has been keeping secret his interactions with other girls to your so called "girlfriend". The current status is a polygamy relationship with a "girlfriend/lover" and a "life-partner/wife".

I never said it wasn't a "harem". The "run of the mill" was the important part. Also may I remind you that Gahara-san can determine the number of girls Araragi has interacted with by smell alone and has a pile of sharpened pencils ready to strike (Nisemonogatari reference).

Re: OP
Personally I kind of find it hard to explain my love for this series. Not because I don't have anything to say; rather, I would talk about it for hours if anyone bothered to listen. So I'll just list some of the things I like about it in no particular order: the characters, their relationships and their development, perfect VA casting, superb animation, distinct soundtracks, GOD-TIER OPENINGS (production value in general is through the roof, no wonder Blu-rays sell like hot cakes), visual humor, puns and wordplay, 4th wall breaking, unreliable narration, pop culture and philosophy references, fanservice and jokes about Araragi being a huge pervert (well he is a 17/18-year old boy and most of the stories are told from his POV), supernatural elements, mood whiplash from comedy to suspense and back again (some arcs are pretty dark and disturbing, especially Kizumonogatari and most of Oikura Sodachi's backstory)...

Overall, I would recommend Nisio Isin's works in general. If you find Monogatari series a bit unwieldy, check out Katanagatari and Kubikiri Cycle first.
Aug 16, 2017 7:23 PM

Jul 2017
Animation quality and a lot of awesome little moments that are drawn in different artstyles, perfectly balanced amount of fanservice, unusual flow, dialogues,
local catchprase memes and self-irony, 4th wall being destroyed violently all of a sudden from time to time, deep psychological quotes, coolest protagonist ever, a lot of game of words (that's why subtitles is highly recommended over dubbing here), hachikuji stuttering. I don't know man, it's a show that can't be explained to a guy who didn't watch it. Like explaining color to a blind person. Watch it and see for yourself if you like it or not. I totally recommend man
BondieAug 16, 2017 7:27 PM
Aug 16, 2017 10:08 PM

Oct 2016
The series is interesting. I understand why people wouldn't like it because it's slow at first but once stuff starts happening and Araragi jams that toothbrush into Karen's mouth and it get's all steamy you will become very interested in the show.
when Ononoki-chan takes off her sock and exposes her loli foot, shit gets real!
Aug 16, 2017 11:21 PM
Jun 2017
Nyah_Chan said:
So the whole Bakemonogatari etc etc series is one of the biggest most popular out there... But why is it so popular? I haven't watched any of them but have been considering to do so... Yet what people tell me is that the only thing interesting about it is the dialogue... And that it's pretty much a run of the mill harem? Is that true? Can someone tell me what's so great about this series? And if I should watch it...?

it's definitely not for everyone
but why is it popular? as a die hard fan, i wonder that myself
first a foremost, SUPER high budget, Shaft out did themselves every season of the Monogatari
follow the source material to a tea
but generally, it just a very well thought out seri and the fan service is nice and not pointless
Aug 17, 2017 12:00 AM

Jun 2015
Yah, I agree with those saying you really just have to try it out yourself, it's pretty different. I will say that all the random hate 100% comes from people who haven't finished the series, so there's that. It takes it time to get into the main "point" of the story, and you don't fully understand the importance of what's going on until much later.

So my recommendation is, if you find Bakemonogatari interesting (I guarantee it will be confusing at first), keep going. If you absolutely hate it, just know that the series gets pretty deep, but the style and tone isn't going to drastically change from that.
Aug 17, 2017 11:17 AM
Jul 2018
GodHimselfx100 said:
It deconstructs harem characters using supernatural mystery as a vehicle to explore the psychological issues and traumas a person would have to go through in order to be a harem cliche (like a tsundere, or a smart glasses girl, or a moe girl). It only uses that as a starting point though and also progresses the characters (usually in parallel with a supernatural mystery) into being well rounded people.

All of that is ONE thing the show does. It also offers a bunch of meta commentary based humor, really clever word play, some of the most well directed and thus hilarious fanservice, a kinda boring actual supernatural plot, and has possibly the most solid yet bizarre atmosphere of a show. There is all sorts of weird imagery being used constantly and the world often appears based on the person whose perspective we are following.

Of course, I myself wonder why the show is SO popular. I understand why it's good and why it would have a cult following but it actually has straight up mainstream success despite being especially passive, subtle, and hard to follow. It's hard to really believe the average viewer is really even getting half of whats being conveyed. Maybe the show itself is an oddity.

My only real guess as to why it's popular is just the sheer strength of it's atmosphere. It's pretty hard not to appreciate that.

Its not only Popular, when I checked the numbers on, it's the second highest grossing anime ever behind only the Gundam Series (and to be fair those series usually last 50 episodes, inflating the gross)
Aug 17, 2017 3:31 PM
Mar 2017
Can someone tell me the order of the whole monogotari series? There's so much seasons that I'm confused which one came first
Aug 17, 2017 11:03 PM
Aug 2017
natttt said:
Can someone tell me the order of the whole monogotari series? There's so much seasons that I'm confused which one came first

Recommended watch order:
Neko kuro/shiro
Monogatari second season
Owari 1.l
Owari 2

I don't know where to put kizu because i haven't seen it. That's the order it makes the most sense, and how i watched it. Don't be fooled by the fact that Koyomi has a bunch of short stories. It still has a rightful order to it
HexieKatsuhiroAug 17, 2017 11:06 PM
Aug 19, 2017 12:18 AM

Jan 2012
HexieKatsuhiro said:
natttt said:
Can someone tell me the order of the whole monogotari series? There's so much seasons that I'm confused which one came first

Recommended watch order:
Neko kuro/shiro
Monogatari second season
Owari 1.l
Owari 2

I don't know where to put kizu because i haven't seen it. That's the order it makes the most sense, and how i watched it. Don't be fooled by the fact that Koyomi has a bunch of short stories. It still has a rightful order to it

you forgot to put tsukimonogatari on your list.

airing order: bake -> nise -> neko -> second season -> hana -> tsuki -> owari S1 -> koyomi -> kizu -> owari s2
Aug 19, 2017 8:28 AM

Nov 2008
natttt said:
Can someone tell me the order of the whole monogotari series? There's so much seasons that I'm confused which one came first

Just watch them in airing order, listed above.

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